mirror of https://github.com/pragma-/pbot.git synced 2024-10-02 09:28:46 +02:00
2017-08-23 19:22:03 -07:00

540 lines
19 KiB

# File: Interpreter.pm
# Author: pragma_
# Purpose:
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
package PBot::Interpreter;
use warnings;
use strict;
use base 'PBot::Registerable';
use Time::HiRes qw/gettimeofday/;
use Time::Duration;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Carp ();
sub new {
if(ref($_[1]) eq 'HASH') {
Carp::croak("Options to " . __FILE__ . " should be key/value pairs, not hash reference");
my ($class, %conf) = @_;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
return $self;
sub initialize {
my ($self, %conf) = @_;
$self->{pbot} = delete $conf{pbot} // Carp::croak("Missing pbot reference to " . __FILE__);
$self->{pbot}->{registry}->add_default('text', 'general', 'compile_blocks', $conf{compile_blocks} // 1);
$self->{pbot}->{registry}->add_default('array', 'general', 'compile_blocks_channels', $conf{compile_blocks_channels} // '.*');
$self->{pbot}->{registry}->add_default('array', 'general', 'compile_blocks_ignore_channels', $conf{compile_blocks_ignore_channels} // 'none');
$self->{pbot}->{registry}->add_default('text', 'general', 'paste_ratelimit', $conf{paste_ratelimit} // 60);
$self->{pbot}->{registry}->add_default('text', 'interpreter', 'max_recursion', 10);
$self->{output_queue} = {};
$self->{command_queue} = {};
$self->{last_paste} = 0;
$self->{pbot}->{timer}->register(sub { $self->process_output_queue }, 1);
$self->{pbot}->{timer}->register(sub { $self->process_command_queue }, 1);
sub process_line {
my $self = shift;
my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $text) = @_;
my $command;
my $has_code;
my $nick_override;
my $botnick = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'botnick');
my $processed = 0;
$from = lc $from if defined $from;
my $pbot = $self->{pbot};
my $message_account = $pbot->{messagehistory}->get_message_account($nick, $user, $host);
$pbot->{messagehistory}->add_message($message_account, "$nick!$user\@$host", $from, $text, $pbot->{messagehistory}->{MSG_CHAT});
my $flood_threshold = $pbot->{registry}->get_value($from, 'chat_flood_threshold');
my $flood_time_threshold = $pbot->{registry}->get_value($from, 'chat_flood_time_threshold');
$flood_threshold = $pbot->{registry}->get_value('antiflood', 'chat_flood_threshold') if not defined $flood_threshold;
$flood_time_threshold = $pbot->{registry}->get_value('antiflood', 'chat_flood_time_threshold') if not defined $flood_time_threshold;
$pbot->{antiflood}->check_flood($from, $nick, $user, $host, $text,
$flood_threshold, $flood_time_threshold,
$pbot->{messagehistory}->{MSG_CHAT}) if defined $from;
my $preserve_whitespace = 0;
$text =~ s/^\s+//;
$text =~ s/\s+$//;
my $cmd_text = $text;
$cmd_text =~ s/^\/me\s+//;
# get channel-specific trigger if available
my $bot_trigger = $pbot->{registry}->get_value($from, 'trigger');
if (not defined $bot_trigger) {
$bot_trigger = $pbot->{registry}->get_value('general', 'trigger');
my $referenced;
my $count = 0;
while (++$count <= 3) {
$referenced = 0;
$command = undef;
$has_code = undef;
if ($cmd_text =~ s/\B$bot_trigger`([^`]+)// || $cmd_text =~ s/\B$bot_trigger\{([^}]+)//) {
my $cmd = $1;
my ($nick) = $cmd_text =~ m/^([^ ,:;]+)/;
$nick = $self->{pbot}->{nicklist}->is_present($from, $nick);
if ($nick) {
$command = "tell $nick about $cmd";
} else {
$command = $cmd;
$referenced = 1;
} elsif($cmd_text =~ s/^(?:$bot_trigger|$botnick.?)?\s*{\s*(.*)\s*}\s*$//) {
$has_code = $1 if length $1;
$preserve_whitespace = 1;
$processed += 100;
} elsif($cmd_text =~ s/^\s*([^,:\(\)\+\*\/ ]+)[,:]*\s*{\s*(.*)\s*}\s*$//) {
$nick_override = $1;
$has_code = $2 if length $2 and $nick_override !~ /^(?:enum|struct|union)$/;
$preserve_whitespace = 1;
my $nick_override = $self->{pbot}->{nicklist}->is_present($from, $nick_override);
$processed += 100;
} elsif($cmd_text =~ s/^\s*([^,:\(\)\+\*\/ ]+)[,:]?\s+$bot_trigger(.*)$//) {
$nick_override = $1;
$command = $2;
my $similar = $self->{pbot}->{nicklist}->is_present_similar($from, $nick_override);
if ($similar) {
$nick_override = $similar;
} else {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("No similar nick for $nick_override\n");
return 0;
$processed += 100;
} elsif($cmd_text =~ s/^.?$botnick.?\s*(.*?)$//i) {
$command = $1;
$processed += 100;
} elsif($cmd_text =~ s/^$bot_trigger(.*)$//) {
$command = $1;
$processed += 100;
} elsif($cmd_text =~ s/^(.*?),?\s*$botnick[?!.]*$//i) {
$command = $1;
$processed += 100;
last if not defined $command and not defined $has_code;
if((!defined $command || $command !~ /^login /) && defined $from && $pbot->{ignorelist}->check_ignore($nick, $user, $host, $from)) {
my $admin = $pbot->{admins}->loggedin($from, "$nick!$user\@$host");
if (!defined $admin || $admin->{level} < 10) {
# ignored hostmask
return 1;
if(defined $has_code) {
$processed += 100; # ensure no other plugins try to parse this message
if($pbot->{registry}->get_value('general', 'compile_blocks') and not $pbot->{registry}->get_value($from, 'no_compile_blocks')
and not grep { $from =~ /$_/i } $pbot->{registry}->get_value('general', 'compile_blocks_ignore_channels')
and grep { $from =~ /$_/i } $pbot->{registry}->get_value('general', 'compile_blocks_channels')) {
if (not defined $nick_override or (defined $nick_override and $self->{pbot}->{nicklist}->is_present($from, $nick_override))) {
$pbot->{factoids}->{factoidmodulelauncher}->execute_module($from, undef, $nick, $user, $host, $text, "compiler_block", (defined $nick_override ? $nick_override : $nick) . " $from $has_code }", $preserve_whitespace);
} else {
$processed++ if $self->handle_result($from, $nick, $user, $host, $text, $command, $self->interpret($from, $nick, $user, $host, 1, $command, $nick_override, $referenced), 1, $preserve_whitespace);
return $processed;
sub interpret {
my $self = shift;
my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $depth, $command, $tonick, $referenced) = @_;
my ($keyword, $arguments) = ("", "");
my $text;
my $pbot = $self->{pbot};
$pbot->{logger}->log("=== Enter interpret_command: [" . (defined $from ? $from : "(undef)") . "][$nick!$user\@$host][$depth][$command]\n");
return "Too many levels of recursion, aborted." if(++$depth > $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('interpreter', 'max_recursion'));
if(not defined $nick || not defined $user || not defined $host ||
not defined $command) {
$pbot->{logger}->log("Error 1, bad parameters to interpret_command\n");
return undef;
if($command =~ /^tell\s+(.{1,20})\s+about\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)$/i)
($keyword, $arguments, $tonick) = ($2, $3, $1);
my $similar = $self->{pbot}->{nicklist}->is_present_similar($from, $tonick);
$tonick = $similar if $similar;
} elsif($command =~ /^tell\s+(.{1,20})\s+about\s+(.*)$/i) {
($keyword, $tonick) = ($2, $1);
my $similar = $self->{pbot}->{nicklist}->is_present_similar($from, $tonick);
$tonick = $similar if $similar;
} elsif($command =~ /^(.*?)\s+(.*)$/) {
($keyword, $arguments) = ($1, $2);
} else {
$keyword = $command;
$tonick = $nick if defined $tonick and $tonick eq 'me';
if ($keyword !~ /^(factadd|add|factfind|find|factshow|show|forget|factdel|factset|factchange|change|msg|tell|cc|eval|u|udict|ud|actiontrigger|urban|perl)/) {
$keyword =~ s/(\w+)([?!.]+)$/$1/;
$arguments =~ s/(?<![\w\/\-\\])me\b/$nick/gi if defined $arguments && $depth <= 2;
$arguments =~ s/(?<![\w\/\-\\])my\b/${nick}'s/gi if defined $arguments && $depth <= 2;
$arguments =~ s/\\my\b/my/gi if defined $arguments && $depth <= 2;
$arguments =~ s/\\me\b/me/gi if defined $arguments && $depth <= 2;
my $botnick = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'botnick');
if (defined $arguments && ($arguments =~ m/^(your|him|her|its|it|them|their)(self|selves)$/i || $arguments =~ m/^$botnick$/i)) {
my $delay = (rand 10) + 8;
my $message = {
nick => $nick, user => $user, host => $host, command => $command, checkflood => 1,
message => "$nick: Why would I want to do that to myself?"
$self->add_message_to_output_queue($from, $message, $delay);
$delay = duration($delay);
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Final result ($delay delay) [$message->{message}]\n");
return undef;
if(not defined $keyword) {
$pbot->{logger}->log("Error 2, no keyword\n");
return undef;
return $self->SUPER::execute_all($from, $nick, $user, $host, $depth, $keyword, $arguments, $tonick, undef, $referenced);
sub truncate_result {
my ($self, $from, $nick, $text, $original_result, $result, $paste) = @_;
my $max_msg_len = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'max_msg_len');
if(length $result > $max_msg_len) {
my $link;
if($paste) {
$link = $self->paste("[" . (defined $from ? $from : "stdin") . "] <$nick> $text\n\n$original_result");
} else {
$link = 'undef';
my $trunc = "... [truncated; ";
if ($link =~ m/^http/) {
$trunc .= "see $link for full text.]";
} else {
$trunc .= "$link]";
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Message truncated -- pasted to $link\n") if $paste;
my $trunc_len = length $result < $max_msg_len ? length $result : $max_msg_len;
$result = substr($result, 0, $trunc_len);
substr($result, $trunc_len - length $trunc) = $trunc;
return $result;
sub handle_result {
my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $text, $command, $result, $checkflood, $preserve_whitespace) = @_;
if (not defined $result or length $result == 0) {
return 0;
my $original_result = $result;
my $use_output_queue = 0;
if (defined $command) {
my ($cmd, $args) = split / /, $command, 2;
if (not $self->{pbot}->{commands}->exists($cmd)) {
my ($chan, $trigger) = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->find_factoid($from, $cmd, $args, 1, 0, 1);
if(defined $trigger) {
if ($preserve_whitespace == 0) {
$preserve_whitespace = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->hash->{$chan}->{$trigger}->{preserve_whitespace};
$preserve_whitespace = 0 if not defined $preserve_whitespace;
$use_output_queue = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->hash->{$chan}->{$trigger}->{use_output_queue};
$use_output_queue = 0 if not defined $use_output_queue;
my $preserve_newlines = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value($from, 'preserve_newlines');
$result =~ s/[\n\r]/ /g unless $preserve_newlines;
$result =~ s/[ \t]+/ /g unless $preserve_whitespace;
my $max_lines = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value($from, 'max_newlines');
$max_lines = 4 if not defined $max_lines;
my $lines = 0;
my $stripped_line;
foreach my $line (split /[\n\r]+/, $result) {
$stripped_line = $line;
$stripped_line =~ s/^\s+//;
$stripped_line =~ s/\s+$//;
next if not length $stripped_line;
if (++$lines >= $max_lines) {
my $link = $self->paste("[" . (defined $from ? $from : "stdin") . "] <$nick> $text\n\n$original_result");
if ($use_output_queue) {
my $message = {
nick => $nick, user => $user, host => $host, command => $command,
message => "And that's all I have to say about that. See $link for full text.",
checkflood => $checkflood
$self->add_message_to_output_queue($from, $message, 0);
} else {
$self->{pbot}->{conn}->privmsg($from, "And that's all I have to say about that. See $link for full text.");
if ($preserve_newlines) {
$line = $self->truncate_result($from, $nick, $text, $line, $line, 1);
} else {
$line = $self->truncate_result($from, $nick, $text, $original_result, $line, 1);
if ($use_output_queue) {
my $delay = (rand 5) + 5; # initial delay for reading/processing user's message
$delay += (length $line) / 7; # additional delay of 7 characters per second typing speed
my $message = {
nick => $nick, user => $user, host => $host, command => $command,
message => $line, checkflood => $checkflood
$self->add_message_to_output_queue($from, $message, $delay);
$delay = duration($delay);
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Final result ($delay delay) [$line]\n");
} else {
$self->output_result($from, $nick, $user, $host, $command, $line, $checkflood);
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Final result: [$line]\n");
return 1;
sub output_result {
my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $command, $line, $checkflood) = @_;
my ($pbot, $botnick) = ($self->{pbot}, $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'botnick'));
if($line =~ s/^\/say\s+//i) {
$pbot->{conn}->privmsg($from, $line) if defined $from && $from !~ /\Q$botnick\E/i;
$pbot->{antiflood}->check_flood($from, $botnick, $pbot->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'username'), 'localhost', $line, 0, 0, 0) if $checkflood;
} elsif($line =~ s/^\/me\s+//i) {
$pbot->{conn}->me($from, $line) if defined $from && $from !~ /\Q$botnick\E/i;
$pbot->{antiflood}->check_flood($from, $botnick, $pbot->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'username'), 'localhost', '/me ' . $line, 0, 0, 0) if $checkflood;
} elsif($line =~ s/^\/msg\s+([^\s]+)\s+//i) {
my $to = $1;
if($to =~ /,/) {
$pbot->{logger}->log("[HACK] Possible HACK ATTEMPT /msg multiple users: [$nick!$user\@$host] [$command] [$line]\n");
elsif($to =~ /.*serv$/i) {
$pbot->{logger}->log("[HACK] Possible HACK ATTEMPT /msg *serv: [$nick!$user\@$host] [$command] [$line]\n");
elsif($line =~ s/^\/me\s+//i) {
$pbot->{conn}->me($to, $line) if $to !~ /\Q$botnick\E/i;
$pbot->{antiflood}->check_flood($to, $botnick, $pbot->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'username'), 'localhost', '/me ' . $line, 0, 0, 0) if $checkflood;
} else {
$line =~ s/^\/say\s+//i;
$pbot->{conn}->privmsg($to, $line) if $to !~ /\Q$botnick\E/i;
$pbot->{antiflood}->check_flood($to, $botnick, $pbot->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'username'), 'localhost', $line, 0, 0, 0) if $checkflood;
} elsif($line =~ s/^\/$self->{pbot}->{secretstuff}kick\s+//) {
$pbot->{antiflood}->check_flood($from, $botnick, $pbot->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'username'), 'localhost', '/kick ' . $line, 0, 0, 0) if $checkflood;
my ($victim, $reason) = split / /, $line, 2;
if (not defined $reason) {
if (open my $fh, '<', $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('general', 'module_dir') . '/insults.txt') {
my @insults = <$fh>;
close $fh;
$reason = $insults[rand @insults];
chomp $reason;
} else {
$reason = 'Bye!';
if ($self->{pbot}->{chanops}->can_gain_ops($from)) {
$self->{pbot}->{chanops}->add_op_command($from, "kick $from $victim $reason");
} else {
$pbot->{conn}->privmsg($from, "$victim: $reason") if defined $from && $from !~ /\Q$botnick\E/i;
} else {
$pbot->{conn}->privmsg($from, $line) if defined $from && $from !~ /\Q$botnick\E/i;
$pbot->{antiflood}->check_flood($from, $botnick, $pbot->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'username'), 'localhost', $line, 0, 0, 0) if $checkflood;
sub add_message_to_output_queue {
my ($self, $channel, $message, $delay) = @_;
if (exists $self->{output_queue}->{$channel}) {
my $last_when = $self->{output_queue}->{$channel}->[-1]->{when};
$message->{when} = $last_when + $delay;
} else {
$message->{when} = gettimeofday + $delay;
push @{$self->{output_queue}->{$channel}}, $message;
sub process_output_queue {
my $self = shift;
foreach my $channel (keys %{$self->{output_queue}}) {
for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$self->{output_queue}->{$channel}}; $i++) {
my $message = $self->{output_queue}->{$channel}->[$i];
if (gettimeofday >= $message->{when}) {
$self->output_result($channel, $message->{nick}, $message->{user}, $message->{host}, $message->{command}, $message->{message}, $message->{checkflood});
splice @{$self->{output_queue}->{$channel}}, $i--, 1;
if (not @{$self->{output_queue}->{$channel}}) {
delete $self->{output_queue}->{$channel};
sub add_to_command_queue {
my ($self, $channel, $command, $delay) = @_;
$command->{when} = gettimeofday + $delay;
push @{$self->{command_queue}->{$channel}}, $command;
sub add_botcmd_to_command_queue {
my ($self, $channel, $command, $delay) = @_;
my $botcmd = {
nick => $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'botnick'),
user => 'stdin',
host => 'localhost',
command => $command
$self->add_to_command_queue($channel, $botcmd, $delay);
sub process_command_queue {
my $self = shift;
foreach my $channel (keys %{$self->{command_queue}}) {
for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$self->{command_queue}->{$channel}}; $i++) {
my $command = $self->{command_queue}->{$channel}->[$i];
if (gettimeofday >= $command->{when}) {
$self->handle_result($channel, $command->{nick}, $command->{user}, $command->{host}, $command->{command}, $command->{command}, $self->interpret($channel, $command->{nick}, $command->{user}, $command->{host}, 0, $command->{command}), 0, 0);
splice @{$self->{command_queue}->{$channel}}, $i--, 1;
if (not @{$self->{command_queue}->{$channel}}) {
delete $self->{command_queue}->{$channel};
sub paste {
my $self = shift;
my $rate_limit = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('general', 'paste_ratelimit');
my $now = gettimeofday;
if ($now - $self->{last_paste} < $rate_limit) {
return "paste rate-limited, try again in " . ($rate_limit - int($now - $self->{last_paste})) . " seconds";
$self->{last_paste} = $now;
my $text = join(' ', @_);
$text =~ s/(.{120})\s/$1\n/g;
my $result = $self->paste_sprunge($text);
if ($result =~ m/error pasting/) {
$result = $self->paste_codepad($text);
return $result;
sub paste_codepad {
my $self = shift;
my $text = join(' ', @_);
$text =~ s/(.{120})\s/$1\n/g;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
push @{ $ua->requests_redirectable }, 'POST';
my %post = ( 'lang' => 'Plain Text', 'code' => $text, 'private' => 'True', 'submit' => 'Submit' );
my $response = $ua->post("http://codepad.org", \%post);
if(not $response->is_success) {
return "error pasting: " . $response->status_line;
return $response->request->uri;
sub paste_sprunge {
my $self = shift;
my $text = join(' ', @_);
$text =~ s/(.{120})\s/$1\n/g;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
$ua->requests_redirectable([ ]);
my %post = ( 'sprunge' => $text, 'submit' => 'Submit' );
my $response = $ua->post("http://sprunge.us", \%post);
if(not $response->is_success) {
return "error pasting: " . $response->status_line;
my $result = $response->content;
$result =~ s/^\s+//;
$result =~ s/\s+$//;
return $result;