#                                                                   #
#   Net::IRC -- Object-oriented Perl interface to an IRC server     #
#                                                                   #
#   Connection.pm: The basic functions for a simple IRC connection  #
#                                                                   #
#                                                                   #
#    Copyright (c) 2001 Pete Sergeant, Greg Bacon & Dennis Taylor.  #
#                       All rights reserved.                        #
#                                                                   #
#      This module is free software; you can redistribute or        #
#      modify it under the terms of Perl's Artistic License.        #
#                                                                   #

package PBot::Core::IRC::Connection;    # pragma_ 2011/21/01

use feature 'unicode_strings';
use utf8;

use PBot::Core::IRC::Event;             # pragma_ 2011/21/01
use PBot::Core::IRC::DCC;               # pragma_ 2011/21/01
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use Symbol;
use Carp;
use Encode;

# all this junk below just to conditionally load a module
# sometimes even perl is braindead...

eval 'use Time::HiRes qw(time)';
if (!$@) {
    sub time ();
    use subs 'time';
    require Time::HiRes;

use strict;

use vars (

# The names of the methods to be handled by &AUTOLOAD.
my %autoloaded = (
    'ircname'     => undef,
    'port'        => undef,
    'username'    => undef,
    'socket'      => undef,
    'verbose'     => undef,
    'parent'      => undef,
    'hostname'    => undef,
    'pacing'      => undef,
    'utf8'        => undef,
    'pbot'        => undef,
    'tls'         => undef,
    'tls_ca_path' => undef,
    'tls_ca_file' => undef,

# This hash will contain any global default handlers that the user specifies.

my %_udef = ();

# Creates a new IRC object and assigns some default attributes.
sub new {
    my $proto = shift;

    my $self = {    # obvious defaults go here, rest are user-set
        _debug => $_[0]->{_debug},
        _port  => 6667,

        # Evals are for non-UNIX machines, just to make sure.
        _username => eval { scalar getpwuid($>) } || $ENV{USER} || $ENV{LOGNAME} || "japh",
        _ircname => $ENV{IRCNAME} || eval { (getpwuid($>))[6] } || "Just Another Perl Hacker",
        _nick        => $ENV{IRCNICK} || eval { scalar getpwuid($>) } || $ENV{USER} || $ENV{LOGNAME} || "WankerBot",
        _ignore      => {},
        _handler     => {},
        _verbose     => 0,                                       # Is this an OK default?
        _parent      => shift,
        _frag        => '',
        _connected   => 0,
        _maxlinelen  => 510,                                     # The RFC says we shouldn't exceed this.
        _lastsl      => 0,
        _pacing      => 0,                                       # no pacing by default
        _tls         => 0,                                       # no tls by default (TODO: perhaps this should be enabled by default)
        _tls_ca_path => undef,
        _tls_ca_file => undef,
        _utf8        => 0,
        _format      => {'default' => "[%f:%t]  %m  <%d>",},
        _pbot        => undef,

    bless $self, $proto;

    # do any necessary initialization here
    $self->connect(@_) if @_;

    return $self;

# Takes care of the methods in %autoloaded
# Sets specified attribute, or returns its value if called without args.
    my $self  = @_;           ## can't modify @_ for goto &name
    my $class = ref $self;    ## die here if !ref($self) ?
    my $meth;

    # -- #perl was here! --
    #  <Teratogen> absolute power corrupts absolutely, but it's a helluva lot
    #              of fun.
    #  <Teratogen> =)

    ($meth = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/^.*:://;    ## strip fully qualified portion

    unless (exists $autoloaded{$meth}) { croak "No method called \"$meth\" for $class object."; }

    eval <<EOSub;
sub $meth {
    my \$self = shift;

    if (\@_) {
	my \$old = \$self->{"_$meth"};

	\$self->{"_$meth"} = shift;

	return \$old;
    else {
	return \$self->{"_$meth"};

    # no reason to play this game every time
    goto &$meth;

# This sub is the common backend to add_handler and add_global_handler
sub _add_generic_handler {
    my ($self, $event, $ref, $rp, $hash_ref, $real_name) = @_;
    my $ev;
    my %define = ("replace" => 0, "before" => 1, "after" => 2);

    unless (@_ >= 3)             { croak "Not enough arguments to $real_name()"; }
    unless (ref($ref) eq 'CODE') { croak "Second argument of $real_name isn't a coderef"; }

    # Translate REPLACE, BEFORE and AFTER.
    if    (not defined $rp) { $rp = 0; }
    elsif ($rp =~ /^\D/)    { $rp = $define{lc $rp} || 0; }

    foreach $ev (ref $event eq "ARRAY" ? @{$event} : $event) {
        # Translate numerics to names
        if ($ev =~ /^\d/) {
            $ev = PBot::Core::IRC::Event->trans($ev);    # pragma_ 2011/21/01
            unless ($ev) {
                carp "Unknown event type in $real_name: $ev";

        $hash_ref->{lc $ev} = [$ref, $rp];
    return 1;

# This sub will assign a user's custom function to a particular event which
# might be received by any Connection object.
# Takes 3 args:  the event to modify, as either a string or numeric code
#                   If passed an arrayref, the array is assumed to contain
#                   all event names which you want to set this handler for.
#                a reference to the code to be executed for the event
#    (optional)  A value indicating whether the user's code should replace
#                the built-in handler, or be called with it. Possible values:
#                   0 - Replace the built-in handlers entirely. (the default)
#                   1 - Call this handler right before the default handler.
#                   2 - Call this handler right after the default handler.
# These can also be referred to by the #define-like strings in %define.
sub add_global_handler {
    my ($self, $event, $ref, $rp) = @_;
    return $self->_add_generic_handler($event, $ref, $rp, \%_udef, 'add_global_handler');

# This sub will assign a user's custom function to a particular event which
# this connection might receive.  Same args as above.
sub add_handler {
    my ($self, $event, $ref, $rp) = @_;
    return $self->_add_generic_handler($event, $ref, $rp, $self->{_handler}, 'add_handler');

# Hooks every event we know about...
sub add_default_handler {
    my ($self, $ref, $rp) = @_;
    foreach my $eventtype (keys(%PBot::Core::IRC::Event::_names)) {    # pragma_ 2011/21/01
        $self->_add_generic_handler($eventtype, $ref, $rp, $self->{_handler}, 'add_default_handler');
    return 1;

# Why do I even bother writing subs this simple? Sends an ADMIN command.
# Takes 1 optional arg:  the name of the server you want to query.
sub admin {
    my $self = shift;    # Thank goodness for AutoLoader, huh?
                         # Perhaps we'll finally use it soon.

    $self->sl("ADMIN" . ($_[0] ? " $_[0]" : ""));

# Toggles away-ness with the server.  Optionally takes an away message.
sub away {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->sl("AWAY" . ($_[0] ? " :$_[0]" : ""));

# Attempts to connect to the specified IRC (server, port) with the specified
#   (nick, username, ircname). Will close current connection if already open.
sub connect {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($password, $sock);

    if (@_) {
        my (%arg) = @_;

        $self->hostname($arg{'LocalAddr'})      if exists $arg{'LocalAddr'};
        $password = $arg{'Password'}            if exists $arg{'Password'};
        $self->nick($arg{'Nick'})               if exists $arg{'Nick'};
        $self->port($arg{'Port'})               if exists $arg{'Port'};
        $self->server($arg{'Server'})           if exists $arg{'Server'};
        $self->ircname($arg{'Ircname'})         if exists $arg{'Ircname'};
        $self->username($arg{'Username'})       if exists $arg{'Username'};
        $self->pacing($arg{'Pacing'})           if exists $arg{'Pacing'};
        $self->debug($arg{'Debug'})             if exists $arg{'Debug'};
        $self->utf8($arg{'UTF8'})               if exists $arg{'UTF8'};
        $self->pbot($arg{'PBot'})               if exists $arg{'PBot'};
        $self->tls($arg{'TLS'})                 if exists $arg{'TLS'};
        $self->tls_ca_path($arg{'TLS_ca_path'}) if exists $arg{'TLS_ca_path'};
        $self->tls_ca_file($arg{'TLS_ca_file'}) if exists $arg{'TLS_ca_file'};

    # Lots of error-checking claptrap first...
    unless ($self->server) {
        unless ($ENV{IRCSERVER}) { croak "No server address specified in connect()"; }
    unless ($self->nick) {
        $self->nick($ENV{IRCNICK} || eval { scalar getpwuid($>) } || $ENV{USER} || $ENV{LOGNAME} || "WankerBot");
    unless ($self->port) { $self->port($ENV{IRCPORT} || 6667); }
    unless ($self->ircname) {
        $self->ircname($ENV{IRCNAME} || eval { (getpwuid($>))[6] } || "Just Another Perl Hacker");
    unless ($self->username) {
        $self->username(eval { scalar getpwuid($>) } || $ENV{USER} || $ENV{LOGNAME} || "japh");

    # Now for the socket stuff...
    if ($self->connected) { $self->quit("Changing servers"); }

    if ($self->tls) {
        use IO::Socket::SSL;

        if ($self->tls_ca_file) {
                    PeerAddr        => $self->server,
                    PeerPort        => $self->port,
                    Proto           => "tcp",
                    LocalAddr       => $self->hostname,
                    SSL_verify_mode => IO::Socket::SSL->SSL_VERIFY_PEER,
                    SSL_ca_file     => $self->tls_ca_file,
        } elsif ($self->tls_ca_path) {
                    PeerAddr        => $self->server,
                    PeerPort        => $self->port,
                    Proto           => "tcp",
                    LocalAddr       => $self->hostname,
                    SSL_verify_mode => IO::Socket::SSL->SSL_VERIFY_PEER,
                    SSL_ca_path     => $self->tls_ca_path,
        } else {
                    PeerAddr  => $self->server,
                    PeerPort  => $self->port,
                    Proto     => "tcp",
                    LocalAddr => $self->hostname,
    } else {
                PeerAddr  => $self->server,
                PeerPort  => $self->port,
                Proto     => "tcp",
                LocalAddr => $self->hostname,

    if (!$self->socket) {
        if ($self->tls) {
                sprintf "Can't connect to %s:%s: error=$! SSL_ERROR=$SSL_ERROR",
                $self->server, $self->port
        } else {
                sprintf "Can't connect to %s:%s: $!",
                $self->server, $self->port

    if ($self->tls) {

    # send CAP LS first
    $self->sl("CAP LS 302");

    # Send a PASS command if they specified a password. According to
    # the RFC, we should do this as soon as we connect.
    if (defined $password) { $self->sl("PASS $password"); }

    # Now, log in to the server...
    unless (
        $self->sl('NICK ' . $self->nick()) and $self->sl(
                "USER %s %s %s :%s",
        carp "Couldn't send introduction to server: $!";
        $! = "Couldn't send NICK/USER introduction to " . $self->server;

    $self->{_connected} = 1;

# Returns a boolean value based on the state of the object's socket.
sub connected {
    my $self = shift;

    return ($self->{_connected} and $self->socket());

# Sends a CTCP request to some hapless victim(s).
# Takes at least two args:  the type of CTCP request (case insensitive)
#                           the nick or channel of the intended recipient(s)
# Any further args are arguments to CLIENTINFO, ERRMSG, or ACTION.
sub ctcp {
    my ($self, $type, $target) = splice @_, 0, 3;
    $type = uc $type;

    unless ($target) { croak "Not enough arguments to ctcp()"; }

    if ($type eq "PING") {
        unless ($self->sl("PRIVMSG $target :\001PING " . int(time) . "\001")) {
            carp "Socket error sending $type request in ctcp()";
    } elsif (($type eq "CLIENTINFO" or $type eq "ACTION") and @_) {
        unless ($self->sl("PRIVMSG $target :\001$type " . CORE::join(" ", @_) . "\001")) {
            carp "Socket error sending $type request in ctcp()";
    } elsif ($type eq "ERRMSG") {
        unless (@_) {
            carp "Not enough arguments to $type in ctcp()";
        unless ($self->sl("PRIVMSG $target :\001ERRMSG " . CORE::join(" ", @_) . "\001")) {
            carp "Socket error sending $type request in ctcp()";
    } else {
        unless ($self->sl("PRIVMSG $target :\001$type " . CORE::join(" ", @_) . "\001")) {
            carp "Socket error sending $type request in ctcp()";

# Sends replies to CTCP queries. Simple enough, right?
# Takes 2 args:  the target person or channel to send a reply to
#                the text of the reply
sub ctcp_reply {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->notice($_[0], "\001" . $_[1] . "\001");

# Sets or returns the debugging flag for this object.
# Takes 1 optional arg: a new boolean value for the flag.
sub debug {
    my $self = shift;
    if (@_) { $self->{_debug} = $_[0]; }
    return $self->{_debug};

# Dequotes CTCP messages according to ctcp.spec. Nothing special.
# Then it breaks them into their component parts in a flexible, ircII-
# compatible manner. This is not quite as trivial. Oh, well.
# Takes 1 arg:  the line to be dequoted.
sub dequote {
    my $line = shift;
    my ($order, @chunks) = (0, ());    # CHUNG! CHUNG! CHUNG!

    # Filter misplaced \001s before processing... (Thanks, Tom!)
    substr($line, rindex($line, "\001"), 1) = '\\a' unless ($line =~ tr/\001//) % 2 == 0;

    # Thanks to Abigail (abigail@fnx.com) for this clever bit.
    if (index($line, "\cP") >= 0) {    # dequote low-level \n, \r, ^P, and \0.
        my (%h) = (n => "\012", r => "\015", 0 => "\0", "\cP" => "\cP");
        $line =~ s/\cP([nr0\cP])/$h{$1}/g;
    $line =~ s/\\([^\\a])/$1/g;        # dequote unnecessarily quoted characters.

    # If true, it's in odd order... ctcp commands start with first chunk.
    $order  = 1 if index($line, "\001") == 0;
    @chunks = map { s/\\\\/\\/g; $_ } (split /\cA/, $line);

    return ($order, @chunks);

# Standard destructor method for the GC routines. (HAHAHAH! DIE! DIE! DIE!)
    my $self = shift;
    $self->handler("destroy", "nobody will ever use this");

    # anything else?

# Disconnects this Connection object cleanly from the server.
# Takes at least 1 arg:  the format and args parameters to Event->new().
sub disconnect {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->{_connected} = 0;
            "disconnect",    # pragma_ 2011/21/01

# Tells IRC.pm if there was an error opening this connection. It's just
# for sane error passing.
# Takes 1 optional arg:  the new value for $self->{'iserror'}
sub error {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->{'iserror'} = $_[0] if @_;
    return $self->{'iserror'};

# Lets the user set or retrieve a format for a message of any sort.
# Takes at least 1 arg:  the event whose format you're inquiring about
#           (optional)   the new format to use for this event
sub format {
    my ($self, $ev) = splice @_, 0, 2;

    unless ($ev) { croak "Not enough arguments to format()"; }

    if (@_) { $self->{'_format'}->{$ev} = $_[0]; }
    else    { return ($self->{'_format'}->{$ev} || $self->{'_format'}->{'default'}); }

# Calls the appropriate handler function for a specified event.
# Takes 2 args:  the name of the event to handle
#                the arguments to the handler function
sub handler {
    my ($self, $event) = splice @_, 0, 2;

    unless (defined $event) { croak 'Too few arguments to Connection->handler()'; }

    # Get name of event.
    my $ev;
    if (ref $event) { $ev = $event->type; }
    elsif (defined $event) {
        $ev    = $event;
        $event = PBot::Core::IRC::Event->new($event, '', '', '');    # pragma_ 2011/21/01
    } else {
        croak "Not enough arguments to handler()";

    unless ($ev eq 'pong') {
        print STDERR "--- Trying to handle event '$ev'.\n" if $self->{_debug};

        if ($self->{_debug} > 1) {
            use Data::Dumper;
            print STDERR "ev: ", Dumper($ev), "\nevent: ", Dumper($event), "\n";

    my $handler = undef;
    if    (exists $self->{_handler}->{$ev}) { $handler = $self->{_handler}->{$ev}; }
    elsif (exists $_udef{$ev})              { $handler = $_udef{$ev}; }
    else                                    { return $self->_default($event, @_); }

    my ($code, $rp) = @{$handler};

    # If we have args left, try to call the handler.
    if ($rp == 0) {    # REPLACE
        &$code($self, $event, @_);
    } elsif ($rp == 1) {    # BEFORE
        &$code($self, $event, @_);
        $self->_default($event, @_);
    } elsif ($rp == 2) {    # AFTER
        $self->_default($event, @_);
        &$code($self, $event, @_);
    } else {
        confess "Bad parameter passed to handler(): rp=$rp";

    unless ($ev eq 'pong') {
        print STDERR "--- Handler for '$ev' called.\n" if $self->{_debug};

    return 1;

# Lets a user set hostmasks to discard certain messages from, or (if called
# with only 1 arg), show a list of currently ignored hostmasks of that type.
# Takes 2 args:  type of ignore (public, msg, ctcp, etc)
#    (optional)  [mask(s) to be added to list of specified type]
sub ignore {
    my $self = shift;

    unless (@_) { croak "Not enough arguments to ignore()"; }

    if (@_ == 1) {
        if   (exists $self->{_ignore}->{$_[0]}) { return @{$self->{_ignore}->{$_[0]}}; }
        else                                    { return (); }
    } elsif (@_ > 1) {    # code defensively, remember...
        my $type = shift;

        # I moved this part further down as an Obsessive Efficiency
        # Initiative. It shouldn't be a problem if I do _parse right...
        # ... but those are famous last words, eh?
        unless (grep { $_ eq $type } qw(public msg ctcp notice channel nick other all)) {
            carp "$type isn't a valid type to ignore()";

        if (exists $self->{_ignore}->{$type}) { push @{$self->{_ignore}->{$type}}, @_; }
        else                                  { $self->{_ignore}->{$type} = [@_]; }

# Yet Another Ridiculously Simple Sub. Sends an INFO command.
# Takes 1 optional arg: the name of the server to query.
sub info {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->sl("INFO" . ($_[0] ? " $_[0]" : ""));

# Invites someone to an invite-only channel. Whoop.
# Takes 2 args:  the nick of the person to invite
#                the channel to invite them to.
# I hate the syntax of this command... always seemed like a protocol flaw.
sub invite {
    my $self = shift;

    unless (@_ > 1) { croak "Not enough arguments to invite()"; }

    $self->sl("INVITE $_[0] $_[1]");

# Checks if a particular nickname is in use.
# Takes at least 1 arg:  nickname(s) to look up.
sub ison {
    my $self = shift;

    unless (@_) { croak 'Not enough args to ison().'; }

    $self->sl("ISON " . CORE::join(" ", @_));

# Joins a channel on the current server if connected, eh?.
# Corresponds to /JOIN command.
# Takes 2 args:  name of channel to join
#                optional channel password, for +k channels
sub join {
    my $self = shift;

    unless ($self->connected) {
        carp "Can't join() -- not connected to a server";

    unless (@_) { croak "Not enough arguments to join()"; }

    return $self->sl("JOIN $_[0]" . ($_[1] ? " $_[1]" : ""));


# Takes at least 2 args:  the channel to kick the bastard from
#                         the nick of the bastard in question
#             (optional)  a parting comment to the departing bastard
sub kick {
    my $self = shift;

    unless (@_ > 1) { croak "Not enough arguments to kick()"; }
    return $self->sl("KICK $_[0] $_[1]" . ($_[2] ? " :$_[2]" : ""));

# Gets a list of all the servers that are linked to another visible server.
# Takes 2 optional args:  it's a bitch to describe, and I'm too tired right
#                         now, so read the RFC.
sub links {
    my ($self) = (shift, undef);

    $self->sl("LINKS" . (scalar(@_) ? " " . CORE::join(" ", @_[0, 1]) : ""));

# Requests a list of channels on the server, or a quick snapshot of the current
# channel (the server returns channel name, # of users, and topic for each).
sub list {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->sl("LIST " . CORE::join(",", @_));

# Sends a request for some server/user stats.
# Takes 1 optional arg: the name of a server to request the info from.
sub lusers {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->sl("LUSERS" . ($_[0] ? " $_[0]" : ""));

# Gets and/or sets the max line length.  The value previous to the sub
# call will be returned.
# Takes 1 (optional) arg: the maximum line length (in bytes)
sub maxlinelen {
    my $self = shift;

    my $ret = $self->{_maxlinelen};

    $self->{_maxlinelen} = shift if @_;

    return $ret;

# Sends an action to the channel/nick you specify. It's truly amazing how
# many IRCers have no idea that /me's are actually sent via CTCP.
# Takes 2 args:  the channel or nick to bother with your witticism
#                the action to send (e.g., "weed-whacks billn's hand off.")
sub me {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->ctcp("ACTION", $_[0], $_[1]);

# Change channel and user modes (this one is easy... the handler is a bitch.)
# Takes at least 1 arg:  the target of the command (channel or nick)
#             (optional)  the mode string (i.e., "-boo+i")
#             (optional)  operands of the mode string (nicks, hostmasks, etc.)
sub mode {
    my $self = shift;

    unless (@_ >= 1) { croak "Not enough arguments to mode()"; }
    $self->sl("MODE $_[0] " . CORE::join(" ", @_[1 .. $#_]));

# Sends a MOTD command to a server.
# Takes 1 optional arg:  the server to query (defaults to current server)
sub motd {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->sl("MOTD" . ($_[0] ? " $_[0]" : ""));

# Requests the list of users for a particular channel (or the entire net, if
# you're a masochist).
# Takes 1 or more optional args:  name(s) of channel(s) to list the users from.
sub names {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->sl("NAMES " . CORE::join(",", @_));

}    # Was this the easiest sub in the world, or what?

# Creates and returns a DCC CHAT object, analogous to IRC.pm's newconn().
# Takes at least 1 arg:   An Event object for the DCC CHAT request.
#                    OR   A list or listref of args to be passed to new(),
#                         consisting of:
#                           - A boolean value indicating whether or not
#                             you're initiating the CHAT connection.
#                           - The nick of the chattee
#                           - The address to connect to
#                           - The port to connect on
sub new_chat {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($init, $nick, $address, $port);

    if (ref($_[0]) =~ /Event/) {
        # If it's from an Event object, we can't be initiating, right?
        ($init, undef, undef, undef, $address, $port) = (0, $_[0]->args);
        $nick = $_[0]->nick;

    } elsif (ref($_[0]) eq "ARRAY") {
        ($init, $nick, $address, $port) = @{$_[0]};
    } else {
        ($init, $nick, $address, $port) = @_;

    PBot::Core::IRC::DCC::CHAT->new($self, $init, $nick, $address, $port);    # pragma_ 2011/21/01

# Creates and returns a DCC GET object, analogous to IRC.pm's newconn().
# Takes at least 1 arg:   An Event object for the DCC SEND request.
#                    OR   A list or listref of args to be passed to new(),
#                         consisting of:
#                           - The nick of the file's sender
#                           - The name of the file to receive
#                           - The address to connect to
#                           - The port to connect on
#                           - The size of the incoming file
# For all of the above, an extra argument should be added at the end:
#                         An open filehandle to save the incoming file into,
#                         in globref, FileHandle, or IO::* form.
# If you wish to do a DCC RESUME, specify the offset in bytes that you
# want to start downloading from as the last argument.
sub new_get {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($nick, $name, $address, $port, $size, $offset, $handle);

    if (ref($_[0]) =~ /Event/) {
        (undef, undef, $name, $address, $port, $size) = $_[0]->args;
        $nick   = $_[0]->nick;
        $handle = $_[1] if defined $_[1];
    } elsif (ref($_[0]) eq "ARRAY") {
        ($nick, $name, $address, $port, $size) = @{$_[0]};
        $handle = $_[1] if defined $_[1];
    } else {
        ($nick, $name, $address, $port, $size, $handle) = @_;

    unless (defined $handle and ref $handle and (ref $handle eq "GLOB" or $handle->can('print'))) {
        carp("Filehandle argument to Connection->new_get() must be " . "a glob reference or object");
        return;    # is this behavior OK?

    my $dcc = PBot::Core::IRC::DCC::GET->new(
        $self, $nick, $address, $port, $size,    # pragma_ 2011/21/01
        $name, $handle, $offset

    $self->parent->addconn($dcc) if $dcc;
    return $dcc;

# Creates and returns a DCC SEND object, analogous to IRC.pm's newconn().
# Takes at least 2 args:  The nickname of the person to send to
#                         The name of the file to send
#             (optional)  The blocksize for the connection (default 1k)
sub new_send {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($nick, $filename, $blocksize);

    if   (ref($_[0]) eq "ARRAY") { ($nick, $filename, $blocksize) = @{$_[0]}; }
    else                         { ($nick, $filename, $blocksize) = @_; }

    PBot::Core::IRC::DCC::SEND->new($self, $nick, $filename, $blocksize);    # pragma_ 2011/21/01

# Selects nick for this object or returns currently set nick.
# No default; must be set by user.
# If changed while the object is already connected to a server, it will
# automatically try to change nicks.
# Takes 1 arg:  the nick. (I bet you could have figured that out...)
sub nick {
    my $self = shift;

    if (@_) {
        $self->{'_nick'} = shift;
        if ($self->connected) { return $self->sl("NICK " . $self->{'_nick'}); }
    } else {
        return $self->{'_nick'};

# Sends a notice to a channel or person.
# Takes 2 args:  the target of the message (channel or nick)
#                the text of the message to send
# The message will be chunked if it is longer than the _maxlinelen
# attribute, but it doesn't try to protect against flooding.  If you
# give it too much info, the IRC server will kick you off!
sub notice {
    my ($self, $to) = splice @_, 0, 2;

    unless (@_) { croak "Not enough arguments to notice()"; }

    my ($buf, $length, $line) = (CORE::join("", @_), $self->{_maxlinelen});

    while (length($buf) > 0) {
        ($line, $buf) = unpack("a$length a*", $buf);
        $self->sl("NOTICE $to :$line");

# Makes you an IRCop, if you supply the right username and password.
# Takes 2 args:  Operator's username
#                Operator's password
sub oper {
    my $self = shift;

    unless (@_ > 1) { croak "Not enough arguments to oper()"; }

    $self->sl("OPER $_[0] $_[1]");

# This function splits apart a raw server line into its component parts
# (message, target, message type, CTCP data, etc...) and passes it to the
# appropriate handler. Takes no args, really.
sub parse {
    my ($self) = shift;
    my ($from, $type, $message, @stuff, $itype, $ev, @lines, $line, $tags);

    my $n;

    if ($self->tls) {
        $n = sysread($self->socket, $line, 32767);

        if (not defined $n) {
            if ($!{EWOULDBLOCK}) {
                if ($SSL_ERROR == SSL_WANT_READ or $SSL_ERROR == SSL_WANT_WRITE) {

                print STDERR "TLS broke: $SSL_ERROR\n";

    } else {
        $n = $self->socket->recv($line, 32767, 0);

    if (defined $n and (length($self->{_frag}) + length($line)) > 0) {
        # grab any remnant from the last go and split into lines
        my $chunk = $self->{_frag} . $line;
        @lines = split /\012/, $chunk;

        # if the last line was incomplete, pop it off the chunk and
        # stick it back into the frag holder.
        $self->{_frag} = (substr($chunk, -1) ne "\012" ? pop @lines : '');

    } else {
        # um, if we can read, i say we should read more than 0
        # besides, recv isn't returning undef on closed
        # sockets.  getting rid of this connection...
        $self->disconnect('error', 'Connection reset by peer');

  PARSELOOP: foreach $line (@lines) {
        if ($self->{_utf8}) { utf8::decode($line); }

        # Clean the lint filter every 2 weeks...
        $line =~ s/[\012\015]+$//;
        next unless $line;

        print STDERR "<<< $line\n" if $self->{_debug};

        # Like the RFC says: "respond as quickly as possible..."
        if ($line =~ /^PING/) {
            $ev = (
                    "ping",    # pragma_ 2011/21/01
                    "serverping",    # FIXME?
                    substr($line, 5)

            # Had to move this up front to avoid a particularly pernicious bug.
        } elsif ($line =~ /^NOTICE/) {
            $ev = PBot::Core::IRC::Event->new(
                "snotice",           # pragma_ 2011/21/01
                (split /:/, $line, 2)[1]

        } elsif ($line =~ /^AUTHENTICATE \+$/) { # IRCv3 SASL pragma- June 11, 2021
            $ev = PBot::Core::IRC::Event->new(

            # Spurious backslashes are for the benefit of cperl-mode.
            # Assumption:  all non-numeric message types begin with a letter
        } elsif (
            $line =~ /^
            (?:\@\S+\s)?             # Optional message tags
            :?                       # Initial colon
            (?:[][}{\w\\\`^|\-]+?    # The nick (valid nickname chars)
             !                       # The nick-username separator
             .+?                     # The username
             \@)?                    # Umm, duh...
            \S+                      # The hostname
            \s+                      # Space between mask and message type
            [A-Za-z]                 # First char of message type
            [^\s:]+?                 # The rest of the message type
          )    # That ought to do it for now...
            $tags = undef;
            $tags = $1 if $line =~ s/^@(\S+)\s//;
            $line = substr $line, 1 if $line =~ /^:/;

            # Patch submitted for v.0.72
            # Fixes problems with IPv6 hostnames.
            # ($from, $line) = split ":", $line, 2;
            ($from, $line) = $line =~ /^(?:|)(\S+\s+[^:]+):?(.*)/;

            print STDERR "from: [$from], line: [$line]\n" if $self->{_debug} > 2;

            ($from, $type, @stuff) = split /\s+/, $from;
            $type = lc $type;

            # fix splitting of IPv6 hostnames in modes -- pragma- 2013/07/30
            if ($type eq "mode" and $#stuff > -1 and length $line) {
                my @other_stuff = split /\s+/, $line;
                $stuff[$#stuff] .= ':' . shift @other_stuff;
                push @stuff, @other_stuff;
                $line = "";

            # This should be fairly intuitive... (cperl-mode sucks, though)

            if (defined $line and index($line, "\001") >= 0) {
                $itype = "ctcp";
                unless ($type eq "notice") { $type = (($stuff[0] =~ tr/\#\&//) ? "public" : "msg"); }
            } elsif ($type eq "privmsg") {
                $itype = $type = (($stuff[0] =~ tr/\#\&//) ? "public" : "msg");
            } elsif ($type eq "notice") {
                $itype = "notice";
            } elsif ($type eq "join" or $type eq "part" or $type eq "mode" or $type eq "topic" or $type eq "kick") {
                $itype = "channel";
            } elsif ($type eq "nick") {
                $itype = "nick";
            } else {
                $itype = "other";

            # This goes through the list of ignored addresses for this message
            # type and drops out of the sub if it's from an ignored hostmask.

            study $from;
            foreach ($self->ignore($itype), $self->ignore("all")) {
                $_ = quotemeta; s/\\\*/.*/g;
                next PARSELOOP if $from =~ /$_/i;

            # It used to look a lot worse. Here was the original version...
            # the optimization above was proposed by Silmaril, for which I am
            # eternally grateful. (Mine still looks cooler, though. :)

            # return if grep { $_ = join('.*', split(/\\\*/,
            #                  quotemeta($_)));  /$from/ }
            # ($self->ignore($type), $self->ignore("all"));

            # Add $line and $tags to @stuff for the handlers
            push @stuff, $line if defined $line;
            push @stuff, $tags if defined $tags;

            # Now ship it off to the appropriate handler and forget about it.
            if ($itype eq "ctcp") {    # it's got CTCP in it!
                $self->parse_ctcp($type, $from, $stuff[0], $line);
            } elsif ($type eq "public"
                or $type eq "msg"
                or $type eq "notice"
                or $type eq "mode"
                or $type eq "join"
                or $type eq "part"
                or $type eq "topic"
                or $type eq "invite"
                or $type eq "whoisaccount"
                or $type eq "cap")  # IRCv3 client capabilities  pragma-
                $ev = PBot::Core::IRC::Event->new(
                    $type,    # pragma_ 2011/21/01
            } elsif ($type eq "quit"
                or $type eq "nick"
                or $type eq "account"
                or $type eq "chghost") {
                $ev = PBot::Core::IRC::Event->new(
                    $type,    # pragma_ 2011/21/01
            } elsif ($type eq "kick") {
                $ev = PBot::Core::IRC::Event->new(
                    $type,    # pragma_ 2011/21/01
                    @stuff[0, 2 .. $#stuff],
            } elsif ($type eq "kill"
                or $type eq "wallops"
                or $type eq "pong")
                $ev = PBot::Core::IRC::Event->new(
                    $type,    # pragma_ 2011/21/01
                );            # Ahh, what the hell.
            } else {
                carp "Unknown event type: $type";
        } elsif (
            $line =~ /^:?        # Here's Ye Olde Numeric Handler!
             \S+?                # the servername (can't assume RFC hostname)
             \s+?                # Some spaces here...
             \d+?                # The actual number
             \b/x                # Some other crap, whatever...
            $ev = $self->parse_num($line);

        } elsif ($line =~ /^:(\w+) MODE \1 /) {
            $ev = PBot::Core::IRC::Event->new(
                'umode',    # pragma_ 2011/21/01
                substr($line, index($line, ':', 1) + 1)

        } elsif (
            $line =~ /^:?       # Here's Ye Olde Server Notice handler!
            .+?                 # the servername (can't assume RFC hostname)
            \s+?                # Some spaces here...
            NOTICE              # The server notice
            \b/x                # Some other crap, whatever...
            $ev = PBot::Core::IRC::Event->new(
                'snotice',    # pragma_ 2011/21/01
                (split /\s+/, $line, 3)[2]

        } elsif ($line =~ /^ERROR/) {
            if ($line =~ /^ERROR :Closing [Ll]ink/) {    # is this compatible?
                $ev = 'done';
                $self->disconnect('error', ($line =~ /(.*)/));

            } else {
                $ev = PBot::Core::IRC::Event->new(
                    "error",                             # pragma_ 2011/21/01
                    (split /:/, $line, 2)[1]
        } elsif ($line =~ /^Closing [Ll]ink/) {
            $ev = 'done';
            $self->disconnect('error', ($line =~ /(.*)/));


        if ($ev) {
            # We need to be able to fall through if the handler has
            # already been called (i.e., from within disconnect()).

            $self->handler($ev) unless $ev eq 'done';

        } else {
            # If it gets down to here, it's some exception I forgot about.
            carp "Funky parse case: $line\n";

# The backend that parse() sends CTCP requests off to. Pay no attention
# to the camel behind the curtain.
# Takes 4 arguments:  the type of message
#                     who it's from
#                     the first bit of stuff
#                     the line from the server.
sub parse_ctcp {
    my ($self, $type, $from, $stuff, $line) = @_;

    my ($one, $two);
    my ($odd, @foo) = (&dequote($line));

    while (($one, $two) = (splice @foo, 0, 2)) {

        ($one, $two) = ($two, $one) if $odd;

        my ($ctype) = $one =~ /^(\w+)\b/;
        my $prefix = undef;
        if    ($type eq 'notice')                   { $prefix = 'cr'; }
        elsif ($type eq 'public' or $type eq 'msg') { $prefix = 'c'; }
        else {
            carp "Unknown CTCP type: $type";

        if ($prefix) {
            my $handler = $prefix . lc $ctype;    # unit. value prob with $ctype

            $one =~ s/^$ctype //i;                # strip the CTCP type off the args
                    $handler, $from, $stuff,      # pragma_ 2011/21/01
                    $handler, $one

        $self->handler(PBot::Core::IRC::Event->new($type, $from, $stuff, $type, $two))    # pragma_ 2011/21/01
          if $two;
    return 1;

# Does special-case parsing for numeric events. Separate from the rest of
# parse() for clarity reasons (I can hear Tkil gasping in shock now. :-).
# Takes 1 arg:  the raw server line
sub parse_num {
    my ($self, $line) = @_;

    # Figlet protection?  This seems to be a bit closer to the RFC than
    # the original version, which doesn't seem to handle :trailers quite
    # correctly.

    my ($from, $type, $stuff) = split(/\s+/, $line, 3);
    my ($blip, $space, $other, @stuff);
    while ($stuff) {
        ($blip, $space, $other) = split(/(\s+)/, $stuff, 2);
        $space = "" unless $space;
        $other = "" unless $other;    # Thanks to jack velte...
        if ($blip =~ /^:/) {
            push @stuff, $blip . $space . $other;
        } else {
            push @stuff, $blip;
            $stuff = $other;

    $from = substr $from, 1 if $from =~ /^:/;

    return PBot::Core::IRC::Event->new(
        $type,    # pragma_ 2011/21/01

# Helps you flee those hard-to-stand channels.
# Takes at least one arg:  name(s) of channel(s) to leave.
sub part {
    my $self = shift;

    unless (@_) { croak "No arguments provided to part()"; }
    $self->sl("PART " . CORE::join(",", @_));    # "A must!"

# Tells what's on the other end of a connection. Returns a 2-element list
# consisting of the name on the other end and the type of connection.
# Takes no args.
sub peer {
    my $self = shift;

    return ($self->server(), "IRC connection");

# Prints a message to the defined error filehandle(s).
# No further description should be necessary.
sub printerr {
    print STDERR @_, "\n";

# Prints a message to the defined output filehandle(s).
sub print {
    print STDOUT @_, "\n";

# Sends a message to a channel or person.
# Takes 2 args:  the target of the message (channel or nick)
#                the text of the message to send
# Don't use this for sending CTCPs... that's what the ctcp() function is for.
# The message will be chunked if it is longer than the _maxlinelen
# attribute, but it doesn't try to protect against flooding.  If you
# give it too much info, the IRC server will kick you off!
sub privmsg {
    my ($self, $to) = splice @_, 0, 2;

    unless (@_) { croak 'Not enough arguments to privmsg()'; }

    my $buf    = CORE::join '', @_;
    my $length = $self->{_maxlinelen} - 11 - length($to);

    print STDERR "privmsg trunc length: $length; msg len: " . (length $buf) . "\n" if $self->{_debug};

    my $line;

    if (ref($to) =~ /^(GLOB|IO::Socket)/) {
        while (length($buf) > 0) {
            ($line, $buf) = unpack("a$length a*", $buf);
            send($to, $line . "\012", 0);
    } else {
        while (length($buf) > 0) {
            ($line, $buf) = unpack("a$length a*", $buf);
            if (ref $to eq 'ARRAY') {
                $self->sl("PRIVMSG ", CORE::join(',', @$to), " :$line");
            } else {
                $self->sl("PRIVMSG $to :$line");

# Closes connection to IRC server.  (Corresponding function for /QUIT)
# Takes 1 optional arg:  parting message, defaults to "Leaving" by custom.
sub quit {
    my $self = shift;

    # Do any user-defined stuff before leaving

    unless ($self->connected) { return (1) }

    # Why bother checking for sl() errors now, after all?  :)
    # We just send the QUIT command and leave. The server will respond with
    # a "Closing link" message, and parse() will catch it, close the
    # connection, and throw a "disconnect" event. Neat, huh? :-)

    $self->sl("QUIT :" . (defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : "Leaving"));

    # since the quit sends a line to the server, we need to flush the
    # output queue to make sure it gets there so the disconnect

    return 1;

# As per the RFC, ask the server to "re-read and process its configuration
# file."  Your server may or may not take additional arguments.  Generally
# requires IRCop status.
sub rehash {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->sl("REHASH" . CORE::join(" ", @_));

# As per the RFC, "force a server restart itself."  (Love that RFC.)
# Takes no arguments.  If it succeeds, you will likely be disconnected,
# but I assume you already knew that.  This sub is too simple...
sub restart {
    my $self = shift;

# Schedules an event to be executed after some length of time.
# Takes at least 2 args:  the number of seconds to wait until it's executed
#                         a coderef to execute when time's up
# Any extra args are passed as arguments to the user's coderef.
sub schedule {
    my $self    = shift;
    my $time    = shift;
    my $coderef = shift;

    unless ($coderef)                { croak 'Not enough arguments to Connection->schedule()'; }
    unless (ref($coderef) eq 'CODE') { croak 'Second argument to schedule() isn\'t a coderef'; }

    print STDERR "Scheduling event with time [$time]\n" if $self->{_debug} > 1;
    $time += time;
    $self->parent->enqueue_scheduled_event($time, $coderef, $self, @_);

sub schedule_output_event {
    my $self    = shift;
    my $time    = shift;
    my $coderef = shift;

    unless ($coderef)                { croak 'Not enough arguments to Connection->schedule()'; }
    unless (ref($coderef) eq 'CODE') { croak 'Second argument to schedule() isn\'t a coderef'; }

    print STDERR "Scheduling output event with time [$time] [$_[0]]\n" if $self->{_debug} > 1;
    $time += time;
    $self->parent->enqueue_output_event($time, $coderef, $self, @_);

# Lets J. Random IRCop connect one IRC server to another. How uninteresting.
# Takes at least 1 arg:  the name of the server to connect your server with
#            (optional)  the port to connect them on (default 6667)
#            (optional)  the server to connect to arg #1. Used mainly by
#                          servers to communicate with each other.
sub sconnect {
    my $self = shift;

    unless (@_) { croak "Not enough arguments to sconnect()"; }
    $self->sl("CONNECT " . CORE::join(" ", @_));

# Sets/changes the IRC server which this instance should connect to.
# Takes 1 arg:  the name of the server (see below for possible syntaxes)
#                                       ((syntaxen? syntaxi? syntaces?))
sub server {
    my ($self) = shift;

    if (@_) {
        # cases like "irc.server.com:6668"
        if (index($_[0], ':') > 0) {
            my ($serv, $port) = split /:/, $_[0];
            if ($port =~ /\D/) {
                carp "$port is not a valid port number in server()";
            $self->{_server} = $serv;

            # cases like ":6668"  (buried treasure!)
        } elsif (index($_[0], ':') == 0 and $_[0] =~ /^:(\d+)/) {

            # cases like "irc.server.com"
        } else {
            $self->{_server} = shift;
        return (1);

    } else {
        return $self->{_server};

# sends a raw IRC line to the server, possibly with pacing
sub sl {
    my $self = shift;
    my $line = CORE::join '', @_;

    unless (@_) { croak "Not enough arguments to sl()"; }

    if (!$self->pacing) {
        return $self->sl_real($line);

    if ($self->{_slcount} < 10) {
        $self->{_lastsl} = time;

        if ($self->{_debug} > 1) { print STDERR "S-> 0 " . (length ($line) + 2) . " $line\n"; }

        return $self->schedule_output_event(0, \&sl_real, $line);

    # calculate how long to wait before sending this line
    my $time = time;
    if ($time - $self->{_lastsl} > $self->pacing) {
        $self->{_lastsl} = $time;
    } else {
        $self->{_lastsl} += $self->pacing;

    my $seconds = $self->{_lastsl} - $time;

    if ($seconds == 0) {
        $self->{_slcount} = 0;

    if ($self->{_debug} > 1) { print STDERR "S-> $seconds " . (length ($line) + 2) . " $line\n"; }

    $self->schedule_output_event($seconds, \&sl_real, $line);

# Sends a raw IRC line to the server.
# Corresponds to the internal sirc function of the same name.
# Takes 1 arg:  string to send to server. (duh. :)
sub sl_real {
    my $self = shift;
    my $line = shift;

    unless ($line) { croak "Not enough arguments to sl_real()"; }

    if ($self->{_debug}) { print STDERR ">>> (" . (length ($line) + 2) . ") $line\n"; }

    return unless defined $self->socket;

    if ($self->{_utf8}) { $line = encode('UTF-8', $line); }

    my $rv = eval {
        # RFC compliance can be kinda nice...
        my $rv = $self->tls ? $self->socket->print("$line\015\012") : $self->socket->send("$line\015\012", 0);
        unless ($rv) {
        return $rv;

    if ($@) { print "Attempt to send bad line: [$line]\n"; }
    return $rv;

# Tells any server that you're an oper on to disconnect from the IRC network.
# Takes at least 1 arg:  the name of the server to disconnect
#            (optional)  a comment about why it was disconnected
sub squit {
    my $self = shift;

    unless (@_) { croak "Not enough arguments to squit()"; }

    $self->sl("SQUIT $_[0]" . ($_[1] ? " :$_[1]" : ""));

# Gets various server statistics for the specified host.
# Takes at least 2 arg: the type of stats to request [chiklmouy]
#            (optional) the server to request from (default is current server)
sub stats {
    my $self = shift;

    unless (@_) { croak "Not enough arguments passed to stats()"; }

    $self->sl("STATS $_[0]" . ($_[1] ? " $_[1]" : ""));

# If anyone still has SUMMON enabled, this will implement it for you.
# If not, well...heh.  Sorry.  First arg mandatory: user to summon.
# Second arg optional: a server name.
sub summon {
    my $self = shift;

    unless (@_) { croak "Not enough arguments passed to summon()"; }

    $self->sl("SUMMON $_[0]" . ($_[1] ? " $_[1]" : ""));

# Requests timestamp from specified server. Easy enough, right?
# Takes 1 optional arg:  a server name/mask to query
# renamed to not collide with things... -- aburke
sub timestamp {
    my ($self, $serv) = (shift, undef);

    $self->sl("TIME" . ($_[0] ? " $_[0]" : ""));

# Sends request for current topic, or changes it to something else lame.
# Takes at least 1 arg:  the channel whose topic you want to screw around with
#            (optional)  the new topic you want to impress everyone with
sub topic {
    my $self = shift;

    unless (@_) { croak "Not enough arguments to topic()"; }

    # Can you tell I've been reading the Nethack source too much? :)
    $self->sl("TOPIC $_[0]" . ($_[1] ? " :$_[1]" : ""));

# Sends a trace request to the server. Whoop.
# Take 1 optional arg:  the server or nickname to trace.
sub trace {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->sl("TRACE" . ($_[0] ? " $_[0]" : ""));

# This method submitted by Dave Schmitt <dschmi1@umbc.edu>. Thanks, Dave!
sub unignore {
    my $self = shift;

    croak "Not enough arguments to unignore()" unless @_;

    if (@_ == 1) {
        if   (exists $self->{_ignore}->{$_[0]}) { return @{$self->{_ignore}->{$_[0]}}; }
        else                                    { return (); }
    } elsif (@_ > 1) {    # code defensively, remember...
        my $type = shift;

        # I moved this part further down as an Obsessive Efficiency
        # Initiative. It shouldn't be a problem if I do _parse right...
        # ... but those are famous last words, eh?
        unless (grep { $_ eq $type } qw(public msg ctcp notice channel nick other all)) {
            carp "$type isn't a valid type to unignore()";

        if (exists $self->{_ignore}->{$type}) {
            # removes all specifed entries ala _Perl_Cookbook_ recipe 4.7
            my @temp = @{$self->{_ignore}->{$type}};
            @{$self->{_ignore}->{$type}} = ();
            my %seen = ();
            foreach my $item (@_)    { $seen{$item} = 1 }
            foreach my $item (@temp) { push(@{$self->{_ignore}->{$type}}, $item) unless ($seen{$item}); }
        } else {
            carp "no ignore entry for $type to remove";

# Requests userhost info from the server.
# Takes at least 1 arg: nickname(s) to look up.
sub userhost {
    my $self = shift;

    unless (@_) { croak 'Not enough args to userhost().'; }

    $self->sl("USERHOST " . CORE::join(" ", @_));

# Sends a users request to the server, which may or may not listen to you.
# Take 1 optional arg:  the server to query.
sub users {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->sl("USERS" . ($_[0] ? " $_[0]" : ""));

# Asks the IRC server what version and revision of ircd it's running. Whoop.
# Takes 1 optional arg:  the server name/glob. (default is current server)
sub version {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->sl("VERSION" . ($_[0] ? " $_[0]" : ""));

# Sends a message to all opers on the network. Hypothetically.
# Takes 1 arg:  the text to send.
sub wallops {
    my $self = shift;

    unless ($_[0]) { croak 'No arguments passed to wallops()'; }

    $self->sl("WALLOPS :" . CORE::join("", @_));

# Asks the server about stuff, you know. Whatever. Pass the Fritos, dude.
# Takes 2 optional args:  the bit of stuff to ask about
#                         an "o" (nobody ever uses this...)
sub who {
    my $self = shift;

    # Obfuscation!
    $self->sl("WHO" . (@_ ? " @_" : ""));

# If you've gotten this far, you probably already know what this does.
# Takes at least 1 arg:  nickmasks or channels to /whois
sub whois {
    my $self = shift;

    unless (@_) { croak "Not enough arguments to whois()"; }
    return $self->sl("WHOIS " . CORE::join(",", @_));

# Same as above, in the past tense.
# Takes at least 1 arg:  nick to do the /whowas on
#            (optional)  max number of hits to display
#            (optional)  server or servermask to query
sub whowas {
    my $self = shift;

    unless (@_) { croak "Not enough arguments to whowas()"; }
    return $self->sl("WHOWAS $_[0]" . ($_[1] ? " $_[1]" : "") . (($_[1] && $_[2]) ? " $_[2]" : ""));

# This sub executes the default action for an event with no user-defined
# handlers. It's all in one sub so that we don't have to make a bunch of
# separate anonymous subs stuffed in a hash.
sub _default {
    my ($self, $event) = @_;
    my $verbose = $self->verbose;

    # Users should only see this if the programmer (me) fucked up.
    unless ($event) { croak "You EEEEEDIOT!!! Not enough args to _default()!"; }

    # Reply to PING from server as quickly as possible.
    if ($event->type eq "ping") {
        $self->sl("PONG " . (CORE::join ' ', $event->args));

    } elsif ($event->type eq "disconnect") {
        # I violate OO tenets. (It's consensual, of course.)
        unless (keys %{$self->parent->{_connhash}} > 0) { die "No active connections left, exiting...\n"; }

    return 1;



=head1 NAME

Net::IRC::Connection - Object-oriented interface to a single IRC connection


Hard hat area: This section under construction.


This documentation is a subset of the main Net::IRC documentation. If
you haven't already, please "perldoc Net::IRC" before continuing.

Net::IRC::Connection defines a class whose instances are individual
connections to a single IRC server. Several Net::IRC::Connection objects may
be handled simultaneously by one Net::IRC object.


This section is under construction, but hopefully will be finally written up
by the next release. Please see the C<irctest> script and the source for
details about this module.

=head1 AUTHORS

Conceived and initially developed by Greg Bacon E<lt>gbacon@adtran.comE<gt> and
Dennis Taylor E<lt>dennis@funkplanet.comE<gt>.

Ideas and large amounts of code donated by Nat "King" Torkington E<lt>gnat@frii.comE<gt>.

Currently being hacked on, hacked up, and worked over by the members of the
Net::IRC developers mailing list. For details, see
http://www.execpc.com/~corbeau/irc/list.html .

=head1 URL

Up-to-date source and information about the Net::IRC project can be found at
http://netirc.betterbox.net/ .

=head1 SEE ALSO


=item *


=item *

RFC 1459: The Internet Relay Chat Protocol

=item *

http://www.irchelp.org/, home of fine IRC resources.

