mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 07:50:49 +01:00

Same-player ships will no longer be aligned end-to-end in the same orientation to appear like one long ship. There will no longer always be an even amount of horizontal and vertical ships for each player.
1493 lines
48 KiB
1493 lines
48 KiB
# File: Battleship.pm
# Purpose: Simplified version of the Battleship board game. In this variant,
# there is one game grid/board and every player's ships share it without
# overlapping. This adds an element of strategy: everybody knows where their
# own ships are located, ergo they know where NOT to aim. This helps to speed
# games up by removing some randomness.
# Note: This code was written circa 1993 for a DikuMUD fork. It was originally
# written in C, as I was teaching the language to myself in my early teens. Two
# decades or so later, I transliterated this code from C to Perl for PBot. Much
# of the "ugly" C-style design of this code has been preserved for personal
# historical reasons -- I was inspired by the IOCCC and I attempted to be clever
# with nested conditional operators and other silliness. Please be gentle if you
# read this code. :)
# Update: Much of this code has now been refactored to support more than two
# players on a single board. The board grows in size for each additional player,
# to accomodate their ships. Whirlpools have also been added. They are initially
# hidden by the ocean. When shot, they reveal themselves on the map and deflect
# the shot to a random tile. Much of the IOCCC silliness has been removed so that
# I can maintain this code without going insane.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1993-2023 Pragmatic Software <pragma78@gmail.com>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package PBot::Plugin::Battleship;
use parent 'PBot::Plugin::Base';
use PBot::Imports;
use Time::Duration;
use Time::HiRes qw/time/;
use Data::Dumper;
# some colors for IRC messages
my %color = (
white => "\x0300",
black => "\x0301",
blue => "\x0302",
green => "\x0303",
red => "\x0304",
maroon => "\x0305",
purple => "\x0306",
orange => "\x0307",
yellow => "\x0308",
lightgreen => "\x0309",
teal => "\x0310",
cyan => "\x0311",
lightblue => "\x0312",
magneta => "\x0313",
gray => "\x0314",
lightgray => "\x0315",
bold => "\x02",
italics => "\x1D",
underline => "\x1F",
reverse => "\x16",
reset => "\x0F",
sub initialize($self, %conf) {
# register `battleship` bot command
name => 'battleship',
help => 'Battleship board game, simplified for IRC',
subref => sub { $self->cmd_battleship(@_) },
# set the channel where to send game messages
$self->{channel} = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('battleship', 'channel') // '##battleship';
# debugging flag
$self->{debug} = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('battleship', 'debug') // 0;
# player limit per game
$self->{MAX_PLAYERS} = 5;
# max missed moves before player is ejected from game
$self->{MAX_MISSED_MOVES} = 5;
# types of board tiles
$self->{TYPE_OCEAN} = 0;
$self->{TYPE_WHIRLPOOL} = 1;
$self->{TYPE_SHIP} = 2;
# battleship tile symbols
$self->{TILE_HIT} = ['1' .. $self->{MAX_PLAYERS}];
$self->{TILE_OCEAN} = "$color{blue}~";
$self->{TILE_MISS} = "$color{cyan}o";
$self->{TILE_WHIRLPOOL} = "$color{cyan}@";
# personal ship tiles shown on player board
$self->{TILE_SHIP_VERT} = "$color{white}|";
$self->{TILE_SHIP_HORIZ} = "$color{white}—";
# all player ship tiles shown on final/full board
$self->{TILE_SHIP} = ['A' .. chr ord('A') + $self->{MAX_PLAYERS} - 1];
# default board dimensions
$self->{BOARD_X} = 12;
$self->{BOARD_Y} = 8;
# number of ships per player
$self->{SHIP_COUNT} = 6;
# modifiers for show_battlefield()
$self->{BOARD_SPECTATOR} = -1;
$self->{BOARD_FINAL} = -2;
$self->{BOARD_FULL} = -3;
# ship orientation
$self->{ORIENT_VERT} = 0;
$self->{ORIENT_HORIZ} = 1;
# paused state (0 is unpaused)
$self->{PAUSED_BY_PLAYER} = 1;
# create game state machine
# receive notification when all messages in IRC output queue have been sent
'pbot.output_queue_empty', sub { $self->on_output_queue_empty(@_) }
sub unload($self) {
# unregister `battleship` bot command
# remove battleship loop event from event queue
# remove event handler
# the game is paused at the beginning when sending the player boards to all
# the players and then resumed when the output queue has depleted. this prevents
# game events from queuing up while the board messages are being slowly
# trickled out to the ircd to avoid filling up its message queue (and getting
# disconnected with 'excess flood'). this event handler resumes the game once
# the boards have finished transmitting, unless the game was manually paused
# by a player.
sub on_output_queue_empty($self, $event_type, $event) {
# if we're paused waiting for the output queue, go ahead and unpause
if ($self->{state_data}->{paused} == $self->{PAUSED_FOR_OUTPUT_QUEUE}) {
$self->{state_data}->{paused} = 0;
return 0;
# `battleship` bot command
sub cmd_battleship($self, $context) {
my $usage = "Usage: battleship challenge|accept|decline|ready|unready|bomb|board|score|players|pause|quit|kick|abort; see also: battleship help <command>";
# strip leading and trailing whitespace
$context->{arguments} =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
my ($command, $arguments) = split / /, $context->{arguments}, 2;
$command //= '';
$command = lc $command;
$arguments //= '';
$arguments = lc $arguments;
# shorter aliases
my ($nick, $user, $host, $hostmask, $channel) = (
given ($command) {
# help doesn't do much yet
when ('help') {
given ($arguments) {
when ('help') {
return "Seriously?";
default {
if (length $arguments) {
return "Battleship help is coming soon.";
} else {
return "Usage: battleship help <command>";
# issue a challenge to begin a game
when ('challenge') {
if ($self->{current_state} ne 'nogame') {
return "There is already a game of Battleship underway.";
# set game to the `challenge` state to begin accepting challenge
# add player 0, the challenger, to the game
my $id = $self->get_player_id($nick, $user, $host);
my $player = $self->new_player($id, $nick);
# clear out player data
$self->{state_data}->{players} = [];
# add player 0
push @{$self->{state_data}->{players}}, $player;
# start the battleship game loop
return "/msg $channel $nick has issued a Battleship challenge! Use `accept` to accept their challenge.";
# accept a challenge
when (['accept', 'join']) {
if ($self->{current_state} ne 'challenge') {
return "This is not the time to use `$command`.";
if (@{$self->{state_data}->{players}} >= $self->{MAX_PLAYERS}) {
return "/msg $channel $nick: The player limit has been reached. Try again next game.";
my $id = $self->get_player_id($nick, $user, $host);
# check that player hasn't already accepted/joined
if (grep { $_->{id} == $id } @{$self->{state_data}->{players}}) {
return "$nick: You have already joined this Battleship game.";
# add another player
my $player = $self->new_player($id, $nick);
$player->{index} = @{$self->{state_data}->{players}};
push @{$self->{state_data}->{players}}, $player;
return "/msg $channel $nick has joined the game. Use `ready` to ready-up.";
# ready/unready
when (['ready', 'unready']) {
if ($self->{current_state} ne 'challenge') {
return "This is not the time to use `$command`.";
my $id = $self->get_player_id($nick, $user, $host);
my ($player) = grep { $_->{id} == $id } @{$self->{state_data}->{players}};
if (not defined $player) {
return "$nick: You have not joined this game of Battleship. Use `accept` to join the game.";
if ($command eq 'ready') {
$player->{ready} = 1;
return "/msg $channel $nick is ready!";
} else {
$player->{ready} = 0;
return "/msg $channel $nick is no longer ready.";
# decline a challenge or forfeit/concede a game
when (['decline', 'quit', 'forfeit', 'concede']) {
my $id = $self->get_player_id($nick, $user, $host);
for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$self->{state_data}->{players}}; $i++) {
if ($self->{state_data}->{players}->[$i]->{id} == $id) {
if ($self->{current_state} eq 'challenge') {
# remove from player list now since this is only the accept
# stage and a game hasn't yet begun
splice @{$self->{state_data}->{players}}, $i, 1;
} else {
# there is an on-going game, just mark them as removed
$self->{state_data}->{players}->[$i]->{removed} = 1;
return "/msg $channel $nick has left the game!";
return "There is nothing to $command.";
when ('abort') {
if (not $self->{pbot}->{users}->loggedin_admin($channel, $hostmask)) {
return "$nick: Only admins may abort the game.";
if ($self->{current_state} eq 'nogame') {
return "/msg $channel $nick: There is no ongoing game to abort.";
# jump directly to the `gameover` state to
# show the final board and reset the game
return "/msg $channel $nick: The game has been aborted.";
when (['pause', 'unpause']) {
if ($command eq 'pause') {
$self->{state_data}->{paused} = $self->{PAUSED_BY_PLAYER};
} else {
$self->{state_data}->{paused} = 0;
return "/msg $channel $nick has " . ($self->{state_data}->{paused} ? 'paused' : 'unpaused') . " the game!";
when ('score') {
if ($self->{current_state} ne 'move' and $self->{current_state} ne 'attack') {
return "There is no Battleship score to show right now.";
return '';
when ('players') {
if (not @{$self->{state_data}->{players}}) {
return "There are no players playing Battleship right now. Start a game with the `challenge` command!";
return '';
when ('kick') {
if (not $self->{pbot}->{users}->loggedin_admin($channel, $hostmask)) {
return "$nick: Only admins may kick players from the game.";
if (not length $arguments) {
return "Usage: battleship kick <nick>";
# get the id associated with this nick, in case the current player has changed nick while playing
my ($id) = $self->{pbot}->{messagehistory}->{database}->find_message_account_by_nick($arguments);
if (not defined $id) {
return "I don't know anybody named $arguments.";
$id = $self->{pbot}->{messagehistory}->{database}->get_ancestor_id($id);
for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$self->{state_data}->{players}}; $i++) {
if (lc $self->{state_data}->{players}->[$i]->{id} == $id) {
$self->{state_data}->{players}->[$i]->{removed} = 1;
return "/msg $channel $nick: $arguments has been kicked from the game.";
return "$nick: $arguments isn't even in the game.";
when ('bomb') {
if ($self->{current_state} ne 'move' and $self->{current_state} ne 'attack') {
return "$nick: It's not time to do that now.";
my $id = $self->get_player_id($nick, $user, $host);
my ($player) = grep { $_->{id} == $id } @{$self->{state_data}->{players}};
if (not defined $player) {
return "You are not playing in this game.";
if ($player->{lost}) {
return "You have been knocked out of this game. Try again next game.";
if ($player->{removed}) {
return "You have been removed from this game. Try again next game.";
# no arguments provided
if (not length $arguments) {
if (delete $player->{location}) {
return "$nick: Attack location cleared.";
} else {
return "$nick: Usage: bomb <location>";
# validate arguments
$arguments = uc $arguments;
if ($arguments !~ m/^[A-Z][0-9]+$/) {
return "$nick: Usage: bomb <location>; <location> must be in the form of A15, B3, C9, etc.";
# ensure arguments are within range of battlefield
my ($x, $y) = $arguments =~ m/^(.)(.*)/;
$x = ord($x) - 65;
if ($x < 0 || $x > $self->{N_Y} - 1 || $y < 1 || $y > $self->{N_X}) {
return "$nick: Target out of range, try again.";
my $msg;
if (not exists $player->{location}) {
$msg = "/msg $channel $nick aims somewhere.";
elsif (lc $player->{location} eq lc $arguments) {
return '';
else {
$msg = "/msg $channel $nick aims somewhere else.";
$player->{location} = $arguments;
$player->{time} = time;
return $msg;
when (['specboard', 'board']) {
if (grep { $_ eq $self->{current_state} } qw/nogame challenge genboard gameover/) {
return "$nick: There is no board to show right now.";
# specifically show spectator board, even if invoked by a player
if ($_ eq 'specboard') {
return '';
my $id = $self->get_player_id($nick, $user, $host);
# show player's personal board if playing
for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$self->{state_data}->{players}}; $i++) {
if ($self->{state_data}->{players}->[$i]->{id} == $id) {
if ($self->{state_data}->{players}->[$i]->{removed}) {
return "$nick: You have been removed from this game. Try again next game.";
$self->send_message($channel, "$nick surveys the battlefield!");
return '';
# otherwise show spectator board
return '';
# this command shows the entire battlefield
when ('fullboard') {
if (not $self->{pbot}->{users}->loggedin_admin($channel, $hostmask)) {
return "$nick: Only admins may see the full board.";
if (grep { $_ eq $self->{current_state} } qw/nogame challenge genboard gameover/) {
return "$nick: There is no board to show right now.";
# show real board if admin is in the game ... no cheating!
my $id = $self->get_player_id($nick, $user, $host);
for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$self->{state_data}->{players}}; $i++) {
if ($self->{state_data}->{players}->[$i]->{id} == $id) {
$self->send_message($channel, "$nick surveys the battlefield!");
return '';
# show full board
$self->show_battlefield($self->{BOARD_FULL}, $nick);
default { return $usage; }
# add a message to PBot output queue, optionally with a delay
sub send_message($self, $to, $text, $delay = 0) {
my $botnick = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'botnick');
my $message = {
nick => $botnick,
user => 'battleship',
host => 'localhost',
hostmask => "$botnick!battleship\@localhost",
command => 'battleship',
checkflood => 1,
message => $text
$self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->add_message_to_output_queue($to, $message, $delay);
# get unambiguous internal id for player hostmask
sub get_player_id($self, $nick, $user, $host) {
my $id = $self->{pbot}->{messagehistory}->{database}->get_message_account($nick, $user, $host);
return $self->{pbot}->{messagehistory}->{database}->get_ancestor_id($id);
# create a new player hash
sub new_player($self, $id, $nick) {
return {
id => $id,
name => $nick,
index => 0,
ready => 0,
health => 0,
ships => 0,
shots => 0,
hit => 0,
miss => 0,
sunk => 0,
lost => 0,
missedinputs => 0,
# get a random number interval [lower, upper)
sub number($self, $lower, $upper) {
return int rand($upper - $lower) + $lower;
# battleship stuff
sub begin_game_loop($self) {
# add `battleship loop` event repeating at 1s interval
sub {
1, 'battleship loop', 1
sub end_game_loop($self) {
# remove `battleship loop` event
# repeating events get added back to event queue if we attempt to
# dequeue_event() from within the event itself. we turn repeating
# off to ensure the event gets removed when it completes.
$self->{pbot}->{event_queue}->update_repeating('battleship loop', 0);
# dequeue event.
$self->{pbot}->{event_queue}->dequeue_event('battleship loop', 0);
sub init_game($self, $state) {
# default board dimensions
$self->{N_X} = $self->{BOARD_X};
$self->{N_Y} = $self->{BOARD_Y};
# increase board width by player count
$self->{N_X} += @{$state->{players}} * 2;
# default count of ships per player
$self->{SHIPS} = $self->{SHIP_COUNT};
# initialize ship length fields
for (my $ship = 0; $ship < $self->{SHIPS}; $ship++) {
$self->{ship_length}->[$ship] = 0;
# the battleship board/grid. all ships share the same grid to add an
# element of strategy (namely, ships cannot overlap thus you know
# where your enemy ships are NOT located, which narrows the battle
# field and helps speed games up)
$self->{board} = [];
# reset winner flag
$self->{got_winner} = 0;
# place ships and ocean tiles
return $self->generate_battlefield;
# ensures a ship can be placed at this location (all desired tiles are ocean)
sub check_ship_placement($self, $x, $y, $o, $l, $player_id) {
my ($xd, $yd, $i);
if ($o == $self->{ORIENT_VERT}) {
if ($y + $l >= $self->{N_Y}) {
return 0;
if ($y >= 2) {
my $tile = $self->{board}->[$x][$y - 1];
if ($tile->{type} == $self->{TYPE_SHIP} && $tile->{player_id} == $player_id && $tile->{orientation} == $o) {
return 0;
if ($y + $l <= $self->{N_Y} - 3) {
my $tile = $self->{board}->[$x][$y + $l + 1];
if ($tile->{type} == $self->{TYPE_SHIP} && $tile->{player_id} == $player_id && $tile->{orientation} == $o) {
return 0;
$xd = 0;
$yd = 1;
} else {
if ($x + $l >= $self->{N_X}) {
return 0;
if ($x >= 2) {
my $tile = $self->{board}->[$x - 1][$y];
if ($tile->{type} == $self->{TYPE_SHIP} && $tile->{player_id} == $player_id && $tile->{orientation} == $o) {
return 0;
if ($x + $l <= $self->{N_X} - 3) {
my $tile = $self->{board}->[$x + $l + 1][$y];
if ($tile->{type} == $self->{TYPE_SHIP} && $tile->{player_id} == $player_id && $tile->{orientation} == $o) {
return 0;
$xd = 1;
$yd = 0;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $l; $i++) {
if ($self->{board}->[$x += $xd][$y += $yd]->{type} != $self->{TYPE_OCEAN}) {
return 0;
return 1;
# attempt to place a ship on the battlefield
sub place_ship($self, $player_id, $player_index, $ship) {
my ($x, $y, $o, $i, $l);
my ($yd, $xd) = (0, 0);
for (my $attempt = 0; $attempt < 1000; $attempt++) {
$x = $self->number(0, $self->{N_X});
$y = $self->number(0, $self->{N_Y});
$o = $self->number(1, 10) < 6;
if ($self->{ship_length}->[$ship]) {
# reuse saved length so all players have equal sized ships.
# perfectly balanced as all things must be.
$l = $self->{ship_length}->[$ship];
} else {
# generate a random length ship
# TODO: perhaps use a fixed array of guaranteed ship lengths?
# i think random is more exciting because you never know what
# kinds of ships are going to be out there.
$l = $self->number(2, 6);
if ($self->{debug}) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("attempt to place ship for player $player_index: ship $ship x,y: $x,$y o: $o length: $l\n");
if ($self->check_ship_placement($x, $y, $o, $l, $player_id)) {
if (!$o) {
$yd = 1;
$xd = 0;
} else {
$xd = 1;
$yd = 0;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $l; $i++) {
my $tile_data = {
type => $self->{TYPE_SHIP},
player_id => $player_id,
player_index => $player_index,
orientation => $o,
length => $l,
index => $i,
hit_by => 0,
$self->{board}->[$x += $xd][$y += $yd] = $tile_data;
$self->{ship_length}->[$ship] = $l;
$self->{state_data}->{players}->[$player_index]->{health} += $l;
$self->{state_data}->{players}->[$player_index]->{ships} += 1;
return 1;
return 0;
sub place_whirlpool($self) {
for (my $attempt = 0; $attempt < 1000; $attempt++) {
my $x = $self->number(0, $self->{N_X});
my $y = $self->number(0, $self->{N_Y});
# skip non-ocean tiles
if ($self->{board}->[$x][$y]->{type} != $self->{TYPE_OCEAN}) {
# replace ocean tile with whirlpool
$self->{board}->[$x][$y]->{type} = $self->{TYPE_WHIRLPOOL};
$self->{board}->[$x][$y]->{tile} = $self->{TILE_OCEAN}; # whirlpools hidden initially, until shot
return 1;
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Failed to place whirlpool.\n");
return 0;
sub generate_battlefield($self) {
# fill board with ocean
for (my $x = 0; $x < $self->{N_X}; $x++) {
for (my $y = 0; $y < $self->{N_Y}; $y++) {
$self->{board}->[$x][$y] = {
type => $self->{TYPE_OCEAN},
tile => $self->{TILE_OCEAN},
# place ships
for (my $player_index = 0; $player_index < @{$self->{state_data}->{players}}; $player_index++) {
for (my $ship = 0; $ship < $self->{SHIPS}; $ship++) {
if (!$self->place_ship($self->{state_data}->{players}->[$player_index]->{id}, $player_index, $ship)) {
return 0;
# place whirlpools (2 whirlpools per player)
for (my $whirlpool = 0; $whirlpool < @{$self->{state_data}->{players}} * 2; $whirlpool++) {
if (!$self->place_whirlpool) {
return 0;
return 1;
# we hit a ship; check if the ship has sunk
sub check_sunk($self, $x, $y) {
# alias to the tile we hit
my $tile = $self->{board}->[$x][$y];
if ($tile->{orientation} == $self->{ORIENT_VERT}) {
my $top = $y - $tile->{index};
my $bottom = $y + ($tile->{length} - ($tile->{index} + 1));
for (my $i = $bottom; $i >= $top; $i--) {
if (not $self->{board}->[$x][$i]->{hit_by}) {
return 0;
return 1;
} else {
my $left = $x - $tile->{index};
my $right = $x + ($tile->{length} - ($tile->{index} + 1));
for (my $i = $right; $i >= $left; $i--) {
if (not $self->{board}->[$i][$y]->{hit_by}) {
return 0;
return 1;
sub get_attack_text($self) {
my @attacks = (
"launches torpedoes at",
"launches nukes at",
"fires cannons at",
"fires torpedoes at",
"fires nukes at",
"launches tomahawk missiles at",
"fires a gatling gun at",
"launches ballistic missiles at",
return $attacks[rand @attacks];
# checks if we hit whirlpool, ocean, ship, etc
# reveals struck whirlpools
sub check_hit($self, $state, $player, $location_data) {
my ($x, $y, $location) = (
# check if we hit a whirlpool. if so, reveal whirlpool on the
# battlefield and deflect the shot
if ($self->{board}->[$x][$y]->{type} == $self->{TYPE_WHIRLPOOL}) {
# reveal this whirlpool
$self->{board}->[$x][$y]->{tile} = $self->{TILE_WHIRLPOOL};
my $attack = $self->get_attack_text;
# keep trying until we don't hit another whirlpool
while (1) {
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, "$player->{name} $attack $location! $color{cyan}--- SPLASH! ---$color{reset}");
$x = $self->number(0, $self->{N_X});
$y = $self->number(0, $self->{N_Y});
$location = ('A' .. 'Z')[$y] . ($x + 1);
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, "$player->{name} hit a whirlpool! It deflects their attack to $location!");
if ($self->{board}->[$x][$y]->{type} == $self->{TYPE_WHIRLPOOL}) {
# hit another whirlpool
# update new location for caller
$location_data->{x} = $x;
$location_data->{y} = $y;
$location_data->{location} = $location;
# hit a ship, damage self or enemy alike
if ($self->{board}->[$x][$y]->{type} == $self->{TYPE_SHIP}) {
my $player_index = $self->{board}->[$x][$y]->{player_index};
if ($state->{players}->[$player_index]->{removed}) {
# removed players no longer exist
return 0;
if ($self->{board}->[$x][$y]->{hit_by}) {
# this piece has already been struck
return 0;
} else {
# a hit! a very palpable hit.
return 1;
# no hit
return 0;
sub perform_attack($self, $state, $player) {
# random attack verb
my $attack = $self->get_attack_text;
# attack location
my $location = delete $player->{location};
# convert attack location to board coordinates
my ($y, $x) = $location =~ /^(.)(.*)/;
$y = ord($y) - 65;
# set location data reference so check_hit can update values
my $location_data = {
x => $x,
y => $y,
location => $location,
# launch a shot and see if it hit a ship (handles hitting whirlpools, ocean, etc)
my $hit_ship = $self->check_hit($state, $player, $location_data);
# location_data can be updated by whirlpools, etc
$x = $location_data->{x};
$y = $location_data->{y};
$location = $location_data->{location};
if ($hit_ship) {
# player hit a ship!
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, "$player->{name} $attack $location! $color{red}--- HIT! --- $color{reset}");
# place hit marker
$self->{board}->[$x][$y]->{tile} = $color{red} . $self->{TILE_HIT}->[$player->{index}];
$self->{board}->[$x][$y]->{hit_by} = $player->{id};
my $victim = $self->{state_data}->{players}->[$self->{board}->[$x][$y]->{player_index}];
# deduct hit points from victim
$victim->{health} -= 1;
# check if ship has sunk (reveal what kind and whose ship it is)
if ($self->check_sunk($x, $y)) {
my $length = $self->{board}->[$x][$y]->{length};
my %ship_names = (
5 => 'battleship',
4 => 'destroyer',
3 => 'submarine',
2 => 'patrol boat',
my $ships_left = $victim->{ships};
my $sections_left = $victim->{health};
my $ships = 'ship' . ($ships_left != 1 ? 's' : '');
my $sections = 'section' . ($sections_left != 1 ? 's' : '');
if ($sections_left > 0) {
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, "$color{red}$player->{name} has sunk $victim->{name}'s $ship_names{$length}! $victim->{name} has $ships_left $ships and $sections_left $sections remaining!$color{reset}");
} else {
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, "$color{red}$player->{name} has sunk $victim->{name}'s final $ship_names{$length}! $victim->{name} is out of the game!$color{reset}");
$victim->{lost} = 1;
# check if there is only one player still standing
my $still_alive = 0;
my $winner;
foreach my $p (@{$state->{players}}) {
next if $p->{removed} or $p->{lost};
$winner = $p;
if ($still_alive == 1) {
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, "$color{yellow}$winner->{name} has won the game of Battleship!$color{reset}");
$self->{got_winner} = 1;
} else {
# player missed
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, "$player->{name} $attack $location! --- miss ---");
# place miss marker
if ($self->{board}->[$x][$y]->{type} == $self->{TYPE_OCEAN}) {
$self->{board}->[$x][$y]->{tile} = $self->{TILE_MISS};
$self->{board}->[$x][$y]->{missed_by} = $player->{id};
sub list_players($self) {
my @players;
foreach my $player (@{$self->{state_data}->{players}}) {
push @players, $player->{name} . ($player->{ready} ? '' : " $color{red}(not ready)$color{reset}");
if (@players) {
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, "Current players: " . (join ', ', @players) . ". Use `ready` when you are.");
sub show_scoreboard($self) {
foreach my $player (sort { $b->{health} <=> $a->{health} } @{$self->{state_data}->{players}}) {
next if $player->{removed};
my $buf = sprintf("%-10s shots: %2d, hit: %2d, miss: %2d, acc: %3d%%, sunk: %2d, ships left: %d, sections left: %2d",
int (($player->{hit} / ($player->{shots} ? $player->{shots} : 1)) * 100),
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, $buf);
sub show_battlefield($self, $player_index, $nick = undef) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Showing battlefield for player $player_index\n");
my $player;
if ($player_index >= 0) {
$player = $self->{state_data}->{players}->[$player_index];
my $output;
# player hit markers, for legend
my $hits;
foreach my $p (@{$self->{state_data}->{players}}) {
$hits .= "$p->{name} hit: $color{red}" . ($p->{index} + 1) . "$color{reset} ";
# render legend
if ($player) {
$output .= "Legend: Your ships: $self->{TILE_SHIP_VERT} $self->{TILE_SHIP_HORIZ}$color{reset} ${hits}ocean: $self->{TILE_OCEAN}$color{reset} miss: $self->{TILE_MISS}$color{reset} whirlpool: $self->{TILE_WHIRLPOOL}$color{reset}\n";
elsif ($player_index == $self->{BOARD_FULL} or $player_index == $self->{BOARD_FINAL}) {
my $ships;
foreach my $p (@{$self->{state_data}->{players}}) {
$ships .= "$p->{name}: $self->{TILE_SHIP}->[$p->{index}] ";
$output .= "Legend: ${ships}${hits}ocean: $self->{TILE_OCEAN}$color{reset} miss: $self->{TILE_MISS}$color{reset} whirlpool: $self->{TILE_WHIRLPOOL}$color{reset}\n";
else {
# spectator
$output .= "Legend: ${hits}ocean: $self->{TILE_OCEAN}$color{reset} miss: $self->{TILE_MISS}$color{reset} whirlpool: $self->{TILE_WHIRLPOOL}$color{reset}\n";
# render top column coordinates
$output .= "$color{cyan},01 ";
for (my $x = 1; $x < $self->{N_X} + 1; $x++) {
if ($x % 10 == 0) {
$output .= "$color{yellow},01" if $self->{N_X} > 10;
$output .= $x % 10;
$output .= ' ';
$output .= "$color{cyan},01" if $self->{N_X} > 10;
} else {
$output .= $x % 10;
$output .= ' ';
$output .= "\n";
# render battlefield row by row
for (my $y = 0; $y < $self->{N_Y}; $y++) {
# left row coordinates
$output .= sprintf("$color{cyan},01%c ", 97 + $y);
# render a row of the board column by column
for (my $x = 0; $x < $self->{N_X}; $x++) {
my $tile = $self->{board}->[$x][$y];
# render ocean/whirlpool, miss, but not hits or ships yet
if ($tile->{type} != $self->{TYPE_SHIP}) {
# reveal whirlpools on full/final boards
if ($player_index == $self->{BOARD_FULL} || $player_index == $self->{BOARD_FINAL}) {
if ($tile->{type} == $self->{TYPE_WHIRLPOOL}) {
$output .= $self->{TILE_WHIRLPOOL} . ' ';
} else {
# render normal tile (ocean, miss)
$output .= $tile->{tile} . ' ';
} else {
# render normal tile (ocean, revealed/hidden whirlpools, miss)
$output .= $tile->{tile} . ' ';
# render hits
if ($tile->{hit_by}) {
$output .= $tile->{tile} . ' ';
# render ships
# render player's view
if ($player) {
# not player's ship
if ($tile->{player_id} != $player->{id}) {
# ship not found yet, show ocean
$output .= $self->{TILE_OCEAN} . ' ';
if ($tile->{orientation} == $self->{ORIENT_VERT}) {
# vertical ship
$output .= $self->{TILE_SHIP_VERT};
} else {
# horizontal ship
$output .= $self->{TILE_SHIP_HORIZ};
$output .= ' ';
# otherwise render spectator, full or final board
# spectators are not allowed to see ships unless hit
if ($player_index == $self->{BOARD_SPECTATOR}) {
# ship not found yet, show ocean
$output .= $self->{TILE_OCEAN} . ' ';
# full or final board, show all ships
$output .= $color{white} . $self->{TILE_SHIP}->[$tile->{player_index}] . ' ';
# right row coordinates
$output .= sprintf("$color{cyan},01%c", 97 + $y);
$output .= "$color{reset}\n";
# bottom column coordinates
$output .= "$color{cyan},01 ";
for (my $x = 1; $x < $self->{N_X} + 1; $x++) {
if ($x % 10 == 0) {
$output .= $color{yellow}, 01 if $self->{N_X} > 10;
$output .= $x % 10;
$output .= ' ';
$output .= $color{cyan}, 01 if $self->{N_X} > 10;
} else {
$output .= $x % 10;
$output .= ' ';
$output .= "\n";
# send output, one message per line
foreach my $line (split /\n/, $output) {
if ($player) {
# player
$self->send_message($player->{name}, $line);
elsif ($player_index == $self->{BOARD_FULL}) {
# full
$self->send_message($nick, $line);
else {
# spectator, final
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, $line);
# game state machine stuff
# do one loop of the game engine
sub run_one_state($self) {
# don't run a game loop if we're paused
if ($self->{state_data}->{paused}) {
# check for naughty or missing players
my $players = 0;
foreach my $player (@{$self->{state_data}->{players}}) {
next if $player->{removed} or $player->{lost};
# remove player if they have missed 3 inputs
if ($player->{missedinputs} >= $self->{MAX_MISSED_MOVES}) {
"$color{red}$player->{name} has missed too many moves and has been ejected from the game!$color{reset}"
$player->{removed} = 1;
# count players still in the game
# ensure there are at least 2 players still playing
if ($self->{current_state} eq 'move' or $self->{current_state} eq 'attack') {
if ($players < 2 and not $self->{got_winner}) {
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, "Not enough players left in the game. Aborting...");
# transitioned to a brand new state; prepare first tock
if ($self->{previous_state} ne $self->{current_state}) {
$self->{state_data}->{ticks} = 1;
$self->{state_data}->{first_tock} = 1;
$self->{state_data}->{tocks} = 0;
# dump new state data for logging/debugging
if ($self->{debug}) {
$Data::Dumper::Useqq = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Battleship: New state: $self->{current_state}\n" . Dumper $self->{state_data});
# run one state/tick
# transition to next state
$self->{previous_state} = $self->{current_state};
$self->{current_state} = $self->{states}->{$self->{current_state}}->{trans}->{$self->{state_data}->{trans}};
# reset tick-tock once we've tocked
if ($self->{state_data}->{tocked}) {
$self->{state_data}->{tocked} = 0;
$self->{state_data}->{ticks} = 0;
$self->{state_data}->{first_tock} = 0;
# next tick
# skip directly to a state
sub set_state($self, $newstate) {
$self->{previous_state} = $self->{current_state};
$self->{current_state} = $newstate;
$self->{state_data}->{ticks} = 0;
# set up game state machine
sub create_states($self) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Battleship: Creating game state machine\n");
# initialize default state
$self->{previous_state} = '';
$self->{current_state} = 'nogame';
# initialize state data
$self->{state_data} = {
players => [], # array of player data
ticks => 0, # number of ticks elapsed
paused => 0, # is the game paused?
$self->{states} = {
nogame => {
sub => sub { $self->state_nogame(@_) },
trans => {
challenge => 'challenge',
nogame => 'nogame',
challenge => {
sub => sub { $self->state_challenge(@_) },
trans => {
stop => 'nogame',
wait => 'challenge',
ready => 'genboard',
genboard => {
sub => sub { $self->state_genboard(@_) },
trans => {
fail => 'nogame',
next => 'showboard',
showboard => {
sub => sub { $self->state_showboard(@_) },
trans => {
next => 'move',
move => {
sub => sub { $self->state_move(@_) },
trans => {
wait => 'move',
next => 'attack',
attack => {
sub => sub { $self->state_attack(@_) },
trans => {
gotwinner => 'gameover',
next => 'move',
gameover => {
sub => sub { $self->state_gameover(@_) },
trans => {
next => 'nogame',
# game states
sub state_nogame($self, $state) {
$state->{trans} = 'nogame';
sub state_challenge($self, $state) {
# max number of times to perform tock action
$state->{tock_limit} = 5;
# tock every 60 ticks
my $tock = 60;
# every tick we check if all players have readied yet
my $ready = 0;
foreach my $player (@{$state->{players}}) {
$ready++ if $player->{ready};
# is it time for a tock?
if ($state->{ticks} % $tock == 0) {
$state->{tocked} = 1; # we've tocked
# reached maximum number of tocks
if (++$state->{tocks} > $state->{tock_limit}) {
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, "Not all players have readied in time. The game has been aborted.");
$state->{trans} = 'stop';
$state->{players} = [];
my $max = $self->{MAX_PLAYERS};
my $avail = $max - @{$self->{state_data}->{players}};
my $slots = 'slot' . ($avail == 1 ? '' : 's');
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, "There is a game of Battleship available! Use `accept` to enter the fray ($avail/$max $slots open).");
if ($ready == 1 && @{$self->{state_data}->{players}} == 1) {
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, "Cannot begin game with one player.");
if ($ready >= 2 && $ready == @{$state->{players}}) {
# all players ready (min 2 players to start)
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, "All players ready!");
$state->{trans} = 'ready';
} else {
# wait another tick
$state->{trans} = 'wait';
sub state_genboard($self, $state) {
if (!$self->init_game($state)) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Failed to generate battlefield\n");
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, "Failed to generate a suitable battlefield. Please try again.");
$state->{trans} = 'fail';
} else {
$state->{tock_limit} = 3;
$state->{trans} = 'next';
sub state_showboard($self, $state) {
# pause the game to send the boards to all the players.
# this is due to output pacing; the messages are trickled out slowly
# to avoid overflowing the ircd's receive queue. we do not want the
# game state to advance while the messages are being sent out. the
# game will resume when the `pbot.output_queue_empty` notification
# is received.
$state->{paused} = $self->{PAUSED_FOR_OUTPUT_QUEUE};
for (my $player = 0; $player < @{$state->{players}}; $player++) {
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, "Showing battlefield to $state->{players}->[$player]->{name}...");
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, "Fight! Anybody (players and spectators) can use `board` at any time to see the battlefield.");
$state->{trans} = 'next';
sub state_move($self, $state) {
# allow 5 tocks before players have missed their move
$state->{tock_limit} = 5;
# tock every 15 ticks
my $tock = 15;
# tock sooner if this is the first
if ($state->{first_tock}) {
$tock = 2;
# every tick, check if all players have moved
my $moved = 0;
my $players = 0;
foreach my $player (@{$state->{players}}) {
next if $player->{removed} or $player->{lost};
$moved++ if $player->{location};
if ($moved == $players) {
# all players have moved
$state->{trans} = 'next';
# tock!
if ($state->{ticks} % $tock == 0) {
$state->{tocked} = 1;
if (++$state->{tocks} > $state->{tock_limit}) {
# tock limit reached, flag all players who haven't moved
my @missed;
foreach my $player (@{$state->{players}}) {
next if $player->{removed} or $player->{lost};
if (not $player->{location}) {
push @missed, $player->{name};
my $msg = join ', ', @missed;
$msg .= " failed to launch an attack in time. They forfeit their turn!";
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, $msg);
$state->{trans} = 'next';
# notify all players who haven't moved yet
my @pending;
foreach my $player (@{$state->{players}}) {
next if $player->{removed} or $player->{lost};
if (not $player->{location}) {
push @pending, $player->{name};
my $players = join ', ', @pending;
my $warning = $state->{tocks} == $state->{tock_limit} ? $color{red} : '';
my $remaining = 15 * $state->{tock_limit};
$remaining -= 15 * ($state->{tocks} - 1);
$remaining = "(" . (concise duration $remaining) . " remaining)";
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, "$players: $warning$remaining Launch an attack now via `bomb <location>`!$color{reset}");
$state->{trans} = 'wait';
sub state_attack($self, $state) {
my $trans = 'next';
foreach my $player (sort { $a->{time} <=> $b->{time} } $state->{players}->@*) {
# skip removed players
next if $player->{removed};
# skip players who haven't moved
next if not $player->{location};
# launch attack
$self->perform_attack($state, $player);
# transition to gameover if someone won
$trans = 'gotwinner' if $self->{got_winner};
$state->{trans} = $trans;
sub state_gameover($self, $state) {
if (@{$state->{players}} >= 2) {
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, "Game over!");
$state->{players} = [];
$state->{trans} = 'next';