mirror of
synced 2025-03-30 12:27:25 +02:00

Instead of "... [truncated; see http://xxx for full text.]" it more concisely says "... <truncated; http://...>". Increased irc.max_msg_len from a very conservative 425 to a more generous 460. If you have very long channel names or nicknames, or if you see things being truncated incorrectly, reduce this value.
304 lines
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304 lines
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# File: Registry.pm
# Purpose: Provides a centralized registry of configuration settings that can
# easily be examined and updated via getters and setters.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Pragmatic Software <pragma78@gmail.com>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package PBot::Core::Registry;
use parent 'PBot::Core::Class';
use PBot::Imports;
sub initialize {
my ($self, %conf) = @_;
# ensure we have a registry filename
my $filename = $conf{filename} // Carp::croak("Missing filename configuration item in " . __FILE__);
# registry is stored as a dual-index hash object
$self->{storage} = PBot::Core::Storage::DualIndexHashObject->new(
pbot => $self->{pbot},
name => 'Registry',
filename => $filename,
# registry triggers are processed when a registry entry is modified
$self->{triggers} = {};
# save registry data at bot exit
$self->{pbot}->{atexit}->register(sub { $self->save });
# load existing registry entries from file (if exists)
if (-e $filename) {
} else {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("No registry found at $filename, using defaults.\n");
# add default registry items
$self->add_default('text', 'general', 'data_dir', $conf{data_dir});
$self->add_default('text', 'general', 'module_dir', $conf{module_dir});
$self->add_default('text', 'general', 'update_dir', $conf{update_dir});
# bot trigger
$self->add_default('text', 'general', 'trigger', $conf{trigger} // '!');
# irc
$self->add_default('text', 'irc', 'debug', $conf{irc_debug} // 0);
$self->add_default('text', 'irc', 'show_motd', $conf{show_motd} // 1);
$self->add_default('text', 'irc', 'max_msg_len', $conf{max_msg_len} // 460);
$self->add_default('text', 'irc', 'server', $conf{server} // "irc.libera.chat");
$self->add_default('text', 'irc', 'port', $conf{port} // 6667);
$self->add_default('text', 'irc', 'sasl', $conf{SASL} // 0);
$self->add_default('text', 'irc', 'tls', $conf{TLS} // 0);
$self->add_default('text', 'irc', 'tls_ca_file', $conf{TLS_ca_file} // '');
$self->add_default('text', 'irc', 'tls_ca_path', $conf{TLS_ca_path} // '');
$self->add_default('text', 'irc', 'botnick', $conf{botnick} // "");
$self->add_default('text', 'irc', 'username', $conf{username} // "pbot3");
$self->add_default('text', 'irc', 'realname', $conf{realname} // "https://github.com/pragma-/pbot");
$self->add_default('text', 'irc', 'identify_password', $conf{identify_password} // '');
$self->add_default('text', 'irc', 'log_default_handler', 1);
# interpreter
$self->add_default('text', 'interpreter', 'max_embed', 3);
# make sensitive entries private
$self->set_default('irc', 'tls_ca_file', 'private', 1);
$self->set_default('irc', 'tls_ca_path', 'private', 1);
$self->set_default('irc', 'identify_password', 'private', 1);
# customizable regular expressions
$self->add_default('text', 'regex', 'nickname', '[_a-zA-Z0-9\[\]{}`\\-]+');
# update important paths
$self->set('general', 'data_dir', 'value', $conf{data_dir}, 0, 1);
$self->set('general', 'module_dir', 'value', $conf{module_dir}, 0, 1);
$self->set('general', 'update_dir', 'value', $conf{update_dir}, 0, 1);
# override registry entries with command-line arguments, if any
foreach my $override (keys %{$self->{pbot}->{overrides}}) {
my $value = $self->{pbot}->{overrides}->{$override};
my ($section, $key) = split /\./, $override;
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Overriding $section.$key to $value\n");
$self->set($section, $key, 'value', $value, 0, 1);
# add triggers
$self->add_trigger('irc', 'debug', sub { $self->trigger_irc_debug(@_) });
$self->add_trigger('irc', 'botnick', sub { $self->trigger_change_botnick(@_) });
# registry triggers fire when value changes
sub trigger_irc_debug {
my ($self, $section, $item, $newvalue) = @_;
if ($self->{pbot}->{connected}) {
sub trigger_change_botnick {
my ($self, $section, $item, $newvalue) = @_;
if ($self->{pbot}->{connected}) {
# registry api
sub load {
my $self = shift;
# load registry from file
# fire off all registered triggers
foreach my $section ($self->{storage}->get_keys) {
foreach my $item ($self->{storage}->get_keys($section)) {
$self->process_trigger($section, $item, $self->{storage}->get_data($section, $item, 'value'));
sub save {
my $self = shift;
sub add_default {
my ($self, $type, $section, $item, $value) = @_;
$self->add($type, $section, $item, $value, 1);
sub add {
my ($self, $type, $section, $item, $value, $is_default) = @_;
$type = lc $type;
if (not $self->{storage}->exists($section, $item)) {
# registry entry does not exist
my $data = {
value => $value,
type => $type,
$self->{storage}->add($section, $item, $data, 1);
} else {
# registry entry already exists
if ($is_default) {
# don't replace existing registry values if we're just adding a default value
# update value
$self->{storage}->set($section, $item, 'value', $value, 1);
# update type only if it doesn't exist
unless ($self->{storage}->exists($section, $item, 'type')) {
$self->{storage}->set($section, $item, 'type', $type, 1);
unless ($is_default) {
$self->process_trigger($section, $item, $value);
sub remove {
my ($self, $section, $item) = @_;
$self->{storage}->remove($section, $item);
sub set_default {
my ($self, $section, $item, $key, $value) = @_;
$self->set($section, $item, $key, $value, 1);
sub set {
my ($self, $section, $item, $key, $value, $is_default, $dont_save) = @_;
$key = lc $key if defined $key;
if ($is_default && $self->{storage}->exists($section, $item, $key)) {
my $oldvalue;
if (defined $value) {
$oldvalue = $self->get_value($section, $item, 1);
$oldvalue //= '';
my $result = $self->{storage}->set($section, $item, $key, $value, 1);
if (defined $key and $key eq 'value' and defined $value and $oldvalue ne $value) {
$self->process_trigger($section, $item, $value);
$self->save if !$dont_save && $result =~ m/set to/ && not $is_default;
return $result;
sub unset {
my ($self, $section, $item, $key) = @_;
$key = lc $key if defined $key;
return $self->{storage}->unset($section, $item, $key);
sub get_value {
my ($self, $section, $item, $as_text, $context) = @_;
$section = lc $section;
$item = lc $item;
my $key = $item;
# TODO: use user-metadata for this
if (defined $context and exists $context->{nick}) {
my $context_nick = lc $context->{nick};
if ($self->{storage}->exists($section, "$item.nick.$context_nick")) {
$key = "$item.nick.$context_nick";
if ($self->{storage}->exists($section, $key)) {
if (not $as_text and $self->{storage}->get_data($section, $key, 'type') eq 'array') {
return split /\s*,\s*/, $self->{storage}->get_data($section, $key, 'value');
} else {
return $self->{storage}->get_data($section, $key, 'value');
return undef;
sub get_array_value {
my ($self, $section, $item, $index, $context) = @_;
$section = lc $section;
$item = lc $item;
my $key = $item;
# TODO: use user-metadata for this
if (defined $context and exists $context->{nick}) {
my $context_nick = lc $context->{nick};
if ($self->{storage}->exists($section, "$item.nick.$context_nick")) {
$key = "$item.nick.$context_nick";
if ($self->{storage}->exists($section, $key)) {
if ($self->{storage}->get_data($section, $key, 'type') eq 'array') {
my @array = split /\s*,\s*/, $self->{storage}->get_data($section, $key, 'value');
return $array[$index >= $#array ? $#array : $index];
} else {
return $self->{storage}->get_data($section, $key, 'value');
return undef;
sub add_trigger {
my ($self, $section, $item, $subref) = @_;
$self->{triggers}->{lc $section}->{lc $item} = $subref;
sub process_trigger {
my $self = shift; # shift $self off of the top of @_
my ($section, $item) = @_; # but leave $section, $item and anything else (i.e. $value) in @_
$section = lc $section;
$item = lc $item;
if (exists $self->{triggers}->{$section} and exists $self->{triggers}->{$section}->{$item}) {
return &{$self->{triggers}->{$section}->{$item}}(@_); # $section, $item, $value, etc in @_
return undef;