Administrative -------------- * [Administrative](#administrative) * [login](#login) * [logout](#logout) * [Admin Management](#admin-management) * [adminadd](#adminadd) * [Admin Levels](#admin-levels) * [adminrem](#adminrem) * [adminset](#adminset) * [Admin Metadata List](#admin-metadata-list) * [adminunset](#adminunset) * [ignore](#ignore) * [unignore](#unignore) * [whitelist](#whitelist) * [blacklist](#blacklist) * [ban](#ban) * [unban](#unban) * [kick](#kick) * [export](#export) * [refresh](#refresh) * [sl](#sl) * [die](#die) ### login You cannot use any of the admin commands unless you login first. Note that login requires that your hostmask matches PBot's records. Usage: `login ` ### logout Logs out of PBot. ### Admin Management #### adminadd Adds a bot admin. Usage: `adminadd ` * `name`: a unique name to identify this account (usually the `nick` of the admin, but can be any identifier). * `channel`: which channel the admin can administrate; use `global` for all channels. This field cannot be changed without removing and re-adding the admin. * `hostmask`: a *regular expression* of what hostmask the admin is recognized/allowed to login from (e.g., `somenick!.*@.*` or `.*@unaffiliated/someuser`). This field cannot be changed without removing and re-adding the admin. * `level`: an integer representing their level of privileges. See [admin-levels](#Admin_Levels). * `password`: the password the admin will use to login (from /msg!). A password is not required if the `stayloggedin` and `loggedin` meta-data are set for the admin; however, a dummy password still needs to be set. ##### Admin Levels This is a list of admin commands allowed by each admin level. Higher level admins have access to all lower level admin commands. * `10`: whitelist, blacklist, chanlist, ban, unban, mute, unmute, kick, ignore, unignore * `40`: chanset, chanunset, chanadd, chanrem, join, part * `60`: adminadd, adminrem, adminset, adminunset, akalink, akaunlink, regadd, regrem, regset, regunset, regchange * `90`: sl, load, unload, export, rebuildaliases, refresh, die #### adminrem Removes a bot admin. You can use the name field or the hostmask field that was set via adminadd. Usage: `adminrem ` #### adminset Sets meta-data for an admin account. You can use the `name` field or the `hostmask` field that was set via `adminadd`. See also: [admin metadata list](#Admin_Metadata_List). If `key` is omitted, it will list all the keys and values that are set. If `value` is omitted, it will show the value for `key`. Usage: `adminset [ [value]]` ##### Admin Metadata List This is a list of recognized meta-data keys for admin accounts. * `name`: A unique name identifying this admin account. * `level`: The privilege level of the admin. See [admin levels](#Admin_Levels). * `password`: The password for this admin account. * `loggedin`: Whether the admin is logged in or not. * `stayloggedin`: Do not log the admin out when they part/quit. #### adminunset Deletes a meta-data key from an admin account. You can use the name `field` or the `hostmask` field that was set via adminadd. Usage: `adminunset ` ### ignore Ignore a user. Usage: `ignore [channel [timeout]]` Timeout can be specified as an relative time in English; for instance, `5 minutes`, `1 month and 2 weeks`, `next thursday`, `friday after next`, and so on. ### unignore Unignores a user. Usage: `unignore [channel]` ### whitelist Whitelists a hostmask to be exempt from ban evasions. Usages: - `whitelist ` - `whitelist add ` - `whitelist remove ` ### blacklist Blacklists a hostmask regex from joining a channel. Usages: - `blacklist ` - `blacklist add [channel]` - `blacklist remove [channel]` ### ban Bans a user. If the argument is a `nick` instead of a `hostmask`, it will determine an appropriate banmask for that nick. Usage: `ban [channel [timeout]]` If `timeout` is omitted, PBot will ban the user for 24 hours. Timeout can be specified as an relative time in English; for instance, `5 minutes`, `1 month and 2 weeks`, `next thursday`, `friday after next`, and so on. ### unban Unbans a user. If the argument is a `nick` instead of a `hostmask`, it will find all bans that match any of that nick's hostmasks or NickServ accounts and unban them. Usage: `unban [channel]` ### kick Removes a user from the channel. `nick` can be a comma-separated list of multiple users. If `reason` is omitted, a random insult will be used. Usage from channel: `kick [reason]` From private message: `kick [reason]` ### export Exports specified list to website. Usage: export `` ### refresh Refreshes/reloads PBot core modules and plugins (not the command-line modules since those are executed/loaded each time they are invoked). ### sl Sends a raw IRC line to the server. Usage: `sl ` sl PRIVMSG #channel :Test message Test message ### die Kills PBot. :-( Causes PBot to disconnect and exit.