mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 17:00:49 +01:00

Compiler watchdog now properly handles signals raised during gdb functions. Compiler watchdog now times out and flushes output when "hung".
605 lines
16 KiB
Executable File
605 lines
16 KiB
Executable File
use warnings;
use strict;
use IPC::Open2;
my $debug = $ENV{DEBUG} // 0;
#my $opening = "<";
#my $closing = ">\n";
my $opening = "\n";
my $closing = "\n\n";
my $watching = 0;
my $got_output = 0;
my $local_vars = "";
my $locals_start;
my $locals_end;
my $last_statement;
my ($main_start, $main_end);
sub flushall;
sub gdb;
my ($out, $in);
sub getlocals {
print "getting locals\n" if $debug >= 5;
gdb $in, "print \"Go.\"\ninfo locals\nprint \"~Ok.~\"\n";
while(my $peep = <$out>) {
chomp $peep;
print "got peep: [$peep]\n" if $debug >= 5;
last if $peep =~ m/\(gdb\) \$\d+ = "Go."/;
# fix this
$peep =~ s/^\d+: (.*?) =/$1 =/;
print "$opening$peep$closing";
$got_output = 1;
my $result = {};
while(my $line = <$out>) {
chomp $line;
print "got: [$line]\n" if $debug >= 5;
last if $line =~ m/\(gdb\) \$\d+ = "~Ok.~"/;
if($line =~ m/([^=]+)=\s+(.*)/) {
my $var = $1;
my $value = $2;
$var =~ s/^\(gdb\)\s+//;
$var =~ s/\s+$//;
$result->{$var} = $value;
print " got local: $var = $value\n" if $debug >= 4;
return $result;
sub execute {
my ($cmdline) = @_;
my ($ret, $result);
open2($out, $in, "$cmdline 2>&1");
while(my $line = <$out>) {
chomp $line;
print "--- got: [$line]\n" if $debug >= 1;
my $ignore_response = 0;
next if not length $line;
<$out> and next if $line =~ m/^\(gdb\) No line \d+ in/;
next if $line =~ m/^\(gdb\) No symbol table/;
next if $line =~ m/^\[New Thread/;
next if $line =~ m/^\(gdb\) Continuing/;
next if $line =~ m/^\(gdb\) \$\d+ = "~Ok\.~"/;
next if $line =~ m/^(\(gdb\) )*Breakpoint \d+ at 0x/;
next if $line =~ m/^\(gdb\) Breakpoint \d+ at 0x/;
next if $line =~ m/^\(gdb\) Note: breakpoint \d+ also set/;
next if $line =~ m/^(\(gdb\) )*Starting program/;
next if $line =~ m/PRETTY_FUNCTION__ =/;
next if $line =~ m/libc_start_main/;
next if $line =~ m/Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled/;
next if $line =~ m/Using host libthread_db library/;
if($line =~ m/^\d+: (.*? = .*)/) {
print "$opening$1$closing";
$got_output = 1;
if($line =~ m/^Reading symbols from.*done\.$/) {
gdb $in, "break gdb\n";
gdb $in, "list main,9001\n";
gdb $in, "\nprint \"~Ok.~\"\n";
my ($bracket, $main_ended) = (0);
while(my $line = <$out>) {
chomp $line;
print "list got: [$line]\n" if $debug >= 4;
my ($line_number) = $line =~ m/^(?:\(gdb\)\s+)?(\d+)/g;
while($line =~ m/(.)/g) {
my $char = $1;
if($char eq '{' and not $main_ended) {
if ($bracket == 0) {
$main_start = $line_number;
} elsif($char eq '}') {
if($bracket == 0 and not $main_ended) {
$main_end = $line_number - 1;
$main_ended = 1;
last if $line =~ m/^\(gdb\) \$\d+ = "~Ok.~"/;
gdb $in, "break $main_start\n";
gdb $in, "break $main_end\n";
gdb $in, "set width 0\n";
gdb $in, "set height 0\n";
gdb $in, "run < .input\n";
if($line =~ m/^Breakpoint \d+, main/) {
my $line = <$out>;
print "== got: $line\n" if $debug >= 5;
if ($line =~ m/^\d+\s+return.*?;\s*$/ or $line =~ m/^\d+\s+}\s*$/) {
if($got_output == 0) {
$locals_end = getlocals();
my $sep = '';
foreach my $var (keys %$locals_end) {
print "checking local $var...\n" if $debug >= 4;
if ($locals_start->{$var} ne $locals_end->{$var}) {
$local_vars .= "$sep$var = $locals_end->{$var}";
$sep = '; ';
} elsif ($line =~ m/^$main_start\s+/) {
$locals_start = getlocals();
gdb $in, "cont\n";
if($line =~ m/Breakpoint \d+, gdb/) {
gdb $in, "up\n";
$line = <$out>;
print "ignored $line\n" if $debug >= 2;
$line = <$out>;
print "ignored $line\n" if $debug >= 2;
if($line =~ m/^Breakpoint \d+, _(.*?) at/) {
gdb $in, "cont\n";
if($line =~ m/^Breakpoint \d+, (.*?) at/) {
my $func = $1;
my $direction = "entered";
my $return_value = "";
my $nextline = <$out>;
chomp $nextline;
print "got bt nextline: <$nextline>\n" if $debug >= 5;
if($nextline =~ m/^\d+\s+}$/) {
$direction = "leaving";
gdb $in, "finish\n";
while(my $retval = <$out>) {
chomp $retval;
print "got retval line: <$retval>\n" if $debug >= 5;
$retval =~ s/^\(gdb\)\s+//;
if($retval =~ m/^Run till exit/) {
if($retval =~ m/Value returned is \$\d+ = (.*)/) {
$return_value = ", returned $1";
next if not length $retval;
next if $retval =~ m/^\$\d+ = 0/;
print "$retval\n";
$got_output = 1;
flushall $in, $out;
my $indent = 0;
gdb $in, "bt\n";
while(my $bt = <$out>) {
chomp $bt;
print "got bt: <$bt>\n" if $debug >= 5;
$bt =~ s/^\(gdb\) //;
if($bt =~ m/^#(\d+) .* main .* at prog/) {
$indent = $1;
$indent++ if $direction eq "leaving";
print "$opening$direction [$indent]", ' ' x $indent, "$func$return_value$closing";
gdb $in, "cont\n";
if ($line =~ m/^\d+\s+.*\bprint_last_statement\((.*)\)/) {
my $stmt = $1;
if ($stmt =~ m/^\s*(print|trace|watch|print|ptype|whatis|gdb)\b/) {
$line = "1 $stmt";
} else {
$line = "1 gdb(\"print_last_statement $stmt\");";
if ($line =~ m/^\d+\s+.*\btrace\((.*)\)/) {
$line = "1 gdb(\"break $1\");";
if ($line =~ m/^\d+\s+.*\bwatch\((.*)\)/) {
$line = "1 gdb(\"watch $1\");";
if ($line =~ m/^\d+\s+.*\bdump\((.*)\)/) {
$line = "1 gdb(\"print $1\");";
if ($line =~ m/^\d+\s+.*\bprint\((.*)\)/) {
$line = "1 gdb(\"print $1\");";
if ($line =~ m/^\d+\s+.*\bptype\((.*)\)/) {
$line = "1 gdb(\"ptype $1\");";
if ($line =~ m/^\d+\s+.*\bwhatis\((.*)\)/) {
$line = "1 gdb(\"whatis $1\");";
if($line =~ m/^\d+\s+.*\bgdb\("(.*)"\)/) {
my $command = $1;
my ($cmd, $args) = split / /, $command, 2;
$args = "" if not defined $args;
print "got command [$command][$cmd][$args]\n" if $debug >= 10;
flushall $in, $out;
if ($cmd eq "print_last_statement") {
$command =~ s/;$//;
gdb $in, "print $args\nprint \"~Ok.~\"\n";
while ($line = <$out>) {
chomp $line;
print "got last output line: [$line]\n" if $debug >= 10;
$line =~ s/^\(gdb\)\s*//;
if ($line =~ m/^\$\d+ = "~Ok.~"/) {
} elsif ($line =~ s/\$\d+ = (.*)$//) {
unless ($1 eq 'void' || $args eq $1) {
$last_statement = "$args = $1";
print "got last statement [$last_statement]\n" if $debug;
if (length $line) {
print "$line\n";
$got_output = 1;
} else {
if ($line =~ m/Program received signal/) {
print "GOT SIGNAL!\n" if $debug;
goto SIGNAL;
$line =~ s/\$\d+ = \d+$//;
print "$line\n";
$got_output = 1;
gdb $in, "cont\n";
if($cmd eq "break") {
$ignore_response = 1;
gdb $in, "list $args,9001\n";
gdb $in, "print \"~Ok.~\"\n";
my $break = 0;
my $bracket = 0;
my $func_ended = 0;
while(my $line = <$out>) {
chomp $line;
print "list break got: [$line]\n" if $debug >= 4;
my ($line_number) = $line =~ m/^(\d+)/g;
while($line =~ m/(.)/g) {
my $char = $1;
if($char eq '{') {
} elsif($char eq '}') {
if($bracket == 0 and not $func_ended) {
gdb $in, "break $line_number\n";
print "func ended, breaking at $line_number\n" if $debug >= 5;
$func_ended = 1;
last if $line =~ m/^\(gdb\) \$\d+ = "~Ok.~"/;
if($cmd eq "watch") {
gdb $in, "display $args\n";
$ignore_response = 1;
my $final_closing = "";
gdb $in, "$command\nprint \"~Ok.~\"\n";
while(my $next_line = <$out>) {
chomp $next_line;
print "nextline: $next_line\n" if $debug >= 1;
print $final_closing and last if $next_line =~ m/\$\d+ = "~Ok.~"/;
$next_line =~ s/^\(gdb\)\s*\(gdb\)\s+\$\d+ = "~Ok.~"//;
$next_line =~ s/^\(gdb\)\s+\$\d+//;
$next_line =~ s/^\(gdb\)\s+type//;
$next_line =~ s/^\(gdb\)\s*//;
next if not length $next_line;
if(not $ignore_response) {
if($next_line =~ m/=/) { # ptype
$got_output = 1;
print "$opening$args$next_line";
$final_closing = $closing;
} else {
$got_output = 1;
$next_line =~ s/^\s+//;
print "\n$next_line";
gdb $in, "cont\n";
if($line =~ m/^Watchpoint \d+: (.*)/) {
my $var = $1;
my $ignore = <$out>;
print "ignored $ignore\n" if $debug >= 5;
my $old = <$out>;
my $new = <$out>;
$ignore = <$out>;
print "ignored $ignore\n" if $debug >= 5;
$ignore = <$out>;
print "ignored $ignore\n" if $debug >= 5;
my ($val1) = $old =~ m/Old value = (.*)/;
my ($val2) = $new =~ m/New value = (.*)/;
$got_output = 1;
print "$opening$var = $val2$closing";
gdb $in, "cont\n";
if($line =~ m/^Hardware watchpoint \d+: (.*)/) {
my $var = $1;
my $ignore = <$out>;
my $old = <$out>;
my $new = <$out>;
$ignore = <$out>;
$ignore = <$out>;
my ($val1) = $old =~ m/Old value = (.*)/;
my ($val2) = $new =~ m/New value = (.*)/;
$got_output = 1;
my $output = "$opening$var changed: $val1 => $val2$closing";
flushall $in, $out;
print $output;
gdb $in, "cont\n";
if($line =~ m/^Watchpoint \d+ deleted/) {
my $ignore = <$out>;
print "ignored $ignore\n" if $debug >= 5;
gdb $in, "cont\n";
if($line =~ m/^Program exited/) {
if (not $got_output and (length $local_vars or defined $last_statement)) {
print $opening . "no output:";
print " $last_statement" if defined $last_statement;
print ";" if defined $last_statement and length $local_vars;
print " $local_vars" if length $local_vars;
print $closing . "\n";
exit 0;
if($line =~ s/\[Inferior .* exited with code (\d+)\]//) {
print "$line\n" if length $line;
print $opening . "Exit " . (oct $1) . $closing;
if (not $got_output and (length $local_vars or defined $last_statement)) {
print $opening . "no output:";
print " $last_statement" if defined $last_statement;
print ";" if defined $last_statement and length $local_vars;
print " $local_vars" if length $local_vars;
print $closing . "\n";
exit 0;
if($line =~ s/\[Inferior .* exited normally\]//) {
print "$line\n" if length $line;
$got_output = 1 if length $line;
if (not $got_output and (length $local_vars or defined $last_statement)) {
print $opening . "no output:";
print " $last_statement" if defined $last_statement;
print ";" if defined $last_statement and length $local_vars;
print " $local_vars" if length $local_vars;
print $closing . "\n";
exit 0;
if($line =~ m/Program terminated with signal SIGKILL/) {
print "[Killed]\n";
return 0;
if($line =~ m/Program received signal SIGTRAP/) {
my $output = "";
my $line = <$out>;
print "ignored $line\n" if $debug >= 5;
$line = <$out>;
print "ignored $line\n" if $debug >= 5;
for(my $i = 0; $i < $watching; $i++) {
$line = <$out>;
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/^\d+:\s//;
$got_output = 1;
$output .= "$opening$line$closing";
flushall $in, $out;
print $output;
gdb $in, "cont\n";
#print "SIGNAL - testing line [$line]\n" if $debug;
if($line =~ m/Program received signal/) {
my $result = "";
my $vars = "";
my $varsep = "";
$line =~ s/\.$//;
$got_output = 1;
print "$line ";
while(my $line = <$out>) {
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/^\(gdb\)\s+//;
$line =~ s/main \(.*?\)/main ()/g;
print "signal got: [$line]\n" if $debug >= 5;
next if $line =~ m/__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ =/;
gdb $in, "up\n" and next if $line =~ m{^\#\d+\s+<function called from gdb>};
<$out> and gdb $in, "up\n" and next if $line =~ m/^\#\d+\s+gdb \(\)/;
if($line =~ s/^(#\d+\s+)?0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+\s// || $line =~ m/\w+ \(\) (at|in) /) {
$line =~ s/\s+at .*:\d+//;
$line =~ s/\s+from \/lib.*//;
gdb $in, "up\n" and next if $line =~ m{in \?\?};
gdb $in, "up\n" and next if $line =~ m{/usr/lib/};
gdb $in, "up\n" and next if $line =~ m{^_};
if($line =~ s/^\s*in\s+//) {
if(not length $result) {
$result .= "in $line ";
} else {
$result .= "called by $line ";
gdb $in, "info locals\n";
} else {
$result = "in $line from ";
gdb $in, "info locals\n";
elsif($line =~ m/^No symbol table info available/ || $line =~ m/^No locals/) {
gdb $in, "up\n";
elsif($line =~ s/^\d+\s+//) {
next if $line =~ /No such file/;
$line = $1 if $line =~ m/print_last_statement\((.*)\)/;
$result .= "at statement: $line ";
gdb $in, "up\n";
elsif($line =~ m/([^=]+)=\s+(.*)/) {
unless ($2 =~ m/~Ok\.~/) {
$vars .= "$varsep$1= $2";
$varsep = "; ";
elsif($line =~ m/^Initial frame selected; you cannot go up/) {
$result =~ s/^\s+//;
$result =~ s/\s+$//;
$result =~ s/in main \(\) //;
$vars = " <local variables: $vars>" if length $vars;
print "$result$vars\n";
exit 0;
if($line =~ s/^\(gdb\)\s*//) {
$got_output = 1;
print "$opening$line$closing";
next if $line =~ m/^\d+\s+void gdb\(\) {}/;
next if not length $line;
$got_output = 1;
print "$line\n";
sub gdb {
my ($in, $command) = @_;
chomp $command;
print "+++ gdb command [$command]\n" if $debug >= 2;
print $in "$command\n";
sub flushall {
my ($in, $out) = @_;
gdb $in, "call fflush(0)\nprint \"~Ok.~\"\n";
while(my $line = <$out>) {
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/^\(gdb\)\s*//;
$line =~ s/\$\d+ = 0$//;
last if $line =~ m/\$\d+ = "~Ok.~"/;
next unless length $line;
$got_output = 1;
print "$line\n";
$SIG{ALRM} = sub { print "\n"; exit 1; };
alarm 8;
execute("LIBC_FATAL_STDERR=1 MALLOC_CHECK_=1 gdb -silent -q -nx -iex 'set auto-load safe-path /' ./prog 2>&1");