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Pragmatic Software 5c4e10a35c Tidy things up
2020-02-15 14:38:32 -08:00

223 lines
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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Lame-o-Nickometer backend
# (c) 1998 Adam Spiers <adam.spiers@new.ox.ac.uk>
# You may do whatever you want with this code, but give me credit.
# $Id: nickometer.pl,v 1.3 1999-02-20 04:19:10 tigger Exp $
use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
use Math::Trig;
use vars qw($VERSION $score $verbose);
$VERSION = '$Revision: 1.3 $'; # '
$VERSION =~ s/^.*?([\d.]+).*?$/$1/;
sub nickometer ($) {
local $_ = shift;
local $score = 0;
# Deal with special cases (precede with \ to prevent de-k3wlt0k)
my %special_cost = (
'_' => 50,
'69' => 500,
'dea?th' => 500,
'dark' => 400,
'n[i1]ght' => 300,
'n[i1]te' => 500,
'fuck' => 500,
'sh[i1]t' => 500,
'coo[l1]' => 500,
'kew[l1]' => 500,
'sw[a4]g' => 500,
'lame' => 500,
'dood' => 500,
'dude' => 500,
'[l1](oo?|u)[sz]er' => 500,
'[l1](ee|33)[t7]' => 500,
'e[l1]ite' => 500,
'[l1]ord' => 500,
's[e3]xy' => 700,
'h[o0]rny' => 700,
'pr[o0]n' => 1000,
'w[4a]r[e3]z' => 1000,
'xx' => 450,
foreach my $special (keys %special_cost) {
my $special_pattern = $special;
my $raw = ($special_pattern =~ s/^\\//);
my $nick = $_;
unless ($raw) { $nick =~ tr/023457+8/ozeasttb/; }
while ($nick =~ /$special_pattern/ig) { &punish($special_cost{$special}, "matched special case /$special_pattern/") }
if ($_ =~ m/^.$/) { &punish(1000, "single letter nick"); }
while (m/[A-Z]([^A-Z]+)\b/g) { &punish(250, "length 1 between capitals") if length $1 == 1; }
# Allow Perl referencing
# Keep me safe from Pudge ;-)
# C-- ain't so bad either
# Punish consecutive non-alphas
/my $consecutive = length($1);
&punish(&slow_pow(10, $consecutive),
"$consecutive total consecutive non-alphas")
if $consecutive;
# Remove balanced brackets and punish for unmatched
while (s/^([^()]*) (\() (.*) (\)) ([^()]*) $/$1$3$5/x || s/^([^{}]*) (\{) (.*) (\}) ([^{}]*) $/$1$3$5/x || s/^([^\[\]]*) (\[) (.*) (\]) ([^\[\]]*) $/$1$3$5/x) {
print "Removed $2$4 outside parentheses; nick now $_\n" if $verbose;
my $parentheses = tr/(){}[]/(){}[]/;
&slow_pow(10, $parentheses),
"$parentheses unmatched " . ($parentheses == 1 ? 'parenthesis' : 'parentheses')
) if $parentheses;
# Punish k3wlt0k
my @k3wlt0k_weights = (5, 5, 2, 5, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2);
for my $digit (0 .. 9) {
my $occurrences = s/$digit/$digit/g || 0;
$k3wlt0k_weights[$digit] * $occurrences * 30,
$occurrences . ' ' . (($occurrences == 1) ? 'occurrence' : 'occurrences') . " of $digit"
) if $occurrences;
# An alpha caps is not lame in middle or at end, provided the first
# alpha is caps.
my $orig_case = $_;
# A caps first alpha is sometimes not lame
# Punish uppercase to lowercase shifts and vice-versa, modulo
# exceptions above
my $case_shifts = &case_shifts($orig_case);
&slow_pow(5, $case_shifts),
$case_shifts . ' case ' . (($case_shifts == 1) ? 'shift' : 'shifts')
) if ($case_shifts > 1 && /[A-Z]/);
# Punish lame endings (TorgoX, WraithX et al. might kill me for this :-)
&punish(50, 'last alpha lame') if $orig_case =~ /[XZ][^a-zA-Z]*$/;
# Punish letter to numeric shifts and vice-versa
my $number_shifts = &number_shifts($_);
&slow_pow(9, $number_shifts),
$number_shifts . ' letter/number ' . (($number_shifts == 1) ? 'shift' : 'shifts')
) if $number_shifts > 1;
# Punish extraneous caps
my $caps = tr/A-Z/A-Z/;
&punish(&slow_pow(7, $caps), "$caps extraneous caps") if $caps;
# Now punish anything that's left
my $remains = $_;
$remains =~ tr/a-zA-Z0-9//d;
my $remains_length = length($remains);
150 * $remains_length + &slow_pow(9, $remains_length),
$remains_length . ' extraneous ' . (($remains_length == 1) ? 'symbol' : 'symbols')
) if $remains;
print "\nRaw lameness score is $score\n" if $verbose;
# Use an appropriate function to map [0, +inf) to [0, 100)
my $percentage = 100 * (1 + tanh(($score - 400) / 400)) * (1 - 1 / (1 + $score / 5)) / 2;
my $digits = 2 * (2 - &round_up(log(100 - $percentage) / log(10)));
return sprintf "%.${digits}f", $percentage;
sub case_shifts ($) {
# This is a neat trick suggested by freeside. Thanks freeside!
my $shifts = shift;
$shifts =~ tr/A-Za-z//cd;
$shifts =~ tr/A-Z/U/s;
$shifts =~ tr/a-z/l/s;
return length($shifts) - 1;
sub number_shifts ($) {
my $shifts = shift;
$shifts =~ tr/A-Za-z0-9//cd;
$shifts =~ tr/A-Za-z/l/s;
$shifts =~ tr/0-9/n/s;
return length($shifts) - 1;
sub slow_pow ($$) {
my ($x, $y) = @_;
return $x**&slow_exponent($y);
sub slow_exponent ($) {
my $x = shift;
return 1.3 * $x * (1 - atan($x / 6) * 2 / pi);
sub round_up ($) {
my $float = shift;
return int($float) + ((int($float) == $float) ? 0 : 1);
sub punish ($$) {
my ($damage, $reason) = @_;
return unless $damage;
$score += $damage;
print "$damage lameness points awarded: $reason\n" if $verbose;
my $nick = $ARGV[0];
if ($nick =~ s/ verbose$//) { $verbose = 1; }
if ($ARGV[1] and $ARGV[1] eq 'verbose') { $verbose = 1; }
if (not defined $nick) {
print "Usage: nickometer <nick>\n";
exit 1;
if ($nick =~ m/pragma/) {
print "$nick is a really awesome nick!";
exit 0;
my $percentage = nickometer($nick);
if ($percentage > 0) { print "$nick is $percentage% lame.\n"; }
else { print "$nick isn't lame.\n"; }