mirror of https://github.com/pragma-/pbot.git synced 2024-10-02 09:28:46 +02:00
2018-01-31 22:16:46 -08:00

2179 lines
66 KiB

# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
package PBot::Plugins::Spinach;
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'switch';
no if $] >= 5.018, warnings => "experimental::smartmatch";
use Carp ();
use DBI;
use JSON;
use Data::Dumper;
sub new {
Carp::croak("Options to " . __FILE__ . " should be key/value pairs, not hash reference") if ref $_[1] eq 'HASH';
my ($class, %conf) = @_;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
return $self;
sub initialize {
my ($self, %conf) = @_;
$self->{pbot} = delete $conf{pbot} // Carp::croak("Missing pbot reference to " . __FILE__);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->spinach_cmd(@_) }, 'spinach', 0);
$self->{pbot}->{timer}->register(sub { $self->spinach_timer }, 1, 'spinach timer');
$self->{pbot}->{event_dispatcher}->register_handler('irc.part', sub { $self->on_departure(@_) });
$self->{pbot}->{event_dispatcher}->register_handler('irc.quit', sub { $self->on_departure(@_) });
$self->{pbot}->{event_dispatcher}->register_handler('irc.kick', sub { $self->on_kick(@_) });
$self->{leaderboard_filename} = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('general', 'data_dir') . '/spinach/spinachlb.sqlite3';
$self->{questions_filename} = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('general', 'data_dir') . '/spinach/spinachq.json';
$self->{channel} = '##spinach';
$self->{choosecategory_max_count} = 2;
$self->{picktruth_max_count} = 4;
sub unload {
my $self = shift;
$self->{pbot}->{timer}->unregister('spinach timer');
sub on_kick {
my ($self, $event_type, $event) = @_;
my ($nick, $user, $host) = ($event->{event}->nick, $event->{event}->user, $event->{event}->host);
my ($victim, $reason) = ($event->{event}->to, $event->{event}->{args}[1]);
my $channel = $event->{event}->{args}[0];
return 0 if lc $channel ne $self->{channel};
$self->player_left($nick, $user, $host);
return 0;
sub on_departure {
my ($self, $event_type, $event) = @_;
my ($nick, $user, $host, $channel, $args) = ($event->{event}->nick, $event->{event}->user, $event->{event}->host, $event->{event}->to, $event->{event}->args);
return 0 if lc $channel ne $self->{channel};
$self->player_left($nick, $user, $host);
return 0;
sub load_questions {
my $self = shift;
my $contents = do {
open my $fh, '<', $self->{questions_filename} or do {
$self->{pbot}->{ogger}->log("Spinach: Failed to open $self->{questions_filename}: $!\n");
local $/;
$self->{questions} = decode_json $contents;
$self->{categories} = ();
my $questions;
foreach my $key (keys %{$self->{questions}}) {
foreach my $question (@{$self->{questions}->{$key}}) {
my $categories;
foreach my $category (sort keys %{$self->{categories}}) {
#$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Category [$category]: $self->{categories}{$category}\n");
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Spinach: Loaded $questions questions in $categories categories.\n");
sub create_database {
my $self = shift;
eval {
$self->{dbh} = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$self->{leaderboard_filename}", "", "", { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0, AutoInactiveDestroy => 1 }) or die $DBI::errstr;
userid NUMERIC,
created_on NUMERIC,
highscore NUMERIC,
avgscore NUMERIC
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Spinach create database failed: $@") if $@;
sub dbi_begin {
my ($self) = @_;
eval {
$self->{dbh} = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$self->{leaderboard_filename}", "", "", { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0, AutoInactiveDestroy => 1 }) or die $DBI::errstr;
if ($@) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Error opening Spinach database: $@");
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
sub dbi_end {
my ($self) = @_;
my %color = (
white => "\x0300",
black => "\x0301",
blue => "\x0302",
green => "\x0303",
red => "\x0304",
maroon => "\x0305",
purple => "\x0306",
orange => "\x0307",
yellow => "\x0308",
lightgreen => "\x0309",
teal => "\x0310",
cyan => "\x0311",
lightblue => "\x0312",
magneta => "\x0313",
gray => "\x0314",
lightgray => "\x0315",
bold => "\x02",
italics => "\x1D",
underline => "\x1F",
reverse => "\x16",
reset => "\x0F",
sub spinach_cmd {
my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_;
$arguments = lc $arguments;
my $usage = "Usage: spinach start|stop|abort|join|exit|ready|kick|choose|lie|truth|score|show|leaderboard; for more information about a command: spinach help <command>";
my $command;
($command, $arguments) = split / /, $arguments, 2;
my ($channel, $result);
given ($command) {
when ('help') {
given ($arguments) {
when ('start') {
return "Help is coming soon.";
when ('join') {
return "Help is coming soon.";
when ('ready') {
return "Help is coming soon.";
when ('exit') {
return "Help is coming soon.";
when ('abort') {
return "Help is coming soon.";
when ('stop') {
return "Help is coming soon.";
when ('kick') {
return "Help is coming soon.";
when ('score') {
return "Help is coming soon.";
when ('choose') {
return "Help is coming soon.";
when ('lie') {
return "Help is coming soon.";
when ('truth') {
return "Help is coming soon.";
when ('show') {
return "Help is coming soon.";
default {
if (length $arguments) {
return "Spinach has no such command '$arguments'. I can't help you with that.";
} else {
return "Usage: spinach help <command>";
when ('load') {
my $admin = $self->{pbot}->{admins}->loggedin($self->{channel}, "$nick!$user\@$host");
if (not $admin or $admin->{level} < 90) {
return "$nick: Sorry, only very powerful admins may reload the questions.";
when ('start') {
if ($self->{current_state} eq 'nogame') {
$self->{current_state} = 'getplayers';
$self->{previous_state} = 'nogame';
return "/msg $self->{channel} Starting Spinach.";
} else {
return "Spinach is already started.";
when ('score') {
if (not @{$self->{state_data}->{players}}) {
return "There is nobody playing right now.";
my $text = '';
my $comma = '';
foreach my $player (sort { $b->{score} <=> $a->{score} } @{$self->{state_data}->{players}}) {
$text .= "$comma$player->{name}: $player->{score}";
$comma = '; ';
return $text;
when ('join') {
if ($self->{current_state} eq 'nogame') {
return "There is no game started. Use `start` to begin a new game.";
} elsif ($self->{current_state} ne 'getplayers') {
return "There is a game in progress. You may join after the game is over.";
my $id = $self->{pbot}->{messagehistory}->{database}->get_message_account($nick, $user, $host);
foreach my $player (@{$self->{state_data}->{players}}) {
if ($player->{id} == $id) {
return "$nick: You have already joined this game.";
my $player = { id => $id, name => $nick, score => 0, ready => 0, missedinputs => 0 };
push @{$self->{state_data}->{players}}, $player;
return "/msg $self->{channel} $nick has joined the game!";
when ('ready') {
if ($self->{current_state} eq 'nogame') {
return "There is no game started. Use `start` to begin a new game.";
} elsif ($self->{current_state} ne 'getplayers') {
return "There is a game in progress. You may join after the game is over.";
my $id = $self->{pbot}->{messagehistory}->{database}->get_message_account($nick, $user, $host);
foreach my $player (@{$self->{state_data}->{players}}) {
if ($player->{id} == $id) {
$player->{ready} = 1;
return "/msg $self->{channel} $nick is ready!";
return "$nick: You haven't joined this game yet.";
when ('exit') {
my $id = $self->{pbot}->{messagehistory}->{database}->get_message_account($nick, $user, $host);
my $removed = 0;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$self->{state_data}->{players}}; $i++) {
if ($self->{state_data}->{players}->[$i]->{id} == $id) {
splice @{$self->{state_data}->{players}}, $i--, 1;
$removed = 1;
if ($removed) {
return "/msg $self->{channel} $nick has left the game!";
} else {
return "$nick: But you are not even playing the game.";
when ('abort') {
if (not $self->{pbot}->{admins}->loggedin($self->{channel}, "$nick!$user\@$host")) {
return "$nick: Sorry, only admins may abort the game.";
$self->{current_state} = 'gameover';
return "/msg $self->{channel} $nick: The game has been aborted.";
when ('players') {
if ($self->{current_state} ne 'getplayers') {
return "This command can only be used during the 'Waiting for players' stage. Try the `score` command.";
my @names;
foreach my $player (@{$self->{state_data}->{players}}) {
if (not $player->{ready}) {
push @names, "$player->{name} $color{red}(not ready)$color{reset}$color{bold}";
} else {
push @names, $player->{name};
my $players = join ', ', @names;
$players = 'none' if not @names;
return "Current players: $players";
when ('stop') {
if ($self->{current_state} ne 'getplayers') {
return "This command can only be used during the 'Waiting for players' stage. To stop a game in progress, use the `abort` command.";
$self->{current_state} = 'nogame';
$self->{state_data} = { players => [] };
return "/msg $self->{channel} $nick: The game has been stopped.";
when ('kick') {
if (not $self->{pbot}->{admins}->loggedin($self->{channel}, "$nick!$user\@$host")) {
return "$nick: Sorry, only admins may kick people from the game.";
if (not length $arguments) {
return "Usage: spinach kick <nick>";
my $removed = 0;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$self->{state_data}->{players}}; $i++) {
if (lc $self->{state_data}->{players}->[$i]->{name} eq $arguments) {
splice @{$self->{state_data}->{players}}, $i--, 1;
$removed = 1;
if ($removed) {
return "/msg $self->{channel} $nick: $arguments has been kicked from the game.";
} else {
return "$nick: $arguments isn't even in the game.";
when ('choose') {
if ($self->{current_state} !~ /choosecategory$/) {
return "$nick: It is not time to choose a category.";
if (not length $arguments) {
return "Usage: spinach choose <integer>";
my $id = $self->{pbot}->{messagehistory}->{database}->get_message_account($nick, $user, $host);
if ($id != $self->{state_data}->{players}->[$self->{state_data}->{current_player}]->{id}) {
return "$nick: It is not your turn to choose a category.";
if ($arguments !~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
return "$nick: Please choose a category number. $self->{state_data}->{categories_text}";
if ($arguments < 0 or $arguments >= @{$self->{state_data}->{category_options}}) {
return "$nick: Choice out of range. Please choose a valid category. $self->{state_data}->{categories_text}";
$self->{state_data}->{current_category} = $self->{state_data}->{category_options}->[$arguments];
return "/msg $self->{channel} $nick has chosen $self->{state_data}->{current_category}!";
when ('lie') {
if ($self->{current_state} !~ /getlies$/) {
return "$nick: It is not time to submit a lie!";
if (not length $arguments) {
return "Usage: spinach lie <text>";
my $id = $self->{pbot}->{messagehistory}->{database}->get_message_account($nick, $user, $host);
my $player;
foreach my $i (@{$self->{state_data}->{players}}) {
if ($i->{id} == $id) {
$player = $i;
if (not $player) {
return "$nick: You are not playing in this game. Please wait until the next game.";
my $found_truth = 0;
if ($arguments eq lc $self->{state_data}->{current_question}->{answer}) {
$found_truth = 1;
foreach my $alt (@{$self->{state_data}->{current_question}->{alternateSpellings}}) {
if ($arguments eq lc $alt) {
$found_truth = 1;
if ($found_truth) {
return "$nick: You found the truth! Please submit a different lie.";
my $changed = exists $player->{lie};
$player->{lie} = uc $arguments;
if ($changed) {
return "/msg $self->{channel} $nick has changed their lie!";
} else {
return "/msg $self->{channel} $nick has submitted a lie!";
when ('truth') {
if ($self->{current_state} !~ /findtruth$/) {
return "$nick: It is not time to find the truth!";
if (not length $arguments) {
return "Usage: spinach truth <integer>";
my $id = $self->{pbot}->{messagehistory}->{database}->get_message_account($nick, $user, $host);
my $player;
foreach my $i (@{$self->{state_data}->{players}}) {
if ($i->{id} == $id) {
$player = $i;
if (not $player) {
return "$nick: You are not playing in this game. Please wait until the next game.";
if ($arguments !~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
return "$nick: Please select a truth number. $self->{state_data}->{current_choices_text}";
if ($arguments < 0 or $arguments >= @{$self->{state_data}->{current_choices}}) {
return "$nick: Selection out of range. Please select a valid truth: $self->{state_data}->{current_choices_text}";
my $changed = exists $player->{truth};
$player->{truth} = uc $self->{state_data}->{current_choices}->[$arguments];
if ($player->{truth} eq $player->{lie}) {
delete $player->{truth};
return "$nick: You cannot select your own lie!";
if ($changed) {
return "/msg $self->{channel} $nick has selected a different truth!";
} else {
return "/msg $self->{channel} $nick has selected a truth!";
when ('show') {
if ($self->{current_state} =~ /(?:getlies|findtruth)$/) {
return "$nick: There is nothing to show right now.";
default {
return $usage;
return $result;
sub spinach_timer {
my $self = shift;
sub player_left {
my ($self, $nick, $user, $host) = @_;
my $id = $self->{pbot}->{messagehistory}->{database}->get_message_account($nick, $user, $host);
for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$self->{state_data}->{players}}; $i++) {
if ($self->{state_data}->{players}->[$i]->{id} == $id) {
splice @{$self->{state_data}->{players}}, $i--, 1;
$self->{pbot}->{conn}->privmsg($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}$nick has left the game!$color{reset}");
sub add_new_suggestions {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
my $question = undef;
my $modified = 0;
foreach my $player (@{$state->{players}}) {
if ($player->{deceived}) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Adding new suggestion for $state->{current_question}->{id}: $player->{deceived}\n");
if (not grep { lc $_ eq lc $player->{deceived} } @{$state->{current_question}->{suggestions}}) {
if (not defined $question) {
foreach my $q (@{$self->{questions}->{normal}}) {
if ($q->{id} == $state->{current_question}->{id}) {
$question = $q;
push @{$question->{suggestions}}, uc $player->{deceived};
$modified = 1;
if ($modified) {
my $json = encode_json $self->{questions};
open my $fh, '>', $self->{questions_filename} or do {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Failed to open Spinach file: $!\n");
print $fh "$json\n";
close $fh;
sub run_one_state {
my $self = shift;
if (not @{$self->{state_data}->{players}} and $self->{current_state} =~ /r\dq\d/) {
$self->{pbot}->{conn}->privmsg($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}All players have left the game!$color{reset}");
$self->{current_state} = 'nogame';
my $current_state = $self->{current_state};
my $state_data = $self->{state_data};
if (not defined $current_state) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Spinach state broke.\n");
if ($self->{previous_state} ne $self->{current_state}) {
$state_data->{newstate} = 1;
$state_data->{ticks} = 1;
$state_data->{first_tock} = 1;
} else {
$state_data->{newstate} = 0;
if ($state_data->{newstate}) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Spinach: New state: $self->{current_state}\n" . Dumper $state_data);
$state_data = $self->{states}{$current_state}{sub}($state_data);
$state_data->{previous_result} = $state_data->{result};
$self->{previous_state} = $self->{current_state};
$self->{current_state} = $self->{states}{$current_state}{trans}{$state_data->{result}};
$self->{state_data} = $state_data;
sub create_states {
my $self = shift;
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Spinach: Creating game state machine\n");
$self->{previous_state} = '';
$self->{current_state} = 'nogame';
$self->{state_data} = { players => [], ticks => 0, newstate => 1 };
$self->{states}{'nogame'}{sub} = sub { $self->nogame(@_) };
$self->{states}{'nogame'}{trans}{start} = 'getplayers';
$self->{states}{'nogame'}{trans}{nogame} = 'nogame';
$self->{states}{'getplayers'}{sub} = sub { $self->getplayers(@_) };
$self->{states}{'getplayers'}{trans}{wait} = 'getplayers';
$self->{states}{'getplayers'}{trans}{allready} = 'round1';
$self->{states}{'round1'}{sub} = sub { $self->round1(@_) };
$self->{states}{'round1'}{trans}{next} = 'round1q1';
$self->{states}{'round1q1'}{sub} = sub { $self->round1q1(@_) };
$self->{states}{'round1q1'}{trans}{next} = 'r1q1choosecategory';
$self->{states}{'r1q1choosecategory'}{sub} = sub { $self->r1q1choosecategory(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r1q1choosecategory'}{trans}{wait} = 'r1q1choosecategory';
$self->{states}{'r1q1choosecategory'}{trans}{next} = 'r1q1showquestion';
$self->{states}{'r1q1showquestion'}{sub} = sub { $self->r1q1showquestion(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r1q1showquestion'}{trans}{wait} = 'r1q1showquestion';
$self->{states}{'r1q1showquestion'}{trans}{next} = 'r1q1getlies';
$self->{states}{'r1q1getlies'}{sub} = sub { $self->r1q1getlies(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r1q1getlies'}{trans}{wait} = 'r1q1getlies';
$self->{states}{'r1q1getlies'}{trans}{next} = 'r1q1findtruth';
$self->{states}{'r1q1findtruth'}{sub} = sub { $self->r1q1findtruth(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r1q1findtruth'}{trans}{wait} = 'r1q1findtruth';
$self->{states}{'r1q1findtruth'}{trans}{next} = 'r1q1showlies';
$self->{states}{'r1q1showlies'}{sub} = sub { $self->r1q1showlies(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r1q1showlies'}{trans}{wait} = 'r1q1showlies';
$self->{states}{'r1q1showlies'}{trans}{next} = 'r1q1showtruth';
$self->{states}{'r1q1showtruth'}{sub} = sub { $self->r1q1showtruth(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r1q1showtruth'}{trans}{wait} = 'r1q1showtruth';
$self->{states}{'r1q1showtruth'}{trans}{next} = 'r1q1reveallies';
$self->{states}{'r1q1reveallies'}{sub} = sub { $self->r1q1reveallies(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r1q1reveallies'}{trans}{wait} = 'r1q1reveallies';
$self->{states}{'r1q1reveallies'}{trans}{next} = 'r1q1showscore';
$self->{states}{'r1q1showscore'}{sub} = sub { $self->r1q1showscore(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r1q1showscore'}{trans}{wait} = 'r1q1showscore';
$self->{states}{'r1q1showscore'}{trans}{next} = 'round1q2';
$self->{states}{'round1q2'}{sub} = sub { $self->round1q2(@_) };
$self->{states}{'round1q2'}{trans}{next} = 'r1q2choosecategory';
$self->{states}{'r1q2choosecategory'}{sub} = sub { $self->r1q2choosecategory(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r1q2choosecategory'}{trans}{wait} = 'r1q2choosecategory';
$self->{states}{'r1q2choosecategory'}{trans}{next} = 'r1q2showquestion';
$self->{states}{'r1q2showquestion'}{sub} = sub { $self->r1q2showquestion(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r1q2showquestion'}{trans}{wait} = 'r1q2showquestion';
$self->{states}{'r1q2showquestion'}{trans}{next} = 'r1q2getlies';
$self->{states}{'r1q2getlies'}{sub} = sub { $self->r1q2getlies(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r1q2getlies'}{trans}{wait} = 'r1q2getlies';
$self->{states}{'r1q2getlies'}{trans}{next} = 'r1q2findtruth';
$self->{states}{'r1q2findtruth'}{sub} = sub { $self->r1q2findtruth(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r1q2findtruth'}{trans}{wait} = 'r1q2findtruth';
$self->{states}{'r1q2findtruth'}{trans}{next} = 'r1q2showlies';
$self->{states}{'r1q2showlies'}{sub} = sub { $self->r1q2showlies(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r1q2showlies'}{trans}{wait} = 'r1q2showlies';
$self->{states}{'r1q2showlies'}{trans}{next} = 'r1q2showtruth';
$self->{states}{'r1q2showtruth'}{sub} = sub { $self->r1q2showtruth(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r1q2showtruth'}{trans}{wait} = 'r1q2showtruth';
$self->{states}{'r1q2showtruth'}{trans}{next} = 'r1q2reveallies';
$self->{states}{'r1q2reveallies'}{sub} = sub { $self->r1q2reveallies(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r1q2reveallies'}{trans}{wait} = 'r1q2reveallies';
$self->{states}{'r1q2reveallies'}{trans}{next} = 'r1q2showscore';
$self->{states}{'r1q2showscore'}{sub} = sub { $self->r1q2showscore(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r1q2showscore'}{trans}{wait} = 'r1q2showscore';
$self->{states}{'r1q2showscore'}{trans}{next} = 'round1q3';
$self->{states}{'round1q3'}{sub} = sub { $self->round1q3(@_) };
$self->{states}{'round1q3'}{trans}{next} = 'r1q3choosecategory';
$self->{states}{'r1q3choosecategory'}{sub} = sub { $self->r1q3choosecategory(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r1q3choosecategory'}{trans}{wait} = 'r1q3choosecategory';
$self->{states}{'r1q3choosecategory'}{trans}{next} = 'r1q3showquestion';
$self->{states}{'r1q3showquestion'}{sub} = sub { $self->r1q3showquestion(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r1q3showquestion'}{trans}{wait} = 'r1q3showquestion';
$self->{states}{'r1q3showquestion'}{trans}{next} = 'r1q3getlies';
$self->{states}{'r1q3getlies'}{sub} = sub { $self->r1q3getlies(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r1q3getlies'}{trans}{wait} = 'r1q3getlies';
$self->{states}{'r1q3getlies'}{trans}{next} = 'r1q3findtruth';
$self->{states}{'r1q3findtruth'}{sub} = sub { $self->r1q3findtruth(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r1q3findtruth'}{trans}{wait} = 'r1q3findtruth';
$self->{states}{'r1q3findtruth'}{trans}{next} = 'r1q3showlies';
$self->{states}{'r1q3showlies'}{sub} = sub { $self->r1q3showlies(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r1q3showlies'}{trans}{wait} = 'r1q3showlies';
$self->{states}{'r1q3showlies'}{trans}{next} = 'r1q3showtruth';
$self->{states}{'r1q3showtruth'}{sub} = sub { $self->r1q3showtruth(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r1q3showtruth'}{trans}{wait} = 'r1q3showtruth';
$self->{states}{'r1q3showtruth'}{trans}{next} = 'r1q3reveallies';
$self->{states}{'r1q3reveallies'}{sub} = sub { $self->r1q3reveallies(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r1q3reveallies'}{trans}{wait} = 'r1q3reveallies';
$self->{states}{'r1q3reveallies'}{trans}{next} = 'r1q3showscore';
$self->{states}{'r1q3showscore'}{sub} = sub { $self->r1q3showscore(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r1q3showscore'}{trans}{wait} = 'r1q3showscore';
$self->{states}{'r1q3showscore'}{trans}{next} = 'round2';
$self->{states}{'round2'}{sub} = sub { $self->round2(@_) };
$self->{states}{'round2'}{trans}{next} = 'round2q1';
$self->{states}{'round2q1'}{sub} = sub { $self->round2q1(@_) };
$self->{states}{'round2q1'}{trans}{next} = 'r2q1choosecategory';
$self->{states}{'r2q1choosecategory'}{sub} = sub { $self->r2q1choosecategory(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r2q1choosecategory'}{trans}{wait} = 'r2q1choosecategory';
$self->{states}{'r2q1choosecategory'}{trans}{next} = 'r2q1showquestion';
$self->{states}{'r2q1showquestion'}{sub} = sub { $self->r2q1showquestion(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r2q1showquestion'}{trans}{wait} = 'r2q1showquestion';
$self->{states}{'r2q1showquestion'}{trans}{next} = 'r2q1getlies';
$self->{states}{'r2q1getlies'}{sub} = sub { $self->r2q1getlies(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r2q1getlies'}{trans}{wait} = 'r2q1getlies';
$self->{states}{'r2q1getlies'}{trans}{next} = 'r2q1findtruth';
$self->{states}{'r2q1findtruth'}{sub} = sub { $self->r2q1findtruth(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r2q1findtruth'}{trans}{wait} = 'r2q1findtruth';
$self->{states}{'r2q1findtruth'}{trans}{next} = 'r2q1showlies';
$self->{states}{'r2q1showlies'}{sub} = sub { $self->r2q1showlies(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r2q1showlies'}{trans}{wait} = 'r2q1showlies';
$self->{states}{'r2q1showlies'}{trans}{next} = 'r2q1showtruth';
$self->{states}{'r2q1showtruth'}{sub} = sub { $self->r2q1showtruth(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r2q1showtruth'}{trans}{wait} = 'r2q1showtruth';
$self->{states}{'r2q1showtruth'}{trans}{next} = 'r2q1reveallies';
$self->{states}{'r2q1reveallies'}{sub} = sub { $self->r2q1reveallies(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r2q1reveallies'}{trans}{wait} = 'r2q1reveallies';
$self->{states}{'r2q1reveallies'}{trans}{next} = 'r2q1showscore';
$self->{states}{'r2q1showscore'}{sub} = sub { $self->r2q1showscore(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r2q1showscore'}{trans}{wait} = 'r2q1showscore';
$self->{states}{'r2q1showscore'}{trans}{next} = 'round2q2';
$self->{states}{'round2q2'}{sub} = sub { $self->round2q2(@_) };
$self->{states}{'round2q2'}{trans}{next} = 'r2q2choosecategory';
$self->{states}{'r2q2choosecategory'}{sub} = sub { $self->r2q2choosecategory(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r2q2choosecategory'}{trans}{wait} = 'r2q2choosecategory';
$self->{states}{'r2q2choosecategory'}{trans}{next} = 'r2q2showquestion';
$self->{states}{'r2q2showquestion'}{sub} = sub { $self->r2q2showquestion(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r2q2showquestion'}{trans}{wait} = 'r2q2showquestion';
$self->{states}{'r2q2showquestion'}{trans}{next} = 'r2q2getlies';
$self->{states}{'r2q2getlies'}{sub} = sub { $self->r2q2getlies(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r2q2getlies'}{trans}{wait} = 'r2q2getlies';
$self->{states}{'r2q2getlies'}{trans}{next} = 'r2q2findtruth';
$self->{states}{'r2q2findtruth'}{sub} = sub { $self->r2q2findtruth(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r2q2findtruth'}{trans}{wait} = 'r2q2findtruth';
$self->{states}{'r2q2findtruth'}{trans}{next} = 'r2q2showlies';
$self->{states}{'r2q2showlies'}{sub} = sub { $self->r2q2showlies(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r2q2showlies'}{trans}{wait} = 'r2q2showlies';
$self->{states}{'r2q2showlies'}{trans}{next} = 'r2q2showtruth';
$self->{states}{'r2q2showtruth'}{sub} = sub { $self->r2q2showtruth(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r2q2showtruth'}{trans}{wait} = 'r2q2showtruth';
$self->{states}{'r2q2showtruth'}{trans}{next} = 'r2q2reveallies';
$self->{states}{'r2q2reveallies'}{sub} = sub { $self->r2q2reveallies(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r2q2reveallies'}{trans}{wait} = 'r2q2reveallies';
$self->{states}{'r2q2reveallies'}{trans}{next} = 'r2q2showscore';
$self->{states}{'r2q2showscore'}{sub} = sub { $self->r2q2showscore(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r2q2showscore'}{trans}{wait} = 'r2q2showscore';
$self->{states}{'r2q2showscore'}{trans}{next} = 'round2q3';
$self->{states}{'round2q3'}{sub} = sub { $self->round2q3(@_) };
$self->{states}{'round2q3'}{trans}{next} = 'r2q3choosecategory';
$self->{states}{'r2q3choosecategory'}{sub} = sub { $self->r2q3choosecategory(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r2q3choosecategory'}{trans}{wait} = 'r2q3choosecategory';
$self->{states}{'r2q3choosecategory'}{trans}{next} = 'r2q3showquestion';
$self->{states}{'r2q3showquestion'}{sub} = sub { $self->r2q3showquestion(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r2q3showquestion'}{trans}{wait} = 'r2q3showquestion';
$self->{states}{'r2q3showquestion'}{trans}{next} = 'r2q3getlies';
$self->{states}{'r2q3getlies'}{sub} = sub { $self->r2q3getlies(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r2q3getlies'}{trans}{wait} = 'r2q3getlies';
$self->{states}{'r2q3getlies'}{trans}{next} = 'r2q3findtruth';
$self->{states}{'r2q3findtruth'}{sub} = sub { $self->r2q3findtruth(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r2q3findtruth'}{trans}{wait} = 'r2q3findtruth';
$self->{states}{'r2q3findtruth'}{trans}{next} = 'r2q3showlies';
$self->{states}{'r2q3showlies'}{sub} = sub { $self->r2q3showlies(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r2q3showlies'}{trans}{wait} = 'r2q3showlies';
$self->{states}{'r2q3showlies'}{trans}{next} = 'r2q3showtruth';
$self->{states}{'r2q3showtruth'}{sub} = sub { $self->r2q3showtruth(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r2q3showtruth'}{trans}{wait} = 'r2q3showtruth';
$self->{states}{'r2q3showtruth'}{trans}{next} = 'r2q3reveallies';
$self->{states}{'r2q3reveallies'}{sub} = sub { $self->r2q3reveallies(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r2q3reveallies'}{trans}{wait} = 'r2q3reveallies';
$self->{states}{'r2q3reveallies'}{trans}{next} = 'r2q3showscore';
$self->{states}{'r2q3showscore'}{sub} = sub { $self->r2q3showscore(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r2q3showscore'}{trans}{wait} = 'r2q3showscore';
$self->{states}{'r2q3showscore'}{trans}{next} = 'round3';
$self->{states}{'round3'}{sub} = sub { $self->round3(@_) };
$self->{states}{'round3'}{trans}{next} = 'round3q1';
$self->{states}{'round3q1'}{sub} = sub { $self->round3q1(@_) };
$self->{states}{'round3q1'}{trans}{next} = 'r3q1choosecategory';
$self->{states}{'r3q1choosecategory'}{sub} = sub { $self->r3q1choosecategory(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r3q1choosecategory'}{trans}{wait} = 'r3q1choosecategory';
$self->{states}{'r3q1choosecategory'}{trans}{next} = 'r3q1showquestion';
$self->{states}{'r3q1showquestion'}{sub} = sub { $self->r3q1showquestion(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r3q1showquestion'}{trans}{wait} = 'r3q1showquestion';
$self->{states}{'r3q1showquestion'}{trans}{next} = 'r3q1getlies';
$self->{states}{'r3q1getlies'}{sub} = sub { $self->r3q1getlies(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r3q1getlies'}{trans}{wait} = 'r3q1getlies';
$self->{states}{'r3q1getlies'}{trans}{next} = 'r3q1findtruth';
$self->{states}{'r3q1findtruth'}{sub} = sub { $self->r3q1findtruth(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r3q1findtruth'}{trans}{wait} = 'r3q1findtruth';
$self->{states}{'r3q1findtruth'}{trans}{next} = 'r3q1showlies';
$self->{states}{'r3q1showlies'}{sub} = sub { $self->r3q1showlies(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r3q1showlies'}{trans}{wait} = 'r3q1showlies';
$self->{states}{'r3q1showlies'}{trans}{next} = 'r3q1showtruth';
$self->{states}{'r3q1showtruth'}{sub} = sub { $self->r3q1showtruth(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r3q1showtruth'}{trans}{wait} = 'r3q1showtruth';
$self->{states}{'r3q1showtruth'}{trans}{next} = 'r3q1reveallies';
$self->{states}{'r3q1reveallies'}{sub} = sub { $self->r3q1reveallies(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r3q1reveallies'}{trans}{wait} = 'r3q1reveallies';
$self->{states}{'r3q1reveallies'}{trans}{next} = 'r3q1showscore';
$self->{states}{'r3q1showscore'}{sub} = sub { $self->r3q1showscore(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r3q1showscore'}{trans}{wait} = 'r3q1showscore';
$self->{states}{'r3q1showscore'}{trans}{next} = 'round3q2';
$self->{states}{'round3q2'}{sub} = sub { $self->round3q2(@_) };
$self->{states}{'round3q2'}{trans}{next} = 'r3q2choosecategory';
$self->{states}{'r3q2choosecategory'}{sub} = sub { $self->r3q2choosecategory(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r3q2choosecategory'}{trans}{wait} = 'r3q2choosecategory';
$self->{states}{'r3q2choosecategory'}{trans}{next} = 'r3q2showquestion';
$self->{states}{'r3q2showquestion'}{sub} = sub { $self->r3q2showquestion(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r3q2showquestion'}{trans}{wait} = 'r3q2showquestion';
$self->{states}{'r3q2showquestion'}{trans}{next} = 'r3q2getlies';
$self->{states}{'r3q2getlies'}{sub} = sub { $self->r3q2getlies(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r3q2getlies'}{trans}{wait} = 'r3q2getlies';
$self->{states}{'r3q2getlies'}{trans}{next} = 'r3q2findtruth';
$self->{states}{'r3q2findtruth'}{sub} = sub { $self->r3q2findtruth(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r3q2findtruth'}{trans}{wait} = 'r3q2findtruth';
$self->{states}{'r3q2findtruth'}{trans}{next} = 'r3q2showlies';
$self->{states}{'r3q2showlies'}{sub} = sub { $self->r3q2showlies(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r3q2showlies'}{trans}{wait} = 'r3q2showlies';
$self->{states}{'r3q2showlies'}{trans}{next} = 'r3q2showtruth';
$self->{states}{'r3q2showtruth'}{sub} = sub { $self->r3q2showtruth(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r3q2showtruth'}{trans}{wait} = 'r3q2showtruth';
$self->{states}{'r3q2showtruth'}{trans}{next} = 'r3q2reveallies';
$self->{states}{'r3q2reveallies'}{sub} = sub { $self->r3q2reveallies(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r3q2reveallies'}{trans}{wait} = 'r3q2reveallies';
$self->{states}{'r3q2reveallies'}{trans}{next} = 'r3q2showscore';
$self->{states}{'r3q2showscore'}{sub} = sub { $self->r3q2showscore(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r3q2showscore'}{trans}{wait} = 'r3q2showscore';
$self->{states}{'r3q2showscore'}{trans}{next} = 'round3q3';
$self->{states}{'round3q3'}{sub} = sub { $self->round3q3(@_) };
$self->{states}{'round3q3'}{trans}{next} = 'r3q3choosecategory';
$self->{states}{'r3q3choosecategory'}{sub} = sub { $self->r3q3choosecategory(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r3q3choosecategory'}{trans}{wait} = 'r3q3choosecategory';
$self->{states}{'r3q3choosecategory'}{trans}{next} = 'r3q3showquestion';
$self->{states}{'r3q3showquestion'}{sub} = sub { $self->r3q3showquestion(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r3q3showquestion'}{trans}{wait} = 'r3q3showquestion';
$self->{states}{'r3q3showquestion'}{trans}{next} = 'r3q3getlies';
$self->{states}{'r3q3getlies'}{sub} = sub { $self->r3q3getlies(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r3q3getlies'}{trans}{wait} = 'r3q3getlies';
$self->{states}{'r3q3getlies'}{trans}{next} = 'r3q3findtruth';
$self->{states}{'r3q3findtruth'}{sub} = sub { $self->r3q3findtruth(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r3q3findtruth'}{trans}{wait} = 'r3q3findtruth';
$self->{states}{'r3q3findtruth'}{trans}{next} = 'r3q3showlies';
$self->{states}{'r3q3showlies'}{sub} = sub { $self->r3q3showlies(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r3q3showlies'}{trans}{wait} = 'r3q3showlies';
$self->{states}{'r3q3showlies'}{trans}{next} = 'r3q3showtruth';
$self->{states}{'r3q3showtruth'}{sub} = sub { $self->r3q3showtruth(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r3q3showtruth'}{trans}{wait} = 'r3q3showtruth';
$self->{states}{'r3q3showtruth'}{trans}{next} = 'r3q3reveallies';
$self->{states}{'r3q3reveallies'}{sub} = sub { $self->r3q3reveallies(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r3q3reveallies'}{trans}{wait} = 'r3q3reveallies';
$self->{states}{'r3q3reveallies'}{trans}{next} = 'r3q3showscore';
$self->{states}{'r3q3showscore'}{sub} = sub { $self->r3q3showscore(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r3q3showscore'}{trans}{wait} = 'r3q3showscore';
$self->{states}{'r3q3showscore'}{trans}{next} = 'round4';
$self->{states}{'round4'}{sub} = sub { $self->round4(@_) };
$self->{states}{'round4'}{trans}{next} = 'round4q1';
$self->{states}{'round4q1'}{sub} = sub { $self->round4q1(@_) };
$self->{states}{'round4q1'}{trans}{next} = 'r4q1choosecategory';
$self->{states}{'r4q1choosecategory'}{sub} = sub { $self->r4q1choosecategory(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r4q1choosecategory'}{trans}{wait} = 'r4q1choosecategory';
$self->{states}{'r4q1choosecategory'}{trans}{next} = 'r4q1showquestion';
$self->{states}{'r4q1showquestion'}{sub} = sub { $self->r4q1showquestion(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r4q1showquestion'}{trans}{wait} = 'r4q1showquestion';
$self->{states}{'r4q1showquestion'}{trans}{next} = 'r4q1getlies';
$self->{states}{'r4q1getlies'}{sub} = sub { $self->r4q1getlies(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r4q1getlies'}{trans}{wait} = 'r4q1getlies';
$self->{states}{'r4q1getlies'}{trans}{next} = 'r4q1findtruth';
$self->{states}{'r4q1findtruth'}{sub} = sub { $self->r4q1findtruth(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r4q1findtruth'}{trans}{wait} = 'r4q1findtruth';
$self->{states}{'r4q1findtruth'}{trans}{next} = 'r4q1showlies';
$self->{states}{'r4q1showlies'}{sub} = sub { $self->r4q1showlies(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r4q1showlies'}{trans}{wait} = 'r4q1showlies';
$self->{states}{'r4q1showlies'}{trans}{next} = 'r4q1showtruth';
$self->{states}{'r4q1showtruth'}{sub} = sub { $self->r4q1showtruth(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r4q1showtruth'}{trans}{wait} = 'r4q1showtruth';
$self->{states}{'r4q1showtruth'}{trans}{next} = 'r4q1reveallies';
$self->{states}{'r4q1reveallies'}{sub} = sub { $self->r4q1reveallies(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r4q1reveallies'}{trans}{wait} = 'r4q1reveallies';
$self->{states}{'r4q1reveallies'}{trans}{next} = 'r4q1showscore';
$self->{states}{'r4q1showscore'}{sub} = sub { $self->r4q1showscore(@_) };
$self->{states}{'r4q1showscore'}{trans}{wait} = 'r4q1showscore';
$self->{states}{'r4q1showscore'}{trans}{next} = 'gameover';
$self->{states}{'gameover'}{sub} = sub { $self->gameover(@_) };
$self->{states}{'gameover'}{trans}{next} = 'getplayers';
# generic state subroutines
sub choosecategory {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
if ($state->{init}) {
delete $state->{current_category};
if ($state->{current_player} >= @{$state->{players}}) {
$state->{current_player} = 0;
my @choices;
my @categories = keys %{$self->{categories}};
my $no_infinite_loops = 0;
while (1) {
my $cat = $categories[rand @categories];
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("random cat: [$cat]\n");
if (not grep { $_ eq $cat } @choices) {
push @choices, $cat;
last if @choices == 6;
last if ++$no_infinite_loops > 200;
$state->{categories_text} = '';
my $i = 1;
my $comma = '';
foreach my $choice (@choices) {
$state->{categories_text} .= "$comma$i) $choice";
$comma = "; ";
$state->{category_options} = \@choices;
delete $state->{init};
my $tock;
if ($state->{first_tock}) {
$tock = 3;
} else {
$tock = 15;
if ($state->{ticks} % $tock == 0) {
delete $state->{first_tock};
if (++$state->{counter} > $state->{max_count}) {
my $name = $state->{players}->[$state->{current_player}]->{name};
my $category = $state->{category_options}->[rand @{$state->{category_options}}];
$self->{pbot}->{conn}->privmsg($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}$name took too long to choose. Randomly choosing: $category!$color{reset}");
$state->{current_category} = $category;
return 'next';
my $name = $state->{players}->[$state->{current_player}]->{name};
$self->{pbot}->{conn}->privmsg($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}$name: $state->{counter}/$state->{max_count} Choose a category from: $state->{categories_text}$color{reset}");
return 'wait';
if (exists $state->{current_category}) {
return 'next';
} else {
return 'wait';
sub getnewquestion {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
if ($state->{ticks} % 3 == 0) {
my @questions = grep { $_->{category} eq $state->{current_category} } @{$self->{questions}->{normal}};
$state->{current_question} = $questions[rand @questions];
foreach my $player (@{$state->{players}}) {
delete $player->{lie};
delete $player->{truth};
delete $player->{deceived};
return 'next';
} else {
return 'wait';
sub showquestion {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
if (exists $state->{current_question}) {
$self->{pbot}->{conn}->privmsg($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}$color{green}Current question:$color{reset}$color{bold} $state->{current_question}->{question}$color{reset}");
} else {
$self->{pbot}->{conn}->privmsg($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}There is no current question.$color{reset}");
sub getlies {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
my $tock;
if ($state->{first_tock}) {
$tock = 3;
} else {
$tock = 15;
my @nolies;
foreach my $player (@{$state->{players}}) {
if (not exists $player->{lie}) {
push @nolies, $player->{name};
return 'next' if not @nolies;
if ($state->{ticks} % $tock == 0) {
delete $state->{first_tock};
if (++$state->{counter} > $state->{max_count}) {
my @missedinputs;
foreach my $player (@{$state->{players}}) {
if (not exists $player->{lie}) {
push @missedinputs, $player->{name};
if (@missedinputs) {
my $missed = join ', ', @missedinputs;
$self->{pbot}->{conn}->privmsg($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}$missed failed to submit a lie in time!$color{reset}");
return 'next';
my $players = join ', ', @nolies;
$self->{pbot}->{conn}->privmsg($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}$players: $state->{counter}/$state->{max_count} Submit your lie now via /msg candide lie!$color{reset}");
return 'wait';
sub findtruth {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
my $tock;
if ($state->{first_tock}) {
$tock = 3;
} else {
$tock = 15;
my @notruth;
foreach my $player (@{$state->{players}}) {
if (not exists $player->{truth}) {
push @notruth, $player->{name};
return 'next' if not @notruth;
if ($state->{ticks} % $tock == 0) {
delete $state->{first_tock};
if ($state->{init}) {
delete $state->{init};
my @choices;
my @suggestions = @{$state->{current_question}->{suggestions}};
my @lies;
foreach my $player (@{$state->{players}}) {
if ($player->{lie}) {
if (not grep { $_ eq $player->{lie} } @lies) {
push @lies, uc $player->{lie};
while (1) {
my $limit = @{$state->{players}} < 5 ? 5 : @{$state->{players}};
last if @choices >= $limit;
if (@lies) {
my $random = rand @lies;
push @choices, $lies[$random];
splice @lies, $random, 1;
if (@suggestions) {
my $random = rand @suggestions;
my $suggestion = uc $suggestions[$random];
push @choices, $suggestion if not grep { $_ eq $suggestion } @choices;
splice @suggestions, $random, 1;
splice @choices, rand @choices, 0, uc $state->{current_question}->{answer};
$state->{correct_answer} = uc $state->{current_question}->{answer};
my $i = 0;
my $comma = '';
my $text = '';
foreach my $choice (@choices) {
$text .= "$comma$i) $choice";
$comma = '; ';
$state->{current_choices_text} = $text;
$state->{current_choices} = \@choices;
if (++$state->{counter} > $state->{max_count}) {
my @missedinputs;
foreach my $player (@{$state->{players}}) {
if (not exists $player->{truth}) {
push @missedinputs, $player->{name};
if (@missedinputs) {
my $missed = join ', ', @missedinputs;
$self->{pbot}->{conn}->privmsg($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}$missed failed to find the truth in time!$color{reset}");
return 'next';
my $players = join ', ', @notruth;
$self->{pbot}->{conn}->privmsg($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}$players: $state->{counter}/$state->{max_count} Find the truth now via /msg candide truth! $state->{current_choices_text}$color{reset}");
return 'wait';
sub showlies {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
my @liars;
my $player;
my $tock;
if ($state->{first_tock}) {
$tock = 3;
} else {
$tock = 6;
if ($state->{ticks} % $tock == 0) {
delete $state->{first_tock};
while ($state->{current_lie_player} < @{$state->{players}}) {
$player = $state->{players}->[$state->{current_lie_player}];
next if not exists $player->{truth};
foreach my $liar (@{$state->{players}}) {
next if $liar->{id} == $player->{id};
next if not exists $liar->{lie};
if ($liar->{lie} eq $player->{truth}) {
push @liars, $liar;
last if @liars;
if ($player->{truth} ne $state->{correct_answer}) {
my $points = $state->{lie_points} * 0.25;
$player->{score} -= $points;
$self->{pbot}->{conn}->privmsg($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}$player->{name} fell for my lie: \"$player->{truth}\". -$points points!$color{reset}");
$player->{deceived} = $player->{truth};
if (@liars) {
my $liars_text = '';
my $liars_no_apostrophe = '';
my $lie = $player->{truth};
my $gains = @liars == 1 ? 'gains' : 'gain';
my $comma = '';
foreach my $liar (@liars) {
$liars_text .= "$comma$liar->{name}'s";
$liars_no_apostrophe .= "$comma$liar->{name}";
$comma = ', ';
$liar->{score} += $state->{lie_points};
$self->{pbot}->{conn}->privmsg($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}$player->{name} fell for $liars_text lie: \"$lie\". $liars_no_apostrophe $gains +$state->{lie_points} points!$color{reset}");
$player->{deceived} = $lie;
return 'next' if $state->{current_lie_player} >= @{$state->{players}};
return 'wait';
return 'wait';
sub showtruth {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
if ($state->{ticks} % 7 == 0) {
my $players;
my $comma = '';
my $count = 0;
foreach my $player (@{$state->{players}}) {
next if exists $player->{deceived};
if (exists $player->{truth} and $player->{truth} eq $state->{correct_answer}) {
$players .= "$comma$player->{name}";
$comma = ', ';
$player->{score} += $state->{truth_points};
if ($count) {
$self->{pbot}->{conn}->privmsg($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}$players got the correct answer: \"$state->{correct_answer}\". +$state->{truth_points} points!$color{reset}");
} else {
$self->{pbot}->{conn}->privmsg($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}Nobody found the truth! Better luck next time...$color{reset}");
return 'next';
} else {
return 'wait';
sub reveallies {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
if ($state->{ticks} % 3 == 0) {
my $text = 'Revealing lies! ';
my $comma = '';
foreach my $player (@{$state->{players}}) {
next if not exists $player->{lie};
$text .= "$comma$player->{name}: $player->{lie}";
$comma = '; ';
$self->{pbot}->{conn}->privmsg($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}$text$color{reset}");
return 'next';
} else {
return 'wait';
sub showscore {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
if ($state->{ticks} % 3 == 0) {
my $text = '';
my $comma = '';
foreach my $player (sort { $b->{score} <=> $a->{score} } @{$state->{players}}) {
$text .= "$comma$player->{name}: $player->{score}";
$comma = '; ';
$text = "none" if not length $text;
$self->{pbot}->{conn}->privmsg($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}$color{green}Scores: $color{reset}$color{bold}$text$color{reset}");
return 'next';
} else {
return 'wait';
# state subroutines
sub nogame {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = 'nogame';
return $state;
sub getplayers {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
my $players = $state->{players};
my @names;
my $unready = @$players ? @$players : 1;
foreach my $player (@$players) {
if (not $player->{ready}) {
push @names, "$player->{name} $color{red}(not ready)$color{reset}$color{bold}";
} else {
push @names, $player->{name};
if (not $unready) {
$state->{result} = 'allready';
$self->{pbot}->{conn}->privmsg($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}All players ready!$color{reset}")
} else {
$players = join ', ', @names;
$players = 'none' if not @names;
my $msg = "Waiting for more players or for all players to ready up. Current players: $players";
my $tock;
if ($state->{first_tock}) {
$tock = 2;
} else {
$tock = 90;
if ($state->{ticks} % $tock == 0) {
delete $state->{first_tock};
$self->{pbot}->{conn}->privmsg($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}$msg$color{reset}");
$state->{result} = 'wait';
return $state;
sub round1 {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{truth_points} = 500;
$state->{lie_points} = 1000;
$state->{my_lie_points} = $state->{lie_points} * 0.25;
$state->{result} = 'next';
return $state;
sub round1q1 {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{init} = 1;
$state->{counter} = 0;
$state->{max_count} = $self->{choosecategory_max_count};
$state->{result} = 'next';
$self->{pbot}->{conn}->privmsg($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}Round 1/3, question 1/3! $state->{lie_points} for each lie. $state->{truth_points} for the truth. -$state->{my_lie_points} for my lie.$color{reset}");
return $state;
sub r1q1choosecategory {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->choosecategory($state);
return $state;
sub r1q1showquestion {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
my $result = $self->getnewquestion($state);
if ($result eq 'next') {
$state->{max_count} = $self->{picktruth_max_count};
$state->{counter} = 0;
$state->{init} = 1;
$state->{current_lie_player} = 0;
$state->{result} = 'next';
} else {
$state->{result} = 'wait';
return $state;
sub r1q1getlies {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->getlies($state);
if ($state->{result} eq 'next') {
$state->{counter} = 0;
$state->{init} = 1;
return $state;
sub r1q1findtruth {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->findtruth($state);
return $state;
sub r1q1showlies {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->showlies($state);
return $state;
sub r1q1showtruth {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->showtruth($state);
return $state;
sub r1q1reveallies {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->reveallies($state);
return $state;
sub r1q1showscore {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->showscore($state);
return $state;
sub round1q2 {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{init} = 1;
$state->{counter} = 0;
$state->{max_count} = $self->{choosecategory_max_count};
$state->{result} = 'next';
$self->{pbot}->{conn}->privmsg($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}Round 1/3, question 2/3! $state->{lie_points} for each lie. $state->{truth_points} for the truth. -$state->{my_lie_points} for my lie.$color{reset}");
return $state;
sub r1q2choosecategory {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->choosecategory($state);
return $state;
sub r1q2showquestion {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
my $result = $self->getnewquestion($state);
if ($result eq 'next') {
$state->{max_count} = $self->{picktruth_max_count};
$state->{counter} = 0;
$state->{init} = 1;
$state->{current_lie_player} = 0;
$state->{result} = 'next';
} else {
$state->{result} = 'wait';
return $state;
sub r1q2getlies {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->getlies($state);
if ($state->{result} eq 'next') {
$state->{counter} = 0;
$state->{init} = 1;
return $state;
sub r1q2findtruth {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->findtruth($state);
return $state;
sub r1q2showlies {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->showlies($state);
return $state;
sub r1q2showtruth {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->showtruth($state);
return $state;
sub r1q2reveallies {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->reveallies($state);
return $state;
sub r1q2showscore {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->showscore($state);
return $state;
sub round1q3 {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{init} = 1;
$state->{max_count} = $self->{choosecategory_max_count};
$state->{counter} = 0;
$state->{result} = 'next';
$self->{pbot}->{conn}->privmsg($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}Round 1/3, question 3/3! $state->{lie_points} for each lie. $state->{truth_points} for the truth. -$state->{my_lie_points} for my lie.$color{reset}");
return $state;
sub r1q3choosecategory {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->choosecategory($state);
return $state;
sub r1q3showquestion {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
my $result = $self->getnewquestion($state);
if ($result eq 'next') {
$state->{max_count} = $self->{picktruth_max_count};
$state->{counter} = 0;
$state->{init} = 1;
$state->{current_lie_player} = 0;
$state->{result} = 'next';
} else {
$state->{result} = 'wait';
return $state;
sub r1q3getlies {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->getlies($state);
if ($state->{result} eq 'next') {
$state->{counter} = 0;
$state->{init} = 1;
return $state;
sub r1q3findtruth {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->findtruth($state);
return $state;
sub r1q3showlies {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->showlies($state);
return $state;
sub r1q3showtruth {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->showtruth($state);
return $state;
sub r1q3reveallies {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->reveallies($state);
return $state;
sub r1q3showscore {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->showscore($state);
return $state;
sub round2 {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{truth_points} = 750;
$state->{lie_points} = 1500;
$state->{my_lie_points} = $state->{lie_points} * 0.25;
$state->{result} = 'next';
return $state;
sub round2q1 {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{init} = 1;
$state->{max_count} = $self->{choosecategory_max_count};
$state->{counter} = 0;
$state->{result} = 'next';
$self->{pbot}->{conn}->privmsg($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}Round 2/3, question 1/3! $state->{lie_points} for each lie. $state->{truth_points} for the truth. -$state->{my_lie_points} for my lie.$color{reset}");
return $state;
sub r2q1choosecategory {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->choosecategory($state);
return $state;
sub r2q1showquestion {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
my $result = $self->getnewquestion($state);
if ($result eq 'next') {
$state->{max_count} = $self->{picktruth_max_count};
$state->{counter} = 0;
$state->{init} = 1;
$state->{current_lie_player} = 0;
$state->{result} = 'next';
} else {
$state->{result} = 'wait';
return $state;
sub r2q1getlies {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->getlies($state);
if ($state->{result} eq 'next') {
$state->{counter} = 0;
$state->{init} = 1;
return $state;
sub r2q1findtruth {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->findtruth($state);
return $state;
sub r2q1showlies {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->showlies($state);
return $state;
sub r2q1showtruth {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->showtruth($state);
return $state;
sub r2q1reveallies {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->reveallies($state);
return $state;
sub r2q1showscore {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->showscore($state);
return $state;
sub round2q2 {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{init} = 1;
$state->{max_count} = $self->{choosecategory_max_count};
$state->{counter} = 0;
$state->{result} = 'next';
$self->{pbot}->{conn}->privmsg($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}Round 2/3, question 2/3! $state->{lie_points} for each lie. $state->{truth_points} for the truth. -$state->{my_lie_points} for my lie.$color{reset}");
return $state;
sub r2q2choosecategory {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->choosecategory($state);
return $state;
sub r2q2showquestion {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
my $result = $self->getnewquestion($state);
if ($result eq 'next') {
$state->{max_count} = $self->{picktruth_max_count};
$state->{counter} = 0;
$state->{init} = 1;
$state->{current_lie_player} = 0;
$state->{result} = 'next';
} else {
$state->{result} = 'wait';
return $state;
sub r2q2getlies {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->getlies($state);
if ($state->{result} eq 'next') {
$state->{counter} = 0;
$state->{init} = 1;
return $state;
sub r2q2findtruth {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->findtruth($state);
return $state;
sub r2q2showlies {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->showlies($state);
return $state;
sub r2q2showtruth {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->showtruth($state);
return $state;
sub r2q2reveallies {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->reveallies($state);
return $state;
sub r2q2showscore {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->showscore($state);
return $state;
sub round2q3 {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{init} = 1;
$state->{max_count} = $self->{choosecategory_max_count};
$state->{counter} = 0;
$state->{result} = 'next';
$self->{pbot}->{conn}->privmsg($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}Round 2/3, question 3/3! $state->{lie_points} for each lie. $state->{truth_points} for the truth. -$state->{my_lie_points} for my lie.$color{reset}");
return $state;
sub r2q3choosecategory {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->choosecategory($state);
return $state;
sub r2q3showquestion {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
my $result = $self->getnewquestion($state);
if ($result eq 'next') {
$state->{max_count} = $self->{picktruth_max_count};
$state->{counter} = 0;
$state->{init} = 1;
$state->{current_lie_player} = 0;
$state->{result} = 'next';
} else {
$state->{result} = 'wait';
return $state;
sub r2q3getlies {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->getlies($state);
if ($state->{result} eq 'next') {
$state->{counter} = 0;
$state->{init} = 1;
return $state;
sub r2q3findtruth {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->findtruth($state);
return $state;
sub r2q3showlies {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->showlies($state);
return $state;
sub r2q3showtruth {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->showtruth($state);
return $state;
sub r2q3reveallies {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->reveallies($state);
return $state;
sub r2q3showscore {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->showscore($state);
return $state;
sub round3 {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{truth_points} = 1000;
$state->{lie_points} = 2000;
$state->{my_lie_points} = $state->{lie_points} * 0.25;
$state->{result} = 'next';
return $state;
sub round3q1 {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{init} = 1;
$state->{max_count} = $self->{choosecategory_max_count};
$state->{counter} = 0;
$state->{result} = 'next';
$self->{pbot}->{conn}->privmsg($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}Round 3/3, question 1/3! $state->{lie_points} for each lie. $state->{truth_points} for the truth. -$state->{my_lie_points} for my lie.$color{reset}");
return $state;
sub r3q1choosecategory {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->choosecategory($state);
return $state;
sub r3q1showquestion {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
my $result = $self->getnewquestion($state);
if ($result eq 'next') {
$state->{max_count} = $self->{picktruth_max_count};
$state->{counter} = 0;
$state->{init} = 1;
$state->{current_lie_player} = 0;
$state->{result} = 'next';
} else {
$state->{result} = 'wait';
return $state;
sub r3q1getlies {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->getlies($state);
if ($state->{result} eq 'next') {
$state->{counter} = 0;
$state->{init} = 1;
return $state;
sub r3q1findtruth {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->findtruth($state);
return $state;
sub r3q1showlies {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->showlies($state);
return $state;
sub r3q1showtruth {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->showtruth($state);
return $state;
sub r3q1reveallies {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->reveallies($state);
return $state;
sub r3q1showscore {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->showscore($state);
return $state;
sub round3q2 {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{init} = 1;
$state->{max_count} = $self->{choosecategory_max_count};
$state->{counter} = 0;
$state->{result} = 'next';
$self->{pbot}->{conn}->privmsg($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}Round 3/3, question 2/3! $state->{lie_points} for each lie. $state->{truth_points} for the truth. -$state->{my_lie_points} for my lie.$color{reset}");
return $state;
sub r3q2choosecategory {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->choosecategory($state);
return $state;
sub r3q2showquestion {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
my $result = $self->getnewquestion($state);
if ($result eq 'next') {
$state->{max_count} = $self->{picktruth_max_count};
$state->{counter} = 0;
$state->{init} = 1;
$state->{current_lie_player} = 0;
$state->{result} = 'next';
} else {
$state->{result} = 'wait';
return $state;
sub r3q2getlies {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->getlies($state);
if ($state->{result} eq 'next') {
$state->{counter} = 0;
$state->{init} = 1;
return $state;
sub r3q2findtruth {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->findtruth($state);
return $state;
sub r3q2showlies {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->showlies($state);
return $state;
sub r3q2showtruth {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->showtruth($state);
return $state;
sub r3q2reveallies {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->reveallies($state);
return $state;
sub r3q2showscore {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->showscore($state);
return $state;
sub round3q3 {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{init} = 1;
$state->{max_count} = $self->{choosecategory_max_count};
$state->{counter} = 0;
$state->{result} = 'next';
$self->{pbot}->{conn}->privmsg($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}Round 3/3, question 3/3! $state->{lie_points} for each lie. $state->{truth_points} for the truth. -$state->{my_lie_points} for my lie.$color{reset}");
return $state;
sub r3q3choosecategory {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->choosecategory($state);
return $state;
sub r3q3showquestion {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
my $result = $self->getnewquestion($state);
if ($result eq 'next') {
$state->{max_count} = $self->{picktruth_max_count};
$state->{counter} = 0;
$state->{init} = 1;
$state->{current_lie_player} = 0;
$state->{result} = 'next';
} else {
$state->{result} = 'wait';
return $state;
sub r3q3getlies {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->getlies($state);
if ($state->{result} eq 'next') {
$state->{counter} = 0;
$state->{init} = 1;
return $state;
sub r3q3findtruth {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->findtruth($state);
return $state;
sub r3q3showlies {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->showlies($state);
return $state;
sub r3q3showtruth {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->showtruth($state);
return $state;
sub r3q3reveallies {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->reveallies($state);
return $state;
sub r3q3showscore {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->showscore($state);
return $state;
sub round4 {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{truth_points} = 2000;
$state->{lie_points} = 4000;
$state->{my_lie_points} = $state->{lie_points} * 0.25;
$state->{result} = 'next';
return $state;
sub round4q1 {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{init} = 1;
$state->{max_count} = $self->{choosecategory_max_count};
$state->{counter} = 0;
$state->{result} = 'next';
$self->{pbot}->{conn}->privmsg($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}FINAL ROUND! FINAL QUESTION! $state->{lie_points} for each lie. $state->{truth_points} for the truth. -$state->{my_lie_points} for my lie.$color{reset}");
return $state;
sub r4q1choosecategory {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->choosecategory($state);
return $state;
sub r4q1showquestion {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
my $result = $self->getnewquestion($state);
if ($result eq 'next') {
$state->{max_count} = $self->{picktruth_max_count};
$state->{counter} = 0;
$state->{init} = 1;
$state->{current_lie_player} = 0;
$state->{result} = 'next';
} else {
$state->{result} = 'wait';
return $state;
sub r4q1getlies {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->getlies($state);
if ($state->{result} eq 'next') {
$state->{counter} = 0;
$state->{init} = 1;
return $state;
sub r4q1findtruth {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->findtruth($state);
return $state;
sub r4q1showlies {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->showlies($state);
return $state;
sub r4q1showtruth {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->showtruth($state);
return $state;
sub r4q1reveallies {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->reveallies($state);
return $state;
sub r4q1showscore {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{result} = $self->showscore($state);
return $state;
sub gameover {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$self->{pbot}->{conn}->privmsg($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}Game over!$color{reset}");
my $players = $state->{players};
foreach my $player (@$players) {
$player->{ready} = 0;
$player->{missedinputs} = 0;
$player->{score} = 0;
$state->{result} = 'next';
return $state;