mirror of https://github.com/pragma-/pbot.git synced 2024-10-02 01:18:40 +02:00
Pragmatic Software c1ed583744 code clean up
2007-05-20 21:01:42 +00:00

1474 lines
46 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# File: pbot2.pl
# Author: pragma_
# Purpose: IRC Bot (2nd generation)
# Version History:
my $VERSION = "0.3.11";
# todo! add support for admin management
# todo! gah, multi-channel support pathetic
# todo! most of this crap needs to be refactored
# 0.3.11(05/20/07): added 'alias'
# 0.3.10(05/08/05): dont ban by nick, wait for nickserv response before joining chans
# 0.3.9 (05/06/05): stop logging joins, fixed join flood ban?
# 0.3.8 (04/28/05): changed 'top10' to 'top20' throughout
# 0.3.7 (04/28/05): 'top10 recent' command lists 10 most recent factoid additions
# 0.3.6 (04/15/05): join/part flood earns ban (broken, I'm lazy)
# 0.3.5 (03/24/05): fix bug in interpret_command re $commands and $keyword
# keeps track of op state in multi-channels (but not commands)
# added nick searching to top10
# 0.3.4 (03/22/05): added kick
# list also lists admins
# ban also kicks nick
# unban also modes -b in addition to ChanServ AUTOREM DEL
# oops, moved $is_opped = 0 from lose_ops() to on_mode()
# 0.3.3 (03/21/05): added ban, unban using ChanServ AUTOREM
# 0.3.2 (03/20/05): stays opped for a minimum of 5 minutes before deop
# 0.3.1 (03/18/05): log out departed admins
# implemented ignore and unignore
# flooding with commands triggers timed ignore
# no flood consequences for logged in admins
# 0.3.0 (03/17/05): Hi-res timer support.
# renamed %admin_commands to %internal_commands
# added admin levels to %admin_commands
# added access levels to internal commands
# interpret_command uses access levels and checks login status
# removed all extraneous loggedin() checks
# internal commands processed before bot commands
# added flood control
# flooding channel tiggers timed quiet
# 0.2.18(03/16/05): direct at $nick within channel
# 0.2.17(03/11/05): Most confirmation and warning messages sent via /msg
# restricted parsing to bot's name or ! only
# 0.2.16(03/02/05): added '/msg'
# /msg doesn't show ($nick) if admin
# 0.2.15(02/20/05): special variable lists, "adlibs"
# 0.2.14(02/19/05): added $botnick and $altbotnick
# added more rules to trigger interpret_command
# added '/me'
# added '$args', allowed factoids to take arguments
# 0.2.13(02/19/05): added '/say' for no '<foo> is'
# added $nick expansion in factoids
# added 'show' command to display factoid literal
# 0.2.12(02/16/05): improved html for export
# added 'commands' to list command
# 0.2.11(02/12/05): added popularity to 'info' command
# 'top10' command for factoids
# 0.2.10(02/07/05): added histogram command
# 0.2.9 (02/03/05): info <factoid> || info <module>
# find <factoid keyword>
# use eval {} in change_text
# count <nick> returns # of factoids <nick> has submitted
# 0.2.8 (02/02/05): change_text: show result of change
# ... debugging prints throughout
# Allowed factoids to be appended using 'is also'
# 0.2.7 (01/27/05): Removed '<command> for <nick>' syntax to direct
# a command at a user. Using 'tell <nick> about <command>'
# instead.
# 0.2.6 (01/22/05): Major source overhaul.
# Allowed any non-word character to be used
# as delimiter in change_text.
# 0.2.5 (01/18/05): Don't die in save_commands.
# 0.2.4 (01/18/05): Added 'change' command.
# 0.2.3 (01/17/05): Allowed factoids to be added using '%foo is bar'
# 0.2.2 (01/17/05): Responds only when addressed or explicitly triggered.
# 0.2.1 (01/17/05): Allowed trailing question marks.
# Allowed 'is' for add_text.
# Some minor bug fixes.
# Aliased forget => remove.
# 0.2.0 (01/16/05): Revamped hash structures for factoids.
# All commands have a timestamp and owner.
# Added 'export' command and modifed 'list'.
# 0.1.4 (01/16/05): Minor tweaks and fixes for logging.
# 0.1.3 (01/16/05): Can direct commands at nicks.
# example: man fork for <nick>
# 0.1.2 (01/15/05): Added 'list' admin command.
# 0.1.1 (01/15/05): Some minor tweaks and fixes.
# 0.1.0 (01/15/05): Initial version
use Net::IRC; # for the main IRC engine
use HTML::Entities; # for exporting
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday alarm);
use strict;
#unbuffer stdout
#signal handlers
$SIG{ALRM} = \&sig_alarm_handler;
# some configuration variables
my $home = '/home/msmud';
my $channels_file = "$home/pbot2/channels";
my $commands_file = "$home/pbot2/commands";
my $admins_file = "$home/pbot2/admins";
my $module_dir = "$home/pbot2/modules";
my $ircserver = 'irc.freenode.net';
my $botnick = 'pbot2';
my $altbotnick = 'pbot2_';
my $identify_password = '*';
my $FLOOD_CHAT = 0;
my $FLOOD_JOIN = 1;
# set some defaults ...
my %commands = ( version => {
enabled => 1,
owner => "pragma_",
text => "pbot2 version $VERSION",
timestamp => 0,
ref_count => 0,
ref_user => "nobody" }
my %admins = ( adminnick => {
password => '*',
level => 50,
host => "localhost.com" },
anotheradminnick => {
password => '*',
level => 50,
host => ".*.anotherhost.com" }
my %channels = ();
#... and load the rest
sub plog;
my $irc = new Net::IRC;
plog "Connecting to $ircserver ...\n";
my $conn = $irc->newconn( Nick => $botnick,
Username => 'pbot2',
Ircname => 'http://www.iso-9899.info/wiki/Candide',
Server => $ircserver,
Port => 6667)
or die "$0: Can't connect to IRC server.\n";
#internal commands
my %internal_commands = (
alias => { sub => \&alias, level => 0 },
add => { sub => \&add_text, level => 0 },
learn => { sub => \&add_text, level => 0 },
info => { sub => \&info, level => 0 },
show => { sub => \&show, level => 0 },
histogram => { sub => \&histogram, level => 0 },
top20 => { sub => \&top20, level => 0 },
count => { sub => \&count, level => 0 },
find => { sub => \&find, level => 0 },
change => { sub => \&change_text, level => 0 },
remove => { sub => \&remove_text, level => 0 },
forget => { sub => \&remove_text, level => 0 },
export => { sub => \&export, level => 20 },
list => { sub => \&list, level => 0 },
load => { sub => \&load_module, level => 40 },
unload => { sub => \&unload_module, level => 40 },
enable => { sub => \&enable_module, level => 20 },
disable => { sub => \&disable_module, level => 20 },
quiet => { sub => \&quiet, level => 10 },
unquiet => { sub => \&unquiet, level => 10 },
ignore => { sub => \&ignore_user, level => 10 },
unignore => { sub => \&unignore_user, level => 10 },
ban => { sub => \&ban_user, level => 10 },
unban => { sub => \&unban_user, level => 10 },
kick => { sub => \&kick_nick, level => 10 },
login => { sub => \&login, level => 0 },
logout => { sub => \&logout, level => 0 },
join => { sub => \&join_channel, level => 50 },
part => { sub => \&part_channel, level => 50 },
addadmin => { sub => \&add_admin, level => 40 },
deladmin => { sub => \&del_admin, level => 40 },
die => { sub => \&ack_die, level => 50 }
#set up handlers for the IRC engine
$conn->add_handler([ 251,252,253,254,302,255 ], \&on_init);
$conn->add_handler(376 , \&on_connect );
$conn->add_handler('disconnect' , \&on_disconnect );
$conn->add_handler('public' , \&on_public );
$conn->add_handler('msg' , \&on_msg );
$conn->add_handler('mode' , \&on_mode );
$conn->add_handler('part' , \&on_departure );
$conn->add_handler('join' , \&on_join );
$conn->add_handler('quit' , \&on_departure );
#start alarm timeout
alarm 10;
#start the main IRC engine (infinite loop)
#not reached
exit 0;
# Internal command related subroutines
sub loggedin {
my ($nick, $host) = @_;
if(exists $admins{$nick} && $host =~ /$admins{$nick}{host}/
&& exists $admins{$nick}{login}) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
sub export {
my ($from, $nick, $host, $arguments) = @_;
my $text;
if(not defined $arguments) {
return "/msg $nick Usage: export <modules|factoids|admins>";
if($arguments =~ /^modules$/i) {
return "/msg $nick Coming soon.";
if($arguments =~ /^factoids$/i) {
open FILE, "> /var/www/htdocs/candide/factoids.html";
my $time = localtime;
print FILE "<html><body><i>Generated at $time</i><hr><h3>Candide's factoids:</h3><br>\n";
my $i = 0;
print FILE "<table border=\"0\">\n";
foreach my $command (sort keys %commands) {
if(exists $commands{$command}{text}) {
if($i % 2) {
print FILE "<tr bgcolor=\"#dddddd\">\n";
} else {
print FILE "<tr>\n";
$text = "<td><b>$command</b> is " . encode_entities($commands{$command}{text}) . "</td>\n";
print FILE $text;
my ($seconds, $minutes, $hours, $day_of_month, $month, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime($commands{$command}{timestamp});
my $t = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d-%04d/%02d/%02d\n",
$hours, $minutes, $seconds, $year+1900, $month+1, $day_of_month);
print FILE "<td align=\"right\">- submitted by<br> $commands{$command}{owner}<br><i>$t</i>\n";
print FILE "</td></tr>\n";
print FILE "</table>\n";
print FILE "<hr>$i factoids memorized.<br>This page is not generated in real-time. An admin must 'export factoids'.</body></html>";
return "$i factoids exported to http://pragma.homeip.net/candide/factoids.html";
if($arguments =~ /^admins$/i) {
return "/msg $nick Coming soon.";
sub list {
my ($from, $nick, $host, $arguments) = @_;
my $text;
if(not defined $arguments) {
return "/msg $nick Usage: list <modules|factoids|commands|admins>";
if($arguments =~ /^modules$/i) {
$text = "Loaded modules: ";
foreach my $command (sort keys %commands) {
if(exists $commands{$command}{module}) {
$text .= "$command ";
return $text;
if($arguments =~ /^commands$/i) {
$text = "Internal commands: ";
foreach my $command (sort keys %internal_commands) {
$text .= "$command ";
$text .= "($internal_commands{$command}{level}) "
if $internal_commands{$command}{level} > 0;
return $text;
if($arguments =~ /^factoids$/i) {
return "For a list of factoids see http://pragma.homeip.net/candide/factoids.html";
if($arguments =~ /^admins$/i) {
$text = "Admins: ";
foreach my $admin (sort { $admins{$b}{level} <=> $admins{$a}{level} } keys %admins) {
$text .= "*" if exists $admins{$admin}{login};
$text .= "$admin ($admins{$admin}{level}) ";
return $text;
return "/msg $nick Usage: list <modules|commands|factoids|admins>";
sub alias {
my ($from, $nick, $host, $arguments) = @_;
my ($alias, $command) = $arguments =~ /^(.*?)\s+(.*)$/ if defined $arguments;
if(not defined $command) {
plog "alias: invalid usage\n";
return "/msg $nick Usage: alias <keyword> <command>";
if(exists $commands{$alias}) {
plog "attempt to overwrite existing command\n";
return "/msg $nick '$alias' already exists";
$commands{$alias}{text} = "/call $command";
$commands{$alias}{owner} = $nick;
$commands{$alias}{timestamp} = time();
$commands{$alias}{enabled} = 1;
$commands{$alias}{ref_count} = 0;
$commands{$alias}{ref_user} = "nobody";
plog "$nick ($host) aliased $alias => $command\n";
return "/msg $nick '$alias' aliases '$command'";
sub add_text {
my ($from, $nick, $host, $arguments) = @_;
my ($keyword, $text) = $arguments =~ /^(.*?)\s+(.*)$/ if defined $arguments;
if(not defined $text) {
plog "add_text: invalid usage\n";
return "/msg $nick Usage: add <keyword> <factoid>";
if(not defined $keyword) {
plog "add_text: invalid usage\n";
return "/msg $nick Usage: add <keyword> <factoid>";
$text =~ s/^is\s+//;
if(exists $commands{$keyword}) {
plog "$nick ($host) attempt to overwrite $keyword\n";
return "/msg $nick $keyword already exists.";
$commands{$keyword}{text} = $text;
$commands{$keyword}{owner} = $nick;
$commands{$keyword}{timestamp} = time();
$commands{$keyword}{enabled} = 1;
$commands{$keyword}{ref_count} = 0;
$commands{$keyword}{ref_user} = "nobody";
plog "$nick ($host) added $keyword => $text\n";
return "/msg $nick $keyword added.";
sub histogram {
my ($from, $nick, $host, $arguments) = @_;
my %hash;
my $factoids = 0;
foreach my $command (keys %commands) {
if(exists $commands{$command}{text}) {
my $text;
my $i = 0;
foreach my $owner (sort {$hash{$b} <=> $hash{$a}} keys %hash) {
my $percent = int($hash{$owner} / $factoids * 100);
$percent = 1 if $percent == 0;
$text .= "$owner: $hash{$owner} ($percent". "%) ";
last if $i >= 10;
return "$factoids factoids, top 10 submitters: $text";
sub show {
my ($from, $nick, $host, $arguments) = @_;
if(not defined $arguments) {
return "/msg $nick Usage: show <factoid>";
if(not exists $commands{$arguments}) {
return "/msg $nick $arguments not found";
if(not exists $commands{$arguments}{text}) {
return "/msg $nick $arguments is not a factoid";
return "$arguments: $commands{$arguments}{text}";
sub info {
my ($from, $nick, $host, $arguments) = @_;
if(not defined $arguments) {
return "/msg $nick Usage: info <factoid|module>";
if(not exists $commands{$arguments}) {
return "/msg $nick $arguments not found";
# factoid
if(exists $commands{$arguments}{text}) {
my ($seconds, $minutes, $hours, $day_of_month, $month, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) =
my $t = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d-%04d/%02d/%02d",
$hours, $minutes, $seconds, $year+1900, $month+1, $day_of_month);
return "$arguments: Submitted by $commands{$arguments}{owner} on $t, referenced $commands{$arguments}{ref_count} times (last by $commands{$arguments}{ref_user})";
# module
if(exists $commands{$arguments}{module}) {
my ($seconds, $minutes, $hours, $day_of_month, $month, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) =
my $t = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d-%04d/%02d/%02d",
$hours, $minutes, $seconds, $year+1900, $month+1, $day_of_month);
return "$arguments: Loaded by $commands{$arguments}{owner} on $t -> http://pragma.homeip.net/stuff/scripts/$commands{$arguments}{module}, used $commands{$arguments}{ref_count} times (last by $commands{$arguments}{ref_user})";
return "/msg $nick $arguments is not a factoid or a module";
sub top20 {
my ($from, $nick, $host, $arguments) = @_;
my %hash = ();
my $text = "";
my $i = 0;
if(not defined $arguments) {
foreach my $command (sort {$commands{$b}{ref_count} <=> $commands{$a}{ref_count}} keys %commands) {
if($commands{$command}{ref_count} > 0 && exists $commands{$command}{text}) {
$text .= "$command ($commands{$command}{ref_count}) ";
last if $i >= 20;
$text = "Top $i referenced factoids: $text" if $i > 0;
return $text;
} else {
if(lc $arguments eq "recent") {
foreach my $command (sort { $commands{$b}{timestamp} <=> $commands{$a}{timestamp} } keys %commands) {
my ($seconds, $minutes, $hours, $day_of_month, $month, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime($commands{$command}{timestamp});
my $t = sprintf("%04d/%02d/%02d",
$year+1900, $month+1, $day_of_month);
$text .= "$command ($commands{$command}{owner} $t) ";
last if $i >= 20;
$text = "$i most recent submissions: $text" if $i > 0;
return $text;
my $user = lc $arguments;
foreach my $command (sort keys %commands) {
if($commands{$command}{ref_user} =~ /$arguments/i) {
if($user ne lc $commands{$command}{ref_user} && not $user =~ /$commands{$command}{ref_user}/i) {
$user .= " ($commands{$command}{ref_user})";
$text .= "$command ";
last if $i >= 20;
$text = "$i factoids last referenced by $user: $text" if $i > 0;
return $text;
sub count {
my ($from, $nick, $host, $arguments) = @_;
my $i = 0;
my $total = 0;
if(not defined $arguments) {
return "/msg $nick Usage: count <nick|factoids>";
$arguments = ".*" if($arguments =~ /^factoids$/);
eval {
foreach my $command (keys %commands) {
$total++ if exists $commands{$command}{text};
if($commands{$command}{owner} =~ /$arguments/i && exists $commands{$command}{text}) {
return "/msg $nick $arguments: $@" if $@;
return "I have $i factoids" if($arguments eq ".*");
if($i > 0) {
my $percent = int($i / $total * 100);
$percent = 1 if $percent == 0;
return "$arguments has submitted $i factoids out of $total ($percent"."%)";
} else {
return "$arguments hasn't submitted any factoids";
sub find {
my ($from, $nick, $host, $arguments) = @_;
my $i = 0;
my $text;
foreach my $command (sort keys %commands) {
if(exists $commands{$command}{text}) {
# is a factoid
eval {
if($commands{$command}{text} =~ /$arguments/i || $command =~ /$arguments/i)
$text .= "$command ";
return "/msg $nick $arguments: $@" if $@;
if($i == 1) {
chop $text;
return "found one match: '$text' is $commands{$text}{text}";
} else {
return "$i factoids contain '$arguments': $text" unless $i == 0;
return "No factoids contain '$arguments'";
sub change_text {
my ($from, $nick, $host, $arguments) = @_;
my ($keyword, $delim, $tochange, $changeto);
if(defined $arguments) {
if($arguments =~ /^(.*?)\s+s(.)/g) {
$keyword = $1; $delim = $2;
if($arguments =~ /(.*?)$delim(.*)$delim$/g) {
$tochange = $1; $changeto = $2;
if(not defined $changeto) {
plog "($from) $nick ($host): improper use of change\n";
return "/msg $nick Usage: change <keyword> s/<to change>/<change to>/";
if(not exists $commands{$keyword}) {
plog "($from) $nick ($host): attempted to change nonexistant '$keyword'\n";
return "/msg $nick $keyword not found.";
plog "[$keyword][$delim][$tochange][$changeto]\n";
my $ret = eval {
if(not $commands{$keyword}{text} =~ s|$tochange|$changeto|) {
plog "($from) $nick ($host): failed to change '$keyword' 's/$tochange/$changeto/\n";
return "/msg $nick Change $keyword failed.";
} else {
plog "($from) $nick ($host): changed '$keyword' 's/$tochange/$changeto/\n";
return "Changed: $keyword is $commands{$keyword}{text}";
return "/msg $nick Change $keyword: $@" if $@;
return $ret;
sub remove_text {
my ($from, $nick, $host, $arguments) = @_;
if(not defined $arguments) {
plog "remove_text: invalid usage\n";
return "/msg $nick Usage: remove <keyword>";
if(not exists $commands{$arguments}) {
return "/msg $nick $arguments not found.";
if(not exists $commands{$arguments}{text}) {
plog "$nick ($host) attempted to remove $arguments [not factoid]\n";
return "/msg $nick $arguments is not a factoid.";
plog "$nick ($host) removed [$arguments][$commands{$arguments}{text}]\n";
delete $commands{$arguments};
return "/msg $nick $arguments removed.";
sub load_module {
my ($from, $nick, $host, $arguments) = @_;
my ($keyword, $module) = $arguments =~ /^(.*?)\s+(.*)$/ if defined $arguments;
if(not defined $arguments) {
return "/msg $nick Usage: load <command> <module>";
if(not exists($commands{$keyword})) {
$commands{$keyword}{module} = $module;
$commands{$keyword}{enabled} = 1;
$commands{$keyword}{owner} = $nick;
$commands{$keyword}{timestamp} = time();
plog "$nick ($host) loaded $keyword => $module\n";
return "/msg $nick Loaded $keyword => $module";
} else {
return "/msg $nick There is already a command named $keyword.";
sub unload_module {
my ($from, $nick, $host, $arguments) = @_;
sub enable_module {
my ($from, $nick, $host, $arguments) = @_;
return "/msg $nick Coming soon.";
sub disable_module {
my ($from, $nick, $host, $arguments) = @_;
return "/msg $nick Coming soon.";
sub login {
my ($from, $nick, $host, $arguments) = @_;
if(loggedin($nick, $host)) {
return "/msg $nick You are already logged in.";
if(not exists $admins{$nick}) {
plog "$nick ($host) attempted to login without account.\n";
return "/msg $nick You do not have an account.";
if($admins{$nick}{password} eq $arguments && $host =~ /$admins{$nick}{host}/i) {
$admins{$nick}{login} = 1;
plog "$nick ($host) logged in.\n";
return "/msg $nick Welcome $nick, how may I help you?";
} else {
plog "$nick ($host) received wrong password.\n";
return "/msg $nick I don't think so.";
sub logout {
my ($from, $nick, $host, $arguments) = @_;
return "/msg $nick Uh, you aren't logged in." if(not loggedin($nick, $host));
delete $admins{$nick}{login};
plog "$nick ($host) logged out.\n";
return "/msg $nick Good-bye, $nick.";
sub add_admin {
my ($from, $nick, $host, $arguments) = @_;
return "/msg $nick Coming soon.";
sub del_admin {
my ($from, $nick, $host, $arguments) = @_;
return "/msg $nick Coming soon.";
my %ignore_list = ();
sub ignore_user {
my ($from, $nick, $host, $arguments) = @_;
my ($target, $length) = split /\s+/, $arguments;
if(not defined $target) {
return "/msg $nick Usage: ignore host [timeout]";
if(not defined $length) {
$length = 300; # 5 minutes
plog "$nick added [$target] to ignore list for $length seconds\n";
$ignore_list{$target} = gettimeofday + $length;
return "/msg $nick [$target] added to ignore list.";
sub unignore_user {
my ($from, $nick, $host, $arguments) = @_;
if(not defined $arguments) {
return "/msg $nick Usage: unignore host";
if(not exists $ignore_list{$arguments}) {
plog "$nick attempt to remove nonexistant [$arguments] from ignore list\n";
return "/msg $nick [$arguments] not found";
delete $ignore_list{$arguments};
plog "$nick removed [$arguments] from ignore lost\n";
return "/msg $nick [$arguments] unignored";
sub check_ignore {
my $host = shift;
foreach my $ignored (keys %ignore_list) {
if($host =~ /$ignored/i) {
plog "$host message ignored\n";
return 1;
sub join_channel {
my ($from, $nick, $host, $arguments) = @_;
plog "$nick ($host) made me join $arguments\n";
return "/msg $nick Joined $arguments";
sub part_channel {
my ($from, $nick, $host, $arguments) = @_;
plog "$nick ($host) made me part $arguments\n";
return "/msg $nick Parted $arguments";
sub ack_die {
my ($from, $nick, $host, $arguments) = @_;
plog "$nick ($host) made me exit.\n";
$conn->privmsg($from, "Good-bye.");
$conn->quit("Departure requested.");
exit 0;
my %quieted_nicks = ();
my %unban_timeout = ();
sub quiet {
my ($from, $nick, $host, $arguments) = @_;
my ($target, $length) = split(/\s+/, $arguments);
if(not $from =~ /^#/) { #not a channel
return "/msg $nick This command must be used in the channel.";
if(not defined $target) {
return "/msg $nick Usage: quiet nick [timeout seconds (default: 3600 or 1 hour)]";
if(not defined $length) {
$length = 60 * 60; # one hour
quiet_nick_timed($target, $from, $length);
$conn->privmsg($target, "$nick has quieted you for $length seconds.");
sub unquiet {
my ($from, $nick, $host, $arguments) = @_;
if(not $from =~ /^#/) { #not a channel
return "/msg $nick This command must be used in the channel.";
if(not defined $arguments) {
return "/msg $nick Usage: unquiet nick";
unquiet_nick($arguments, $from);
delete $quieted_nicks{$arguments};
$conn->privmsg($arguments, "$nick has allowed you to speak again.");
my @op_commands = ();
my %is_opped = ();
sub quiet_nick {
my ($nick, $channel) = @_;
unshift @op_commands, "mode $channel +q $nick!*@*";
sub unquiet_nick {
my ($nick, $channel) = @_;
unshift @op_commands, "mode $channel -q $nick!*@*";
#need to refactor ban_user() and unban_user() - mostly duplicate code
sub ban_user {
my ($from, $nick, $host, $arguments) = @_;
if(not $from =~ /^#/) { #not a channel
if($arguments =~ /^(#.*?) (.*?) (.*)$/) {
$conn->privmsg("ChanServ", "AUTOREM $1 ADD $2 $3");
unshift @op_commands, "kick $1 $2 Banned";
plog "$nick ($host) AUTOREM $2 ($3)\n";
return "/msg $nick $2 added to auto-remove";
} else {
plog "$nick ($host): bad format for ban in msg\n";
return "/msg $nick Usage (in msg mode): !ban <channel> <hostmask> <reason>";
} else { #in a channel
if($arguments =~ /^(.*?) (.*)$/) {
$conn->privmsg("ChanServ", "AUTOREM $from ADD $1 $2");
unshift @op_commands, "kick $from $1 Banned";
plog "$nick ($host) AUTOREM $1 ($2)\n";
return "/msg $nick $1 added to auto-remove";
} else {
plog "$nick ($host): bad format for ban in channel\n";
return "/msg $nick Usage (in channel mode): !ban <hostmask> <reason>";
sub unban_user {
my ($from, $nick, $host, $arguments) = @_;
if(not $from =~ /^#/) { #not a channel
if($arguments =~ /^(#.*?) (.*)$/) {
$conn->privmsg("ChanServ", "AUTOREM $1 DEL $2");
unshift @op_commands, "mode $1 -b $2";
delete $unban_timeout{$2};
plog "$nick ($host) AUTOREM DEL $2 ($3)\n";
return "/msg $nick $2 removed from auto-remove";
} else {
plog "$nick ($host): bad format for unban in msg\n";
return "/msg $nick Usage (in msg mode): !unban <channel> <hostmask>";
} else { #in a channel
$conn->privmsg("ChanServ", "AUTOREM $from DEL $arguments");
unshift @op_commands, "mode $from -b $arguments";
delete $unban_timeout{$arguments};
plog "$nick ($host) AUTOREM DEL $arguments\n";
return "/msg $nick $arguments removed from auto-remove";
sub kick_nick {
my ($from, $nick, $host, $arguments) = @_;
if(not $from =~ /^#/) {
plog "$nick ($host) attempted to /msg kick\n";
return "/msg $nick Kick must be used in the channel.";
if(not $arguments =~ /(.*?) (.*)/) {
plog "$nick ($host): invalid arguments to kick\n";
return "/msg $nick Usage: !kick <nick> <reason>";
unshift @op_commands, "kick $from $1 $2";
sub gain_ops {
my $channel = shift;
if(not exists $is_opped{$channel}) {
$conn->privmsg("chanserv", "op $channel");
} else {
sub lose_ops {
my $channel = shift;
$conn->privmsg("chanserv", "op $channel -$botnick");
if(exists $is_opped{$channel}) {
$is_opped{$channel}{timeout} = gettimeofday + 60; # try again in 1 minute if failed
sub perform_op_commands {
plog "Performing op commands...\n";
foreach my $command (@op_commands) {
if($command =~ /^mode (.*?) (.*)/i) {
$conn->mode($1, $2);
plog " executing mode $1 $2\n";
} elsif($command =~ /^kick (.*?) (.*?) (.*)/i) {
$conn->kick($1, $2, $3);
plog " executing kick on $1 $2 $3\n";
plog "Done.\n";
# Bot related subroutines
sub plog {
my $text = shift;
my $time = localtime;
print "$time :: $text";
sub interpret_command {
my ($from, $nick, $host, $command) = @_;
my ($keyword, $arguments, $tonick);
my $text;
if(not defined $from || not defined $nick || not defined $host ||
not defined $command) {
plog "Error 1, bad parameters to interpret_command\n";
return "";
if($command =~ /^tell\s+(.{1,20})\s+about\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)$/i)
($keyword, $arguments, $tonick) = ($2, $3, $1);
} elsif($command =~ /^tell\s+(.{1,20})\s+about\s+(.*)$/) {
($keyword, $tonick) = ($2, $1);
} elsif($command =~ /^([^ ]+)\s+is\s+also\s+(.*)$/) {
($keyword, $arguments) = ("change", "$1 s,\$, ; $2,");
} elsif($command =~ /^([^ ]+)\s+is\s+(.*)$/) {
($keyword, $arguments) = ("add", join(' ', $1, $2));
} elsif($command =~ /^(.*?)\s+(.*)$/) {
($keyword, $arguments) = ($1, $2);
} else {
$keyword = $1 if $command =~ /^(.*)$/;
if(not defined $keyword) {
plog "Error 2, no keyword\n";
return "";
plog "[$from] $nick ($host) command: [$command], keyword: [$keyword], args: [$arguments]\n";
# Check if it's an alias
if(exists $commands{$keyword} and exists $commands{$keyword}{text}) {
if($commands{$keyword}{text} =~ /^\/call\s+(.*)$/) {
if(defined $arguments) {
$command = "$1 $arguments";
} else {
$command = $1;
plog "[$from] $nick ($host) aliased to: [$command]\n";
$commands{$keyword}{ref_user} = $nick;
return interpret_command($from, $nick, $host, $command);
# First, we check internal commands
foreach $command (keys %internal_commands) {
if($keyword =~ /^$command$/i) {
$keyword = lc $keyword;
if($internal_commands{$keyword}{level} > 0) {
return "/msg $nick You must login to use this command."
if not loggedin($nick, $host);
return "/msg $nick Your access level of $admins{$nick}{level} is not sufficent to use this command."
if $admins{$nick}{level} < $internal_commands{$keyword}{level};
plog "($from): $nick ($host) Executing internal command: $keyword $arguments\n";
return $internal_commands{$keyword}{sub}($from, $nick, $host, $arguments);
# Then, we check bot commands
foreach $command (keys %commands) {
if(lc $keyword =~ /^\Q$command\E$/i) {
# If it's a module, todo: add enable/disable support
if(exists $commands{$keyword} && exists $commands{$keyword}{module}) {
$commands{$keyword}{ref_user} = $nick;
# my $pid = fork();
# return "Resources not available." if(not defined $pid);
# if($pid == 0)
# {
if(defined $arguments) {
plog "($from): $nick ($host): Executing module $commands{$keyword}{module} $arguments\n";
$arguments = quotemeta($arguments);
$arguments =~ s/\\\s+/ /;
if(defined $tonick) {
plog "($from): $nick ($host) sent to $tonick\n";
$text = `$module_dir/$commands{$keyword}{module} $arguments`;
my $fromnick = loggedin($nick, $host) ? "" : " ($nick)";
return "/msg $tonick $text$fromnick";
} else {
return `$module_dir/$commands{$keyword}{module} $arguments`;
} else {
plog "($from): $nick ($host): Executing module $commands{$keyword}{module}\n";
if(defined $tonick) {
plog "($from): $nick ($host) sent to $tonick\n";
$text = `$module_dir/$commands{$keyword}{module}`;
my $fromnick = loggedin($nick, $host) ? "" : " ($nick)";
return "/msg $tonick $text$fromnick";
} else {
return `$module_dir/$commands{$keyword}{module}`;
} #end if($arguments)
# } #end if($pid == 0)
# Now we check to see if it's a factoid
elsif(exists $commands{$keyword} && exists $commands{$keyword}{text}) {
$commands{$keyword}{ref_user} = $nick;
plog "($from): $nick ($host): $keyword: Displaying text \"$commands{$keyword}{text}\"\n";
if(defined $tonick) { # !tell foo about bar
plog "($from): $nick ($host) sent to $tonick\n";
my $fromnick = loggedin($nick, $host) ? "" : " ($nick)";
$text = "/msg $tonick $commands{$keyword}{text}$fromnick";
} else {
$text = $commands{$keyword}{text};
if(defined $arguments) {
if(not $text =~ s/\$args/$arguments/gi) {
# factoid doesn't take an argument
if($arguments =~ /^.{1,20}$/) {
# might be a nick
if($text =~ /^\/.+? /) {
$text =~ s/^(\/.+?) /$1 $arguments: /;
} else {
$text =~ s/^/\/say $arguments: $keyword is /;
} else {
plog "Factoid doesn't take arguments\n";
return "";
} else {
# no arguments supplied
$text =~ s/\$args/$nick/gi;
$text =~ s/\$nick/$nick/g;
while($text =~ /\$([^\s!\+\.\$\/\\,;]+)/) {
my $var = $1;
#plog "adlib: parsing variable [\$$var]\n";
if(exists $commands{$var} && exists $commands{$var}{text}) {
my $change = $commands{$var}{text};
my @list = split(/\s|(".*?")/, $change);
my @mylist;
for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#list; $i++) {
push @mylist, $list[$i] if $list[$i];
#plog "adlib: list [". join(':', @mylist) ."]\n";
my $line = int(rand($#mylist + 1));
$mylist[$line] =~ s/"//g;
$text =~ s/\$$var/$mylist[$line]/;
#plog "adlib: found: change: $text\n";
} else {
$text =~ s/\$$var/$var/g;
#plog "adlib: not found: change: $text\n";
if($text =~ s/^\/say\s+//i || $text =~ /^\/me\s+/i
|| $text =~ /^\/msg\s+/i) {
return $text;
} else {
return "$keyword is $text";
} else {
plog "($from): $nick ($host): Unknown command type: $command\n";
return "";
# Otherwise, the command was not found.
plog "[$keyword] not found.\n";
sub load_channels {
open(FILE, "< $channels_file") or die "Couldn't open $channels_file: $!\n";
my @contents = <FILE>;
plog "Loading channels from $channels_file ...\n";
my $i = 0;
foreach my $line (@contents) {
chomp $line;
my ($channel, $enabled, $showall) = split(/\s+/, $line);
if(not defined $channel || not defined $enabled) {
die "Syntax error around line $i of $channels_file\n";
if(defined $channels{$channel}) {
die "Duplicate channel $channel found in $channels_file around line $i\n";
$channels{$channel}{enabled} = $enabled;
$channels{$channel}{showall} = $showall;
plog " Adding channel $channel ...\n";
plog "Done.\n";
sub save_channels {
open(FILE, "> $channels_file") or die "Couldn't open $channels_file: $!\n";
foreach my $channel (keys %channels) {
print FILE "$channel $channels{$channel}{enabled} $channels{$channel}{showall}\n";
sub load_commands {
open(FILE, "< $commands_file") or die "Couldn't open $commands_file: $!\n";
my @contents = <FILE>;
plog "Loading commands from $commands_file ...\n";
my $i = 0;
foreach my $line (@contents) {
chomp $line;
my ($command, $type, $enabled, $owner, $timestamp, $ref_count, $ref_user, $value) = split(/\s+/, $line, 8);
if(not defined $command || not defined $enabled
|| not defined $type || not defined $ref_count
|| not defined $ref_user || not defined $value) {
die "Syntax error around line $i of $commands_file\n";
if(exists $commands{$command}) {
die "Duplicate command $command found in $commands_file around line $i\n";
$commands{$command}{enabled} = $enabled;
$commands{$command}{$type} = $value;
$commands{$command}{owner} = $owner;
$commands{$command}{timestamp} = $timestamp;
$commands{$command}{ref_count} = $ref_count;
$commands{$command}{ref_user} = $ref_user;
# plog " Adding command $command ($type): $owner, $timestamp...\n";
plog " $i commands loaded.\n";
plog "Done.\n";
sub save_commands {
open(FILE, "> $commands_file") or die "Couldn't open $commands_file: $!\n";
foreach my $command (sort keys %commands) {
next if $command eq "version";
if(defined $commands{$command}{module} || defined $commands{$command}{text}) {
print FILE "$command ";
} else {
plog "save_commands: unknown command type $command\n";
#bleh, this is ugly - duplicated
if(defined $commands{$command}{module}) {
print FILE "module ";
print FILE "$commands{$command}{enabled} $commands{$command}{owner} $commands{$command}{timestamp} ";
print FILE "$commands{$command}{ref_count} $commands{$command}{ref_user} ";
print FILE "$commands{$command}{module}\n";
} elsif(defined $commands{$command}{text}) {
print FILE "text ";
print FILE "$commands{$command}{enabled} $commands{$command}{owner} $commands{$command}{timestamp} ";
print FILE "$commands{$command}{ref_count} $commands{$command}{ref_user} ";
print FILE "$commands{$command}{text}\n";
} else {
plog "save_commands: skipping unknown command type $command\n";
system("cp $commands_file /home/msmud/pbot2/commands.bak");
sub load_admins {
sub save_admins {
my %flood_watch = ();
sub check_flood {
my ($nick, $host, $channel, $max, $mode) = @_;
my $now = gettimeofday;
#plog "check flood [$channel]\n";
return if $nick eq $botnick;
if(exists $flood_watch{$nick}) {
if($now - $flood_watch{$nick}{timestamp} < 5) {
if($mode == $FLOOD_JOIN && $flood_watch{$nick}{lastmode} == $FLOOD_JOIN) {
plog "($channel) $nick possible join flood\n";
plog "($channel) $nick flood count $flood_watch{$nick}{count}\n";
} else {
if($flood_watch{$nick}{count} > 0) {
if($mode == $FLOOD_JOIN) {
plog "($channel) $nick possible join flood, count reset\n";
$flood_watch{$nick}{count} = 0;
} else {
$flood_watch{$nick}{count} = 0;
plog "$nick flood count reset\n";
$flood_watch{$nick}{timestamp} = $now;
$flood_watch{$nick}{lastmode} = $mode;
if($flood_watch{$nick}{count} >= $max && not loggedin($nick, $host)) {
$flood_watch{$nick}{count} = 0;
my $length = $flood_watch{$nick}{offenses} * $flood_watch{$nick}{offenses} * 30;
if($channel =~ /^#/) { # channel flood
if($mode == $FLOOD_CHAT) {
quiet_nick_timed($nick, $channel, $length);
$conn->privmsg($nick, "You have been quieted due to flooding. Please use a web paste service such as http://rafb.net/paste for lengthy pastes. You will be allowed to speak again in $length seconds.");
plog "$nick $channel flood offense $flood_watch{$nick}{offenses} earned $length second quiet\n";
} elsif($mode == $FLOOD_JOIN) {
ban_user($channel, "flood control", "", "*!*@"."$host Join flood");
plog "$nick ($host) $channel join flood, banned\n";
$conn->privmsg($nick, "You have been banned for joining repeatedly. Please /msg pragma_ for more information.");
} else {
plog "Unknown flood mode\n";
} else { # msg flood
plog "$nick msg flood offense $flood_watch{$nick}{offenses} earned $length second ignore\n";
ignore_user("", "floodcontrol", "", "$host $length");
} else {
# new addition
$flood_watch{$nick}{timestamp} = $now;
$flood_watch{$nick}{count} = 1;
$flood_watch{$nick}{offenses} = 0;
$flood_watch{$nick}{lastmode} = $mode;
sub quiet_nick_timed {
my ($nick, $channel, $length) = @_;
quiet_nick($nick, $channel);
$quieted_nicks{$nick}{time} = gettimeofday + $length;
$quieted_nicks{$nick}{channel} = $channel;
sub check_quieted_timeouts {
my $now = gettimeofday;
foreach my $nick (keys %quieted_nicks) {
if($quieted_nicks{$nick}{time} < $now) {
plog "Unquieting $nick\n";
unquiet_nick($nick, $quieted_nicks{$nick}{channel});
delete $quieted_nicks{$nick};
$conn->privmsg($nick, "You may speak again.");
} else {
my $timediff = $quieted_nicks{$nick}{time} - $now;
plog "quiet: $nick has $timediff seconds remaining\n"
sub check_ignore_timeouts {
my $now = gettimeofday;
foreach my $host (keys %ignore_list) {
next if($ignore_list{$host} == -1); #permanent ignore
if($ignore_list{$host} < $now) {
unignore_user("", "floodcontrol", "", $host);
} else {
my $timediff = $ignore_list{$host} - $now;
plog "ignore: $host has $timediff seconds remaining\n"
sub check_opped_timeout {
my $now = gettimeofday;
foreach my $channel (keys %is_opped) {
if($is_opped{$channel}{timeout} < $now) {
} else {
my $timediff = $is_opped{$channel}{timeout} - $now;
# plog "deop $channel in $timediff seconds\n";
sub check_unban_timeouts {
my $now = gettimeofday;
foreach my $ban (keys %unban_timeout) {
if($unban_timeout{$ban}{timeout} < $now) {
unshift @op_commands, "mode $unban_timeout{$ban}{channel} -b $ban";
delete $unban_timeout{$ban};
} else {
my $timediff = $unban_timeout{$ban}{timeout} - $now;
plog "$unban_timeout{$ban}{channel}: unban $ban in $timediff seconds\n";
sub sig_alarm_handler {
# check timeouts
alarm 10;
# IRC related subroutines
sub on_connect {
my $conn = shift;
$conn->privmsg("nickserv", "identify $identify_password");
$conn->{connected} = 1;
sub on_disconnect {
my ($self, $event) = @_;
my $text = "Disconnected, attempting to reconnect...\n";
plog $text;
if(not $self->connected) {
on_disconnect($self, $event)
sub on_init {
my ($self, $event) = @_;
my (@args) = ($event->args);
shift (@args);
plog "*** @args\n";
sub on_public {
my ($conn, $event) = @_;
my $mynick = $conn->nick;
my $nick = $event->nick;
my $host = $event->host;
my $text = $event->{args}[0];
my $from = $event->{to}[0];
my ($command, $args, $result);
plog "($from): $nick ($host): $text\n"
if((exists $channels{$from} && $channels{$from}{showall} == 1) || not $from =~ /^#/);
return if(check_ignore($host) && not loggedin($nick, $host)); # ignored host
check_flood($nick, $host, $from, 4, $FLOOD_CHAT);
if($text =~ /^.?$mynick.?\s+(.*?)[\?!]*$/i) {
$command = $1;
} elsif($text =~ /^(.*?),?\s+$mynick[\?!]*$/i) {
$command = $1;
} elsif($text =~ /^!(.*?)\?*$/) {
$command = $1;
if(defined $command) {
$result = interpret_command($from, $nick, $host, $command);
if(defined $result) {
if($result =~ s/^\/me\s+//i) {
$conn->me($from, $result);
} elsif($result =~ s/^\/msg\s+([^\s]+)\s+//i) {
$from = $1;
if($result =~ s/^\/me\s+//i) {
$conn->me($from, $result);
} else {
$result =~ s/^\/say\s+//i;
$conn->privmsg($from, $result);
} else {
$conn->privmsg($from, $result);
sub on_msg {
my ($conn, $event) = @_;
my ($nick, $host) = ($event->nick, $event->host);
my $text = $event->{args}[0];
$text =~ s/^!?(.*)/\!$1/;
$event->{to}[0] = $nick;
$event->{args}[0] = $text;
on_public($conn, $event);
sub on_mode {
my ($conn, $event) = @_;
my ($nick, $host) = ($event->nick, $event->host);
my $mode = $event->{args}[0];
my $target = $event->{args}[1];
my $from = $event->{to}[0];
plog "Got mode: nick: $nick, host: $host, mode: $mode, target: $target, from: $from\n";
if($target eq $botnick) {
if($mode eq "+o") {
plog "$nick opped me in $from\n";
if(exists $is_opped{$from}) {
plog "warning: erm, I was already opped?\n";
$is_opped{$from}{timeout} = gettimeofday + 300; # 5 minutes
} elsif($mode eq "-o") {
plog "$nick removed my ops in $from\n";
if(not exists $is_opped{$from}) {
plog "warning: erm, I wasn't opped?\n";
delete $is_opped{$from};
} else { # bot not targeted
if($mode eq "+b") {
if($nick eq "ChanServ") {
$unban_timeout{$target}{timeout} = gettimeofday + 3600 * 12; # 12 hours
$unban_timeout{$target}{channel} = $from;
} elsif($mode eq "+e" && $from eq $botnick) {
foreach my $chan (keys %channels) {
plog "Joining channel: $chan\n";
sub on_join {
my ($conn, $event) = @_;
my ($nick, $host, $channel) = ($event->nick, $event->host, $event->to);
#plog "$nick ($host) joined $channel\n";
check_flood($nick, $host, $channel, 3, $FLOOD_JOIN);
sub on_departure {
my ($conn, $event) = @_;
my ($nick, $host, $channel) = ($event->nick, $event->host, $event->to);
check_flood($nick, $host, $channel, 3, $FLOOD_JOIN);
if(exists $admins{$nick} && exists $admins{$nick}{login}) {
plog "Whoops, $nick disconnected while still logged in.\n";
plog "Logged out $nick.\n";
delete $admins{$nick}{login};