
190 lines
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# File: NickList.pm
# Purpose: Registers command for viewing nick list and nick metadata.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Pragmatic Software <pragma78@gmail.com>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package PBot::Core::Commands::NickList;
use PBot::Imports;
use parent 'PBot::Core::Class';
use Time::HiRes qw/gettimeofday/;
use Time::Duration qw/concise ago/;
use Getopt::Long qw/GetOptionsFromArray/;
sub initialize {
my ($self, %conf) = @_;
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->cmd_nicklist(@_) }, "nicklist", 1);
sub cmd_nicklist {
my ($self, $context) = @_;
my $usage = "Usage: nicklist (<channel [nick]> | <nick>) [-sort <by>] [-hostmask] [-join]; -hostmask shows hostmasks instead of nicks; -join includes join time";
my $getopt_error;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
$getopt_error = shift;
chomp $getopt_error;
my $sort_method = 'nick';
my $full_hostmask = 0;
my $include_join = 0;
my @args = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_line($context->{arguments}, strip_quotes => 1);
'sort|s=s' => \$sort_method,
'hostmask|hm' => \$full_hostmask,
'join|j' => \$include_join,
return "$getopt_error; $usage" if defined $getopt_error;
return "Too many arguments -- $usage" if @args > 2;
return $usage if @args == 0 or not length $args[0];
my %sort = (
'spoken' => sub {
if ($_[1] eq '+') {
return $_[0]->{$b}->{timestamp} <=> $_[0]->{$a}->{timestamp};
} else {
return $_[0]->{$a}->{timestamp} <=> $_[0]->{$b}->{timestamp};
'join' => sub {
if ($_[1] eq '+') {
return $_[0]->{$b}->{join} <=> $_[0]->{$a}->{join};
} else {
return $_[0]->{$a}->{join} <=> $_[0]->{$b}->{join};
'host' => sub {
if ($_[1] eq '+') {
return lc $_[0]->{$a}->{host} cmp lc $_[0]->{$b}->{host};
} else {
return lc $_[0]->{$b}->{host} cmp lc $_[0]->{$a}->{host};
'nick' => sub {
if ($_[1] eq '+') {
return lc $_[0]->{$a}->{nick} cmp lc $_[0]->{$b}->{nick};
} else {
return lc $_[0]->{$b}->{nick} cmp lc $_[0]->{$a}->{nick};
my $sort_direction = '+';
if ($sort_method =~ s/^(\+|\-)//) {
$sort_direction = $1;
if (not exists $sort{$sort_method}) {
return "Invalid sort method '$sort_method'; valid methods are: "
. join(', ', sort keys %sort) . "; prefix with - to invert sort direction.";
# insert from channel as first argument if first argument is not a channel
if ($args[0] !~ /^#/) {
unshift @args, $context->{from};
my $nicklist = $self->{pbot}->{nicklist}->{nicklist};
# ensure channel has a nicklist
if (not exists $nicklist->{lc $args[0]}) {
return "No nicklist for channel $args[0].";
my $result;
if (@args == 1) {
# nicklist for a specific channel
my $count = keys %{$nicklist->{lc $args[0]}};
$result = "$count nick" . ($count == 1 ? '' : 's') . " in $args[0]:\n";
foreach my $entry (
sort {
$sort{$sort_method}->($nicklist->{lc $args[0]}, $sort_direction)
} keys %{$nicklist->{lc $args[0]}}
) {
if ($full_hostmask) {
$result .= " $nicklist->{lc $args[0]}->{$entry}->{hostmask}";
} else {
$result .= " $nicklist->{lc $args[0]}->{$entry}->{nick}";
my $sep = ': ';
if ($nicklist->{lc $args[0]}->{$entry}->{timestamp} > 0) {
my $duration = concise ago (gettimeofday - $nicklist->{lc $args[0]}->{$entry}->{timestamp});
$result .= "${sep}last spoken $duration";
$sep = ', ';
if ($include_join and $nicklist->{lc $args[0]}->{$entry}->{join} > 0) {
my $duration = concise ago (gettimeofday - $nicklist->{lc $args[0]}->{$entry}->{join});
$result .= "${sep}joined $duration";
$sep = ', ';
foreach my $key (sort keys %{$nicklist->{lc $args[0]}->{$entry}}) {
next if grep { $key eq $_ } qw/nick user host join timestamp hostmask/;
if ($nicklist->{lc $args[0]}->{$entry}->{$key} == 1) {
$result .= "$sep$key";
} else {
$result .= "$sep$key => $nicklist->{lc $args[0]}->{$entry}->{$key}";
$sep = ', ';
$result .= "\n";
} else {
# nicklist for a specific user
if (not exists $nicklist->{lc $args[0]}->{lc $args[1]}) {
return "No such nick $args[1] in channel $args[0].";
$result = "Nicklist information for $nicklist->{lc $args[0]}->{lc $args[1]}->{hostmask} in $args[0]: ";
my $sep = '';
if ($nicklist->{lc $args[0]}->{lc $args[1]}->{timestamp} > 0) {
my $duration = concise ago (gettimeofday - $nicklist->{lc $args[0]}->{lc $args[1]}->{timestamp});
$result .= "last spoken $duration";
$sep = ', ';
if ($nicklist->{lc $args[0]}->{lc $args[1]}->{join} > 0) {
my $duration = concise ago (gettimeofday - $nicklist->{lc $args[0]}->{lc $args[1]}->{join});
$result .= "${sep}joined $duration";
$sep = ', ';
foreach my $key (sort keys %{$nicklist->{lc $args[0]}->{lc $args[1]}}) {
next if grep { $key eq $_ } qw/nick user host join timestamp hostmask/;
$result .= "$sep$key => $nicklist->{lc $args[0]}->{lc $args[1]}->{$key}";
$sep = ', ';
$result .= 'no details' if $sep eq '';
return $result;