# File: MessageHistory.pm # Author: pragma_ # # Purpose: Keeps track of who has said what and when, as well as their # nickserv accounts and alter-hostmasks. # # Used in conjunction with AntiFlood and Quotegrabs for kick/ban on # flood/ban-evasion and grabbing quotes, respectively. package PBot::MessageHistory; use warnings; use strict; use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptionsFromString); use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval); use Time::Duration; use Carp (); use PBot::MessageHistory_SQLite; sub new { if(ref($_[1]) eq 'HASH') { Carp::croak("Options to " . __FILE__ . " should be key/value pairs, not hash reference"); } my ($class, %conf) = @_; my $self = bless {}, $class; $self->initialize(%conf); return $self; } sub initialize { my ($self, %conf) = @_; $self->{pbot} = delete $conf{pbot} // Carp::croak("Missing pbot reference to " . __FILE__); $self->{filename} = delete $conf{filename} // $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('general', 'data_dir') . '/message_history.sqlite3'; $self->{database} = PBot::MessageHistory_SQLite->new(pbot => $self->{pbot}, filename => $self->{filename}); $self->{database}->begin(); $self->{database}->devalidate_all_channels(); $self->{MSG_CHAT} = 0; # PRIVMSG, ACTION $self->{MSG_JOIN} = 1; # JOIN $self->{MSG_DEPARTURE} = 2; # PART, QUIT, KICK $self->{MSG_NICKCHANGE} = 3; # CHANGED NICK $self->{pbot}->{registry}->add_default('text', 'messagehistory', 'max_messages', $conf{max_messages} // 32); $self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->recall_message(@_) }, "recall", 0); $self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->list_also_known_as(@_) }, "aka", 0); $self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->rebuild_aliases(@_) }, "rebuildaliases", 90); $self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->aka_link(@_) }, "akalink", 60); $self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->aka_unlink(@_) }, "akaunlink", 60); $self->{pbot}->{atexit}->register(sub { $self->{database}->end(); return; }); } sub get_message_account { my ($self, $nick, $user, $host) = @_; return $self->{database}->get_message_account($nick, $user, $host); } sub add_message { my ($self, $account, $mask, $channel, $text, $mode) = @_; $self->{database}->add_message($account, $mask, $channel, { timestamp => scalar gettimeofday, msg => $text, mode => $mode }); } sub rebuild_aliases { my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; $self->{database}->rebuild_aliases_table; } sub aka_link { my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; my ($id, $alias) = split /\s+/, $arguments; if (not $id or not $alias) { return "Usage: link "; } my $source = $self->{database}->find_most_recent_hostmask($id); my $target = $self->{database}->find_most_recent_hostmask($alias); if (not $source) { return "No such id $id found."; } if (not $target) { return "No such id $alias found."; } if ($self->{database}->link_alias($id, $alias)) { return "$source linked to $target."; } else { return "Link failed."; } } sub aka_unlink { my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; my ($id, $alias) = split /\s+/, $arguments; if (not $id or not $alias) { return "Usage: unlink "; } my $source = $self->{database}->find_most_recent_hostmask($id); my $target = $self->{database}->find_most_recent_hostmask($alias); if (not $source) { return "No such id $id found."; } if (not $target) { return "No such id $alias found."; } if ($self->{database}->unlink_alias($id, $alias)) { return "$source unlinked from $target."; } else { return "Unlink failed."; } } sub list_also_known_as { my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; my $usage = "Usage: aka [-h] [-i] [-n] ; -h show hostmasks; -i show ids; -n show nickserv accounts"; if(not length $arguments) { return $usage; } my $getopt_error; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $getopt_error = shift; chomp $getopt_error; }; my ($show_hostmasks, $show_nickserv, $show_id, $dont_use_aliases_table); my ($ret, $args) = GetOptionsFromString($arguments, 'h' => \$show_hostmasks, 'n' => \$show_nickserv, 'nt' => \$dont_use_aliases_table, 'i' => \$show_id); return "$getopt_error -- $usage" if defined $getopt_error; return "Too many arguments -- $usage" if @$args > 1; return "Missing argument -- $usage" if @$args != 1; my %akas = $self->{database}->get_also_known_as(@$args[0], $dont_use_aliases_table); if(%akas) { my $result = "@$args[0] also known as:\n"; my %nicks; my $sep = ""; foreach my $aka (sort keys %akas) { next if $aka =~ /^Guest\d+(?:!.*)?$/; if (not $show_hostmasks) { my ($nick) = $aka =~ m/([^!]+)/; next if exists $nicks{$nick} and $nicks{$nick}->{id} == $akas{$aka}->{id}; $nicks{$nick}->{id} = $akas{$aka}->{id}; $result .= "$sep$nick"; } else { $result .= "$sep$aka"; } $result .= " ($akas{$aka}->{nickserv})" if $show_nickserv and exists $akas{$aka}->{nickserv}; $result .= " [$akas{$aka}->{id}]" if $show_id; if ($show_hostmasks or $show_nickserv or $show_id) { $sep = ",\n"; } else { $sep = ", "; } } return $result; } else { return "I don't know anybody named @$args[0]."; } } sub recall_message { my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; if(not defined $from) { $self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Command missing ~from parameter!\n"); return ""; } my $usage = 'Usage: recall [nick [history [channel]]] [-c,channel ] [-t,text,h,history ] [-b,before ] [-a,after ] [-x,context ] [+ ...]'; if(not defined $arguments or not length $arguments) { return $usage; } $arguments = lc $arguments; my @recalls = split /\s\+\s/, $arguments; my $getopt_error; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $getopt_error = shift; chomp $getopt_error; }; my $recall_text; foreach my $recall (@recalls) { my ($recall_nick, $recall_history, $recall_channel, $recall_before, $recall_after, $recall_context); my ($ret, $args) = GetOptionsFromString($recall, 'channel|c=s' => \$recall_channel, 'text|t|history|h=s' => \$recall_history, 'before|b=s' => \$recall_before, 'after|a=s' => \$recall_after, 'context|x=s' => \$recall_context); return "$getopt_error -- $usage" if defined $getopt_error; my $channel_arg = 1 if defined $recall_channel; my $history_arg = 1 if defined $recall_history; $recall_nick = shift @$args; $recall_history = shift @$args if not defined $recall_history; $recall_channel = shift @$args if not defined $recall_channel; $recall_before = 0 if not defined $recall_before; $recall_after = 0 if not defined $recall_after; # swap nick and channel if recall nick looks like channel and channel wasn't specified if(not $channel_arg and $recall_nick =~ m/^#/) { my $temp = $recall_nick; $recall_nick = $recall_channel; $recall_channel = $temp; } # swap history and channel if history looks like a channel and neither history or channel were specified if(not $channel_arg and not $history_arg and $recall_history =~ m/^#/) { my $temp = $recall_history; $recall_history = $recall_channel; $recall_channel = $temp; } # skip recall command if recalling self without arguments $recall_history = $nick eq $recall_nick ? 2 : 1 if defined $recall_nick and not defined $recall_history; # set history to most recent message if not specified $recall_history = '1' if not defined $recall_history; # set channel to current channel if not specified $recall_channel = $from if not defined $recall_channel; if (not defined $recall_nick and defined $recall_context) { $recall_nick = $recall_context; } my ($account, $found_nick); if(defined $recall_nick) { ($account, $found_nick) = $self->{database}->find_message_account_by_nick($recall_nick); if(not defined $account) { return "I don't know anybody named $recall_nick."; } $found_nick =~ s/!.*$//; } my $message; if($recall_history =~ /^\d+$/) { # integral history if(defined $account) { my $max_messages = $self->{database}->get_max_messages($account, $recall_channel); if($recall_history < 1 || $recall_history > $max_messages) { return "Please choose a history between 1 and $max_messages"; } } $recall_history--; $message = $self->{database}->recall_message_by_count($account, $recall_channel, $recall_history, 'recall'); if(not defined $message) { return "No message found at index $recall_history in channel $recall_channel."; } } else { # regex history $message = $self->{database}->recall_message_by_text($account, $recall_channel, $recall_history, 'recall'); if(not defined $message) { if(defined $account) { return "No such message for nick $found_nick in channel $recall_channel containing text '$recall_history'"; } else { return "No such message in channel $recall_channel containing text '$recall_history'"; } } } if ($recall_before + $recall_after > 200) { return "You may only select 200 lines of surrounding context."; } my $context_account; if (defined $recall_context) { ($context_account) = $self->{database}->find_message_account_by_nick($recall_context); if(not defined $context_account) { return "I don't know anybody named $recall_context."; } } my $messages = $self->{database}->get_message_context($message, $recall_before, $recall_after, $context_account); foreach my $msg (@$messages) { $self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("$nick ($from) recalled <$msg->{nick}/$msg->{channel}> $msg->{msg}\n"); my $text = $msg->{msg}; my $ago = ago(gettimeofday - $msg->{timestamp}); if(not defined $recall_text) { if($text =~ s/^\/me\s+// or $text =~ m/^KICKED /) { $recall_text = "[$ago] * $msg->{nick} $text\n"; } else { $recall_text = "[$ago] <$msg->{nick}> $text\n"; } } else { if($text =~ s/^\/me\s+// or $text =~ m/^KICKED /) { $recall_text .= "[$ago] * $msg->{nick} $text\n"; } else { $recall_text .= "[$ago] <$msg->{nick}> $text\n"; } } } } return $recall_text; } 1;