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# File: ParseDate.pm
# Purpose: Intelligently parses strings like "1h30m", "5 minutes", "next week",
# "3:30 am pdt", "11 pm utc", etc, into seconds.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2023 Pragmatic Software <pragma78@gmail.com>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package PBot::Core::Utils::ParseDate;
use PBot::Imports;
use DateTime;
use DateTime::Format::Flexible;
use DateTime::Format::Duration;
sub new($class, %args) {
my $self = bless {}, $class;
return $self;
sub initialize($self, %conf) {
$self->{pbot} = $conf{pbot} // Carp::croak("Missing pbot reference to " . __FILE__);
# expands stuff like "7d3h" to "7 days and 3 hours"
sub unconcise($input) {
my %word = (y => 'years', w => 'weeks', d => 'days', h => 'hours', m => 'minutes', s => 'seconds');
$input =~ s/(\d+)([ywdhms])(?![a-z])/"$1 " . $word{lc $2} . ' and '/ige;
$input =~ s/ and $//;
return $input;
# parses English natural language date strings into seconds
# does not accept times or dates in the past
sub parsedate($self, $input) {
my $examples = "Try `30s`, `1h30m`, `tomorrow`, `next monday`, `9:30am pdt`, `11pm utc`, etc.";
my $attempts = 0;
my $original_input = $input;
my $override = "";
$input = "$override$input" if length $override;
return (0, "Could not parse `$original_input`. $examples") if ++$attempts > 10;
# expand stuff like 7d3h
$input = unconcise($input);
# some aliases
$input =~ s/\bsecs?\b/seconds/g;
$input =~ s/\bmins?\b/minutes/g;
$input =~ s/\bhrs?\b/hours/g;
$input =~ s/\bwks?\b/weeks/g;
$input =~ s/\byrs?\b/years/g;
$input =~ s/\butc\b/gmt/g;
# sanitizers
$input =~ s/\b(\d+)\s+(am?|pm?)\b/$1$2/; # remove leading spaces from am/pm
$input =~ s/ (\d+)(am?|pm?)\b/ $1:00:00$2/; # convert 3pm to 3:00:00pm
$input =~ s/ (\d+:\d+)(am?|pm?)\b/ $1:00$2/; # convert 4:20pm to 4:20:00pm
$input =~
s/next (jan(?:uary)?|feb(?:ruary)?|mar(?:ch)?|apr(?:il)?|may|june?|july?|aug(?:ust)?|sept(?:ember)?|oct(?:ober)?|nov(?:ember)|dec(?:ember)?) (\d+)(?:st|nd|rd|th)?(.*)/"next $1 and " . ($2 - 1) . " days" . (length $3 ? " and $3" : "")/ie;
# split input on "and" or comma, then we'll add up the results
# this allows us to parse things like "1 hour and 30 minutes"
my @inputs = split /(?:,?\s+and\s+|\s*,\s*|\s+at\s+)/, $input;
# adjust timezone to user-override if user provides a timezone
# we won't know if a timezone was provided until it is parsed
my $timezone;
my $tz_override = 'UTC';
$timezone = $tz_override;
my $now = DateTime->now(time_zone => $timezone);
my $seconds = 0;
my ($to, $base);
foreach my $input (@inputs) {
return -1 if $input =~ m/forever/i;
$input .= ' seconds' if $input =~ m/^\s*\d+\s*$/;
# DateTime::Format::Flexible doesn't support seconds, but that's okay;
# we can take care of that easily here!
if ($input =~ m/^\s*(\d+)\s+seconds$/) {
$seconds += $1;
# adjust base
if (defined $to) {
$base = $to->clone;
} else {
$base = $now;
# First, attempt to parse as-is...
$to = eval { return DateTime::Format::Flexible->parse_datetime($input, lang => ['en'], base => $base); };
# If there was an error, then append "from now" and attempt to parse as a relative time...
if ($@) {
$input .= ' from now';
$to = eval { return DateTime::Format::Flexible->parse_datetime($input, lang => ['en'], base => $base); };
# If there's still an error, it's bad input
if (my $error = $@) {
$error =~ s/ ${override}from now at .*$//;
$error =~ s/\s*$/. $examples/;
return (0, $error);
# there was a timezone parsed, set the tz override and try again
if ($to->time_zone_short_name ne 'floating' and $to->time_zone_short_name ne 'UTC' and $tz_override eq 'UTC') {
$tz_override = $to->time_zone_long_name;
$to = undef;
my $duration = $to->subtract_datetime_absolute($base);
# If the time is in the past, prepend "tomorrow" or "next" and reparse
if ($duration->is_negative) {
if ($input =~ m/^\d/) {
$override = "tomorrow ";
} else {
$override = "next ";
$to = undef;
# add the seconds from this input chunk
$seconds += $duration->seconds;
return $seconds;