# File: Functions.pm # # Purpose: Special `func` command that executes built-in functions with # optional arguments. Usage: func <identifier> [arguments]. # # Intended usage is with command-substitution (&{}) or pipes (|{}). # # For example: # # factadd img /call echo https://google.com/search?q=&{func uri_escape $args}&tbm=isch # # The above would invoke the function 'uri_escape' on $args and then replace # the command-substitution with the result, thus escaping $args to be safely # used in the URL of this simple Google Image Search factoid command. # # See also: Plugin/FuncBuiltins.pm, Plugin/FuncGrep.pm and Plugin/FuncSed.pm # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2023 Pragmatic Software <pragma78@gmail.com> # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package PBot::Core::Functions; use parent 'PBot::Core::Class'; use PBot::Imports; sub initialize($self, %conf) { # register `list` and `help` functions used to list # functions and obtain help about them $self->register( 'list', { desc => 'lists available funcs', usage => 'list [regex]', subref => sub { $self->func_list(@_) } } ); $self->register( 'help', { desc => 'provides help about a func', usage => 'help [func]', subref => sub { $self->func_help(@_) } } ); } sub register($self, $func, $data) { $self->{funcs}->{$func} = $data; } sub unregister($self, $func) { delete $self->{funcs}->{$func}; } sub func_list($self, $regex = '.*') { my $result = eval { my @funcs; foreach my $func (sort keys %{$self->{funcs}}) { if ($func =~ m/$regex/i or $self->{funcs}->{$func}->{desc} =~ m/$regex/i) { push @funcs, $func; } } my $result = join ', ', @funcs; if (not length $result) { if ($regex eq '.*') { $result = "No funcs yet."; } else { $result = "No matching func."; } } return "Available funcs: $result; see also: func help <keyword>"; }; if ($@) { my $error = $@; $error =~ s/at PBot.Functions.*$//; return "Error: $error\n"; } return $result; } sub func_help($self, $func = undef) { if (not length $func) { return "func: invoke built-in functions; usage: func <keyword> [arguments]; to list available functions: func list [regex]"; } if (not exists $self->{funcs}->{$func}) { return "No such func '$func'."; } return "$func: $self->{funcs}->{$func}->{desc}; usage: $self->{funcs}->{$func}->{usage}"; } 1;