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# File: EventQueue.pm
# Purpose: Provides functionality to manage event subroutines which are invoked
# at a future time, optionally recurring.
# Note: PBot::EventQueue has no relation to PBot::EventDispatcher.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Pragmatic Software <pragma78@gmail.com>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package PBot::EventQueue;
use parent 'PBot::Class';
use PBot::Imports;
use PBot::Utils::PriorityQueue;
use Time::HiRes qw/time/;
use Time::Duration;
sub initialize {
my ($self, %conf) = @_;
# array of pending events
$self->{event_queue} = PBot::Utils::PriorityQueue->new(pbot => $self->{pbot});
# register `eventqueue` bot command
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->cmd_eventqueue(@_) }, 'eventqueue', 1);
# add `can-eventqueue` capability to admin group
$self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->add('admin', 'can-eventqueue', 1);
# eventqueue bot command
sub cmd_eventqueue {
my ($self, $context) = @_;
my $usage = "Usage: eventqueue list [filter regex] | add <relative time> <command> [-repeat] | remove <regex>";
my $command = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->shift_arg($context->{arglist});
if (not defined $command) {
return $usage;
if ($command eq 'list') {
return "No events queued." if not $self->{event_queue}->count;
my $result = eval {
my $text = "Queued events:\n";
my ($regex) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->shift_arg($context->{arglist});
my $i = 0;
my $events = 0;
foreach my $event ($self->{event_queue}->entries) {
if ($regex) {
next unless $event->{id} =~ /$regex/i;
my $duration = $event->{priority} - time;
if ($duration < 0) {
# current time has passed an event's time but the
# event hasn't left the queue yet. we'll show these
# as, e.g., "pending 5s ago"
$duration = 'pending ' . concise ago -$duration;
} else {
$duration = 'in ' . concise duration $duration;
$text .= " $i) $duration: $event->{id}";
$text .= ' [R]' if $event->{repeating};
$text .= ";\n";
return "No events found." if $events == 0;
return $text . "$events events.\n";
if (my $error = $@) {
# strip source information to prettify error for non-developer consumption
$error =~ s/ at PBot.*//;
return "Bad regex: $error";
return $result;
if ($command eq 'add') {
my ($duration, $command) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args($context->{arglist}, 2);
if (not defined $duration or not defined $command) {
return "Usage: eventqueue add <relative time> <command> [-repeat]";
# convert text like "5 minutes" or "1 week" or "next tuesday" to seconds
my ($seconds, $error) = $self->{pbot}->{parsedate}->parsedate($duration);
return $error if defined $error;
# check for `-repeating` at front or end of command
my $repeating = $command =~ s/^-repeat\s+|\s+-repeat$//g;
my $cmd = {
nick => $context->{nick},
user => $context->{user},
host => $context->{host},
hostmask => $context->{hostmask},
command => $command,
$self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->add_to_command_queue($context->{from}, $cmd, $seconds, $repeating);
return "Command added to event queue.";
if ($command eq 'remove') {
my ($regex) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args($context->{arglist}, 1);
return "Usage: eventqueue remove <regex>" if not defined $regex;
$regex =~ s/(?<!\.)\*/.*?/g;
return $self->dequeue_event($regex);
return "Unknown command '$command'. $usage";
# returns seconds until upcoming event.
sub duration_until_next_event {
my ($self) = @_;
return 0 if not $self->{event_queue}->count;
return $self->{event_queue}->get_priority(0) - time;
# invokes any current events and then returns seconds until upcoming event.
sub do_events {
my ($self) = @_;
# early-return if no events available
return 0 if not $self->{event_queue}->count;
my $debug = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('eventqueue', 'debug') // 0;
# repeating events to re-enqueue
my @enqueue;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $self->{event_queue}->entries; $i++) {
# we call time for a fresh time, instead of using a stale $now that
# could be in the past depending on a previous event's duration
if (time >= $self->{event_queue}->get_priority($i)) {
my $event = $self->{event_queue}->get($i);
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Processing event $i: $event->{id}\n") if $debug > 1;
# call event's subref, passing event as argument
# remove event from queue
# add event to re-enqueue queue if repeating
push @enqueue, $event if $event->{repeating};
} else {
# no more events ready at this time
if ($debug > 2) {
my $event = $self->{event_queue}->get($i);
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Event not ready yet: $event->{id} (timeout=$event->{priority})\n");
# re-enqueue repeating events
foreach my $event (@enqueue) {
$self->enqueue_event($event->{subref}, $event->{interval}, $event->{id}, 1);
return $self->duration_until_next_event;
# check if an event is in the event queue.
sub exists {
my ($self, $id) = @_;
return scalar grep { $_->{id} eq $id } $self->{event_queue}->entries;
# adds an event to the event queue, optionally repeating
sub enqueue_event {
my ($self, $subref, $interval, $id, $repeating) = @_;
# default values
$id //= "unnamed (${interval}s $subref)";
$repeating //= 0;
$interval //= 0;
# create event structure
my $event = {
id => $id,
subref => $subref,
interval => $interval,
priority => time + $interval,
repeating => $repeating,
# add the event to the priority queue
my $position = $self->{event_queue}->add($event);
# debugging noise
my $debug = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('eventqueue', 'debug') // 0;
if ($debug > 1) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Enqueued new event $id at position $position: timeout=$event->{priority} interval=$interval repeating=$repeating\n");
# convenient alias to add an event with repeating defaulted to enabled.
sub enqueue {
my ($self, $subref, $interval, $id, $repeating) = @_;
$self->enqueue_event($subref, $interval, $id, $repeating // 1);
# removes an event from the event queue, optionally invoking it.
# `id` can contain `.*` and `.*?` for wildcard-matching/globbing.
sub dequeue_event {
my ($self, $id, $execute) = @_;
my $result = eval {
# escape special characters
$id = quotemeta $id;
# unescape .* and .*?
$id =~ s/\\\.\\\*\\\?/.*?/g;
$id =~ s/\\\.\\\*/.*/g;
# compile regex
my $regex = qr/^$id$/i;
# count total events before removal
my $count = $self->{event_queue}->count;
# collect events to be removed
my @removed = grep { $_->{id} =~ /$regex/i; } $self->{event_queue}->entries;
# remove events from event queue
@{$self->{event_queue}->queue} = grep { $_->{id} !~ /$regex/i; } $self->{event_queue}->entries;
# set count to total events removed
$count -= $self->{event_queue}->count;
# invoke removed events, if requested
if ($execute) {
foreach my $event (@removed) {
# nothing removed
return "No matching events." if not $count;
# list all removed events
my $removed = "Removed $count event" . ($count == 1 ? '' : 's') . ': ' . join(', ', map { $_->{id} } @removed);
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("EventQueue: dequeued $removed\n");
return $removed;
if ($@) {
my $error = $@;
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Error in dequeue_event: $error\n");
$error =~ s/ at PBot.*//;
return "$error";
return $result;
# alias to dequeue_event, for consistency.
sub dequeue {
my ($self, $id) = @_;
# invoke and remove all events matching `id`, which can
# contain `.*` and `.*?` for wildcard-matching/globbing.
sub execute_and_dequeue_event {
my ($self, $id) = @_;
return $self->dequeue_event($id, 1);
# replace code subrefs for matching events. if no events
# were found, then add the event to the event queue.
sub replace_subref_or_enqueue_event {
my ($self, $subref, $interval, $id, $repeating) = @_;
# find events matching id
my @events = grep { $_->{id} eq $id } $self->{event_queue}->entries;
# no events found, enqueue new event
if (not @events) {
$self->enqueue_event($subref, $interval, $id, $repeating);
# otherwise update existing events
foreach my $event (@events) {
$event->{subref} = $subref;
# remove existing events of this id then enqueue new event.
sub replace_or_enqueue_event {
my ($self, $subref, $interval, $id, $repeating) = @_;
# remove event if it exists
$self->dequeue_event($id) if $self->exists($id);
# enqueue new event
$self->enqueue_event($subref, $interval, $id, $repeating);
# add event unless it already had been added.
sub enqueue_event_unless_exists {
my ($self, $subref, $interval, $id, $repeating) = @_;
# event already exists, bail out
return if $self->exists($id);
# enqueue new event
$self->enqueue_event($subref, $interval, $id, $repeating);
# update the `repeating` flag for all events matching `id`.
sub update_repeating {
my ($self, $id, $repeating) = @_;
foreach my $event ($self->{event_queue}->entries) {
if ($event->{id} eq $id) {
$event->{repeating} = $repeating;
# update the `interval` value for all events matching `id`.
sub update_interval {
my ($self, $id, $interval, $dont_enqueue) = @_;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $self->{event_queue}->count; $i++) {
my $event = $self->{event_queue}->get($i);
if ($event->{id} eq $id) {
if ($dont_enqueue) {
# update interval in-place without moving event to new place in queue
# (allows event to fire at expected time, then updates to new timeout afterwards)
$event->{interval} = $interval;
} else {
# remove and add event in new position in queue
$self->enqueue_event($event->{subref}, $interval, $id, $event->{repeating});