mirror of https://github.com/pragma-/pbot.git synced 2025-02-18 14:30:40 +01:00
Pragmatic Software f34854fcec Add nick similarity completion
Previously, the bot wouldn't address people by nick if the provided nick
argument doesn't exist in the channel.

Now, the bot's nick list is searched for a nick with a certain similarity
percentage in the order of most recently spoken nicks first. This allows
the bot to address nicks when somebody may have forgotten to add a trailing
underscore/punctuation or may have typoed the nick.

The similarity percentage can be set via the interpreter->nick_similiarty
registry key.  A value of 0 should disable the behavior.
2016-09-25 00:03:37 -07:00

789 lines
27 KiB

# File: Factoids.pm
# Author: pragma_
# Purpose: Provides functionality for factoids and a type of external module execution.
package PBot::Factoids;
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'switch';
no if $] >= 5.018, warnings => "experimental::smartmatch";
use HTML::Entities;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use Carp ();
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Text::ParseWords;
use PBot::PBot qw($VERSION);
use PBot::FactoidCommands;
use PBot::FactoidModuleLauncher;
use PBot::DualIndexHashObject;
sub new {
if(ref($_[1]) eq 'HASH') {
Carp::croak("Options to Factoids should be key/value pairs, not hash reference");
my ($class, %conf) = @_;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
return $self;
sub initialize {
my ($self, %conf) = @_;
my $filename = delete $conf{filename};
my $export_path = delete $conf{export_path};
my $export_site = delete $conf{export_site};
my $pbot = delete $conf{pbot} // Carp::croak("Missing pbot reference to Factoids");
$self->{factoids} = PBot::DualIndexHashObject->new(name => 'Factoids', filename => $filename);
$self->{export_path} = $export_path;
$self->{export_site} = $export_site;
$self->{pbot} = $pbot;
$self->{commands} = PBot::FactoidCommands->new(pbot => $pbot);
$self->{factoidmodulelauncher} = PBot::FactoidModuleLauncher->new(pbot => $pbot);
$self->{pbot}->{registry}->add_default('text', 'factoids', 'default_rate_limit', '15');
$self->{pbot}->{atexit}->register(sub { $self->save_factoids; return; });
$self->add_factoid('text', '.*', $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'botnick'), 'version', "/say $VERSION", 1);
sub load_factoids {
my $self = shift;
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Loading factoids from " . $self->{factoids}->filename . " ...\n");
my ($text, $regex, $modules);
foreach my $channel (keys %{ $self->{factoids}->hash }) {
foreach my $trigger (keys %{ $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel} }) {
$text++ if $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{type} eq 'text';
$regex++ if $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{type} eq 'regex';
$modules++ if $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{type} eq 'module';
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log(" " . ($text + $regex + $modules) . " factoids loaded ($text text, $regex regexs, $modules modules).\n");
sub save_factoids {
my $self = shift;
sub add_factoid {
my $self = shift;
my ($type, $channel, $owner, $trigger, $action, $dont_save) = @_;
$type = lc $type;
$channel = '.*' if $channel !~ /^#/;
$channel = lc $channel;
$self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{enabled} = 1;
$self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{type} = $type;
$self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{action} = $action;
$self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{owner} = $owner;
$self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{created_on} = gettimeofday;
$self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{ref_count} = 0;
$self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{ref_user} = "nobody";
$self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{rate_limit} = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('factoids', 'default_rate_limit');
$self->save_factoids unless $dont_save;
unless ($dont_save) {
$self->{commands}->log_factoid($channel, $trigger, $owner, "created: $action");
sub remove_factoid {
my $self = shift;
my ($channel, $trigger) = @_;
$channel = '.*' if $channel !~ /^#/;
$channel = lc $channel;
delete $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$trigger};
if(not scalar keys $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}) {
delete $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel};
sub export_factoids {
my $self = shift;
my $filename;
if(@_) { $filename = shift; } else { $filename = $self->export_path; }
return if not defined $filename;
open FILE, "> $filename" or return "Could not open export path.";
my $time = localtime;
print FILE "<html><head>\n<link href='css/blue.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>\n";
print FILE '<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-latest.js"></script>' . "\n";
print FILE '<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.tablesorter.js"></script>' . "\n";
print FILE '<script type="text/javascript" src="js/picnet.table.filter.min.js"></script>' . "\n";
print FILE "</head>\n<body><i>Last updated at $time</i>\n";
print FILE "<hr><h2>Candide's factoids</h2>\n";
my $i = 0;
my $table_id = 1;
foreach my $channel (sort keys %{ $self->{factoids}->hash }) {
next if not scalar keys %{ $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel} };
my $chan = $channel eq '.*' ? 'global' : $channel;
print FILE "<a href='#" . $chan . "'>" . encode_entities($chan) . "</a><br>\n";
foreach my $channel (sort keys %{ $self->{factoids}->hash }) {
next if not scalar keys %{ $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel} };
my $chan = $channel eq '.*' ? 'global' : $channel;
print FILE "<a name='$chan'></a>\n";
print FILE "<hr>\n<h3>$chan</h3>\n<hr>\n";
print FILE "<table border=\"0\" id=\"table$table_id\" class=\"tablesorter\">\n";
print FILE "<thead>\n<tr>\n";
print FILE "<th>owner</th>\n";
print FILE "<th>created on</th>\n";
print FILE "<th>times referenced</th>\n";
print FILE "<th>factoid</th>\n";
print FILE "<th>last edited by</th>\n";
print FILE "<th>edited date</th>\n";
print FILE "<th>last referenced by</th>\n";
print FILE "<th>last referenced date</th>\n";
print FILE "</tr>\n</thead>\n<tbody>\n";
foreach my $trigger (sort keys %{ $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel} }) {
if($self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{type} eq 'text') {
if($i % 2) {
print FILE "<tr bgcolor=\"#dddddd\">\n";
} else {
print FILE "<tr>\n";
print FILE "<td>" . encode_entities($self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{owner}) . "</td>\n";
print FILE "<td>" . encode_entities(strftime "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", localtime $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{created_on}) . "</td>\n";
print FILE "<td>" . $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{ref_count} . "</td>\n";
my $action = $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{action};
if ($action =~ m/https?:\/\/[^ ]+/) {
$action =~ s/(.*?)http(s?:\/\/[^ ]+)/encode_entities($1) . "<a href='http" . encode_entities($2) . "'>http" . encode_entities($2) . "<\/a>"/ge;
$action =~ s/(.*)<\/a>(.*$)/"$1<\/a>" . encode_entities($2)/e;
} else {
$action = encode_entities($action);
if(exists $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{action_with_args}) {
my $with_args = $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{action_with_args};
$with_args =~ s/(.*?)http(s?:\/\/[^ ]+)/encode_entities($1) . "<a href='http" . encode_entities($2) . "'>http" . encode_entities($2) . "<\/a>"/ge;
$with_args =~ s/(.*)<\/a>(.*$)/"$1<\/a>" . encode_entities($2)/e;
print FILE "<td width=100%><b>" . encode_entities($trigger) . "</b> is $action<br><br><b>with_args:</b> " . encode_entities($with_args) . "</td>\n";
} else {
print FILE "<td width=100%><b>" . encode_entities($trigger) . "</b> is $action</td>\n";
if(exists $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{edited_by}) {
print FILE "<td>" . $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{edited_by} . "</td>\n";
print FILE "<td>" . encode_entities(strftime "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", localtime $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{edited_on}) . "</td>\n";
} else {
print FILE "<td></td>\n";
print FILE "<td></td>\n";
print FILE "<td>" . encode_entities($self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{ref_user}) . "</td>\n";
if(exists $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{last_referenced_on}) {
print FILE "<td>" . encode_entities(strftime "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", localtime $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{last_referenced_on}) . "</td>\n";
} else {
print FILE "<td></td>\n";
print FILE "</tr>\n";
print FILE "</tbody>\n</table>\n";
print FILE "<hr>$i factoids memorized.<br>";
print FILE "<hr><i>Last updated at $time</i>\n";
print FILE "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
print FILE '$(document).ready(function() {' . "\n";
while($table_id > 0) {
print FILE '$("#table' . $table_id . '").tablesorter();' . "\n";
print FILE '$("#table' . $table_id . '").tableFilter();' . "\n";
print FILE "});\n";
print FILE "</script>\n";
print FILE "</body>\n</html>\n";
#$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("$i factoids exported to path: " . $self->export_path . ", site: " . $self->export_site . "\n");
return "$i factoids exported to " . $self->export_site;
sub find_factoid {
my ($self, $from, $keyword, $arguments, $exact_channel, $exact_trigger, $find_alias) = @_;
my $debug = 0;
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("find_factoid: from: [$from], kw: [$keyword], args: [" . (defined $arguments ? $arguments : "undef") . "], " . (defined $exact_channel ? $exact_channel : "undef") . ", " . (defined $exact_trigger ? $exact_trigger : "undef") . "\n") if $debug;
$from = '.*' if not defined $from or $from !~ /^#/;
$from = lc $from;
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("from: $from\n") if $debug;
my $string = $keyword . (defined $arguments ? " $arguments" : "");
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("string: $string\n") if $debug;
my @result = eval {
my @results;
for (my $depth = 0; $depth < 5; $depth++) {
if ($self->{pbot}->{commands}->exists($keyword)) {
return undef;
# check factoids
foreach my $channel (sort keys %{ $self->{factoids}->hash }) {
if($exact_channel) {
if(defined $exact_trigger && $exact_trigger == 1) {
next unless $from eq lc $channel;
} else {
next unless $from eq lc $channel or $channel eq '.*';
foreach my $trigger (keys %{ $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel} }) {
if($keyword =~ m/^\Q$trigger\E$/i) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("return $channel: $trigger\n") if $debug;
if($find_alias && $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{action} =~ /^\/call\s+(.*)$/) {
my $command;
if(length $arguments) {
$command = "$1 $arguments";
} else {
$command = $1;
($keyword, $arguments) = split / /, $command, 2;
if (defined $exact_channel && $exact_channel == 1) {
return ($channel, $trigger);
} else {
push @results, [$channel, $trigger];
# then check regex factoids
if(not $exact_trigger) {
foreach my $channel (sort keys %{ $self->{factoids}->hash }) {
if($exact_channel) {
next unless $from eq lc $channel or $channel eq '.*';
foreach my $trigger (sort keys %{ $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel} }) {
if($self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{type} eq 'regex') {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("checking regex $string =~ m/$trigger/i\n") if $debug >= 2;
if($string =~ m/$trigger/i) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("return regex $channel: $trigger\n") if $debug;
if($find_alias) {
my $command = $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{action};
($keyword, $arguments) = split / /, $command, 2;
$string = $keyword . (length $arguments ? " $arguments" : "");
if ($exact_channel == 1) {
return ($channel, $trigger);
} else {
push @results, [$channel, $trigger];
last if not $find_alias;
if ($debug) {
if (not @results) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("find_factoid: no match\n");
} else {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("find_factoid: got results: " . (join ', ', map { "$_->[0] -> $_->[1]" } @results) . "\n");
return @results;
if($@) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("find_factoid: bad regex: $@\n");
return undef;
return @result;
sub expand_factoid_vars {
my ($self, $from, $action) = @_;
while ($action =~ /(?<!\\)\$([a-zA-Z0-9_:\-#]+)/g) {
my $v = $1;
next if $v =~ m/^(nick|channel|randomnick|args|arg\[.+\])$/; # don't override special variables
my $modifier = '';
if ($v =~ s/(:.*)$//) {
$modifier = $1;
if ($modifier =~ m/^:(#[^:]+|global)/i) {
$from = $1;
$from = '.*' if lc $from eq 'global';
my @factoids = $self->find_factoid($from, $v, undef, 2, 2);
next if not @factoids or not $factoids[0];
my ($var_chan, $var) = ($factoids[0]->[0], $factoids[0]->[1]);
if ($self->{factoids}->hash->{$var_chan}->{$var}->{type} eq 'text') {
my $change = $self->{factoids}->hash->{$var_chan}->{$var}->{action};
my @list = split(/\s|(".*?")/, $change);
my @mylist;
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#list; $i++) {
push @mylist, $list[$i] if $list[$i];
my $line = int(rand($#mylist + 1));
$mylist[$line] =~ s/"//g;
foreach my $mod (split /:/, $modifier) {
given ($mod) {
when ('uc') {
$mylist[$line] = uc $mylist[$line];
when ('lc') {
$mylist[$line] = lc $mylist[$line];
when ('ucfirst') {
$mylist[$line] = ucfirst $mylist[$line];
when ('title') {
$mylist[$line] = ucfirst lc $mylist[$line];
$action =~ s/\$$var$modifier/$mylist[$line]/;
$action =~ s/\\\$/\$/g;
return $action;
sub expand_action_arguments {
my ($self, $action, $input, $nick) = @_;
if (not defined $input or $input eq '') {
$action =~ s/\$args/$nick/g;
} else {
$action =~ s/\$args/$input/g;
$input =~ s/'/\\'/g if defined $input;
my @args = shellwords($input);
while ($action =~ m/\$arg\[([^]]+)]/g) {
my $arg = $1;
if ($arg eq '*') {
if (not defined $input or $input eq '') {
$action =~ s/\$arg\[\*\]/$nick/;
} else {
$action =~ s/\$arg\[\*\]/$input/;
if ($arg =~ m/([^:]*):(.*)/) {
my $arg1 = $1;
my $arg2 = $2;
my $arg1i = $arg1;
my $arg2i = $arg2;
$arg1i = 0 if $arg1i eq '';
$arg2i = $#args if $arg2i eq '';
$arg2i = $#args if $arg2i > $#args;
my @values = eval {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
return @args[$arg1i .. $arg2i];
if ($@) {
} else {
my $string = join(' ', @values);
if ($string eq '') {
$action =~ s/\s*\$arg\[$arg1:$arg2\]//;
} else {
$action =~ s/\$arg\[$arg1:$arg2\]/$string/;
my $value = eval {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
return $args[$arg];
if ($@) {
} else {
if (not defined $value) {
if ($arg == 0) {
$action =~ s/\$arg\[$arg\]/$nick/;
} else {
$action =~ s/\s*\$arg\[$arg\]//;
} else {
$action =~ s/\$arg\[$arg\]/$value/;
return $action;
sub interpreter {
my $self = shift;
my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $depth, $keyword, $arguments, $tonick, $ref_from, $referenced) = @_;
my ($result, $channel);
my $pbot = $self->{pbot};
#$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("enter factoid interpreter [$keyword][" . (defined $arguments ? $arguments : '') . "] referenced = $referenced\n");
return undef if not length $keyword or $depth > $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('interpreter', 'max_recursion');
$from = lc $from;
#$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("factoids interpreter: kw: [$keyword] args: [$arguments] from: [$from], ref_from: [" . (defined $ref_from ? $ref_from : "undef") . "]\n");
# search for factoid against global channel and current channel (from unless ref_from is defined)
my $original_keyword = $keyword;
#$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("calling find_factoid in Factoids.pm, interpreter() to search for factoid against global/current\n");
($channel, $keyword) = $self->find_factoid($ref_from ? $ref_from : $from, $keyword, $arguments, 1);
if(not defined $ref_from or $ref_from eq '.*') {
$ref_from = "";
} else {
$ref_from = "[$ref_from] ";
if(defined $channel and not $channel eq '.*' and not lc $channel eq $from) {
$ref_from = "[$channel] ";
$arguments = "" if not defined $arguments;
# if no match found, attempt to call factoid from another channel if it exists there
if(not defined $keyword) {
my $string = "$original_keyword $arguments";
my $lc_keyword = lc $original_keyword;
my $comma = "";
my $found = 0;
my $chans = "";
my ($fwd_chan, $fwd_trig);
# build string of which channels contain the keyword, keeping track of the last one and count
foreach my $chan (keys %{ $self->{factoids}->hash }) {
foreach my $trig (keys %{ $self->{factoids}->hash->{$chan} }) {
my $type = $self->{factoids}->hash->{$chan}->{$trig}->{type};
if(($type eq 'text' or $type eq 'module') and lc $trig eq $lc_keyword) {
$chans .= $comma . $chan;
$comma = ", ";
$fwd_chan = $chan;
$fwd_trig = $trig;
# if multiple channels have this keyword, then ask user to disambiguate
if($found > 1) {
return undef if $referenced;
return $ref_from . "Ambiguous keyword '$original_keyword' exists in multiple channels (use 'fact <channel> <keyword>' to choose one): $chans";
# if there's just one other channel that has this keyword, trigger that instance
elsif($found == 1) {
$pbot->{logger}->log("Found '$original_keyword' as '$fwd_trig' in [$fwd_chan]\n");
return $pbot->{factoids}->interpreter($from, $nick, $user, $host, ++$depth, $fwd_trig, $arguments, $tonick, $fwd_chan, $referenced);
# otherwise keyword hasn't been found, display similiar matches for all channels
else {
# if a non-nick argument was supplied, e.g., a sentence using the bot's nick, don't say anything
return undef if length $arguments and not $self->{pbot}->{nicklist}->is_present($from, $arguments);
my $matches = $self->{commands}->factfind($from, $nick, $user, $host, quotemeta $original_keyword);
# found factfind matches
if($matches !~ m/^No factoids/) {
return undef if $referenced;
return "No such factoid '$original_keyword'; $matches";
# otherwise find levenshtein closest matches from all channels
$matches = $self->{factoids}->levenshtein_matches('.*', lc $original_keyword);
# don't say anything if nothing similiar was found
return undef if $matches eq 'none';
return undef if $referenced;
return $ref_from . "No such factoid '$original_keyword'; did you mean $matches?";
return undef if $referenced and $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$keyword}->{noembed};
if(exists $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$keyword}->{last_referenced_on}) {
if(exists $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$keyword}->{last_referenced_in}) {
if($self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$keyword}->{last_referenced_in} eq $from) {
if(gettimeofday - $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$keyword}->{last_referenced_on} < $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$keyword}->{rate_limit}) {
return "/msg $nick $ref_from'$keyword' is rate-limited; try again in " . ($self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$keyword}->{rate_limit} - int(gettimeofday - $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$keyword}->{last_referenced_on})) . " seconds." unless $self->{pbot}->{admins}->loggedin($channel, "$nick!$user\@$host");
my $type = $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$keyword}->{type};
$self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$keyword}->{ref_user} = "$nick!$user\@$host";
$self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$keyword}->{last_referenced_on} = gettimeofday;
$self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$keyword}->{last_referenced_in} = $from || "stdin";
my $action = $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$keyword}->{action};
$action = $self->expand_factoid_vars($from, $action);
if(length $arguments) {
if(exists $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$keyword}->{action_with_args}) {
$action = $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$keyword}->{action_with_args};
if ($action =~ m/\$args/ or $action =~ m/\$arg\[/) {
$action = $self->expand_action_arguments($action, $arguments, defined $tonick ? $tonick : $nick);
$arguments = "";
} else {
if ($self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$keyword}->{type} eq 'text') {
my $target = $self->{pbot}->{nicklist}->is_present_similar($from, $arguments);
if ($target and $action !~ /\$nick/) {
if ($action !~ m/^(\/[^ ]+) /) {
$action =~ s/^/\/say $target: $keyword is / unless defined $tonick;
} else {
if ($1 eq '/say') {
$action =~ s/^\/say /\/say $target: /;
} elsif ($1 ne '/call') {
$action =~ s/$/ ($target)/;
} else {
if ($action !~ m/^\/.+ /) {
$action =~ s/^/\/say $keyword is / unless defined $tonick;
} else {
# no arguments supplied
if(defined $tonick) {
$action = $self->expand_action_arguments($action, undef, $tonick);
} else {
$action = $self->expand_action_arguments($action, undef, $nick);
# Check if it's an alias
if($action =~ /^\/call\s+(.*)$/) {
my $command = $self->expand_factoid_vars($from, $1);
if(length $arguments) {
$command .= " $arguments";
$pbot->{logger}->log("[" . (defined $from ? $from : "stdin") . "] ($nick!$user\@$host) [$keyword] aliased to: [$command]\n");
return $pbot->{interpreter}->interpret($from, $nick, $user, $host, $depth, $command, $tonick, $referenced);
if(defined $tonick) { # !tell foo about bar
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("($from): $nick!$user\@$host) sent to $tonick\n");
my $botnick = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'botnick');
# get rid of original caller's nick
$action =~ s/^\/([^ ]+) \Q$nick\E:\s+/\/$1 /;
$action =~ s/^\Q$nick\E:\s+//;
if($action =~ s/^\/say\s+//i || $action =~ s/^\/me\s+/* $botnick /i
|| $action =~ /^\/msg\s+/i) {
$action = "/say $tonick: $action";
} else {
$action = "/say $tonick: $keyword is $action";
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("result set to [$action]\n");
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("(" . (defined $from ? $from : "(undef)") . "): $nick!$user\@$host: $keyword: action: \"$action\"\n");
if($self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$keyword}->{enabled} == 0) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("$keyword disabled.\n");
return "/msg $nick $ref_from$keyword is currently disabled.";
$action = $self->expand_factoid_vars($from, $action);
$action =~ s/\$nick/$nick/g;
$action =~ s/\$channel/$from/g;
$action =~ s/\$randomnick/my $random = $self->{pbot}->{nicklist}->random_nick($from); $random ? $random : $nick/ge;
if($self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$keyword}->{type} eq 'module') {
my $preserve_whitespace = $self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$keyword}->{preserve_whitespace};
$preserve_whitespace = 0 if not defined $preserve_whitespace;
return $ref_from . $self->{factoidmodulelauncher}->execute_module($from, $tonick, $nick, $user, $host, "$keyword $arguments", $keyword, $arguments, $preserve_whitespace, $referenced);
elsif($self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$keyword}->{type} eq 'text') {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Found factoid\n");
# Don't allow user-custom /msg factoids, unless factoid triggered by admin
if(($action =~ m/^\/msg/i) and (not $self->{pbot}->{admins}->loggedin($from, "$nick!$user\@$host"))) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("[ABUSE] Bad factoid (contains /msg): $action\n");
return "You must login to use this command."
if($ref_from) {
if($action =~ s/^\/say\s+/$ref_from/i || $action =~ s/^\/me\s+(.*)/\/me $1 $ref_from/i
|| $action =~ s/^\/msg\s+([^ ]+)/\/msg $1 $ref_from/i) {
return $action;
} else {
return $ref_from . "$keyword is $action";
} else {
if($action =~ m/^\/say/i || $action =~ m/^\/me/i || $action =~ m/^\/msg/i) {
return $action;
} else {
return "$keyword is $action";
} elsif($self->{factoids}->hash->{$channel}->{$keyword}->{type} eq 'regex') {
$result = eval {
my $string = "$original_keyword" . (defined $arguments ? " $arguments" : "");
my $cmd;
if($string =~ m/$keyword/i) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("[$string] matches [$keyword] - calling [" . $action . "$']\n");
$cmd = $action . $';
my ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g, $h, $i, $before, $after) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $`, $');
$cmd =~ s/\$1/$a/g;
$cmd =~ s/\$2/$b/g;
$cmd =~ s/\$3/$c/g;
$cmd =~ s/\$4/$d/g;
$cmd =~ s/\$5/$e/g;
$cmd =~ s/\$6/$f/g;
$cmd =~ s/\$7/$g/g;
$cmd =~ s/\$8/$h/g;
$cmd =~ s/\$9/$i/g;
$cmd =~ s/\$`/$before/g;
$cmd =~ s/\$'/$after/g;
$cmd =~ s/^\s+//;
$cmd =~ s/\s+$//;
} else {
$cmd = $action;
$result = $pbot->{interpreter}->interpret($from, $nick, $user, $host, $depth, $cmd, $tonick, $referenced);
return $result;
if($@) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Regex fail: $@\n");
return "";
return $ref_from . $result;
} else {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("($from): $nick!$user\@$host): Unknown command type for '$keyword'\n");
return "/me blinks." . " $ref_from";
sub export_path {
my $self = shift;
if(@_) { $self->{export_path} = shift; }
return $self->{export_path};
sub logger {
my $self = shift;
if(@_) { $self->{logger} = shift; }
return $self->{logger};
sub export_site {
my $self = shift;
if(@_) { $self->{export_site} = shift; }
return $self->{export_site};
sub factoids {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{factoids};
sub filename {
my $self = shift;
if(@_) { $self->{filename} = shift; }
return $self->{filename};