# File: Wordle.pm # # Purpose: Wordle game. Try to guess a word by submitting words for clues about # which letters belong to the word. # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Pragmatic Software # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package PBot::Plugin::Wordle; use parent 'PBot::Plugin::Base'; use PBot::Imports; use Storable qw(dclone); use utf8; sub initialize($self, %conf) { $self->{pbot}->{commands}->add( name => 'wordle', help => 'Wordle game! Guess target word by submitting words for clues about which letters belong to the word!', subref => sub { $self->wordle(@_) }, ); $self->{datadir} = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('general', 'data_dir'); } sub unload($self) { $self->{pbot}->{commands}->remove('wordle'); } use constant { USAGE => 'Usage: wordle start [length [wordlist]] | custom [wordlist] | guess | letters | show | giveup', NO_WORDLE => 'There is no Wordle yet. Use `wordle start` to begin a game.', DEFAULT_LIST => 'american', DEFAULT_LENGTH => 5, DEFAULT_MIN_LENGTH => 3, DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH => 22, LETTER_CORRECT => 1, LETTER_PRESENT => 2, LETTER_INVALID => 3, }; my %wordlists = ( american => { name => 'American English', prompt => 'Guess the American English word!', wlist => '/wordle/american', glist => ['insane', 'british', 'urban'], }, insane => { name => 'American English (Insanely Huge List)', prompt => 'Guess the American English (Insanely Huge List) word!', wlist => '/wordle/american-insane', }, uncommon => { name => 'American English (Uncommon)', prompt => 'Guess the American English (Uncommon) word!', wlist => '/wordle/american-uncommon', glist => ['insane', 'british', 'urban'], }, british => { name => 'British English', prompt => 'Guess the British English word!', wlist => '/wordle/british', glist => ['insane', 'british', 'urban'], }, canadian => { name => 'Canadian English', prompt => 'Guess the Canadian English word!', wlist => '/wordle/canadian', glist => ['insane', 'british', 'urban'], }, finnish => { name => 'Finnish', prompt => 'Arvaa suomenkielinen sana!', wlist => '/wordle/finnish', accents => 'åäöšž', min_len => 5, max_len => 8, }, french => { name => 'French', prompt => 'Devinez le mot Français !', wlist => '/wordle/french', accents => 'éàèùçâêîôûëïü', }, german => { name => 'German', prompt => 'Errate das deutsche Wort!', wlist => '/wordle/german', accents => 'äöüß', }, italian => { name => 'Italian', prompt => 'Indovina la parola italiana!', wlist => '/wordle/italian', accents => 'àèéìòù', }, polish => { name => 'Polish', prompt => 'Odgadnij polskie słowo!', wlist => '/wordle/polish', accents => 'ćńóśźżąęł', min_len => 5, max_len => 8, }, spanish => { name => 'Spanish', prompt => '¡Adivina la palabra en español!', wlist => '/wordle/spanish', accents => 'áéíóúüñ', }, urban => { name => 'Urban Dictionary', prompt => 'Guess the Urban Dictionary word!', wlist => '/wordle/urban', glist => ['insane', 'british'], }, ); my %color = ( correct => "\x0301,03", correct_a => "\x0303,03", present => "\x0301,07", present_a => "\x0307,07", invalid => "\x0301,15", reset => "\x0F", ); sub wordle($self, $context) { my @args = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_line($context->{arguments}); my $command = shift @args; if (not length $command) { return USAGE; } my $channel = $context->{from}; given ($command) { when ('show') { if (not defined $self->{$channel}->{wordle}) { return NO_WORDLE; } return $self->show_wordle($channel, 1); } when ('giveup') { if (not defined $self->{$channel}->{wordle}) { return NO_WORDLE; } my $wordle = join '', $self->{$channel}->{wordle}->@*; $self->{$channel}->{wordle} = undef; return "The word was $wordle. Better luck next time."; } when ('start') { if (@args > 2) { return "Invalid arguments; Usage: wordle start [word length [wordlist]]"; } if (defined $self->{$channel}->{wordle} && $self->{$channel}->{correct} == 0) { return "There is already a Wordle underway! Use `wordle show` to see the current progress or `wordle giveup` to end it."; } my $length = DEFAULT_LENGTH; my $wordlist = $args[1] // DEFAULT_LIST; if (not exists $wordlists{$wordlist}) { return 'Invalid wordlist; options are: ' . (join ', ', sort keys %wordlists); } if (defined $args[0]) { my $min = $wordlists{$wordlist}->{min_len} // DEFAULT_MIN_LENGTH; my $max = $wordlists{$wordlist}->{max_len} // DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH; if ($args[0] !~ m/^[0-9]+$/ || $args[0] < $min || $args[0] > $max) { return "Invalid word length `$args[0]` for $wordlists{$wordlist}->{name} words; must be integer >= $min and <= $max."; } $length = $args[0]; } return $self->make_wordle($channel, $length, undef, $wordlist); } when ('custom') { if (@args < 2 || @args > 3) { return "Usage: wordle custom [wordlist]"; } my $custom_word = $args[0]; my $custom_channel = $args[1]; my $custom_wordlist = $args[2]; my $length = length $custom_word; my $wordlist = $custom_wordlist // DEFAULT_LIST; if (not exists $wordlists{$wordlist}) { return 'Invalid wordlist; options are: ' . (join ', ', sort keys %wordlists); } my $min = $wordlists{$wordlist}->{min_len} // DEFAULT_MIN_LENGTH; my $max = $wordlists{$wordlist}->{max_len} // DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH; if ($length < $min || $length > $max) { return "Invalid word length for $wordlists{$wordlist}->{name} words; must be >= $min and <= $max."; } if (not $self->{pbot}->{channels}->is_active($custom_channel)) { return "I'm not on that channel!"; } if (defined $self->{$custom_channel}->{wordle} && $self->{$custom_channel}->{correct} == 0) { return "There is already a Wordle underway! Use `wordle show` to see the current progress or `wordle giveup` to end it."; } $custom_word =~ s/ß/ẞ/g; # avoid uppercasing to SS in German my $result = $self->make_wordle($custom_channel, $length, uc $custom_word, $wordlist); if ($result !~ /Legend: /) { return $result; } my $botnick = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'botnick'); my $message = { nick => $botnick, user => 'wordle', host => 'localhost', hostmask => "$botnick!wordle\@localhost", command => 'wordle', keyword => 'wordle', checkflood => 1, message => "$result (started by $context->{nick})", }; $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->add_message_to_output_queue($custom_channel, $message, 0); return "Custom Wordle started!"; } when ('guess') { if (!@args || @args > 1) { return "Usage: wordle guess "; } if (not defined $self->{$channel}->{wordle}) { return NO_WORDLE; } if ($self->{$channel}->{correct}) { return "Wordle already solved. " . $self->show_wordle($channel); } return $self->guess_wordle($channel, $args[0]); } when ('letters') { if (@args > 1) { return "Usage: wordle letters"; } if (not defined $self->{$channel}->{wordle}) { return NO_WORDLE; } return $self->show_letters($channel); } default { return "Unknown command `$command`; " . USAGE; } } } sub load_words($self, $length, $wordlist = DEFAULT_LIST, $words = undef) { $wordlist = $self->{datadir} . $wordlists{$wordlist}->{wlist}; if (not -e $wordlist) { die "Wordle database `" . $wordlist . "` not available.\n"; } open my $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $wordlist or die "Failed to open Wordle database."; $words //= {}; while (my $line = <$fh>) { chomp $line; if (length $line == $length) { $line =~ s/ß/ẞ/g; # avoid uppercasing to SS in German $words->{uc $line} = 1; } } close $fh; return $words; } sub make_wordle($self, $channel, $length, $word = undef, $wordlist = DEFAULT_LIST) { unless ($self->{$channel}->{wordlist} eq $wordlist && $self->{$channel}->{length} == $length && exists $self->{$channel}->{words}) { eval { $self->{$channel}->{words} = $self->load_words($length, $wordlist); $self->{$channel}->{guesslist} = dclone $self->{$channel}->{words}; }; if ($@) { return "Failed to load words: $@"; } } my @wordle; if (defined $word) { if (not exists $self->{$channel}->{words}->{$word}) { return "I don't know that word."; } @wordle = split //, $word; } else { my @words = keys $self->{$channel}->{words}->%*; @wordle = split //, $words[rand @words]; } if (not @wordle) { return "Failed to find a suitable word."; } unless ($self->{$channel}->{wordlist} eq $wordlist && $self->{$channel}->{length} == $length && exists $self->{$channel}->{words}) { if (exists $wordlists{$wordlist}->{glist}) { eval { foreach my $list ($wordlists{$wordlist}->{glist}->@*) { $self->load_words($length, $list, $self->{$channel}->{guesslist}); } }; if ($@) { return "Failed to load words: $@"; } } } $self->{$channel}->{wordlist} = $wordlist; $self->{$channel}->{length} = $length; $self->{$channel}->{wordle} = \@wordle; $self->{$channel}->{guess} = ''; $self->{$channel}->{correct} = 0; $self->{$channel}->{guess_count} = 0; $self->{$channel}->{letters} = {}; foreach my $letter ('A'..'Z') { $self->{$channel}->{letters}->{$letter} = 0; } if (exists $wordlists{$wordlist}->{accents}) { foreach my $letter (split //, $wordlists{$wordlist}->{accents}) { $letter =~ s/ß/ẞ/g; # avoid uppercasing to SS in German $letter = uc $letter; $self->{$channel}->{letters}->{$letter} = 0; } } $self->{$channel}->{guess} = $color{invalid}; $self->{$channel}->{guess} .= ' ? ' x $self->{$channel}->{wordle}->@*; $self->{$channel}->{guess} .= $color{reset}; return $self->show_wordle($channel) . " $wordlists{$wordlist}->{prompt} Legend: $color{invalid}X $color{reset} not in word; $color{present}X$color{present_a}?$color{reset} wrong position; $color{correct}X$color{correct_a}*$color{reset} correct position"; } sub show_letters($self, $channel) { my $result = 'Letters: '; foreach my $letter (sort keys $self->{$channel}->{letters}->%*) { if ($self->{$channel}->{letters}->{$letter} == LETTER_CORRECT) { $result .= "$color{correct}$letter$color{correct_a}*"; $result .= "$color{reset} "; } elsif ($self->{$channel}->{letters}->{$letter} == LETTER_PRESENT) { $result .= "$color{present}$letter$color{present_a}?"; $result .= "$color{reset} "; } elsif ($self->{$channel}->{letters}->{$letter} == 0) { $result .= "$letter "; } } return $result . "$color{reset}"; } sub show_wordle($self, $channel, $with_letters = 0) { if ($with_letters) { return $self->{$channel}->{guess} . "$color{reset} " . $self->show_letters($channel); } else { return $self->{$channel}->{guess} . "$color{reset}"; } } sub guess_wordle($self, $channel, $guess) { $guess =~ s/ß/ẞ/g; # avoid uppercasing to SS in German $guess = uc $guess; if (length $guess != $self->{$channel}->{wordle}->@*) { my $guess_length = length $guess; my $wordle_length = $self->{$channel}->{wordle}->@*; return "Guess length ($guess_length) unequal to Wordle length ($wordle_length). Try again."; } if (not exists $self->{$channel}->{guesslist}->{$guess}) { return "I don't know that word. Try again." } $self->{$channel}->{guess_count}++; my @guess = split //, $guess; my @wordle = $self->{$channel}->{wordle}->@*; my %count; my %seen; my %correct; for (my $i = 0; $i < @wordle; $i++) { $count{$wordle[$i]}++; $seen{$wordle[$i]} = 0; $correct{$wordle[$i]} = 0 unless exists $correct{$wordle[$i]}; if ($guess[$i] eq $wordle[$i]) { $correct{$guess[$i]}++; } } my $result = ''; my $correct = 0; for (my $i = 0; $i < @wordle; $i++) { if ($guess[$i] eq $wordle[$i]) { $correct++; $result .= "$color{correct} $guess[$i]$color{correct_a}*"; $self->{$channel}->{letters}->{$guess[$i]} = LETTER_CORRECT; } else { my $present = 0; for (my $j = 0; $j < @wordle; $j++) { if ($wordle[$j] eq $guess[$i]) { if ($seen{$wordle[$j]} + $correct{$wordle[$j]} < $count{$wordle[$j]}) { $present = 1; } $seen{$wordle[$j]}++; last; } } if ($present) { $result .= "$color{present} $guess[$i]$color{present_a}?"; if ($self->{$channel}->{letters}->{$guess[$i]} != LETTER_CORRECT) { $self->{$channel}->{letters}->{$guess[$i]} = LETTER_PRESENT; } } else { $result .= "$color{invalid} $guess[$i] "; if ($self->{$channel}->{letters}->{$guess[$i]} == 0) { $self->{$channel}->{letters}->{$guess[$i]} = LETTER_INVALID; } } } } $self->{$channel}->{guess} = $result; if ($correct == length $guess) { $self->{$channel}->{correct} = 1; my $guesses = $self->{$channel}->{guess_count}; return $self->show_wordle($channel) . " Correct in $guesses guess" . ($guesses != 1 ? 'es! ' : '! '); } else { return $self->show_wordle($channel, 1); } } 1;