# File: AntiFlood.pm # Author: pragma_ # # Purpose: Keeps track of which nick has said what and when. Used in # conjunction with OperatorStuff and Quotegrabs for kick/quiet on flood # and grabbing quotes, respectively. package PBot::AntiFlood; use warnings; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = $PBot::PBot::VERSION; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday); use Carp (); sub new { if(ref($_[1]) eq 'HASH') { Carp::croak("Options to AntiFlood should be key/value pairs, not hash reference"); } my ($class, %conf) = @_; my $self = bless {}, $class; $self->initialize(%conf); return $self; } sub initialize { my ($self, %conf) = @_; my $pbot = delete $conf{pbot}; if(not defined $pbot) { Carp::croak("Missing pbot reference to AntiFlood"); } $self->{pbot} = $pbot; $self->{FLOOD_CHAT} = 0; $self->{FLOOD_JOIN} = 1; $self->{flood_msg_count} = 0; $self->{last_timestamp} = gettimeofday; $self->{message_history} = {}; $pbot->timer->register(sub { $self->prune_message_history }, 60 * 60 * 1); } sub check_flood { my ($self, $channel, $nick, $user, $host, $text, $max_messages, $max_time, $mode) = @_; my $now = gettimeofday; $channel = lc $channel; $self->{pbot}->logger->log(sprintf("%-14s | %-65s | %s\n", $channel, "$nick!$user\@$host", $text)); return if $nick eq $self->{pbot}->botnick; if(exists ${ $self->message_history }{$nick}) { #$self->{pbot}->logger->log("nick exists\n"); if(not exists ${ $self->message_history }{$nick}{$channel}) { #$self->{pbot}->logger->log("adding new channel for existing nick\n"); ${ $self->message_history }{$nick}{$channel}{offenses} = 0; ${ $self->message_history }{$nick}{$channel}{join_watch} = $mode; # FLOOD_CHAT = 0; FLOOD_JOIN = 1 ${ $self->message_history }{$nick}{$channel}{messages} = []; } $self->{pbot}->logger->log("$nick $channel joinwatch: ${ $self->message_history }{$nick}{$channel}{join_watch}\n"); #$self->{pbot}->logger->log("appending new message\n"); push(@{ ${ $self->message_history }{$nick}{$channel}{messages} }, { timestamp => $now, msg => $text, mode => $mode }); my $length = $#{ ${ $self->message_history }{$nick}{$channel}{messages} } + 1; if($max_messages > $self->{pbot}->{MAX_NICK_MESSAGES}) { $self->{pbot}->logger->log("Warning: max_messages greater than MAX_NICK_MESSAGES; truncating.\n"); $max_messages = $self->{pbot}->{MAX_NICK_MESSAGES}; } if($length >= $self->{pbot}->{MAX_NICK_MESSAGES}) { my %msg = %{ shift(@{ ${ $self->message_history }{$nick}{$channel}{messages} }) }; #$self->{pbot}->logger->log("shifting message off top: $msg{msg}, $msg{timestamp}\n"); $length--; } return if ($channel =~ /^#/) and (not exists ${ $self->{pbot}->channels->channels }{$channel} or ${ $self->{pbot}->channels->channels }{$channel}{is_op} == 0); if($length >= $max_messages) { $self->{pbot}->logger->log("More than $max_messages messages spoken, comparing time differences ($max_time)\n"); my %msg = %{ @{ ${ $self->message_history }{$nick}{$channel}{messages} }[$length - $max_messages] }; my %last = %{ @{ ${ $self->message_history }{$nick}{$channel}{messages} }[$length - 1] }; $self->{pbot}->logger->log("Comparing " . int($last{timestamp}) . " against " . int($msg{timestamp}) . ": " . (int($last{timestamp} - $msg{timestamp})) . " seconds\n"); if($last{timestamp} - $msg{timestamp} <= $max_time && not $self->{pbot}->admins->loggedin($channel, "$nick!$user\@$host")) { if($mode == $self->{FLOOD_JOIN}) { if(${ $self->message_history }{$nick}{$channel}{join_watch} >= $max_messages) { $self->{pbot}->chanops->quiet_user_timed("*!$user\@$host", $channel, 60 * 60); $self->{pbot}->logger->log("$nick!$user\@$host banned for one hour due to join flooding.\n"); $self->{pbot}->conn->privmsg($nick, "You have been banned from $channel for one hour due to join flooding."); ${ $self->message_history }{$nick}{$channel}{join_watch} = $max_messages - 2; # give them a chance to rejoin } } elsif($mode == $self->{FLOOD_CHAT}) { ${ $self->message_history }{$nick}{$channel}{offenses}++; my $length = ${ $self->message_history }{$nick}{$channel}{offenses} ** ${ $self->message_history }{$nick}{$channel}{offenses} * ${ $self->message_history }{$nick}{$channel}{offenses} * 30; if($channel =~ /^#/) { #channel flood (opposed to private message or otherwise) return if exists $self->{pbot}->chanops->{quieted_masks}->{"*!*\@$host"}; if($mode == $self->{FLOOD_CHAT}) { $self->{pbot}->chanops->quiet_user_timed("*!$user\@$host", $channel, $length); $self->{pbot}->logger->log("$nick $channel flood offense ${ $self->message_history }{$nick}{$channel}{offenses} earned $length second quiet\n"); if($length < 1000) { $length = "$length seconds"; } else { $length = "a little while"; } $self->{pbot}->conn->privmsg($nick, "You have been quieted due to flooding. Please use a web paste service such as http://codepad.org for lengthy pastes. You will be allowed to speak again in $length."); } } else { # private message flood return if exists $self->{pbot}->ignorelist->{ignore_list}->{"$nick!$user\@$host"}{$channel}; $self->{pbot}->logger->log("$nick msg flood offense ${ $self->message_history }{$nick}{$channel}{offenses} earned $length second ignore\n"); $self->{pbot}->{ignorelistcmds}->ignore_user("", "floodcontrol", "", "", "$nick!$user\@$host $channel $length"); if($length < 1000) { $length = "$length seconds"; } else { $length = "a little while"; } $self->{pbot}->conn->privmsg($nick, "You have used too many commands in too short a time period, you have been ignored for $length."); } } } } if($mode == $self->{FLOOD_JOIN}) { ${ $self->message_history }{$nick}{$channel}{join_watch}++; } elsif($mode == $self->{FLOOD_CHAT}) { ${ $self->message_history }{$nick}{$channel}{join_watch} = 0; } $self->{pbot}->logger->log("$nick $channel joinwatch adjusted: ${ $self->message_history }{$nick}{$channel}{join_watch}\n"); } else { #$self->{pbot}->logger->log("brand new nick addition\n"); # new addition ${ $self->message_history }{$nick}{$channel}{offenses} = 0; ${ $self->message_history }{$nick}{$channel}{join_watch} = $mode; # FLOOD_CHAT = 0; FLOOD_JOIN = 1 ${ $self->message_history }{$nick}{$channel}{messages} = []; push(@{ ${ $self->message_history }{$nick}{$channel}{messages} }, { timestamp => $now, msg => $text, mode => $mode }); } } sub message_history { my $self = shift; return $self->{message_history}; } sub prune_message_history { my $self = shift; $self->{pbot}->logger->log("Pruning message history . . .\n"); foreach my $nick (keys %{ $self->{message_history} }) { foreach my $channel (keys %{ $self->{message_history}->{$nick} }) { #$self->{pbot}->logger->log("Checking [$nick][$channel]\n"); my $length = $#{ $self->{message_history}->{$nick}{$channel}{messages} } + 1; my %last = %{ @{ $self->{message_history}->{$nick}{$channel}{messages} }[$length - 1] }; if(gettimeofday - $last{timestamp} >= 60 * 60 * 24 * 3) { $self->{pbot}->logger->log("$nick in $channel hasn't spoken in three days, removing message history.\n"); delete $self->{message_history}->{$nick}{$channel}; } } } } 1;