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# #
# Net::IRC -- Object-oriented Perl interface to an IRC server #
# #
# DCC.pm: An object for Direct Client-to-Client connections. #
# #
# Copyright (c) 1997 Greg Bacon & Dennis Taylor. #
# All rights reserved. #
# #
# This module is free software; you can redistribute or #
# modify it under the terms of Perl's Artistic License. #
# #
# $Id: DCC.pm,v 2002/11/14 17:32:15 jmuhlich Exp $
package PBot::IRC::DCC; # pragma_ 2011/21/01
use strict;
# --- #perl was here! ---
# The comments scattered throughout this module are excerpts from a
# log saved from one particularly surreal night on #perl. Ahh, the
# trials of being young, single, and drunk...
# ---------------------
# \merlyn has offered the shower to a randon guy he met in a bar.
# fimmtiu: Shower?
# \petey raises an eyebrow at \merlyn
# \merlyn: but he seems like a nice trucker guy...
# archon: you offered to shower with a random guy?
# Methods that can be shared between the various DCC classes.
package PBot::IRC::DCC::Connection; # pragma_ 2011/21/01
use Carp;
use Socket; # need inet_ntoa...
use strict;
sub fixaddr {
my ($address) = @_;
chomp $address; # just in case, sigh.
if ($address =~ /^\d+$/) {
return inet_ntoa(pack "N", $address);
} elsif ($address =~ /^[12]?\d{1,2}\.[12]?\d{1,2}\.[12]?\d{1,2}\.[12]?\d{1,2}$/) {
return $address;
} elsif ($address =~ tr/a-zA-Z//) { # Whee! Obfuscation!
return inet_ntoa(((gethostbyname($address))[4])[0]);
} else {
sub bytes_in {
return shift->{_bin};
sub bytes_out {
return shift->{_bout};
sub nick {
return shift->{_nick};
sub socket {
return shift->{_socket};
sub time {
return time - shift->{_time};
sub debug {
return shift->{_debug};
# Changes here 1998-04-01 by MJD
# Optional third argument `$block'.
# If true, don't break the input into lines... just process it in blocks.
sub _getline {
my ($self, $sock, $block) = @_;
my ($input, $line);
my $frag = $self->{_frag};
if (defined $sock->recv($input, 10240)) {
$frag .= $input;
if (length($frag) > 0) {
warn "Got ". length($frag) ." bytes from $sock\n"
if $self->{_debug};
if ($block) { # Block mode (GET)
return $input;
} else { # Line mode (CHAT)
# We're returning \n's 'cause DCC's need 'em
my @lines = split /\012/, $frag, -1;
$lines[-1] .= "\012";
$self->{_frag} = ($frag !~ /\012$/) ? pop @lines : '';
return (@lines);
else {
# um, if we can read, i say we should read more than 0
# besides, recv isn't returning undef on closed
# sockets. getting rid of this connection...
warn "recv() received 0 bytes in _getline, closing connection.\n"
if $self->{_debug};
$self->{_parent}->handler(PBot::IRC::Event->new('dcc_close', # pragma_ 2011/21/01
$self->{_fh}->close if $self->{_fh};
} else {
# Error, lets scrap this connection
warn "recv() returned undef, socket error in _getline()\n"
if $self->{_debug};
$self->{_parent}->handler(PBot::IRC::Event->new('dcc_close', # pragma_ 2011/21/01
$self->{_fh}->close if $self->{_fh};
my $self = shift;
# Only do the Disconnection Dance of Death if the socket is still
# live. Duplicate dcc_close events would be a Bad Thing.
if ($self->{_socket}->opened) {
$self->{_parent}->handler(PBot::IRC::Event->new('dcc_close', # pragma_ 2011/21/01
close $self->{_fh} if $self->{_fh};
sub peer {
return ( $_[0]->{_nick}, "DCC " . $_[0]->{_type} );
# -- #perl was here! --
# orev: hehe...
# Silmaril: to, not with.
# archon: heheh
# tmtowtdi: \merlyn will be hacked to death by a psycho
# archon: yeah, but with is much more amusing
# Connection handling GETs
package PBot::IRC::DCC::GET; # pragma_ 2011/21/01
use IO::Socket;
use Carp;
use strict;
@PBot::IRC::DCC::GET::ISA = qw(Net::IRC::DCC::Connection); # pragma_ 2011/21/01
sub new {
my ($class, $container, $nick, $address,
$port, $size, $filename, $handle, $offset) = @_;
my ($sock, $fh);
# get the address into a dotted quad
$address = &PBot::IRC::DCC::Connection::fixaddr($address); # pragma_ 2011/21/01
return if $port < 1024 or not defined $address or $size < 1;
$fh = defined $handle ? $handle : IO::File->new(">$filename");
unless(defined $fh) {
carp "Can't open $filename for writing: $!";
$sock = new IO::Socket::INET( Proto => "tcp",
PeerAddr => "$address:$port" ) and
binmode $fh; # I love this next line. :-)
ref $fh eq 'GLOB' ? select((select($fh), $|++)[0]) : $fh->autoflush(1);
$sock = new IO::Socket::INET( Proto => "tcp",
PeerAddr => "$address:$port" );
if (defined $sock) {
$container->handler(PBot::IRC::Event->new('dcc_open', # pragma_ 2011/21/01
'get', $sock));
} else {
carp "Can't connect to $address: $!";
close $fh;
my $self = {
_bin => defined $offset ? $offset : 0, # bytes recieved so far
_bout => 0, # Bytes we've sent
_connected => 1,
_debug => $container->debug,
_fh => $fh, # FileHandle we will be writing to.
_filename => $filename,
_frag => '',
_nick => $nick, # Nick of person on other end
_parent => $container,
_size => $size, # Expected size of file
_socket => $sock, # Socket we're reading from
_time => time,
_type => 'GET',
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
# -- #perl was here! --
# \merlyn: we were both ogling a bartender named arley
# \merlyn: I mean carle
# \merlyn: carly
# Silmaril: man merlyn
# Silmaril: you should have offered HER the shower.
# \petey: all three of them?
sub parse {
my ($self) = shift;
my $line = $self->_getline($_[0], 'BLOCKS');
next unless defined $line;
unless(print {$self->{_fh}} $line) {
carp ("Error writing to " . $self->{_filename} . ": $!");
close $self->{_fh};
$self->{_parent}->handler(PBot::IRC::Event->new('dcc_close', # pragma_ 2011/21/01
$self->{_bin} += length($line);
# confirm the packet we've just recieved
unless ( $self->{_socket}->send( pack("N", $self->{_bin}) ) ) {
carp "Error writing to DCC GET socket: $!";
close $self->{_fh};
$self->{_parent}->handler(PBot::IRC::Event->new('dcc_close', # pragma_ 2011/21/01
$self->{_bout} += 4;
# The file is done.
# If we close the socket, the select loop gets screwy because
# it won't remove its reference to the socket.
if ( $self->{_size} and $self->{_size} <= $self->{_bin} ) {
close $self->{_fh};
$self->{_parent}->handler(PBot::IRC::Event->new('dcc_close', # pragma_ 2011/21/01
$self->{_parent}->handler(PBot::IRC::Event->new('dcc_update', # pragma_ 2011/21/01
$self ));
sub filename {
return shift->{_filename};
sub size {
return shift->{_size};
sub close {
my ($self, $sock) = @_;
$self->{_parent}->handler(PBot::IRC::Event->new('dcc_close', # pragma_ 2011/21/01
# -- #perl was here! --
# \merlyn: I can't type... she created a numbner of very good drinks
# \merlyn: She's still at work
# \petey resists mentioning that there's "No manual entry
# for merlyn."
# Silmaril: Haven't you ever seen swingers?
# \merlyn: she's off tomorrow... will meet me at the bar at 9:30
# Silmaril: AWWWWwwww yeeeaAAHH.
# archon: waka chica waka chica
# Connection handling SENDs
package PBot::IRC::DCC::SEND; # pragma_ 2011/21/01
@PBot::IRC::DCC::SEND::ISA = qw(Net::IRC::DCC::Connection); # pragma_ 2011/21/01
use IO::File;
use IO::Socket;
use Carp;
use strict;
sub new {
my ($class, $container, $nick, $filename, $blocksize) = @_;
my ($size, $port, $fh, $sock, $select);
$blocksize ||= 1024;
# Shell-safe DCC filename stuff. Trying to prank-proof this
# module is rather difficult.
$filename =~ tr/a-zA-Z.+0-9=&()[]%\-\\\/:,/_/c;
$fh = new IO::File $filename;
unless (defined $fh) {
carp "Couldn't open $filename for reading: $!";
binmode $fh;
$fh->seek(0, SEEK_END);
$size = $fh->tell;
$fh->seek(0, SEEK_SET);
$sock = new IO::Socket::INET( Proto => "tcp",
Listen => 1);
unless (defined $sock) {
carp "Couldn't open DCC SEND socket: $!";
$container->ctcp('DCC SEND', $nick, $filename,
$sock->sockport(), $size);
my $self = {
_bin => 0, # Bytes we've recieved thus far
_blocksize => $blocksize,
_bout => 0, # Bytes we've sent
_debug => $container->debug,
_fh => $fh, # FileHandle we will be reading from.
_filename => $filename,
_frag => '',
_nick => $nick,
_parent => $container,
_size => $size, # Size of file
_socket => $sock, # Socket we're writing to
_time => 0, # This gets set by Accept->parse()
_type => 'SEND',
bless $self, $class;
$sock = PBot::IRC::DCC::Accept->new($sock, $self); # pragma_ 2011/21/01
unless (defined $sock) {
carp "Error in accept: $!";
return $self;
# -- #perl was here! --
# fimmtiu: So a total stranger is using your shower?
# \merlyn: yes... a total stranger is using my hotel shower
# Stupid coulda sworn \merlyn was married...
# \petey: and you have a date.
# fimmtiu: merlyn isn't married.
# \petey: not a bad combo......
# \merlyn: perhaps a adate
# \merlyn: not maerried
# \merlyn: not even sober. --)
sub parse {
my ($self, $sock) = @_;
my $size = ($self->_getline($sock, 1))[0];
my $buf;
# i don't know how useful this is, but let's stay consistent
$self->{_bin} += 4;
unless (defined $size) {
# Dang! The other end unexpectedly canceled.
carp (($self->peer)[1] . " connection to " .
($self->peer)[0] . " lost");
$self->{_parent}->handler(PBot::IRC::Event->new('dcc_close', # pragma_ 2011/21/01
$size = unpack("N", $size);
if ($size >= $self->{_size}) {
if ($self->{_debug}) {
warn "Other end acknowledged entire file ($size >= ",
$self->{_size}, ")";
# they've acknowledged the whole file, we outtie
$self->{_parent}->handler(PBot::IRC::Event->new('dcc_close', # pragma_ 2011/21/01
# we're still waiting for acknowledgement,
# better not send any more
return if $size < $self->{_bout};
unless (defined $self->{_fh}->read($buf,$self->{_blocksize})) {
if ($self->{_debug}) {
warn "Failed to read from source file in DCC SEND!";
$self->{_parent}->handler(PBot::IRC::Event->new('dcc_close', # pragma_ 2011/21/01
unless($self->{_socket}->send($buf)) {
if ($self->{_debug}) {
warn "send() failed horribly in DCC SEND"
$self->{_parent}->handler(PBot::IRC::Event->new('dcc_close', # pragma_ 2011/21/01
$self->{_bout} += length($buf);
$self->{_parent}->handler(PBot::IRC::Event->new('dcc_update', # pragma_ 2011/21/01
$self ));
return 1;
# -- #perl was here! --
# fimmtiu: Man, merlyn, you must be drunk to type like that. :)
# \merlyn: too many longislands.
# \merlyn: she made them strong
# archon: it's a plot
# \merlyn: not even a good amoun tof coke
# archon: she's in league with the guy in your shower
# archon: she gets you drunk and he takes your wallet!
# handles CHAT connections
package PBot::IRC::DCC::CHAT; # pragma_ 2011/21/01
@PBot::IRC::DCC::CHAT::ISA = qw(Net::IRC::DCC::Connection); # pragma_ 2011/21/01
use IO::Socket;
use Carp;
use strict;
sub new {
my ($class, $container, $type, $nick, $address, $port) = @_;
my ($sock, $self);
if ($type) {
# we're initiating
$sock = new IO::Socket::INET( Proto => "tcp",
Listen => 1);
unless (defined $sock) {
carp "Couldn't open DCC CHAT socket: $!";
$container->ctcp('DCC CHAT', $nick, 'chat',
$self = {
_bin => 0, # Bytes we've recieved thus far
_bout => 0, # Bytes we've sent
_connected => 1,
_debug => $container->debug,
_frag => '',
_nick => $nick, # Nick of the client on the other end
_parent => $container,
_socket => $sock, # Socket we're reading from
_time => 0, # This gets set by Accept->parse()
_type => 'CHAT',
bless $self, $class;
$sock = PBot::IRC::DCC::Accept->new($sock, $self); # pragma_ 2011/21/01
unless (defined $sock) {
carp "Error in DCC CHAT connect: $!";
} else { # we're connecting
$address = &PBot::IRC::DCC::Connection::fixaddr($address); # pragma_ 2011/21/01
return if $port < 1024 or not defined $address;
$sock = new IO::Socket::INET( Proto => "tcp",
PeerAddr => "$address:$port");
if (defined $sock) {
$container->handler(PBot::IRC::Event->new('dcc_open', # pragma_ 2011/21/01
'chat', $sock));
} else {
carp "Error in DCC CHAT connect: $!";
$self = {
_bin => 0, # Bytes we've recieved thus far
_bout => 0, # Bytes we've sent
_connected => 1,
_nick => $nick, # Nick of the client on the other end
_parent => $container,
_socket => $sock, # Socket we're reading from
_time => time,
_type => 'CHAT',
bless $self, $class;
$self->can('parse'), 'r', $self);
return $self;
# -- #perl was here! --
# \merlyn: tahtd be coole
# KTurner bought the camel today, so somebody can afford one
# more drink... ;)
# tmtowtdi: I've heard of things like this...
# \merlyn: as an experience. that is.
# archon: i can think of cooler things (;
# \merlyn: I don't realiy have that mch in my wallet.
sub parse {
my ($self, $sock) = @_;
foreach my $line ($self->_getline($sock)) {
return unless defined $line;
$self->{_bin} += length($line);
return undef if $line eq "\012";
$self->{_bout} += length($line);
$self->{_parent}->handler(PBot::IRC::Event->new('chat', # pragma_ 2011/21/01
$self->{_parent}->handler(PBot::IRC::Event->new('dcc_update', # pragma_ 2011/21/01
$self ));
# Sends a message to a channel or person.
# Takes 2 args: the target of the message (channel or nick)
# the text of the message to send
sub privmsg {
my ($self) = shift;
unless (@_) {
croak 'Not enough arguments to privmsg()';
# Don't send a CR over DCC CHAT -- it's not wanted.
$self->socket->send(join('', @_) . "\012");
# -- #perl was here! --
# \merlyn: this girl carly at the bar is aBABE
# archon: are you sure? you don't sound like you're in a condition to
# judge such things (;
# *** Stupid has set the topic on channel #perl to \merlyn is shit-faced
# with a trucker in the shower.
# tmtowtdi: uh, yeah...
# \merlyn: good topic
# Sockets waiting for accept() use this to shoehorn into the select loop.
package PBot::IRC::DCC::Accept; # pragma_ 2011/21/01
@PBot::IRC::DCC::Accept::ISA = qw(Net::IRC::DCC::Connection); # pragma_ 2011/21/01
use Carp;
use Socket; # we use a lot of Socket functions in parse()
use strict;
sub new {
my ($class, $sock, $parent) = @_;
my ($self);
$self = { _debug => $parent->debug,
_nonblock => 1,
_socket => $sock,
_parent => $parent,
_type => 'accept',
bless $self, $class;
# Tkil's gonna love this one. :-) But what the hell... it's safe to
# assume that the only thing initiating DCCs will be Connections, right?
# Boy, we're not built for extensibility, I guess. Someday, I'll clean
# all of the things like this up.
return $self;
sub parse {
my ($self) = shift;
my ($sock);
$sock = $self->{_socket}->accept;
$self->{_parent}->{_socket} = $sock;
$self->{_parent}->{_time} = time;
if ($self->{_parent}->{_type} eq 'SEND') {
# ok, to get the ball rolling, we send them the first packet.
my $buf;
unless (defined $self->{_parent}->{_fh}->
read($buf, $self->{_parent}->{_blocksize})) {
unless (defined $sock->send($buf)) {
$self->{_parent}->handler(PBot::IRC::Event->new('dcc_close', # pragma_ 2011/21/01
$self->{_parent}->{_parent}->handler(PBot::IRC::Event-> # pragma_ 2011/21/01
=head1 NAME
Net::IRC::DCC - Object-oriented interface to a single DCC connection
Hard hat area: This section under construction.
This documentation is a subset of the main Net::IRC documentation. If
you haven't already, please "perldoc Net::IRC" before continuing.
Net::IRC::DCC defines a few subclasses that handle DCC CHAT, GET, and SEND
requests for inter-client communication. DCC objects are created by
C<Connection-E<gt>new_{chat,get,send}()> in much the same way that
C<IRC-E<gt>newconn()> creates a new connection object.
This section is under construction, but hopefully will be finally written up
by the next release. Please see the C<irctest> script and the source for
details about this module.
=head1 AUTHORS
Conceived and initially developed by Greg Bacon E<lt>gbacon@adtran.comE<gt> and
Dennis Taylor E<lt>dennis@funkplanet.comE<gt>.
Ideas and large amounts of code donated by Nat "King" Torkington E<lt>gnat@frii.comE<gt>.
Currently being hacked on, hacked up, and worked over by the members of the
Net::IRC developers mailing list. For details, see
http://www.execpc.com/~corbeau/irc/list.html .
=head1 URL
Up-to-date source and information about the Net::IRC project can be found at
http://netirc.betterbox.net/ .
=head1 SEE ALSO
=item *
=item *
RFC 1459: The Internet Relay Chat Protocol
=item *
http://www.irchelp.org/, home of fine IRC resources.