# File: AntiFlood.pm # Author: pragma_ # # Purpose: Keeps track of which nick has said what and when. Used in # conjunction with OperatorStuff and Quotegrabs for kick/ban on flood # and grabbing quotes, respectively. package PBot::AntiFlood; use warnings; use strict; use feature 'switch'; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = $PBot::PBot::VERSION; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday); use Carp (); sub new { if(ref($_[1]) eq 'HASH') { Carp::croak("Options to AntiFlood should be key/value pairs, not hash reference"); } my ($class, %conf) = @_; my $self = bless {}, $class; $self->initialize(%conf); return $self; } sub initialize { my ($self, %conf) = @_; my $pbot = delete $conf{pbot}; if(not defined $pbot) { Carp::croak("Missing pbot reference to AntiFlood"); } $self->{pbot} = $pbot; $self->{FLOOD_IGNORE} = -1; $self->{FLOOD_CHAT} = 0; $self->{FLOOD_JOIN} = 1; $self->{flood_msg_count} = 0; $self->{last_timestamp} = gettimeofday; $self->{message_history} = {}; $pbot->timer->register(sub { $self->prune_message_history }, 60 * 60 * 1); $pbot->commands->register(sub { return $self->unbanme(@_) }, "unbanme", 0); } sub get_flood_account { my ($self, $nick, $user, $host) = @_; return $nick if exists ${ $self->message_history }{$nick}; foreach my $n (keys %{ $self->{message_history} }) { my $userhost = "$user\@$host"; if(${ $self->{message_history} }{$n}{hostmask} =~ /\Q$userhost\E/i) { $self->{pbot}->logger->log("Using existing hostmask found with nick $n\n"); return $n; } } return undef; } sub add_message { my ($self, $account, $channel, $text, $mode) = @_; my $now = gettimeofday; #$self->{pbot}->logger->log("appending new message\n"); push(@{ ${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$channel}{messages} }, { timestamp => $now, msg => $text, mode => $mode }); my $length = $#{ ${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$channel}{messages} } + 1; if($length >= $self->{pbot}->{MAX_NICK_MESSAGES}) { my %msg = %{ shift(@{ ${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$channel}{messages} }) }; #$self->{pbot}->logger->log("shifting message off top: $msg{msg}, $msg{timestamp}\n"); $length--; } return $length; } sub check_flood { my ($self, $channel, $nick, $user, $host, $text, $max_messages, $max_time, $mode) = @_; my $now = gettimeofday; $channel = lc $channel; $self->{pbot}->logger->log(sprintf("%-14s | %-65s | %s\n", $channel, "$nick!$user\@$host", $text)); return if $nick eq $self->{pbot}->botnick; my $account = $self->get_flood_account($nick, $user, $host); if(not defined $account) { # new addition #$self->{pbot}->logger->log("brand new nick addition\n"); ${ $self->message_history }{$nick}{hostmask} = "$nick!$user\@$host"; $account = $nick; } if(not exists ${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$channel}) { #$self->{pbot}->logger->log("adding new channel for existing nick\n"); ${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$channel}{offenses} = 0; ${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$channel}{join_watch} = 0; ${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$channel}{messages} = []; } my $length = $self->add_message($account, $channel, $text, $mode); return if ($channel =~ /^#/) and (not exists $self->{pbot}->channels->channels->hash->{$channel} or $self->{pbot}->channels->channels->hash->{$channel}{chanop} == 0); if($mode == $self->{FLOOD_JOIN}) { if($text =~ /^JOIN/) { ${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$channel}{join_watch}++; $self->{pbot}->logger->log("$nick $channel joinwatch adjusted: ${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$channel}{join_watch}\n"); } else { # PART or QUIT # if QUIT, then assume they existed on any channel the bot exists on # this makes it possible to deal with ping timeout quits foreach my $chan (keys %{ $self->{pbot}->channels->channels->hash }) { if(not exists ${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$chan}) { ${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$chan}{offenses} = 0; ${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$chan}{join_watch} = 0; ${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$chan}{messages} = []; } $self->add_message($account, $chan, $text, $mode) unless $chan eq $channel; } # check QUIT message for netsplits, and decrement joinwatch if found if($text =~ /^QUIT .*\.net .*\.split/) { foreach my $ch (keys %{ $self->message_history->{$account} }) { next if $ch eq 'hostmask'; # TODO: move channels into {channel} subkey next if $ch !~ /^#/; ${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$ch}{join_watch}--; ${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$ch}{join_watch} = 0 if ${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$ch}{join_watch} < 0; $self->{pbot}->logger->log("$nick $ch joinwatch adjusted: ${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$ch}{join_watch}\n"); } $self->message_history->{$account}{$channel}{messages}->[$length - 1]{mode} = $self->{FLOOD_IGNORE}; } # check QUIT message for Ping timeout elsif($text =~ /^QUIT Ping timeout/) { # deal with ping timeouts agressively foreach my $ch (keys %{ $self->message_history->{$account} }) { next if $ch eq 'hostmask'; # TODO: move channels into {channel} subkey next if $ch !~ /^#/; ${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$ch}{join_watch}++; $self->{pbot}->logger->log("$nick $ch joinwatch adjusted: ${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$ch}{join_watch}\n"); } } else { $self->message_history->{$account}{$channel}{messages}->[$length - 1]{mode} = $self->{FLOOD_IGNORE}; } } } elsif($mode == $self->{FLOOD_CHAT}) { # reset joinwatch if they send a message ${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$channel}{join_watch} = 0; } if($max_messages > $self->{pbot}->{MAX_NICK_MESSAGES}) { $self->{pbot}->logger->log("Warning: max_messages greater than MAX_NICK_MESSAGES; truncating.\n"); $max_messages = $self->{pbot}->{MAX_NICK_MESSAGES}; } if($max_messages > 0 and $length >= $max_messages) { $self->{pbot}->logger->log("More than $max_messages messages, comparing time differences ($max_time)\n") if $mode == $self->{FLOOD_JOIN}; my %msg; if($mode == $self->{FLOOD_CHAT}) { %msg = %{ @{ ${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$channel}{messages} }[$length - $max_messages] }; } else { my $count = 0; my $i = $length - 1; $self->{pbot}->logger->log("Checking flood history, i = $i\n"); for(; $i >= 0; $i--) { $self->{pbot}->logger->log($i . " " . $self->message_history->{$account}{$channel}{messages}->[$i]{mode} ." " . $self->message_history->{$account}{$channel}{messages}->[$i]{msg} . " " . $self->message_history->{$account}{$channel}{messages}->[$i]{timestamp} . "\n"); next if $self->message_history->{$account}{$channel}{messages}->[$i]{mode} != $self->{FLOOD_JOIN}; last if ++$count >= 4; } $i = 0 if $i < 0; print "using $i\n"; %msg = %{ @{ ${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$channel}{messages} }[$i] }; } my %last = %{ @{ ${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$channel}{messages} }[$length - 1] }; $self->{pbot}->logger->log("Comparing " . int($last{timestamp}) . " against " . int($msg{timestamp}) . ": " . (int($last{timestamp} - $msg{timestamp})) . " seconds\n") if $mode == $self->{FLOOD_JOIN}; if($last{timestamp} - $msg{timestamp} <= $max_time && not $self->{pbot}->admins->loggedin($channel, "$nick!$user\@$host")) { if($mode == $self->{FLOOD_JOIN}) { if(${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$channel}{join_watch} >= $max_messages) { ${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$channel}{offenses}++; my $timeout = (2 ** (($self->message_history->{$account}{$channel}{offenses} + 6) < 10 ? ${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$channel}{offenses} + 6 : 10)); my $banmask = address_to_mask($host); $self->{pbot}->chanops->ban_user_timed("*!$user\@$banmask\$##fix_your_connection", $channel, $timeout * 60 * 60); $self->{pbot}->logger->log("$nick!$user\@$banmask banned for $timeout hours due to join flooding (offense #${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$channel}{offenses}).\n"); $timeout = "several" if($timeout > 8); $self->{pbot}->conn->privmsg($nick, "You have been banned from $channel for $timeout hours due to join flooding. If your connection issues have been fixed, or this was an accident, you may request an unban at any time by responding to this message with: unbanme $channel; however, abusing this may lead to a permanent ban."); ${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$channel}{join_watch} = $max_messages - 2; # give them a chance to rejoin } } elsif($mode == $self->{FLOOD_CHAT}) { ${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$channel}{offenses}++; my $length = ${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$channel}{offenses} ** ${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$channel}{offenses} * ${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$channel}{offenses} * 30; if($channel =~ /^#/) { #channel flood (opposed to private message or otherwise) return if exists $self->{pbot}->chanops->{unban_timeout}->hash->{"*!*\@$host"}; if($mode == $self->{FLOOD_CHAT}) { $self->{pbot}->chanops->ban_user_timed("*!$user\@$host", $channel, $length); $self->{pbot}->logger->log("$nick $channel flood offense ${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$channel}{offenses} earned $length second ban\n"); if($length < 1000) { $length = "$length seconds"; } else { $length = "a little while"; } $self->{pbot}->conn->privmsg($nick, "You have been muted due to flooding. Please use a web paste service such as http://codepad.org for lengthy pastes. You will be allowed to speak again in $length."); } } else { # private message flood return if exists $self->{pbot}->ignorelist->{ignore_list}->{"$nick!$user\@$host"}{$channel}; $self->{pbot}->logger->log("$nick msg flood offense ${ $self->message_history }{$account}{$channel}{offenses} earned $length second ignore\n"); $self->{pbot}->{ignorelistcmds}->ignore_user("", "floodcontrol", "", "", "$nick!$user\@$host $channel $length"); if($length < 1000) { $length = "$length seconds"; } else { $length = "a little while"; } $self->{pbot}->conn->privmsg($nick, "You have used too many commands in too short a time period, you have been ignored for $length."); } } } } } sub message_history { my $self = shift; return $self->{message_history}; } sub prune_message_history { my $self = shift; $self->{pbot}->logger->log("Pruning message history . . .\n"); foreach my $nick (keys %{ $self->{message_history} }) { foreach my $channel (keys %{ $self->{message_history}->{$nick} }) { next if $channel eq 'hostmask'; # TODO: move channels into {channel} subkey #$self->{pbot}->logger->log("Checking [$nick][$channel]\n"); my $length = $#{ $self->{message_history}->{$nick}{$channel}{messages} } + 1; my %last = %{ @{ $self->{message_history}->{$nick}{$channel}{messages} }[$length - 1] }; if(gettimeofday - $last{timestamp} >= 60 * 60 * 24 * 3) { $self->{pbot}->logger->log("$nick in $channel hasn't spoken in three days, removing message history.\n"); delete $self->{message_history}->{$nick}{$channel}; } } } } sub unbanme { my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; my $channel = $arguments; if(not defined $channel) { return "/msg $nick Usage: unbanme "; } my $banmask = address_to_mask($host); my $mask = "*!$user\@$banmask\$##fix_your_connection"; if(not exists $self->{pbot}->{chanops}->{unban_timeout}->hash->{$mask}) { return "/msg $nick There is no temporary ban set for $mask in channel $channel."; } if(not $self->{pbot}->chanops->{unban_timeout}->hash->{$mask}{channel} eq $channel) { return "/msg $nick There is no temporary ban set for $mask in channel $channel."; } $self->{pbot}->chanops->unban_user($mask, $channel); delete $self->{pbot}->chanops->{unban_timeout}->hash->{$mask}; $self->{pbot}->chanops->{unban_timeout}->save_hash(); return "/msg $nick You have been unbanned from $channel."; } sub address_to_mask { my $address = shift; my $banmask; if($address =~ m/^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$/) { my ($a, $b, $c, $d) = ($1, $2, $3, $4); given($a) { when($_ <= 127) { $banmask = "$a.*"; } when($_ <= 191) { $banmask = "$a.$b.*"; } default { $banmask = "$a.$b.$c.*"; } } } elsif($address =~ m/[^.]+\.([^.]+\.[^.]+)$/) { $banmask = "*.$1"; } else { $banmask = $address; } return $banmask; } # based on Guy Malachi's code sub generate_random_string { my $length_of_randomstring = shift; my @chars=('a'..'z','A'..'Z','0'..'9','_'); my $random_string; foreach (1..$length_of_randomstring) { $random_string .= $chars[rand @chars]; } return $random_string; } 1;