# C-to-English Grammar # Pragmatic Software { my ($rule_name, @macros, @typedefs, @identifiers); } startrule: translation_unit { my $output = $item[-1]; $output =~ s/\^L(\s*.?)/\L$1/g; # lowercase specified characters $output =~ s/\^U(\s*.?)/\U$1/g; # uppercase specified characters push @$return, $output; } startrule(?) { push @$return, $item[-1]; } translation_unit: comment | external_declaration | function_definition | preproc[matchrule => 'translation_unit'] preproc: '#' (definition | undefinition | inclusion | line | error | pragma | preproc_conditional[matchrule => $arg{matchrule}]) definition: macro_definition | 'define' identifier token_sequence(?) "\n" { my $token_sequence = join('',@{$item{'token_sequence(?)'}}); $return = "Define the macro $item{identifier}"; $return .= " to mean $token_sequence" if $token_sequence; $return .= ".\n"; } macro_definition: 'define' identifier '(' ')' token_sequence "\n" { my @symbols = @{$item[-5]}; my $last; push @macros, $item{identifier}; $return = "Define the macro $item{identifier} "; if ($#symbols > 0) { $last = pop @symbols; $return .= "with the symbols " . join(", ",@symbols) . " and $last "; } else { $return .= "with the symbol $symbols[0] "; } $return .= "to use the token sequence `$item{token_sequence}`.\n"; } undefinition: 'undef' identifier "\n" { @macros = grep { $_ ne $item{identifier} } @macros; $return = "\nAnnul the definition of $item{identifier}.\n"; } inclusion: 'include' '<' filename '>' "\n" { $return = "\nInclude system file $item{filename}.\n"; } | 'include' '"' filename '"' "\n" { $return = "\nInclude user file $item{filename}.\n"; } | 'include' token { $return = "\nImport code noted by the token $item{token}.\n"; } filename: /[_\.\-\w\/]+/ line: 'line' constant ('"' filename '"' { $return = "and filename $item{filename}"; } )(?) "\n" { $return = "\nThis is line number $item{constant} " . join('', @{$item[-3]}) . ".\n"; } error: 'error' token_sequence(?) "\n" { $return = "Stop compilation with error \"" . join('', @{$item{'token_sequence(?)'}}) . "\".\n"; } pragma: 'pragma' token_sequence(?) "\n" { my $pragma = join('',@{$item{'token_sequence(?)'}}); if ($pragma) { $pragma = ' "$pragma"'; } $return = "Process a compiler-dependent pragma$pragma.\n"; } preproc_conditional: if_line[matchrule => $arg{matchrule}] { $rule_name = $arg{matchrule}; } (s?) { $return = $item{if_line} . join('',@{$item[-1]}); } (elif_parts[matchrule => $rule_name])(?) (else_parts[matchrule => $rule_name])(?) { $return .= join('',@{$item[-2]}) . join('',@{$item[-1]}); } '#' 'endif' { $return .= "End preprocessor conditional.\n"; } if_line: 'ifdef' identifier "\n" { $return .= "If the macro $item{identifier} is defined, then ^L"; } | 'ifndef' identifier "\n" { $return .= "If the macro $item{identifier} is not defined, then ^L"; } | 'if' constant_expression "\n" { $return .= "If the preprocessor condition^L $item{constant_expression} is true, then ^L"; } elif_parts: ('#' 'elif' constant_expression { $return .= "Otherwise, if the preprocessor condition $item{constant_expression} is true, then ^L"; } ( )[matchrule => $arg{matchrule}](s?) { $return .= join('',@{$item[-1]}); } )(s) { $return = join('', @{$item[-1]}); } else_parts: '#' 'else' { $rule_name = $arg{matchrule}; } ()[matchrule => $arg{matchrule}](s?) { $return = "Otherwise, ^L" . join('',@{$item[-1]}); } token_sequence: token(s) { $return = join(' ', @{$item[1]}); } token: /\S+/ { $return = $item[-1]; } external_declaration: declaration[context => 'external declaration'] function_definition: declaration_specifiers[context => 'function definition'](?) declarator[context => 'function definition'] compound_statement[context => 'function definition statement'](?) { my $declaration_specifiers = join('', @{$item{'declaration_specifiers(?)'}}); my $name = $item{declarator}->[0]; my $parameter_list = $item{declarator}->[1]; my $return_type; if(@{$item{declarator}} > 2) { $return_type = "$item{declarator}->[2] $declaration_specifiers"; } else { $return_type = $declaration_specifiers; } if($return_type =~ s/( with.*)$//) { my $storage_class_specifier = $1; $parameter_list =~ s/function/function$storage_class_specifier/; } $return = "\nLet $name be a "; $return .= $parameter_list; $return .= " $return_type.\nTo perform the function, ^L"; $return .= join('', @{$item{'compound_statement(?)'}}); } compound_statement: '{' declaration_list(?) statement_list(?) '}' { my $declaration_list = join('',@{$item{'declaration_list(?)'}}); my $statement_list = join('',@{$item{'statement_list(?)'}}); $return = "Begin new block.\n" if not $arg{context}; if ($declaration_list) { $return .= $declaration_list; } if ($statement_list ) { $return .= $statement_list; } else { $return .= "Do nothing.\n"; } $return .= "End block.\n" if not $arg{context}; if ($arg{context} and $arg{context} ne 'do loop' and $arg{context} ne 'case' and $arg{context} ne 'function definition statement' and $arg{context} ne 'function definition') { $return .= "End $arg{context}.\n"; } 1; } statement_list: comment(?) preproc[matchrule => 'statement'](?) statement[context => undef] { my $preproc = join('',@{$item{'preproc(?)'}}); my $comment = join('',@{$item{'comment(?)'}}); $return = $item{statement}; if ($comment) { $return = $comment . $return; } if ($preproc) { $return = $preproc . $return; } } statement_list(?) { $return .= join('',@{$item{'statement_list(?)'}}); } statement: jump_statement | compound_statement | iteration_statement | selection_statement | labeled_statement | expression_statement iteration_statement: 'for' '(' for_initialization(?) ';' for_expression(?) ';' for_increment(?) ')' statement[context => 'for loop'] { my $initialization = join('', @{$item{'for_initialization(?)'}}); my $expression = join('',@{$item{'for_expression(?)'}}); my $increment = join('',@{$item{'for_increment(?)'}}); if ($initialization) { $return .= "Prepare a loop by ^L$initialization, then ^L"; } if ($expression) { my $expression = ::istrue $expression; $return .= "For as long as ^L$expression, ^L"; } else { $return .= "Repeatedly ^L"; } $return .= $item{statement} ; if ($increment) { $return =~ s/End for loop.$//; $return .= "After each iteration, ^L$increment.\n"; } } | 'while' '(' expression[context => 'while conditional'] ')' statement[context => 'while loop'] { if($item{expression} =~ /(^\d+$)/) { if($1 == 0) { $return = "Never ^L"; } else { $return = "Repeatedly ^L"; } } else { my $expression = ::istrue $item{expression}; $return = "While ^L$expression, ^L"; } if($item{statement}) { $return .= $item{statement} . "\n"; } else { $return .= "do nothing.\n"; } } | 'do' statement[context => 'do loop'] 'while' '(' expression[context => 'do while conditional'] ')' ';' { $item{statement} =~ s/^do nothing/nothing/i; $return = "Do the following:^L $item{statement}"; if($item{expression} =~ /(^\d+$)/) { if($1 == 0) { $return .= "Do this once.\n"; } else { $return .= "Do this repeatedly.\n"; } } else { my $expression = ::istrue $item{expression}; $return .= "Do this as long as ^L$expression.\n"; } } for_initialization: expression[context => 'for loop'] for_expression: expression[context => 'for conditional'] for_increment: expression[context => 'for increment statement'] selection_statement: 'if' '(' expression[context => 'if conditional'] ')' statement[context => 'if statement'] { if($item{expression} =~ /^(\d+)$/) { if($1 == 0) { $return = "Never "; } else { $return = "Always "; } } else { my $expression = ::istrue $item{expression}; $return = "If ^L$expression then "; } $return .= "^L$item{statement}"; } ('else' statement[context => 'else block'] { $return = "Otherwise, ^L$item{statement}"; } )(?) { $return .= join('',@{$item[-1]}); } | 'switch' '(' expression[context => 'switch conditional'] ')' statement[context => 'switch'] { $return = "Given the expression \'^L$item{expression}\',\n^L$item{statement}"; } jump_statement: 'break' ';' { if($arg{context} eq 'switch' or $arg{context} eq 'case') { $return = "Break case.\n"; } elsif(length $arg{context}) { $return = "Break from the $arg{context}.\n"; } else { $return = "Break from the current block.\n"; } } | 'continue' ';' { $return = "Return to the top of the current loop.\n"; } | 'return' expression[context => 'return statement'](?) ';' { my $expression = join('', @{$item{'expression(?)'}}); if (length $expression) { $return = "Return ^L$expression.\n"; } else { $return = "Return no value.\n"; } } | 'goto' identifier ';' comment(?) { $return = "Go to the label named $item{identifier}.\n"; $return .= join('', @{$item{'comment(?)'}}); } expression_statement: expression[context => 'statement'](?) ';' { my $expression = join('',@{$item[1]}); if (!$expression) { if($arg{context} eq 'label') { return ""; } else { $return = "Do nothing.\n"; } } else { $return = $expression.".\n" ; } } labeled_statement: identifier ':' statement[context => 'label'] (';')(?) { $return = "Let there be a label $item{identifier}.\n$item{statement}"; } | 'case' constant_expression ':' statement[context => 'case'] { $return = "When it has the value $item{constant_expression}, ^L$item{statement}"; } | 'default' ':' statement { $return = "In the default case, ^L$item{statement}"; } expression: { if($arg{context} eq 'for increment statement') { $return = join(', then ', @{$item[-1]}); } else { my $that = $arg{context} =~ /conditional/ ? ' that' : ''; $return .= "Evaluate$that " if @{$item[-1]} > 1; $return .= join(" and then discard the result and then evaluate$that ^L", @{$item[-1]}); } } assignment_expression: unary_expression[context => 'assignment expression'] assignment_operator assignment_expression[context => 'assignment expression'] { my $assignment_expression = $item{assignment_expression}; my $assignment_operator = $item{assignment_operator}; if ($arg{context} eq 'statement' or $arg{context} eq 'for loop') { $return .= "${$item{assignment_operator}}[0] $item{unary_expression} "; $return .= "${$item{assignment_operator}}[1] " if $assignment_expression !~ /the result of/; $return .= $assignment_expression; } else { $return = "$item{unary_expression} $assignment_operator $assignment_expression"; } } | conditional_expression conditional_expression: logical_OR_AND_expression conditional_ternary_expression { if($item{conditional_ternary_expression}) { my $op1 = $item{conditional_ternary_expression}->[0]; my $op2 = $item{conditional_ternary_expression}->[1]; my $expression = ::istrue $item{logical_OR_AND_expression}; $return = "$op1 if $expression otherwise $op2"; } else { $return = $item{logical_OR_AND_expression}; } } conditional_ternary_expression: '?' expression ':' conditional_expression { $return = [$item{expression}, $item{conditional_expression}]; } | {""} assignment_operator: '=' { if ($arg{context} eq 'statement') { $return = ['Assign to^L', 'the value^L' ]; } elsif ($arg{context} eq 'for loop') { $return = ['assigning to^L', 'the value^L' ]; } else { $return = 'which is assigned to be^L'; } } | '+=' { if ($arg{context} eq 'statement') { $return = ['Increment^L','by^L']; } elsif ($arg{context} eq 'for loop') { $return = ['incrementing^L','by^L']; } else { $return = 'which is incremented by^L'; } } | '-=' { if ($arg{context} eq 'statement') { $return = ['Decrement^L', 'by^L']; } elsif ($arg{context} eq 'for loop') { $return = ['decrementing^L' , 'by^L']; } else { $return = 'which is decremented by^L'; } } | '*=' { if ($arg{context} eq 'statement') { $return = ['Multiply^L' , 'by^L']; } elsif ($arg{context} eq 'for loop') { $return = ['multiplying^L' , 'by^L']; } else { $return = 'which is multiplied by^L'; } } | '/=' { if ($arg{context} eq 'statement') { $return = ['Divide^L' , 'by^L' ]; } elsif ($arg{context} eq 'for loop') { $return = ['dividing^L' , 'by^L' ]; } else { $return = 'which is divided by^L'; } } | '%=' { if ($arg{context} eq 'statement') { $return = ['Reduce^L', 'to modulo ^L'] ; } elsif ($arg{context} eq 'for loop') { $return = ['reducing^L', 'to modulo ^L'] ; } else { $return = 'which is reduced to modulo^L'; } } | '<<=' { if ($arg{context} eq 'statement') { $return = ['Bit-shift^L', 'left by^L']; } elsif ($arg{context} eq 'for loop') { $return = ['bit-shifting^L', 'left by^L']; } else { $return = 'which is bit-shifted left by^L'; } } | '>>=' { if ($arg{context} eq 'statement') { $return = ['Bit-shift^L', 'right by^L']; } elsif ($arg{context} eq 'for loop') { $return = ['bit-shifting^L', 'right by^L']; } else { $return = 'which is bit-shifted right by^L'; } } | '&=' { if ($arg{context} eq 'statement') { $return = ['Bit-wise ANDed^L', 'by^L' ]; } elsif ($arg{context} eq 'for loop') { $return = ['bit-wise ANDing^L', 'by^L' ]; } else { $return = 'which is bit-wise ANDed by^L'; } } | '^=' { if ($arg{context} eq 'statement') { $return = ['Exclusive-OR^L','by^L']; } elsif ($arg{context} eq 'for loop') { $return = ['exclusive-ORing^L','by^L']; } else { $return = 'which is exclusive-ORed by^L'; } } | '|=' { if ($arg{context} eq 'statement') { $return = ['Bit-wise ORed^L', 'by^L']; } elsif ($arg{context} eq 'for loop') { $return = ['bit-wise ORing^L', 'by^L']; } else { $return = 'which is bit-wise ORed by^L'; } } constant_expression: conditional_expression logical_OR_AND_expression: 'logical_OR_AND_expression']> { if (defined $arg{context} and $arg{context} eq 'for conditional') { print STDERR "hmm2\n"; } $return = join ('' , @{$item[1]}); } log_OR_AND_bit_or_and_eq: '||' { $return = ' or ^L'; } | '&&' { $return = ' and ^L'; } | '|' { $return = ' bitwise-ORed by ^L'; } | '&' { $return = ' bitwise-ANDed by ^L'; } | '^' { $return = ' bitwise-XORed by ^L';} | '==' { $return = ' is equal to ^L'; } | '!=' { $return = ' is not equal to ^L'; } rel_mul_add_ex_op: '+' { $return = ' plus ^L'; } | '-' { $return = ' minus ^L'; } | '*' { $return = ' times ^L'; } | '/' { $return = ' divided by ^L'; } | '%' { $return = ' modulo ^L'; } | '<<' { $return = ' shifted left by ^L'; } | '>>' { $return = ' shifted right by ^L'; } | '>=' { $return = ' is greater than or equal to ^L'; } | "<=" { $return = ' is less than or equal to ^L'; } | '>' { $return = ' is greater than ^L'; } | '<' { $return = ' is less than ^L'; } unary_operator: '&' { $return = 'the address of ^L'; } | '*' { $return = 'the dereference of ^L'; } | '+' { $return = ''; } | '-' ...identifier { $return = 'negative ^L'; } | '-' { $return = 'minus ^L'; } | '~' { $return = "the one's complement of ^L"; } | '!' '!' { $return = 'the normalized boolean value of ^L'; } | '!' { if($arg{context} =~ /conditional/) { $return = ['', ' is false']; } else { $return = 'the logical negation of ^L'; } } rel_add_mul_shift_expression: cast_expression ...';' { $return = $item{cast_expression}; } | { $return = join ('' , @{$item[1]}); } closure: ',' | ';' | ')' cast_expression: '(' type_name ')' cast_expression[context => 'recast'] { $return = "$item{cast_expression} type-casted as $item{type_name}"; } | unary_expression { $return = $item{unary_expression}; } declaration_list: preproc[context => 'statement'](?) declaration(s) { $return = join('', @{$item{'preproc(?)'}}) . join('', @{$item{'declaration(s)'}}); } declaration: declaration_specifiers init_declarator_list(?) ';' { my @init_list = defined $item{'init_declarator_list(?)'}->[0] ? @{$item{'init_declarator_list(?)'}->[0]} : (''); my $typedef = $item{declaration_specifiers} =~ s/^type definition of //; my $inits = 0; while(@init_list) { $inits++; $return .= "Let " unless $arg{context} eq 'struct member'; my @args = ::flatten shift @init_list; my ($first_qualifier, $first_initializer); my $first_identifier = shift @args; if(not length $first_identifier) { $first_identifier = 'there'; } my @identifiers = ($first_identifier); my $next_arg = shift @args; if($next_arg =~ m/initialized/) { $first_initializer = $next_arg; $first_qualifier = shift @args // ''; } else { $first_qualifier = $next_arg; $first_initializer = shift @args // ''; } if($first_initializer !~ /^initialized/) { $first_qualifier .= " $first_initializer" if $first_initializer; $first_initializer = ''; } my $remaining_args = join(' ', @args); my @initializers; if($first_initializer) { push @initializers, [ $first_identifier, $first_initializer ]; } for(my $i = 0; $i < @init_list; $i++) { @args = ::flatten $init_list[$i]; my ($qualifier, $initializer); my $identifier = shift @args; $next_arg = shift @args; if($next_arg =~ m/initialized/) { $initializer = $next_arg; $qualifier = shift @args // ''; } else { $qualifier = $next_arg; $initializer = shift @args // ''; } next unless $qualifier eq $first_qualifier; push @identifiers, $identifier; if($initializer) { push @initializers, [ $identifier, $initializer ]; } splice @init_list, $i--, 1; } if($arg{context} eq 'struct member') { if($inits > 1 and not @init_list) { $return .= ' and '; } elsif($inits > 1) { $return .= ', '; } if($first_qualifier) { if($first_qualifier =~ /bit\-field/) { $first_qualifier = "$item{declaration_specifiers} $first_qualifier"; $item{declaration_specifiers} = ''; } if(@identifiers == 1 and $first_qualifier !~ /^(a|an)\s+/) { $return .= $first_qualifier =~ m/^[aeiouy]/ ? 'an ' : 'a '; } elsif(@identifiers > 1 and not $typedef) { $first_qualifier =~ s/pointer/pointers/; $first_qualifier =~ s/an array/arrays/; } $return .= "$first_qualifier $item{declaration_specifiers} "; } else { if(@identifiers == 1 and $item{declaration_specifiers} !~ /^(a|an)\s+/) { $return .= $item{declaration_specifiers} =~ m/^[aeiouy]/ ? 'an ' : 'a '; } $return .= "$item{declaration_specifiers} "; } my $and = @identifiers > 1 ? ' and ' : ''; my $comma = ''; for(my $i = 0; $i < @identifiers; $i++) { if($i == @identifiers - 1) { $return .= "$and$identifiers[$i]"; } else { $return .= "$comma$identifiers[$i]"; $comma = ', '; } } } else { my $and = @identifiers > 1 ? ' and ' : ''; my $comma = ''; for(my $i = 0; $i < @identifiers; $i++) { if($i == @identifiers - 1) { $return .= "$and$identifiers[$i]"; } else { $return .= "$comma$identifiers[$i]"; $comma = ', '; } } if($typedef) { $return .= ' each' if @identifiers > 1; $return .= ' be another name for '; push @typedefs, @identifiers; } else { $return .= ' be '; } if($first_qualifier) { if(@identifiers == 1 and $first_qualifier !~ /^(a|an)\s+/) { $return .= $first_qualifier =~ m/^[aeiouy]/ ? 'an ' : 'a '; } elsif(@identifiers > 1 and not $typedef) { $first_qualifier =~ s/pointer/pointers/; $first_qualifier =~ s/an array/arrays/; } $return .= "$first_qualifier "; $return .= "$remaining_args " if $remaining_args; $return .= $item{declaration_specifiers}; } else { if(@identifiers == 1 and $item{declaration_specifiers} !~ /^(a|an)\s+/) { $return .= $item{declaration_specifiers} =~ m/^[aeiouy]/ ? 'an ' : 'a '; } $return .= "$remaining_args " if $remaining_args; $return .= $item{declaration_specifiers}; } if(@initializers) { if(@identifiers > 1) { $return .= ".\nInitialize "; @initializers = sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } @initializers; my ($and, $comma); for(my $i = 0; $i < @initializers; $i++) { my ($identifier, $initializer) = @{$initializers[$i]}; if($i < @initializers - 1 and $initializer eq $initializers[$i + 1]->[1]) { $return .= "$comma$identifier"; $comma = ', '; $and = ' and '; } else { $initializer =~ s/^initialized to \^L//; $return .= "$and$identifier to $initializer"; if($i < @initializers - 2) { $and = $comma = ', '; } else { $and = ' and '; } } } } else { $return .= " $initializers[0]->[1]"; } } $return .= ".\n"; } } } init_declarator_list: init_declarator: declarator[context => 'init_declarator'] { $return = $item{declarator}; } ('=' initializer)(?) { my $init = join('',@{$item[-1]}); if (length $init) { $return = [$item{declarator}, "initialized to ^L$init"]; } } initializer: comment(?) assignment_expression comment(?) { $return = $item[2]; if (join('',@{$item[1]})) { $return = '['.join('',@{$item[1]}).']' . $return; } if (join('',@{$item[1]})) { $return .= join('',@{$item[-1]}); } } | '{' comment(?) initializer_list (',' )(?) '}' { $return = 'the set { ' . $item{'initializer_list'} . ' }'; } initializer_list: { my @inits = @{$item[1]}; if ($#inits >1) { my $init = pop @inits; $return = join(', ',@inits) . ', and ' .$init; } elsif ($#inits == 1) { $return = $inits[0] . ' and ' . $inits[1]; } else { $return = $inits[0]; } } unary_expression: postfix_expression { $return = $item{postfix_expression}; } | '++' unary_expression { if ($arg{context} eq 'statement' ) { $return = "pre-increment $item{unary_expression}"; } else { $return = "pre-incremented $item{unary_expression}"; } } | '--' unary_expression { if ($arg{context} eq 'statement' ) { $return = "Pre-decrement $item{unary_expression}"; } else { $return = "pre-decremented $item{unary_expression}"; } } | unary_operator cast_expression { if(ref $item{unary_operator} eq 'ARRAY') { $return = $item{unary_operator}->[0] . $item{cast_expression} . $item{unary_operator}->[1]; } else { $return = $item{unary_operator} . $item{cast_expression}; } } | 'sizeof' '(' type_name[context => 'sizeof'] ')' { $return = "the size of the type $item{type_name}"; } | 'sizeof' '(' assignment_expression[context => 'sizeof'] ')' { $return = "the size of the type of the expression ($item{assignment_expression})"; } | 'sizeof' unary_expression[context => 'sizeof'] { $return = "the size of $item{unary_expression}"; } postfix_productions: '(' argument_expression_list(?) ')' postfix_productions[context => 'function call'](?) { my $postfix = $item[-1]->[0]; if(not defined $arg{context} or $arg{context} ne 'statement') { $return = "the result of the function $arg{primary_expression}"; } else { $return = "Call the function $arg{primary_expression} "; } # To discriminate between macros and functions. foreach (@macros) { if ($arg{primary_expression} eq $_) { $return =~ s/Call/Insert/; $return =~ s/function/macro/; } } my $arg_exp_list = join('',@{$item{'argument_expression_list(?)'}}); if ($arg_exp_list) { $return .= " with argument$arg_exp_list"; } if($postfix) { $return =~ s/^(Call|Insert)/the result of/; $return = "$postfix $return"; } 1; } | # array reference and plain expression ( '[' expression[context => 'array_address'] ']' { $return = $item{expression}; } )(s) postfix_productions[context => 'array_address'](?) { my $expression = ''; if (@{$item[-2]}) { $expression = join(' and ', @{$item[-2]}); } my $postfix = $item[-1]->[0]; if (length $expression) { if($expression =~ /^\d+$/) { $expression++; my ($last_digit) = $expression =~ /(\d)$/; if($last_digit == 1) { $expression .= 'st'; } elsif($last_digit == 2) { $expression .= 'nd'; } elsif($last_digit == 3) { $expression .= 'rd'; } else { $expression .= 'th'; } if($arg{context} eq 'function call') { $return = "the $expression element of^L"; } else { $return = "the $expression element of ^L$arg{primary_expression}^L"; } } elsif($expression =~ /^-\s*\d+$/) { $expression *= -1; my $plural = $expression == 1 ? '' : 's'; $return = "the location $expression element$plural backwards from where ^L$arg{primary_expression} points^L"; } else { $return = "the element of ^L$arg{primary_expression} at location ^L$expression^L"; } } if($postfix) { $return = "$postfix $return"; } } | '.' identifier postfix_productions[context => 'struct access'](?) { my $identifier = $item[-2]; my $postfix = $item[-1]->[0]; if ($identifier) { if($arg{context} eq 'array_address') { $return = "the member $identifier of^L"; } else { $return = "the member $identifier of^L"; $return .= " $arg{primary_expression}" if $arg{primary_expression}; } } if($postfix) { if(ref $postfix eq 'ARRAY') { $return = "$postfix->[0] $return $postfix->[1]"; } else { $return = "$postfix $return"; } } } | '->' identifier postfix_productions[context => 'struct access'](?) { my $identifier = $item[-2]; my $postfix = $item[-1]->[0]; if ($identifier) { $return = "the member $identifier of the structure pointed to by $arg{primary_expression}"; } if($postfix) { if(ref $postfix eq 'ARRAY') { $return = "$postfix->[0] $return $postfix->[1]"; } else { $return = "$postfix $return"; } } } | ('++')(s) { my $increment = join('',@{$item[-1]}); if ($increment) { if($arg{context} eq 'struct access' or $arg{context} eq 'for increment statement') { $return = ['increment', 'by one']; } else { $return = "post-incremented $arg{primary_expression}"; } } } | ('--')(s) { my $increment = join('',@{$item[-1]}); if ($increment) { if($arg{context} eq 'struct access' or $arg{context} eq 'for increment statement') { $return = ['decrement', 'by one']; } else { $return = "post-decremented $arg{primary_expression}"; } } } # having done the simplest cases, we go to the catch all for left recursions. | primary_expression postfix_suffix(s) { print STDERR "Untested code!\n"; $return = $item{primary_expression} . "'s " . join('',@{$item{'postfix_suffix(s)'}}); } | {""} postfix_expression: primary_expression postfix_productions[primary_expression => $item[1], context => $arg{context}] { my $postfix_productions = $item{'postfix_productions'}; if(ref $postfix_productions eq 'ARRAY') { $return = "$postfix_productions->[0] $item{primary_expression} $postfix_productions->[1]"; } elsif(length $postfix_productions) { $return = $postfix_productions; } elsif(length $item{primary_expression}) { $return = $item{primary_expression}; } else { $return = undef; } } postfix_suffix: '[' expression ']' | '.' identifier | '->' identifier | '++' | '--' argument_expression_list: 'function argument'] ',' assignment_expression[context => 'function argument']> { my @arg_exp_list = @{$item[1]}; my $last = ''; if (@arg_exp_list > 2) { $last = pop @arg_exp_list; $return = 's ' . join(', ', @arg_exp_list) . ", and $last"; } elsif (@arg_exp_list == 2 ) { $return = "s $arg_exp_list[0] and $arg_exp_list[1]"; } else { if ($arg_exp_list[0]) { $return = " $arg_exp_list[0]"; } else { $return = ''; } } } narrow_closure: ';' | ',' | '->' primary_expression: '(' expression ')' (...narrow_closure)(?) { my $expression = $item{expression} ; my $repeats = 1; if ($expression =~ /^The expression (\(+)/) { $repeats = (length $1) + 1; $expression =~ s/^The expression \(+//; } $expression .= ')'; if($arg{context} eq 'statement') { $return = "Evaluate the expression "; } else { $return = "The result of the expression "; } $return .= '(' x $repeats; $return .= "^L$expression"; } | constant | string | identifier | {} # nothing declarator: direct_declarator(s) { my @direct_declarator = @{$item{'direct_declarator(s)'}}; if(@direct_declarator == 1) { $return = $direct_declarator[0]; } else { $return = $item{'direct_declarator(s)'}; } } | pointer direct_declarator(s) { push @{$item{'direct_declarator(s)'}}, $item{pointer}; $return = $item{'direct_declarator(s)'}; } direct_declarator: identifier ':' constant { my $bits = $item{constant} == 1 ? "$item{constant} bit" : "$item{constant} bits"; $return = [$item{identifier}, "bit-field of $bits"]; } | identifier[context => 'direct_declarator'] array_declarator(s?) { if(@{$item{'array_declarator(s?)'}}) { $return = [$item{identifier}, join('', @{$item{'array_declarator(s?)'}})]; } else { $return = $item{identifier}; } } | '(' declarator ')' array_declarator(s) { push @{$item{declarator}}, join('', @{$item{'array_declarator(s)'}}); $return = $item{declarator}; } | '(' parameter_type_list ')' { $return = "function taking $item{parameter_type_list} and returning"; } | '(' declarator array_declarator(s) ')' { $return = $item{'declarator'} . join('', @{$item{'array_declarator(s)'}}) } | '(' declarator ')' { $return = $item{declarator}; } array_declarator: ( '[' assignment_expression(?) ']' { if (@{$item{'assignment_expression(?)'}}) { my $size = join('', @{$item{'assignment_expression(?)'}}); if($size =~ /^(unsigned|long)*\s*1$/) { $return = "$size element "; } else { $return = "$size elements "; } } else { $return = 'unspecified length '; } } )(s?) { my @array = @{$item[-1]}; if (@array) { $return .= 'an array of ' . join('of an array of ' , @array) . 'of'; } else { undef; } } identifier_list: (identifier ',')(s?) identifier { my @identifier_list = @{$item[1]}; if ($#identifier_list > 1) { $return = join(', ', @identifier_list) . ', and ' . $item{identifier}; } elsif ($#identifier_list == 1) { $return = $identifier_list[1] . ' and ' . $item{identifier}; } else { $return = $item{identifier}; } } parameter_type_list: parameter_list parameter_list: { my @parameter_list = @{$item[1]}; my $comma = ''; for(my $i = 0; $i < @parameter_list; $i++) { $return .= $comma; if(ref $parameter_list[$i] eq 'ARRAY') { my @list = ::flatten @{$parameter_list[$i]}; if(@list == 0) { $return = "no parameters"; } elsif (@list == 1) { if($list[0] eq 'void') { $return = "no parameters"; } else { $return .= $list[0]; } } else { push @list, shift @list; if($list[0] =~ /^`.*`$/) { my $identifier = shift @list; $return .= "$identifier as "; $return .= join(' ', @list); } else { $return .= join(' ', @list); } } } else { $return .= $parameter_list[$i]; } if($i == $#parameter_list - 1) { $comma = ' and '; } else { $comma = ', '; } } } parameter_declaration: declaration_specifiers declarator { $return = [$item{declaration_specifiers}, $item{declarator}]; } | '...' { $return = "variadic parameters"; } | declaration_specifiers abstract_declarator(?) { $return = [$item{declaration_specifiers}, $item{'abstract_declarator(?)'}]; } | '' { $return = "unspecified parameters"; } abstract_declarator: pointer | pointer(?) direct_abstract_declarator(s) { $return = join(' ',@{$item{'pointer(?)'}}) . join(' ', @{$item{'direct_abstract_declarator(s)'}}); } direct_abstract_declarator: '(' abstract_declarator ')' { $return = $item{abstract_declarator}; } | '[' ']' { $return = "array of unspecified length of"; } | '[' constant_expression ']' { my $size = $item{constant_expression}; if($size =~ /^(unsigned|long)*\s*1$/) { $return = "array of $size element of"; } else { $return = "array of $size elements of"; } } | DAD '[' ']' | DAD '[' constant_expression ']' | '(' ')' { $return = 'function taking unspecified parameters and returning'; } | '(' parameter_type_list ')' { $return = "function taking $item{parameter_type_list} and returning"; } | DAD '(' ')' | DAD '(' parameter_type_list ')' DAD: # macro for direct_abstract_declarator ( '(' abstract_declarator ')' )(s?) ( '[' ']' )(s?) ( '[' constant_expression ']' )(s?) ( '(' ')' )(s?) ( '(' parameter_type_list ')' )(s?) identifier: ...!reserved identifier_word { if(not grep { $_ eq $item{identifier_word} } @identifiers) { push @identifiers, $item{identifier_word}; } $return = $item{identifier_word}; } pointer: '*' type_qualifier_list(s) pointer(?) { $return = join('', @{$item{'pointer(?)'}}) if @{$item{'pointer(?)'}}; $return .= ' ' . join('', @{$item{'type_qualifier_list(s)'}}) . ' pointer to'; } | '*' pointer(?) { my $pointers = join('', @{$item{'pointer(?)'}}); $return .= "$pointers " if $pointers; $return .= 'pointer to'; } type_qualifier_list: type_qualifier(s) { $return = join(' ', @{$item{'type_qualifier(s)'}}); } declaration_specifiers: comment(?) type_specifier ...identifier { $return = join('', @{$item{'comment(?)'}}) . $item{type_specifier}; } | comment(?) storage_class_specifier declaration_specifiers(?) { my $decl_spec = join(' ', @{$item{'declaration_specifiers(?)'}}); $return = join('',@{$item{'comment(?)'}}); if($item{storage_class_specifier} =~ m/^with/) { if ($decl_spec) { $return .= "$decl_spec "; } $return .= $item{storage_class_specifier}; } else { $return .= $item{storage_class_specifier}; if ($decl_spec) { $return .= " $decl_spec"; } } } | comment(?) type_specifier declaration_specifiers(?) { my $decl_spec = join(' ', @{$item{'declaration_specifiers(?)'}}); $return = join('',@{$item{'comment(?)'}}); $return .= "$decl_spec " if $decl_spec; $return .= $item{type_specifier}; } | comment(?) type_qualifier declaration_specifiers(?) { my $decl_spec = join(' ',@{$item{'declaration_specifiers(?)'}}); $return = join('',@{$item{'comment(?)'}}) . $item{type_qualifier}; $return .= " $decl_spec" if $decl_spec; } storage_class_specifier: 'auto' { $return = "with automatic storage-duration"; } | 'extern' { if($arg{context} eq 'function definition') { $return = "with external linkage"; } else { $return = "with external linkage, possibly defined elsewhere"; } } | 'static' { if($arg{context} eq 'function definition') { $return = "with internal linkage"; } elsif($arg{context} eq 'function definition statement') { $return = "with life-time duration"; } else { $return = "with internal linkage and life-time duration"; } } | 'register' { $return = "with a suggestion to be as fast as possible"; } | 'typedef' { $return = 'type definition of'; } type_qualifier: 'const' | 'volatile' type_specifier: 'double' | 'short' | 'long' | 'char' | 'int' | 'float' | 'void' | 'signed' | 'unsigned' | 'FILE' | 'fpos_t' | 'bool' | '_Bool' | '_Complex' | '_Imaginary' | 'int_fast8_t' | 'int_fast16_t' | 'int_fast24_t' | 'int_fast32_t' | 'int_fast64_t' | 'int_fast128_t' | 'uint_fast8_t' | 'uint_fast16_t' | 'uint_fast24_t' | 'uint_fast32_t' | 'uint_fast64_t' | 'uint_fast128_t' | 'int_least8_t' | 'int_least16_t' | 'int_least24_t' | 'int_least32_t' | 'int_least64_t' | 'int_least128_t' | 'uint_least8_t' | 'uint_least16_t' | 'uint_least24_t' | 'uint_least32_t' | 'uint_least64_t' | 'uint_least128_t' | 'int8_t' | 'int16_t' | 'int24_t' | 'int32_t' | 'int64_t' | 'int128_t' | 'uint8_t' | 'uint16_t' | 'uint24_t' | 'uint32_t' | 'uint64_t' | 'uint128_t' | 'intmax_t' | 'uintmax_t' | 'intptr_t' | 'uintptr_t' | 'ptrdiff_t' | 'sig_atomic_t' | 'wint_t' | 'wchar_t' | 'size_t' | 'rsize_t' | 'max_align_t' | 'mbstate_t' | 'char16_t' | 'char32_t' | 'fenv_t' | 'fexcept_t' | 'div_t' | 'ldiv_t' | 'lldiv_t' | 'imaxdiv_t' | 'cnd_t' | 'thrd_t' | 'tss_t' | 'mtx_t' | 'tss_dtor_t' | 'thrd_start_t' | 'once_flag' | 'clock_t' | 'time_t' | struct_or_union_specifier | enum_specifier | typedef_name typedef_name: identifier { my $answer = 0; foreach (@typedefs) { if ($item{identifier} eq $_) { $answer = 1; $return = ($item{identifier} =~ m/^`[aeiouy]/ ? 'an ' : 'a ') . $item{identifier}; } } if (!$answer) { undef $answer; } $answer; } struct_or_union_specifier: comment(?) struct_or_union identifier(?) '{' struct_declaration_list '}' { my $identifier = join('',@{$item{'identifier(?)'}}); $return = join('',@{$item{'comment(?)'}}) . $item{struct_or_union}; if ($identifier) { $return .= " tagged $identifier"; } my $plural = $item{struct_declaration_list} =~ / and / ? 's' : ''; $return .= " with member$plural $item{struct_declaration_list}"; } | struct_or_union identifier { $item{struct_or_union} =~ s/^(a|an)//; $return = $item{identifier} =~ m/^`[aeiouy]/ ? 'an' : 'a'; $return .= " $item{identifier} $item{struct_or_union}"; } struct_declaration_list: struct_declaration(s) { my $finaldec; my @declarations = @{$item{'struct_declaration(s)'}}; if ($#declarations > 1) { $finaldec = pop @declarations; $return = join(', ', @declarations ) . ', and ' . $finaldec ; } elsif ($#declarations == 1) { $return = join(' and ', @declarations); } else { $return = $declarations[0]; } } struct_declaration: comment(s?) declaration[context => 'struct member'] comment(s?) { $return = join('', @{$item[1]}) . $item{declaration} . join('', @{$item[-1]}); } type_name: specifier_qualifier_list abstract_declarator(?) { my $abstract_declarator = join('',@{$item{'abstract_declarator(?)'}}); $return = "$abstract_declarator " if $abstract_declarator; $return .= $item{specifier_qualifier_list}; } specifier_qualifier_list: type_specifier specifier_qualifier_list(?) { $return = $item{type_specifier}; $return .= ' ' . join('', @{$item{'specifier_qualifier_list(?)'}}) if @{$item{'specifier_qualifier_list(?)'}}; } struct_or_union: comment(?) ('struct' { $return = 'a structure'; } | 'union' { $return = 'an union'; } ) comment(?) { shift @item; foreach (@item) { if (ref($_)) { $return .= join('',@{$_}); } else { $return .= $_; } } } enum_specifier: 'enum' identifier(?) '{' enumerator_list '}' { $return .= 'an enumeration'; if (@{$item{'identifier(?)'}}){ $return .= ' of ' . join('',@{$item{'identifier(?)'}}); } my @enumerator_list = @{$item{enumerator_list}}; if(@enumerator_list == 1) { $return .= " comprising $enumerator_list[0]"; } else { my $last = pop @enumerator_list; $return .= ' comprising ' . join(', ', @enumerator_list) . " and $last"; } } | 'enum' identifier { $return = "an enumeration of type $item{identifier}"; } enumerator_list: enumerator: identifier ( '=' constant_expression )(?) { $return = $item[1]; if (@{$item[-1]}) { $return .= ' marking ' . join('', @{$item[-1]}); } } comment: comment_c | comment_cxx comment_c: m{/\*[^*]*\*+([^/*][^*]*\*+)*/}s { $return = $item[1]; $return =~ s|^/\*+\s*||; $return =~ s|\s*\*+/$||; $return =~ s/"/\\"/g; $return = "\nA comment: \"$return\".\n"; } comment_cxx: m{//(.*?)\n} { $return = $item[1]; $return =~ s|^//\s*||; $return =~ s/\n*$//; $return =~ s/"/\\"/g; $return = "\nQuick comment: \"$return\".\n"; } constant: /-?[0-9]*\.[0-9]*[lf]{0,2}/i { if ($item[1] =~ s/f$//i) { $return = "the floating point number $item[1]"; } elsif ($item[1] =~ s/l$//i) { $return = "long double $item[1]"; } else { $return = $item[1]; } $return .= '0' if $return =~ /\.$/; } | /0x[0-9a-f]+[lu]{0,3}/i { $return .= 'unsigned ' if $item[1] =~ s/[Uu]//; $return .= 'long ' while $item[1] =~ s/[Ll]//; $return = "the $return" . "hexadecimal number $item[1]"; } | /0\d+[lu]{0,3}/i { $return .= 'unsigned ' if $item[1] =~ s/[Uu]//; $return .= 'long ' while $item[1] =~ s/[Ll]//; $return = "the $return" . "octal number $item[1]"; } | /-?[0-9]+[lu]{0,3}/i # integer constant { $return .= "unsigned " if $item[-1] =~ s/[Uu]//; $return .= "long " while $item[-1] =~ s/[Ll]//; $return .= $item[-1]; } | /(?:\'((?:\\\'|(?!\').)*)\')/ # character constant { my $constant = $item[1]; if($constant eq q('\n')) { $return = 'a newline'; } elsif($constant eq q('\f')) { $return = 'a form-feed character'; } elsif($constant eq q('\t')) { $return = 'a tab'; } elsif($constant eq q('\v')) { $return = 'a vertical tab'; } elsif($constant eq q('\b')) { $return = 'an alert character'; } elsif($constant eq q('\r')) { $return = 'a carriage-return'; } elsif($constant eq q('\b')) { $return = 'a backspace character'; } elsif($constant eq q('\'')) { $return = 'a single-quote'; } else { $return = $constant; } } # | enumeration_constant # needs more. integer_constant: /[0-9]+/ identifier_word: /[a-z_\$][a-z0-9_]*/i { $return = "`$item[-1]`"; } string: /(?:\"(?:\\\"|(?!\").)*\")/ reserved: /(auto|break|case|char|const|continue|default|do|double|else|enum|extern|float|for|goto |if|int|long|register|return|signed|sizeof|short|static|struct|switch|typedef |union|unsigned|void|volatile|while)\b/x