# File: Registry.pm # Author: pragma_ # # Purpose: Provides a centralized registry of configuration settings that can # easily be examined and updated via getters and setters. # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. package PBot::Registry; use parent 'PBot::Class'; use warnings; use strict; use feature 'unicode_strings'; use utf8; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday); use PBot::RegistryCommands; sub initialize { my ($self, %conf) = @_; # ensure we have a registry filename my $filename = $conf{filename} // Carp::croak("Missing filename configuration item in " . __FILE__); # registry is stored as a dual-index hash object $self->{registry} = PBot::DualIndexHashObject->new(name => 'Registry', filename => $filename, pbot => $self->{pbot}); # registry triggers are processed when a registry entry is modified $self->{triggers} = {}; # save registry data at bot exit $self->{pbot}->{atexit}->register(sub { $self->save; return; }); # prepare registry-specific bot commands PBot::RegistryCommands->new(pbot => $self->{pbot}); # load existing registry entries from file (if exists) if (-e $filename) { $self->load; } else { $self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("No registry found at $filename, using defaults.\n"); } # add default registry items $self->add_default('text', 'general', 'data_dir', $conf{data_dir}); $self->add_default('text', 'general', 'module_dir', $conf{module_dir}); $self->add_default('text', 'general', 'plugin_dir', $conf{plugin_dir}); $self->add_default('text', 'general', 'update_dir', $conf{update_dir}); # bot trigger $self->add_default('text', 'general', 'trigger', $conf{trigger} // '!'); # irc $self->add_default('text', 'irc', 'debug', $conf{irc_debug} // 0); $self->add_default('text', 'irc', 'show_motd', $conf{show_motd} // 1); $self->add_default('text', 'irc', 'max_msg_len', $conf{max_msg_len} // 425); $self->add_default('text', 'irc', 'server', $conf{server} // "irc.libera.chat"); $self->add_default('text', 'irc', 'port', $conf{port} // 6667); $self->add_default('text', 'irc', 'sasl', $conf{SASL} // 0); $self->add_default('text', 'irc', 'ssl', $conf{SSL} // 0); $self->add_default('text', 'irc', 'ssl_ca_file', $conf{SSL_ca_file} // 'none'); $self->add_default('text', 'irc', 'ssl_ca_path', $conf{SSL_ca_path} // 'none'); $self->add_default('text', 'irc', 'botnick', $conf{botnick} // ""); $self->add_default('text', 'irc', 'username', $conf{username} // "pbot3"); $self->add_default('text', 'irc', 'realname', $conf{realname} // "https://github.com/pragma-/pbot"); $self->add_default('text', 'irc', 'identify_password', $conf{identify_password} // ''); $self->add_default('text', 'irc', 'log_default_handler', 1); # interpreter $self->add_default('text', 'interpreter', 'max_embed', 3); # make sensitive entries private $self->set_default('irc', 'ssl_ca_file', 'private', 1); $self->set_default('irc', 'ssl_ca_path', 'private', 1); $self->set_default('irc', 'identify_password', 'private', 1); # customizable regular expressions $self->add_default('text', 'regex', 'nickname', '[_a-zA-Z0-9\[\]{}`\\-]+'); # update important paths $self->set('general', 'data_dir', 'value', $conf{data_dir}, 0, 1); $self->set('general', 'module_dir', 'value', $conf{module_dir}, 0, 1); $self->set('general', 'plugin_dir', 'value', $conf{plugin_dir}, 0, 1); $self->set('general', 'update_dir', 'value', $conf{update_dir}, 0, 1); # override registry entries with command-line arguments, if any foreach my $override (keys %{$self->{pbot}->{overrides}}) { my $value = $self->{pbot}->{overrides}->{$override}; my ($section, $key) = split /\./, $override; $self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Overriding $section.$key to $value\n"); $self->set($section, $key, 'value', $value, 0, 1); } # add triggers $self->add_trigger('irc', 'debug', sub { $self->trigger_irc_debug(@_) }); $self->add_trigger('irc', 'botnick', sub { $self->trigger_change_botnick(@_) }); } # registry triggers fire when value changes sub trigger_irc_debug { my ($self, $section, $item, $newvalue) = @_; $self->{pbot}->{irc}->debug($newvalue); if ($self->{pbot}->{connected}) { $self->{pbot}->{conn}->debug($newvalue); } } sub trigger_change_botnick { my ($self, $section, $item, $newvalue) = @_; if ($self->{pbot}->{connected}) { $self->{pbot}->{conn}->nick($newvalue) } } # registry api sub load { my $self = shift; # load registry from file $self->{registry}->load; # fire off all registered triggers foreach my $section ($self->{registry}->get_keys) { foreach my $item ($self->{registry}->get_keys($section)) { $self->process_trigger($section, $item, $self->{registry}->get_data($section, $item, 'value')); } } } sub save { my $self = shift; $self->{registry}->save; } sub add_default { my ($self, $type, $section, $item, $value) = @_; $self->add($type, $section, $item, $value, 1); } sub add { my ($self, $type, $section, $item, $value, $is_default) = @_; $type = lc $type; if (not $self->{registry}->exists($section, $item)) { # registry entry does not exist my $data = { value => $value, type => $type, }; $self->{registry}->add($section, $item, $data, 1); } else { # registry entry already exists if ($is_default) { # don't replace existing registry values if we're just adding a default value return; } # update value $self->{registry}->set($section, $item, 'value', $value, 1); # update type only if it doesn't exist unless ($self->{registry}->exists($section, $item, 'type')) { $self->{registry}->set($section, $item, 'type', $type, 1); } } unless ($is_default) { $self->process_trigger($section, $item, $value); $self->save; } } sub remove { my ($self, $section, $item) = @_; $self->{registry}->remove($section, $item); } sub set_default { my ($self, $section, $item, $key, $value) = @_; $self->set($section, $item, $key, $value, 1); } sub set { my ($self, $section, $item, $key, $value, $is_default, $dont_save) = @_; $key = lc $key if defined $key; if ($is_default && $self->{registry}->exists($section, $item, $key)) { return; } my $oldvalue; if (defined $value) { $oldvalue = $self->get_value($section, $item, 1); } $oldvalue //= ''; my $result = $self->{registry}->set($section, $item, $key, $value, 1); if (defined $key and $key eq 'value' and defined $value and $oldvalue ne $value) { $self->process_trigger($section, $item, $value); } $self->save if !$dont_save && $result =~ m/set to/ && not $is_default; return $result; } sub unset { my ($self, $section, $item, $key) = @_; $key = lc $key if defined $key; return $self->{registry}->unset($section, $item, $key); } sub get_value { my ($self, $section, $item, $as_text, $context) = @_; $section = lc $section; $item = lc $item; my $key = $item; # TODO: use user-metadata for this if (defined $context and exists $context->{nick}) { my $context_nick = lc $context->{nick}; if ($self->{registry}->exists($section, "$item.nick.$context_nick")) { $key = "$item.nick.$context_nick"; } } if ($self->{registry}->exists($section, $key)) { if (not $as_text and $self->{registry}->get_data($section, $key, 'type') eq 'array') { return split /\s*,\s*/, $self->{registry}->get_data($section, $key, 'value'); } else { return $self->{registry}->get_data($section, $key, 'value'); } } return undef; } sub get_array_value { my ($self, $section, $item, $index, $context) = @_; $section = lc $section; $item = lc $item; my $key = $item; # TODO: use user-metadata for this if (defined $context and exists $context->{nick}) { my $context_nick = lc $context->{nick}; if ($self->{registry}->exists($section, "$item.nick.$context_nick")) { $key = "$item.nick.$context_nick"; } } if ($self->{registry}->exists($section, $key)) { if ($self->{registry}->get_data($section, $key, 'type') eq 'array') { my @array = split /\s*,\s*/, $self->{registry}->get_data($section, $key, 'value'); return $array[$index >= $#array ? $#array : $index]; } else { return $self->{registry}->get_data($section, $key, 'value'); } } return undef; } sub add_trigger { my ($self, $section, $item, $subref) = @_; $self->{triggers}->{lc $section}->{lc $item} = $subref; } sub process_trigger { my $self = shift; # shift $self off of the top of @_ my ($section, $item) = @_; # but leave $section, $item and anything else (i.e. $value) in @_ $section = lc $section; $item = lc $item; if (exists $self->{triggers}->{$section} and exists $self->{triggers}->{$section}->{$item}) { return &{$self->{triggers}->{$section}->{$item}}(@_); # $section, $item, $value, etc in @_ } return undef; } 1;