# File: Channels.pm # Author: pragma_ # # Purpose: Manages list of channels and auto-joins. package PBot::Channels; use warnings; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = $PBot::PBot::VERSION; use Carp (); use PBot::HashObject; sub new { if(ref($_[1]) eq 'HASH') { Carp::croak ("Options to Commands should be key/value pairs, not hash reference"); } my ($class, %conf) = @_; my $self = bless {}, $class; $self->initialize(%conf); return $self; } sub initialize { my ($self, %conf) = @_; my $pbot = delete $conf{pbot}; if(not defined $pbot) { Carp::croak ("Missing pbot reference to Channels"); } my $filename = delete $conf{filename}; $self->{pbot} = $pbot; $self->{channels} = PBot::HashObject->new(pbot => $pbot, name => 'Channels', index_key => 'channel', filename => $filename); $pbot->commands->register(sub { $self->set(@_) }, "chanset", 40); $pbot->commands->register(sub { $self->unset(@_) }, "chanunset", 40); $pbot->commands->register(sub { $self->add(@_) }, "chanadd", 40); $pbot->commands->register(sub { $self->remove(@_) }, "chanrem", 40); } sub set { my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; my ($channel, $key, $value) = split / /, $arguments, 3; if(not defined $channel or not defined $key) { return "/msg $nick Usage: chanset "; } return "/msg $nick " . $self->channels->set($channel, $key, $value); } sub unset { my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; my ($channel, $key) = split / /, $arguments; if(not defined $channel or not defined $key) { return "/msg $nick Usage: chanunset "; } return "/msg $nick " . $self->channels->unset($channel, $key); } sub add { my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; if(not defined $arguments) { return "/msg $nick Usage: chanadd "; } my $hash = {}; $hash->{channel} = $arguments; $hash->{enabled} = 1; $hash->{chanop} = 0; return "/msg $nick " . $self->channels->add($hash); } sub remove { my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; if(not defined $arguments) { return "/msg $nick Usage: chanrem "; } return "/msg $nick " . $self->channels->remove($arguments); } sub load_channels { my $self = shift; $self->channels->load_hash(); } sub save_channels { my $self = shift; $self->channels->save_hash(); } sub channels { my $self = shift; return $self->{channels}; } 1;