# File: Date.pm # Author: pragma- # # Purpose: Adds command to display time and date for timezones. # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. package Plugins::Date; use warnings; use strict; use feature 'unicode_strings'; use Carp (); sub new { Carp::croak("Options to " . __FILE__ . " should be key/value pairs, not hash reference") if ref $_[1] eq 'HASH'; my ($class, %conf) = @_; my $self = bless {}, $class; $self->initialize(%conf); return $self; } sub initialize { my ($self, %conf) = @_; $self->{pbot} = $conf{pbot} // Carp::croak("Missing pbot reference to " . __FILE__); $self->{pbot}->{registry}->add_default('text', 'date', 'default_timezone', 'UTC'); $self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->datecmd(@_) }, "date", 0); } sub unload { my $self = shift; $self->{pbot}->{commands}->unregister("date"); } sub datecmd { my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments, $stuff) = @_; my $timezone = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('date', 'default_timezone') // 'UTC'; my $tz_override = $self->{pbot}->{users}->get_loggedin_user_metadata($from, "$nick!$user\@$host", 'timezone'); $timezone = $tz_override if $tz_override; $timezone = $arguments if length $arguments; my $newstuff = { from => $from, nick => $nick, user => $user, host => $host, command => "date_module $timezone", root_channel => $from, root_keyword => "date_module", keyword => "date_module", arguments => "$timezone" }; $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoidmodulelauncher}->execute_module($newstuff); } 1;