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337 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
package Plugins::Spinach::Rank;
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'unicode_strings';
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::RealBin/../../..";
use Plugins::Spinach::Stats;
use Math::Expression::Evaluator;
sub new {
Carp::croak("Options to " . __FILE__ . " should be key/value pairs, not hash reference") if ref $_[1] eq 'HASH';
my ($class, %conf) = @_;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
return $self;
sub initialize {
my ($self, %conf) = @_;
$self->{pbot} = $conf{pbot} // Carp::croak("Missing pbot reference to " . __FILE__);
$self->{channel} = $conf{channel} // Carp::croak("Missing channel reference to " . __FILE__);
$self->{filename} = $conf{filename} // 'stats.sqlite';
$self->{stats} = Plugins::Spinach::Stats->new(pbot => $self->{pbot}, filename => $self->{filename});
sub sort_generic {
my ($self, $key) = @_;
if ($self->{rank_direction} eq '+') {
return $b->{$key} <=> $a->{$key};
} else {
return $a->{$key} <=> $b->{$key};
sub print_generic {
my ($self, $key, $player) = @_;
return undef if $player->{games_played} == 0;
return "$player->{nick}: $player->{$key}";
sub print_avg_score {
my ($self, $player) = @_;
return undef if $player->{games_played} == 0;
my $result = int $player->{avg_score};
return "$player->{nick}: $result";
sub sort_bad_lies {
my ($self) = @_;
if ($self->{rank_direction} eq '+') {
return $b->{questions_played} - $b->{good_lies} <=> $a->{questions_played} - $a->{good_lies};
} else {
return $a->{questions_played} - $a->{good_lies} <=> $b->{questions_played} - $b->{good_lies};
sub print_bad_lies {
my ($self, $player) = @_;
return undef if $player->{games_played} == 0;
my $result = $player->{questions_played} - $player->{good_lies};
return "$player->{nick}: $result";
sub sort_mentions {
my ($self) = @_;
if ($self->{rank_direction} eq '+') {
return $b->{games_played} - $b->{times_first} - $b->{times_second} - $b->{times_third} <=>
$a->{games_played} - $a->{times_first} - $a->{times_second} - $a->{times_third};
} else {
return $a->{games_played} - $a->{times_first} - $a->{times_second} - $a->{times_third} <=>
$b->{games_played} - $b->{times_first} - $b->{times_second} - $b->{times_third};
sub print_mentions {
my ($self, $player) = @_;
return undef if $player->{games_played} == 0;
my $result = $player->{games_played} - $player->{times_first} - $player->{times_second} - $player->{times_third};
return "$player->{nick}: $result";
sub sort_expr {
my ($self) = @_;
my $result = eval {
my $result_a = $self->{expr}->val({
highscore => $a->{high_score},
lowscore => $a->{low_score},
avgscore => $a->{avg_score},
goodlies => $a->{good_lies},
badlies => $a->{questions_played} - $a->{good_lies},
first => $a->{times_first},
second => $a->{times_second},
third => $a->{times_third},
mentions => $a->{games_played} - $a->{times_first} - $a->{times_second} - $a->{times_third},
games => $a->{games_played},
questions => $a->{questions_played},
goodguesses => $a->{good_guesses},
badguesses => $a->{bad_guesses},
deceptions => $a->{players_deceived}
my $result_b = $self->{expr}->val({
highscore => $b->{high_score},
lowscore => $b->{low_score},
avgscore => $b->{avg_score},
goodlies => $b->{good_lies},
badlies => $b->{questions_played} - $b->{good_lies},
first => $b->{times_first},
second => $b->{times_second},
third => $b->{times_third},
mentions => $b->{games_played} - $b->{times_first} - $b->{times_second} - $b->{times_third},
games => $b->{games_played},
questions => $b->{questions_played},
goodguesses => $b->{good_guesses},
badguesses => $b->{bad_guesses},
deceptions => $b->{players_deceived}
if ($self->{rank_direction} eq '+') {
return $result_b <=> $result_a;
} else {
return $result_a <=> $result_b;
if ($@) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("expr sort error: $@\n");
return 0;
return $result;
sub print_expr {
my ($self, $player) = @_;
return undef if $player->{games_played} == 0;
my $result = eval {
highscore => $player->{high_score},
lowscore => $player->{low_score},
avgscore => $player->{avg_score},
goodlies => $player->{good_lies},
badlies => $player->{questions_played} - $player->{good_lies},
first => $player->{times_first},
second => $player->{times_second},
third => $player->{times_third},
mentions => $player->{games_played} - $player->{times_first} - $player->{times_second} - $player->{times_third},
games => $player->{games_played},
questions => $player->{questions_played},
goodguesses => $player->{good_guesses},
badguesses => $player->{bad_guesses},
deceptions => $player->{players_deceived}
if ($@) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Error in expr print: $@\n");
return undef;
return "$player->{nick}: $result";
sub rank {
my ($self, $arguments) = @_;
my %ranks = (
highscore => { sort => sub { $self->sort_generic('high_score', @_) }, print => sub { $self->print_generic('high_score', @_) }, title => 'high score' },
lowscore => { sort => sub { $self->sort_generic('low_score', @_) }, print => sub { $self->print_generic('low_score', @_) }, title => 'low score' },
avgscore => { sort => sub { $self->sort_generic('avg_score', @_) }, print => sub { $self->print_avg_score(@_) }, title => 'average score' },
goodlies => { sort => sub { $self->sort_generic('good_lies', @_) }, print => sub { $self->print_generic('good_lies', @_) }, title => 'good lies' },
badlies => { sort => sub { $self->sort_bad_lies(@_) }, print => sub { $self->print_bad_lies(@_) }, title => 'bad lies' },
first => { sort => sub { $self->sort_generic('times_first', @_) }, print => sub { $self->print_generic('times_first', @_) }, title => 'first place' },
second => { sort => sub { $self->sort_generic('times_second', @_) }, print => sub { $self->print_generic('times_second', @_) }, title => 'second place' },
third => { sort => sub { $self->sort_generic('times_third', @_) }, print => sub { $self->print_generic('times_third', @_) }, title => 'third place' },
mentions => { sort => sub { $self->sort_mentions(@_) }, print => sub { $self->print_mentions(@_) }, title => 'mentions' },
games => { sort => sub { $self->sort_generic('games_played', @_) }, print => sub { $self->print_generic('games_played', @_) }, title => 'games played' },
questions => { sort => sub { $self->sort_generic('questions_played', @_) }, print => sub { $self->print_generic('questions_played', @_) }, title => 'questions played' },
goodguesses => { sort => sub { $self->sort_generic('good_guesses', @_) }, print => sub { $self->print_generic('good_guesses', @_) }, title => 'good guesses' },
badguesses => { sort => sub { $self->sort_generic('bad_guesses', @_) }, print => sub { $self->print_generic('bad_guesses', @_) }, title => 'bad guesses' },
deceptions => { sort => sub { $self->sort_generic('players_deceived', @_) }, print => sub { $self->print_generic('players_deceived', @_) }, title => 'players deceived' },
expr => { sort => sub { $self->sort_expr(@_) }, print => sub { $self->print_expr(@_) }, title => 'expr' },
my @order = qw/highscore lowscore avgscore first second third mentions games questions goodlies badlies deceptions goodguesses badguesses expr/;
if (not $arguments) {
my $result = "Usage: rank [-]<keyword> [offset] or rank [-]<nick>; available keywords: ";
$result .= join ', ', @order;
$result .= ".\n";
$result .= "Prefix with a dash to invert sort.\n";
return $result;
$arguments = lc $arguments;
if ($arguments =~ s/^([+-])//) {
$self->{rank_direction} = $1;
} else {
$self->{rank_direction} = '+';
my $offset = 1;
if ($arguments =~ s/\s+(\d+)$//) {
$offset = $1;
my $opt_arg;
if ($arguments =~ /^expr/) {
if ($arguments =~ s/^expr (.+)$/expr/) {
$opt_arg = $1;
} else {
return "Usage: spinach rank expr <expression>";
if (not exists $ranks{$arguments}) {
my $player_id = $self->{stats}->get_player_id($arguments, $self->{channel}, 1);
my $player_data = $self->{stats}->get_player_data($player_id);
if (not defined $player_id) {
return "I don't know anybody named $arguments.";
my $players = $self->{stats}->get_all_players($self->{channel});
my @rankings;
foreach my $key (@order) {
next if $key eq 'expr';
my $sort_method = $ranks{$key}->{sort};
@$players = sort $sort_method @$players;
my $rank = 0;
my $stats;
my $last_value = -1;
foreach my $player (@$players) {
$stats = $ranks{$key}->{print}->($player);
if (defined $stats) {
my ($value) = $stats =~ /[^:]+:\s+(.*)/;
$rank++ if $value ne $last_value;
$last_value = $value;
} else {
$rank++ if lc $player->{nick} eq $arguments;
last if lc $player->{nick} eq $arguments;
if (not $rank) {
push @rankings, "$ranks{key}->{title}: N/A";
} else {
if (not $stats) {
push @rankings, "$ranks{$key}->{title}: N/A";
} else {
$stats =~ s/[^:]+:\s+//;
push @rankings, "$ranks{$key}->{title}: #$rank ($stats)";
my $result = "$player_data->{nick}'s rankings: ";
$result .= join ', ', @rankings;
return $result;
my $players = $self->{stats}->get_all_players($self->{channel});
if ($arguments eq 'expr') {
$self->{expr} = eval { Math::Expression::Evaluator->new($opt_arg) };
if ($@) {
my $error = $@;
$error =~ s/ at .*//ms;
return "Bad expression: $error";
my $sort_method = $ranks{$arguments}->{sort};
@$players = sort $sort_method @$players;
my @ranking;
my $rank = 0;
my $last_value = -1;
foreach my $player (@$players) {
my $entry = $ranks{$arguments}->{print}->($player);
if (defined $entry) {
my ($value) = $entry =~ /[^:]+:\s+(.*)/;
$rank++ if $value ne $last_value;
$last_value = $value;
next if $rank < $offset;
push @ranking, "#$rank $entry" if defined $entry;
last if scalar @ranking >= 15;
my $result;
if (not scalar @ranking) {
if ($offset > 1) {
$result = "No rankings available for $self->{channel} at offset #$offset.\n";
} else {
$result = "No rankings available for $self->{channel} yet.\n";
} else {
if ($arguments eq 'expr') {
$result = "Rankings for $opt_arg: ";
} else {
$result = "Rankings for $ranks{$arguments}->{title}: ";
$result .= join ', ', @ranking;
return $result;