# Quotegrabs <!-- md-toc-begin --> * [About](#about) * [Commands](#commands) * [grab](#grab) * [getq](#getq) * [rq](#rq) * [delq](#delq) <!-- md-toc-end --> ## About PBot can grab user messages and store/recall them for posterity. This document describes the Quotegrabs plugin. ## Commands ### grab Grabs a message someone says, and adds it to the quotegrabs database. You may grab multiple nicks/messages in one quotegrab by separating the arguments with a plus sign (the nicks need not be different -- you can grab multiple messages by the same nick by specifying a different history for each grab). You can use the `recall` command to test the arguments before grabbing (please use a private message). Usage: `grab <nick> [history [channel]] [+ ...]` where [history] is an optional argument regular expression used to search message contents; e.g., to grab a message containing the text "pizza", use: grab nick pizza <bob> Clowns are scary. <pragma-> !grab bob clowns <PBot> Quote grabbed: 1: <bob> Clowns are scary. <!-- --> <alice> Please put that in the right place. <bob> That's what she said! <pragma-> !grab alice place + bob said <PBot> Quote grabbed 2: <alice> Please put that in the right place. <bob> That's what she said! <!-- --> <charlie> I know a funny programming knock-knock joke. <charlie> Knock knock! <charlie> Race condition. <charlie> Who's there? <pragma-> !grab charlie knock + charlie race + charlie there <PBot> Quote grabbed 3: <charlie> Knock knock! <charlie> Race condition. <charlie> Who's there? ### getq Retrieves and displays a specific grabbed quote from the quotegrabs database. Usage: `getq <quote-id>` <pragma-> !getq 1 <PBot> 1: grabbed by pragma- in #channel on Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969 [50 years and 21 days ago] <bob> Clowns are scary. ### rq Retrieves and displays a random grabbed quote from the quotegrabs database. You may filter by nick, channel and/or quote text. Usage: `rq [nick [channel [text]]] [-c,--channel <channel>] [-t,--text <text>]` ### delq Deletes a specific grabbed quote from the quotegrabs database. You can only delete quotes you have grabbed unless you are logged in as an admin. Usage: `delq <quote-id>`