mirror of https://github.com/pragma-/pbot.git synced 2024-10-09 04:48:43 +02:00
Pragmatic Software f725743ccb == MAJOR NEW BETA RELEASE ==
Converted single large "amalgamate" monolithic pbot2.pl script into multiple Perl packages/modules.

Tons of refactoring and clean-ups.

Consider this version to be beta.  Use at your own risk.
2010-03-17 06:36:54 +00:00

395 lines
14 KiB

# File: Interpreter.pm
# Authoer: pragma_
# Purpose: Parses a single line of input and takes appropriate action.
package PBot::Interpreter;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Exporter ();
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT_OK);
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = qw($conn $MAX_FLOOD_MESSAGES $FLOOD_CHAT $logger %commands $botnick %admins %internal_commands
$max_msg_len $last_timestamp $flood_msg);
use vars @EXPORT_OK;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
*logger = \$PBot::PBot::logger;
*conn = \$PBot::PBot::conn;
*commands = \%PBot::FactoidStuff::commands;
*botnick = \$PBot::PBot::botnick;
*admins = \%PBot::BotAdminStuff::admins;
*internal_commands = \%PBot::InternalCommands::internal_commands;
*max_msg_len = \$PBot::PBot::max_msg_len;
*last_timestamp = \$PBot::AntiFlood::last_timestamp;
*flood_msg = \$PBot::AntiFlood::flood_msg;
*FLOOD_CHAT = \$PBot::AntiFlood::FLOOD_CHAT;
sub process_line {
my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $text) = @_;
my ($command, $args, $result);
my $has_url = undef;
my $mynick = $conn->nick;
$from = lc $from if defined $from;
PBot::AntiFlood::check_flood($from, $nick, $user, $host, $text, $MAX_FLOOD_MESSAGES, $FLOOD_CHAT) if defined $from;
if($text =~ /^.?$mynick.?\s+(.*?)([\?!]*)$/i) {
$command = "$1";
} elsif($text =~ /^(.*?),?\s+$mynick([\?!]*)$/i) {
$command = "$1";
} elsif($text =~ /^!(.*?)(\?*)$/) {
$command = "$1";
} elsif($text =~ /http:\/\/([^\s]+)/i) {
$has_url = $1;
if(defined $command || defined $has_url) {
if((defined $command && $command !~ /^login/i) || defined $has_url) {
$logger->log("ignored text: [$nick][$host][$from][$text]\n") and return if(defined $from && PBot::IgnoreList::check_ignore($nick, $user, $host, $from) && not PBot::BotAdminStuff::loggedin($nick, $host)); # ignored host
my $now = gettimeofday;
if(defined $from) { # do not execute following if text is coming from STDIN ($from undef)
if($from =~ /^#/) {
$logger->log("flood_msg: $flood_msg\n");
if($flood_msg > 3) {
$logger->log("flood_msg exceeded! [$flood_msg]\n");
PBot::IgnoreList::ignore_user("", "floodcontrol", "", ".* $from 300");
$flood_msg = 0;
if($from =~ /^#/) {
$conn->me($from, "has been overwhelmed.");
$conn->me($from, "lies down and falls asleep.");
if($now - $last_timestamp >= 15) {
$last_timestamp = $now;
if($flood_msg > 0) {
$logger->log("flood_msg reset: (was $flood_msg)\n");
$flood_msg = 0;
if(not defined $has_url) {
$result = interpret_command($from, $nick, $user, $host, 1, $command);
} else {
$result = PBot::Modules::execute_module($from, undef, $nick, $user, $host, "title", "$nick http://$has_url");
$result =~ s/\$nick/$nick/g;
# TODO add paging system?
if(defined $result && length $result > 0) {
my $len = length $result;
if($len > $max_msg_len) {
if(($len - $max_msg_len) > 10) {
$logger->log("Message truncated.\n");
$result = substr($result, 0, $max_msg_len);
substr($result, $max_msg_len) = "... (" . ($len - $max_msg_len) . " more characters)";
$logger->log("Final result: $result\n");
if($result =~ s/^\/me\s+//i) {
$conn->me($from, $result) if defined $from && $from !~ /\Q$botnick\E/i;
} elsif($result =~ s/^\/msg\s+([^\s]+)\s+//i) {
my $to = $1;
if($to =~ /.*serv$/i) {
$logger->log("[HACK] Possible HACK ATTEMPT /msg *serv: [$nick!$user\@$host] [$command] [$result]\n");
elsif($result =~ s/^\/me\s+//i) {
$conn->me($to, $result) if $to !~ /\Q$botnick\E/i;
} else {
$result =~ s/^\/say\s+//i;
$conn->privmsg($to, $result) if $to !~ /\Q$botnick\E/i;
} else {
$conn->privmsg($from, $result) if defined $from && $from !~ /\Q$botnick\E/i;
exit if($PBot::Modules::child != 0); # if this process is a child, it must die now
sub interpret_command {
my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $count, $command) = @_;
my ($keyword, $arguments, $tonick);
my $text;
$logger->log("=== Enter interpret_command: [" . (defined $from ? $from : "(undef)") . "][$nick!$user\@$host][$count][$command]\n");
return "Too many levels of recursion, aborted." if(++$count > 5);
if(not defined $nick || not defined $user || not defined $host ||
not defined $command) {
$logger->log("Error 1, bad parameters to interpret_command\n");
return "";
if($command =~ /^tell\s+(.{1,20})\s+about\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)$/i)
($keyword, $arguments, $tonick) = ($2, $3, $1);
} elsif($command =~ /^tell\s+(.{1,20})\s+about\s+(.*)$/) {
($keyword, $tonick) = ($2, $1);
} elsif($command =~ /^([^ ]+)\s+is\s+also\s+(.*)$/) {
($keyword, $arguments) = ("change", "$1 s,\$, ; $2,");
} elsif($command =~ /^([^ ]+)\s+is\s+(.*)$/) {
($keyword, $arguments) = ("add", join(' ', $1, $2)) unless exists $commands{$1};
($keyword, $arguments) = ($1, "is $2") if exists $commands{$1};
} elsif($command =~ /^(.*?)\s+(.*)$/) {
($keyword, $arguments) = ($1, $2);
} else {
$keyword = $1 if $command =~ /^(.*)$/;
$arguments =~ s/\bme\b/\$nick/gi if defined $arguments;
$arguments =~ s/\/\$nick/\/me/gi if defined $arguments;
$logger->log("keyword: [$keyword], arguments: [" . (defined $arguments ? $arguments : "(undef)") . "], tonick: [" . (defined $tonick ? $tonick : "(undef)") . "]\n");
if(defined $arguments && $arguments =~ m/\b(your|him|her|its|it|them|their)(self|selves)\b/i) {
return "Why would I want to do that to myself?";
if(not defined $keyword) {
$logger->log("Error 2, no keyword\n");
return "";
# Check if it's an alias
if(exists $commands{$keyword} and exists $commands{$keyword}{text}) {
if($commands{$keyword}{text} =~ /^\/call\s+(.*)$/) {
if(defined $arguments) {
$command = "$1 $arguments";
} else {
$command = $1;
$logger->log("Command aliased to: [$command]\n");
$commands{$keyword}{ref_user} = $nick;
return interpret_command($from, $nick, $user, $host, $count, $command);
#$logger->log("Checking internal commands\n");
# First, we check internal commands
foreach $command (keys %internal_commands) {
if($keyword =~ /^$command$/i) {
$keyword = lc $keyword;
if($internal_commands{$keyword}{level} > 0) {
return "/msg $nick You must login to use this command."
if not PBot::BotAdminStuff::loggedin($nick, $host);
return "/msg $nick Your access level of $admins{$nick}{level} is not sufficent to use this command."
if $admins{$nick}{level} < $internal_commands{$keyword}{level};
$logger->log("(" . (defined $from ? $from : "(undef)") . "): $nick!$user\@$host Executing internal command: $keyword " . (defined $arguments ? $arguments : "") . "\n");
return $internal_commands{$keyword}{sub}($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments);
#$logger->log("Checking bot commands\n");
# Then, we check bot commands
foreach $command (keys %commands) {
my $lc_command = lc $command;
if(lc $keyword =~ m/^\Q$lc_command\E$/i) {
$logger->log("[$keyword] == [$command]\n");
if($commands{$command}{enabled} == 0) {
$logger->log("$command disabled.\n");
return "$command is currently disabled.";
} elsif(exists $commands{$command}{module}) {
$logger->log("Found module\n");
$commands{$keyword}{ref_user} = $nick;
$text = PBot::Modules::execute_module($from, $tonick, $nick, $user, $host, $keyword, $arguments);
return $text;
elsif(exists $commands{$command}{text}) {
$logger->log("Found factoid\n");
# Don't allow user-custom /msg factoids, unless factoid triggered by admin
if(($commands{$command}{text} =~ m/^\/msg/i) and (not PBot::BotAdminStuff::loggedin($nick, $host))) {
$logger->log("[HACK] Bad factoid (contains /msg): $commands{$command}{text}\n");
return "You must login to use this command."
$commands{$command}{ref_user} = $nick;
$logger->log("(" . (defined $from ? $from : "(undef)") . "): $nick!$user\@$host): $command: Displaying text \"$commands{$command}{text}\"\n");
if(defined $tonick) { # !tell foo about bar
$logger->log("($from): $nick!$user\@$host) sent to $tonick\n");
my $fromnick = PBot::BotAdminStuff::loggedin($nick, $host) ? "" : "$nick wants you to know: ";
$text = $commands{$command}{text};
if($text =~ s/^\/say\s+//i || $text =~ s/^\/me\s+/* $botnick /i
|| $text =~ /^\/msg\s+/i) {
$text = "/msg $tonick $fromnick$text";
} else {
$text = "/msg $tonick $fromnick$command is $text";
$logger->log("text set to [$text]\n");
} else {
$text = $commands{$command}{text};
if(defined $arguments) {
$logger->log("got arguments: [$arguments]\n");
# TODO - extract and remove $tonick from end of $arguments
if(not $text =~ s/\$args/$arguments/gi) {
$logger->log("factoid doesn't take argument, checking ...\n");
# factoid doesn't take an argument
if($arguments =~ /^[^ ]{1,20}$/) {
# might be a nick
$logger->log("could be nick\n");
if($text =~ /^\/.+? /) {
$text =~ s/^(\/.+?) /$1 $arguments: /;
} else {
$text =~ s/^/\/say $arguments: $command is / unless (defined $tonick);
} else {
if($text !~ /^\/.+? /) {
$text =~ s/^/\/say $command is / unless (defined $tonick);
$logger->log("updated text: [$text]\n");
$logger->log("replaced \$args: [$text]\n");
} else {
# no arguments supplied
$text =~ s/\$args/$nick/gi;
$text =~ s/\$nick/$nick/g;
while($text =~ /[^\\]\$([^\s!+.$\/\\,;=&]+)/g) {
my $var = $1;
#$logger->log("adlib: got [$var]\n");
#$logger->log("adlib: parsing variable [\$$var]\n");
if(exists $commands{$var} && exists $commands{$var}{text}) {
my $change = $commands{$var}{text};
my @list = split(/\s|(".*?")/, $change);
my @mylist;
#$logger->log("adlib: list [". join(':', @mylist) ."]\n");
for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#list; $i++) {
#$logger->log("adlib: pushing $i $list[$i]\n");
push @mylist, $list[$i] if $list[$i];
my $line = int(rand($#mylist + 1));
$mylist[$line] =~ s/"//g;
$text =~ s/\$$var/$mylist[$line]/;
#$logger->log("adlib: found: change: $text\n");
} else {
$text =~ s/\$$var/$var/g;
#$logger->log("adlib: not found: change: $text\n");
$text =~ s/\\\$/\$/g;
# $logger->log("finally... [$text]\n");
if($text =~ s/^\/say\s+//i || $text =~ /^\/me\s+/i
|| $text =~ /^\/msg\s+/i) {
# $logger->log("ret1\n");
return $text;
} else {
# $logger->log("ret2\n");
return "$command is $text";
$logger->log("unknown3: [$text]\n");
} else {
$logger->log("($from): $nick!$user\@$host): Unknown command type for '$command'\n");
return "/me blinks.";
$logger->log("unknown4: [$text]\n");
} # else no match
} # end foreach
#$logger->log("Checking regex factoids\n");
# Otherwise, the command was not found.
# Lets try regexp factoids ...
my $string = "$keyword" . (defined $arguments ? " $arguments" : "");
foreach my $command (sort keys %commands) {
if(exists $commands{$command}{regex}) {
eval {
my $regex = qr/$command/i;
# $logger->log("testing $string =~ $regex\n");
if($string =~ $regex) {
$logger->log("[$string] matches [$command][$regex] - calling [" . $commands{$command}{regex}. "$']\n");
my $cmd = "$commands{$command}{regex}$'";
my $a = $1;
my $b = $2;
my $c = $3;
my $d = $4;
my $e = $5;
my $f = $6;
my $g = $7;
my $h = $8;
my $i = $9;
my $before = $`;
my $after = $';
$cmd =~ s/\$1/$a/g;
$cmd =~ s/\$2/$b/g;
$cmd =~ s/\$3/$c/g;
$cmd =~ s/\$4/$d/g;
$cmd =~ s/\$5/$e/g;
$cmd =~ s/\$6/$f/g;
$cmd =~ s/\$7/$g/g;
$cmd =~ s/\$8/$h/g;
$cmd =~ s/\$9/$i/g;
$cmd =~ s/\$`/$before/g;
$cmd =~ s/\$'/$after/g;
$cmd =~ s/^\s+//;
$cmd =~ s/\s+$//;
$text = interpret_command($from, $nick, $user, $host, $count, $cmd);
return $text;
if($@) {
$logger->log("Regex fail: $@\n");
return "/msg $nick Fail.";
$logger->log("[$keyword] not found.\n");
return "";