# File: Quotegrabs.pm # Author: pragma_ # # Purpose: Allows users to "grab" quotes from anti-flood history and store them for later retreival. package PBot::Quotegrabs; use warnings; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = $PBot::PBot::VERSION; use HTML::Entities; use Time::Duration; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday); sub new { if(ref($_[1]) eq 'HASH') { Carp::croak("Options to Quotegrabs should be key/value pairs, not hash reference"); } my ($class, %conf) = @_; my $self = bless {}, $class; $self->initialize(%conf); return $self; } sub initialize { my ($self, %conf) = @_; my $pbot = delete $conf{pbot}; if(not defined $pbot) { Carp::croak("Missing pbot reference to Quotegrabs"); } my $filename = delete $conf{filename}; my $export_path = delete $conf{export_path}; $self->{pbot} = $pbot; $self->{filename} = $filename; $self->{export_path} = $export_path; $self->{quotegrabs} = []; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The following could be in QuotegrabsCommands.pm, or they could be kept in here? #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $pbot->commands->register(sub { $self->grab_quotegrab(@_) }, "grab", 0); $pbot->commands->register(sub { $self->show_quotegrab(@_) }, "getq", 0); $pbot->commands->register(sub { $self->delete_quotegrab(@_) }, "delq", 10); $pbot->commands->register(sub { $self->show_random_quotegrab(@_) }, "rq", 0); } sub load_quotegrabs { my $self = shift; my $filename; if(@_) { $filename = shift; } else { $filename = $self->{filename}; } return if not defined $filename; $self->{pbot}->logger->log("Loading quotegrabs from $filename ...\n"); open(FILE, "< $filename") or die "Couldn't open $filename: $!\n"; my @contents = ; close(FILE); my $i = 0; foreach my $line (@contents) { chomp $line; $i++; my ($nick, $channel, $timestamp, $grabbed_by, $text) = split(/\s+/, $line, 5); if(not defined $nick || not defined $channel || not defined $timestamp || not defined $grabbed_by || not defined $text) { die "Syntax error around line $i of $self->{quotegrabs}_file\n"; } my $quotegrab = {}; $quotegrab->{nick} = $nick; $quotegrab->{channel} = $channel; $quotegrab->{timestamp} = $timestamp; $quotegrab->{grabbed_by} = $grabbed_by; $quotegrab->{text} = $text; $quotegrab->{id} = $i + 1; push @{ $self->{quotegrabs} }, $quotegrab; } $self->{pbot}->logger->log(" $i quotegrabs loaded.\n"); $self->{pbot}->logger->log("Done.\n"); } sub save_quotegrabs { my $self = shift; my $filename; if(@_) { $filename = shift; } else { $filename = $self->{filename}; } return if not defined $filename; open(FILE, "> $filename") or die "Couldn't open $filename: $!\n"; for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#{ $self->{quotegrabs} }; $i++) { my $quotegrab = $self->{quotegrabs}[$i]; next if $quotegrab->{timestamp} == 0; print FILE "$quotegrab->{nick} $quotegrab->{channel} $quotegrab->{timestamp} $quotegrab->{grabbed_by} $quotegrab->{text}\n"; } close(FILE); $self->export_quotegrabs(); } sub export_quotegrabs() { my $self = shift; return "Not enabled" if not defined $self->{export_path}; my $text; my $last_channel = ""; my $had_table = 0; open FILE, "> $self->{export_path}" or return "Could not open export path."; my $time = localtime; print FILE "Generated at $time

Candide's Quotegrabs

\n"; my $i = 0; foreach my $quotegrab (sort { $$a{channel} cmp $$b{channel} or $$a{nick} cmp $$b{nick} } @{ $self->{quotegrabs} }) { if(not $quotegrab->{channel} =~ /^$last_channel$/i) { print FILE "\n" if $had_table; print FILE "


\n"; print FILE "\n"; $had_table = 1; } $last_channel = $quotegrab->{channel}; $i++; if($i % 2) { print FILE "\n"; } else { print FILE "\n"; } print FILE ""; $text = "\n"; print FILE $text; my ($seconds, $minutes, $hours, $day_of_month, $month, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime($quotegrab->{timestamp}); my $t = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d-%04d/%02d/%02d\n", $hours, $minutes, $seconds, $year+1900, $month+1, $day_of_month); print FILE "\n"; } print FILE "
" . ($quotegrab->{id}) . "<$quotegrab->{nick}> " . encode_entities($quotegrab->{text}) . "- grabbed by
$t\n"; print FILE "
\n"; close(FILE); return "$i quotegrabs exported to http://blackshell.com/~msmud/candide/quotegrabs.html"; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The following subroutines could be in QuotegrabCommands.pm . . . # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub grab_quotegrab { my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; if(not defined $from) { $self->{pbot}->logger->log("Command missing ~from parameter!\n"); return ""; } if(not defined $arguments) { return "Usage: grab [history [channel]] -- where [history] is an optional argument that is either an integer number of recent messages or a regex (without whitespace) of the text within the message; e.g., to grab the 3rd most recent message for nick, use `grab nick 3` or to grab a message containing 'pizza', use `grab nick pizza`; and [channel] is an optional channel, so you can use it from /msg (you will need to also specify [history] in this case)"; } $arguments = lc $arguments; my ($grab_nick, $grab_history, $channel) = split(/\s+/, $arguments, 3); if(not defined $grab_history) { $grab_history = $nick eq $grab_nick ? 2 : 1; } $channel = $from if not defined $channel; if($grab_history =~ /^\d+$/ and ($grab_history < 1 || $grab_history > $self->{pbot}->{MAX_NICK_MESSAGES})) { return "/msg $nick Please choose a history between 1 and $self->{pbot}->{MAX_NICK_MESSAGES}"; } my $found_mask = undef; my $last_spoken = 0; foreach my $mask (keys %{ $self->{pbot}->antiflood->message_history }) { if($mask =~ m/^\Q$grab_nick\E!/i) { if(defined $self->{pbot}->antiflood->message_history->{$mask}->{channels}->{$channel}{last_spoken} and $self->{pbot}->antiflood->message_history->{$mask}->{channels}->{$channel}{last_spoken} > $last_spoken) { $last_spoken = $self->{pbot}->antiflood->message_history->{$mask}->{channels}->{$channel}{last_spoken}; $found_mask = $mask; } } } if(not defined $found_mask) { return "No message history for $grab_nick."; } if(not exists $self->{pbot}->antiflood->message_history->{$found_mask}->{channels}->{$channel}) { return "No message history for $grab_nick in $channel."; } my @messages = @{ $self->{pbot}->antiflood->message_history->{$found_mask}->{channels}->{$channel}{messages} }; if($grab_history =~ /^\d+$/) { # integral history $grab_history--; if($grab_history > $#messages) { return "$grab_nick has only " . ($#messages + 1) . " messages in the history."; } $grab_history = $#messages - $grab_history; } else { # regex history my $ret = eval { my $i = $#messages; $i-- if($nick =~ /^\Q$grab_nick\E$/i); # skip 'grab' command if grabbing own nick my $found = 0; while($i >= 0) { if($messages[$i]->{msg} =~ m/$grab_history/i) { $grab_history = $i; $found = 1; last; } $i--; } if($found == 0) { return "/msg $nick No message containing regex '$grab_history' found for $grab_nick"; } else { return undef; } }; return "/msg $nick Bad grab regex: $@" if $@; if(defined $ret) { return $ret; } } $self->{pbot}->logger->log("$nick ($from) grabbed <$grab_nick/$channel> $messages[$grab_history]->{msg}\n"); my $quotegrab = {}; $quotegrab->{nick} = $grab_nick; $quotegrab->{channel} = $channel; $quotegrab->{timestamp} = $messages[$grab_history]->{timestamp}; $quotegrab->{grabbed_by} = $nick; $quotegrab->{text} = $messages[$grab_history]->{msg}; $quotegrab->{id} = $#{ $self->{quotegrabs} } + 2; push @{ $self->{quotegrabs} }, $quotegrab; $self->save_quotegrabs(); my $text = $quotegrab->{text}; if($text =~ s/^\/me\s+//) { return "Quote grabbed: " . ($#{ $self->{quotegrabs} } + 1) . ": * $grab_nick $text"; } else { return "Quote grabbed: " . ($#{ $self->{quotegrabs} } + 1) . ": <$grab_nick> $text"; } } sub add_quotegrab { my ($self, $nick, $channel, $timestamp, $grabbed_by, $text) = @_; my $quotegrab = {}; $quotegrab->{nick} = $nick; $quotegrab->{channel} = $channel; $quotegrab->{timestamp} = $timestamp; $quotegrab->{grabbed_by} = $grabbed_by; $quotegrab->{text} = $text; $quotegrab->{id} = $#{ $self->{quotegrabs} } + 2; push @{ $self->{quotegrabs} }, $quotegrab; } sub delete_quotegrab { my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; if($arguments < 1 || $arguments > $#{ $self->{quotegrabs} } + 1) { return "/msg $nick Valid range for `getq` is 1 - " . ($#{ $self->{quotegrabs} } + 1); } my $quotegrab = $self->{quotegrabs}[$arguments - 1]; splice @{ $self->{quotegrabs} }, $arguments - 1, 1; for(my $i = $arguments - 1; $i <= $#{ $self->{quotegrabs} }; $i++ ) { $self->{quotegrabs}[$i]->{id}--; } $self->save_quotegrabs(); my $text = $quotegrab->{text}; if($text =~ s/^\/me\s+//) { return "Deleted $arguments: * $quotegrab->{nick} $text"; } else { return "Deleted $arguments: <$quotegrab->{nick}> $text"; } } sub show_quotegrab { my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; if($arguments < 1 || $arguments > $#{ $self->{quotegrabs} } + 1) { return "/msg $nick Valid range for !getq is 1 - " . ($#{ $self->{quotegrabs} } + 1); } my $quotegrab = $self->{quotegrabs}[$arguments - 1]; my $timestamp = $quotegrab->{timestamp}; my $ago = ago(gettimeofday - $timestamp); my $text = $quotegrab->{text}; if($text =~ s/^\/me\s+//) { return "$arguments: grabbed by $quotegrab->{grabbed_by} on " . localtime($timestamp) . " [$ago] * $quotegrab->{nick} $text"; } else { return "$arguments: grabbed by $quotegrab->{grabbed_by} on " . localtime($timestamp) . " [$ago] <$quotegrab->{nick}> $text"; } } sub show_random_quotegrab { my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; my @quotes = (); my $nick_search = ".*"; my $channel_search = $from; my $text_search = ".*"; if(not defined $from) { $self->{pbot}->logger->log("Command missing ~from parameter!\n"); return ""; } if(defined $arguments) { ($nick_search, $channel_search, $text_search) = split /\s+/, $arguments; if(not defined $channel_search) { $channel_search = $from; } } $nick_search = '.*' if not defined $nick_search; $channel_search = '.*' if not defined $channel_search; $text_search = '.*' if not defined $text_search; eval { for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#{ $self->{quotegrabs} }; $i++) { my $hash = $self->{quotegrabs}[$i]; if($hash->{channel} =~ /$channel_search/i && $hash->{nick} =~ /$nick_search/i && $hash->{text} =~ /$text_search/i) { $hash->{id} = $i + 1; push @quotes, $hash; } } }; if($@) { $self->{pbot}->logger->log("Error in show_random_quotegrab parameters: $@\n"); return "/msg $nick Error in search parameters: $@" } if($#quotes < 0) { if($nick_search eq ".*") { return "No quotes grabbed in $channel_search yet (use `rq [nick [channel]]` to specify the correct channel). Use `grab` to grab a quote."; } else { return "No quotes grabbed for $nick_search in $channel_search yet (use `rq [nick [channel]]` to specify the correct channel).. Use `grab` to grab a quote."; } } my $quotegrab = $quotes[int rand($#quotes + 1)]; my $text = $quotegrab->{text}; if($text =~ s/^\/me\s+//) { return "$quotegrab->{id}: * $quotegrab->{nick} $text"; } else { return "$quotegrab->{id}: <$quotegrab->{nick}> $text"; } } 1;