# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. package Plugins::TypoSub; # purpose: Replaces "typos" with "corrections". # # Examples: # # i like dogs # s/dogs/cats/ # bob thinks alice meant to say: i like cats # # i like candy # s/like/love/ # alice meant to say: i love candy use warnings; use strict; use feature 'unicode_strings'; use Carp (); sub new { Carp::croak("Options to " . __FILE__ . " should be key/value pairs, not hash reference") if ref $_[1] eq 'HASH'; my ($class, %conf) = @_; my $self = bless {}, $class; $self->initialize(%conf); return $self; } sub initialize { my ($self, %conf) = @_; $self->{pbot} = $conf{pbot} // Carp::croak("Missing pbot reference to " . __FILE__); $self->{pbot}->{event_dispatcher}->register_handler('irc.public', sub { $self->on_public(@_) }); $self->{pbot}->{event_dispatcher}->register_handler('irc.caction', sub { $self->on_public(@_) }); } sub unload { # nothing to do here } sub on_public { my ($self, $event_type, $event) = @_; my ($nick, $user, $host, $msg) = ($event->{event}->nick, $event->{event}->user, $event->{event}->host, $event->{event}->args); my $channel = lc $event->{event}->{to}[0]; ($nick, $user, $host) = $self->{pbot}->{irchandlers}->normalize_hostmask($nick, $user, $host); my $nosubs = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value($channel, 'notyposub'); return 0 if defined $nosubs and not $nosubs; return 0 if $channel !~ m/^#/; return 0 if $event->{interpreted}; if ($msg =~ m/^\s*s([[:punct:]])/) { my $separator = $1; my $sep = quotemeta $separator; if ($msg =~ m/^\s*s${sep}(.*?)(?{pbot}->{messagehistory}->{database}->get_recent_messages_from_channel($channel, 50, $self->{pbot}->{messagehistory}->{MSG_CHAT}, 'DESC'); my $botnick = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'botnick'); my $bot_trigger = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value($channel, 'trigger') // $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('general', 'trigger'); my $ignore_commands = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value($channel, 'typosub_ignore_commands') // $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('typosub', 'ignore_commands') // 1; foreach my $message (@$messages) { next if $ignore_commands and $message->{msg} =~ m/^(?:$bot_trigger|$botnick.?)/; next if $message->{msg} =~ m/^\s*s[[:punct:]](.*?)[[:punct:]](.*?)[[:punct:]]?g?\s*$/; if ($message->{msg} =~ /$rx/) { my $hostmask = $self->{pbot}->{messagehistory}->{database}->find_message_account_by_id($message->{id}); my ($target) = $hostmask =~ m/([^!]+)/; my $result; if ($nick eq $target) { $result = "$nick meant to say: "; } else { $result = "$nick thinks $target meant to say: "; } my $text = $message->{msg}; if ($modifiers =~ m/g/) { $text =~ s/$rx/$replacement/g; } else { $text =~ s/$rx/$replacement/; } $event->{conn}->privmsg($channel, "$result$text"); return 0; } } }; if ($@) { my $error = "Error in `s${separator}${regex}${separator}${replacement}${separator}${modifiers}`: $@"; $error =~ s/ at .*$//; $event->{conn}->privmsg($nick, $error); return 0; } } } return 0; } 1;