mirror of https://github.com/pragma-/pbot.git synced 2024-10-02 01:18:40 +02:00
2019-07-10 18:40:53 -07:00

1140 lines
28 KiB
Executable File

use warnings;
use strict;
use feature "switch";
use feature 'unicode_strings';
no if $] >= 5.018, warnings => "experimental::smartmatch";
package _default;
use IPC::Open2;
use IO::Socket;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Time::HiRes qw/gettimeofday/;
use Text::Balanced qw/extract_delimited/;
use JSON;
use Getopt::Long qw/GetOptionsFromArray :config pass_through no_ignore_case no_auto_abbrev/;
use Encode;
my $EXECUTE_PORT = '3333';
sub new {
my ($class, %conf) = @_;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
$self->{debug} = $conf{debug} // 0;
$self->{nick} = $conf{nick};
$self->{channel} = $conf{channel};
$self->{lang} = $conf{lang};
$self->{code} = $conf{code};
$self->{max_history} = $conf{max_history} // 10000;
$self->{arguments} = $conf{arguments};
$self->{factoid} = $conf{factoid};
$self->{'persist-key'} = $conf{'persist-key'};
$self->{default_options} = '';
$self->{cmdline} = 'echo Hello, world!';
# remove leading and trailing whitespace
$self->{nick} =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g if defined $self->{nick};
$self->{channel} =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g if defined $self->{channel};
$self->{lang} =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g if defined $self->{lang};
return $self;
sub initialize {
my ($self, %conf) = @_;
sub pretty_format {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{code};
sub preprocess_code {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->{only_show}) {
print "$self->{code}\n";
unless($self->{got_run} and $self->{copy_code}) {
open FILE, ">> log.txt";
print FILE localtime() . "\n";
print FILE "$self->{nick} $self->{channel}: [" . $self->{arguments} . "] " . $self->{cmdline_options} . "$self->{code}\n";
close FILE;
if (exists $self->{prelude}) {
$self->{code} = "$self->{prelude}\n$self->{code}";
# replace \n outside of quotes with literal newline
my $new_code = "";
use constant {
NORMAL => 0,
my $state = NORMAL;
my $escaped = 0;
while($self->{code} =~ m/(.)/gs) {
my $ch = $1;
given ($ch) {
when ('\\') {
if($escaped == 0) {
$escaped = 1;
if($state == NORMAL) {
when ($_ eq '"' and not $escaped) {
when ($_ eq "'" and not $escaped) {
when ($_ eq 'n' and $escaped == 1) {
$ch = "\n";
$escaped = 0;
if($state == DOUBLE_QUOTED) {
when ($_ eq '"' and not $escaped) {
$state = NORMAL;
if($state == SINGLE_QUOTED) {
when ($_ eq "'" and not $escaped) {
$state = NORMAL;
$new_code .= '\\' and $escaped = 0 if $escaped;
$new_code .= $ch;
$self->{code} = $new_code;
sub postprocess_output {
my $self = shift;
unless($self->{got_run} and $self->{copy_code}) {
open FILE, ">> log.txt";
print FILE "------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
print FILE localtime() . "\n";
print FILE "$self->{output}\n";
close FILE;
# backspace
my $boutput = "";
my $active_position = 0;
$self->{output} =~ s/\n$//;
while($self->{output} =~ /(.)/gms) {
my $c = $1;
if($c eq "\b") {
if(--$active_position <= 0) {
$active_position = 0;
substr($boutput, $active_position++, 1) = $c;
$self->{output} = $boutput;
my @beeps = qw/*BEEP* *BING* *DING* *DONG* *CLUNK* *BONG* *PING* *BOOP* *BLIP* *BOP* *WHIRR*/;
$self->{output} =~ s/\007/$beeps[rand @beeps]/g;
sub show_output {
my $self = shift;
my $output = $self->{output};
unless ($self->{got_run} and $self->{copy_code}) {
open FILE, ">> log.txt";
print FILE "------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
print FILE localtime() . "\n";
print FILE "$output\n";
print FILE "========================================================================\n";
close FILE;
if (exists $self->{options}->{'-paste'} or (defined $self->{got_run} and $self->{got_run} eq 'paste')) {
my $cmdline = "command: $self->{cmdline}\n";
$cmdline =~ s/\$sourcefile/$self->{sourcefile}/g;
$cmdline =~ s/\$execfile/$self->{execfile}/g;
my $options;
if (length $self->{cmdline_options}) {
$options = $self->{cmdline_options};
} else {
$options = $self->{default_options};
if (exists $self->{options_paste}) {
$options .= ' ' if length $options;
$options .= $self->{options_paste};
if (length $options) {
$cmdline =~ s/\$options/$options/;
} else {
$cmdline =~ s/\$options\s+//;
if (length $self->{arguments}) {
$cmdline .= "arguments: $self->{arguments}\n";
if ($self->{options}->{'-stdin'}) {
$cmdline .= "stdin: $self->{options}->{'-stdin'}\n";
my $pretty_code = $self->pretty_format($self->{code});
my $cmdline_opening_comment = $self->{cmdline_opening_comment} // "/************* CMDLINE *************\n";
my $cmdline_closing_comment = $self->{cmdline_closing_comment} // "************** CMDLINE *************/\n";
my $output_opening_comment = $self->{output_opening_comment} // "/************* OUTPUT *************\n";
my $output_closing_comment = $self->{output_closing_comment} // "************** OUTPUT *************/\n";
$pretty_code .= "\n\n";
$pretty_code .= $cmdline_opening_comment;
$pretty_code .= "$cmdline";
$pretty_code .= $cmdline_closing_comment;
$output =~ s/\s+$//;
$pretty_code .= "\n";
$pretty_code .= $output_opening_comment;
$pretty_code .= "$output\n";
$pretty_code .= $output_closing_comment;
my $uri = $self->paste_ixio($pretty_code);
print "$uri\n";
exit 0;
if($self->{channel} =~ m/^#/ and length $output > 22 and open FILE, "< history/$self->{channel}-$self->{lang}.last-output") {
my $last_output;
my $time = <FILE>;
if(gettimeofday - $time > 60 * 4) {
close FILE;
} else {
while(my $line = <FILE>) {
$last_output .= $line;
close FILE;
if((not $self->{factoid}) and defined $last_output and $last_output eq $output) {
print "Same output.\n";
exit 0;
print "$output\n";
open FILE, "> history/$self->{channel}-$self->{lang}.last-output" or die "Couldn't open $self->{channel}-$self->{lang}.last-output: $!";
my $now = gettimeofday;
print FILE "$now\n";
print FILE "$output";
close FILE;
sub paste_ixio {
my $self = shift;
my $text = join(' ', @_);
$text =~ s/(.{120})\s/$1\n/g;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
push @{ $ua->requests_redirectable }, 'POST';
my %post = ('f:1' => $text);
my $response = $ua->post("http://ix.io", \%post);
if(not $response->is_success) {
return "error pasting: " . $response->status_line;
my $result = $response->decoded_content;
$result =~ s/^\s+//;
$result =~ s/\s+$//;
return $result;
sub execute {
my ($self) = @_;
my ($compiler, $compiler_output, $pid);
delete $self->{local};
if(exists $self->{local} and $self->{local} != 0) {
print "Using local compiler instead of virtual machine\n";
$pid = open2($compiler_output, $compiler, './compiler_vm_server.pl') || die "repl failed: $@\n";
print "Started compiler, pid: $pid\n";
} else {
$compiler = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => '', PeerPort => $EXECUTE_PORT, Proto => 'tcp', Type => SOCK_STREAM);
die "Could not create socket: $!" unless $compiler;
$compiler_output = $compiler;
my $date = time;
my $stdin = $self->{options}->{'-stdin'};
if (not length $stdin) {
$stdin = `fortune -u -s`;
$stdin =~ s/[\n\r\t]/ /msg;
$stdin =~ s/:/ - /g;
$stdin =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$stdin =~ s/^\s+//;
$stdin =~ s/\s+$//;
$stdin =~ s/(?<!\\)\\n/\n/mg;
$stdin =~ s/(?<!\\)\\r/\r/mg;
$stdin =~ s/(?<!\\)\\t/\t/mg;
$stdin =~ s/(?<!\\)\\b/\b/mg;
$stdin =~ s/(?<!\\)\\x([a-f0-9]+)/chr hex $1/igme;
$stdin =~ s/(?<!\\)\\([0-7]+)/chr oct $1/gme;
my $pretty_code = $self->pretty_format($self->{code});
my $cmdline = $self->{cmdline};
$cmdline =~ s/\$sourcefile/$self->{sourcefile}/g;
$cmdline =~ s/\$execfile/$self->{execfile}/g;
my $options;
if (length $self->{cmdline_options}) {
$options = $self->{cmdline_options};
} else {
$options = $self->{default_options};
if ((not exists $self->{options}->{'-paste'}) and (not defined $self->{got_run} or $self->{got_run} ne 'paste')) {
if (exists $self->{options_nopaste}) {
$options .= ' ' if length $options;
$options .= $self->{options_nopaste};
} else {
if (exists $self->{options_paste}) {
$options .= ' ' if length $options;
$options .= $self->{options_paste};
if (length $options) {
$cmdline =~ s/\$options/$options/;
} else {
$cmdline =~ s/\$options\s+//;
open FILE, ">> log.txt";
print FILE "------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
print FILE localtime() . "\n";
print FILE "$cmdline\n$stdin\n$pretty_code\n";
my $compile_in = {
lang => $self->{lang},
sourcefile => $self->{sourcefile},
execfile => $self->{execfile},
cmdline => $cmdline,
input => $stdin,
date => $date,
arguments => $self->{arguments},
code => $pretty_code
$compile_in->{'factoid'} = $self->{'factoid'} if length $self->{'factoid'};
$compile_in->{'persist-key'} = $self->{'persist-key'} if length $self->{'persist-key'};
my $compile_json = encode_json($compile_in);
$compile_json .= encode('UTF-8', "\n:end:\n");
my $length = length $compile_json;
my $sent = 0;
my $chunk_max = 4096;
my $chunk_size = $length < $chunk_max ? $length : $chunk_max;
my $chunks_sent = 0;
#print FILE "Sending $length bytes [$compile_json] to vm_server\n";
$chunk_size -= 1; # account for newline in syswrite
while ($chunks_sent < $length) {
my $chunk = substr $compile_json, $chunks_sent, $chunk_size;
#print FILE "Sending chunk [$chunk]\n";
$chunks_sent += length $chunk;
my $ret = syswrite($compiler, $chunk);
if (not defined $ret) {
print FILE "Error sending: $!\n";
if ($ret == 0) {
print FILE "Sent 0 bytes. Sleep 1 sec and try again\n";
sleep 1;
$sent += $ret;
print FILE "Sent $ret bytes, so far $sent ...\n";
#print FILE "Done sending!\n";
close FILE;
my $result = "";
my $got_result = 0;
while(my $line = <$compiler_output>) {
print STDERR "Read from vm [$line]\n";
$line =~ s/[\r\n]+$//;
last if $line =~ /^result:end$/;
if($line =~ /^result:/) {
$line =~ s/^result://;
my $compile_out = decode_json($line);
$result .= "$compile_out->{result}\n";
$got_result = 1;
if($got_result) {
$result .= "$line\n";
close $compiler;
waitpid($pid, 0) if defined $pid;
$self->{output} = $result;
return $result;
sub add_option {
my $self = shift;
my ($option, $value) = @_;
$self->{options_order} = [] if not exists $self->{options_order};
$self->{options}->{$option} = $value;
push @{$self->{options_order}}, $option;
sub process_standard_options {
my $self = shift;
my @opt_args = $self->split_line($self->{code}, preserve_escapes => 1, keep_spaces => 1);
use Data::Dumper;
print STDERR "opt_arg: ", Dumper \@opt_args;
my $getopt_error;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
$getopt_error = shift;
chomp $getopt_error;
my ($info, $arguments, $paste);
my ($ret, $rest) = GetOptionsFromArray(\@opt_args,
'info!' => \$info,
'args|arguments=s' => \$arguments,
'paste!' => \$paste);
if ($info) {
my $cmdline = $self->{cmdline};
if (length $self->{default_options}) {
$cmdline =~ s/\$options/$self->{default_options}/;
} else {
$cmdline =~ s/\$options\s+//;
$cmdline =~ s/\$sourcefile/$self->{sourcefile}/g;
$cmdline =~ s/\$execfile/$self->{execfile}/g;
my $name = exists $self->{name} ? $self->{name} : $self->{lang};
print "$name cmdline: $cmdline\n";
if (defined $arguments) {
if (not $arguments =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/) {
$arguments =~ s/^'(.*)'$/$1/;
$self->{arguments} = $arguments;
if ($paste) {
$self->{code} = join ' ', @opt_args;
if ($self->{code} =~ s/-stdin[ =]?(.*)$//) {
$self->add_option("-stdin", $1);
sub process_custom_options {
sub process_cmdline_options {
my $self = shift;
my $code = $self->{code};
$self->{cmdline_options} = "";
while ($code =~ s/^\s*(-[^ ]+)\s*//) {
$self->{cmdline_options} .= "$1 ";
$self->{cmdline_options} =~ s/\s$//;
$self->{code} = $code;
sub process_interactive_edit {
my $self = shift;
my $code = $self->{code};
my (@last_code, $unshift_last_code);
print " code: [$code]\n" if $self->{debug};
my $subcode = $code;
while ($subcode =~ s/^\s*(-[^ ]+)\s*//) {}
my $copy_code;
if($subcode =~ s/^\s*copy\s+(\S+)\s*//) {
my $copy = $1;
if(open FILE, "< history/$copy-$self->{lang}.hist") {
$copy_code = <FILE>;
close FILE;
goto COPY_ERROR if not $copy_code;;
chomp $copy_code;
} else {
print "No history for $copy.\n";
exit 0;
$code = $copy_code;
$self->{only_show} = 1;
$self->{copy_code} = 1;
if($subcode =~ m/^\s*(?:and\s+)?(?:diff|show)\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
$self->{channel} = $1;
if(open FILE, "< history/$self->{channel}-$self->{lang}.hist") {
while(my $line = <FILE>) {
chomp $line;
push @last_code, $line;
close FILE;
unshift @last_code, $copy_code if defined $copy_code;
if($subcode =~ m/^\s*(?:and\s+)?show(?:\s+\S+)?\s*$/i) {
if(defined $last_code[0]) {
print "$last_code[0]\n";
} else {
print "No recent code to show.\n"
exit 0;
my $prevchange = $last_code[0];
my @replacements;
my $got_changes = 0;
my $got_sub = 0;
my $got_diff = 0;
my $got_undo = 0;
my $last_keyword;
while($subcode =~ s/^\s*(and)?\s*undo//) {
splice @last_code, 0, 1;
if(not defined $last_code[0]) {
print "No more undos remaining.\n";
exit 0;
} else {
$code = $last_code[0];
$prevchange = $last_code[0];
$got_undo = 1;
while(1) {
$got_sub = 0;
$subcode =~ s/^\s*and\s+'/and $last_keyword '/ if defined $last_keyword;
if($subcode =~ m/^\s*(?:and\s+)?diff\b/i) {
$got_diff = 1;
if($subcode =~ m/^\s*(?:and\s+)?(again|run|paste)\b/i) {
$self->{got_run} = lc $1;
$self->{only_show} = 0;
if ($prevchange) {
$code = $prevchange;
} else {
print "No recent code to $self->{got_run}.\n";
exit 0;
if($subcode =~ m/^\s*(and)?\s*remove \s*([^']+)?\s*'/) {
$last_keyword = 'remove';
my $modifier = 'first';
$subcode =~ s/^\s*(and)?\s*//;
$subcode =~ s/remove\s*([^']+)?\s*//i;
$modifier = $1 if defined $1;
$modifier =~ s/\s+$//;
my ($e, $r) = extract_delimited($subcode, "'");
my $text;
if(defined $e) {
$text = $e;
$text =~ s/^'//;
$text =~ s/'$//;
$subcode = "replace $modifier '$text' with ''$r";
} else {
print "Unbalanced single quotes. Usage: cc remove [all, first, .., tenth, last] 'text' [and ...]\n";
exit 0;
if($subcode =~ s/^\s*(and)?\s*prepend '//) {
$last_keyword = 'prepend';
$subcode = "'$subcode";
my ($e, $r) = extract_delimited($subcode, "'");
my $text;
if(defined $e) {
$text = $e;
$text =~ s/^'//;
$text =~ s/'$//;
$subcode = $r;
$got_sub = 1;
$got_changes = 1;
if(not defined $prevchange) {
print "No recent code to prepend to.\n";
exit 0;
$code = $prevchange;
$code =~ s/^/$text /;
$prevchange = $code;
} else {
print "Unbalanced single quotes. Usage: cc prepend 'text' [and ...]\n";
exit 0;
if($subcode =~ s/^\s*(and)?\s*append '//) {
$last_keyword = 'append';
$subcode = "'$subcode";
my ($e, $r) = extract_delimited($subcode, "'");
my $text;
if(defined $e) {
$text = $e;
$text =~ s/^'//;
$text =~ s/'$//;
$subcode = $r;
$got_sub = 1;
$got_changes = 1;
if(not defined $prevchange) {
print "No recent code to append to.\n";
exit 0;
$code = $prevchange;
$code =~ s/$/ $text/;
$prevchange = $code;
} else {
print "Unbalanced single quotes. Usage: cc append 'text' [and ...]\n";
exit 0;
if($subcode =~ m/^\s*(and)?\s*replace\s*([^']+)?\s*'.*'\s*with\s*'.*?'/i) {
$last_keyword = 'replace';
$got_sub = 1;
my $modifier = 'first';
$subcode =~ s/^\s*(and)?\s*//;
$subcode =~ s/replace\s*([^']+)?\s*//i;
$modifier = $1 if defined $1;
$modifier =~ s/\s+$//;
my ($from, $to);
my ($e, $r) = extract_delimited($subcode, "'");
if(defined $e) {
$from = $e;
$from =~ s/^'//;
$from =~ s/'$//;
$from = quotemeta $from;
$from =~ s/\\ / /g;
$subcode = $r;
$subcode =~ s/\s*with\s*//i;
} else {
print "Unbalanced single quotes. Usage: cc replace 'from' with 'to' [and ...]\n";
exit 0;
($e, $r) = extract_delimited($subcode, "'");
if(defined $e) {
$to = $e;
$to =~ s/^'//;
$to =~ s/'$//;
$subcode = $r;
} else {
print "Unbalanced single quotes. Usage: cc replace 'from' with 'to' [and replace ... with ... [and ...]]\n";
exit 0;
given($modifier) {
when($_ eq 'all' ) {}
when($_ eq 'last' ) {}
when($_ eq 'first' ) { $modifier = 1; }
when($_ eq 'second' ) { $modifier = 2; }
when($_ eq 'third' ) { $modifier = 3; }
when($_ eq 'fourth' ) { $modifier = 4; }
when($_ eq 'fifth' ) { $modifier = 5; }
when($_ eq 'sixth' ) { $modifier = 6; }
when($_ eq 'seventh') { $modifier = 7; }
when($_ eq 'eighth' ) { $modifier = 8; }
when($_ eq 'nineth' ) { $modifier = 9; }
when($_ eq 'tenth' ) { $modifier = 10; }
default { print "Bad replacement modifier '$modifier'; valid modifiers are 'all', 'first', 'second', ..., 'tenth', 'last'\n"; exit 0; }
my $replacement = {};
$replacement->{'from'} = $from;
$replacement->{'to'} = $to;
$replacement->{'modifier'} = $modifier;
push @replacements, $replacement;
if($subcode =~ m/^\s*(and)?\s*s\/.*\//) {
$last_keyword = undef;
$got_sub = 1;
$subcode =~ s/^\s*(and)?\s*s//;
my ($regex, $to);
my ($e, $r) = extract_delimited($subcode, '/');
if(defined $e) {
$regex = $e;
$regex =~ s/^\///;
$regex =~ s/\/$//;
$subcode = "/$r";
} else {
print "Unbalanced slashes. Usage: cc s/regex/substitution/[gi] [and s/.../.../ [and ...]]\n";
exit 0;
($e, $r) = extract_delimited($subcode, '/');
if(defined $e) {
$to = $e;
$to =~ s/^\///;
$to =~ s/\/$//;
$subcode = $r;
} else {
print "Unbalanced slashes. Usage: cc s/regex/substitution/[gi] [and s/.../.../ [and ...]]\n";
exit 0;
my $suffix;
$suffix = $1 if $subcode =~ s/^([^ ]+)//;
if(length $suffix and $suffix =~ m/[^gi]/) {
print "Bad regex modifier '$suffix'. Only 'i' and 'g' are allowed.\n";
exit 0;
if(defined $prevchange) {
$code = $prevchange;
} else {
print "No recent code to change.\n";
exit 0;
my $ret = eval {
my ($ret, $a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g, $h, $i, $before, $after);
if(not length $suffix) {
$ret = $code =~ s|$regex|$to|;
($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g, $h, $i) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9);
$before = $`;
$after = $';
} elsif($suffix =~ /^i$/) {
$ret = $code =~ s|$regex|$to|i;
($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g, $h, $i) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9);
$before = $`;
$after = $';
} elsif($suffix =~ /^g$/) {
$ret = $code =~ s|$regex|$to|g;
($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g, $h, $i) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9);
$before = $`;
$after = $';
} elsif($suffix =~ /^ig$/ or $suffix =~ /^gi$/) {
$ret = $code =~ s|$regex|$to|gi;
($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g, $h, $i) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9);
$before = $`;
$after = $';
if($ret) {
$code =~ s/\$1/$a/g;
$code =~ s/\$2/$b/g;
$code =~ s/\$3/$c/g;
$code =~ s/\$4/$d/g;
$code =~ s/\$5/$e/g;
$code =~ s/\$6/$f/g;
$code =~ s/\$7/$g/g;
$code =~ s/\$8/$h/g;
$code =~ s/\$9/$i/g;
$code =~ s/\$`/$before/g;
$code =~ s/\$'/$after/g;
return $ret;
if($@) {
my $error = $@;
$error =~ s/ at .* line \d+\.\s*$//;
print "$error\n";
exit 0;
if ($ret) {
$got_changes = 1;
$prevchange = $code;
if ($got_sub and not $got_changes) {
print "No substitutions made.\n";
exit 0;
} elsif ($got_sub and $got_changes) {
if (@replacements) {
use re::engine::RE2 -strict => 1;
@replacements = sort { $a->{'from'} cmp $b->{'from'} or $a->{'modifier'} <=> $b->{'modifier'} } @replacements;
my ($previous_from, $previous_modifier);
foreach my $replacement (@replacements) {
my $from = $replacement->{'from'};
my $to = $replacement->{'to'};
my $modifier = $replacement->{'modifier'};
if(defined $previous_from) {
if($previous_from eq $from and $previous_modifier =~ /^\d+$/) {
$modifier -= $modifier - $previous_modifier;
if(defined $prevchange) {
$code = $prevchange;
} else {
print "No recent code to change.\n";
exit 0;
my $ret = eval {
my $got_change;
my ($first_char, $last_char, $first_bound, $last_bound);
$first_char = $1 if $from =~ m/^(.)/;
$last_char = $1 if $from =~ m/(.)$/;
if($first_char =~ /\W/) {
$first_bound = '.?';
} else {
$first_bound = '\b';
if($last_char =~ /\W/) {
$last_bound = '.?';
} else {
$last_bound = '\b';
if($modifier eq 'all') {
if($code =~ s/($first_bound)$from($last_bound)/$1$to$2/g) {
$got_change = 1;
} elsif($modifier eq 'last') {
if($code =~ s/(.*)($first_bound)$from($last_bound)/$1$2$to$3/) {
$got_change = 1;
} else {
my $count = 0;
my $unescaped = $from;
$unescaped =~ s/\\//g;
if($code =~ s/($first_bound)$from($last_bound)/if(++$count == $modifier) { "$1$to$2"; } else { "$1$unescaped$2"; }/ge) {
$got_change = 1;
return $got_change;
if($@) {
my $error = $@;
$error =~ s/ at .* line \d+\.\s*$//;
print "$error\n";
exit 0;
if($ret) {
$got_sub = 1;
$got_changes = 1;
$prevchange = $code;
$previous_from = $from;
$previous_modifier = $modifier;
if(not $got_changes) {
print "No replacements made.\n";
exit 0;
unless($got_undo and not $got_changes) {
$unshift_last_code = 1 unless $copy_code and not $got_changes;
if ($copy_code and $got_changes) {
$self->{only_show} = 0;
if ($got_undo and not $got_changes) {
$self->{only_show} = 1;
unless (($self->{got_run} or $got_diff) and not $got_changes) {
if($unshift_last_code) {
unshift @last_code, $code;
open FILE, "> history/$self->{channel}-$self->{lang}.hist";
my $i = 0;
foreach my $line (@last_code) {
last if(++$i > $self->{max_history});
print FILE "$line\n";
close FILE;
if ($got_diff) {
if($#last_code < 1) {
print "Not enough recent code to diff.\n"
} else {
use Text::WordDiff;
my $diff = word_diff(\$last_code[1], \$last_code[0], { STYLE => 'Diff' });
if($diff !~ /(?:<del>|<ins>)/) {
$diff = "No difference.";
} else {
$diff =~ s/<del>(.*?)(\s+)<\/del>/<del>$1<\/del>$2/g;
$diff =~ s/<ins>(.*?)(\s+)<\/ins>/<ins>$1<\/ins>$2/g;
$diff =~ s/<del>((?:(?!<del>).)*)<\/del>\s*<ins>((?:(?!<ins>).)*)<\/ins>/`replaced $1 with $2`/g;
$diff =~ s/<del>(.*?)<\/del>/`removed $1`/g;
$diff =~ s/<ins>(.*?)<\/ins>/`inserted $1`/g;
print "$diff\n";
exit 0;
$self->{code} = $code;
# splits line into quoted arguments while preserving quotes.
# a string is considered quoted only if they are surrounded by
# whitespace or json separators.
# handles unbalanced quotes gracefully by treating them as
# part of the argument they were found within.
sub split_line {
my ($self, $line, %opts) = @_;
my %default_opts = (
strip_quotes => 0,
keep_spaces => 0,
preserve_escapes => 1,
%opts = (%default_opts, %opts);
my @chars = split //, $line;
my @args;
my $escaped = 0;
my $quote;
my $token = '';
my $last_token = '';
my $ch = ' ';
my $last_ch;
my $next_ch;
my $i = 0;
my $pos;
my $ignore_quote = 0;
my $spaces = 0;
while (1) {
$last_ch = $ch;
if ($i >= @chars) {
if (defined $quote) {
# reached end, but unbalanced quote... reset to beginning of quote and ignore it
$i = $pos;
$ignore_quote = 1;
$quote = undef;
$last_ch = ' ';
$token = $last_token;
} else {
# add final token and exit
push @args, $token if length $token;
$ch = $chars[$i++];
$next_ch = $chars[$i];
$spaces = 0 if $ch ne ' ';
if ($escaped) {
if ($opts{preserve_escapes}) {
$token .= "\\$ch";
} else {
$token .= $ch;
$escaped = 0;
if ($ch eq '\\') {
$escaped = 1;
if (defined $quote) {
if ($ch eq $quote and (not defined $next_ch or $next_ch =~ /[\s,:;})\].+=]/)) {
# closing quote
$token .= $ch unless $opts{strip_quotes};
push @args, $token;
$quote = undef;
$token = '';
} else {
# still within quoted argument
$token .= $ch;
if (($last_ch =~ /[\s:{(\[.+=]/) and not defined $quote and ($ch eq "'" or $ch eq '"')) {
if ($ignore_quote) {
# treat unbalanced quote as part of this argument
$token .= $ch;
$ignore_quote = 0;
} else {
# begin potential quoted argument
$pos = $i - 1;
$quote = $ch;
$last_token = $token;
$token .= $ch unless $opts{strip_quotes};
if ($ch eq ' ') {
if (++$spaces > 1 and $opts{keep_spaces}) {
$token .= $ch;
} else {
push @args, $token if length $token;
$token = '';
$token .= $ch;
return @args;