# File: Commands.pm # # Purpose: Registers commands. Invokes commands with user capability # validation. # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Pragmatic Software # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package PBot::Core::Commands; use parent 'PBot::Core::Class', 'PBot::Core::Registerable'; use PBot::Imports; use PBot::Utils::LoadModules qw/load_modules/; sub initialize { my ($self, %conf) = @_; # PBot::Core::Commands can register subrefs $self->PBot::Core::Registerable::initialize(%conf); # command metadata stored as a HashObject $self->{metadata} = PBot::Storage::HashObject->new(pbot => $self->{pbot}, name => 'Command metadata', filename => $conf{filename}); $self->{metadata}->load; } sub register_commands { my ($self) = @_; # register commands in Commands directory $self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Registering commands:\n"); load_modules($self, 'PBot::Core::Commands'); } sub register { my ($self, $subref, $name, $requires_cap) = @_; if (not defined $subref or not defined $name) { Carp::croak("Missing parameters to Commands::register"); } # register subref my $command = $self->PBot::Core::Registerable::register($subref); # update internal metadata $command->{name} = lc $name; $command->{requires_cap} = $requires_cap // 0; # update command metadata if (not $self->{metadata}->exists($name)) { $self->{metadata}->add($name, { requires_cap => $requires_cap, help => '' }, 1); } else { # metadata already exists, just update requires_cap unless it's already set. if (not defined $self->get_meta($name, 'requires_cap')) { $self->{metadata}->set($name, 'requires_cap', $requires_cap, 1); } } # add can- capability to PBot capabilities if required if ($requires_cap) { $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->add("can-$name", undef, 1); } return $command; } sub unregister { my ($self, $name) = @_; Carp::croak("Missing name parameter to Commands::unregister") if not defined $name; $name = lc $name; @{$self->{handlers}} = grep { $_->{name} ne $name } @{$self->{handlers}}; } sub exists { my ($self, $keyword) = @_; $keyword = lc $keyword; foreach my $command (@{$self->{handlers}}) { return 1 if $command->{name} eq $keyword; } return 0; } sub set_meta { my ($self, $command, $key, $value, $save) = @_; return undef if not $self->{metadata}->exists($command); $self->{metadata}->set($command, $key, $value, !$save); return 1; } sub get_meta { my ($self, $command, $key) = @_; return $self->{metadata}->get_data($command, $key); } # main entry point for PBot::Core::Interpreter to interpret a registered bot command # see also PBot::Core::Factoids::interpreter() for factoid commands sub interpreter { my ($self, $context) = @_; # debug flag to trace $context location and contents if ($self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('general', 'debugcontext')) { use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; $self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Commands::interpreter\n"); $self->{pbot}->{logger}->log(Dumper $context); } # some convenient aliases my $keyword = lc $context->{keyword}; my $from = $context->{from}; # set the channel the command is in reference to my ($cmd_channel) = $context->{arguments} =~ m/\B(#[^ ]+)/; # assume command is invoked in regards to first channel-like argument $cmd_channel = $from if not defined $cmd_channel; # otherwise command is invoked in regards to the channel the user is in $context->{channel} = $cmd_channel; # get the user's bot account my $user = $self->{pbot}->{users}->find_user($cmd_channel, $context->{hostmask}); # check for a capability override my $cap_override; if (exists $context->{'cap-override'}) { $self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Override cap to $context->{'cap-override'}\n"); $cap_override = $context->{'cap-override'}; } # go through all commands # TODO: maybe use a hash lookup foreach my $command (@{$self->{handlers}}) { # is this the command if ($command->{name} eq $keyword) { # does this command require capabilities my $requires_cap = $self->get_meta($keyword, 'requires_cap') // $command->{requires_cap}; if ($requires_cap) { if (defined $cap_override) { if (not $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->has($cap_override, "can-$keyword")) { return "/msg $context->{nick} The $keyword command requires the can-$keyword capability, which cap-override $cap_override does not have."; } } else { if (not defined $user) { my ($found_chan, $found_mask) = $self->{pbot}->{users}->find_user_account($cmd_channel, $context->{hostmask}, 1); if (not defined $found_chan) { return "/msg $context->{nick} You must have a user account to use $keyword. You may use the `my` command to create a personal user account. See `help my`."; } else { return "/msg $context->{nick} You must have a user account in $cmd_channel to use $keyword. (You have an account in $found_chan.)"; } } elsif (not $user->{loggedin}) { return "/msg $context->{nick} You must be logged into your user account to use $keyword."; } if (not $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($user, "can-$keyword")) { return "/msg $context->{nick} The $keyword command requires the can-$keyword capability, which your user account does not have."; } } } if ($self->get_meta($keyword, 'preserve_whitespace')) { $context->{preserve_whitespace} = 1; } unless ($self->get_meta($keyword, 'dont-replace-pronouns')) { $context->{arguments} = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->expand_factoid_vars($context, $context->{arguments}); $context->{arglist} = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->make_args($context->{arguments}); } # $self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Disabling nickprefix\n"); #$context->{nickprefix_disabled} = 1; if ($self->get_meta($keyword, 'background-process')) { # execute this command as a backgrounded process # set timeout to command metadata value my $timeout = $self->get_meta($keyword, 'process-timeout'); # otherwise set timeout to default value $timeout //= $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('processmanager', 'default_timeout'); # execute command in background $self->{pbot}->{process_manager}->execute_process( $context, sub { $context->{result} = $command->{subref}->($context) }, $timeout, ); # return no output since it will be handled by process manager return ''; } else { # execute this command normally my $result = $command->{subref}->($context); # disregard undesired command output if command is embedded return undef if $context->{referenced} and $result =~ m/(?:usage:|no results)/i; # return command output return $result; } } } return undef; } 1;