# File: Version.pm # # Purpose: The `version` PBot command. It can check against GitHub or a # user-defined URL for PBot's VERSION.pm file. # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Pragmatic Software # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package PBot::Core::Commands::Version; use parent 'PBot::Core::Class'; use PBot::Imports; use LWP::UserAgent; sub initialize { my ($self, %conf) = @_; # register `version` command $self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->cmd_version(@_) }, 'version'); # initialize last_check version data $self->{last_check} = { timestamp => 0, version => PBot::VERSION::BUILD_REVISION, date => PBot::VERSION::BUILD_DATE, }; } sub cmd_version { my ($self, $context) = @_; my $ratelimit = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('version', 'check_limit') // 300; if (time - $self->{last_check}->{timestamp} >= $ratelimit) { $self->{last_check}->{timestamp} = time; my $url = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('version', 'check_url') // 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pragma-/pbot/master/lib/PBot/VERSION.pm'; $self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Checking $url for new version...\n"); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(timeout => 10); my $response = $ua->get($url); if (not $response->is_success) { return "Unable to get version information: " . $response->status_line; } my $text = $response->decoded_content; my ($version, $date) = $text =~ m/^\s+BUILD_REVISION => (\d+).*^\s+BUILD_DATE\s+=> "([^"]+)"/ms; if (not defined $version or not defined $date) { return "Unable to get version information: data did not match expected format"; } $self->{last_check} = {timestamp => time, version => $version, date => $date}; } my $target_nick; if (length $context->{arguments}) { $target_nick = $self->{pbot}->{nicklist}->is_present_similar($context->{from}, $context->{arguments}); } my $result = '/say '; $result .= "$target_nick: " if $target_nick; $result .= PBot::VERSION::BUILD_NAME . ' version ' . PBot::VERSION::BUILD_REVISION . ' ' . PBot::VERSION::BUILD_DATE; if ($self->{last_check}->{version} > PBot::VERSION::BUILD_REVISION) { $result .= "; new version available: $self->{last_check}->{version} $self->{last_check}->{date}!"; } return $result; } 1;