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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
package Plugins::Counter;
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'switch';
no if $] >= 5.018, warnings => "experimental::smartmatch";
use feature 'unicode_strings';
use Carp ();
use DBI;
use Time::Duration qw/duration/;
use Time::HiRes qw/gettimeofday/;
sub new {
Carp::croak("Options to " . __FILE__ . " should be key/value pairs, not hash reference") if ref $_[1] eq 'HASH';
my ($class, %conf) = @_;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
return $self;
sub initialize {
my ($self, %conf) = @_;
$self->{pbot} = delete $conf{pbot} // Carp::croak("Missing pbot reference to " . __FILE__);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->counteradd(@_) }, 'counteradd', 0);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->counterdel(@_) }, 'counterdel', 0);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->counterreset(@_) }, 'counterreset', 0);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->countershow(@_) }, 'countershow', 0);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->counterlist(@_) }, 'counterlist', 0);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->countertrigger(@_) }, 'countertrigger', 10);
$self->{pbot}->{event_dispatcher}->register_handler('irc.public', sub { $self->on_public(@_) });
$self->{filename} = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('general', 'data_dir') . '/counters.sqlite3';
sub unload {
my $self = shift;
sub create_database {
my $self = shift;
eval {
$self->{dbh} = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$self->{filename}", "", "", { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0, AutoInactiveDestroy => 1, sqlite_unicode => 1 }) or die $DBI::errstr;
channel TEXT,
name TEXT,
description TEXT,
timestamp NUMERIC,
created_on NUMERIC,
created_by TEXT,
counter NUMERIC
channel TEXT,
trigger TEXT,
target TEXT
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Counter create database failed: $@") if $@;
sub dbi_begin {
my ($self) = @_;
eval {
$self->{dbh} = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$self->{filename}", "", "", { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0, AutoInactiveDestroy => 1 }) or die $DBI::errstr;
if ($@) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Error opening Counters database: $@");
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
sub dbi_end {
my ($self) = @_;
sub add_counter {
my ($self, $owner, $channel, $name, $description) = @_;
my ($desc, $timestamp) = $self->get_counter($channel, $name);
if (defined $desc) {
return 0;
eval {
my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare('INSERT INTO Counters (channel, name, description, timestamp, created_on, created_by, counter) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)');
$sth->bind_param(1, lc $channel);
$sth->bind_param(2, lc $name);
$sth->bind_param(3, $description);
$sth->bind_param(4, scalar gettimeofday);
$sth->bind_param(5, scalar gettimeofday);
$sth->bind_param(6, $owner);
$sth->bind_param(7, 0);
if ($@) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Add counter failed: $@");
return 0;
return 1;
sub reset_counter {
my ($self, $channel, $name) = @_;
my ($description, $timestamp, $counter) = $self->get_counter($channel, $name);
if (not defined $description) {
return (undef, undef);
eval {
my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare('UPDATE Counters SET timestamp = ?, counter = ? WHERE channel = ? AND name = ?');
$sth->bind_param(1, scalar gettimeofday);
$sth->bind_param(2, ++$counter);
$sth->bind_param(3, lc $channel);
$sth->bind_param(4, lc $name);
if ($@) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Reset counter failed: $@");
return (undef, undef);
return ($description, $timestamp);
sub delete_counter {
my ($self, $channel, $name) = @_;
my ($description, $timestamp) = $self->get_counter($channel, $name);
if (not defined $description) {
return 0;
eval {
my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare('DELETE FROM Counters WHERE channel = ? AND name = ?');
$sth->bind_param(1, lc $channel);
$sth->bind_param(2, lc $name);
if ($@) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Delete counter failed: $@");
return 0;
return 1;
sub list_counters {
my ($self, $channel) = @_;
my $counters = eval {
my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare('SELECT name FROM Counters WHERE channel = ?');
$sth->bind_param(1, lc $channel);
return $sth->fetchall_arrayref();
if ($@) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("List counters failed: $@");
return map { $_->[0] } @$counters;
sub get_counter {
my ($self, $channel, $name) = @_;
my ($description, $time, $counter, $created_on, $created_by) = eval {
my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare('SELECT description, timestamp, counter, created_on, created_by FROM Counters WHERE channel = ? AND name = ?');
$sth->bind_param(1, lc $channel);
$sth->bind_param(2, lc $name);
my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();
return ($row->{description}, $row->{timestamp}, $row->{counter}, $row->{created_on}, $row->{created_by});
if ($@) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Get counter failed: $@");
return undef;
return ($description, $time, $counter, $created_on, $created_by);
sub add_trigger {
my ($self, $channel, $trigger, $target) = @_;
my $exists = $self->get_trigger($channel, $trigger);
if (defined $exists) {
return 0;
eval {
my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare('INSERT INTO Triggers (channel, trigger, target) VALUES (?, ?, ?)');
$sth->bind_param(1, lc $channel);
$sth->bind_param(2, lc $trigger);
$sth->bind_param(3, lc $target);
if ($@) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Add trigger failed: $@");
return 0;
return 1;
sub delete_trigger {
my ($self, $channel, $trigger) = @_;
my $target = $self->get_trigger($channel, $trigger);
if (not defined $target) {
return 0;
my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare('DELETE FROM Triggers WHERE channel = ? AND trigger = ?');
$sth->bind_param(1, lc $channel);
$sth->bind_param(2, lc $trigger);
return 1;
sub list_triggers {
my ($self, $channel) = @_;
my $triggers = eval {
my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare('SELECT trigger, target FROM Triggers WHERE channel = ?');
$sth->bind_param(1, lc $channel);
return $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
if ($@) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("List triggers failed: $@");
return @$triggers;
sub get_trigger {
my ($self, $channel, $trigger) = @_;
my $target = eval {
my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare('SELECT target FROM Triggers WHERE channel = ? AND trigger = ?');
$sth->bind_param(1, lc $channel);
$sth->bind_param(2, lc $trigger);
my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();
return $row->{target};
if ($@) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Get trigger failed: $@");
return undef;
return $target;
sub counteradd {
my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_;
if (not $self->dbi_begin) {
return "Internal error.";
my ($channel, $name, $description);
if ($from !~ m/^#/) {
($channel, $name, $description) = split /\s+/, $arguments, 3;
if (not defined $channel or not defined $name or not defined $description or $channel !~ m/^#/) {
return "Usage from private message: counteradd <channel> <name> <description>";
} else {
$channel = $from;
($name, $description) = split /\s+/, $arguments, 2;
if (not defined $name or not defined $description) {
return "Usage: counteradd <name> <description>";
my $result;
if ($self->add_counter("$nick!$user\@$host", $channel, $name, $description)) {
$result = "Counter added.";
} else {
$result = "Counter '$name' already exists.";
return $result;
sub counterdel {
my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_;
if (not $self->dbi_begin) {
return "Internal error.";
my ($channel, $name);
if ($from !~ m/^#/) {
($channel, $name) = split /\s+/, $arguments, 2;
if (not defined $channel or not defined $name or $channel !~ m/^#/) {
return "Usage from private message: counterdel <channel> <name>";
} else {
$channel = $from;
($name) = split /\s+/, $arguments, 1;
if (not defined $name) {
return "Usage: counterdel <name>";
my $result;
if ($self->delete_counter($channel, $name)) {
$result = "Counter removed.";
} else {
$result = "No such counter.";
return $result;
sub counterreset {
my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_;
if (not $self->dbi_begin) {
return "Internal error.";
my ($channel, $name);
if ($from !~ m/^#/) {
($channel, $name) = split /\s+/, $arguments, 2;
if (not defined $channel or not defined $name or $channel !~ m/^#/) {
return "Usage from private message: counterreset <channel> <name>";
} else {
$channel = $from;
($name) = split /\s+/, $arguments, 1;
if (not defined $name) {
return "Usage: counterreset <name>";
my $result;
my ($description, $timestamp) = $self->reset_counter($channel, $name);
if (defined $description) {
my $ago = duration gettimeofday - $timestamp;
$result = "It had been $ago since $description.";
} else {
$result = "No such counter.";
return $result;
sub countershow {
my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_;
if (not $self->dbi_begin) {
return "Internal error.";
my ($channel, $name);
if ($from !~ m/^#/) {
($channel, $name) = split /\s+/, $arguments, 2;
if (not defined $channel or not defined $name or $channel !~ m/^#/) {
return "Usage from private message: countershow <channel> <name>";
} else {
$channel = $from;
($name) = split /\s+/, $arguments, 1;
if (not defined $name) {
return "Usage: countershow <name>";
my $result;
my ($description, $timestamp, $counter, $created_on) = $self->get_counter($channel, $name);
if (defined $description) {
my $ago = duration gettimeofday - $timestamp;
$created_on = duration gettimeofday - $created_on;
$result = "It has been $ago since $description. It has been reset $counter time" . ($counter == 1 ? '' : 's') . " since its creation $created_on ago.";
} else {
$result = "No such counter.";
return $result;
sub counterlist {
my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_;
if (not $self->dbi_begin) {
return "Internal error.";
my $channel;
if ($from !~ m/^#/) {
if (not length $arguments or $arguments !~ m/^#/) {
return "Usage from private message: counterlist <channel>";
$channel = $arguments;
} else {
$channel = $from;
my @counters = $self->list_counters($channel);
my $result;
if (not @counters) {
$result = "No counters available for $channel.";
} else {
my $comma = '';
$result = "Counters for $channel: ";
foreach my $counter (sort @counters) {
$result .= "$comma$counter";
$comma = ', ';
return $result;
sub countertrigger {
my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_;
if (not $self->dbi_begin) {
return "Internal error.";
my $command;
($command, $arguments) = split / /, $arguments, 2;
my ($channel, $result);
given ($command) {
when ('list') {
if ($from =~ m/^#/) {
$channel = $from;
} else {
($channel) = split / /, $arguments, 1;
if ($channel !~ m/^#/) {
return "Usage from private message: countertrigger list <channel>";
my @triggers = $self->list_triggers($channel);
if (not @triggers) {
$result = "No counter triggers set for $channel.";
} else {
$result = "Triggers for $channel: ";
my $comma = '';
foreach my $trigger (@triggers) {
$result .= "$comma$trigger->{trigger} -> $trigger->{target}";
$comma = ', ';
when ('add') {
if ($from =~ m/^#/) {
$channel = $from;
} else {
($channel, $arguments) = split / /, $arguments, 2;
if ($channel !~ m/^#/) {
return "Usage from private message: countertrigger add <channel> <regex> <target>";
my ($trigger, $target) = split / /, $arguments, 2;
if (not defined $trigger or not defined $target) {
if ($from !~ m/^#/) {
$result = "Usage from private message: countertrigger add <channel> <regex> <target>";
} else {
$result = "Usage: countertrigger add <regex> <target>";
return $result;
my $exists = $self->get_trigger($channel, $trigger);
if (defined $exists) {
return "Trigger already exists.";
if ($self->add_trigger($channel, $trigger, $target)) {
$result = "Trigger added.";
} else {
$result = "Failed to add trigger.";
when ('delete') {
if ($from =~ m/^#/) {
$channel = $from;
} else {
($channel, $arguments) = split / /, $arguments, 2;
if ($channel !~ m/^#/) {
return "Usage from private message: countertrigger delete <channel> <regex>";
my ($trigger) = split / /, $arguments, 1;
if (not defined $trigger) {
if ($from !~ m/^#/) {
$result = "Usage from private message: countertrigger delete <channel> <regex>";
} else {
$result = "Usage: countertrigger delete <regex>";
return $result;
my $target = $self->get_trigger($channel, $trigger);
if (not defined $target) {
$result = "No such trigger.";
} else {
$self->delete_trigger($channel, $trigger);
$result = "Trigger deleted.";
default {
$result = "Usage: countertrigger <list/add/delete> [arguments]";
return $result;
sub on_public {
my ($self, $event_type, $event) = @_;
my ($nick, $user, $host, $msg) = ($event->{event}->nick, $event->{event}->user, $event->{event}->host, $event->{event}->args);
my $channel = $event->{event}->{to}[0];
return 0 if $event->{interpreted};
if ($self->{pbot}->{ignorelist}->check_ignore($nick, $user, $host, $channel, 1)) {
my $admin = $self->{pbot}->{admins}->loggedin($channel, "$nick!$user\@$host");
if (!defined $admin || $admin->{level} < 10) {
return 0;
if (not $self->dbi_begin) {
return 0;
my @triggers = $self->list_triggers($channel);
my $hostmask = "$nick!$user\@$host";
foreach my $trigger (@triggers) {
eval {
my $message;
if ($trigger->{trigger} =~ m/^\^/) {
$message = "$hostmask $msg";
} else {
$message = $msg;
my $silent = 0;
if ($trigger->{trigger} =~ s/:silent$//i) {
$silent = 1;
if ($message =~ m/$trigger->{trigger}/i) {
my ($desc, $timestamp) = $self->reset_counter($channel, $trigger->{target});
if (defined $desc) {
if (not $silent and gettimeofday - $timestamp >= 60 * 60) {
my $ago = duration gettimeofday - $timestamp;
$event->{conn}->privmsg($channel, "It had been $ago since $desc.");
if ($@) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Skipping bad trigger $trigger->{trigger}: $@");
return 0;