mirror of
synced 2024-11-26 05:49:27 +01:00
Instead of "... [truncated; see http://xxx for full text.]" it more concisely says "... <truncated; http://...>". Increased irc.max_msg_len from a very conservative 425 to a more generous 460. If you have very long channel names or nicknames, or if you see things being truncated incorrectly, reduce this value.
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1419 lines
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# File: Interpreter.pm
# Purpose: Main entry point to parse and interpret a string into bot
# commands and dispatch the commands to registered interpreters.
# Handles argument processing, command piping, command substitution,
# command splitting, command output processing such as truncating long
# text to web paste sites, etc.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Pragmatic Software <pragma78@gmail.com>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package PBot::Core::Interpreter;
use parent 'PBot::Core::Class', 'PBot::Core::Registerable';
use PBot::Imports;
use PBot::Core::MessageHistory::Constants ':all';
use PBot::Core::Utils::ValidateString;
use Encode;
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptionsFromArray);
use Time::Duration;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use Unicode::Truncate;
sub initialize {
my ($self, %conf) = @_;
# PBot::Core::Interpreter can register multiple interpreter subrefs.
# See also: Commands::interpreter() and Factoids::interpreter()
# registry entry for maximum recursion depth
$self->{pbot}->{registry}->add_default('text', 'interpreter', 'max_recursion', 10);
# this is the main entry point for a message to be parsed into commands
# and to execute those commands and process their output
sub process_line {
my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $text, $is_command) = @_;
# lowercase `from` field for case-insensitivity
$from = lc $from;
# sanitize text a bit
$text =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
$text = validate_string($text, 0);
# context object maintains contextual information about the state and
# processing of this message. this object is passed between various bot
# functions and interfaces, which may themselves add more fields.
my $context = {
from => $from, # source (channel, sender hostmask, 'stdin@pbot', etc)
nick => $nick, # nickname
user => $user, # username
host => $host, # hostname/ip address
hostmask => "$nick!$user\@$host", # full hostmask
text => $text, # message contents
# add hostmask to user/message tracking database and get their account id
my $message_account = $self->{pbot}->{messagehistory}->get_message_account($nick, $user, $host);
# add account id to context object
$context->{message_account} = $message_account;
# add message to message history as a chat message
$self->{pbot}->{messagehistory}->add_message($message_account, $context->{hostmask}, $from, $text, MSG_CHAT);
# look up channel-specific flood threshold settings from registry
my $flood_threshold = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value($from, 'chat_flood_threshold');
my $flood_time_threshold = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value($from, 'chat_flood_time_threshold');
# get general flood threshold settings if there are no channel-specific settings
$flood_threshold //= $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('antiflood', 'chat_flood_threshold');
$flood_time_threshold //= $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('antiflood', 'chat_flood_time_threshold');
# perform anti-flood processing on this message
$from, $nick, $user, $host, $text,
$flood_threshold, $flood_time_threshold,
# get bot nickname
my $botnick = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'botnick');
# get channel-specific bot trigger if available
my $bot_trigger = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value($from, 'trigger');
# otherwise get general bot trigger
$bot_trigger //= $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('general', 'trigger');
# get nick regex from registry entry
my $nick_regex = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('regex', 'nickname');
# preserve original text and parse $cmd_text for bot commands
my $cmd_text = $text;
$cmd_text =~ s/^\/me\s+//; # remove leading /me
# parse for bot command invocation
my @commands; # all commands parsed out of this text so far
my $command; # current command being parsed
my $embedded = 0; # was command embedded within a message, e.g.: "see the !{help xyz} about that"
my $nick_prefix = undef; # addressed nickname for prefixing output
my $processed = 0; # counts how many commands were successfully processed
# check if we should treat this entire text as a command
# (i.e., it came from /msg or was otherwise flagged as a command)
if ($is_command) {
$command = $cmd_text;
$command =~ s/^$bot_trigger//; # strip leading bot trigger, if any
# restore command if stripping bot trigger makes command empty
# (they wanted to invoke a command named after the trigger itself)
# TODO: this could potentially be confusing when trying to invoke
# commands that are sequential instances of the bot trigger, e.g.
# attempting to invoke a factoid named `...` while the bot trigger
# is `.` could now prove confusing via /msg or stdin. Might need
# to rethink this and just require bot trigger all the time ...
# but for now let's see how this goes and if people can figure it
# out with minimal confusion.
$command = $cmd_text if not length $command;
# otherwise try to parse any potential commands
if ($cmd_text =~ m/^\s*($nick_regex)[,:]?\s+$bot_trigger\{\s*(.+?)\s*\}\s*$/) {
# "somenick: !{command}"
} elsif ($cmd_text =~ m/^\s*$bot_trigger\{\s*(.+?)\s*\}\s*$/) {
# "!{command}"
} elsif ($cmd_text =~ m/^\s*($nick_regex)[,:]\s+$bot_trigger\s*(.+)$/) {
# "somenick: !command"
my $possible_nick_prefix = $1;
$command = $2;
# does somenick or similar exist in channel?
my $recipient = $self->{pbot}->{nicklist}->is_present_similar($from, $possible_nick_prefix);
if ($recipient) {
$nick_prefix = $recipient;
} else {
# disregard command if no such nick is present.
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("No similar nick for $possible_nick_prefix; disregarding command.\n");
return 0;
} elsif ($cmd_text =~ m/^$bot_trigger\s*(.+)$/) {
# "!command"
$command = $1;
} elsif ($cmd_text =~ m/^.?\s*$botnick\s*[[:punct:]]?\s+(.+)$/i) {
# "botnick: command"
$command = $1;
} elsif ($cmd_text =~ m/^(.+?),?\s*$botnick[?!.]*$/i) {
# "command, botnick?"
$command = $1;
# check for embedded commands
# if no command was parsed yet (or if we reached this point by one of the gotos above)
# then look for embedded commands, e.g.: "today is !{date} and the weather is !{weather}"
if (not defined $command or $command =~ m/^\{.*\}/) {
# check for an addressed nickname
if ($cmd_text =~ s/^\s*($nick_regex)[,:]\s+//) {
my $possible_nick_prefix = $1;
# does somenick or similar exist in channel?
my $recipient = $self->{pbot}->{nicklist}->is_present_similar($from, $possible_nick_prefix);
if ($recipient) {
$nick_prefix = $recipient;
# get max embed registry value
my $max_embed = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('interpreter', 'max_embed') // 3;
# extract embedded commands
for (my $count = 0; $count < $max_embed; $count++) {
my ($extracted, $rest) = $self->extract_bracketed($cmd_text, '{', '}', $bot_trigger);
# nothing to extract found, all done.
last if not length $extracted;
# move command text buffer forwards past extracted text
$cmd_text = $rest;
# trim surrounding whitespace
$extracted =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
# add command to parsed commands.
push @commands, $extracted;
# set embedded flag
$embedded = 1;
} else {
# otherwise a single command has already been parsed.
# so, add the command to parsed commands.
push @commands, $command;
# set $context's command output recipient field
if ($nick_prefix) {
$context->{nickprefix} = $nick_prefix;
$context->{nickprefix_forced} = 1;
# set $context object's embedded flag
$context->{embedded} = $embedded;
# interpret all parsed commands
foreach $command (@commands) {
# check if user is ignored
# the `login` command gets a pass on the ignore filter
if ($command !~ /^login / and $self->{pbot}->{ignorelist}->is_ignored($from, "$nick!$user\@$host")) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Disregarding command from ignored user $nick!$user\@$host in $from.\n");
return 1;
# update $context command field
$context->{command} = $command;
# reset $context's interpreter recursion depth counter
$context->{interpret_depth} = 0;
# interpet this command
$context->{result} = $self->interpret($context);
# handle command output
# increment processed counter
# return number of commands processed
return $processed;
# main entry point to interpret/execute a bot command.
# takes a $context object containing contextual information about the
# command such as the channel, nick, user, host, command, etc.
sub interpret {
my ($self, $context) = @_;
# log command invocation
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("=== [$context->{interpret_depth}] Got command: "
. "($context->{from}) $context->{hostmask}: $context->{command}\n");
# debug flag to trace $context location and contents
if ($self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('general', 'debugcontext')) {
use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log(Dumper $context);
# enforce recursion limit
if (++$context->{interpret_depth} > $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('interpreter', 'max_recursion')) {
return "Too many levels of recursion, aborted.";
# sanity check the context fields, none of these should be missing
if (not defined $context->{nick} || not defined $context->{user} || not defined $context->{host} || not defined $context->{command}) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Error: Interpreter::interpret: missing field(s)\n");
return '/me coughs weakly.'; # indicate that something went wrong
# check for a split command, e.g. "echo Hello ;;; echo world."
if ($context->{command} =~ m/^(.*?)\s*(?<!\\);;;\s*(.*)/ms) {
$context->{command} = $1; # command is the first half of the split
$context->{command_split} = $2; # store the rest of the split, potentially containing more splits
# convert command string to list of arguments
my $cmdlist = $self->make_args($context->{command});
$context->{cmdlist} = $cmdlist;
# create context command history if non-existent
if (not exists $context->{commands}) {
$context->{commands} = [];
# add command to context command history
push @{$context->{commands}}, $context->{command};
# parse the command into keyword, arguments and recipient
my ($keyword, $arguments, $recipient) = ('', '', undef);
if ($self->arglist_size($cmdlist) >= 4 and lc $cmdlist->[0] eq 'tell' and (lc $cmdlist->[2] eq 'about' or lc $cmdlist->[2] eq 'the')) {
# tell nick about/the cmd [args]; e.g. "tell somenick about malloc" or "tell somenick the date"
# split the list into two fields (keyword and remaining arguments)
# starting at the 4th element and preserving quotes
($keyword, $arguments) = $self->split_args($cmdlist, 2, 3, 1);
# 2nd element is the recipient
$recipient = $cmdlist->[1];
} elsif ($self->arglist_size($cmdlist) >= 3 and lc $cmdlist->[0] eq 'give') {
# give nick cmd [args]; e.g. "give somenick date"
# split the list into two fields (keyword and remaining arguments)
# starting at the 3rd element and preserving quotes
($keyword, $arguments) = $self->split_args($cmdlist, 2, 2, 1);
# 2nd element is the recipient
$recipient = $cmdlist->[1];
} else {
# normal command, split into keywords and arguments while preserving quotes
($keyword, $arguments) = $self->split_args($cmdlist, 2, 0, 1);
# limit keyword length (in bytes)
# TODO: make this a registry item
# lexical scope for use bytes
use bytes;
if (length $keyword > 128) {
$keyword = truncate_egc $keyword, 128; # safely truncate unicode strings
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Truncating keyword to <= 128 bytes: $keyword\n");
# ensure we have a $keyword
if (not defined $keyword or not length $keyword) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Error: Missing keyword; disregarding command\n");
return undef;
# ensure $arguments is a string if none were given
$arguments //= '';
if (defined $recipient) {
# ensure that the recipient is present in the channel
$recipient = $self->{pbot}->{nicklist}->is_present_similar($context->{from}, $recipient);
if ($recipient) {
# if present then set and force the nickprefix
$context->{nickprefix} = $recipient;
$context->{nickprefix_forced} = 1;
} else {
# otherwise discard nickprefix
delete $context->{nickprefix};
delete $context->{nickprefix_forced};
# parse out a substituted command
if ($arguments =~ m/(?<!\\)&\s*\{/) {
my ($command) = $self->extract_bracketed($arguments, '{', '}', '&', 1);
# did we find a substituted command?
if (length $command) {
# replace it with a placeholder
$arguments =~ s/&\s*\{\Q$command\E\}/&{subcmd}/;
# add it to the list of substituted commands
push @{$context->{subcmd}}, "$keyword $arguments";
# trim surrounding whitespace
$command =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
# replace contextual command
$context->{command} = $command;
# reset contextual command history
$context->{commands} = [];
# add command to contextual command history
push @{$context->{commands}}, $command;
# interpret the substituted command
$context->{result} = $self->interpret($context);
# return the output
return $context->{result};
# parse out a pipe
if ($arguments =~ m/(?<!\\)\|\s*\{\s*[^}]+\}\s*$/) {
my ($pipe, $rest) = $self->extract_bracketed($arguments, '{', '}', '|', 1);
# strip pipe and everything after it from arguments
$arguments =~ s/\s*(?<!\\)\|\s*{(\Q$pipe\E)}.*$//s;
# trim surrounding whitespace
$pipe =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
# update contextual pipe data
if (exists $context->{pipe}) {
$context->{pipe_rest} = "$rest | { $context->{pipe} }$context->{pipe_rest}";
} else {
$context->{pipe_rest} = $rest;
$context->{pipe} = $pipe;
# unescape any escaped command splits
$arguments =~ s/\\;;;/;;;/g;
# unescape any escaped substituted commands
$arguments =~ s/\\&\s*\{/&{/g;
# unescape any escaped pipes
$arguments =~ s/\\\|\s*\{/| {/g;
# find factoid channel for dont-replace-pronouns metadata
my ($fact_channel, $fact_trigger);
my @factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{data}->find($context->{from}, $keyword, exact_trigger => 1);
if (@factoids == 1) {
# found the factoid's channel
($fact_channel, $fact_trigger) = @{$factoids[0]};
} else {
# more than one factoid found, normally we would prompt to disambiguate
# but in this case we'll just go ahead and assume global
($fact_channel, $fact_trigger) = ('.*', $keyword);
if ($self->{pbot}->{commands}->get_meta($keyword, 'dont-replace-pronouns')
or $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{data}->get_meta($fact_channel, $fact_trigger, 'dont-replace-pronouns'))
$context->{'dont-replace-pronouns'} = 1;
# replace pronouns like "i", "my", etc, with "nick", "nick's", etc
if (not $context->{'dont-replace-pronouns'}) {
# if command recipient is "me" then replace it with invoker's nick
# e.g., "!tell me about date" or "!give me date", etc
if (defined $context->{nickprefix} and lc $context->{nickprefix} eq 'me') {
$context->{nickprefix} = $context->{nick};
# strip trailing sentence-ending punctuators from $keyword
# TODO: why are we doing this? why here? why at all?
$keyword =~ s/(\w+)[?!.]+$/$1/;
# replace pronouns in $arguments.
# but only on the top-level command (not on subsequent recursions).
# all pronouns can be escaped to prevent replacement, e.g. "!give \me date"
if (length $arguments and $context->{interpret_depth} <= 1) {
$arguments =~ s/(?<![\w\/\-\\])i am\b/$context->{nick} is/gi;
$arguments =~ s/(?<![\w\/\-\\])me\b/$context->{nick}/gi;
$arguments =~ s/(?<![\w\/\-\\])my\b/$context->{nick}'s/gi;
# unescape any escaped pronouns
$arguments =~ s/\\i am\b/i am/gi;
$arguments =~ s/\\my\b/my/gi;
$arguments =~ s/\\me\b/me/gi;
# the bot doesn't like performing bot commands on itself
# unless dont-protect-self is true
if (not $self->{pbot}->{commands}->get_meta($keyword, 'dont-protect-self')
and not $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{data}->get_meta($context->{from}, $keyword, 'dont-protect-self'))
my $botnick = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'botnick');
if ($arguments =~ m/^(your|him|her|its|it|them|their)(self|selves)$/i || $arguments =~ m/^$botnick$/i) {
# build message structure
my $message = {
nick => $context->{nick},
user => $context->{user},
host => $context->{host},
hostmask => $context->{hostmask},
command => $context->{command},
checkflood => 1,
message => "$context->{nick}: Why would I want to do that to myself?",
# get a random delay
my $delay = rand(10) + 5;
# add message to output queue
$self->add_message_to_output_queue($context->{from}, $message, $delay);
# log upcoming message + delay
$delay = duration($delay);
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("($delay delay) $message->{message}\n");
# no output to return
return undef;
# set the contextual root root keyword.
# this is the keyword first used to invoke this command. it is not updated
# on subsequent command interpreter recursions.
if (not exists $context->{root_keyword}) {
$context->{root_keyword} = $keyword;
# update the contextual keyword field
$context->{keyword} = $keyword;
# update the contextual arguments field
$context->{arguments} = $arguments;
# update the original arguments field.
# the actual arguments field may be manipulated/overridden by
# the interpreters. the arguments field is reset with this
# field after each interpreter finishes.
$context->{original_arguments} = $arguments;
# make the argument list
$context->{arglist} = $self->make_args($arguments);
# reset utf8 flag for arguments
# arguments aren't a utf8 encoded string at this point
delete $context->{args_utf8};
# reset the special behavior
$context->{special} = '';
# execute all registered interpreters
my $result;
foreach my $func (@{$self->{handlers}}) {
# call the interpreter
$result = $func->{subref}->($context);
# exit loop if interpreter returned output
last if defined $result;
# reset any manipulated/overridden arguments
$context->{arguments} = $context->{original_arguments};
delete $context->{args_utf8};
# return command output
return $result;
# finalizes processing on a command.
# updates pipes, substitutions, splits. truncates to paste site.
# sends final command output to appropriate queues.
sub handle_result {
my ($self, $context, $result) = @_;
# if passed, allow $result parameter to override contextual result
$result //= $context->{result};
# preservation of consecutive whitespace is disabled by default
$context->{preserve_whitespace} //= 0;
# debug flag to trace $context location and contents
if ($self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('general', 'debugcontext') and length $context->{result}) {
use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Interpreter::handle_result [$result]\n");
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log(Dumper $context);
# ensure we have a command result to work with
if (not defined $result or length $result == 0) {
return 0;
# strip and store /command prefixes
# to be re-added after result processing
if ($result =~ s!^(/say|/me|/msg \S+) !!) {
$context->{result_prefix} = $1;
} else {
delete $context->{result_prefix};
# finish piping
if (exists $context->{pipe}) {
my ($pipe, $pipe_rest) = (delete $context->{pipe}, delete $context->{pipe_rest});
if (not $context->{alldone}) {
$context->{command} = "$pipe $result $pipe_rest";
$context->{result} = $self->interpret($context);
return 0;
# finish command substitution
if (exists $context->{subcmd}) {
my $command = pop @{$context->{subcmd}};
if (@{$context->{subcmd}} == 0 or $context->{alldone}) { delete $context->{subcmd}; }
$command =~ s/&\{subcmd\}/$result/;
if (not $context->{alldone}) {
$context->{command} = $command;
$context->{result} = $self->interpret($context);
return 0;
# restore /command prefix
if ($context->{result_prefix}) {
$result = "$context->{result_prefix} $result";
# finish command split
if ($context->{command_split}) {
my $botnick = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'botnick');
# update contextual command with next command in split
$context->{command} = delete $context->{command_split};
# reformat result to be more suitable for joining together
$result =~ s!^/say !\n!i;
$result =~ s!^/me !\n* $botnick !i;
if (not length $context->{split_result}) {
$result =~ s/^\n//;
$context->{split_result} = $result;
} else {
$context->{split_result} .= $result;
$context->{result} = $self->interpret($context);
return 0;
# join command split
if ($context->{split_result}) {
my $botnick = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'botnick');
# reformat result to be more suitable for joining together
$result =~ s!^/say !\n!i;
$result =~ s!^/me !\n* $botnick !i;
$result = $context->{split_result} . $result;
# set preserve_whitespace and use_output_queue
# TODO: this should be in Factoids.pm and update $context's flags
my $use_output_queue = 0;
if (not $self->{pbot}->{commands}->exists($context->{keyword})) {
my @factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{data}->find($context->{from}, $context->{keyword},
arguments => $context->{arguments},
exact_channel => 0,
exact_trigger => 0,
find_alias => 1
if (@factoids == 1) {
my ($chan, $trigger) = ($factoids[0]->[0], $factoids[0]->[1]);
if ($context->{preserve_whitespace} == 0) {
$context->{preserve_whitespace} = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{data}->{storage}->get_data($chan, $trigger, 'preserve_whitespace') // 0;
$use_output_queue = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{data}->{storage}->get_data($chan, $trigger, 'use_output_queue') // 0;
my $preserve_newlines = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value($context->{from}, 'preserve_newlines');
my $original_result = $result;
$result =~ s/[\n\r]/ /g unless $preserve_newlines;
$result =~ s/[ \t]+/ /g unless $context->{preserve_whitespace};
my $max_lines = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value($context->{from}, 'max_newlines') // 4;
my $lines = 0;
# split result into lines and go over each line
foreach my $line (split /[\n\r]+/, $result) {
# skip blank lines
next if $line !~ /\S/;
# paste everything if we've output the maximum lines
if (++$lines >= $max_lines) {
my $link = $self->{pbot}->{webpaste}->paste("$context->{from} <$context->{nick}> $context->{text}\n\n$original_result");
my $message = "And that's all I have to say about that. See $link for full text.";
if ($use_output_queue) {
my $message = {
nick => $context->{nick},
user => $context->{user},
host => $context->{host},
hostmask => $context->{hostmask},
command => $context->{command},
message => $message,
checkflood => 1
$self->add_message_to_output_queue($context->{from}, $message, 0);
} else {
unless ($context->{from} eq 'stdin@pbot') {
$self->{pbot}->{conn}->privmsg($context->{from}, $message);
$line = $self->truncate_result($context, $line, $original_result);
if ($use_output_queue) {
my $delay = rand(10) + 5;
my $message = {
nick => $context->{nick},
user => $context->{user},
host => $context->{host},
hostmask => $context->{hostmask},
command => $context->{command},
message => $line,
checkflood => 1,
$self->add_message_to_output_queue($context->{from}, $message, $delay);
$delay = duration($delay);
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("($delay delay) $line\n");
} else {
$context->{output} = $line;
# log a separator bar after command finishes
# successful command completion
return 1;
# truncates a message, optionally pasting to a web paste site.
# $paste_text is the version of text (e.g. with whitespace formatting preserved, etc)
# to send to the paste site.
sub truncate_result {
my ($self, $context, $text, $paste_text) = @_;
my $max_msg_len = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'max_msg_len');
$max_msg_len -= length "PRIVMSG $context->{from} :";
# encode text to utf8 for byte length truncation
$text = encode('UTF-8', $text);
$paste_text = encode('UTF-8', $paste_text);
if (length $text > $max_msg_len) {
my $paste_result;
if (defined $paste_text) {
# limit pastes to 32k by default, overridable via paste.max_length
my $max_paste_len = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('paste', 'max_length') // 1024 * 32;
# truncate paste to max paste length
$paste_text = truncate_egc $paste_text, $max_paste_len;
# send text to paste site
$paste_result = $self->{pbot}->{webpaste}->paste("$context->{from} <$context->{nick}> $context->{text}\n\n$paste_text");
my $trunc = '... <truncated';
if (not defined $paste_result) {
# no paste
$trunc .= '>';
} elsif ($paste_result =~ m/^http/) {
# a link
$trunc .= "; $paste_result>";
} else {
# an error or something else
$trunc .= "; $paste_result>";
$paste_result //= 'not pasted';
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Message truncated -- $paste_result\n");
# make room to append the truncation text to the message text
# (third argument to truncate_egc is '' to prevent appending its own ellipsis)
my $trunc_len = length $text < $max_msg_len ? length $text : $max_msg_len;
$text = truncate_egc $text, $trunc_len - length $trunc, '';
# append the truncation text
$text .= $trunc;
} else {
# decode text from utf8
$text = decode('UTF-8', $text);
return $text;
sub dehighlight_nicks {
my ($self, $line, $channel) = @_;
return $line if $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('general', 'no_dehighlight_nicks');
my @tokens = split / /, $line;
foreach my $token (@tokens) {
my $potential_nick = $token;
$potential_nick =~ s/^[^\w\[\]\-\\\^\{\}]+//;
$potential_nick =~ s/[^\w\[\]\-\\\^\{\}]+$//;
next if length $potential_nick == 1;
next if not $self->{pbot}->{nicklist}->is_present($channel, $potential_nick);
my $dehighlighted_nick = $potential_nick;
$dehighlighted_nick =~ s/(.)/$1\x{200b}/;
$token =~ s/\Q$potential_nick\E(?!:)/$dehighlighted_nick/;
return join ' ', @tokens;
sub output_result {
my ($self, $context) = @_;
# debug flag to trace $context location and contents
if ($self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('general', 'debugcontext')) {
use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log(Dumper $context);
my $output = $context->{output};
# nothing to do if we have nothing to do innit
return if not defined $output or not length $output;
# nothing more to do here if the command came from STDIN
return if $context->{from} eq 'stdin@pbot';
# insert null-width spaces into nicknames to prevent IRC clients
# from unncessarily highlighting people
if ($context->{from} =~ /^#/ and $output !~ /^\/msg\s+/i) {
$output = $self->dehighlight_nicks($output, $context->{from});
my $botnick = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'botnick');
my $to = $context->{from};
# log the message if requested
if ($context->{checkflood}) {
$self->{pbot}->{antiflood}->check_flood($to, $botnick, $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'username'), 'pbot', $output, 0, 0, 0);
# nothing more to do here if the output is going to the bot
return if $to eq $botnick;
# handle various /command prefixes
my $type = 'echo'; # will be set to 'echo' or 'action' depending on /command prefix
if ($output =~ s/^\/say //i) {
# /say stripped off
$output = ' ' if not length $output; # ensure we output something
elsif ($output =~ s/^\/me //i) {
# /me stripped off
$type = 'action';
elsif ($output =~ s/^\/msg\s+([^\s]+) //i) {
# /msg somenick stripped off
$to = $1; # reset $to to output to somenick
# don't allow /msg nick1,nick2,etc
if ($to =~ /,/) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("[HACK] Disregarding attempt to /msg multiple users. $context->{hostmask} [$context->{command}] $output\n");
# don't allow /msging any nicks that end with "serv" (e.g. ircd services; NickServ, ChanServ, etc)
if ($to =~ /.*serv(?:@.*)?$/i) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("[HACK] Disregarding attempt to /msg *serv. $context->{hostmask} [$context->{command}] $output]\n");
if ($output =~ s/^\/me //i) {
# /me stripped off
$type = 'action';
else {
# strip off /say if present
$output =~ s/^\/say //i;
if ($type eq 'echo') {
# prepend nickprefix to output
if ($context->{nickprefix} && (! $context->{nickprefix_disabled} || $context->{nickprefix_forced})) {
$output = "$context->{nickprefix}: $output";
elsif ($context->{add_nick}) {
$output = "$context->{nick}: $output";
# send the message to the channel/user
$self->{pbot}->{conn}->privmsg($to, $output);
elsif ($type eq 'action') {
# append nickprefix to output
# TODO: probably going to remove this code.
# if ($context->{nickprefix} && (! $context->{nickprefix_disabled} || $context->{nickprefix_forced})) {
# $output = "$output (for $context->{nickprefix})";
# }
# CTCP ACTION the message to the channel/user
$self->{pbot}->{conn}->me($to, $output);
sub add_message_to_output_queue {
my ($self, $channel, $message, $delay) = @_;
sub {
my $context = {
from => $channel,
nick => $message->{nick},
user => $message->{user},
host => $message->{host},
hostmask => $message->{hostmask},
output => $message->{message},
command => $message->{command},
checkflood => $message->{checkflood}
$delay, "output $channel $message->{message}"
sub add_to_command_queue {
my ($self, $channel, $command, $delay, $repeating) = @_;
sub {
my $context = {
from => $channel,
nick => $command->{nick},
user => $command->{user},
host => $command->{host},
hostmask => $command->{hostmask},
command => $command->{command},
interpret_depth => 0,
checkflood => 0,
preserve_whitespace => 0
if (exists $command->{'cap-override'}) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("[command queue] Override command capability with $command->{'cap-override'}\n");
$context->{'cap-override'} = $command->{'cap-override'};
my $result = $self->interpret($context);
$context->{result} = $result;
$self->handle_result($context, $result);
$delay, "command $channel $command->{command}", $repeating
sub add_botcmd_to_command_queue {
my ($self, $channel, $command, $delay) = @_;
my $botcmd = {
nick => $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'botnick'),
user => 'stdin',
host => 'pbot',
command => $command
$botcmd->{hostmask} = "$botcmd->{nick}!stdin\@pbot";
$self->add_to_command_queue($channel, $botcmd, $delay);
# extracts a bracketed substring, gracefully handling unbalanced quotes
# or brackets. opening and closing brackets may each be more than one character.
# optional prefix may be or begin with a character group.
sub extract_bracketed {
my ($self, $string, $open_bracket, $close_bracket, $optional_prefix, $allow_whitespace) = @_;
# set default values when none provided
$open_bracket //= '{';
$close_bracket //= '}';
$optional_prefix //= '';
$allow_whitespace //= 0;
my @prefix_group;
if ($optional_prefix =~ s/^\[(.*?)\]//) { @prefix_group = split //, $1; }
my @prefixes = split //, $optional_prefix;
my @opens = split //, $open_bracket;
my @closes = split //, $close_bracket;
my $prefix_index = 0;
my $open_index = 0;
my $close_index = 0;
my $result = '';
my $rest = '';
my $extracting = 0;
my $extracted = 0;
my $escaped = 0;
my $token = '';
my $ch = ' ';
my $last_ch;
my $i = 0;
my $bracket_pos;
my $bracket_level = 0;
my $prefix_group_match = @prefix_group ? 0 : 1;
my $prefix_match = @prefixes ? 0 : 1;
my $match = 0;
my @chars = split //, $string;
my $state = 'prefixgroup';
while (1) {
$last_ch = $ch;
if ($i >= @chars) {
if ($extracting) {
# reached end, but unbalanced brackets... reset to beginning and ignore them
$i = $bracket_pos;
$bracket_level = 0;
$state = 'prefixgroup';
$extracting = 0;
$last_ch = ' ';
$token = '';
$result = '';
} else {
# add final token and exit
$token .= '\\' if $escaped;
$rest .= $token if $extracted;
$ch = $chars[$i++];
if ($escaped) {
$token .= "\\$ch" if $extracting or $extracted;
$escaped = 0;
if ($ch eq '\\') {
$escaped = 1;
if (not $extracted) {
if ($state eq 'prefixgroup' and @prefix_group and not $extracting) {
foreach my $prefix_ch (@prefix_group) {
if ($ch eq $prefix_ch) {
$prefix_group_match = 1;
$state = 'prefixes';
} else {
$prefix_group_match = 0;
next if $prefix_group_match;
} elsif ($state eq 'prefixgroup' and not @prefix_group) {
$state = 'prefixes';
$prefix_index = 0;
if ($state eq 'prefixes') {
if (@prefixes and $ch eq $prefixes[$prefix_index]) {
$token .= $ch if $extracting;
$prefix_match = 1;
$state = 'openbracket';
} elsif ($state eq 'prefixes' and not @prefixes) {
$state = 'openbracket';
if ($extracting or ($state eq 'openbracket' and $prefix_group_match and $prefix_match)) {
$prefix_index = 0;
if ($ch eq $opens[$open_index]) {
$match = 1;
} else {
if ($allow_whitespace and $ch eq ' ' and not $extracting) { next; }
elsif (not $extracting) {
$state = 'prefixgroup';
if ($match) {
$state = 'prefixgroup';
$prefix_group_match = 0 unless not @prefix_group;
$prefix_match = 0 unless not @prefixes;
$match = 0;
$bracket_pos = $i if not $extracting;
if ($open_index == @opens) {
$extracting = 1;
$token .= $ch if $bracket_level > 0;
$open_index = 0;
} else {
$open_index = 0;
if ($ch eq $closes[$close_index]) {
if ($extracting or $extracted) {
if ($close_index == @closes) {
$close_index = 0;
if (--$bracket_level == 0) {
$extracting = 0;
$extracted = 1;
$result .= $token;
$token = '';
} else {
$token .= $ch;
} else {
$close_index = 0;
if ($extracting or $extracted) { $token .= $ch; }
return ($result, $rest);
# splits line into quoted arguments while preserving quotes.
# a string is considered quoted only if they are surrounded by
# whitespace or json separators.
# handles unbalanced quotes gracefully by treating them as
# part of the argument they were found within.
sub split_line {
my ($self, $line, %opts) = @_;
my %default_opts = (
strip_quotes => 0,
keep_spaces => 0,
preserve_escapes => 1,
strip_commas => 0,
%opts = (%default_opts, %opts);
return () if not length $line;
my @chars = split //, $line;
my @args;
my $escaped = 0;
my $quote;
my $token = '';
my $last_token = '';
my $ch = ' ';
my $last_ch;
my $next_ch;
my $i = 0;
my $pos;
my $ignore_quote = 0;
my $spaces = 0;
while (1) {
$last_ch = $ch;
if ($i >= @chars) {
if (defined $quote) {
# reached end, but unbalanced quote... reset to beginning of quote and ignore it
$i = $pos;
$ignore_quote = 1;
$quote = undef;
$last_ch = ' ';
$token = $last_token;
} else {
# add final token and exit
$token .= '\\' if $escaped;
push @args, $token if length $token;
$ch = $chars[$i++];
$next_ch = $chars[$i];
$spaces = 0 if $ch ne ' ';
if ($escaped) {
if ($opts{preserve_escapes}) { $token .= "\\$ch"; }
else { $token .= $ch; }
$escaped = 0;
if ($ch eq '\\') {
$escaped = 1;
if (defined $quote) {
if ($ch eq $quote and (not defined $next_ch or $next_ch =~ /[\s,:;})\].+=]/)) {
# closing quote
$token .= $ch unless $opts{strip_quotes};
push @args, $token;
$quote = undef;
$token = '';
} else {
# still within quoted argument
$token .= $ch;
if (($last_ch =~ /[\s:{(\[.+=,]/) and not defined $quote and ($ch eq "'" or $ch eq '"')) {
if ($ignore_quote) {
# treat unbalanced quote as part of this argument
$token .= $ch;
$ignore_quote = 0;
} else {
# begin potential quoted argument
$pos = $i - 1;
$quote = $ch;
$last_token = $token;
$token .= $ch unless $opts{strip_quotes};
if ($ch eq ' ' or $ch eq "\n" or $ch eq "\t" or ($opts{strip_commas} and $ch eq ',')) {
if (++$spaces > 1 and $opts{keep_spaces}) {
$token .= $ch;
} else {
unless ($opts{strip_commas} and $token eq ',') {
push @args, $token if length $token;
$token = '';
$token .= $ch;
return @args;
# creates an array of arguments from a string
sub make_args {
my ($self, $string) = @_;
my @args = $self->split_line($string, keep_spaces => 1);
my @arglist;
my @arglist_unstripped;
while (@args) {
my $arg = shift @args;
# add argument with quotes and spaces preserved
push @arglist_unstripped, $arg;
# strip quotes from argument
if ($arg =~ m/^'.*'$/) {
$arg =~ s/^'//;
$arg =~ s/'$//;
} elsif ($arg =~ m/^".*"$/) {
$arg =~ s/^"//;
$arg =~ s/"$//;
# strip leading spaces from argument
$arg =~ s/^\s+//;
# add stripped argument
push @arglist, $arg;
# copy unstripped arguments to end of arglist
push @arglist, @arglist_unstripped;
return \@arglist;
# returns size of array of arguments
sub arglist_size {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
return @$args / 2;
# unshifts new argument to front
sub unshift_arg {
my ($self, $args, $arg) = @_;
splice @$args, @$args / 2, 0, $arg; # add quoted argument
unshift @$args, $arg; # add first argument
return @$args;
# shifts first argument off array of arguments
sub shift_arg {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
return undef if not @$args;
splice @$args, @$args / 2, 1; # remove original quoted argument
return shift @$args;
# returns list of unquoted arguments
sub unquoted_args {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
return undef if not @$args;
return @$args[0 .. @$args / 2 - 1];
# splits array of arguments into array with overflow arguments filling up last position
# split_args(qw/dog cat bird hamster/, 3) => ("dog", "cat", "bird hamster")
sub split_args {
my ($self, $args, $count, $offset, $preserve_quotes) = @_;
my @result;
my $max = $self->arglist_size($args);
$preserve_quotes //= 0;
my $i = $offset // 0;
unless ($count == 1) {
do {
my $arg = $args->[$i++];
push @result, $arg;
} while (--$count > 1 and $i < $max);
# join the get rest as a string
my $rest = '';
if ($preserve_quotes) {
# get from second half of args, which contains quotes
foreach my $arg (@$args[@$args / 2 + $i .. @$args - 1]) {
$rest .= ' ' unless not length $rest;
$rest .= $arg;
} else {
$rest = join ' ', @$args[$i .. $max - 1];
push @result, $rest if length $rest;
return @result;
# lowercases array of arguments
sub lc_args {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$args; $i++) { $args->[$i] = lc $args->[$i]; }
# getopt boilerplate in one place
# 99% of our getopt use is on a string
sub getopt {
my $self = shift;
# getopt_from_string() uses our split_line() function instead of
# Getopt::Long::GetOptionsFromString's Text::ParseWords
sub getopt_from_string {
my ($self, $string, $result, $config, @opts) = @_;
my @opt_args = $self->split_line($string, strip_quotes => 1);
return $self->getopt_from_array(\@opt_args, $result, $config, @opts);
# the workhorse getopt function
sub getopt_from_array {
my ($self, $opt_args, $result, $config, @opts) = @_;
# emitting errors as Perl warnings instead of using die, weird.
my $opt_error;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
$opt_error = shift;
chomp $opt_error;
GetOptionsFromArray($opt_args, $result, @opts);
return ($opt_args, $opt_error);