mirror of https://github.com/pragma-/pbot.git synced 2024-10-05 10:58:44 +02:00

754 lines
20 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -T
use strict;
use LWP::Simple;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Encode qw/ decode is_utf8 /;
use CGI qw/escape unescapeHTML/;
use utf8;
my $VERSION = '1.0.2';
my %IRSSI = (
'authors' => 'Craig Andrews',
'contact' => 'craig@simplyspiffing.com',
'name' => 'lookupbot',
'description' => 'Some kind of magical internet searcher',
'license' => 'Craig\'s Magical Freebie License');
## Changes ##
# 0.0.1 - Initial version, not very good
# 1.0.0 - Finished!
# 1.0.1 - Added 'pre' and 'escape' options to give more flexibility
# Added tinyurl and !cndb
# 1.0.2 - Changed privmsg handling
# Removed !dict and !thes because they're too badly broken
# Added !memetic, !horoscope, !cricket
# Added different handling for public/private responders
# 1.0.3 - Added !tdm
# Split request processing away from event handling
# Added the start of a simple cache
# 1.1.0 - Completion of refactoring, so officially a new version!
# Clean up the input data and separate the
# trigger and parameter portions
sub get_data {
my $data = shift;
my @params = split / +/, $data;
my $trigger = shift @params;
$data = join ' ', @params;
$data =~ s/[^[:print:]]/ /g;
$data =~ s/ */ /g;
return $trigger, $data;
# Retrieve the content from a url
# Params:
# $url - The URL to query
# $data - If defined, data to insert into the URL using sprintf
# $escape - URL encode the data before insertion? 1 = true, 0 = false
my %url_cache;
sub get_content {
my ($url, $data, $escape, $cache) = @_;
$data = escape($data) unless $escape == 0;
$url = sprintf($url, $data) if defined $data;
# Use the cache if requested
my $timeout = time() - $cache;
if (defined $cache &&
$cache > 0 &&
exists $url_cache{$url} &&
$url_cache{$url}->{'time'} > $timeout) {
return $url_cache{$url}->{'content'};
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(agent => "ME");
my $result = $ua->get($url, ('Accept-Charset' => 'utf-8,iso-8859-1,*'));
my $content;
if ($result->is_success)
my $encoding = $result->content_encoding;
if ($encoding eq "") {
$encoding = is_utf8($result->content)?'utf-8':'iso-8859-1';
$content = decode($encoding, $result->content()) if $result->is_success;
$url_cache{$url} = {'time' => time(), 'content' => $content};
return $content;
# Google image search
sub image_search {
my $content = shift;
my $lines = join ' ', $content =~ /imgurl=(.*?)\&/is;
return $lines;
# Basic google search
sub google_search {
my $content = shift;
my ($calcs) = $content =~ /<td nowrap><h2 class=r><font size=\+1><b>(.+?)<\/b>/sm;
return $calcs if defined $calcs and length $calcs;
my $lines = join ' ', $content =~ /<div class=g><a href="(.+?)"/is;
return $lines;
# Google definition search
sub define_search {
my $content = shift;
my $lines = join ' ', $content =~ /(?<=<li>)(.+?)(?=<br>|<li>)/is;
return $lines;
# Urban dictionary search
sub urban_search {
my $content = shift;
my $term = shift;
my @rawlines = $content =~ /<div class=["'](definition|example|def_p)["']>(.+?)<\/?div/gism;
my @lines;
foreach (@rawlines) {
my @s = split /(?:\n|<br\/?>)/;
push @lines, $_ for @s;
my $definition;
my $def_word = 0;
my $paragraphs = 0;
while ($def_word <= 1 &&
$paragraphs <= 4 &&
scalar(@lines) > 0) {
my $s = shift(@lines);
$s =~ s/^\s*//;
$s =~ s/\s*$//;
$s =~ s/<.+?>//g;
if ($s =~ /(definition|def_p)/) {
} elsif ($s =~ /example/) {
# Do nothing
} elsif (length $s > 0) {
$definition .= "$s\n";
return $definition;
# Profanisaurus search
sub profan_search {
my $content = shift;
my @matches = $content =~ /<a href="(profan_results.php\?profan=searchstory.+?)">(.+?)</gsi;
return '' unless @matches;
my %definitions;
my $ix;
for ($ix = 0; $ix < @matches; $ix+=2) {
my $key = $matches[$ix+1];
$key =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$definitions{$key} = $matches[$ix];
my @keys = sort keys %definitions;
$content = get_content('http://www.viz.co.uk/profanisaurus/'.$definitions{$keys[0]}, 1);
@matches = $content =~ /class=profandefinition>(.+)/;
return join "\n", @matches;
# Urban word of the day
sub uwotd_search {
my $content = shift;
my ($word) = $content =~ /(<item .+?<\/item>)/s;
my ($title, $description) = $word =~ /<(?:title|description)>(.+?)<\//gs;
$description = unescapeHTML($description);
$description =~ s/<br\s*\/?>/\n/g;
my @lines = $description =~ /<p>(.+?)<\/p>/gs;
unshift @lines, $title;
return join("\n", @lines);
# Worthless word of the day
sub wwotd_search {
my $content = shift;
my ($matches) = $content =~ m|(?<=<PRE>\s)(the worthless word for the day is:.+?)(?=</PRE>)|ism;
my @lines = split "\n", $matches;
return if length @lines == 0;
my $blanks = 2;
my @result;
while ($blanks > 0 && scalar(@lines)) {
my $line = shift @lines;
if (length $line) {
push @result, $line;
} else {
$blanks --;
return join "\n", @result;
# Dictionary.com word of the day
sub wotd_search {
my $content = shift;
my @lines = $content =~ m|(?<=<span class="hw">).+?(?=</p>)|igosm;
return if length @lines == 0;
s/<.+?>//g foreach (@lines);
@lines = grep { /^.+$/ } split (/\n/, @lines[0]);
return join ("\n", @lines);
# Sloganizer
sub slogan_search {
my $content = shift;
my ($lines) = $content =~ /<div class="slogan" id="slogan">.<b>(.*?)<\/b>.<\/div>/is;
return $lines;
# Compliment generator
sub compliment_search {
my $content = shift;
my $lines = join ' ', $content =~ /<h2>(.*?)<\/h2>/is;
$lines =~ s/[\r\n]/ /g;
return $lines;
# Insult generator
sub insult_search {
my $content = shift;
my $lines = join ' ', $content =~ /<div class="insult" id="insult">(.+?)<\/div>/is;
$lines =~ s/[\r\n]/ /g;
return $lines;
# Limerick DB search
sub limerick_preprocessor {
my $parameter = shift;
if (!defined($parameter) || $parameter == 0) {
$parameter = 'random';
return $parameter;
sub limerick_search {
my $content = shift;
my $lines = join ' ', $content =~ /<div class="quote_output">(.*?)<\/div>/is;
$lines =~ s/\t//g;
$lines =~ s/<br\s*\/?>/\n/g;
return $lines;
# Bash.org ID search
sub bash_preprocessor {
my $parameter = shift;
if (!defined($parameter) || $parameter == 0) {
$parameter = 'random';
return $parameter;
sub bash_search {
my $content = shift;
my $lines = join ' ', $content =~ /<p class="qt">(.*?)<\/p>/is;
$lines =~ s/<br\/?>/\n/g;
return $lines;
# Memetic.org ID search
# Preprocessor converts empty parameter to 'random' search
sub memetic_preprocessor {
my $parameter = shift;
if (!defined($parameter) || $parameter == 0) {
$parameter = 'random';
return $parameter;
sub memetic_search {
my $content = shift;
my @lines = $content =~ /<font size='-1' face='Courier New, Courier, mono'>(.*?)<\/font>/isg;
my $lines = $lines[1];
$lines =~ s/<br\/?>/\n/g;
return $lines;
# Generate a tinyurl for a given URL
# Only really useful as a privmsg
sub tinyurl_search {
my $content = shift;
my $term = shift;
my $server = shift;
my $nick = shift;
my @lines = $content =~ /<blockquote><b>(.+?)</gism;
my $result = '';
if (scalar(@lines)) {
$result = $lines[1];
return $result;
# Get the current England game score, if any
sub cricket_search {
my $content = shift;
my @lines = grep {/England/} split /$/m, $content;
return $lines[0];
# Celebrity Nude Database search
# Preprocessor switches "Forename Surname" to
# "Surname, Forename" format
sub cndb_search {
my $content = shift;
my ($name) = $content =~ /<title>CNdb: (.+?)<\/title>/igosm;
return "" unless defined $name && length $name;
my @raw = $content =~ m/class="bold">(.+?)<\/td>/gosm;
return "" unless scalar(@raw);
my @lines;
while (scalar(@raw) &&
$raw[0] !~ /(was this review helpful|login to rate this review|^\s*$)/i) {
my $l = shift @raw;
push @lines, $l if $l !~ /\&nbsp;/;
my $output = "$name has appeared nude in:\n";
$output .= join "\n", @lines;
return $output;
sub cndb_preprocessor {
my $parameter = shift;
$parameter =~ s/(?<=\b)(\w)/\u$1/g;
my @parts = split /\s+/, $parameter;
my $last = pop @parts;
$last .= "," if scalar(@parts);
unshift @parts, $last;
return join " ", @parts;
# Horoscope search
sub horoscope_search {
my $content = shift;
my $term = shift;
$content =~ s/[\r\n]/ /gsm;
my ($line) = $content =~ m|CHANGE $term HERE -->(.+)<!-- END $term HERE|i;
$line =~ s/ +/ /g;
return $line;
# Horoscope search
sub horrorscope_search {
my $content = shift;
my $term = shift;
$content =~ s/[\r\n]/ /gsm;
my ($line) = $content =~ m|<tr>.*?$term.*?</td>(.*?)</tr>|i;
$line =~ s/ +/ /g;
return $line;
# Bored.com entertainment provider
sub bored_search {
my $content = shift;
my @stuff = $content =~ /<b><a href="(.+?)" target="_blank"><font .+?>(.+?)<\/font><\/a> - <\/b> *(.+?)<br>/g;
my @lines;
while (scalar(@stuff) > 0) {
my $url = shift @stuff;
my $title = shift @stuff;
my $desc = shift @stuff;
$url = 'http://www.bored.com'.$url unless $url =~ /^http/;
my $line = "$title - $url\n$desc";
push @lines, $line;
my $pick = rand(scalar(@lines));
return $lines[$pick];
# Sickipedia - Sick jokes for all
sub sick_search {
my $content = shift;
my @stuff = $content =~ /<description><!\[CDATA\[(.+?)]]><\/description>/gosm;
# Try and pick one with less than 5 lines ...
my $pick = 0;
my $brs = 0;
my $count = 3;
do {
$pick = rand(scalar(@stuff));
my @brs = $stuff[$pick] =~ /<br\/>/g;
$brs = @brs;
} while ($count > 0 && $brs > 4);
my $line = $stuff[$pick];
$line =~ s/<br\/>/\n/g;
return $line;
# Random joke
sub joke_search {
my $content = shift;
my ($line) = $content =~ /<div class="chiste">(.+?)<\/div>/gosm;
return $line;
# The Daily Mash random headline
sub tdm_search {
my $content = shift;
my $term = shift;
my @lines = $content =~ /<item>(.+?)<\/item>/gosm;
my $id = rand(scalar(@lines));
if ($term =~ /^\d+$/ &&
$term > 0 &&
$term <= scalar(@lines)) {
$id = $term - 1;
my @item = grep { /<(title|description|link)>/ } split /\n/, $lines[$id];
foreach (@item) {
$_ = unescapeHTML($_);
$item[1] =~ s/<.+?>//g;
my ($url) = process_request('tinyurl', $item[1]);
return "$item[0]\n$item[2]\n$url";
# Random proverbs
sub proverb_search {
my $content = shift;
$content =~ s/\n/ /g;
my ($line) = $content =~ /<h2>(.+?)<\/h2>/sm;
return $line;
# Many different lookerupperers
# Basic structure is:
# '!triger' => { detail }
# Where the detail hash can have the following keys
# 'url' (mandatory) - The URL to search, optionally with %s for insertion of parameter
# 'sub' (mandatory) - Reference to sub to call with URL content
# 'pre' - Preprocessor to mangle the parameter before being passed to URL
# 'escape' - URL encode the parameter (1 - true, 0 - false). Defaults to true
# 'cache' - Cache individual URLs for 'cache' seconds (e.g. 3600 = 1 hr)
# All triggers can be called via privmsg. To be able to respond to public
# messages (i.e. 'in channel') the trigger must be prefixed by !
# The only 'private only' responder at the moment is tinyurl
my %ENGINES = ('!image' => {'url' => 'http://images.google.co.uk/images?hl=en&safe=off&q=%s',
'sub' => \&image_search,
'cache' => 600},
'!google' => {'url' => 'http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=%s',
'sub' => \&google_search},
'!define' => {'url' => 'http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=define%%3A%%20%s',
'sub' => \&define_search},
'!urban' => {'url' => 'http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=%s',
'sub' => \&urban_search,
'cache' => 60},
'!profan' => {'url' => 'http://www.viz.co.uk/profanisaurus/profan_results.php?profan=search&prof_search=%s',
'sub' => \&profan_search},
'!uwotd' => {'url' => 'http://feeds.urbandictionary.com/UrbanWordOfTheDay',
'sub' => \&uwotd_search,
'cache' => 3600},
'!wwotd' => {'url' => 'http://home.comcast.net/~wwftd/Frame1.html',
'sub' => \&wwotd_search,
'cache' => 3600},
'!wotd' => {'url' => 'http://dictionary.reference.com/wordoftheday/',
'sub' => \&wotd_search,
'cache' => 3600},
'!slogan' => {'url' => 'http://www.sloganizer.net/en/?slogan=%s',
'sub' => \&slogan_search},
'!insult' => {'url' => 'http://www.webinsult.com/',
'sub' => \&insult_search},
'!compliment' => {'url' => 'http://www.madsci.org/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/~lynn/jardin/SCG/',
'sub' => \&compliment_search},
'!limerick' => {'url' => 'http://limerickdb.com/?%s',
'sub' => \&limerick_search,
'pre' => \&limerick_preprocessor},
'!bash' => {'url' => 'http://bash.org/?%s',
'sub' => \&bash_search,
'pre' => \&bash_preprocessor},
'!memetic' => {'url' => 'http://www.memetic.org/%s',
'sub' => \&memetic_search,
'pre' => \&memetic_preprocessor},
'!cricket' => {'url' => 'http://www.cricinfo.com/rss/livescores.xml',
'sub' => \&cricket_search},
'tinyurl' => {'url' => 'http://tinyurl.com/create.php?url=%s',
'sub' => \&tinyurl_search,
'escape' => 0,
'cache' => 3600},
'!cndb' => {'url' => 'http://cndb.com/actor.html?name=%s',
'sub' => \&cndb_search,
'pre' => \&cndb_preprocessor,
'cache' => 3600},
'!horoscope' => {'url' => 'http://www.astrology-online.com/daily.htm',
'sub' => \&horoscope_search,
'cache' => 3600},
'!horrorscope' => {'url' => 'http://www.emilystrange.com/beware/horrorscopes.cfm',
'sub' => \&horrorscope_search,
'cache' => 3600},
'!bored' => {'url' => 'http://www.bored.com/',
'sub' => \&bored_search,
'cache' => 3600},
'!procrastinate' => {'url' => 'http://www.bored.com/',
'sub' => \&bored_search,
'cache' => 3600},
#'!sick' => {'url' => 'http://sickipedia.org/feeds/?1195996408.xml',
# 'sub' => \&sick_search},
'!joke' => {'url' => 'http://www.ajokeaday.com/ChisteAlAzar.asp',
'sub' => \&joke_search},
'!tdm' => {'url' => 'http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/rss.xml',
'sub' => \&tdm_search,
'cache' => 3600},
'!proverb' => {'url' => 'http://server52204.uk2net.com/b3taproverbs/',
'sub' => \&proverb_search});
sub process_request {
my ($trigger, $term, $server, $nick, $target) = @_;
my $result = '';
if (exists $ENGINES{$trigger}) {
my $url = $ENGINES{$trigger}->{'url'};
my $sub = $ENGINES{$trigger}->{'sub'};
my $pre = exists $ENGINES{$trigger}->{'pre'} ?
$ENGINES{$trigger}->{'pre'} : undef;
my $escape = exists $ENGINES{$trigger}->{'escape'} ?
$ENGINES{$trigger}->{'escape'} : 1;
my $cache = exists $ENGINES{$trigger}->{'cache'} ?
$ENGINES{$trigger}->{'cache'} : 0;
# Pre-process the parameter if a pre function is defined
$term = $pre->($term) if defined $pre;
# Get the content from the URL
my $content = get_content($url, $term, $escape, $cache);
# Get the results of the search
$result = $sub->($content, $term, $server, $nick, $target) if defined $content;
# Quit if this isn't for us
return undef;
# Split the resulting lines at linebreaks or
# whitespace delimited lines up to 400 characters long
# to prevent IRSSI truncating the output lines
my @lines = $result =~ /(.{0,400})(?:\r|\n|\s+|$)/g;
@lines = () unless defined @lines;
my @output = ();
foreach my $text (@lines) {
next if $text =~ /^\s*$/;
# Strip HTML
$text =~ s/<(.*?)>/ /g;
$text = unescapeHTML($text);
# Strip non-printable characters
$text =~ s/[^[:print:]]/ /g;
# Sort out whitespace
$text =~ s/ +/ /g;
$text =~ s/^ *//;
$text =~ s/ *$//;
push @output, $text;
@output = ('No results found') unless scalar(@output) > 0;
return @output;
# Private responder, for privmsg functionality
sub private_responder {
my ($server, $data, $nick, $mask) = @_;
public_responder($server, $data, $nick, $mask, $nick);
# Public responder, where all the work gets done
sub public_responder {
my ($server, $data, $nick, $mask, $target) = @_;
$data =~ s/`//gosm;
my ($trigger, $term) = get_data($data);
$trigger =~ y/A-Z/a-z/;
my $result;
my $func;
# If this is a public message and the trigger has no !, silently ignore it
return if ($nick ne $target && $trigger !~ /^!/);
# If the trigger exists, call the URL and process the result
my @lines = process_request($trigger, $term, $server, $nick, $target);
# Display if necessary
if (defined @lines) {
$server->command("msg $target -!- $_")
for grep { /./ } @lines;
sub main {
my ($trigger, $term);
$trigger = shift(@ARGV);
$term = join(' ', @ARGV);
if(not defined $trigger) {
print "Usage: $0 <trigger> [terms]";
exit 1;
if($trigger eq "list") {
my $comma = "Triggers: ";
foreach my $key (sort keys(%ENGINES)) {
print "$comma$key";
$comma = ", ";
print "\n";
exit 1;
$trigger =~ s/^/!/;
my @lines = process_request($trigger, $term, "server", "nick", "target");
my $result = join(' ', @lines);
if($term ne "") {
print "$term: ";
print $result . "\n";