mirror of https://github.com/pragma-/pbot.git synced 2024-10-05 02:48:50 +02:00
2015-05-23 06:24:22 -07:00

375 lines
13 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use Text::Levenshtein qw(fastdistance);
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use Time::Duration qw(duration);
use Fcntl qw(:flock);
use QStatskeeper;
use Scorekeeper;
use IRCColors;
my $CJEOPARDY_DATA = 'data/cjeopardy.dat';
my $CJEOPARDY_HINT = 'data/cjeopardy.hint';
my $CJEOPARDY_LAST_ANSWER = 'data/cjeopardy.last_ans';
my $hint_only_mode = 0;
my $nick = shift @ARGV;
my $channel = shift @ARGV;
my $text = join(' ', @ARGV);
sub encode { my $str = shift; $str =~ s/\\(.)/{sprintf "\\%03d", ord($1)}/ge; return $str; }
sub decode { my $str = shift; $str =~ s/\\(\d{3})/{"\\" . chr($1)}/ge; return $str }
if ($channel !~ /^#/) {
print "Sorry, C Jeopardy must be played in a channel. Feel free to join #cjeopardy.\n";
while($text =~ s/^\s*(is|are|the|a|an)\s+//i){};
$text =~ s/\s*\?*$//;
$text =~ s/^\s+//;
$text =~ s/\s+$//;
my $lctext = lc $text;
if (not length $lctext) {
print "What?\n";
my @data;
open my $semaphore, ">", "$CJEOPARDY_DATA-$channel.lock" or die "Couldn't create semaphore lock: $!";
flock $semaphore, LOCK_EX;
my $ret = open my $fh, "<", "$CJEOPARDY_LAST_ANSWER-$channel";
if (defined $ret) {
my $last_nick = <$fh>;
my $last_answers = <$fh>;
my $last_timestamp = <$fh>;
close $fh;
chomp $last_nick;
if(scalar gettimeofday - $last_timestamp <= 15) {
$ret = open $fh, "<", "$CJEOPARDY_DATA-$channel";
if (defined $ret) {
@data = <$fh>;
close $fh;
my @current_answers = map { decode $_ } split /\|/, encode $data[1] if @data;
my @valid_answers = map { decode $_ } split /\|/, encode $last_answers;
foreach my $answer (@valid_answers) {
chomp $answer;
$answer =~ s/\\\|/|/g;
$answer =~ s/\s*{.*}\s*//;
my $skip_last;
if (@current_answers) {
foreach my $current_answer (@current_answers) {
chomp $current_answer;
$current_answer =~ s/\\\|/|/g;
$current_answer =~ s/\s*{.*}\s*//;
my $distance = fastdistance(lc $answer, lc $current_answer);
my $length = (length($answer) > length($current_answer)) ? length $answer : length $current_answer;
if ($distance / $length < 0.15) {
$skip_last = 1;
last if $skip_last;
my $distance = fastdistance($lctext, lc $answer);
my $length = (length($lctext) > length($answer)) ? length $lctext : length $answer;
if ($distance / $length < 0.15) {
if ($last_nick eq $nick) {
print "$color{red}Er, you already correctly answered that question.$color{reset}\n";
} else {
my $elapsed = scalar gettimeofday - $last_timestamp;
my $duration;
if ($elapsed < 2) {
$elapsed = 0.01 if $elapsed <= 0.01;
$duration = sprintf("%.2f", $elapsed);
} else {
$duration = sprintf("%d", $elapsed);
print "$color{red}Too slow by $color{orange}$duration $color{red}second" . ($duration != 1 ? "s" : "") . "! $color{orange}$last_nick$color{red} got the correct answer.$color{reset}\n";
if (not @data) {
open $fh, "<", "$CJEOPARDY_DATA-$channel" or print "There is no open C Jeopardy question. Use `cjeopardy` to get a question.\n" and exit;
@data = <$fh>;
close $fh;
my $scores = Scorekeeper->new;
my $player_id = $scores->get_player_id($nick, $channel);
my $player_data = $scores->get_player_data($player_id);
my ($id) = $data[0] =~ m/^(\d+)/;
my @valid_answers = map { decode $_ } split /\|/, encode $data[1];
my $qstats = QStatskeeper->new;
my $qdata = $qstats->get_question_data($id);
$qdata->{last_touched} = gettimeofday;
my $incorrect_percentage = 100;
foreach my $answer (@valid_answers) {
chomp $answer;
$answer =~ s/\\\|/|/g;
my $supplemental_text;
if ($answer =~ s/\s*{(.*)}\s*$//) {
$supplemental_text = $1;
if ($answer =~ /^[+-]*[0-9]+$/ and $lctext =~ /^[+-]*[0-9]+$/) {
my $is_wrong = 0;
if ($lctext > $answer) {
print "$color{red}$lctext is too high!$color{reset}";
$is_wrong = 1;
} elsif ($lctext < $answer) {
print "$color{red}$lctext is too low!$color{reset}";
$is_wrong = 1;
goto WRONG_ANSWER if $is_wrong;
my $distance = fastdistance($lctext, lc $answer);
my $length = (length($lctext) > length($answer)) ? length $lctext : length $answer;
my $percentage = $distance / $length * 100;
if ($percentage < $incorrect_percentage) {
$incorrect_percentage = $percentage;
if ($percentage < 15) {
if ($distance == 0) {
print "'$color{green}$answer$color{reset}' is correct!";
} else {
print "'$color{green}$text$color{reset}' is close enough to '$color{green}$answer$color{reset}'. You are correct!"
if (defined $supplemental_text) {
print " $color{purple}$supplemental_text$color{reset}";
my $elapsed = scalar gettimeofday - $data[2];
if ($elapsed < 60) {
printf " It took %.2f seconds to answer that question!\n", $elapsed;
} else {
my $duration = duration($elapsed);
print " It took $duration to answer that question.\n";
$qdata->{last_correct_time} = gettimeofday;
$qdata->{last_correct_nick} = $nick;
if (gettimeofday - $qdata->{last_touched} < 60 * 5) {
$qdata->{average_answer_time} *= $qdata->{correct} - 1;
$qdata->{average_answer_time} += $elapsed;
$qdata->{average_answer_time} /= $qdata->{correct};
if ($qdata->{quickest_answer_time} == 0 or $elapsed < $qdata->{quickest_answer_time}) {
$qdata->{quickest_answer_time} = $elapsed;
$qdata->{quickest_answer_date} = gettimeofday;
$qdata->{quickest_answer_nick} = $nick;
if ($elapsed > $qdata->{longest_answer_time}) {
$qdata->{longest_answer_time} = $elapsed;
$qdata->{longest_answer_date} = gettimeofday;
$qdata->{longest_answer_nick} = $nick;
my $streakers = $scores->get_all_correct_streaks($channel);
foreach my $streaker (@$streakers) {
next if $streaker->{nick} eq $nick;
if ($streaker->{correct_streak} >= 3) {
print "$color{orange}$nick$color{red} ended $color{orange}$streaker->{nick}$color{red}'s $color{orange}$streaker->{correct_streak}$color{red} correct answer streak!$color{reset}\n";
$streaker->{correct_streak} = 0;
$scores->update_player_data($streaker->{id}, $streaker);
$player_data->{last_correct_timestamp} = scalar gettimeofday;
$player_data->{wrong_streak} = 0;
if ($player_data->{quickest_correct} == 0 or $elapsed < $player_data->{quickest_correct}) {
$player_data->{quickest_correct} = $elapsed;
if ($player_data->{correct_streak} > $player_data->{highest_correct_streak}) {
$player_data->{highest_correct_streak} = $player_data->{correct_streak};
if ($player_data->{highest_correct_streak} > $player_data->{lifetime_highest_correct_streak}) {
$player_data->{lifetime_highest_correct_streak} = $player_data->{highest_correct_streak};
if ($player_data->{correct_streak} == 1) {
$player_data->{correct_streak_timestamp} = scalar gettimeofday;
my $dont_print_streak = 0;
my $t1 = $player_data->{lifetime_quickest_correct_streak} ? $player_data->{lifetime_quickest_correct_streak} : 32767;
my $t2 = gettimeofday - $player_data->{correct_streak_timestamp};
my $a1 = $player_data->{lifetime_highest_quick_correct_streak} ? $player_data->{lifetime_highest_quick_correct_streak} : 1;
my $a2 = $player_data->{correct_streak} ? $player_data->{correct_streak} : 1;
my $ratio1 = ($t1 + $t1) / $a1;
my $ratio2 = ($t2 + $t1) / $a2;
print STDERR "nick: $nick, t1 = $t1, t2 = $t2, a1 = $a1, a2 = $a2, ratio1 = $ratio1, ratio2 = $ratio2\n";
if ($ratio2 < $ratio1 and $player_data->{correct_streak} >= 3) {
$player_data->{highest_quick_correct_streak} = $player_data->{correct_streak};
$player_data->{quickest_correct_streak} = gettimeofday - $player_data->{correct_streak_timestamp};
$player_data->{lifetime_highest_quick_correct_streak} = $player_data->{highest_quick_correct_streak};
$player_data->{lifetime_quickest_correct_streak} = $player_data->{quickest_correct_streak};
print "$color{orange}$nick$color{cyan} just set a new personal quickest correct answer streak of $color{orange}$player_data->{highest_quick_correct_streak} $color{cyan}correct answers in $color{orange}", duration($player_data->{quickest_correct_streak}), "$color{cyan}!$color{reset}\n";
$dont_print_streak = 1;
unless ($dont_print_streak) {
my %streaks = (
3 => "$color{orange}$nick$color{cyan} is on a $color{orange}3$color{cyan} correct answer streak!",
4 => "$color{orange}$nick$color{cyan} is hot with a $color{orange}4$color{cyan} correct answer streak!",
5 => "$color{orange}$nick$color{cyan} is on fire with a $color{orange}5$color{cyan} correct answer streak!",
6 => "$color{orange}$nick$color{cyan} is ON FIRE with a $color{orange}6$color{cyan} correct answer streak!",
7 => "$color{orange}$nick$color{cyan} is DOMINATING with a $color{orange}7$color{cyan} correct answer streak!",
8 => "$color{orange}$nick$color{cyan} is DOMINATING with an $color{orange}8$color{cyan} correct answer streak!",
9 => "$color{orange}$nick$color{cyan} is DOMINATING with a $color{orange}9$color{cyan} correct answer streak!",
10 => "$color{orange}$nick$color{cyan} IS UNTOUCHABLE WITH A $color{orange}10$color{cyan} CORRECT ANSWER STREAK!"
if (exists $streaks{$player_data->{correct_streak}}) {
print "$streaks{$player_data->{correct_streak}}$color{reset}\n";
} elsif ($player_data->{correct_streak} > 10) {
print "$color{orange}$nick$color{cyan} IS UNTOUCHABLE WITH A $color{orange}$player_data->{correct_streak}$color{cyan} CORRECT ANSWER STREAK!$color{reset}\n";
$scores->update_player_data($player_id, $player_data);
$qstats->update_question_data($id, $qdata);
unlink "$CJEOPARDY_DATA-$channel";
unlink "$CJEOPARDY_HINT-$channel";
open $fh, ">", "$CJEOPARDY_LAST_ANSWER-$channel" or die "Couldn't open $CJEOPARDY_LAST_ANSWER-$channel: $!";
my $time = scalar gettimeofday;
print $fh "$nick\n$data[1]$time\n";
close $fh;
close $semaphore;
if ($channel eq '#cjeopardy') {
my $question = `./cjeopardy.pl $channel`;
if ($hint_only_mode) {
my $hint = `./cjeopardy_hint.pl candide $channel`;
$hint =~ s/^Hint: //;
print "Next hint: $hint\n";
} else {
print "$color{magneta}Next question$color{reset}: $question\n";
my $correct_percentage = 100 - $incorrect_percentage;
if ($correct_percentage >= 80) {
printf "Sorry, '$color{red}$text$color{reset}' is %.1f%% correct. So close!", $correct_percentage;
} elsif ($correct_percentage >= 70) {
printf "Sorry, '$color{red}$text$color{reset}' is %.1f%% correct. Almost.", $correct_percentage;
} elsif ($correct_percentage >= 50) {
printf "Sorry, '$color{red}$text$color{reset}' is only %.1f%% correct.", $correct_percentage;
} else {
print "Sorry, '$color{red}$text$color{reset}' is incorrect.";
$player_data->{last_wrong_timestamp} = scalar gettimeofday;
if ($player_data->{correct_streak} >= 3) {
print " $color{red}You just ended your $color{orange}$player_data->{correct_streak} $color{red}correct answer streak!$color{reset}\n";
} else {
print "\n";
$player_data->{correct_streak} = 0;
if ($player_data->{wrong_streak} > $player_data->{highest_wrong_streak}) {
$player_data->{highest_wrong_streak} = $player_data->{wrong_streak};
if ($player_data->{highest_wrong_streak} > $player_data->{lifetime_highest_wrong_streak}) {
$player_data->{lifetime_highest_wrong_streak} = $player_data->{highest_wrong_streak};
if ($qdata->{wrong_streak} > $qdata->{highest_wrong_streak}) {
$qdata->{highest_wrong_streak} = $qdata->{wrong_streak};
$qstats->add_wrong_answer($id, $lctext);
my %streaks = (
5 => "Guessing, are we, $nick?",
7 => "Think of your correct/incorrect ratio! Use a hint, $nick!",
if (exists $streaks{$player_data->{wrong_streak}}) {
print "$streaks{$player_data->{wrong_streak}}$color{reset}\n";
$scores->update_player_data($player_id, $player_data);
$qstats->update_question_data($id, $qdata);