mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 07:50:49 +01:00
41213 lines
1.0 MiB
41213 lines
1.0 MiB
action: the unary boolean not operator
created_on: 1104600621
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: ##c
last_referenced_on: 1511449644.24217
noembed: 1
owner: Major-Willard
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: othias!504e056a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
type: text
action: /say !! is a common idiom for normalizing booleans - it will turn any nonzero value into 1, and leave zero at 0. For example, !!50 is 1.
created_on: 1262200005
enabled: 1
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noembed: 1
owner: Random832
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 49
ref_user: alyptik!ayy@youlosethega.me
type: text
action: the comparison for inequality operator
created_on: 1104871606
enabled: 1
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owner: Major-Willard
rate_limit: 15
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action: !true
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action: false
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owner: fluter!~fluter@fedora/fluter
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type: text
action: the character that begins and terminates a string literal
created_on: 1106527346
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noembed: 1
owner: Major-Willard
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: gorroth!~pi@unaffiliated/gorroth
type: text
action: used to commence a preprocessor directive (include, define, undef, ifdef, ifndef, pragma) and as the stringization operator (#x).
created_on: 1197579677
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: mar77i
last_referenced_on: 1494429916.78526
noembed: 1
owner: Auris-
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: mar77i!~mar77i@77-56-218-203.dclient.hispeed.ch
type: text
action: the preprocessor concatenation (token pasting) operator.
created_on: 1211531275
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last_referenced_on: 1492644766.80376
owner: Auris-
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
type: text
action: /say ##c is for discussion involving the C programming language itself. We do not deal with the whole range of the spectrum. libgtk may be written in C, but this is hardly the proper channel for GTK-related questions. Try #gtk. Likewise, makefiles and autotools: #devtools, assembly: #asm, Xlib: #xlib, C++: #c++, and so on.
created_on: 1245454768
enabled: 1
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noembed: 1
owner: anttil
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action: /call ##c
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owner: pragma_
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: qwename!~qwename@unaffiliated/qwename
type: text
action: not ##C—down the hall, down the stairs, next to the boiler-room—across from ##C-sharp. (##objc is behind the boilers—be careful).
created_on: 1278891031.30827
edited_by: edk!edk@spy/edk0
edited_on: 1465495155.67481
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: fluter
last_referenced_on: 1445940937.10026
owner: PoppaVic
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type: text
action: /call fstd4
created_on: 1467682884.91053
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action: /call fstd5
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owner: fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted
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action: /call fstd6
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owner: fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted
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type: text
action: a character that has no special meaning
created_on: 1106526551
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owner: Major-Willard
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: esselfe!~bsfc@unaffiliated/esselfe
type: text
action: the remainder after division operator
created_on: 1106531636
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noembed: 1
owner: Major-Willard
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: digraph alternative for #
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owner: twkm
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: digraph alternative for ##
created_on: 1104401865
enabled: 1
owner: twkm
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: digraph alternative for }
created_on: 1104616316
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rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: a candide extension written by Wulf
created_on: 1331879495.431
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owner: pragma_
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: a *printf format specifier which converts its signed int argument to decimal representation; a *scanf format specifier which parses a decimal representation to its int* argument
created_on: 1104400903
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: luka00
last_referenced_on: 1435657870.38919
owner: prec
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: Luka00!~chatzilla@78-134-48-170.v4.ngi.it
type: text
action: /call double
created_on: 1262199608
enabled: 1
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owner: Random832
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: Kenaniah
type: text
action: the printf/scanf format specifier used to print/read void pointers
created_on: 1106868530
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: cousteau
last_referenced_on: 1500461320.83068
owner: pragma_
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type: text
action: the printf format specifier used to print size_t values (sizeof, strlen, etc)
created_on: 1106868530
enabled: 1
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last_referenced_on: 1509585478.46951
owner: pragma_
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: dorp!~dorp@bzq-84-111-138-241.red.bezeqint.net
type: text
action: the bitwise AND binary operator. It is also the unary address-of operator.
created_on: 1104602453
edited_by: Maxdamantus!~Maxdamant@2001:470:f078::dead:beef:cafe
edited_on: 1385023744.37752
enabled: 1
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noembed: 1
owner: Major-Willard
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: BananaScaler!~BananaSca@S0106b8c75dc83f86.vc.shawcable.net
type: text
action: the McCarthy logical-and binary operator
created_on: 1106515352
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owner: Major-Willard
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: alyptik!ayyy@unaffiliated/alyptik
type: text
action: the bitwise inclusive-AND assignment operator. The expression (x &= y) is equivalent to (x = x & y) except that the expression x is evaluated only once.
created_on: 1107898482
enabled: 1
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last_referenced_on: 1290169948.10744
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type: text
action: The address of the y member of the structure pointed to by x.
created_on: 1107406471
enabled: 1
owner: pragma_
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: prec
type: text
action: equivalent to (x+y). Neither the & operator nor the implied * operator (see x[y]) are evaluated.
created_on: 1107730768
enabled: 1
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ref_user: alyptik!ayy@youlosethega.me
type: text
action: the character that begins and terminates a character constant
created_on: 1106526412
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noembed: 1
owner: Major-Willard
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 3
ref_user: MethylatorX!~Methylato@
type: text
action: the delimiter of the start and end of a char
created_on: 1104887580
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: pragma-
last_referenced_on: 1348679122.73116
owner: Major-Willard
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 1
ref_user: pragma-
type: text
action: used to commence a grouped expression
created_on: 1106527263
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: k0hax
last_referenced_on: 1430510331.37331
owner: Major-Willard
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: K0HAX!~K0HAX@c-75-72-143-131.hsd1.mn.comcast.net
type: text
action: used to terminate a grouped expression
created_on: 1106527206
enabled: 1
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noembed: 1
owner: Major-Willard
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: the multiplication binary operator. It is also the unary pointer dereference operator. It is also used in declarations to declare a variable which is a pointer to a type: <type> *p;
created_on: 1104600319
enabled: 1
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last_referenced_on: 1504913285.23475
noembed: 1
owner: Major-Willard
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 36
ref_user: alyptik!ayy@youlosethega.me
type: text
action: syntactic exercise for x[y]
created_on: 1425319490.48973
enabled: 1
owner: fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: the operator that multiplies the lvalue [to the left of the *] by the expression [to the right of the =]
created_on: 1107662838
enabled: 1
owner: Major-Willard
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: the addition binary operator
created_on: 1104595760
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noembed: 1
owner: Major-Willard
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: kg!~krok@unaffiliated/krok/x-1434802
type: text
action: a unary operator that increments basic types by 1; if it is placed before a variable the value of the expression is: <var> + 1; if it is placed after a variable the value of the expression is: <var>
created_on: 1105219173
enabled: 1
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owner: Major-Willard
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: beeman!~beeman@unaffiliated/beeman
type: text
action: the operator that adds the expression [to the right of the =] to the lvalue [to the left of the +]
created_on: 1107661684
enabled: 1
owner: Major-Willard
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: The comma operator takes two operands; the left operand is evaluated as a void expression, and then the right operand is evaluated. There is a sequence point after the evaluation of the left operand. The result of the operand is the type and value of the right operand.
created_on: 1511340221.78233
enabled: 1
owner: dorp!~dorp@bzq-84-111-138-241.red.bezeqint.net
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: the unary negation operator; the binary subtraction operator
created_on: 1104595811
enabled: 1
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last_referenced_on: 1508058408.94049
noembed: 1
owner: Major-Willard
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: porfavordama!556b381e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
type: text
action: a unary operator that decrements basic types by 1; if it is placed before a variable the value of the expression is: <var> - 1; if it is placed after a variable the value of the expression is: <var>
created_on: 1105219433
enabled: 1
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owner: Major-Willard
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: the operator that subtracts the expression [to the right of the =] to the lvalue [to the left of the -]
created_on: 1107661964
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owner: Major-Willard
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: the operator that dereferences a pointer to permit access to a structure/union member. The expressions (x->y) and ((*x).y) are equivalent.
created_on: 1104601334
enabled: 1
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type: text
action: not sufficient enough. Use -Wall -Wextra.
created_on: 1275902093
enabled: 1
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last_referenced_on: 1386877829.87915
owner: pragma_
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix
type: text
action: the standard UNIX linker command line option to link the functions in the math library.
created_on: 1106448497
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last_referenced_on: 1478566026.27397
owner: prec
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: Random832!~random@unaffiliated/random832
type: text
action: a GCC flag that issues all warnings demanded by strict ISO C; rejects most programs that use forbidden extensions; should not be used to check for strict ISO conformance as it only warns for coding practices that _require_ a diagnostic, not everything; loosely supported
created_on: 1107929320
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: ##c
last_referenced_on: 1501832650.07027
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rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: qwename!~qwename@unaffiliated/qwename
type: text
action: a GCC flag that is used to specify which C standard to follow when compiling; some valid standards are: c89 (-ansi), c99, gnu89 (default), gnu99
created_on: 1107929785
enabled: 1
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rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: CaZe!~caze@unaffiliated/caze
type: text
action: /say . might be a decimal point or the beginning of a struct member postfix operator or initialisation designator.
created_on: 1104600864
edited_by: Maxdamantus!~Maxdamant@2001:470:f078::dead:beef:cafe
edited_on: 1405234998.69122
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: haxxa
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owner: Major-Willard
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: Haxxa!~Harrison@180-150-30-18.NBN.mel.aussiebb.net
type: text
action: an ellipsis; used to mark a function or macro as variadic. variadic macros were added by C99.
created_on: 1106943402
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owner: prec
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
type: text
action: the division binary operator
created_on: 1104600246
enabled: 1
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noembed: 1
owner: Major-Willard
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: alyptik!ayy@youlosethega.me
type: text
action: used to introduce a comment that continues to the end of the line [C99]
created_on: 1108293482
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owner: Major-Willard
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: kg!~krok@unaffiliated/krok/x-1434802
type: text
action: the division assignment operator. The expression (x /= y) is equivalent to (x = x / y) except that the expression x is evaluated only once.
created_on: 1107662173
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owner: prec
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action: /quit
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owner: pksadiq!~user@
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: Elronnd!elronnd@slashem.me
type: text
action: http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?ThreeStarProgrammer
created_on: 1111867182
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type: text
action: http://www.viva64.com/en/a/0065/print/
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type: text
action: /say The 6 stages of debugging: https://i.imgur.com/FTMlaJT.jpg
created_on: 1457376033.8331
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owner: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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ref_user: latch!~latch@unaffiliated/latch
type: text
action: digraph alternative for ]
created_on: 1104401890
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rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: a statement and declaration terminator
created_on: 1104886076
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owner: Major-Willard
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: the less than comparison operator
created_on: 1104599441
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owner: Major-Willard
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: digraph replacement for {
created_on: 1104401845
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owner: twkm
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: phao
type: text
action: digraph replacement for [
created_on: 1104401882
enabled: 1
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last_referenced_on: 1295838410.60961
owner: twkm
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: the binary left shift operator
created_on: 1107979350
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last_referenced_on: 1489705011.02027
owner: prec
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 9
ref_user: allisio!~allisio@24-181-54-41.dhcp.gnvl.sc.charter.com
type: text
action: the less than or equal to comparison operator
created_on: 1104599493
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: nylon100
last_referenced_on: 1383868719.68388
owner: Major-Willard
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 1
ref_user: nylon100!~rany@bzq-79-182-7-58.red.bezeqint.net
type: text
action: the comparison for equivalence operator
created_on: 1104595949
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last_referenced_on: 1487988532.22771
owner: Major-Willard
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 4
ref_user: Richard_Cavell!~Richard_C@host81-156-12-235.range81-156.btcentralplus.com
type: text
action: /say > is the greater than comparison operator
created_on: 1239017335
enabled: 1
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owner: Jafet
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: qwename!~qwename@unaffiliated/qwename
type: text
action: the greater than or equal to comparison operator
created_on: 1104599538
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owner: Major-Willard
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: the binary right shift operator
created_on: 1108253247
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: left_turn
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owner: Major-Willard
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: Left_Turn!~Left_Turn@unaffiliated/turn-left/x-3739067
type: text
action: a question mark. Stop staring stupidly off into space with a question mark above your head, wipe that drool off your chin and make an intelligent query.
created_on: 1237066516
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last_referenced_on: 1511472609.55258
noembed: 1
owner: Quetzalcoatl_
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ref_count: 74
ref_user: kate!~kate@unaffiliated/kate
type: text
action: the conditional operator; <e1> ? <e2> : <e3> if <e1> is true, the operator evaluates and yields <e2>; otherwise it evaluates and yields <e3>
created_on: 1104925315
edited_by: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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owner: infobahn
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action: trigraph replacement for |
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action: trigraph replacement for ^
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type: text
action: trigraph replacement for [
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type: text
action: trigraph replacement for ]
created_on: 1104400667
enabled: 1
owner: twkm
rate_limit: 15
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action: trigraph replacement for ~
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action: the programming language which was the precursor of C ; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B_programming_language
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action: a misnomer. These two languages are completely different languages with each having its own standard. C++ is not a "superset" of C. For C++ questions, please join #C++
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action: Unix system calls and subroutines using C: http://www.cs.cf.ac.uk/Dave/C/CE.html
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action: #include <limits.h> - maximum value for the number of bits used to represent an object of type char. - >= 8
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type: text
action: #include <limits.h> - maximum value for type char. Its value is: SCHAR_MAX if char represents negative values, UCHAR_MAX otherwise. - >= 127
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action: #include <limits.h> - minimum value for type char. Its value is: SCHAR_MIN if char represents negative values, zero otherwise. - <= 0
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action: the informal name given to a technique where a function takes in, as arguments, other functions by way of pointers allowing access to multiple functions of the same prototype (per argument). In essence it provides, for each passed argument, algorithm-agnostic function switching/access
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action: /say C is not a subset of C++
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action: /say Error: No question detected. Please ask a question.
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action: /say Error: That makes no sense.
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action: an integer constant expression, with type int and a negative value, that is returned by several functions to indicate end-of-file (ISO/IEC 9899:1999 7.19.1p3). It is NOT a char. It is NOT a byte that is stored at the end of every file.
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action: a macro defined in <stdlib.h> whose value can be passed to exit() or returned from main() to indicate unsuccessful termination
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action: a macro defined in <stdlib.h> whose value can be passed to exit() or returned from main() to indicate successful termination
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action: "C - A Reference Manual" by Harbison & Steele; a reference for C on par with K&R - http://www.amazon.com/Reference-Manual-Samuel-P-Harbison/dp/013089592X
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action: #include <limits.h> - INT_MAX - maximum value of an int object, at least +32767
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action: #include <limits.h> - INT_MIN - minimum value of an int object, at most -32767
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action: The C Programming Language, 2nd edition, by Kernighan and Ritchie -- http://wayback.archive-it.org/5263/20150203070038/http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/cbook/ -- errata: http://www.iso-9899.info/2ediffs.html
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action: a compiler infrastructure written in C++ -- http://llvm.org/
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action: #include <limits.h> - LONG_MAX - maximum value of a long int object, at least +2147483647
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action: #include <limits.h> - maximum number of bytes in a mult-byte character for an extended character in the current locale, which is never greater than MB_LEN_MAX.
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action: #include <limits.h> - maximum number of characters that constitute a multibyte character in any supported locale. Its value is >= MB_CUR_MAX.
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action: an (implementation-defined) macro expanding to a null pointer constant, which is any zero-value integer constant expression, possibly cast to void *. Such an expression has a special meaning in the context of pointer expressions to, for example, produce null pointers or test if other pointers are null pointers.
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action: http://www.cs.bgu.ac.il/~omri/Humor/ObfsC.html -- What were you saying about Perl, again?
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action: PoppaVic. That is all that can be said.
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action: #include <limits.h> - maximum value for type signed char. - >= 127
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action: #include <limits.h> - minimum value for type signed char. - <= -127
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action: #include <limits.h> - maximum value for type short. - >= 32,767
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action: #include <limits.h> - minimum value for type short. - <= -32,767
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action: /say Undefined behavior is behavior for which the C standard does not impose any requirements. This is to allow C the freedom to be implemented on systems with different architectures. Programs invoking undefined behavior may appear to compile and even run without errors at first, only to fail on another system, or even at a later time. If you want to write reliable code, don't use such behaviors.
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action: #include <limits.h> - maximum value for type unsigned char. - >= 255
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action: #include <limits.h> - UINT_MAX - maximum value of an unsigned int object, at least 65535
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action: #include <limits.h> - ULONG_MAX - maximum value of an unsigned long int object, at least 4294967295
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action: /say Unspecified behavior is behavior for which the C standard provides two or more possibilities, and imposes no further requirements on which behavior is chosen in any instance. Not to be confused with undefined behavior or implementation dependent behavior.
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action: #include <limits.h> - maximum value for type unsigned short. - >= 65,535
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action: the array subscript operator. It is also part of declarator syntax. The expressions x[y] and *(x + y) are equivalent.
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action: the line continuation character; used in strings to specify special characters; used in character constants to specify special characters; when followed by u or U in C99, is used to specify a universal character name for use in string constants, character constants, or identifiers.
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action: the bitwise exclusive OR (XOR) binary operator
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action: /say All identifiers that begin with an underscore and either an uppercase letter or another underscore are always reserved for any use. All identifiers that begin with an underscore are always reserved for use as identifiers with file scope in both the ordinary and tag name spaces. (ISO 9899:1999, 7.1.3) Don't use such identifiers.
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action: http://www.robertgamble.net/2012/01/c11-generic-selections.html
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action: /say (a) What is your goal exactly? (b) What have you tried? (c) What are you expecting? (d) What happened instead?
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action: /say C has pointer types and addresses (or pointer values). foo x; &x results in an address that points to an object. foo *y; y is an instance of a pointer type. Instances of pointer types do not magically point to objects. They must be assigned to before being used, for example: y = &x;
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action: /say $arg[0] has been airported $arg[1:] (flight id $digits$digits$digits$digits$digits)
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action: /say A code sample that demonstrates taking care of the alignment of mixture of types: http://www.iso-9899.info/wiki/Alignment
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action: /say alignof_() is a macro for computing the alignment of a type. C11 introduces the alignof operator. #define alignof_(type) offsetof(struct { char c; type m; }, m)
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action: /say Annie, are you ok? Annie, are you ok? Are you ok, Annie?
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action: /say Anonymous structure (C11) by definition is an unnamed member that has no tag. See C11
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ref_user: BenGoldberg!~BenGoldbe@ool-18bca78c.dyn.optonline.net
type: text
action: the traditional name of the first parameter to main(); argc is non-negative and gives the number of command line arugments (including the program name).
created_on: 1104396991
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type: text
action: the traditional name of the second parameter to main(); argv[argc] == NULL; if argc>0 argv[0] is the program name. if argc>1, argv[1] through argv[argc-1] are the command line arguments.
created_on: 1104397065
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action: /say An array type describes a contiguously allocated nonempty set of objects with a particular member object type, called the element type.
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action: /say array_len() is a common function-like macro for computing the number of elements of an object with an array type (shouldn't be used with pointer types). #define array_len(a) (sizeof a / sizeof *a)
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action: /say Arrays and pointers: http://www.eskimo.com/~scs/C-faq/s6.html
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action: http://c-faq.com/aryptr/index.html
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action: /say https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/2.5.x/javadoc-api/org/springframework/aop/framework/AbstractSingletonProxyFactoryBean.html
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type: text
action: evil. It does no overflow checking, handles unsigned numbers poorly, and handles strings containing trailing characters (like ``123abc'') poorly. Use strtol() instead.
created_on: 1323124280.71748
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action: /say The `auto` keyword specifies that the object has automatic storage duration (which is the default storage duration of objects, hence its use is redundant and rare)
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action: /say Guidance to Avoiding Vulnerabilities in Programming Languages: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n1583.pdf
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action: way cool, but it's more portable to use memcpy
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owner: Major-Willard
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action: /say See 'boring'
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action: http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/Hans_Boehm/gc/
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action: /say Beej's Guide to Network Programming -- Using Internet Sockets is at http://beej.us/guide/bgnet/
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action: http://beej.us/guide/bgc/
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action: /say A best practice is a method or technique that has consistently shown results superior to those achieved with other means.
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action: /say The Binky Pointer Fun Video: http://cslibrary.stanford.edu/104/ -- YouTube version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pmWojisM_E
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action: /say A bit is a unit of data storage large enough to hold an object that may have one of two values. It need not be possible to express the address of each individual bit of an object.
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ref_user: fluter!~fluter@fedora/fluter
type: text
action: http://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html
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action: http://web.archive.org/web/20131001100601/http://www.codersger.de/mags/cscene/CS9/CS9-02.html
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type: text
action: /say See http://www.iso-9899.info/wiki/Books for some useful book recommendations, including free online resources!
action_with_args: /me points accusingly at $args, "Where is your book?!" See http://www.iso-9899.info/wiki/Books for some useful book recommendations, including free online resources.
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action: /say See http://www.iso-9899.info/wiki/Books for some useful book recommendations, including free online resources!
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action: /say See 'bcsllc-steve'
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type: text
action: /call cc char*acts[]={"subjects %s to scaphism", "eats %s", "shits on %s's face"};srand(time(0));printf(acts[rand()%(sizeof acts/sizeof *acts)], "$args");
created_on: 1406477995.87532
edited_by: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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owner: boru!~boru@unaffiliated/boru
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: alyptik!ayy@youlosethega.me
type: text
action: the statement used terminate the currently executing block
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owner: Major-Willard
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ref_user: Ellenor!ellenor@unaffiliated/ellenor
type: text
action: defined by the C standard as an addressable unit of storage large enough to hold a character value. The char type is byte-sized and is at least 8 bits wide. CHAR_BIT in <limits.h> defines the byte size for any given implementation. The term "byte" is most often used to mean 8 bits; however, the term "octet" is preferred.
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action: /say http://commandcenter.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/byte-order-fallacy.html
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owner: kate!~kate@unaffiliated/kate
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type: text
action: /say For C# please go to ##csharp.
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action: /say If you are using a C++ compiler then your code is not C -- even if you're only using the "C subset". As soon as you invoke a C++ compiler instead of a C compiler, all the rules and idiosyncrasies of the C++ specification come into play, which have subtle differences in certain semantics. Please ask ##c++ or switch to a C compiler.
created_on: 1108585029
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edited_on: 1463348908.18598
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action: http://david.tribble.com/text/cdiffs.htm
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action: /call c99vim
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action: http://david.tribble.com/text/cdiffs.htm
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type: text
action: /say C Aphorism 1: The questioner's first description of the problem/question will be misleading.
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owner: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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action: /say C Aphorism 10: The newbie will not accept the answer you give, no matter how right it is.
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action: /call c1x
action_with_args: /call c11std
created_on: 1325645454.02711
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action: /call c1xdiffs
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type: text
action: http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/C11Status
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ref_user: th3s3_3y3s!~j4s0nmchr@
type: text
action: /say Trivial C11 threads implementation over pthreads: https://github.com/jtsiomb/c11threads
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action: /say C Aphorism 12: The newbie will think they are smarter than they really are.
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owner: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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type: text
action: /say C Aphorism 13: The newbie will fail to recognize undefined behavior, and will wrongly think that their program is correct because it appears to work.
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action: /say C Aphorism 14: The more the questioner attempts to describe their problem, the less coherent their description becomes.
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action: /say C Aphorism 15: When multiple people respond to the questioner's problem, the questioner will focus on the person giving incorrect advice and ignore everybody else.
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owner: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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ref_user: brimonk!~brian@unaffiliated/brimonk
type: text
action: /say C17 is expected to be released by the end of 2017, it will incorporate TCs (Technical Corrigenda).
created_on: 1498899628.0706
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type: text
action: /say C1X/C11 draft: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n1570.pdf - C1X Charter: http://www.open-std.org/JTC1/SC22/wg14/www/docs/n1250.pdf - C1X Overview: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C1X - Changes from C99: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C1X#Changes_from_C99 - C Overview: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_programming - HTML version: http://port70.net/~nsz/c/c11/n1570.html
created_on: 1296116263.83864
edited_by: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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type: text
action: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C1X#Changes_from_C99 and http://www.iso-9899.info/n1570.html#FOREWORD.p6
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last_referenced_in: pragma-
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type: text
action: /say C Aphorism 2: All examples given by the questioner will be incomplete, misleading, broken, wrong, and/or not representative of the actual question.
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owner: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: atk!Arch-TK@ircpuzzles/staff/Arch-TK
type: text
action: /say C-to-English-and-English-to-C translators: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/DeCSS/Baccash/
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type: text
action: /say C2x Charter: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n2086.htm
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owner: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: /say C Aphorism 3: The questioner will not read and apply the answers they are given but will instead continue to practice c1 and c2.
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type: text
action: /say C Aphorism 4: The ignorant will continually mis-educate the questioner.
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owner: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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type: text
action: /say C Aphorism 5: When given a choice of solutions, the questioner will always choose the wrong one.
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owner: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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type: text
action: /say C Aphorism 6: The questioner will always find a reason to say, "It doesn't work."
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owner: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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ref_user: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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action: /say C Aphorism 7: The questioner will paste code and say "I have a problem" or "It doesn't work" without any further information or description of the problem.
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last_referenced_on: 1483507066.70486
owner: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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type: text
action: /say C Aphorism 8: The more beginner they are, the more likely they are to be overcomplicating it.
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edited_on: 1379516015.189
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ref_user: brimonk!~brian@unaffiliated/brimonk
type: text
action: /say C89/C90 draft: http://port70.net/~nsz/c/c89/c89-draft.html or http://flash-gordon.me.uk/ansi.c.txt or http://web.archive.org/web/20050207005628/http://dev.unicals.com/papers/c89-draft.html - C Overview: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_programming
created_on: 1236861685
edited_by: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
edited_on: 1421891929.56495
enabled: 1
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last_referenced_on: 1510234766.39783
owner: Wulf4
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ref_count: 202
ref_user: naptime!~naptime@
type: text
action: /say Draft ANSI C Rationale: http://www.scribd.com/doc/16306895/Draft-ANSI-C-Rationale
created_on: 1266015713
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action: /say C Aphorism 9: The questioner will always have some excuse for doing it wrong.
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type: text
action: c89 plus normative addendum 1 ( http://www.lysator.liu.se/c/na1.html ); sometimes referred to as c95.
created_on: 1375947423.52022
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action: www.nirvani.net/docs/ansi_c.pdf
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action: www.nirvani.net/docs/ansi_c.pdf
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type: text
action: /say C99 + TC1,2,3 working paper: http://open-std.org/JTC1/SC22/WG14/www/docs/n1256.pdf - C99 Overview: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C99 - Changes from C89/C90: http://home.datacomm.ch/t_wolf/tw/c/c9x_changes.html - C Overview: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_programming - HTML version: http://port70.net/~nsz/c/c99/n1256.html
action_with_args: /call c99std
created_on: 1325645512.48533
edited_by: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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action: /call c9xdiffs
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type: text
action: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/WG14/www/C99RationaleV5.10.pdf
created_on: 1318270531.61149
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type: text
action: GCC's C99 implementation status: http://gcc.gnu.org/c99status.html
created_on: 1108082627
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type: text
action: /say A Standard C vim syntax file: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=234 -- adds numerous improvements to vim C syntax highlighting, including C99 features and more!
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action: /call c99
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action: http://home.datacomm.ch/t_wolf/tw/c/c9x_changes.html
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type: text
<call by value>
action: /say "In C, all function arguments are passed ‘‘by value.’’ This means that the called function is given the values of its arguments in temporary variables rather than the originals." (K&R)
created_on: 1339710882.29348
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type: text
action: /say A callback function abstracts some aspect of work which is independent of a particular algorithm. An implementation of that algorithm is passed a pointer to that function, and "calls back" for the abstracted work to be done. For code samples, see: http://www.iso-9899.info/wiki/Callback
created_on: 1426651043.23767
edited_by: dorp!~dorp@bzq-84-111-138-241.cablep.bezeqint.net
edited_on: 1498253377.32036
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type: text
action: /say "In C, all function arguments are passed ‘‘by value.’’ This means that the called function is given the values of its arguments in temporary variables rather than the originals." (K&R)
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type: text
action: a function that allocates a block of memory for an array of "num" elements, each of them "size" bytes long, AND initializes all its bits to zero. The effective result is the allocation of a zero-initialized memory block of (num*size) bytes. see http://claudihome.com/html/LR/function_reference/Content/c_language/lrFuncRef_CLang_calloc.htm
created_on: 1427532145.44237
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type: text
action: The C Abstract Machine - An abstract machine used for reasoning about the semantics described in the C-std, in which issues of optimization are irrelevant.
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action: /say Yes baby I'm all woman. XxX
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type: text
action: /say ##c is not the place to have others do your homework. If you don't understand parts of your assignment, feel free to ask but don't expect others to do your homework.
created_on: 1407748004.94202
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owner: FUZxxl!~fuz@d00m.org
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action: /call cdecl cast
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action: http://web.archive.org/web/20060228210010/http://www.cognitiveprocess.com/~rjh/prg/writings/casting.html
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ref_user: profess!~profess@unaffiliated/csddesk
type: text
action: http://www.iso-9899.info/wiki/Cat
created_on: 1195413751
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last_referenced_on: 1508771428.91278
owner: kate`
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ref_count: 26
ref_user: coffee!~coffee@coffeetales.net
type: text
action: /call unbufferedgetc
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type: text
action: http://code.google.com/p/pbot2-pl/source/browse/trunk/modules/compiler_vm/ <-- download: cc, compiler_vm_server.pl, compiler_vm_client.pl, compiler_watchdog.pl and debugcommands -- Now you too can use cc in on your shell command-line! See the README, as well.
created_on: 1296535000.38713
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: ##c-offtopic
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owner: pragma_
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ref_user: whoisxy!~whoisxy@
type: text
action: /say http://benpfaff.org/writings/clc/
created_on: 1245945081
enabled: 1
owner: kate`
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ref_user: kate`
type: text
action: comp.lang.c FAQ: http://www.eskimo.com/~scs/C-faq/top.html
created_on: 1106283720
enabled: 1
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type: text
action: /say Please do not greet the channel. It adds no value to the conversation, and highlights the channel tab for no good reason.
created_on: 1431989159.22684
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owner: fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: /say ##C channel statistics: http://iso-9899.info/candide/pisg/c.html
action_with_args: /say ##C channel statistics: http://iso-9899.info/candide/pisg/c.html#$args
created_on: 1396065691.46188
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owner: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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ref_user: esselfe!~bsfc@unaffiliated/esselfe
type: text
action: /say char is required to be able to represent (at least) the values inclusively between -127 and 127 (signed char), or 0 and 255 (unsigned char). The representation chosen is implementation-defined, meaning some compilers will treat a char as signed, others unsigned. sizeof (char) is always 1. See also: CHAR_BIT, CHAR_MIN, CHAR_MAX and byte
created_on: 1288191355.84716
enabled: 1
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owner: s00p
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type: text
action: /say The declaration "char* a, b" declares a as a pointer to char and b as a char - it does not declare b as a pointer to char.
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last_referenced_on: 1310081311.7018
owner: Random832
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type: text
action: /say Check: A unit testing framework for C: http://check.sourceforge.net/
created_on: 1350619625.88407
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type: text
action: /say OK, it's getting a little hairy, and really we're all here because we love C. So relax, take a walk, have a cuppa, whatever. Er.. please? ;)
created_on: 1182354783
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type: text
action: /say A History of C, by Ritchie: http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/who/dmr/chist.html
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type: text
action: where you paste your "fixed" code to Ideone and Chris reads through it to spot obvious errors.
created_on: 1346272032.66934
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owner: Tuplanolla
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type: text
action: /say To play C Jeopardy, join #cjeopardy.
created_on: 1430085694.50901
enabled: 1
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last_referenced_on: 1499583241.53023
owner: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: seanconnery!~HoS@108-79-248-248.lightspeed.cicril.sbcglobal.net
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action: /say You better check yourself before you wreck yourself. Pause and rewind, lil nigga.
created_on: 1497129820.71474
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type: text
action: /say Clang has a static analysis tool that can be used with the flag '--analyze'. https://clang-analyzer.llvm.org/
created_on: 1497591224.46537
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type: text
action: not c, try ##c++
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ref_user: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
type: text
action: http://clc-wiki.net/wiki/The_C_Standard
created_on: 1276719385
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last_referenced_on: 1309752013.52964
owner: lemonade`
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action: /say For snippets of cleanups, see http://www.iso-9899.info/wiki/Cleanup
created_on: 1498214733.74999
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action: /say C was not designed to stop its users from doing stupid things, as that would also stop them from doing clever things.
created_on: 1389570697.58753
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type: text
action: my middle name
created_on: 1327015003.85254
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owner: dman777_
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type: text
action: /say Proposal to add methods() to C structures: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n1816.pdf (Briefly discussed in section 6.3 (page 8) of http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n1820.pdf) and also http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n1875.htm
created_on: 1414861888.72965
edited_by: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
edited_on: 1493265562.28936
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last_referenced_on: 1501706056.15023
owner: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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ref_user: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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action: /call fact ##c container
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owner: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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ref_user: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
type: text
action: /say If you have multiple structs that share a common initial sequence, you can generalize the access to this sequence by either containing the sequence within a sub-struct, or by using a union to contain the structs. See: http://www.iso-9899.info/wiki/Common_Initial_Sequence
created_on: 1498050784.47477
enabled: 1
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last_referenced_on: 1511734066.01757
owner: dorp!~dorp@bzq-84-111-138-241.cablep.bezeqint.net
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: dorp!~dorp@bzq-84-111-138-241.cablep.bezeqint.net
type: text
action: /say Order Matters: CC <overall options> [-std=whatever] <debugging> <optimizing> <warnings> [-pedantic] <Other Include Paths> <Other Lib Paths> <Magic Defines> <Magic Undefines> [-f<language/platform options] [-m<machine options>] [-o outfile] files..... (this is all documented, and files can be .c or .o, .a or .so, or -l<to be linked> commands.) <paraphrased from man gcc>
created_on: 1266709397
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: #pbot2
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owner: PoppaVic
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action: /call itworks
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type: text
action: http://publications.gbdirect.co.uk/c_book/chapter8/const_and_volatile.html - see section 8.4.1, http://c-faq.com/ansi/constmismatch.html
created_on: 1107648578
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type: text
action: /say The const qualifier is not the same as a constant. The following code sample is not required to compile: const int i = 123; int y = i; int main(void) {}
created_on: 1498032124.72137
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ref_user: jp!ayy@youlosethega.me
type: text
action: /say A container/collections library proposal for C: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n1625.pdf
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rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
type: text
action: /say continue causes a jump to immediately before the end of the enclosing loop body.
created_on: 1104888657
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edited_on: 1425520875.18103
enabled: 1
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owner: Major-Willard
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ref_user: lambda443!~lambda443@unaffiliated/lambda443
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action: /say Understanding integer conversion/promotion rules: https://www.securecoding.cert.org/confluence/display/c/INT02-C.+Understand+integer+conversion+rules
created_on: 1353362078.88439
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ref_user: dminuoso!~dminuoso@unaffiliated/dminuoso
type: text
action: http://www.iso-9899.info/wiki/Converting
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last_referenced_on: 1352984120.73461
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ref_user: Zerith
type: text
action: /say Co-routines in C, using Duff's Device: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/coroutines.html
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last_referenced_on: 1442362878.28475
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rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: doppel!~doppel@ip68-96-169-47.lv.lv.cox.net
type: text
action: /say Computer programming is a process that leads from an original formulation of a problem to executable programs. It involves activities such as analysis, understanding, and generically solving such problems resulting in an algorithm, verification of requirements (including correctness, resource consumption, etc) and maintaining the source code.
created_on: 1401732252.50878
enabled: 1
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owner: nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: alyptik!ayy@youlosethega.me
type: text
action: /say The term "cpp" in the context of the C programming language refers to the C preprocessor. If you meant C++, then say "C++".
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owner: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: Retr0id!~Retr0id@unaffiliated/retr0id
type: text
action: /say cplusplus-dot-com is a C++-related website that happens to reference C89 functions. Many of the examples given are actually C++ because they use 'headers' such as <cstdio> instead of <stdio.h>. A better reference would be the C99/C11 standard.
created_on: 1263936430
edited_by: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
edited_on: 1396215835.28163
enabled: 1
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owner: n00p
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-3.2.3/cpp/Preprocessor-Output.html
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enabled: 1
owner: PoppaVic
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: PoppaVic
type: text
action: /say Cppcheck is a static analysis tool that can diagnose things common compilers do not. http://cppcheck.sourceforge.net/
created_on: 1497495228.18595
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owner: dorp!~dorp@bzq-84-111-138-241.red.bezeqint.net
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ref_count: 2
ref_user: dorp!~dorp@bzq-84-111-138-241.red.bezeqint.net
type: text
action: /say cprogramming.com is not a site to be recommended to C learners because it "provide you with C and C++ programming language resources". Find a resource that distinctly teaches C to avoid confusion. See !books.
created_on: 1278133140.9678
enabled: 1
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owner: n00p
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: Random832!~random@unaffiliated/random832
type: text
action: http://www.gowrikumar.com/c/index.html
created_on: 1263170451
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owner: pragma_
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ref_user: mhi^
type: text
action: /say Paste sites to be avoided include: codepaste.net, paste.awesom.eu, paste.jhvisser.com, paste.ofcode.org, paste.ubuntu.com, paste2.org, pastebin.fr, pastebin.ubuntu.com, pastee.org, vpaste.net, www.pasteall.org. These sites make it unnecessarily difficult to access the raw paste data, making it less likely for you to get help with. See the channel topic for recommended sites.
created_on: 1431277379.09249
enabled: 1
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last_referenced_on: 1505031216.96407
owner: fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 6
ref_user: Ellenor!~Ellenor@unaffiliated/ellenor
type: text
action: /call std
created_on: 1344698408.76136
enabled: 1
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last_referenced_on: 1510252213.58059
owner: pragma-
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 322
ref_user: oldlaptop!~quassel@
type: text
action: /say Debugging with GCC? Enable all warnings: http://pastie.org/4612802
created_on: 1348601411.95552
enabled: 1
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last_referenced_on: 1497494497.7902
owner: Tuplanolla
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 5
ref_user: dorp!~dorp@bzq-84-111-138-241.red.bezeqint.net
type: text
action: /say Decaying implies permanence. Arrays do not "decay"; it is the expression that is converted, not the array. In most cases, an expression that has type "array of T" is converted to an expression with type "pointer to T" that points at the first element. See C11 for the exceptions.
created_on: 1455734558.95187
edited_by: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
edited_on: 1496701806.21077
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owner: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 77
ref_user: Hello71!Hello71@wikipedia/Hello71
type: text
action: http://parrt.cs.usfca.edu/doc/how-to-read-C-declarations.html
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edited_by: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
edited_on: 1403978369.07941
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: sebastian
last_referenced_on: 1448162229.77934
owner: kate`
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ref_count: 17
ref_user: Sebastian!uid71324@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-dimqxxdtbzadsjfz
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action: /call cdecl declare
created_on: 1191042438
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owner: pragma_
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type: text
action: A declaration specifies the interpretation and attributes of a set of identifiers. A definition of an identifier is a declaration for that identifier that: for an object, causes storage to be reserved for that object; for a function, includes the function body; for an enumeration constant or typedef name, is the (only) declaration of the identifier.
created_on: 1179653420
enabled: 1
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last_referenced_on: 1441021114.8042
owner: kate`
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ref_user: yar|!~yarl_@unaffiliated/y4r1
type: text
action: /say In C, declaration follows use. That means you do not write `char* p` but instead `char *p` because it doesn't mean `p is a pointer to char` but rather `*p is a char`. https://www.quora.com/Why-doesnt-C-use-better-notation-for-pointers
created_on: 1456092866.53151
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action: /call decay
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type: text
action: Expert C Programming: Deep C Secrets by Peter van der Linden. It assumes some foundation in the C programming language and covers its dustier corners as well as common misconceptions, such as array-pointer equivalence. See: http://www.amazon.com/Expert-Programming-Peter-van-Linden/dp/0131774298
created_on: 1414674074.15638
enabled: 1
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owner: boru!~boru@unaffiliated/boru
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ref_user: doppel!~doppel@ip68-96-169-47.lv.lv.cox.net
type: text
action: /say { void f(int x, int y /* default 42 */, char *z /* default "foo" */) { printf("[%d, %d, %s]\n", x, y, z); } #define F1(...) f(__VA_ARGS__, 42, "foo")\n #define F2(...) f(__VA_ARGS__, "foo")\n #define F3(...) f(__VA_ARGS__)\n #define FX(_1, _2, _3, n, ...) n\n #define f(...) FX(__VA_ARGS__, F3(__VA_ARGS__), F2(__VA_ARGS__), F1(__VA_ARGS__), 0)\n f(2); f(4, 8); f(16, 32, "bar"); }
created_on: 1450447407.62472
edited_by: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
edited_on: 1450447484.33212
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type: text
action: /call decay
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ref_user: marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo
type: text
action: /say DeMorgan's laws: !a && !b == !(a || b), and !a || !b == !(a && b)
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edited_on: 1441482977.91293
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type: text
action: /say $arg[0] has been deported $arg[1:] (deportation id $digits$digits$digits$digits$digits)
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type: text
action: /say C99 added designators for initializers. Designator for an element of an array: int arr[3] = { [2] = 42 }; Designator for a member of a struct (or union): struct { int x; int y; } s = { .y = 42 };
created_on: 1498038287.75815
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action: /say Diagnostics can help you find issues with your code. For decent diagnostics you should compile your code using gcc or clang with the flags: -std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic. See also: clang-analyze, cppcheck, and valgrind
created_on: 1497590910.65718
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type: text
action: cc -paste int ml = 1 + 2 * 3, ls = 1, is = 2, i = 0, cp = (ml - ls) / 2; while( ls > 0 ) putchar((i < cp + ls) ? ((i++ < cp) ? ' ' : '*') : (i=0, ((ls == ml) ? is = -is : 0), ls += is, cp = (ml - ls) / 2, '\n'));
created_on: 1321996273.58415
edited_by: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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type: text
action: a two character alternative punctuator, intended to make using c possible on systems where the primary punctuator is missing, typically from keyboards. they are normal tokens, so are processed in the same way as other source characters (apart from trigraphs).
created_on: 1104552499
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type: text
action: /say $arg[0] has been disported $arg[1:] (happy fun time id $digits$digits$digits$digits$digits)
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action: /say wg14 document log: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/wg14_document_log.htm
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action: doesntwork
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ref_user: absof25!~absof25_@48-110.dsl.iskon.hr
type: regex
action: /say Standard C neither knows nor cares about colors, mice, windows, keyboards, networks or any other system-specific things. If you wanted help with something like that, you would want to tell us what OS, compiler, tools or libraries you intend to use/abuse, or find the appropriate channel.
created_on: 1105954303
edited_by: Maxdamantus!~Maxdamant@2001:470:f078::dead:beef:cafe
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action: dontcastmalloc
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type: regex
action: /say There is no need to cast the result of library functions that return void *; it makes your code hard to read, adds no value, and can hide a bug if you don't have a valid prototype in scope. See http://c-faq.com/malloc/mallocnocast.html
created_on: 1104594725
edited_by: edk!edk@unaffiliated/edk
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owner: infobahn
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type: text
action: screw you
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rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: /say When taking input for type double you need to use lf format specifier in the scanf statement. But when you are outputting a double you use f format specifier in the printf statements.
created_on: 1195072541
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owner: pragma_
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action: /call standard
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action: /call standard
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rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: lemonade`
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action: magical old school technique to directly express general loop unrolling in C. see http://www.lysator.liu.se/c/duffs-device.html
created_on: 1104395556
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rate_limit: 15
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action: the keyword that executes a statement/block should an ''if'' expression evaluate to false
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rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: /call endianness
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owner: dho!~dho@veep.9vx.org
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action: /call byteorder
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action: /say When reading The C Programming Language, 2nd edition, by Kernighan and Ritchie, make sure you check the errata as well: http://www.iso-9899.info/2ediffs.html
created_on: 1442833162.77336
edited_by: edk!~edk@spy/edk0
edited_on: 1443094614.81712
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type: text
action: library error macro, #include <errno.h> The macro designates a modifiable int object that is asigned a value greater than zero on certain library errors. see http://www.iso-9899.info/man?strerror
created_on: 1104386234
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: nheck
last_referenced_on: 1475535359.90234
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action: /me activates the room's self-destruction mechanism.
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action: /say $arg[0] has been exported $arg[1:] (shipment id $digits$digits$digits$digits$digits)
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action: /say "Pft, I've been programming for years. How hard can C be?" http://i.imgur.com/mPfGshE.gifv
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type: text
action: /say The last element of a structure with more than one named member may have an incomplete array type; this is called a flexible array member (C99 struct s { int n; double d[]; } *p = malloc(sizeof *p + 17 * sizeof *p->d);
created_on: 1297061351.3835
enabled: 1
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type: text
action: /say an 'fd' is POSIX. Getting an 'fd' from or to a FILE pointer is POSIX. ##posix is right down the hall.
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ref_user: nHeck!~heck@unaffiliated/nheck
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action: a function, taking one FILE * as an argument, indicating a file has been completely read by getc/getchar/fread (not a recommended construct)
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owner: Major-Willard
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action: /call stdinflush
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type: text
action: while (fgets(line, sizeof line, stdin)) { /* process line */ }
created_on: 1106767895
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action: /call floats
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action: /say ##c focuses on C. Discuss offtopic things in ##c-offtopic
created_on: 1414405845.15381
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edited_on: 1494611286.15476
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rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: /say Bar!
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edited_by: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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type: text
action: /say English metasyntactic variables: foo, bar, baz, qux, quux, corge, grault, garply, waldo, fred, plugh, xyzzy, thud; UK: wibble, wobble, wubble; French: toto, titi, tata, tutu
created_on: 1363887757.90264
edited_by: nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix
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owner: pragma-
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: /say Function Pointer Tutorial: http://www.newty.de/fpt/fpt.html
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type: text
action: /call fpt
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owner: pragma-
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ref_user: profess!~profess@unaffiliated/csddesk
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action: http://qink.net/page/The-Ultimate-List-of-Freely-Available-Programming-Books.aspx
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action: /say A function is a mapping from domain to its image which is in its codomain.
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action: /say There's little need to make generalizations about people who program with C. Some have interesting prejudices, others don't. In any case it will depend on the individual, and not the fact that they have a preference for a particular language.
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action: /say You can convert a function pointer of one type to a function pointer of a different type for passing it as an argument to a function, but upon calling the function the pointed-to type should be compatible*. See http://www.iso-9899.info/wiki/Generic_Function_Pointer
created_on: 1498662794.62868
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action: /say A pointer to pointer to void (void **) is not the same as a pointer to void. It is not required to be convertible to other types of pointers to pointers, and it is not a generic pointer to pointer. See http://www.iso-9899.info/wiki/Generic_Pointer_To_Pointer
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action: http://hpux.cs.utah.edu/hppd/hpux/Misc/cdecl-2.5/
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action: declared in stdio.h in POSIX 2008, but is not a standard C function. To compile your own code that defines a "getline" function, you may need to use -ansi or make sure you are not using POSIX (or GNU) feature test macros. On Mac OS X, use -D_ANSI_SOURCE.
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action: a C library function for parsing command-line arguments. It is found on Linux, BSD, and other Unix systems.
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action: very bad. It cannot be told the size of the buffer to read in, therefore it has no way of preventing buffer overflows. Use fgets() with 'stdin' as the FILE* instead. http://www.eskimo.com/~scs/C-faq/q12.23.html
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action: Garbage In, Garbage Out -- http://c-faq.com/malloc/malloc1.html
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action: /say Don't use github for pasting. The line numbers are in a different font size to the code, and as a result they don't line up with lines of code correctly.
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action: /say There is no "global" scope in C. There are four kinds of scopes: function, file, block, and function prototype. A variable that appears outside of any block or list of parameters has file scope, which terminates at the end of the translation unit.
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action: /say The GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library: http://gmplib.org/
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action: /say http://www.iso-9899.info/wiki/C_gotchas -- http://www.drpaulcarter.com/cs/common-c-errors.html
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action: /say Goto statements can be useful for cleaning up or breaking out of nested loops/switches. See cleanup and http://www.iso-9899.info/wiki/Goto
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action: /say You are as dumb as a box of hair.
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action: Hacker's Delight by Henry S. Warren Jr. It discusses the use of boolean algebra and bitwise operations to reduce the computational complexity of algorithms. See http://www.hackersdelight.org and http://www.amazon.com/Hackers-Delight-Edition-Henry-Warren/dp/0321842685
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action: /say C does not require implementations to use stacks or heaps. Please refer to the actually defined storage durations, which are four: allocated, automatic, thread and static.
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action: implementation dependent behaviour. This must be documented by the implementation.
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action: /say An identifier can denote an object; a function; a tag or a member of a structure, union, or enumeration; a typedef name; a label name; a macro name; or a macro parameter. The same identifier can denote different entities at different points in the program.
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action: the keyword that tests a bracketed expression and if true, executes the following statement; if the expression evaluates to false an optional ''else'' clause is executed
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action: a particular set of software, running in a particular translation environment under particular control options, that performs translation of programs for, and supports execution of functions in, a particular execution environment (ISO/IEC 9899:1999 3.12)
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action: /say $arg[0] has been imported $arg[1:] (customs id $digits$digits$digits$digits$digits)
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action: /say Include guard optimisation: http://www.bobarcher.org/software/include/index.html
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action: /say A type which describes an object is incomplete if it lacks information needed to determine its size.
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action: /say If you are not experienced enough to adhere to coding style allowing production of readable C code, brush your source automatically: using GNU indent http://gnu.org/s/indent/, using clang-format http://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html, or using astyle http://astyle.sourceforge.net/
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action: /say A common idiom for zero initializing elements of arrays or members of structs (automatic storage duration) is: char arr[10] = { 0 }; struct { int x; int y;} s = { 0 };
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action: /say A function declared with an inline function specifier is an inline function. Making a function an inline function suggests that calls to the function be as fast as possible. If you use `inline', always use `static', too. See https://kellett.im/a/inline
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action: /say http://wiki.osdev.org/Inline_Functions_in_C
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action: a signed integer data type, at least 16 bits wide, which must be able to represent (at least) all the numbers in the range -32767 to +32767. Its lowest value, INT_MIN, and highest value, INT_MAX, are defined in <limits.h>
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action: To convert an int to a string without knowing whether it is signed, see https://gist.github.com/o11c/0f117636d6c8873d5cc6f63347ee4fdd
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action: /say Some of us no longer primarily recommend K&R because it's somewhat outdated and unmaintained. It's tiresome reminding would-be readers of implicit int's removal in modern C, among many other issues. The errata that addresses only some of these issues no longer exists on the official site. If a 3rd edition of K&R emerges that rectifies these issues, we'll happily recommend it again!
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action: /say 'The C Programming Language' (2nd Ed, 1988) aka K&R2, is a book that teaches C89, it has a lengthy errata and it contains 'old style' things. The book is short (272 pages) and as such less informative. 'C Programming: A Modern Approach' by K. N. King (2nd Ed, 2008) covers both C89 and C99, it's very much informative and therefore lengthy (832 pages).
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action: /say 'C Programming: A Modern Approach' by K. N. King (2nd Ed, 2008) is a recommended C book that teaches both C89 and C99. http://knking.com/books/c2/index.html
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action: /say Chapter 1: A Tutorial Introduction; Exercise 1-1. Run the ‘‘hello, world’’ program on your system. Experiment with leaving out parts of the program, to see what error messages you get.
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action: /say Chapter 1: A Tutorial Introduction; Exercise 1-10. Write a program to copy its input to its output, replacing each tab by \t, each backspace by \b, and each backslash by \\. This makes tabs and backspaces visible in an unambiguous way.
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action: /say Chapter 1: A Tutorial Introduction; Exercise 1-11. How would you test the word count program? What kinds of input are most likely to uncover bugs if there are any?
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action: /say Chapter 1: A Tutorial Introduction; Exercise 1-12. Write a program that prints its input one word per line.
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action: /say Chapter 1: A Tutorial Introduction; Exercise 1-13. Write a program to print a histogram of the lengths of words in its input. It is easy to draw the histogram with the bars horizontal; a vertical orientation is more challenging.
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action: /say Chapter 1: A Tutorial Introduction; Exercise 1-14. Write a program to print a histogram of the frequencies of different characters in its input.
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action: /say Chapter 1: A Tutorial Introduction; Exercise 1-15. Rewrite the temperature conversion program of Section 1.2 to use a function for conversion.
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edited_on: 1436133004.34823
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action: /say Chapter 1: A Tutorial Introduction; Exercise 1-16. Revise the main routine of the longest-line program so it will correctly print the length of arbitrary long input lines, and as much as possible of the text.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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ref_user: cousteau!~cousteau@unaffiliated/cousteau
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action: /say Chapter 1: A Tutorial Introduction; Exercise 1-17. Write a program to print all input lines that are longer than 80 characters.
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type: text
action: /say Chapter 1: A Tutorial Introduction; Exercise 1-18. Write a program to remove trailing blanks and tabs from each line of input, and to delete entirely blank lines.
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ref_user: caze!~caze@unaffiliated/caze
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action: /say Chapter 1: A Tutorial Introduction; Exercise 1-19. Write a function reverse(s) that reverses the character string s. Use it to write a program that reverses its input a line at a time.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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ref_user: caze!~caze@unaffiliated/caze
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action: /say Chapter 1: A Tutorial Introduction; Exercise 1-2. Experiment to find out what happens when prints’s argument string contains \c, where c is some character not listed above.
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type: text
action: /say Chapter 1: A Tutorial Introduction; Exercise 1-20. Write a program detab that replaces tabs in the input with the proper number of blanks to space to the next tab stop. Assume a fixed set of tab stops, say every n columns. Should n be a variable or a symbolic parameter?
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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type: text
action: /say Chapter 1: A Tutorial Introduction; Exercise 1-21. Write a program entab that replaces strings of blanks by the minimum number of tabs and blanks to achieve the same spacing. Use the same tab stops as for detab. When either a tab or a single blank would suffice to reach a tab stop, which should be given preference?
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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type: text
action: /say Chapter 1: A Tutorial Introduction; Exercise 1-22. Write a program to ‘‘fold’’ long input lines into two or more shorter lines after the last non-blank character that occurs before the n-th column of input. Make sure your program does something intelligent with very long lines, and if there are no blanks or tabs before the specified column.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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type: text
action: /say Chapter 1: A Tutorial Introduction; Exercise 1-23. Write a program to remove all comments from a C program. Don’t forget to handle quoted strings and character constants properly. C comments don’t nest.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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ref_user: DevUt!~quassel@unaffiliated/devut
type: text
action: /say Chapter 1: A Tutorial Introduction; Exercise 1-24. Write a program to check a C program for rudimentary syntax errors like unmatched parentheses, brackets and braces. Don’t forget about quotes, both single and double, escape sequences, and comments. (This program is hard if you do it in full generality.)
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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action: /say Chapter 1: A Tutorial Introduction; Exercise 1-3. Modify the temperature conversion program to print a heading above the table.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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action: /say Chapter 1: A Tutorial Introduction; Exercise 1-4. Write a program to print the corresponding Celsius to Fahrenheit table.
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action: /say Chapter 1: A Tutorial Introduction; Exercise 1-5. Modify the temperature conversion program to print the table in reverse order, that is, from 300 degrees to 0.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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action: /say Chapter 1: A Tutorial Introduction; Exercise 1-6. Verify that the expression getchar() != EOF is 0 or 1.
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owner: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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action: /say Chapter 1: A Tutorial Introduction; Exercise 1-7. Write a program to print the value of EOF.
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owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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action: /say Chapter 1: A Tutorial Introduction; Exercise 1-8. Write a program to count blanks, tabs, and newlines.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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type: text
action: /say Chapter 1: A Tutorial Introduction; Exercise 1-9. Write a program to copy its input to its output, replacing each string of one or more blanks by a single blank.
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action: /say Chapter 2: Types, Operators and Expressions; Exercise 2-1. Write a program to determine the ranges of char, short, int, and long variables, both signed and unsigned, by printing appropriate values from standard headers and by direct computation. Harder if you compute them: determine the ranges of the various floating-point types.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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action: /say Chapter 2: Types, Operators and Expressions; Exercise 2-10. Rewrite the function lower, which converts upper case letters to lower case, with a conditional expression instead of if-else.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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type: text
action: /say Chapter 2: Types, Operators and Expressions; Exercise 2-2. Write a loop equivalent to the for loop above without using && or ||. [The for loop is: for (i=0; i < lim-1 && (c=getchar()) != ’\n’ && c != EOF; ++i) s[i] = c;]
created_on: 1436132320.52224
edited_by: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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action: /say Chapter 2: Types, Operators and Expressions; Exercise 2-3. Write a function htoi(s), which converts a string of hexadecimal digits (including an optional 0x or 0X) into its equivalent integer value. The allowable digits are 0 through 9, a through f, and A through F.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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action: /say Chapter 2: Types, Operators and Expressions; Exercise 2-4. Write an alternative version of squeeze(s1,s2) that deletes each character in s1 that matches any character in the string s2.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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ref_user: DevUt!~quassel@unaffiliated/devut
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action: /say Chapter 2: Types, Operators and Expressions; Exercise 2-5. Write the function any(s1,s2), which returns the first location in a string s1 where any character from the string s2 occurs, or -1 if s1 contains no characters from s2. (The standard library function strpbrk does the same job but returns a pointer to the location.)
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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action: /say Chapter 2: Types, Operators and Expressions; Exercise 2-6. Write a function setbits(x,p,n,y) that returns x with the n bits that begin at position p set to the rightmost n bits of y, leaving the other bits unchanged.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
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action: /say Chapter 2: Types, Operators and Expressions; Exercise 2-7. Write a function invert(x,p,n) that returns x with the n bits that begin at position p inverted (i.e., 1 changed into 0 and vice versa), leaving the others unchanged.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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action: /say Chapter 2: Types, Operators and Expressions; Exercise 2-8. Write a function rightrot(x,n) that returns the value of the integer x rotated to the right by n positions.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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action: /say Chapter 2: Types, Operators and Expressions; Exercise 2-9. In a two’s complement number system, x &= (x-1) deletes the rightmost 1-bit x. Explain why. Use this observation to write a faster version of bitcount.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
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owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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type: text
action: /say Chapter 3: Control Flow; Exercise 3-1. Our binary search makes two tests inside the loop, when one would suffice (at the price of more tests outside.) Write a version with only one test inside the loop and measure the difference in run-time.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
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owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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type: text
action: /say Chapter 3: Control Flow; Exercise 3-2. Write a function escape(s,t) that converts characters like newline and tab into visible escape sequences like \n and \t as it copies the string t to s. Use a switch. Write a function for the other direction as well, converting escape sequences into the real characters.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
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type: text
action: /say Chapter 3: Control Flow; Exercise 3-3. Write a function expand(s1,s2) that expands shorthand notations like a-z in the string s1 into the equivalent complete list abc...xyz in s2. Allow for letters of either case and digits, and be prepared to handle cases like a-b-c and a-z0-9 and -a-z. Arrange that a leading or trailing - is taken literally.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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type: text
action: /say Chapter 3: Control Flow; Exercise 3-4. In a two’s complement number representation, our version of itoa does not handle the largest negative number, that is, the value of n equal to -(2^(wordsize-1)). Explain why not. Modify it to print that value correctly, regardless of the machine on which it runs.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
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ref_user: dho!~dho@veep.9vx.org
type: text
action: /say Chapter 3: Control Flow; Exercise 3-5. Write the function itob(n,s,b) that converts the integer n into a base b character representation in the string s. In particular, itob(n,s,16) formats n as a hexadecimal integer in s.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
edited_by: marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo
edited_on: 1444362173.09691
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owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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ref_user: Wulf!~Wulf@unaffiliated/wulf
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action: /say Chapter 3: Control Flow; Exercise 3-6. Write a version of itoa that accepts three arguments instead of two. The third argument is a minimum field width; the converted number must be padded with blanks on the left if necessary to make it wide enough.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
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last_referenced_on: 1454928016.82059
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: /say Chapter 4: Functions and Program Structure; Exercise 4-1. Write the function strindex(s,t) which returns the position of the rightmost occurrence of t in s, or -1 if there is none.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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type: text
action: /say Chapter 4: Functions and Program Structure; Exercise 4-10. An alternate organization uses getline to read an entire input line; this makes getch and ungetch unnecessary. Revise the calculator to use this approach.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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action: /say Chapter 4: Functions and Program Structure; Exercise 4-11. Modify getop so that it doesn’t need to use ungetch. Hint: use an internal static variable.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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type: text
action: /say Chapter 4: Functions and Program Structure; Exercise 4-12. Adapt the ideas of printd to write a recursive version of itoa; that is, convert an integer into a string by calling a recursive routine.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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type: text
action: /say Chapter 4: Functions and Program Structure; Exercise 4-13. Write a recursive version of the function reverse(s), which reverses the string s in place.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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type: text
action: /say Chapter 4: Functions and Program Structure; Exercise 4-14. Define a macro swap(t,x,y) that interchanges two arguments of type t. (Block structure will help.)
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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type: text
action: /say Chapter 4: Functions and Program Structure; Exercise 4-2. Extend atof to handle scientific notation of the form 123.45e-6 where a floating-point number may be followed by e or E and an optionally signed exponent.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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type: text
action: /say Chapter 4: Functions and Program Structure; Exercise 4-3. Given the basic framework, it’s straightforward to extend the calculator. Add the modulus (%) operator and provisions for negative numbers.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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type: text
action: /say Chapter 4: Functions and Program Structure; Exercise 4-4. Add the commands to print the top elements of the stack without popping, to duplicate it, and to swap the top two elements. Add a command to clear the stack.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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action: /say Chapter 4: Functions and Program Structure; Exercise 4-5. Add access to library functions like sin, exp, and pow. See <math.h> in Appendix B, Section 4.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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type: text
action: /say Chapter 4: Functions and Program Structure; Exercise 4-6. Add commands for handling variables. (It’s easy to provide twenty-six variables with single-letter names.) Add a variable for the most recently printed value.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
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owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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ref_user: doppel!~chatzilla@ip70-170-42-83.lv.lv.cox.net
type: text
action: /say Chapter 4: Functions and Program Structure; Exercise 4-7. Write a routine ungets(s) that will push back an entire string onto the input. Should ungets know about buf and bufp, or should it just use ungetch?
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
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last_referenced_on: 1454616223.26004
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: /say Chapter 4: Functions and Program Structure; Exercise 4-8. Suppose that there will never be more than one character of pushback. Modify getch and ungetch accordingly.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
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last_referenced_on: 1437767540.26951
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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ref_user: thomas_d!~thomas_d@unaffiliated/thomas-d/x-6984210
type: text
action: /say Chapter 4: Functions and Program Structure; Exercise 4-9. Our getch and ungetch do not handle a pushed-back EOF correctly. Decide what their properties ought to be if an EOF is pushed back, then implement your design.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
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last_referenced_on: 1446154026.56302
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo
type: text
action: /say Chapter 5: Pointers and Arrays; Exercise 5-1. As written, getint treats a + or - not followed by a digit as a valid representation of zero. Fix it to push such a character back on the input.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
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last_referenced_on: 1491610466.049
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: doppel!~chatzilla@ip70-170-42-83.lv.lv.cox.net
type: text
action: /say Chapter 5: Pointers and Arrays; Exercise 5-10. Write the program expr, which evaluates a reverse Polish expression from the command line, where each operator or operand is a separate argument. For example, expr 2 3 4 + * evaluates 2 * (3 + 4).
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
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last_referenced_on: 1496467238.46329
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: anonnumberanon!~anonnumbe@unaffiliated/anonnumberanon
type: text
action: /say Chapter 5: Pointers and Arrays; Exercise 5-11. Modify the program entab and detab (written as exercises in Chapter 1) to accept a list of tab stops as arguments. Use the default tab settings if there are no arguments.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: anonnumberanon
last_referenced_on: 1496467253.36573
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 6
ref_user: anonnumberanon!~anonnumbe@unaffiliated/anonnumberanon
type: text
action: /say Chapter 5: Pointers and Arrays; Exercise 5-12. Extend entab and detab to accept the shorthand `entab -m +n` to mean tab stops every n columns, starting at column m. Choose convenient (for the user) default behavior.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
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owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: atk!~Arch-TK@ircpuzzles/staff/Arch-TK
type: text
action: /say Chapter 5: Pointers and Arrays; Exercise 5-13. Write the program tail, which prints the last n lines of its input. By default, n is set to 10, let us say, but it can be changed by an optional argument so that `tail -n` prints the last n lines. The program should behave rationally no matter how unreasonable the input or the value of n. Write the program so that it makes the best use of available storage; lines should be stored as in the sorting program of Section 5.6, not in a two-dimensional array of fixed size.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
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owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: dho!~dho@veep.9vx.org
type: text
action: /say Chapter 5: Pointers and Arrays; Exercise 5-14. Modify the sort program to handle a -r flag, which indicates sorting in reverse (decreasing) order. Be sure that -r works with -n.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: /say Chapter 5: Pointers and Arrays; Exercise 5-15. Add the option -f to fold upper and lower case together, so that case distinctions are not made during sorting; for example, a and A compare equal.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: profess
last_referenced_on: 1440903259.14912
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 1
ref_user: profess!~profess@unaffiliated/csddesk
type: text
action: /say Chapter 5: Pointers and Arrays; Exercise 5-16. Add the -d (‘‘directory order’’) option, which makes comparisons only on letters, numbers and blanks. Make sure it works in conjunction with -f.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: nobody
type: text
action: /say Chapter 5: Pointers and Arrays; Exercise 5-17. Add a field-searching capability, so sorting may bee done on fields within lines, each field sorted according to an independent set of options. (The index for this book was sorted with -df for the index category and -n for the page numbers.)
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: ##c
last_referenced_on: 1497990190.59381
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 5
ref_user: atk!~Arch-TK@ircpuzzles/staff/Arch-TK
type: text
action: /say Chapter 5: Pointers and Arrays; Exercise 5-18. Make dcl recover from input errors.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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last_referenced_on: 1501793521.78149
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
type: text
action: /say Chapter 5: Pointers and Arrays; Exercise 5-19. Modify undcl so that it does not add redundant parentheses to declarations.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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last_referenced_on: 1501793608.32097
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
type: text
action: /say Chapter 5: Pointers and Arrays; Exercise 5-2. Write getfloat, the floating-point analog of getint. What type does getfloat return as its function value?
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: /say Chapter 5: Pointers and Arrays; Exercise 5-20. Expand dcl to handle declarations with function argument types, qualifiers like const, and so on.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
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last_referenced_on: 1502327275.42922
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: qwename!~qwename@unaffiliated/qwename
type: text
action: /say Chapter 5: Pointers and Arrays; Exercise 5-3. Write a pointer version of the function strcat that we showed in Chapter 2: strcat(s,t) copies the string t to the end of s.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: /say Chapter 5: Pointers and Arrays; Exercise 5-4. Write the function strend(s,t), which returns 1 if the string t occurs at the end of the string s, and zero otherwise.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: anonnumberanon
last_referenced_on: 1454365465.15646
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: anonnumberanon!~anonnumbe@unaffiliated/anonnumberanon
type: text
action: /say Chapter 5: Pointers and Arrays; Exercise 5-5. Write versions of the library functions strncpy, strncat, and strncmp, which operate on at most the first n characters of their argument strings. For example, strncpy(s,t,n) copies at most n characters of t to s. Full descriptions are in Appendix B.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
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last_referenced_on: 1454365945.18701
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: anonnumberanon!~anonnumbe@unaffiliated/anonnumberanon
type: text
action: /say Chapter 5: Pointers and Arrays; Exercise 5-6. Rewrite appropriate programs from earlier chapters and exercises with pointers instead of array indexing. Good possibilities include getline (Chapters 1 and 4), atoi, itoa, and their variants (Chapters 2, 3, and 4), reverse (Chapter 3), and strindex and getop (Chapter 4).
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
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owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: anonnumberanon!~anonnumbe@unaffiliated/anonnumberanon
type: text
action: /say Chapter 5: Pointers and Arrays; Exercise 5-7. Rewrite readlines to store lines in an array supplied by main, rather than calling alloc to maintain storage. How much faster is the program?
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: anonnumberanon
last_referenced_on: 1496467193.75659
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: anonnumberanon!~anonnumbe@unaffiliated/anonnumberanon
type: text
action: /say Chapter 5: Pointers and Arrays; Exercise 5-8. There is no error checking in day_of_year or month_day. Remedy this defect.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
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last_referenced_on: 1496467209.64161
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: anonnumberanon!~anonnumbe@unaffiliated/anonnumberanon
type: text
action: /say Chapter 5: Pointers and Arrays; Exercise 5-9. Rewrite the routines day_of_year and month_day with pointers instead of indexing.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
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last_referenced_on: 1496467226.18209
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: anonnumberanon!~anonnumbe@unaffiliated/anonnumberanon
type: text
action: /say Chapter 6: Structures; Exercise 6-1. Our version of getword does not properly handle underscores, string constants, comments, or preprocessor control lines. Write a better version.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
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last_referenced_on: 1502677237.6218
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: doppel!~chatzilla@ip70-170-42-83.lv.lv.cox.net
type: text
action: /say Chapter 6: Structures; Exercise 6-2. Write a program that reads a C program and prints in alphabetical order each group of variable names that are identical in the first 6 characters, but different somewhere thereafter. Don’t count words within strings and comments. Make 6 a parameter that can be set from the command line.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
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last_referenced_on: 1503181062.78574
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: doppel!~chatzilla@ip70-170-42-83.lv.lv.cox.net
type: text
action: /say Chapter 6: Structures; Exercise 6-3. Write a cross-referencer that prints a list of all words in a document, and for each word, a list of the line numbers on which it occurs. Remove noise words like ‘‘the,’’ ‘‘and,’’ and so on.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
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last_referenced_on: 1496467270.95573
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: anonnumberanon!~anonnumbe@unaffiliated/anonnumberanon
type: text
action: /say Chapter 6: Structures; Exercise 6-4. Write a program that prints the distinct words in its input sorted into decreasing order of frequency of occurrence. Precede each word by its count.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
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last_referenced_on: 1504146028.40513
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: doppel!~chatzilla@ip70-170-42-83.lv.lv.cox.net
type: text
action: /say Chapter 6: Structures; Exercise 6-5. Write a function undef that will remove a name and definition from the table maintained by lookup and install.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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last_referenced_on: 1504460848.65556
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: doppel!~chatzilla@ip70-170-42-83.lv.lv.cox.net
type: text
action: /say Chapter 6: Structures; Exercise 6-6. Implement a simple version of the #define processor (i.e., no arguments) suitable for use with C programs, based on the routines of this section. You may also find getch and ungetch helpful.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
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owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 4
ref_user: doppel!~chatzilla@ip70-170-42-83.lv.lv.cox.net
type: text
action: /say Chapter 7: Input and Output; Exercise 7-1. Write a program that converts upper case to lower or lower case to upper, depending on the name it is invoked with, as found in argv[0].
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: /say Chapter 7: Input and Output; Exercise 7-2. Write a program that will print arbitrary input in a sensible way. As a minimum, it should print non-graphic characters in octal or hexadecimal according to local custom, and break long text lines.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
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owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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ref_user: alyptik!ayy@youlosethega.me
type: text
action: /say Chapter 7: Input and Output; Exercise 7-3. Revise minprintf to handle more of the other facilities of printf.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: /say Chapter 7: Input and Output; Exercise 7-4. Write a private version of scanf analogous to minprintf from the previous section.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
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owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 1
ref_user: doppel!~chatzilla@ip70-170-42-83.lv.lv.cox.net
type: text
action: /say Chapter 7: Input and Output; Exercise 7-5. Rewrite the postfix calculator of Chapter 4 to use scanf and/or sscanf to do the input and number conversion.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
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last_referenced_on: 1507407526.39497
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: doppel!~chatzilla@ip70-170-42-83.lv.lv.cox.net
type: text
action: /say Chapter 7: Input and Output; Exercise 7-6. Write a program to compare two files, printing the first line where they differ.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: /say Chapter 7: Input and Output; Exercise 7-7. Modify the pattern finding program of Chapter 5 to take its input from a set of named files or, if no files are named as arguments, from the standard input. Should the file name be printed when a matching line is found?
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
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owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: atk!Arch-TK@ircpuzzles/staff/Arch-TK
type: text
action: /say Chapter 7: Input and Output; Exercise 7-8. Write a program to print a set of files, starting each new one on a new page, with a title and a running page count for each file.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
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last_referenced_on: 1440289330.24048
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 1
ref_user: MethylatorX!~quassel@
type: text
action: /say Chapter 7: Input and Output; Exercise 7-9. Functions like isupper can be implemented to save space or to save time. Explore both possibilities.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: /say Chapter 8: The UNIX System Interface; Exercise 8-1. Rewrite the program cat from Chapter 7 using read, write, open, and close instead of their standard library equivalents. Perform experiments to determine the relative speeds of the two versions.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: ##c
last_referenced_on: 1441742817.7639
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 2
ref_user: jd1!jd1@unaffiliated/jd1
type: text
action: /say Chapter 8: The UNIX System Interface; Exercise 8-2. Rewrite fopen and _fillbuf with fields instead of explicit bit operations. Compare code size and execution speed.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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last_referenced_on: 1441859080.10226
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: CaZe!~caze@unaffiliated/caze
type: text
action: /say Chapter 8: The UNIX System Interface; Exercise 8-3. Design and write _flushbuf, fflush, and fclose.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: /say Chapter 8: The UNIX System Interface; Exercise 8-4. The standard library function int fseek(FILE *fp, long offset, int origin) is identical to lseek except that fp is a file pointer instead of a file descriptor and return value is an int status, not a position. Write fseek. Make sure that your fseek coordinates properly with the buffering done for other functions of the library.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: /say Chapter 8: The UNIX System Interface; Exercise 8-5. Modify the fsize program to print the other information contained in the inode entry.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
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rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: /say Chapter 8: The UNIX System Interface; Exercise 8-6. The standard library function calloc(n,size) returns a pointer to n objects of size size, with the storage initialized to zero. Write calloc, by calling malloc or by modifying it.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: /say Chapter 8: The UNIX System Interface; Exercise 8-7. malloc accepts a size request without checking its plausibility; free believes that the block it is asked to free contains a valid size field. Improve these routines so they make more pains with error checking.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: /say Chapter 8: The UNIX System Interface; Exercise 8-8. Write a routine bfree(p,n) that will free any arbitrary block p of n characters into the free list maintained by malloc and free. By using bfree, a user can add a static or external array to the free list at any time.
created_on: 1436132320.52224
enabled: 1
owner: pragma-!chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: /say pragma- found this: http://www.bobhobbs.com/files/kr_lovecraft.html
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type: text
action: kr1-1 kr1-10 kr1-11 kr1-12 kr1-13 kr1-14 kr1-15 kr1-16 kr1-17 kr1-18 kr1-19 kr1-2 kr1-20 kr1-21 kr1-22 kr1-23 kr1-24 kr1-3 kr1-4 kr1-5 kr1-7 kr1-8 kr1-9 kr2-1 kr2-10 kr2-2 kr2-3 kr2-4 kr2-5 kr2-6 kr2-7 kr2-8 kr2-9 kr3-1 kr3-2 kr3-3 kr3-4 kr3-5 kr3-6 kr4-1 kr4-10 kr4-11 kr4-12 kr4-13 kr4-14 kr4-2 kr4-3 kr4-4 kr4-5 kr4-6 kr4-7 kr4-8 kr4-9 kr5-1 kr5-10 kr5-11 kr5-12 kr5-13 kr5-14 kr5-15 kr5-16 kr5-17 kr5-18 kr5-19 kr5-2 kr5-20 kr5-3 kr5-4 kr5-5 kr5-6 kr5-7 kr5-8 kr5-9 kr6-1 kr6-2 kr6-3 kr6-4 kr6-5 kr6-6 kr7-1 kr7-2 kr7-3 kr7-4 kr7-5 kr7-6 kr7-7 kr7-8 kr7-9 kr8-1 kr8-2 kr8-3 kr8-4 kr8-5 kr8-6 kr8-7 kr8-8
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edited_by: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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owner: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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type: text
action: /say Please apply bad language judiciously and on a case-by-case basis.
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type: text
action: /say No refunds.
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owner: addatoo!~daem0n@c-98-204-134-144.hsd1.md.comcast.net
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: /say Learn C The Hard Way is an online book that should be avoided. It does not teach you C, but rather shows how C might work on a specific implementation. It contains numerous errors, bad examples and absurd arguments. See http://hentenaar.com/dont-learn-c-the-wrong-way and https://kellett.im/a/hardway
created_on: 1397901901.34281
edited_by: mzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo
edited_on: 1492295626.42425
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owner: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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type: text
action: /say "Undefined reference" is a linker error. It's not a compile error. #includes don't help. You did not define the thing in the error message; you forgot to link the file that defines it; you forgot to link to the library that defines it; or, if it's a static library, you have the wrong order on the linker command line. Check which one. (Note that some linkers call it an unresolved external.)
created_on: 1287675054.41867
enabled: 1
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owner: boris``
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type: text
action: /say This channel is not a substitute for a C book, we are not here to teach you C. Please learn C by working through a C book, and we'll be glad to assist you during your endeavor.
created_on: 1497005518.58046
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action: /say Learning C should be done gradually by following a C learning resource. By taking on projects you're not ready for you are not learning C and you waste a lot of time while getting frustrated with your progress.
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action: /say The term "libc" is commonly used as a shorthand for the "standard C library", a library of standard functions that can be used by all C programs (and sometimes by programs in other languages).
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action: Link the bloody math library
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action: /say There is no "local" scope in C. There are four kinds of scopes: function, file, block, and function prototype. A variable that appears inside of a function has block scope, which terminates at the end of the block.
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action: In computer science, a lock is a synchronization mechanism for enforcing limits on access to a resource in an environment where there are many threads of execution
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action: a signed integer data type, at least 32 bits wide, which must be able to represent (at least) all the integers in the range -2147483647 to +2147483647. Its lowest value, LONG_MIN, and highest value, LONG_MAX, are defined in <limits.h>
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action: /say long long is a signed integer data type, at least 64 bits wide, which must be able to represent (at least) all the integers in the range -9223372036854775807 to +9223372036854775807. Its lowest value, LLONG_MIN, and highest value, LLONG_MAX, are defined in <limits.h>
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action: /say long long long is too long for candide
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action: /say If everything remotely "low level" were to automatically become associated with C, ##C would be flooded with tonnes of irrelevant questions about assembly and hardware.
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action: /say An lvalue is an expression that potentially designates an object. When its value is used, it is converted to the value stored in its deisgnated object. Only modifiable lvalues can be assigned to; these include non-const variables and pointer dereferences.
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action: http://www.lysator.liu.se/c/
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action: /say { #define ASSERT1(...) printf("[cond = %d]\n", __VA_ARGS__)\n #define ASSERT2(...) printf("[cond = %d, msg = %s]\n", __VA_ARGS__)\n #define ASSERTX(a, b, n, ...) n\n #define ASSERT(...) ASSERTX(__VA_ARGS__, ASSERT2(__VA_ARGS__), ASSERT1(__VA_ARGS__), 0)\n ASSERT(5, "hi"); ASSERT(42); }
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action: int main(int argc, char *argv[]); or int main(int argc, char **argv); or int main(void); or some other implementation-defined prototype; See also ''argc'' and ''argv''; the standard entry point to C programs
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action: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/8545
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action: /say malloc(0) is implementation-defined. It could return either a null pointer or a non-null pointer that shouldn't be dereferenced.
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action: /call mallocsizeof
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action: /say It's better to use the object instead of the type as argument to sizeof when allocating. int *p; p = malloc(sizeof *p); is preferable to p = malloc(sizeof (int)); because you can then later change p to long *p or some other type without having to worry about maintaining or forgetting to change the malloc.
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action: /say T *p = malloc(sizeof *p) is a much more robust idiom than T *p = malloc(sizeof (T)) because there is no chance of the sizeof (T) failing to match up with the T that was used to declare p. It's also more concise and easier to read.
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action: /say For all your malware/spyware/ransomware needs, please join ##malware.
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action: If you are using OS that tries to be POSIX-compliant, or if such OS is target platform, use POSIX manpages: `emerge man-pages-posix` in Gentoo; `apt-get install manpages-posix manpages-posix-dev` in Debian or Ubuntu; in Windows download man-pages-posix from https://tinyurl.com/man-pages-posix or download the POSIX from http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/download/
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action: /say mantra for ##c
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action: /say Manuals document the implementation-specific behaviors and properties that are associated with a given implementation. For learning C, it is instead recommended to consult with a C book or the C standard.
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action: /say Meaningless initializers are default initial values that act as a safety measure to avoid accessing uninitialized objects. This 'safety measure' doesn't fix your program and it severely reduces the capability to diagnose bugs. http://www.iso-9899.info/wiki/Meaningless_Initializers
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action: a reserved function identifier prefix when followed by a lowercase letter
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action: /say The structure of computer memory and how it is utilised is something with which all programmers should be familiar. See Drepper's paper: What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory: http://www.akkadia.org/drepper/cpumemory.pdf
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action: /say You are as sharp as a sack of wet mice.
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action: /say When using MinGW-w64 You should specify -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=1 for having a C99 compliant printf.
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action: /say 'Modern C' by Jens Gustedt (2017) is a free book that teaches C11. http://icube-icps.unistra.fr/index.php/File:ModernC.pdf
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<my penis>
action: defined as unsigned char
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action: /say Not a C question. Your question is not specific to the C programming language. Standard C does not know nor care about colors, mice, windows, keyboards, networks or any other system-specific things. Please tell us what OS, compiler, tools or libraries you are using/abusing; or find the appropriate channel.
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action: a standard idiom for computing the number of elements in an array variable: #define nelemof(array) (sizeof array/sizeof *array)
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action: /say \n represents an implementation-defined character value, which is translated to and from the system end-of-line character sequence when written to or read from a stream in text mode.
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action: /code c11 puts("/me nods.");
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action: /say That is not a C issue. This channel exists for discussion of the Standard C Language itself; not tools such as Makefiles, IDEs, compilers (see ##workingset for these things) or random libraries (including OS-specific ones such as POSIX or Windows; see ##posix or #winapi).
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action: /say Null pointers are pointer values that are guaranteed to compare equal to 0 and to other null pointers, and not to point at any object or function.
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action: /say An object is a region of data storage in the execution environment, the contents of which can represent values.
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action: See http://www.messners.com/objectcgi/objectcgi.html for a library to handle web CGI with C.
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action: /say Knock it off! There's an ongoing C discussion!
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action: defined as as a quantity of eight bits, typically used to represent one ASCII character, a signed integer from -128 to 127 or an unsigned integer from 0 to 255. On most platforms used today a byte has the same size as an octet.
created_on: 1407792855.57193
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action: /call octet
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action: /say For discussion not related to standard C, please go to ##c-offtopic. This includes discussion about non-standard libraries, operating systems, cats, video games, cars, chess, etc.
created_on: 1485977935.07835
edited_by: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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type: text
action: /say Code snippets that consist of a one-liner often lack context. It's better to post a code sample (to a paste site) that illustrates your question. It should be minimal and compilable.
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action: /say If you cannot/will not buy k&r2 go here at least, then quit pissing and moaning. http://publications.gbdirect.co.uk/c_book/
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action: /say CaZe, Chris, dho, edk, kate, noselasd, pragma-, Saparok, twkm, Wulf, Xgc and Zhivago are channel operators here.
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action: /say A pointer to a string is a pointer to its initial (lowest addressed) character. The length of a string is the number of bytes preceding the null character and the value of a string is the sequence of the values of the contained characters, in order.
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action: /say When an object with an array type is passed to a function it's being converted to a pointer to the first element of the array type. Given int arr[3]; the function call: func(arr); is the same as: func(&arr[0]); See http://www.iso-9899.info/wiki/Passing_Arrays
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action: /say Please paste a code sample that illustrates your question. It should be minimal and compilable.
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action: /say In the realm of ideas everything depends on enthusiasm... in the real world all rests on perseverance.
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action: /say The * operator makes an object from a pointer value. The & operator makes a pointer value from an object.
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action: /say A pointer to an array type can be useful for dynamically allocating contiguous arrays of arrays (multidimensional arrays). It shouldn't be confused with a pointer to pointer. Code snippet: int (*arr)[3] = malloc(3 * sizeof *arr); arr[2][2] = 123;
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action: /say HTML conversions of C standards: http://port70.net/~nsz/c/
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action: /say POSIX is the Portable Operating System Interface, <http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/>. ##posix exists; please consider taking your related questions there.
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action: the sequence operator. It is also used to separate syntactic elements of: function arguments in a function call, declarators (in declarations of the same type), formal parameters in function declarations, enumeration elements, and initializers.
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action: the order the compiler uses to evaluate C expressions. See http://softkorner.wordpress.com/2011/09/21/precedence-of-c-operators/ for a table of operator precedence and associativity
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action: /say There's little need to make generalizations about people who program with C. Some have interesting prejudices, others don't. In any case it will depend on the individual, and not the fact that they have a preference for a particular language.
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action: /say For printing error messages based on enums, see the following snippets: http://www.iso-9899.info/wiki/Printing_Errors
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action: a function declaration that also includes types for the parameters.
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action: /say The purpose of the standard is to provide an unambiguous and machine-independent definition of the language.
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action: / qsort() sorts an array of data, #include <stdlib.h>, void qsort(void *base, size_t nelems, size_t elsize, int (*compar)(const void *, const void *)); returns nothing, see http://www.iso-9899.info/man?qsort
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action: #include <stdio.h> char *s = "#include <stdio.h> char *s = %c%s%c, c = '%c'; int main(void) { printf(s,c,s,c,c); return 0; }", c='"'; int main(void) { printf(s,c,s,c,c); return 0; }
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type: text
action: pseudo-random number generator, #include <stdlib.h>, int rand(void); returns the next number in the sequence in the range [0,RAND_MAX], see http://www.iso-9899.info/man?rand and http://www.azillionmonkeys.com/qed/random.html
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action: /call $krexercises
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type: text
action: /say Due to the nature of undefined/implementation-specific/unspecified behavior, testing random code is not a adequate way of determining if something really does work.
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action: /say For common issues related to realloc, see http://www.iso-9899.info/wiki/Realloc
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action: /say J. Rees on how object-oriented programming is defined: http://paulgraham.com/reesoo.html
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action: "a pointer type may be derived from a function type, an object type, or an incomplete type, called the referenced type. A pointer type describes an object whose value provides a reference to an entity of the referenced type. A pointer type derived from the referenced type T is sometimes called ``pointer to T''. The construction of a pointer type from a referenced type is called ``pointer type derivation''."
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type: text
action: /say C does not have pass-by-reference or "heavy" references like C++ or some other languages do. C does have a definition of references that is probably not what you want or need to know about, see: referencedtype
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action: http://swtch.com/~rsc/regexp/regexp1.html
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owner: pragma_
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ref_user: PoppaVic
type: text
action: a storage-class specifier for an object that suggests that access for the object be as fast as possible. The extent to which the suggestion is effective is implementation defined. Whether or not addressable storage is actually used, the address of any part of an object declared with storage-class specifier register cannot be computed.
created_on: 1107636580
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type: text
action: /say If you have a question about accessing registers in C, please don't ask us. Standard C has no way of manipulating hardware registers. We don't know what compiler or platform you're using. You should be reading the documentation instead.
created_on: 1288774027.48456
enabled: 1
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owner: boris``
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action: while((ptr=strchr(str, 'w')))memmove(ptr,ptr+1,strlen(ptr));
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type: text
action: http://www.lysator.liu.se/c/ - http://www.iso-9899.info/wiki/Web_resources - http://www.iso-9899.info/wiki/Books - See also: reference
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type: text
action: a type qualifier, which may only be used with a pointer type, and which requires that objects referenced through such a pointer must be made through a single pointer value, i.e., no aliases / pointers into other parts of the object are allowed
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action: /code sh echo "/fnl" $@ | tr a-zA-Z n-za-mN-ZA-M
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action: /kick $nick is a silly cheater.
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action: /say $nick: *click*
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action: /say The type rsize_t is equivalent to the type size_t but with a runtime-constraint violation if the value is greater than RSIZE_MAX.
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type: text
action: /say Read the @#&ing Book - Your primary guide for learning C should be a good book (see http://www.iso-9899.info/wiki/Books). You must not expect to become a proficient C programmer just from reading crappy online `tuts', staring at other people's code, and/or boring us to death by asking dozens of exceedingly trivial questions.
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enabled: 1
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action: /say The greatest trick that C ever pulled was convince the world that it does not have a runtime.
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action: /say /When k&r fails, try http://www.smith-wesson.com/
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action: /say The Sally-Anne test: https://outrunningthestorm.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/sallyanne.gif
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action: /say I wrote a program in C that suggests recipes. One of them is a lasagne sauce. Should I make it sweet or spicy? It's written in C. Please.
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action: a function that can be unsafe and unproductive - "It's nearly impossible to do decent error recovery with scanf; usually it's far easier to read entire lines (with fgets or the like), then interpret them, either using sscanf or some other techniques." - See http://www.eskimo.com/~scs/C-faq/q12.20.html
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action: /say It looks like the !scanf factoid was unsuccessful at convincing you not to use scanf(). scanf() isn't really that stupid, providing you know how to use it correctly. Chris Torek explains some problems with the way scanf() is commonly used and provides methods of solving those problems here: http://bytes.com/topic/c/answers/215517-warning-against-scanf#post840862
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action: /say Your mother!
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action: /say Please avoid Herbert Schildt's C books. See http://www.seebs.net/c/c_tcn4e.html and http://www.lysator.liu.se/c/schildt.html -- Other stuff to avoid: http://www.iso-9899.info/wiki/Main_Page#Stuff_that_should_be_avoided
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action: /call global
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owner: kate`
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action: http://c-faq.com/expr/seqpoints.html
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action: /say Evaluation of an expression may produce side effects. At certain specified points in the execution sequence called sequence points, all side effects of previous evaluations shall be complete and no side effects of subsequent evaluations shall have taken place.
created_on: 1263575275
enabled: 1
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owner: Wulf_
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type: text
action: packing structures, usually portably for later extraction: see man 3 xdr as well as http://tpl.sourceforge.net/ and http://www.leonerd.org.uk/code/libpack/
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action: /say Sex is allowed in ##C only on weekdays starting with 'U'.
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action: /say STFU $args
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action: a signed integer data type, at least 16 bits wide, which must be able to represent (at least) all the numbers in the range -32767 to +32767. Its lowest value, SHRT_MIN, and highest value, SHRT_MAX, are defined in <limits.h>
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action: /say { srand(time(0)); int array[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }, end = 10; while(end > 0) { int random = rand() % end; end--; int temp = array[end]; array[end] = array[random]; array[random] = temp; } for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) printf("%d ", array[i]); }
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action: /me sings: "Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur~ Happy kitty! Sleepy kitty! Purr, purr, purr~"
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action: /say All I ask is that you be a sir. Fancy mustaches, top hats, and monocles are scientifically proven to impress the ladies.
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action: an unsigned integer type which is the result type of the sizeof operator. A size_t variable can store the size of any object. C90: printf("%lu\n", (unsigned long)sizeof a); C99: printf("%zu\n", sizeof a);
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type: text
action: /say The sizeof operator yields a size_t, that is the size (in bytes) of its operand, which may be an expression or the parenthesized name of a type. e.g. `sizeof expr` and `sizeof (int)`. That expression is not evaluated unless it is a variable-length array. sizeof does not have function call semantics; don't confuse people by writing it with function call syntax.
action_with_args: /call cc sizeof $args
created_on: 1108181591
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action: /say Learning how to effectively ask questions is beneficial for all. See http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
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action: "char a[1]" "char a[2]" "int a" "void a" "void* a[6]"
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action: /say $nick has been sorted (algorithm id $digits$digits$digits$digits$digits)
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action: /call query
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type: text
action: The "Clockwise/Spiral Rule" is a technique for understanding C declarations. See http://c-faq.com/decl/spiral.anderson.html
created_on: 1198028238
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owner: Draconx|Laptop
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type: text
action: /say The sscanf function is similar to scanf, except that its input comes from a string instead of a stream. fgets is commonly used prior to sscanf to provide a simple approach which doesn't leave unmatched bytes on the stream, unlike scanf. Note that sscanf's and sprintf's format specifiers are not perfectly reflective, and that it is possible for fgets to fetch part of a line.
created_on: 1271531720
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: maxxe
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owner: pragma_
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ref_user: maxxe!~maxxe@unaffiliated/maxxe
type: text
action: /say The ssize_t type is not a C standard type, it is part of POSIX. Its required range is [-1, 32767] and it's described as: "Used for a count of bytes or an error indication"
created_on: 1498321764.39749
edited_by: dorp!~dorp@bzq-84-111-138-241.cablep.bezeqint.net
edited_on: 1498322160.50885
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type: text
action: /say C does not require implementations to use stacks or heaps. Please refer to the actually defined storage durations, which are four: allocated, automatic, thread and static.
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owner: guidj0s
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ref_user: atk!Arch-TK@ircpuzzles/staff/Arch-TK
type: text
action: http://www.tlug.org.za/wiki/index.php/Obtaining_a_stack_trace_in_C_upon_SIGSEGV
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ref_user: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
type: text
action: C89/C90 draft: http://port70.net/~nsz/c/c89/c89-draft.html - C99 + TC1,2,3 working paper: http://open-std.org/JTC1/SC22/WG14/www/docs/n1256.pdf - C11 draft: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n1570.pdf - Quick C library reference: http://goo.gl/n3TYMD - An explanation of all C standards: http://clc-wiki.net/wiki/The_C_Standard
created_on: 1249578326
edited_by: edk!~edk@spy/edk0
edited_on: 1435278588.66322
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owner: kate`
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action: /call standard
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ref_user: fizzie!fis@unaffiliated/fizzie
type: text
action: used if the function/variable should be limited to one source file, at translation unit scope; variables of this storage class are initialised to zero; variables of this storage class which are declared in functions maintain their value between calls to the function
created_on: 1106976976
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owner: Major-Willard
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ref_user: emg!~emg@74-123-189-254.static.wiline.com
type: text
action: /say For a list of links to C standards, use the `standard` factoid; for citing the C99 standard, use `c99std`; for citing the C11 standard, use `c11std`
action_with_args: /say Standard C has no notion of '$args', so you must be talking about some specific OS, library, tool, implementation, architecture, et cetera. These are beyond the scope of this channel, which focuses on Standard C.
created_on: 1360056405.36738
enabled: 1
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last_referenced_on: 1510252213.59754
owner: pragma-
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 410
ref_user: oldlaptop!~quassel@
type: text
action: C++, not C. Try #c++
created_on: 1108585411
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last_referenced_on: 1359115483.70845
owner: NeverDream
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: Vigud
type: text
action: interfaces for handling variable argument lists; #include <stdarg.h>; void va_start(va_list ap, arg); void va_copy(va_list dest, va_list src); type va_arg(va_list ap, type); void va_end(va_list ap); see http://www.iso-9899.info/man?stdarg
created_on: 1104404716
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action: /call cstd
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action: /call c99vim
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action: a FILE *, traditionally associated with file descriptor 2
created_on: 1104616252
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owner: Major-Willard
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: a FILE *, traditionally associated with file descriptor 0, using fflush() with it is generally pointless
created_on: 1104616182
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type: text
action: /say Will fflush(stdin) flush unread characters from the standard input stream? No! See http://www.c-faq.com/stdio/stdinflush.html and http://www.c-faq.com/stdio/stdinflush2.html
created_on: 1193892288
enabled: 1
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last_referenced_on: 1511803093.04415
owner: pragma_
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type: text
action: a FILE *, traditionally associated with file descriptor 1
created_on: 1104616210
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action: /call linkageandstorage
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action: a reserved file-scope identifier prefix when followed by a lowercase letter
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action: /say IT CAN ALL GO WRONG!
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action: /say IT CAN ALL GO WRONG!
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type: text
action: /say A "string" is a contiguous sequence of characters terminated by and including the first null character; http://www.iso-9899.info/wiki/String
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last_referenced_on: 1510798966.26536
owner: kate`
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 138
ref_user: dorp!~dorp@bzq-84-111-138-241.red.bezeqint.net
type: text
action: /say C pre-processor stringification macros: http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/cpp/Stringification.html
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type: text
action: /say A pointer to a string is a pointer to its initial (lowest addressed) character. See also: !string
created_on: 1289157592.73858
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type: text
action: http://c-faq.com/lib/strncpy.html and http://blogs.msdn.com/oldnewthing/archive/2005/01/07/348437.aspx
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type: text
action: /say The strtol() function converts a string to a long int value in a way that allows the caller to do meaningful error handling.
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action: used to define an abstract data type containing other (possibly nested) data types
created_on: 1104886362
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type: text
action: /say The Lost Art of C Structure Packing: http://www.catb.org/esr/structure-packing/
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ref_user: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
type: text
action: a generic definition for any segment of reusable code. see callback
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action: /say Enabling subtitles. Others should now be able to decipher your retarded language.
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type: text
action: /say If you are looking for support for a particular piece of software, you are in the wrong place. This channel exists for C programmers and those aspiring to be C programmers -- it is not a general software support channel.
created_on: 1108943444
edited_by: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
edited_on: 1428749730.36184
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action: /call poll
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owner: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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ref_user: Chris!sid107964@spy/chris
type: text
action: /say The Single UNIX Specification - http://www.unix.org/single_unix_specification/
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owner: zid`!zid@zid.0bit.org
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action: /call doesntcare
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action: The C Answer Book by Clovis L. Tondo and Scott E. Gimpel.
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action: /say Tautologies are things that are tautologous.
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action: http://www.personal.psu.edu/drg16/evolution%20of%20teaching%20math.pdf
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action: /say ?: is called the conditional operator. Some clueless noobs refer to it as the ternary operator. This is not its name. While it is currently the only operator in C that takes three operands, this may not always be the case. It's still just a description of it, not its name. It's called the conditional operator!
created_on: 1492547463.91591
edited_by: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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action: /say Programing is terrible. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csyL9EC0S0c
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type: text
action: /say C unit testing frameworks: http://check.sourceforge.net and https://github.com/Tuplanolla/cheat
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owner: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
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ref_user: dorp!~dorp@bzq-84-111-138-241.red.bezeqint.net
type: text
action: /say The Rule, as Chris Torek calls it, is outdated, wrong and mostly useless. If you want to read it anyway, it says: "In a value context, an object of type "array N of T" (for suitable size N and element type T) becomes a value of type "pointer to T", pointing to the first element of that array, i.e., the one with subscript 0." http://web.torek.net/torek/c/pa.html
created_on: 1295884125.80932
edited_by: edk!~edk@spy/edk0
edited_on: 1441696508.08881
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type: text
action: /say "Try It And See" may work in other languages, but not in C due to the nature of undefined behavior/unportable code. Such coding-by-experimentation often leads to situations such as "But it worked fine earlier!" and/or "But it worked on my machine!". https://goo.gl/jPWRA9
created_on: 1228985071
edited_by: marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo
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action: /say "Try It And See" may work in other languages, but not in C due to the nature of undefined behavior/unportable code. https://goo.gl/jPWRA9
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action: none of my concern
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owner: Skapare
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action: a reserved function identifier prefix when followed by a lowercase letter
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action: /say Top 10 beginner mistakes: http://www.andromeda.com/people/ddyer/topten.html (Bonus: find the mistakes within the mistakes!)
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type: text
action: /say $arg[0] has been transported $arg[1:] (container id $digits$digits$digits$digits$digits)
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action: /say https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-O5IHVhWj0
created_on: 1502050778.97753
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owner: atk!Arch-TK@ircpuzzles/staff/Arch-TK
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: SADW!b8004685@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
type: text
action: http://www.cs.bu.edu/teaching/c/tree/trie/
created_on: 1205343145
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last_referenced_on: 1471221211.85069
owner: PoppaVic
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: eyepatch!6cd60cfa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
type: text
action: a three character sequence beginning with two question marks, intended to make using C possible on systems where the usual punctuators are missing, typically from keyboards. these sequence is replaced during phase 1 of translation and takes place even within quoted strings.
created_on: 1104552373
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ref_user: masoudd!~masoudd@
type: text
action: /say A source file together with all the headers and source files included is known as a preprocessing translation unit . After preprocessing, a preprocessing translation unit is called a translation unit. The separate translation units of a program communicate by (for example) calls to functions whose identifiers have external linkage, manipulation of objects whose identifiers have external linkage, or manipulation of data files.
created_on: 1345338450.31284
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owner: pragma-
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type: text
action: http://www.iso-9899.info/wiki/Web_resources#Getting_Started
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type: text
action: /say Almost every "tutorial" on the web is written by a person who does not know C well. Would you learn C from such a person? Obtain a good C book (see ,books) and read it.
created_on: 1216118004
edited_by: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
edited_on: 1376081559.94274
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owner: Jafet
rate_limit: 15
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type: text
action: /say Blindly typedefing all structs "just because" is one of the greatest abuses of typedefs in C -- don't do this. Only typedef structs when they are supposed to be opaque types that are manipulated strictly via accessor/mutator functions. Never use typedef to create a pointer type.
created_on: 1383136612.29563
edited_by: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
edited_on: 1383136647.79051
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ref_user: dho!~dho@veep.9vx.org
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action: /say You can typedef a function type which is not a pointer type. Snippet: http://www.iso-9899.info/wiki/Typedef_Function_Type
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action: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/power/library/pa-ctypes3/ -- http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/views/power/libraryview.jsp?search_by=everything+you+ever+wanted+to+know+about+C+types
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action: /say Referencing memory after it has been freed can cause a program to crash, use unexpected values, or execute code.
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action: /say The Underhanded C Contest: http://underhanded.xcott.com/
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action: http://unicode.org/reports/tr6/
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action: used to define an abstract data type whose members occupy the same memory
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action: a qualifier for integer data types, which renders them incapable of representing negative numbers but increases the number of positive values they can represent.
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action: /say Dedicated to izabera
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action: /say Valgrind can detect many memory management and threading bugs under Linux or OS X (no Windows support). http://valgrind.org/
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action: a variable length array: an array data structure of automatic storage duration whose length is determined at run time (instead of at compile time). Example: void foo(int n) { float arr[n]; }
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edited_on: 1476299106.80741
enabled: 1
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action: main returns an int, void main() is for dummies
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action: /say A volatile-qualified object may be modified in ways unknown to the implementation or have other unknown side effects when accessed. Actions on such objects shall not be `optimized out` by an implementation or reordered except as permitted by the rules for evaluating expressions.
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edited_by: nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix
edited_on: 1392435590.99348
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action: /say $nick: No.
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action: a reserved function identifier prefix when followed by a lowercase letter
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action: convert date and time to wide string, #include <wchar.h>, size_t wcsftime(wchar_t *ws, size_t maxlen, const wchar_t *format, const struct tm *timeptr); returns NULL if the conversion would succeed within maxlen wide characters otherwise the number of codes stored excluding the terminating null wide character, see http://www.iso-9899.info/man?wcsftime
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type: text
action: convert wide character string to (narrow) character string (restartable), #include <wchar.h>, size_t wcsrtombs(char *s, const wchar_t **ws, size_t len, mbstate_t *ps); returns (size_t)-1 and stores EILSEQ in errno if a wide character is encountered that cannot be converted otherwise the number of bytes in the resulting sequence not including the terminating null character, see http://www.iso-9899.info/man?wcsrtombs
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action: /say You shouldn't rely on the diagnostics (errors/warnings) capabilities of web compilers. See diagnostics
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action: /say Do not trust random websites about C. See https://goo.gl/u3WCYx
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action: /say The why not series: http://www.db.net/~db/why_not_series.html
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action: /say Sorry, I'm already married to geordi from ##c++.
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action: /say It works. I tested it, it works. (2 days later...) Shit, it doesn't work on my professor's machine, why?
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action: /say The X is stupid problem: You want to do X, but don't know how. Therefore, X is stupid.
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action: syntactic sugar for (*x).y
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action: syntactic sugar for *(x + y)
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action: syntactic sugar for *(*(x + y) + z)
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action: /say The XZ problem: You want to type XY but you forgot that you are typing on an unusual keyboard where the Z and Y keys are swapped for some reason.
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action: y, r, and u are very convenient shorthands for why, are, and you. their use in this channel is highly encouraged.
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action: the bitwise inclusive OR binary operator
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action: the bitwise inclusive-OR assignment operator. The expression (x |= y) is equivalent to (x = x | y) except that the expression x is evaluated only once.
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action: the McCarthy logical-or binary operator
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action: used to terminate a block
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action: the bitwise NOT unary operator
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action: /say C++ quick reference: http://www.sourcepole.com/sources/programming/cpp/cppqref.html
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action: /say lol o no
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action: the maximum possible ratio in gogenhiemian arithmetic, (the % symbol is not to be confused with the inheimusist usage of it) (See Also: heimus, gogenheimian-arithmetic, gogenheima)
created_on: 1504578244.3821
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owner: lambda443!~lmb@
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action: mthowe's glorious Goog poop hat
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action: Googenheimese history: after the birth of Heimus. (See Also: bh, heimus)
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action: before the birth of heimus
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action: before the birth of heimus. (See Also: heimus, googenheima, ah)
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action: Googenheimese: The rape festival in Googenheim (which follows the reap festival which nobody really cares much about), a daily festival.
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action: The Kingdom of Googenheim, land of people with mental faculties that understand nuance. The national animal is a donkey. National bird is a pterodactyl. The flag is a palm applied to a face, with an Ekto-Kooler-green background.
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action: 1) The founder of heimusism: Heimus of Kanivro, the man who brought the masses out of darkness and into the light, he first gathered people of kanivro near its Highest mountain and brought with him all of their false idols, he threw them one by one from its highest point while kanivro's wise were yelling at him, Truncated: See Heimus-2
created_on: 1504541278.52888
edited_by: lambda443!~lmb@
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action: he threw 5000 thousand idols and all of them collapsed except 6 of them, proving by experiement that they are the only true ones, some inheimusist skeptics noted that they were made of bronze while the rest were of stone and mortar 2) (slang, offensive) vagina. (See Also: heimus, heimusism, battle-of-idj, xinophro, anti-heimus)
created_on: 1504580884.5009
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owner: lambda443!~lmb@
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type: text
action: Googenheimese: The zerosturugi religion of Googenheim which worships Heimus and his 93rd coming. 97.6% of Googenheimers are Heimusians (See also: babble, battle-of-idj, Sojiwar)
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action: Googenheimese: a penis
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action: Googenheimese: the Lord High Commander of the armies of Idjify. Reputed to have fallen in battle against Heimus at The Battle of Idj (See also: battle-of-idj, heimus)
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action: Googenheimese: 1) Berkeley 2) (colloquial) the movie 12 monkeys
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action: Googenheimese: Earth
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action: /code c11 printf("/say "); if (!strcmp("kg", "$args") || !strcmp("krok", "$args") || !strcmp("k", "$args")) printf("$args is a great nick!"); else printf("$args really sucks.");
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action: Googenheimese: The period of peace and stability following the coming of Heimus and the Battle of Idj. Ended with the The Great Tarding.
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action: /code c11 printf("/me kicks alyptik");
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action: /say $nick: yaurite
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action: A man who comes at the end of time after the 92nd return of heimus, according to scripture: "the fools confuse him for Me and follow him, damned they are and death is what they recieve", only true believers who follow heimus's teachings by heart avoid him. (See Also: heimus, heimuism, gargarian, gargorio)
created_on: 1504549458.2996
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action: Googenheimese: The Holy Book of the zerosturugi religion of Googenheim, Heimusism, which tells the tales of Heimus and his battles against tardery.
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action: Googenheimese: when your butt hurts from sitting on concrete for too long.
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action: The battle between Heimus and the Dumigod Sojiwar. Both are reputed to have fallen in battle, but no reliable account is available as everyone within the distance of existence immediately became retarded. A national holiday in Googenheim, which follows Gasdugapoo on the 29th of every month except February.
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action: Googenheimese: the first battle of the Heimusism age, it occurred in 32 A.H. where everyone didn't feel like fighting but died anyway. The name is derived from one soldier's account of asking his squad leader "Should we charge?" to which he replied "Nah, blah." before they were all run down and killed by Heimus and The Chosen Ones.
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action: /code python3 import sys\nimport statistics\nword = sys.argv[1]\nPI=3.14\ndata= [ ord(i) for i in word.lower() ]\nprint ( '{:.2f} %'.format( (statistics.mean(data)+PI/statistics.stdev(data)*100 )%100) )
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action: /code python3 import sys\nimport statistics\nvar1=1977.91\nvar2=39.13\nword=sys.argv[1] if (len(sys.argv[1])>1) else sys.argv[1]+'fk'\ndata= [ ord(i) for i in word.lower() ]\nprint ( '{:.2f} %'.format( (((statistics.mean(data)*var1) / (statistics.stdev(data)+var2)) *40) %99 ) )
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action: { return "/me pours a $sizes cup of Mississippi mud for @args" if "$no_coffee_for_you" =~ /$nick/i or grep { "$no_coffee_for_you" =~ /$_/i } @args; return "/call fact global coffee @args"; }
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action: Googenheimese: the language spoken by the people of several countries in Tardscape prior to "The Great Tarding" (See also: the-great-tarding, tardscape)
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action: a word in Googenheimese, deksu 1: a dick, deksu 2: short for a person named dekuchard.
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owner: lambda443!~lmb@
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action: Googenheimese: to speak, to say something
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action: /say internet donkey arrived
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action: { "/say @args" }
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owner: atk!Arch-TK@ircpuzzles/staff/Arch-TK
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ref_user: atk!~Arch-TK@ircpuzzles/staff/Arch-TK
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action: Googenheimese: trihapsu school in Googenheim
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action: Googenheimese: Secondmostu school in the Kingdom of Googenheim
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action: /code python import sys\nfor arg in reversed(sys.argv):\n print(arg)
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ref_user: Ellenor!~Ellenor@unaffiliated/ellenor
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action: /me throws a new $args exception.
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type: text
action: Googenheimese: Anyone who says something one doesn't agree with while having a face. (See also: scolflak)
created_on: 1504548895.7906
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action: /call cc printf("%s", "$arg[-3]");
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rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
type: text
action: /me farts in $args 's general direction.
created_on: 1505340586.23908
edited_by: lambda443!~lambda443@unaffiliated/lambda443
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ref_user: lambda443_null!~lambda443@unaffiliated/lambda443
type: text
action: /code perl print "/say arglen: $arglen"
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ref_user: whoisxy!~whoisxy@
type: text
action: Googenheimese: 1) something that comes prior to secondmostu, but after zerosturugi 2) a female name 3) a phrase yelled by gophers
created_on: 1504535254.55588
enabled: 1
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action: /call kneads
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ref_user: atk!Arch-TK@ircpuzzles/staff/Arch-TK
type: text
action: Googenheimese: faith, belief in a higher being or deity
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owner: mthowe-!uid249081@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-uid249081
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type: text
action: foo is bar
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ref_user: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
type: text
action: a word in Googenheimese, 1: people without culture or education, they often eat their dead's feces. 2: people who don't believe in Heimus's teachings. (See Also: gargorio, heimus)
created_on: 1504544428.93658
edited_by: lambda443!~lmb@
edited_on: 1504548588.24691
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owner: lambda443!~lmb@
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type: text
action: A philosopher who lived in the 700s B.H. the only known idea by him is that "Knowledge is artificial, man has to unlearn everything in order to truly become an animal", the rest of his ideas are unknown because he unlearned them, it is said that he ate himself to death. "gargarians" are named for him (See also: gargarian, penovia, BH)
created_on: 1504548343.06353
edited_by: lambda443!~lmb@
edited_on: 1504548434.51709
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action: /call brainpower
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ref_user: lambda443!~lambda443@unaffiliated/lambda443
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action: /say I GOT YOU BABE
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ref_user: lambda443!~lmb@
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action: /say https://git-scm.com/book
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action: /say our fearess reader mthowe- dorothu dekuree grammaro itsu foremostu of konkernsu ino the Goog
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enabled: 1
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owner: alyptik!ayy@youlosethega.me
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ref_user: alyptik!ayy@youlosethega.me
type: text
action: the branch of knowledge that was the foundation of all inheimusist science and technology, it introuduced the modern day operators [ + | - | * | / ], it uses base 9000 for all ratios, but no real number can be more than 2, because of the belif that all things are one, eg. (1+1= 1.5, 1+2=1.66, 1+3=1.75) (See Also: heimus, 9000%, gogenheiam)
created_on: 1504578914.89946
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: ##c-offtopic
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owner: lambda443!~lmb@
rate_limit: 15
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ref_user: kg!~krok@unaffiliated/krok/x-1434802
type: text
action: The googenheimese civilization, see also: heimus, battle-of-idj, xinophro .
created_on: 1504544212.9782
enabled: 1
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last_referenced_on: 1504547926.3098
owner: lambda443!~lmb@
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 2
ref_user: mthowe-!uid249081@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-uid249081
type: text
action: /say Hey there $nick
created_on: 1504141572.95693
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: tires
last_referenced_on: 1504141577.70542
owner: Tires!~Tires@cpe-172-101-20-238.maine.res.rr.com
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 1
ref_user: Tires!~Tires@cpe-172-101-20-238.maine.res.rr.com
type: text
action: /kneads $args
created_on: 1504091964.95989
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: ##c-offtopic
last_referenced_on: 1504524255.68734
owner: alyptik!ayy@youlosethega.me
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 1
ref_user: mthowe-!uid249081@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-uid249081
type: text
action: Googenheimese: 1) visiting Compton 2) dumb 3) (slang) being in a neighborhood where the likelihood of mugging exceeds 74%
created_on: 1504532741.7465
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: ##c-offtopic
last_referenced_on: 1504575971.74048
owner: mthowe-!uid249081@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-uid249081
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 1
ref_user: mthowe-!uid249081@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-uid249081
type: text
action: Googenheimese: 1: an infidel (a non believer in Heimus). (See Also: heimusism, heimus, googenheima)
created_on: 1504547402.73045
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: ##c-offtopic
last_referenced_on: 1504548779.85531
owner: lambda443!~lmb@
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 1
ref_user: lambda443!~lmb@
type: text
action: intriguing
created_on: 1504427475.61773
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: ##c-offtopic
last_referenced_on: 1504778642.66526
owner: mthowe-!uid249081@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-uid249081
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 5
ref_user: mthowe!~morganh@unaffiliated/mthowe
type: text
action: /say cha-ching
created_on: 1503624769.4746
enabled: 1
owner: Tires!~Tires@cpe-172-101-20-238.maine.res.rr.com
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 0
ref_user: nobody
type: text
action: /code perl print "/say "; print join " ",map{s/l/r/gri}map{s/th(?=[\Q !,.?\E])/thuru/gr}map{s/(?<=[aeiou])s(?=[\Q!,.?\E])/tsu/gr}map{s/g?(h+)(?=[\Q!,.?\E])/$1uro/gr}map{s/l+(?=[ \Q!,.?\E])/rru/gr}map{s/l(?=[^ \Q!,.?\E])/r/gr}map{s/(?<![ \Q!?,.\Eaeiouy])([srpgt]+)(?=[ \Q.!?,\E])/u/gr}map{s/(?<=[\Q!?,.\Eaeiouy])([dzmtnr]+)(?=[ \Q.!?,\E])/o/gr}map{s/c+([ee])/kush/gr}map{s/c+([aeiou])/k/gr} @args
created_on: 1505051110.31329
edited_by: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
edited_on: 1505256032.74111
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: #pbot2
last_referenced_on: 1510187280.40928
owner: alyptik!ayy@youlosethega.me
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 54
ref_user: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
type: text
action: /code perl print "hi"
created_on: 1505255026.39355
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: ##c-offtopic
last_referenced_on: 1505255028.61419
owner: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 1
ref_user: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
type: text
action: The town Heimus was born in, many people moved to it when they learned about his teachings.
created_on: 1504577859.95245
enabled: 1
owner: lambda443!~lmb@
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 0
ref_user: nobody
type: text
action: /call kick
created_on: 1503533726.96992
edited_by: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
edited_on: 1503534116.82416
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: #pbot2
last_referenced_on: 1511333990.32572
owner: kg!~krok@unaffiliated/krok/x-1434802
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 13
ref_user: pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos
type: text
action: /call kneads
created_on: 1506805629.38641
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: #pbot2
last_referenced_on: 1511735816.297
owner: alyptik!ayy@youlosethega.me
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 19
ref_user: jp!ayy@youlosethega.me
type: text
action: "moaning passionately like a lumberjack" "making some toast and savagely eating it off their ass" "grunting like a troll" "unleashing their warm, sticky cauliflower of love" "reciting a beautiful japanese haiku" "slowly preparing to charge; finally, their horn, like some phallic symbol of potent virility, is the last thing seen as skulls collide leaving only candide and a bloody pile of goo"
created_on: 1504328023.09279
edited_by: alyptik!ayy@youlosethega.me
edited_on: 1504328533.37667
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: #pbot2
last_referenced_on: 1510985907.02873
owner: alyptik!ayy@youlosethega.me
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 3
ref_user: \[!~qwename@unaffiliated/qwename
type: text
action: /code c11 char arg0[strlen("$0") + 3]; memcpy(arg0, strdup("$0"), strlen("$0") + 1); { char *tmp = arg0; size_t off = 0; while (off < strlen(arg0) && (off += strcspn(tmp, "s"))) tmp += off; if (tmp - arg0 != 1) { arg0[strlen(arg0) + 1] = 0; arg0[strlen(arg0)] = 's'; } } char nick[strlen("$args") + 1], kneadee[2048] = {0}; memcpy(nick, "$args", sizeof nick); if (strncmp(nick, "prag", 4) == 0) { memcpy(kneadee, (char [101 ^ 0x67]){(struct {char a, b;}){0x65, 0}.a, (struct {char a, b;}){101, 0}.b}, 2); } else { char tmp[] = "$randomnick"; memcpy(kneadee, tmp, (sizeof tmp > 2048) ? 2048 : sizeof tmp); } printf("%s%s%s%s", "/me ", (strcmp("$0", "kneads") == 0) ? (arglen > 1) ? args[1] : "kneads" : arg0, " ", kneadee);
created_on: 1505197796.05739
edited_by: alyptik!ayy@youlosethega.me
edited_on: 1506858973.37358
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: #pbot2
last_referenced_on: 1510619082.99675
owner: alyptik!ayy@youlosethega.me
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 107
ref_user: k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok
type: text
action: Googenheimese: concern (pl. konkernsuru)
created_on: 1504534803.37205
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: ##c-offtopic
last_referenced_on: 1504544897.15399
owner: mthowe-!uid249081@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-uid249081
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 1
ref_user: mthowe-!uid249081@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-uid249081
type: text
action: Googenheimese: 1) blue collar. unable to track memory allocations. generally noobish (See also: millenial) 2) (slang) a dish, usually containing bean sprouts, as spoken by people who can't use the space bar 3) a broken satellite dish (Archaic)
created_on: 1504537934.48512
enabled: 1
last_referenced_in: ##c-offtopic
last_referenced_on: 1504577634.45106
owner: mthowe-!uid249081@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-uid249081
rate_limit: 15
ref_count: 1
ref_user: mthowe-!uid249081@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-uid249081
type: text
action: e f |