# File: FactoidCommands.pm # Author: pragma_ # # Purpose: Administrative command subroutines. # TODO: Add getter for factoids instead of directly accessing factoids package PBot::FactoidCommands; use warnings; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = $PBot::PBot::VERSION; use Carp (); sub new { if(ref($_[1]) eq 'HASH') { Carp::croak("Options to FactoidCommands should be key/value pairs, not hash reference"); } my ($class, %conf) = @_; my $self = bless {}, $class; $self->initialize(%conf); return $self; } sub initialize { my ($self, %conf) = @_; my $pbot = delete $conf{pbot}; if(not defined $pbot) { Carp::croak("Missing pbot reference to FactoidCommands"); } $self->{pbot} = $pbot; $pbot->commands->register(sub { return $self->list(@_) }, "list", 0); $pbot->commands->register(sub { return $self->alias(@_) }, "alias", 0); $pbot->commands->register(sub { return $self->add_regex(@_) }, "regex", 0); $pbot->commands->register(sub { return $self->add_text(@_) }, "add", 0); $pbot->commands->register(sub { return $self->add_text(@_) }, "learn", 0); $pbot->commands->register(sub { return $self->histogram(@_) }, "histogram", 0); $pbot->commands->register(sub { return $self->show(@_) }, "show", 0); $pbot->commands->register(sub { return $self->info(@_) }, "info", 0); $pbot->commands->register(sub { return $self->top20(@_) }, "top20", 0); $pbot->commands->register(sub { return $self->count(@_) }, "count", 0); $pbot->commands->register(sub { return $self->find(@_) }, "find", 0); $pbot->commands->register(sub { return $self->change_text(@_) }, "change", 0); $pbot->commands->register(sub { return $self->remove_text(@_) }, "remove", 0); $pbot->commands->register(sub { return $self->remove_text(@_) }, "forget", 0); $pbot->commands->register(sub { return $self->load_module(@_) }, "load", 50); $pbot->commands->register(sub { return $self->unload_module(@_) }, "unload", 50); $pbot->commands->register(sub { return $self->enable_command(@_) }, "enable", 10); $pbot->commands->register(sub { return $self->disable_command(@_) }, "disable", 10); } sub list { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->factoids->factoids; my $botnick = $self->{pbot}->botnick; my $text; if(not defined $arguments) { return "/msg $nick Usage: list "; } if($arguments =~/^messages\s+(.*)$/) { my ($nick_search, $channel_search, $text_search) = split / /, $1; return "/msg $nick Usage: !list messages [text regex]" if not defined $channel_search; $text_search = '.*' if not defined $text_search; my @results = eval { my @ret; foreach my $history_nick (keys %{ $self->{pbot}->antiflood->message_history }) { if($history_nick =~ m/$nick_search/i) { foreach my $history_channel (keys %{ $self->{pbot}->antiflood->message_history->{$history_nick} }) { if($history_channel =~ m/$channel_search/i) { my @messages = @{ ${ $self->{pbot}->antiflood->message_history }{$history_nick}{$history_channel}{messages} }; for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#messages; $i++) { next if $messages[$i]->{msg} =~ /^!login/; push @ret, { offenses => ${ $self->{pbot}->antiflood->message_history }{$history_nick}{$history_channel}{offenses}, join_watch => ${ $self->{pbot}->antiflood->message_history }{$history_nick}{$history_channel}{join_watch}, text => $messages[$i]->{msg}, timestamp => $messages[$i]->{timestamp}, nick => $history_nick, channel => $history_channel } if $messages[$i]->{msg} =~ m/$text_search/i; } } } } } return @ret; }; if($@) { $self->{pbot}->logger->log("Error in search parameters: $@\n"); return "Error in search parameters: $@"; } my @sorted = sort { $a->{timestamp} <=> $b->{timestamp} } @results; foreach my $msg (@sorted) { $self->{pbot}->logger->log("[$msg->{channel}] " . localtime($msg->{timestamp}) . " [o: $msg->{offenses}, j: $msg->{join_watch}] <$msg->{nick}> " . $msg->{text} . "\n"); $self->{pbot}->conn->privmsg($nick, "[$msg->{channel}] " . localtime($msg->{timestamp}) . " <$msg->{nick}> " . $msg->{text} . "\n") unless $nick =~ /\Q$botnick\E/i; } return ""; } if($arguments =~ /^modules$/i) { $text = "Loaded modules: "; foreach my $command (sort keys %{ $factoids }) { if(exists $factoids->{$command}{module}) { $text .= "$command "; } } return $text; } if($arguments =~ /^commands$/i) { $text = "Registered commands: "; foreach my $command (sort { $a->{name} cmp $b->{name} } @{ $self->{pbot}->commands->{handlers} }) { $text .= "$command->{name} "; $text .= "($command->{level}) " if $command->{level} > 0; } return $text; } if($arguments =~ /^factoids$/i) { return "For a list of factoids see " . $self->{pbot}->factoids->export_site; } if($arguments =~ /^admins$/i) { $text = "Admins: "; my $last_channel = ""; my $sep = ""; foreach my $channel (sort keys %{ $self->{pbot}->admins->admins }) { if($last_channel ne $channel) { print "texzt: [$text], sep: [$sep]\n"; $text .= $sep . "Channel " . ($channel eq ".*" ? "all" : $channel) . ": "; $last_channel = $channel; $sep = ""; } foreach my $hostmask (sort keys %{ $self->{pbot}->admins->admins->{$channel} }) { $text .= $sep; $text .= "*" if exists ${ $self->{pbot}->admins->admins }{$channel}{$hostmask}{loggedin}; $text .= ${ $self->{pbot}->admins->admins }{$channel}{$hostmask}{name} . " (" . ${ $self->{pbot}->admins->admins }{$channel}{$hostmask}{level} . ")"; $sep = "; "; } } return $text; } return "/msg $nick Usage: list "; } sub alias { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->factoids->factoids; my ($alias, $command) = $arguments =~ /^(.*?)\s+(.*)$/ if defined $arguments; if(not defined $command) { $self->{pbot}->logger->log("alias: invalid usage\n"); return "/msg $nick Usage: alias "; } if(exists $factoids->{$alias}) { $self->{pbot}->logger->log("attempt to overwrite existing command\n"); return "/msg $nick '$alias' already exists"; } $factoids->{$alias}{text} = "/call $command"; $factoids->{$alias}{owner} = $nick; $factoids->{$alias}{created_on} = time(); $factoids->{$alias}{enabled} = 1; $factoids->{$alias}{ref_count} = 0; $factoids->{$alias}{ref_user} = "nobody"; $self->{pbot}->logger->log("$nick!$user\@$host aliased $alias => $command\n"); $self->{pbot}->factoids->save_factoids(); return "/msg $nick '$alias' aliases '$command'"; } sub add_regex { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->factoids->factoids; my ($keyword, $text) = $arguments =~ /^(.*?)\s+(.*)$/ if defined $arguments; if(not defined $keyword) { $text = ""; foreach my $command (sort keys %{ $factoids }) { if(exists $factoids->{$command}{regex}) { $text .= $command . " "; } } return "Stored regexs: $text"; } if(not defined $text) { $self->{pbot}->logger->log("add_regex: invalid usage\n"); return "/msg $nick Usage: regex "; } if(exists $factoids->{$keyword}) { $self->{pbot}->logger->log("$nick!$user\@$host attempt to overwrite $keyword\n"); return "/msg $nick $keyword already exists."; } $factoids->{$keyword}{regex} = $text; $factoids->{$keyword}{owner} = $nick; $factoids->{$keyword}{created_on} = time(); $factoids->{$keyword}{enabled} = 1; $factoids->{$keyword}{ref_count} = 0; $factoids->{$keyword}{ref_user} = "nobody"; $self->{pbot}->logger->log("$nick!$user\@$host added [$keyword] => [$text]\n"); $self->{pbot}->factoids->save_factoids(); return "/msg $nick $keyword added."; } sub add_text { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->factoids->factoids; my ($keyword, $text) = $arguments =~ /^(.*?)\s+is\s+(.*)$/i if defined $arguments; if(not defined $text) { $self->{pbot}->logger->log("add_text: invalid usage\n"); return "/msg $nick Usage: add is "; } if(not defined $keyword) { $self->{pbot}->logger->log("add_text: invalid usage\n"); return "/msg $nick Usage: add is "; } if(exists $factoids->{$keyword}) { $self->{pbot}->logger->log("$nick!$user\@$host attempt to overwrite $keyword\n"); return undef; return "/msg $nick $keyword already exists."; } $factoids->{$keyword}{text} = $text; $factoids->{$keyword}{owner} = $nick; $factoids->{$keyword}{created_on} = time(); $factoids->{$keyword}{enabled} = 1; $factoids->{$keyword}{ref_count} = 0; $factoids->{$keyword}{ref_user} = "nobody"; $self->{pbot}->logger->log("$nick!$user\@$host added $keyword => $text\n"); $self->{pbot}->factoids->save_factoids(); return "/msg $nick '$keyword' added."; } sub histogram { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->factoids->factoids; my %hash; my $factoid_count = 0; foreach my $command (keys %{ $factoids }) { if(exists $factoids->{$command}{text}) { $hash{$factoids->{$command}{owner}}++; $factoid_count++; } } my $text; my $i = 0; foreach my $owner (sort {$hash{$b} <=> $hash{$a}} keys %hash) { my $percent = int($hash{$owner} / $factoid_count * 100); $percent = 1 if $percent == 0; $text .= "$owner: $hash{$owner} ($percent". "%) "; $i++; last if $i >= 10; } return "$factoid_count factoids, top 10 submitters: $text"; } sub show { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->factoids->factoids; if(not defined $arguments) { return "/msg $nick Usage: show "; } if(not exists $factoids->{$arguments}) { return "/msg $nick $arguments not found"; } if(exists $factoids->{$arguments}{command} || exists $factoids->{$arguments}{module}) { return "/msg $nick $arguments is not a factoid"; } my $type; $type = 'text' if exists $factoids->{$arguments}{text}; $type = 'regex' if exists $factoids->{$arguments}{regex}; return "$arguments: $factoids->{$arguments}{$type}"; } sub info { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->factoids->factoids; if(not defined $arguments) { return "/msg $nick Usage: info "; } if(not exists $factoids->{$arguments}) { return "/msg $nick $arguments not found"; } # factoid if(exists $factoids->{$arguments}{text}) { return "$arguments: Factoid submitted by $factoids->{$arguments}{owner} on " . localtime($factoids->{$arguments}{created_on}) . ", referenced $factoids->{$arguments}{ref_count} times (last by $factoids->{$arguments}{ref_user})"; } # module if(exists $factoids->{$arguments}{module}) { return "$arguments: Module loaded by $factoids->{$arguments}{owner} on " . localtime($factoids->{$arguments}{created_on}) . " -> http://code.google.com/p/pbot2-pl/source/browse/trunk/modules/$factoids->{$arguments}{module}, used $factoids->{$arguments}{ref_count} times (last by $factoids->{$arguments}{ref_user})"; } # regex if(exists $factoids->{$arguments}{regex}) { return "$arguments: Regex created by $factoids->{$arguments}{owner} on " . localtime($factoids->{$arguments}{created_on}) . ", used $factoids->{$arguments}{ref_count} times (last by $factoids->{$arguments}{ref_user})"; } return "/msg $nick $arguments is not a factoid or a module"; } sub top20 { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->factoids->factoids; my %hash = (); my $text = ""; my $i = 0; if(not defined $arguments) { foreach my $command (sort {$factoids->{$b}{ref_count} <=> $factoids->{$a}{ref_count}} keys %{ $factoids }) { if($factoids->{$command}{ref_count} > 0 && exists $factoids->{$command}{text}) { $text .= "$command ($factoids->{$command}{ref_count}) "; $i++; last if $i >= 20; } } $text = "Top $i referenced factoids: $text" if $i > 0; return $text; } else { if(lc $arguments eq "recent") { foreach my $command (sort { $factoids->{$b}{created_on} <=> $factoids->{$a}{created_on} } keys %{ $factoids }) { #my ($seconds, $minutes, $hours, $day_of_month, $month, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime($factoids->{$command}{created_on}); #my $t = sprintf("%04d/%02d/%02d", $year+1900, $month+1, $day_of_month); $text .= "$command "; $i++; last if $i >= 50; } $text = "$i most recent submissions: $text" if $i > 0; return $text; } my $user = lc $arguments; foreach my $command (sort keys %{ $factoids }) { if($factoids->{$command}{ref_user} =~ /\Q$arguments\E/i) { if($user ne lc $factoids->{$command}{ref_user} && not $user =~ /$factoids->{$command}{ref_user}/i) { $user .= " ($factoids->{$command}{ref_user})"; } $text .= "$command "; $i++; last if $i >= 20; } } $text = "$i factoids last referenced by $user: $text" if $i > 0; return $text; } } sub count { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->factoids->factoids; my $i = 0; my $total = 0; if(not defined $arguments) { return "/msg $nick Usage: count "; } $arguments = ".*" if($arguments =~ /^factoids$/); eval { foreach my $command (keys %{ $factoids }) { $total++ if exists $factoids->{$command}{text}; my $regex = qr/^\Q$arguments\E$/; if($factoids->{$command}{owner} =~ /$regex/i && exists $factoids->{$command}{text}) { $i++; } } }; return "/msg $nick $arguments: $@" if $@; return "I have $i factoids" if($arguments eq ".*"); if($i > 0) { my $percent = int($i / $total * 100); $percent = 1 if $percent == 0; return "$arguments has submitted $i factoids out of $total ($percent"."%)"; } else { return "$arguments hasn't submitted any factoids"; } } sub find { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->factoids->factoids; my $text; my $type; if(not defined $arguments) { return "/msg $nick Usage: !find [-owner nick] [-by nick] [text]"; } my ($owner, $by); $owner = $1 if $arguments =~ s/-owner\s+([^\b\s]+)//i; $by = $1 if $arguments =~ s/-by\s+([^\b\s]+)//i; $owner = '.*' if not defined $owner; $by = '.*' if not defined $by; $arguments =~ s/^\s+//; $arguments =~ s/\s+$//; $arguments =~ s/\s+/ /g; my $argtype = undef; if($owner ne '.*') { $argtype = "owned by $owner"; } if($by ne '.*') { if(not defined $argtype) { $argtype = "last referenced by $by"; } else { $argtype .= " and last referenced by $by"; } } if($arguments ne "") { if(not defined $argtype) { $argtype = "with text matching '$arguments'"; } else { $argtype .= " and with text matching '$arguments'"; } } if(not defined $argtype) { return "/msg $nick Usage: !find [-owner nick] [-by nick] [text]"; } my $i = 0; eval { foreach my $command (sort keys %{ $factoids }) { if(exists $factoids->{$command}{text} || exists $factoids->{$command}{regex}) { $type = 'text' if(exists $factoids->{$command}{text}); $type = 'regex' if(exists $factoids->{$command}{regex}); if($factoids->{$command}{owner} =~ /$owner/i && $factoids->{$command}{ref_user} =~ /$by/i) { next if($arguments ne "" && $factoids->{$command}{$type} !~ /$arguments/i && $command !~ /$arguments/i); $i++; $text .= "$command "; } } } }; return "/msg $nick $arguments: $@" if $@; if($i == 1) { chop $text; $type = 'text' if exists $factoids->{$text}{text}; $type = 'regex' if exists $factoids->{$text}{regex}; return "found one factoid " . $argtype . ": '$text' is '$factoids->{$text}{$type}'"; } else { return "$i factoids " . $argtype . ": $text" unless $i == 0; return "No factoids " . $argtype; } } sub change_text { my $self = shift; $self->{pbot}->logger->log("Enter change_text\n"); my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->factoids->factoids; my ($keyword, $delim, $tochange, $changeto, $modifier); if(defined $arguments) { if($arguments =~ /^(.*?)\s+s(.)/) { $keyword = $1; $delim = $2; } if($arguments =~ /$delim(.*?)$delim(.*)$delim(.*)?$/) { $tochange = $1; $changeto = $2; $modifier = $3; } } if(not defined $changeto) { $self->{pbot}->logger->log("($from) $nick!$user\@$host: improper use of change\n"); return "/msg $nick Usage: change s///"; } if(not exists $factoids->{$keyword}) { $self->{pbot}->logger->log("($from) $nick!$user\@$host: attempted to change nonexistant '$keyword'\n"); return "/msg $nick $keyword not found."; } my $type; $type = 'text' if exists $factoids->{$keyword}{text}; $type = 'regex' if exists $factoids->{$keyword}{regex}; $self->{pbot}->logger->log("keyword: $keyword, type: $type, tochange: $tochange, changeto: $changeto\n"); my $ret = eval { my $regex = qr/$tochange/; if(not $factoids->{$keyword}{$type} =~ s|$regex|$changeto|) { $self->{pbot}->logger->log("($from) $nick!$user\@$host: failed to change '$keyword' 's$delim$tochange$delim$changeto$delim\n"); return "/msg $nick Change $keyword failed."; } else { $self->{pbot}->logger->log("($from) $nick!$user\@$host: changed '$keyword' 's/$tochange/$changeto/\n"); $self->{pbot}->factoids->save_factoids(); return "Changed: $keyword is $factoids->{$keyword}{$type}"; } }; return "/msg $nick Change $keyword: $@" if $@; return $ret; } sub remove_text { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->factoids->factoids; if(not defined $arguments) { $self->{pbot}->logger->log("remove_text: invalid usage\n"); return "/msg $nick Usage: remove "; } $self->{pbot}->logger->log("Attempting to remove [$arguments]\n"); if(not exists $factoids->{$arguments}) { return "/msg $nick $arguments not found."; } if(exists $factoids->{$arguments}{command} || exists $factoids->{$arguments}{module}) { $self->{pbot}->logger->log("$nick!$user\@$host attempted to remove $arguments [not factoid]\n"); return "/msg $nick $arguments is not a factoid."; } if(($nick ne $factoids->{$arguments}{owner}) and (not $self->{pbot}->admins->loggedin($from, "$nick!$user\@$host"))) { $self->{pbot}->logger->log("$nick!$user\@$host attempted to remove $arguments [not owner]\n"); return "/msg $nick You are not the owner of '$arguments'"; } $self->{pbot}->logger->log("$nick!$user\@$host removed [$arguments][$factoids->{$arguments}{text}]\n") if(exists $factoids->{$arguments}{text}); $self->{pbot}->logger->log("$nick!$user\@$host removed [$arguments][$factoids->{$arguments}{regex}]\n") if(exists $factoids->{$arguments}{regex}); delete $factoids->{$arguments}; $self->{pbot}->factoids->save_factoids(); return "/msg $nick $arguments removed."; } sub load_module { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->factoids->factoids; my ($keyword, $module) = $arguments =~ /^(.*?)\s+(.*)$/ if defined $arguments; if(not defined $module) { return "/msg $nick Usage: load "; } if(not exists($factoids->{$keyword})) { $factoids->{$keyword}{module} = $module; $factoids->{$keyword}{enabled} = 1; $factoids->{$keyword}{owner} = $nick; $factoids->{$keyword}{created_on} = time(); $self->{pbot}->logger->log("$nick!$user\@$host loaded $keyword => $module\n"); $self->{pbot}->factoids->save_factoids(); return "/msg $nick Loaded $keyword => $module"; } else { return "/msg $nick There is already a command named $keyword."; } } sub unload_module { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->factoids->factoids; if(not defined $arguments) { return "/msg $nick Usage: unload "; } elsif(not exists $factoids->{$arguments}) { return "/msg $nick $arguments not found."; } elsif(not exists $factoids->{$arguments}{module}) { return "/msg $nick $arguments is not a module."; } else { delete $factoids->{$arguments}; $self->{pbot}->factoids->save_factoids(); $self->{pbot}->logger->log("$nick!$user\@$host unloaded module $arguments\n"); return "/msg $nick $arguments unloaded."; } } sub enable_command { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->factoids->factoids; if(not defined $arguments) { return "/msg $nick Usage: enable "; } elsif(not exists $factoids->{$arguments}) { return "/msg $nick $arguments not found."; } else { $factoids->{$arguments}{enabled} = 1; $self->{pbot}->factoids->save_factoids(); $self->{pbot}->logger->log("$nick!$user\@$host enabled $arguments\n"); return "/msg $nick $arguments enabled."; } } sub disable_command { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->factoids->factoids; if(not defined $arguments) { return "/msg $nick Usage: disable "; } elsif(not exists $factoids->{$arguments}) { return "/msg $nick $arguments not found."; } else { $factoids->{$arguments}{enabled} = 0; $self->{pbot}->factoids->save_factoids(); $self->{pbot}->logger->log("$nick!$user\@$host disabled $arguments\n"); return "/msg $nick $arguments disabled."; } } 1;