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# File: BanTracker.pm
# Author: pragma_
# Purpose: Populates and maintains channel banlists by checking mode +b on
# joining channels and by tracking modes +b and -b in channels.
# Does NOT do banning or unbanning.
package PBot::BanTracker;
use warnings;
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
use Time::HiRes qw/gettimeofday/;
use Time::Duration;
use Data::Dumper;
use Carp ();
sub new {
if(ref($_[1]) eq 'HASH') {
Carp::croak("Options to BanTracker should be key/value pairs, not hash reference");
my ($class, %conf) = @_;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
return $self;
sub initialize {
my ($self, %conf) = @_;
my $pbot = delete $conf{pbot} // Carp::croak("Missing pbot reference to BanTracker");
$self->{pbot} = $pbot;
$self->{banlist} = {};
$pbot->commands->register(sub { return $self->dumpbans(@_) }, "dumpbans", 60);
sub dumpbans {
my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_;
my $bans = Dumper($self->{banlist});
return $bans;
sub get_banlist {
my ($self, $conn, $event) = @_;
my $channel = lc $event->{args}[1];
delete $self->{banlist}->{$channel};
$self->{pbot}->logger->log("Retrieving banlist for $channel.\n");
$conn->sl("mode $channel +b");
$conn->sl("mode $channel +q");
sub get_baninfo {
my ($self, $mask, $channel, $account) = @_;
my ($bans, $ban_account);
$account = lc $account if defined $account;
$self->{pbot}->logger->log("[get-baninfo] Getting baninfo for $mask in $channel using account " . (defined $account ? $account : "[undefined]") . "\n");
foreach my $mode (keys %{ $self->{banlist}{$channel} }) {
foreach my $banmask (keys %{ $self->{banlist}{$channel}{$mode} }) {
if($banmask =~ m/^\$a:(.*)/) {
$ban_account = lc $1;
} else {
$ban_account = "";
my $banmask_key = $banmask;
$banmask = quotemeta $banmask;
$banmask =~ s/\\\*/.*?/g;
$banmask =~ s/\\\?/./g;
if((defined $account and $account eq $ban_account) or $mask =~ m/^$banmask$/i) {
if(not defined $bans) {
$bans = [];
my $baninfo = {};
$baninfo->{banmask} = $banmask_key;
$baninfo->{channel} = $channel;
$baninfo->{owner} = $self->{banlist}{$channel}{$mode}{$banmask_key}[0];
$baninfo->{when} = $self->{banlist}{$channel}{$mode}{$banmask_key}[1];
$baninfo->{type} = $mode;
$self->{pbot}->logger->log("get-baninfo: dump: " . Dumper($baninfo) . "\n");
push @$bans, $baninfo;
return $bans;
sub on_quietlist_entry {
my ($self, $conn, $event) = @_;
my $channel = lc $event->{args}[1];
my $target = lc $event->{args}[3];
my $source = lc $event->{args}[4];
my $timestamp = $event->{args}[5];
my $ago = ago(gettimeofday - $timestamp);
$self->{pbot}->logger->log("ban-tracker: [quietlist entry] $channel: $target quieted by $source $ago.\n");
$self->{banlist}->{$channel}->{'+q'}->{$target} = [ $source, $timestamp ];
sub on_banlist_entry {
my ($self, $conn, $event) = @_;
my $channel = lc $event->{args}[1];
my $target = lc $event->{args}[2];
my $source = lc $event->{args}[3];
my $timestamp = $event->{args}[4];
my $ago = ago(gettimeofday - $timestamp);
$self->{pbot}->logger->log("ban-tracker: [banlist entry] $channel: $target banned by $source $ago.\n");
$self->{banlist}->{$channel}->{'+b'}->{$target} = [ $source, $timestamp ];
sub track_mode {
my $self = shift;
my ($source, $mode, $target, $channel) = @_;
if($mode eq "+b" or $mode eq "+q") {
$self->{pbot}->logger->log("ban-tracker: $target " . ($mode eq '+b' ? 'banned' : 'quieted') . " by $source in $channel.\n");
$self->{banlist}->{$channel}->{$mode}->{$target} = [ $source, gettimeofday ];
$self->{pbot}->antiflood->devalidate_accounts($target, $channel);
elsif($mode eq "-b" or $mode eq "-q") {
$self->{pbot}->logger->log("ban-tracker: $target " . ($mode eq '-b' ? 'unbanned' : 'unquieted') . " by $source in $channel.\n");
delete $self->{banlist}->{$channel}->{$mode eq "-b" ? "+b" : "+q"}->{$target};
if($mode eq "-b") {
if($self->{pbot}->chanops->{unban_timeout}->find_index($channel, $target)) {
$self->{pbot}->chanops->{unban_timeout}->remove($channel, $target);
} elsif($self->{pbot}->chanops->{unban_timeout}->find_index($channel, "$target\$##stop_join_flood")) {
# freenode strips channel forwards from unban result if no ban exists with a channel forward
$self->{pbot}->chanops->{unban_timeout}->remove($channel, "$target\$##stop_join_flood");
} else {
$self->{pbot}->logger->log("BanTracker: Unknown mode '$mode'\n");