mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 15:34:05 +01:00
Moved to its own cjeopardy directory. Added IRCColors module to print colored text. Added Scorekeeper module to track scoring statistics.
229 lines
6.6 KiB
Executable File
229 lines
6.6 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use Text::Levenshtein qw(fastdistance);
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use Scorekeeper;
use IRCColors;
my $CJEOPARDY_DATA = 'data/cjeopardy.dat';
my $CJEOPARDY_HINT = 'data/cjeopardy.hint';
my $CJEOPARDY_LAST_ANSWER = 'data/cjeopardy.last_ans';
my $hint_only_mode = 0;
my $nick = shift @ARGV;
my $channel = shift @ARGV;
my $text = join(' ', @ARGV);
sub encode { my $str = shift; $str =~ s/\\(.)/{sprintf "\\%03d", ord($1)}/ge; return $str; }
sub decode { my $str = shift; $str =~ s/\\(\d{3})/{"\\" . chr($1)}/ge; return $str }
if ($channel !~ /^#/) {
print "Sorry, C Jeopardy must be played in a channel. Feel free to join #cjeopardy.\n";
while($text =~ s/^\s*(is|are|the|a|an)\s+//i){};
$text =~ s/\s*\?*$//;
$text =~ s/^\s+//;
$text =~ s/\s+$//;
my $lctext = lc $text;
if (not length $lctext) {
print "What?\n";
my @data;
my $ret = open my $fh, "<", "$CJEOPARDY_LAST_ANSWER-$channel";
if (defined $ret) {
my $last_nick = <$fh>;
my $last_answers = <$fh>;
my $last_timestamp = <$fh>;
close $fh;
chomp $last_nick;
if(scalar gettimeofday - $last_timestamp <= 15) {
$ret = open $fh, "<", "$CJEOPARDY_DATA-$channel";
if (defined $ret) {
@data = <$fh>;
close $fh;
my @current_answers = map { decode $_ } split /\|/, encode $data[1] if @data;
my @valid_answers = map { decode $_ } split /\|/, encode $last_answers;
foreach my $answer (@valid_answers) {
chomp $answer;
$answer =~ s/\\\|/|/g;
$answer =~ s/\s*{.*}\s*//;
my $skip_last;
if (@current_answers) {
foreach my $current_answer (@current_answers) {
chomp $current_answer;
$current_answer =~ s/\\\|/|/g;
$current_answer =~ s/\s*{.*}\s*//;
my $distance = fastdistance(lc $answer, lc $current_answer);
my $length = (length($answer) > length($current_answer)) ? length $answer : length $current_answer;
if ($distance / $length < 0.15) {
$skip_last = 1;
last if $skip_last;
my $distance = fastdistance($lctext, lc $answer);
my $length = (length($lctext) > length($answer)) ? length $lctext : length $answer;
if ($distance / $length < 0.15) {
if ($last_nick eq $nick) {
print "$color{red}Er, you already correctly answered that question.$color{reset}\n";
} else {
print "$color{red}Too slow! $color{orange}$last_nick$color{red} got the correct answer.$color{reset}\n";
if (not @data) {
open $fh, "<", "$CJEOPARDY_DATA-$channel" or print "There is no open C Jeopardy question. Use `cjeopardy` to get a question.\n" and exit;
@data = <$fh>;
close $fh;
my $scores = Scorekeeper->new;
my $player_id = $scores->get_player_id($nick, $channel);
my $player_data = $scores->get_player_data($player_id);
my @valid_answers = map { decode $_ } split /\|/, encode $data[1];
my $incorrect_percentage = 100;
foreach my $answer (@valid_answers) {
chomp $answer;
$answer =~ s/\\\|/|/g;
my $supplemental_text;
if ($answer =~ s/\s*{(.*)}\s*$//) {
$supplemental_text = $1;
if ($answer =~ /^[0-9]+$/ and $lctext =~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
my $is_wrong = 0;
if ($lctext > $answer) {
print "$color{red}$lctext is too high!$color{reset}\n";
$is_wrong = 1;
} elsif ($lctext < $answer) {
print "$color{red}$lctext is too low!$color{reset}\n";
$is_wrong = 1;
goto WRONG_ANSWER if $is_wrong;
my $distance = fastdistance($lctext, lc $answer);
my $length = (length($lctext) > length($answer)) ? length $lctext : length $answer;
my $percentage = $distance / $length * 100;
if ($percentage < $incorrect_percentage) {
$incorrect_percentage = $percentage;
if ($percentage < 15) {
if ($distance == 0) {
print "'$color{green}$answer$color{reset}' is correct!";
} else {
print "'$color{green}$text$color{reset}' is close enough to '$color{green}$answer$color{reset}'. You are correct!"
if (defined $supplemental_text) {
print " $color{teal}$supplemental_text$color{reset}\n";
} else {
print "\n";
unlink "$CJEOPARDY_DATA-$channel";
unlink "$CJEOPARDY_HINT-$channel";
open $fh, ">", "$CJEOPARDY_LAST_ANSWER-$channel" or die "Couldn't open $CJEOPARDY_LAST_ANSWER-$channel: $!";
my $time = scalar gettimeofday;
print $fh "$nick\n$data[1]$time\n";
close $fh;
if ($channel eq '#cjeopardy') {
my $question = `./cjeopardy/cjeopardy.pl $channel`;
if ($hint_only_mode) {
my $hint = `./cjeopardy/cjeopardy_hint.pl $channel`;
$hint =~ s/^Hint: //;
print "Next hint: $hint\n";
} else {
print "$color{green}Next question$color{reset}: $question\n";
$player_data->{last_correct_timestamp} = scalar gettimeofday;
$player_data->{wrong_streak} = 0;
if ($player_data->{correct_streak} > $player_data->{highest_correct_streak}) {
$player_data->{highest_correct_streak} = $player_data->{correct_streak};
if ($player_data->{highest_correct_streak} > $player_data->{lifetime_highest_correct_streak}) {
$player_data->{lifetime_highest_correct_streak} = $player_data->{highest_correct_streak};
$scores->update_player_data($player_id, $player_data);
my $correct_percentage = 100 - $incorrect_percentage;
if ($correct_percentage >= 80) {
printf "Sorry, '$color{red}$text$color{reset}' is %.1f%% correct. So close!\n", $correct_percentage;
} elsif ($correct_percentage >= 70) {
printf "Sorry, '$color{red}$text$color{reset}' is %.1f%% correct. Almost.\n", $correct_percentage;
} elsif ($correct_percentage >= 50) {
printf "Sorry, '$color{red}$text$color{reset}' is only %.1f%% correct.\n", $correct_percentage;
} else {
print "Sorry, '$color{red}$text$color{reset}' is incorrect.\n";
$player_data->{last_wrong_timestamp} = scalar gettimeofday;
$player_data->{correct_streak} = 0;
if ($player_data->{wrong_streak} > $player_data->{highest_wrong_streak}) {
$player_data->{highest_wrong_streak} = $player_data->{wrong_streak};
if ($player_data->{highest_wrong_streak} > $player_data->{lifetime_highest_wrong_streak}) {
$player_data->{lifetime_highest_wrong_streak} = $player_data->{highest_wrong_streak};
$scores->update_player_data($player_id, $player_data);