mirror of https://github.com/pragma-/pbot.git synced 2024-10-02 01:18:40 +02:00
2020-07-19 14:49:17 -07:00

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# File: Plang.pm
# Author: pragma-
# Purpose: Simplified scripting language for creating advanced PBot factoids
# and interacting with various internal PBot APIs.
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
package Plugins::Plang;
use parent 'Plugins::Plugin';
use warnings; use strict;
use feature 'unicode_strings';
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptionsFromArray);
sub initialize {
my ($self, %conf) = @_;
# load Plang module
my $path = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('general', 'plang_dir') // 'Plang';
unshift @INC, $path if not grep { $_ eq $path } @INC;
require "$path/Interpreter.pm";
# allow !refresh to reload these modules
# regset plang.debug 0-10 -- Plugin must be reloaded for this value to take effect.
my $debug = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('plang', 'debug') // 0;
# create our Plang interpreter object
$self->{plang} = Plang::Interpreter->new(embedded => 1, debug => $debug);
# register some PBot-specific built-in functions
# parameters are [['param1 name', default arg], ['param2 name', default arg], ...]
[['namespace', undef], ['keyword', undef], ['text', undef]],
sub { $self->set_factoid(@_) });
[['namespace', undef], ['keyword', undef], ['meta', ['STRING', 'action']]],
sub { $self->get_factoid(@_) });
[['namespace', undef], ['keyword', undef], ['text', undef]],
sub { $self->append_factoid(@_) });
# override the built-in `print` function to send to our output buffer instead
[['stmt', undef], ['end', ['STRING', "\n"]]],
sub { $self->print_override(@_) });
# register the `plang` command
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->cmd_plang(@_) }, "plang", 0);
sub unload {
my $self = shift;
sub cmd_plang {
my ($self, $context) = @_;
my $usage = "Usage: plang <code>; see https://github.com/pragma-/Plang";
return $usage if not length $context->{arguments};
# run() returns result of the final statement
my $result = $self->run($context->{arguments});
# check to see if we need to append final result to output
$self->{output} .= $self->{plang}->{interpreter}->output_value($result) if defined $result->[1];
# return the output
return length $self->{output} ? $self->{output} : "No output.";
# run an embedded plang program
# TODO this is just a proof-of-concept at this stage; 90% of this stuff will be moved into Plang::Interpreter
sub run {
my ($self, $code) = @_;
# reset output buffer
$self->{output} = ""; # collect output of the embedded Plang program
# parse the code into an ast
my $ast = $self->{plang}->parse_string($code);
# check for parse errors
my $errors = $self->{plang}->handle_parse_errors;
return ['ERROR', $errors] if defined $errors;
# return if no program
return if not defined $ast;
# create a new environment for a Plang program
my $context = $self->{plang}->{interpreter}->new_context;
# grab our program's statements
my $program = $ast->[0];
my $statements = $program->[1];
my $result; # result of the final statement
eval {
# interpret the statements
foreach my $node (@$statements) {
my $ins = $node->[0];
if ($ins eq 'STMT') {
$result = $self->{plang}->{interpreter}->statement($context, $node->[1]);
if ($result->[0] eq 'STDOUT') {
$self->{output} .= $result->[1];
$result = undef;
if ($result->[0] eq 'ERROR') {
$self->{output} .= "Error: $result->[1]";
$result = undef;
if ($@) {
$self->{output} .= $@;
return $result; # return result of the final statement
# overridden `print` built-in
sub print_override {
my ($self, $plang, $name, $arguments) = @_;
my ($stmt, $end) = ($plang->output_value($arguments->[0]), $arguments->[1]->[1]);
$self->{output} .= "$stmt$end";
return ['NIL', undef];
# our custom PBot built-in functions for Plang
sub is_locked {
my ($self, $channel, $keyword) = @_;
return $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->get_meta($channel, $keyword, 'locked');
sub get_factoid {
my ($self, $plang, $name, $arguments) = @_;
my ($namespace, $keyword, $meta) = ($arguments->[0]->[1], $arguments->[1]->[1], $arguments->[2]->[1]);
my $result = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->get_meta($namespace, $keyword, $meta);
return ['STRING', $result];
sub set_factoid {
my ($self, $plang, $name, $arguments) = @_;
my ($namespace, $keyword, $text) = ($arguments->[0]->[1], $arguments->[1]->[1], $arguments->[2]->[1]);
return ['ERROR', "Factoid $namespace.$keyword is locked. Cannot set."] if $self->is_locked($namespace, $keyword);
$self->{pbot}->{factoids}->add_factoid('text', $namespace, 'Plang', $keyword, $text);
return ['STRING', $text];
sub append_factoid {
my ($self, $plang, $name, $arguments) = @_;
my ($namespace, $keyword, $text) = ($arguments->[0]->[1], $arguments->[1]->[1], $arguments->[2]->[1]);
return ['ERROR', "Factoid $namespace.$keyword is locked. Cannot append."] if $self->is_locked($namespace, $keyword);
my $action = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->get_meta($namespace, $keyword, 'action');
$action = "" if not defined $action;
$action .= $text;
$self->{pbot}->{factoids}->add_factoid('text', $namespace, 'Plang', $keyword, $action);
return ['STRING', $action];