mirror of https://github.com/pragma-/pbot.git synced 2024-10-03 09:58:42 +02:00

668 lines
16 KiB
Executable File

# use warnings;
use strict;
use feature qw(switch);
use IPC::Open2;
use Text::Balanced qw(extract_codeblock extract_delimited);
use IO::Socket;
use LWP::UserAgent;
my $output = "";
my $nooutput = 'No output.';
my %languages = (
'C99' => "std=C99 with pedantic warnings",
'C' => "std=gnu89",
'CLANG' => "std=gnu89 clang/llvm",
'CLANG99' => "std=c99 clang/llvm with pedantic warnings",
# 'C++' => 1,
my %preludes = (
'C99' => "#include <stdio.h>\n#include <stdlib.h>\n#include <string.h>\n#include <unistd.h>\n#include <math.h>\n#include <limits.h>\n#include <sys/types.h>\n#include <stdint.h>\n\n",
'C' => "#include <stdio.h>\n#include <stdlib.h>\n#include <string.h>\n#include <unistd.h>\n#include <math.h>\n#include <limits.h>\n#include <sys/types.h>\n#include <stdint.h>\n\n",
'C++' => "#include <iostream>\n#include <cstdio>\n\nusing namespace std;\n\n",
sub reset_vm {
my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => '', PeerPort => '4445', Proto => 'tcp', Type => 'SOCK_STREAM');
die "Could not create socket: $!" unless $sock;
print $sock "loadvm 2\r\n";
while(my $line = <$sock>) {
last if $line =~ /loadvm 2/;
sleep 2;
sub pretty {
my $code = join '', @_;
my $result;
my $pid = open2(\*IN, \*OUT, 'astyle -Upf');
print OUT "$code\n";
close OUT;
while(my $line = <IN>) {
$result .= $line;
close IN;
waitpid($pid, 0);
return $result;
sub paste_codepad {
my $text = join(' ', @_);
$text =~ s/(.{120})\s/$1\n/g;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
push @{ $ua->requests_redirectable }, 'POST';
my %post = ( 'lang' => 'C', 'code' => $text, 'private' => 'True', 'submit' => 'Submit' );
my $response = $ua->post("http://codepad.org", \%post);
if(not $response->is_success) {
return $response->status_line;
return $response->request->uri;
sub compile {
my ($lang, $code, $args, $input) = @_;
my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => '', PeerPort => '4444', Proto => 'tcp', Type => 'SOCK_STREAM');
die "Could not create socket: $!" unless $sock;
print $sock "compile:$lang:$args:$input\n";
print $sock "$code\n";
print $sock "compile:end\n";
my $result = "";
my $got_result = 0;
while(my $line = <$sock>) {
$line =~ s/[\r\n]+$//;
last if $line =~ /^result:end/;
if($line =~ /^result:/) {
$line =~ s/^result://;
$result .= $line;
$got_result = 1;
if($got_result) {
$result .= $line . "\n";
close $sock;
return $result;
if($#ARGV < 1) {
print "Usage: cc [-compiler -options] <code> [-stdin=input]\n";
exit 0;
my $nick = shift @ARGV;
my $code = join ' ', @ARGV;
my @last_code;
my $lang = "C99";
$lang = $1 if $code =~ s/-lang=([^\b\s]+)//i;
$lang = "C" if $code =~ s/-nowarn[ings]*//i;
my $input = "";
$input = $1 if $code =~ s/-input=(.*)$//i;
my $args = "";
$args .= "$1 " while $code =~ s/^\s*(-[^ ]+)\s*//;
$args =~ s/\s+$//;
if(open FILE, "< last_code.txt") {
while(my $line = <FILE>) {
chomp $line;
push @last_code, $line;
close FILE;
if($code =~ m/^\s*show\s*$/i) {
if(defined $last_code[0]) {
print "$nick: $last_code[0]\n";
} else {
print "$nick: No recent code to show.\n"
exit 0;
my $got_run = undef;
if($code =~ m/^\s*(run|paste)\s*$/i) {
$got_run = lc $1;
if(defined $last_code[0]) {
$code = $last_code[0];
} else {
print "$nick: No recent code to $got_run.\n";
exit 0;
} else {
my $subcode = $code;
my $got_undo = 0;
my $got_sub = 0;
while($subcode =~ s/^\s*(and)?\s*undo//) {
splice @last_code, 0, 1;
if(not defined $last_code[0]) {
print "$nick: No more undos remaining.\n";
exit 0;
} else {
$code = $last_code[0];
$got_undo = 1;
my @replacements;
my $prevchange = $last_code[0];
my $got_changes = 0;
while(1) {
$got_sub = 0;
$got_changes = 0;
if($subcode =~ m/^\s*(and)?\s*remove \s*([^']+)?\s*'/) {
my $modifier = 'first';
$subcode =~ s/^\s*(and)?\s*//;
$subcode =~ s/remove\s*([^']+)?\s*//i;
$modifier = $1 if defined $1;
$modifier =~ s/\s+$//;
my ($e, $r) = extract_delimited($subcode, "'");
my $text;
if(defined $e) {
$text = $e;
$text =~ s/^'//;
$text =~ s/'$//;
$subcode = "replace $modifier '$text' with ''$r";
} else {
print "$nick: Unbalanced single quotes. Usage: !cc remove [all, first, .., tenth, last] 'text' [and ...]\n";
exit 0;
if($subcode =~ s/^\s*(and)?\s*prepend '//) {
$subcode = "'$subcode";
my ($e, $r) = extract_delimited($subcode, "'");
my $text;
if(defined $e) {
$text = $e;
$text =~ s/^'//;
$text =~ s/'$//;
$subcode = $r;
$got_sub = 1;
$got_changes = 1;
if(not defined $prevchange) {
print "$nick: No recent code to prepend to.\n";
exit 0;
$code = $prevchange;
$code =~ s/^/$text /;
$prevchange = $code;
} else {
print "$nick: Unbalanced single quotes. Usage: !cc prepend 'text' [and ...]\n";
exit 0;
if($subcode =~ s/^\s*(and)?\s*append '//) {
$subcode = "'$subcode";
my ($e, $r) = extract_delimited($subcode, "'");
my $text;
if(defined $e) {
$text = $e;
$text =~ s/^'//;
$text =~ s/'$//;
$subcode = $r;
$got_sub = 1;
$got_changes = 1;
if(not defined $prevchange) {
print "$nick: No recent code to append to.\n";
exit 0;
$code = $prevchange;
$code =~ s/$/ $text/;
$prevchange = $code;
} else {
print "$nick: Unbalanced single quotes. Usage: !cc append 'text' [and ...]\n";
exit 0;
if($subcode =~ m/^\s*(and)?\s*replace\s*([^']+)?\s*'.*'\s*with\s*'.*'/i) {
$got_sub = 1;
my $modifier = 'first';
$subcode =~ s/^\s*(and)?\s*//;
$subcode =~ s/replace\s*([^']+)?\s*//i;
$modifier = $1 if defined $1;
$modifier =~ s/\s+$//;
my ($from, $to);
my ($e, $r) = extract_delimited($subcode, "'");
if(defined $e) {
$from = $e;
$from =~ s/^'//;
$from =~ s/'$//;
$from = quotemeta $from;
$subcode = $r;
$subcode =~ s/\s*with\s*//i;
} else {
print "$nick: Unbalanced single quotes. Usage: !cc replace 'from' with 'to' [and ...]\n";
exit 0;
($e, $r) = extract_delimited($subcode, "'");
if(defined $e) {
$to = $e;
$to =~ s/^'//;
$to =~ s/'$//;
$subcode = $r;
} else {
print "$nick: Unbalanced single quotes. Usage: !cc replace 'from' with 'to' [and replace ... with ... [and ...]]\n";
exit 0;
given($modifier) {
when($_ eq 'all' ) {}
when($_ eq 'last' ) {}
when($_ eq 'first' ) { $modifier = 1; }
when($_ eq 'second' ) { $modifier = 2; }
when($_ eq 'third' ) { $modifier = 3; }
when($_ eq 'fourth' ) { $modifier = 4; }
when($_ eq 'fifth' ) { $modifier = 5; }
when($_ eq 'sixth' ) { $modifier = 6; }
when($_ eq 'seventh') { $modifier = 7; }
when($_ eq 'eighth' ) { $modifier = 8; }
when($_ eq 'nineth' ) { $modifier = 9; }
when($_ eq 'tenth' ) { $modifier = 10; }
default { print "$nick: Bad replacement modifier '$modifier'; valid modifiers are 'all', 'first', 'second', ..., 'tenth', 'last'\n"; exit 0; }
my $replacement = {};
$replacement->{'from'} = $from;
$replacement->{'to'} = $to;
$replacement->{'modifier'} = $modifier;
push @replacements, $replacement;
if($subcode =~ m/^\s*(and)?\s*s\/.*\//) {
$got_sub = 1;
$subcode =~ s/^\s*(and)?\s*s//;
my ($regex, $to);
my ($e, $r) = extract_delimited($subcode, '/');
if(defined $e) {
$regex = $e;
$regex =~ s/^\///;
$regex =~ s/\/$//;
$subcode = "/$r";
} else {
print "$nick: Unbalanced slashes. Usage: !cc s/regex/substitution/[gi] [and s/.../.../ [and ...]]\n";
exit 0;
($e, $r) = extract_delimited($subcode, '/');
if(defined $e) {
$to = $e;
$to =~ s/^\///;
$to =~ s/\/$//;
$subcode = $r;
} else {
print "$nick: Unbalanced slashes. Usage: !cc s/regex/substitution/[gi] [and s/.../.../ [and ...]]\n";
exit 0;
my $suffix;
$suffix = $1 if $subcode =~ s/^([^ ]+)//;
if(length $suffix and $suffix =~ m/[^gi]/) {
print "$nick: Bad regex modifier '$suffix'. Only 'i' and 'g' are allowed.\n";
exit 0;
if(defined $prevchange) {
$code = $prevchange;
} else {
print "$nick: No recent code to change.\n";
exit 0;
my $ret = eval {
my ($ret, $a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g, $h, $i, $before, $after);
if(not length $suffix) {
$ret = $code =~ s|$regex|$to|;
($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g, $h, $i) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9);
$before = $`;
$after = $';
} elsif($suffix =~ /^i$/) {
$ret = $code =~ s|$regex|$to|i;
($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g, $h, $i) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9);
$before = $`;
$after = $';
} elsif($suffix =~ /^g$/) {
$ret = $code =~ s|$regex|$to|g;
($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g, $h, $i) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9);
$before = $`;
$after = $';
} elsif($suffix =~ /^ig$/ or $suffix =~ /^gi$/) {
$ret = $code =~ s|$regex|$to|gi;
($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g, $h, $i) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9);
$before = $`;
$after = $';
if($ret) {
$code =~ s/\$1/$a/g;
$code =~ s/\$2/$b/g;
$code =~ s/\$3/$c/g;
$code =~ s/\$4/$d/g;
$code =~ s/\$5/$e/g;
$code =~ s/\$6/$f/g;
$code =~ s/\$7/$g/g;
$code =~ s/\$8/$h/g;
$code =~ s/\$9/$i/g;
$code =~ s/\$`/$before/g;
$code =~ s/\$'/$after/g;
return $ret;
if($@) {
print "$nick: $@\n";
exit 0;
if($ret) {
$got_changes = 1;
$prevchange = $code;
if($got_sub and not $got_changes) {
print "$nick: No substitutions made.\n";
exit 0;
} elsif($got_sub and $got_changes) {
if($#replacements > -1) {
@replacements = sort { $a->{'from'} cmp $b->{'from'} or $a->{'modifier'} <=> $b->{'modifier'} } @replacements;
my ($previous_from, $previous_modifier);
foreach my $replacement (@replacements) {
my $from = $replacement->{'from'};
my $to = $replacement->{'to'};
my $modifier = $replacement->{'modifier'};
if(defined $previous_from) {
if($previous_from eq $from and $previous_modifier =~ /^\d+$/) {
$modifier -= $modifier - $previous_modifier;
if(defined $prevchange) {
$code = $prevchange;
} else {
print "$nick: No recent code to change.\n";
exit 0;
my $ret = eval {
my $got_change;
my ($first_char, $last_char, $first_bound, $last_bound);
$first_char = $1 if $from =~ m/^(.)/;
$last_char = $1 if $from =~ m/(.)$/;
if($first_char =~ /\W/) {
$first_bound = '.';
} else {
$first_bound = '\b';
if($last_char =~ /\W/) {
$last_bound = '\B';
} else {
$last_bound = '\b';
if($modifier eq 'all') {
while($code =~ s/($first_bound)$from($last_bound)/$1$to$2/) {
$got_change = 1;
} elsif($modifier eq 'last') {
if($code =~ s/(.*)($first_bound)$from($last_bound)/$1$2$to$3/) {
$got_change = 1;
} else {
my $count = 0;
my $unescaped = $from;
$unescaped =~ s/\\//g;
if($code =~ s/($first_bound)$from($last_bound)/if(++$count == $modifier) { "$1$to$2"; } else { "$1$unescaped$2"; }/gex) {
$got_change = 1;
return $got_change;
if($@) {
print "$nick: $@\n";
exit 0;
if($ret) {
$got_sub = 1;
$got_changes = 1;
$prevchange = $code;
$previous_from = $from;
$previous_modifier = $modifier;
if($got_sub and not $got_changes) {
print "$nick: No replacements made.\n";
exit 0;
open FILE, "> last_code.txt";
unless ($got_undo and not $got_sub) {
unshift @last_code, $code;
my $i = 0;
foreach my $line (@last_code) {
last if(++$i > $MAX_UNDO_HISTORY);
print FILE "$line\n";
close FILE;
if($got_undo and not $got_sub) {
print "$nick: $code\n";
exit 0;
# check to see if -flags were added by replacements
$lang = $1 if $code =~ s/-lang=([^\b\s]+)//i;
$lang = "C" if $code =~ s/-nowarn[ings]*//i;
$input = $1 if $code =~ s/-input=(.*)$//i;
$args .= "$1 " while $code =~ s/^\s*(-[^ ]+)\s*//;
$args =~ s/\s+$//;
unless($got_run) {
open FILE, ">> log.txt";
print FILE localtime() . "\n";
print FILE "$nick: $code\n";
my $found = 0;
my @langs;
foreach my $l (sort { uc $a cmp uc $b } keys %languages) {
push @langs, sprintf(" %-30s => %s", $l, $languages{$l});
if(uc $lang eq uc $l) {
$lang = $l;
$found = 1;
if(not $found) {
print "$nick: Invalid language '$lang'. Supported languages are:\n", (join ",\n", @langs), "\n";
exit 0;
$code =~ s/#include <([^>]+)>/#include <$1>\n/g;
$code =~ s/#([^ ]+) (.*?)\\n/#$1 $2\n/g;
$code =~ s/#([\w\d_]+)\\n/#$1\n/g;
my $precode = $preludes{$lang} . $code;
$code = '';
if($lang eq 'C' or $lang eq 'C99' or $lang eq 'C++') {
my $has_main = 0;
my $prelude = '';
$prelude = "$1$2" if $precode =~ s/^\s*(#.*)(#.*?[>\n])//s;
my $preprecode = $precode;
while($preprecode =~ s/([ a-zA-Z0-9\_\*\[\]]+)\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_*]+)\s*\((.*?)\)\s*({.*)//) {
my ($ret, $ident, $params, $potential_body) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
$ret =~ s/^\s+//;
$ret =~ s/\s+$//;
if($ret eq "else" or $ret eq "while") {
$precode .= "$ret $ident ($params) $potential_body";
} else {
$precode =~ s/([ a-zA-Z0-9\_\*\[\]]+)\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_*]+)\s*\((.*?)\)\s*({.*)//;
my @extract = extract_codeblock($potential_body, '{}');
my $body;
if(not defined $extract[0]) {
$output .= "error: unmatched brackets for function '$ident';\n";
$body = $extract[1];
} else {
$body = $extract[0];
$preprecode .= $extract[1];
$precode .= $extract[1];
#print "[$ret][$ident][$params][$body]\n";
$code .= "$ret $ident($params) $body\n\n";
$has_main = 1 if $ident eq 'main';
$precode =~ s/^\s+//;
$precode =~ s/\s+$//;
if(not $has_main) {
$code = "$prelude\n\n$code\n\nint main(int argc, char **argv) {\n$precode\n;\nreturn 0;\n}\n";
$nooutput = "Success [no output].";
} else {
$code = "$prelude\n\n$precode\n\n$code\n";
$nooutput = "No output.";
} else {
$code = $precode;
$code =~ s/\|n/\n/g;
$code =~ s/^\s+//;
$code =~ s/\s+$//;
$code =~ s/;\n;\n/;\n/g;
$code =~ s/(\n\n)+/\n\n/g;
if(defined $got_run and $got_run eq "paste") {
my $uri = paste_codepad(pretty($code));
print "$nick: $uri\n";
exit 0;
print FILE "$nick: [lang:$lang][args:$args][input:$input]\n$code\n";
$output = compile($lang, $code, $args, $input);
$output =~ s/cc1: warnings being treated as errors//;
$output =~ s/ Line \d+ ://g;
$output =~ s/ \(first use in this function\)//g;
$output =~ s/error: \(Each undeclared identifier is reported only once.*?\)//msg;
$output =~ s/prog\.c:[:\d]*//g;
$output =~ s/ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; defaulting to [^ ]+//;
$output =~ s/error: (.*?) error/error: $1; error/msg;
$output =~ s/\/tmp\/.*\.o://g;
$output =~ s/collect2: ld returned \d+ exit status//g;
$output =~ s/\(\.text\+[^)]+\)://g;
$output =~ s/\[ In/[In/;
my $left_quote = chr(226) . chr(128) . chr(152);
my $right_quote = chr(226) . chr(128) . chr(153);
$output =~ s/$left_quote/'/g;
$output =~ s/$right_quote/'/g;
$output = $nooutput if $output =~ m/^\s+$/;
unless($got_run) {
print FILE localtime() . "\n";
print FILE "$nick: $output\n\n";
close FILE;
print "$nick: $output\n";