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Pragmatic Software fe56b9f0db Tidy things up
2020-02-15 15:16:38 -08:00

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# File: Users.pm
# Author: pragma_
# Purpose: Manages list of bot users/admins and their metadata.
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
package PBot::Users;
use parent 'PBot::Class';
use warnings; use strict;
use feature 'unicode_strings';
sub initialize {
my ($self, %conf) = @_;
$self->{users} = PBot::DualIndexHashObject->new(name => 'Users', filename => $conf{filename}, pbot => $conf{pbot});
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->logincmd(@_) }, "login", 0);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->logoutcmd(@_) }, "logout", 0);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->useradd(@_) }, "useradd", 1);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->userdel(@_) }, "userdel", 1);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->userset(@_) }, "userset", 1);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->userunset(@_) }, "userunset", 1);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->users(@_) }, "users", 0);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->mycmd(@_) }, "my", 0);
$self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->add('admin', 'can-useradd', 1);
$self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->add('admin', 'can-userdel', 1);
$self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->add('admin', 'can-userset', 1);
$self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->add('admin', 'can-userunset', 1);
$self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->add('can-modify-admins', undef, 1);
$self->{pbot}->{event_dispatcher}->register_handler('irc.join', sub { $self->on_join(@_) });
sub on_join {
my ($self, $event_type, $event) = @_;
my ($nick, $user, $host, $channel) = ($event->{event}->nick, $event->{event}->user, $event->{event}->host, $event->{event}->to);
($nick, $user, $host) = $self->{pbot}->{irchandlers}->normalize_hostmask($nick, $user, $host);
my $u = $self->find_user($channel, "$nick!$user\@$host");
if (defined $u) {
if ($self->{pbot}->{chanops}->can_gain_ops($channel)) {
my $modes = '+';
my $targets = '';
if ($u->{autoop}) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("$nick!$user\@$host autoop in $channel\n");
$modes .= 'o';
$targets .= "$nick ";
if ($u->{autovoice}) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("$nick!$user\@$host autovoice in $channel\n");
$modes .= 'v';
$targets .= "$nick ";
if (length $modes > 1) {
$self->{pbot}->{chanops}->add_op_command($channel, "mode $channel $modes $targets");
if ($u->{autologin}) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("$nick!$user\@$host autologin to $u->{name} for $channel\n");
$u->{loggedin} = 1;
return 0;
sub add_user {
my ($self, $name, $channel, $hostmask, $capabilities, $password, $dont_save) = @_;
$channel = '.*' if $channel !~ m/^#/;
$capabilities //= 'none';
$password //= $self->{pbot}->random_nick(16);
my $data = {
name => $name,
password => $password
foreach my $cap (split /\s*,\s*/, lc $capabilities) {
next if $cap eq 'none';
$data->{$cap} = 1;
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Adding new user (caps: $capabilities): name: $name hostmask: $hostmask channel: $channel\n");
$self->{users}->add($channel, $hostmask, $data, $dont_save);
return $data;
sub remove_user {
my ($self, $channel, $hostmask) = @_;
return $self->{users}->remove($channel, $hostmask);
sub load {
my $self = shift;
my $filename;
if (@_) { $filename = shift; }
else { $filename = $self->{users}->{filename}; }
if (not defined $filename) {
Carp::carp "No users path specified -- skipping loading of users";
my $i = 0;
foreach my $channel (sort $self->{users}->get_keys) {
foreach my $hostmask (sort $self->{users}->get_keys($channel)) {
my $name = $self->{users}->get_data($channel, $hostmask, 'name');
my $password = $self->{users}->get_data($channel, $hostmask, 'password');
if (not defined $name or not defined $password) { Carp::croak "A user in $filename is missing critical data\n"; }
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log(" $i users loaded.\n");
sub save {
my ($self) = @_;
sub find_user_account {
my ($self, $channel, $hostmask, $any_channel) = @_;
$channel = lc $channel;
$hostmask = lc $hostmask;
$any_channel //= 0;
my $sort;
if ($channel =~ m/^#/) {
$sort = sub { $a cmp $b };
} else {
$sort = sub { $b cmp $a };
foreach my $chan (sort $sort $self->{users}->get_keys) {
if (($channel !~ m/^#/ and $any_channel) or $channel =~ m/^$chan$/i) {
if (not $self->{users}->exists($chan, $hostmask)) {
# find hostmask by account name or wildcard
foreach my $mask ($self->{users}->get_keys($chan)) {
if (lc $self->{users}->get_data($chan, $mask, 'name') eq $hostmask) { return ($chan, $mask); }
if ($mask =~ /[*?]/) {
# contains * or ? so it's converted to a regex
my $mask_quoted = quotemeta $mask;
$mask_quoted =~ s/\\\*/.*?/g;
$mask_quoted =~ s/\\\?/./g;
if ($hostmask =~ m/^$mask_quoted$/i) { return ($chan, $mask); }
} else {
return ($chan, $hostmask);
return (undef, $hostmask);
sub find_user {
my ($self, $channel, $hostmask, $any_channel) = @_;
$any_channel //= 0;
($channel, $hostmask) = $self->find_user_account($channel, $hostmask, $any_channel);
return undef if not $any_channel and not defined $channel;
$channel = '.*' if not defined $channel;
$hostmask = '.*' if not defined $hostmask;
$hostmask = lc $hostmask;
my $sort;
if ($channel =~ m/^#/) {
$sort = sub { $a cmp $b };
} else {
$sort = sub { $b cmp $a };
my $user = eval {
foreach my $channel_regex (sort $sort $self->{users}->get_keys) {
if (($channel !~ m/^#/ and $any_channel) or $channel =~ m/^$channel_regex$/i) {
foreach my $hostmask_regex ($self->{users}->get_keys($channel_regex)) {
if ($hostmask_regex =~ m/[*?]/) {
# contains * or ? so it's converted to a regex
my $hostmask_quoted = quotemeta $hostmask_regex;
$hostmask_quoted =~ s/\\\*/.*?/g;
$hostmask_quoted =~ s/\\\?/./g;
if ($hostmask =~ m/^$hostmask_quoted$/i) { return $self->{users}->get_data($channel_regex, $hostmask_regex); }
} else {
# direct comparison
if ($hostmask eq lc $hostmask_regex) { return $self->{users}->get_data($channel_regex, $hostmask_regex); }
return undef;
if ($@) { $self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Error in find_user parameters: $@\n"); }
return $user;
sub find_admin {
my ($self, $from, $hostmask) = @_;
my $user = $self->find_user($from, $hostmask);
return undef if not defined $user;
return undef if not $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($user, 'admin');
return $user;
sub loggedin {
my ($self, $channel, $hostmask) = @_;
my $user = $self->find_user($channel, $hostmask);
return $user if defined $user and $user->{loggedin};
return undef;
sub loggedin_admin {
my ($self, $channel, $hostmask) = @_;
my $user = $self->loggedin($channel, $hostmask);
return $user if defined $user and $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($user, 'admin');
return undef;
sub login {
my ($self, $channel, $hostmask, $password) = @_;
my $user = $self->find_user($channel, $hostmask);
my $channel_text = $channel eq '.*' ? '' : " for $channel";
if (not defined $user) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Attempt to login non-existent [$channel][$hostmask] failed\n");
return "You do not have a user account$channel_text.";
if (defined $password and $user->{password} ne $password) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Bad login password for [$channel][$hostmask]\n");
return "I don't think so.";
$user->{loggedin} = 1;
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("$hostmask logged into $user->{name} ($hostmask)$channel_text.\n");
return "Logged into $user->{name} ($hostmask)$channel_text.";
sub logout {
my ($self, $channel, $hostmask) = @_;
my $user = $self->find_user($channel, $hostmask);
delete $user->{loggedin} if defined $user;
sub get_user_metadata {
my ($self, $channel, $hostmask, $key) = @_;
my $user = $self->find_user($channel, $hostmask, 1);
return $user->{lc $key} if $user;
return undef;
sub get_loggedin_user_metadata {
my ($self, $channel, $hostmask, $key) = @_;
my $user = $self->loggedin($channel, $hostmask);
return $user->{lc $key} if $user;
return undef;
sub logincmd {
my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_;
my $channel = $from;
return "Usage: login [channel] password" if not $arguments;
if ($arguments =~ m/^([^ ]+)\s+(.+)/) {
$channel = $1;
$arguments = $2;
my ($user_channel, $user_hostmask) = $self->find_user_account($channel, "$nick!$user\@$host");
return "/msg $nick You do not have a user account." if not defined $user_channel;
my $u = $self->{users}->get_data($user_channel, $user_hostmask);
my $channel_text = $user_channel eq '.*' ? '' : " for $user_channel";
if ($u->{loggedin}) { return "/msg $nick You are already logged into $u->{name} ($user_hostmask)$channel_text."; }
my $result = $self->login($user_channel, $user_hostmask, $arguments);
return "/msg $nick $result";
sub logoutcmd {
my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_;
$from = $arguments if length $arguments;
my ($user_channel, $user_hostmask) = $self->find_user_account($from, "$nick!$user\@$host");
return "/msg $nick You do not have a user account." if not defined $user_channel;
my $u = $self->{users}->get_data($user_channel, $user_hostmask);
my $channel_text = $user_channel eq '.*' ? '' : " for $user_channel";
return "/msg $nick You are not logged into $u->{name} ($user_hostmask)$channel_text." if not $u->{loggedin};
$self->logout($user_channel, $user_hostmask);
return "/msg $nick Logged out of $u->{name} ($user_hostmask)$channel_text.";
sub users {
my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments, $stuff) = @_;
my $channel = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->shift_arg($stuff->{arglist});
my $include_global = '';
if (not defined $channel) {
$channel = $from;
$include_global = '.*';
} else {
$channel = '.*' if $channel !~ /^#/;
my $text = "Users: ";
my $last_channel = "";
my $sep = "";
foreach my $chan (sort $self->{users}->get_keys) {
next if $from =~ m/^#/ and $chan ne $channel and $chan ne $include_global;
next if $from !~ m/^#/ and $channel =~ m/^#/ and $chan ne $channel;
if ($last_channel ne $chan) {
$text .= $sep . ($chan eq ".*" ? "global" : $chan) . ": ";
$last_channel = $chan;
$sep = "";
foreach my $hostmask (sort { return 0 if $a eq '_name' or $b eq '_name'; $self->{users}->get_data($chan, $a, 'name') cmp $self->{users}->get_data($chan, $b, 'name') }
$text .= $sep;
my $has_cap = 0;
foreach my $key ($self->{users}->get_keys($chan, $hostmask)) {
if ($self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->exists($key)) {
$has_cap = 1;
$text .= '+' if $has_cap;
$text .= $self->{users}->get_data($chan, $hostmask, 'name');
$sep = " ";
$sep = "; ";
return $text;
sub useradd {
my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments, $stuff) = @_;
my ($name, $channel, $hostmask, $capabilities, $password) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args($stuff->{arglist}, 5);
$capabilities //= 'none';
if (not defined $name or not defined $channel or not defined $hostmask) { return "Usage: useradd <account name> <channel> <hostmask> [capabilities [password]]"; }
$channel = '.*' if $channel !~ /^#/;
my $u = $self->{pbot}->{users}->find_user($channel, "$nick!$user\@$host");
if (not defined $u) {
$channel = 'global' if $channel eq '.*';
return "You do not have a user account for $channel; cannot add users to that channel.\n";
if ($capabilities ne 'none' and not $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($u, 'can-modify-capabilities')) {
return "Your user account does not have the can-modify-capabilities capability. You cannot create user accounts with capabilities.";
foreach my $cap (split /\s*,\s*/, lc $capabilities) {
next if $cap eq 'none';
return "There is no such capability $cap." if not $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->exists($cap);
if (not $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($u, $cap)) { return "To set the $cap capability your user account must also have it."; }
if ($self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->has($cap, 'admin') and not $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($u, 'can-modify-admins')) {
return "To set the $cap capability your user account must have the can-modify-admins capability.";
$self->{pbot}->{users}->add_user($name, $channel, $hostmask, $capabilities, $password);
return "User added.";
sub userdel {
my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments, $stuff) = @_;
my ($channel, $hostmask) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args($stuff->{arglist}, 2);
if (not defined $channel or not defined $hostmask) { return "Usage: userdel <channel> <hostmask or account name>"; }
my $u = $self->find_user($channel, "$nick!$user\@$host");
my $t = $self->find_user($channel, $hostmask);
if ($self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($t, 'botowner') and not $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($u, 'botowner')) {
return "Only botowners may delete botowner user accounts.";
if ($self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($t, 'admin') and not $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($u, 'can-modify-admins')) {
return "To delete admin user accounts your user account must have the can-modify-admins capability.";
my ($found_channel, $found_hostmask) = $self->find_user_account($channel, $hostmask);
$found_channel = $channel if not defined $found_channel; # let DualIndexHashObject disambiguate
return $self->remove_user($found_channel, $found_hostmask);
sub userset {
my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments, $stuff) = @_;
if (length $arguments and $stuff->{arglist}[0] !~ m/^(#|\.\*$|global$)/) { $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->unshift_arg($stuff->{arglist}, $from) }
my ($channel, $hostmask, $key, $value) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args($stuff->{arglist}, 4);
if (not defined $hostmask) { return "Usage: userset [channel] <hostmask or account name> [key [value]]"; }
my $u = $self->find_user($channel, "$nick!$user\@$host");
my $target = $self->find_user($channel, $hostmask);
if (not $u) {
$channel = 'global' if $channel eq '.*';
return "You do not have a user account for $channel; cannot modify their users.";
if (not $target) {
if ($channel !~ /^#/) { return "There is no user account $hostmask."; }
else { return "There is no user account $hostmask for $channel."; }
if (defined $value and not $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($u, 'can-modify-capabilities')) {
if ($key =~ m/^can-/i or $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->exists($key)) {
return "The $key metadata requires the can-modify-capabilities capability, which your user account does not have.";
if (defined $value and $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($target, 'admin') and not $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($u, 'can-modify-admins')) {
return "To modify admin user accounts your user account must have the can-modify-admins capability.";
if (defined $key and $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->exists($key) and not $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($u, $key)) {
return "To set the $key capability your user account must also have it." unless $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($u, 'botowner');
my ($found_channel, $found_hostmask) = $self->find_user_account($channel, $hostmask);
$found_channel = $channel if not defined $found_channel; # let DualIndexHashObject disambiguate
my $result = $self->{users}->set($found_channel, $found_hostmask, $key, $value);
$result =~ s/^password => .*;?$/password => <private>;/m;
return $result;
sub userunset {
my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments, $stuff) = @_;
if (length $arguments and $stuff->{arglist}[0] !~ m/^(#|\.\*$|global$)/) { $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->unshift_arg($stuff->{arglist}, $from) }
my ($channel, $hostmask, $key) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args($stuff->{arglist}, 3);
if (not defined $hostmask) { return "Usage: userunset [channel] <hostmask or account name> <key>"; }
my $u = $self->find_user($channel, "$nick!$user\@$host");
my $target = $self->find_user($channel, $hostmask);
if (not $u) {
$channel = 'global' if $channel eq '.*';
return "You do not have a user account for $channel; cannot modify their users.";
if (not $target) {
if ($channel !~ /^#/) { return "There is no user account $hostmask."; }
else { return "There is no user account $hostmask for $channel."; }
if (defined $key and not $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($u, 'can-modify-capabilities')) {
if ($key =~ m/^can-/i or $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->exists($key)) {
return "The $key metadata requires the can-modify-capabilities capability, which your user account does not have.";
if (defined $key and $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($target, 'admin') and not $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($u, 'can-modify-admins')) {
return "To modify admin user accounts your user account must have the can-modify-admins capability.";
if (defined $key and $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->exists($key) and not $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($u, $key)) {
return "To unset the $key capability your user account must also have it." unless $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($u, 'botowner');
my ($found_channel, $found_hostmask) = $self->find_user_account($channel, $hostmask);
$found_channel = $channel if not defined $found_channel; # let DualIndexHashObject disambiguate
return $self->{users}->unset($found_channel, $found_hostmask, $key);
sub mycmd {
my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments, $stuff) = @_;
my ($key, $value) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args($stuff->{arglist}, 2);
if (defined $value) {
$value =~ s/^is\s+//;
$value = undef if not length $value;
my $channel = $from;
my $hostmask = "$nick!$user\@$host";
my $u = $self->find_user($channel, $hostmask, 1);
if (not $u) {
$channel = '.*';
$hostmask = "$nick!$user\@" . $self->{pbot}->{antiflood}->address_to_mask($host);
my $name = $nick;
my ($existing_channel, $existing_hostmask) = $self->find_user_account($channel, $name);
if ($existing_hostmask ne lc $name) {
# user exists by name
return "There is already an user account named $name but its hostmask ($existing_hostmask) does not match your hostmask ($hostmask). Ask an admin for help.";
$u = $self->add_user($name, $channel, $hostmask, undef, undef, 1);
$u->{loggedin} = 1;
$u->{stayloggedin} = 1;
$u->{autologin} = 1;
my $result = '';
if (defined $key) {
$key = lc $key;
if (defined $value) {
if (not $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($u, 'can-modify-capabilities')) {
if ($key =~ m/^is-/ or $key =~ m/^can-/ or $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->exists($key)) {
return "The $key metadata requires the can-modify-capabilities capability, which your user account does not have.";
if (not $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($u, 'botowner')) {
my @disallowed = qw/can-modify-admins botowner can-modify-capabilities/;
if (grep { $_ eq $key } @disallowed) {
return "The $key metadata requires the botowner capability to set, which your user account does not have.";
if (not $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($u, 'admin')) {
my @disallowed = qw/name autoop autovoice chanop admin/;
if (grep { $_ eq $key } @disallowed) {
return "The $key metadata requires the admin capability to set, which your user account does not have.";
} else {
$result = "Usage: my <key> [value]; ";
my ($found_channel, $found_hostmask) = $self->find_user_account($channel, $hostmask, 1);
($found_channel, $found_hostmask) = $self->find_user_account('.*', $hostmask, 1) if not defined $found_channel;
return "No user account found in $channel." if not defined $found_channel;
$result .= $self->{users}->set($found_channel, $found_hostmask, $key, $value);
$result =~ s/^password => .*;?$/password => <private>;/m;
return $result;