mirror of https://github.com/pragma-/pbot.git synced 2024-10-06 03:18:37 +02:00
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# File: PBot.pm
# Purpose: IRC Bot
# PBot was started around 2001, 2002. It has been lovingly maintained;
# however, it does use the ancient Net::IRC package and some outdated
# Perl5 practices.
# It would be nice to use modern packages like Moo (or even Dios!)
# and Mojo::IRC, but PBot is a labor of 20+ years of love and contains
# many significant features that depend on how Net::IRC and Perl5 behaves.
# But don't fear. PBot's forked Net::IRC package has also been maintained
# and updated along with PBot. It contains numerous bugfixes and supports
# various new features such as IRCv3 client capability negotiation and SASL
# user authentication.
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
package PBot::PBot;
use PBot::Imports;
use Carp ();
use PBot::Logger;
use PBot::VERSION;
use PBot::AntiFlood;
use PBot::AntiSpam;
use PBot::BanList;
use PBot::BlackList;
use PBot::Capabilities;
use PBot::Commands;
use PBot::Channels;
use PBot::ChanOps;
use PBot::DualIndexHashObject;
use PBot::DualIndexSQLiteObject;
use PBot::EventDispatcher;
use PBot::EventQueue;
use PBot::Factoids;
use PBot::Functions;
use PBot::HashObject;
use PBot::IgnoreList;
use PBot::Interpreter;
use PBot::IRC;
use PBot::IRCHandlers;
use PBot::LagChecker;
use PBot::MessageHistory;
use PBot::Modules;
use PBot::MiscCommands;
use PBot::NickList;
use PBot::Plugins;
use PBot::ProcessManager;
use PBot::Registry;
use PBot::Refresher;
use PBot::SelectHandler;
use PBot::StdinReader;
use PBot::Updater;
use PBot::Users;
use PBot::Utils::ParseDate;
use PBot::WebPaste;
# unbuffer stdout stream
# set standard output streams to encode as utf8
binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
binmode(STDERR, ":utf8");
# decode command-line arguments from utf8
use Encode;
@ARGV = map { decode('UTF-8', $_, 1) } @ARGV;
sub new {
my ($class, %args) = @_;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
return $self;
sub initialize {
my ($self, %conf) = @_;
$self->{startup_timestamp} = time;
# process command-line arguments for path and registry overrides
foreach my $arg (@ARGV) {
if ($arg =~ m/^-?(?:general\.)?((?:data|module|plugin|update)_dir)=(.*)$/) {
# check command-line arguments for directory overrides
my $override = $1;
my $value = $2;
$value =~ s/[\\\/]$//; # strip trailing directory separator
$conf{data_dir} = $value if $override eq 'data_dir';
$conf{module_dir} = $value if $override eq 'module_dir';
$conf{plugin_dir} = $value if $override eq 'plugin_dir';
$conf{update_dir} = $value if $override eq 'update_dir';
} else {
# check command-line arguments for registry overrides
my ($item, $value) = split /=/, $arg, 2;
if (not defined $item or not defined $value) {
print STDERR "Fatal error: unknown argument `$arg`; arguments must be in the form of `section.key=value` or `path_dir=value` (e.g.: irc.botnick=newnick or data_dir=path)\n";
my ($section, $key) = split /\./, $item, 2;
if (not defined $section or not defined $key) {
print STDERR "Fatal error: bad argument `$arg`; registry entries must be in the form of section.key (e.g.: irc.botnick)\n";
$section =~ s/^-//; # remove a leading - to allow arguments like -irc.botnick due to habitual use of -args
$self->{overrides}->{"$section.$key"} = $value;
# make sure the paths exist
foreach my $path (qw/data_dir module_dir plugin_dir update_dir/) {
if (not -d $conf{$path}) {
print STDERR "$path path ($conf{$path}) does not exist; aborting.\n";
# let modules register atexit subroutines
$self->{atexit} = PBot::Registerable->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
# register default signal handlers
# prepare and open logger
$self->{logger} = PBot::Logger->new(pbot => $self, filename => "$conf{data_dir}/log/log", %conf);
# log command-line arguments
$self->{logger}->log("Args: @ARGV\n") if @ARGV;
# log configured paths
$self->{logger}->log("module_dir: $conf{module_dir}\n");
$self->{logger}->log("plugin_dir: $conf{plugin_dir}\n");
$self->{logger}->log(" data_dir: $conf{data_dir}\n");
$self->{logger}->log("update_dir: $conf{update_dir}\n");
# prepare the updater
$self->{updater} = PBot::Updater->new(pbot => $self, data_dir => $conf{data_dir}, update_dir => $conf{update_dir});
# update any data files to new locations/formats
# --- this must happen before any data files are opened! ---
if ($self->{updater}->update) {
$self->{logger}->log("Update failed.\n");
exit 0;
# create capabilities so commands can add new capabilities
$self->{capabilities} = PBot::Capabilities->new(pbot => $self, filename => "$conf{data_dir}/capabilities", %conf);
# create commands so the modules can register new commands
$self->{commands} = PBot::Commands->new(pbot => $self, filename => "$conf{data_dir}/commands", %conf);
# add 'cap' capability command here since $self->{commands} is created after $self->{capabilities}
$self->{commands}->register(sub { $self->{capabilities}->cmd_cap(@_) }, "cap");
# prepare the version information and `version` command
$self->{version} = PBot::VERSION->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{logger}->log($self->{version}->version . "\n");
# prepare registry
$self->{registry} = PBot::Registry->new(pbot => $self, filename => "$conf{data_dir}/registry", %conf);
# ensure user has attempted to configure the bot
if (not length $self->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'botnick')) {
$self->{logger}->log("Fatal error: IRC nickname not defined; please set registry key irc.botnick in $conf{data_dir}/registry to continue.\n");
# prepare the IRC engine
$self->{irc} = PBot::IRC->new;
# prepare remaining core PBot modules -- do not change this order
$self->{event_queue} = PBot::EventQueue->new(pbot => $self, name => 'PBot event queue', %conf);
$self->{event_dispatcher} = PBot::EventDispatcher->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{users} = PBot::Users->new(pbot => $self, filename => "$conf{data_dir}/users", %conf);
$self->{antiflood} = PBot::AntiFlood->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{antispam} = PBot::AntiSpam->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{banlist} = PBot::BanList->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{blacklist} = PBot::BlackList->new(pbot => $self, filename => "$conf{data_dir}/blacklist", %conf);
$self->{channels} = PBot::Channels->new(pbot => $self, filename => "$conf{data_dir}/channels", %conf);
$self->{chanops} = PBot::ChanOps->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{factoids} = PBot::Factoids->new(pbot => $self, filename => "$conf{data_dir}/factoids.sqlite3", %conf);
$self->{functions} = PBot::Functions->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{refresher} = PBot::Refresher->new(pbot => $self);
$self->{ignorelist} = PBot::IgnoreList->new(pbot => $self, filename => "$conf{data_dir}/ignorelist", %conf);
$self->{irchandlers} = PBot::IRCHandlers->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{interpreter} = PBot::Interpreter->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{lagchecker} = PBot::LagChecker->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{misc_commands} = PBot::MiscCommands->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{messagehistory} = PBot::MessageHistory->new(pbot => $self, filename => "$conf{data_dir}/message_history.sqlite3", %conf);
$self->{modules} = PBot::Modules->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{nicklist} = PBot::NickList->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{parsedate} = PBot::Utils::ParseDate->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{plugins} = PBot::Plugins->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{process_manager} = PBot::ProcessManager->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{select_handler} = PBot::SelectHandler->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{stdin_reader} = PBot::StdinReader->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{webpaste} = PBot::WebPaste->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
# register command/factoid interpreters
$self->{interpreter}->register(sub { $self->{commands}->interpreter(@_) });
$self->{interpreter}->register(sub { $self->{factoids}->interpreter(@_) });
# give botowner all capabilities
# -- this must happen last after all modules have registered their capabilities --
# fire all pending save events at exit
$self->{atexit}->register(sub {
$self->{event_queue}->execute_and_dequeue_event('save .*');
sub random_nick {
my ($self, $length) = @_;
$length //= 9;
my @chars = ("A" .. "Z", "a" .. "z", "0" .. "9");
my $nick = $chars[rand @chars - 10]; # nicks cannot start with a digit
$nick .= $chars[rand @chars] for 1 .. $length;
return $nick;
# TODO: add disconnect subroutine and connect/disconnect/reconnect commands
sub connect {
my ($self) = @_;
return if $ENV{PBOT_LOCAL};
if ($self->{connected}) {
# TODO: disconnect, clean-up, etc
my $server = $self->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'server');
my $port = $self->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'port');
my $delay = $self->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'reconnect_delay') // 10;
$self->{logger}->log("Connecting to $server:$port\n");
while (
not $self->{conn} = $self->{irc}->newconn(
Nick => $self->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'randomize_nick') ? $self->random_nick : $self->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'botnick'),
Username => $self->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'username'),
Ircname => $self->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'realname'),
Server => $server,
Port => $port,
Pacing => 1,
UTF8 => 1,
SSL => $self->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'ssl'),
SSL_ca_file => $self->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'ssl_ca_file'),
SSL_ca_path => $self->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'ssl_ca_path'),
Debug => $self->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'debug'),
$self->{logger}->log("$0: Can't connect to $server:$port: $!\nRetrying in $delay seconds...\n");
sleep $delay;
$self->{connected} = 1;
# set up handlers for the IRC engine
$self->{conn}->add_default_handler(sub { $self->{irchandlers}->default_handler(@_) }, 1);
$self->{conn}->add_handler([251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 302], sub { $self->{irchandlers}->on_init(@_) });
# ignore these events
sub { }
sub register_signal_handlers {
my ($self) = @_;
$SIG{INT} = sub {
my $msg = "SIGINT received, exiting immediately.\n";
if (exists $self->{logger}) {
} else {
print $msg;
exit 0;
# called when PBot terminates
sub atexit {
my ($self) = @_;
if (exists $self->{logger}) {
} else {
print "Good-bye.\n";
# convenient function to exit PBot
sub exit {
my ($self, $exitval) = @_;
$exitval //= 0;
my $msg = "Exiting immediately.\n";
if (exists $self->{logger}) {
} else {
print $msg;
exit $exitval;
# main loop
sub do_one_loop {
my ($self) = @_;
# do an irc engine loop (select, eventqueues, etc)
# invoke PBot events (returns seconds until next event)
my $waitfor = $self->{event_queue}->do_events;
# tell irc select loop to sleep for this many seconds
# (or until its own internal eventqueue has an event)
# main entry point
sub start {
my ($self) = @_;
while (1) {