# File: FactoidCommands.pm # Author: pragma_ # # Purpose: Factoid command subroutines. # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. package PBot::FactoidCommands; use parent 'PBot::Class'; use warnings; use strict; use feature 'unicode_strings'; use Time::Duration; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday); use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptionsFromString); use POSIX qw(strftime); use Storable; use LWP::UserAgent; use JSON; use PBot::Utils::SafeFilename; our %factoid_metadata_capabilities = ( created_on => 'botowner', enabled => 'chanop', last_referenced_in => 'botowner', last_referenced_on => 'botowner', modulelauncher_subpattern => 'botowner', owner => 'botowner', rate_limit => 'chanop', ref_count => 'botowner', ref_user => 'botowner', type => 'botowner', edited_by => 'botowner', edited_on => 'botowner', locked => 'chanop', add_nick => 'chanop', nooverride => 'chanop', 'cap-override' => 'botowner', 'persist-key' => 'admin', # all others are allowed to be factset by anybody ); sub initialize { my ($self, %conf) = @_; $self->{pbot}->{registry}->add_default('text', 'general', 'module_repo', $conf{module_repo} // 'https://github.com/pragma-/pbot/blob/master/modules/'); $self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->factadd(@_) }, "learn", 0); $self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->factadd(@_) }, "factadd", 0); $self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->factrem(@_) }, "forget", 0); $self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->factrem(@_) }, "factrem", 0); $self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->factshow(@_) }, "factshow", 0); $self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->factinfo(@_) }, "factinfo", 0); $self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->factlog(@_) }, "factlog", 0); $self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->factundo(@_) }, "factundo", 0); $self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->factredo(@_) }, "factredo", 0); $self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->factset(@_) }, "factset", 0); $self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->factunset(@_) }, "factunset", 0); $self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->factchange(@_) }, "factchange", 0); $self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->factalias(@_) }, "factalias", 0); $self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->factmove(@_) }, "factmove", 0); $self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->call_factoid(@_) }, "fact", 0); $self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->factfind(@_) }, "factfind", 0); $self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->top20(@_) }, "top20", 0); $self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->load_module(@_) }, "load", 1); $self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->unload_module(@_) }, "unload", 1); $self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->histogram(@_) }, "histogram", 0); $self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->count(@_) }, "count", 0); # the following commands have not yet been updated to use the new factoid structure # DO NOT USE!! Factoid corruption may occur. $self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->add_regex(@_) }, "regex", 1); } sub call_factoid { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments, $stuff) = @_; my ($chan, $keyword, $args) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args($stuff->{arglist}, 3, 0, 1); if (not defined $chan or not defined $keyword) { return "Usage: fact [arguments]"; } my ($channel, $trigger) = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->find_factoid($chan, $keyword, arguments => $args, exact_channel => 1, exact_trigger => 1); if (not defined $trigger) { return "No such factoid $keyword exists for $chan"; } $stuff->{keyword} = $trigger; $stuff->{trigger} = $trigger; $stuff->{ref_from} = $channel; $stuff->{arguments} = $args; $stuff->{root_keyword} = $trigger; return $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->interpreter($stuff); } sub log_factoid { my $self = shift; my ($channel, $trigger, $hostmask, $msg, $dont_save_undo) = @_; $channel = lc $channel; $trigger = lc $trigger; my $channel_path = $channel; $channel_path = 'global' if $channel_path eq '.*'; my $channel_path_safe = safe_filename $channel_path; my $trigger_safe = safe_filename $trigger; my $path = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('general', 'data_dir') . '/factlog'; open my $fh, ">> $path/$trigger_safe.$channel_path_safe" or do { $self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Failed to open factlog for $channel/$trigger: $!\n"); return; }; my $now = gettimeofday; my $h = {ts => $now, hm => $hostmask, msg => $msg}; my $json = encode_json $h; print $fh "$json\n"; close $fh; return if $dont_save_undo; my $undos = eval { retrieve("$path/$trigger_safe.$channel_path_safe.undo"); }; if (not $undos) { $undos = { idx => -1, list => [] }; } my $max_undos = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('factoids', 'max_undos') // 20; if (@{$undos->{list}} > $max_undos) { shift @{$undos->{list}}; $undos->{idx}--; } if ($undos->{idx} > -1 and @{$undos->{list}} > $undos->{idx} + 1) { splice @{$undos->{list}}, $undos->{idx} + 1; } push @{$undos->{list}}, $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->get_data($channel, $trigger); $undos->{idx}++; eval { store $undos, "$path/$trigger_safe.$channel_path_safe.undo"; }; $self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Error storing undo: $@\n") if $@; } sub find_factoid_with_optional_channel { my ($self, $from, $arguments, $command, %opts) = @_; my %default_opts = ( usage => undef, explicit => 0, exact_channel => 0 ); %opts = (%default_opts, %opts); my $arglist = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->make_args($arguments); my ($from_chan, $from_trigger, $remaining_args) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args($arglist, 3, 0, 1); if (not defined $from_chan or (not defined $from_chan and not defined $from_trigger)) { return "Usage: $command [channel] " if not $opts{usage}; return $opts{usage}; } my $needs_disambig; if (not defined $from_trigger) { # cmd arg1, so insert $from as channel $from_trigger = $from_chan; $from_chan = $from; $remaining_args = ""; #$needs_disambig = 1; } else { # cmd arg1 arg2 [...?] if ($from_chan !~ /^#/ and lc $from_chan ne 'global' and $from_chan ne '.*') { # not a channel or global, so must be a keyword my $keyword = $from_chan; $from_chan = $from; $from_trigger = $keyword; (undef, $remaining_args) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args($arglist, 2, 0, 1); } } $from_chan = '.*' if $from_chan !~ /^#/; $from_chan = lc $from_chan; my ($channel, $trigger); if ($opts{exact_channel} == 1) { ($channel, $trigger) = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->find_factoid($from_chan, $from_trigger, exact_channel => 1, exact_trigger => 1); if (not defined $channel) { $from_chan = 'the global channel' if $from_chan eq '.*'; return "/say $from_trigger not found in $from_chan."; } } else { my @factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->find_factoid($from_chan, $from_trigger, exact_trigger => 1); if (not @factoids or not $factoids[0]) { if ($needs_disambig) { return "/say $from_trigger not found"; } else { $from_chan = 'global channel' if $from_chan eq '.*'; return "/say $from_trigger not found in $from_chan"; } } if (@factoids > 1) { if ($needs_disambig or not grep { $_->[0] eq $from_chan } @factoids) { unless ($opts{explicit}) { foreach my $factoid (@factoids) { if ($factoid->[0] eq '.*') { ($channel, $trigger) = ($factoid->[0], $factoid->[1]); } } } if (not defined $channel) { return "/say $from_trigger found in multiple channels: " . (join ', ', sort map { $_->[0] eq '.*' ? 'global' : $_->[0] } @factoids) . "; use `$command $from_trigger` to disambiguate."; } } else { foreach my $factoid (@factoids) { if ($factoid->[0] eq $from_chan) { ($channel, $trigger) = ($factoid->[0], $factoid->[1]); last; } } } } else { ($channel, $trigger) = ($factoids[0]->[0], $factoids[0]->[1]); } } $channel = '.*' if $channel eq 'global'; $from_chan = '.*' if $channel eq 'global'; if ($opts{explicit} and $channel =~ /^#/ and $from_chan =~ /^#/ and $channel ne $from_chan) { my $channel_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->get_data($channel, '_name'); my $trigger_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->get_data($channel, $trigger, '_name'); $channel_name = 'global' if $channel_name eq '.*'; $trigger_name = "\"$trigger_name\"" if $trigger_name =~ / /; return "/say $trigger_name belongs to $channel_name, not $from_chan. Please switch to or explicitly specify $channel_name."; } return ($channel, $trigger, $remaining_args); } sub hash_differences_as_string { my ($self, $old, $new) = @_; my @exclude = qw/created_on last_referenced_in last_referenced_on ref_count ref_user edited_by edited_on/; my %diff; foreach my $key (keys %$new) { next if grep { $key eq $_ } @exclude; if (not exists $old->{$key} or $old->{$key} ne $new->{$key}) { $diff{$key} = $new->{$key}; } } foreach my $key (keys %$old) { next if grep { $key eq $_ } @exclude; if (not exists $new->{$key}) { $diff{"deleted $key"} = undef; } } return "No change." if not keys %diff; my $changes = ""; my $comma = ""; foreach my $key (sort keys %diff) { if (defined $diff{$key}) { $changes .= "$comma$key => $diff{$key}"; } else { $changes .= "$comma$key"; } $comma = ", "; } return $changes } sub list_undo_history { my ($self, $undos, $start_from) = @_; $start_from-- if defined $start_from; $start_from = 0 if not defined $start_from or $start_from < 0; my $result = ""; if ($start_from > @{$undos->{list}}) { if (@{$undos->{list}} == 1) { return "But there is only one revision available."; } else { return "But there are only " . @{$undos->{list}} . " revisions available."; } } if ($start_from == 0) { if ($undos->{idx} == 0) { $result .= "*1*: "; } else { $result .= "1: "; } $result .= $self->hash_differences_as_string({}, $undos->{list}->[0]) . ";\n\n"; $start_from++; } for (my $i = $start_from; $i < @{$undos->{list}}; $i++) { if ($i == $undos->{idx}) { $result .= "*" . ($i + 1) . "*: "; } else { $result .= ($i + 1) . ": "; } $result .= $self->hash_differences_as_string($undos->{list}->[$i - 1], $undos->{list}->[$i]); $result .= ";\n\n"; } return $result; } sub factundo { my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments, $stuff) = @_; my $usage = "Usage: factundo [-l [N]] [-r N] [channel] (-l list undo history, optionally starting from N; -r jump to revision N)"; my $getopt_error; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $getopt_error = shift; chomp $getopt_error; }; my ($list_undos, $goto_revision); my ($ret, $args) = GetOptionsFromString($arguments, 'l:i' => \$list_undos, 'r=i' => \$goto_revision); return "/say $getopt_error -- $usage" if defined $getopt_error; return $usage if @$args > 2; return $usage if not @$args; $arguments = join(' ', map { $_ = "'$_'" if $_ =~ m/ /; $_; } @$args); my $arglist = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->make_args($arguments); my ($channel, $trigger) = $self->find_factoid_with_optional_channel($from, $arguments, 'factundo', explicit => 1, exact_channel => 1); my $deleted; if (not defined $trigger) { # factoid not found or some error, try to continue and load undo file if it exists $deleted = 1; ($channel, $trigger) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args($arglist, 2); if (not defined $trigger) { $trigger = $channel; $channel = $from; } $channel = '.*' if $channel !~ m/^#/; } my $channel_path = $channel; $channel_path = 'global' if $channel_path eq '.*'; my $channel_path_safe = safe_filename $channel_path; my $trigger_safe = safe_filename $trigger; my $path = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_data('general', 'data_dir') . '/factlog'; my $undos = eval { retrieve("$path/$trigger_safe.$channel_path_safe.undo"); }; my $channel_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->get_data($channel, '_name'); my $trigger_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->get_data($channel, $trigger, '_name'); $channel_name = 'global' if $channel_name eq '.*'; $trigger_name = "\"$trigger_name\"" if $trigger_name =~ / /; if (not $undos) { return "There are no undos available for [$channel_name] $trigger_name."; } if (defined $list_undos) { $list_undos = 1 if $list_undos == 0; return $self->list_undo_history($undos, $list_undos); } my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}; my $userinfo = $self->{pbot}->{users}->loggedin($channel, "$nick!$user\@$host"); if ($factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'locked')) { return "/say $trigger_name is locked and cannot be reverted." if not $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($userinfo, 'admin'); if ($factoids->exists($channel, $trigger, 'cap-override') and not $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($userinfo, 'botowner')) { return "/say $trigger_name is locked with a cap-override and cannot be reverted. Unlock the factoid first."; } } if (defined $goto_revision) { return "Don't be absurd." if $goto_revision < 1; if ($goto_revision > @{$undos->{list}}) { if (@{$undos->{list}} == 1) { return "There is only one revision available for [$channel_name] $trigger_name."; } else { return "There are " . @{$undos->{list}} . " revisions available for [$channel_name] $trigger_name."; } } if ($goto_revision == $undos->{idx} + 1) { return "[$channel_name] $trigger_name is already at revision $goto_revision."; } $undos->{idx} = $goto_revision - 1; eval { store $undos, "$path/$trigger_safe.$channel_path_safe.undo"; }; $self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Error storing undo: $@\n") if $@; } else { unless ($deleted) { return "There are no more undos remaining for [$channel_name] $trigger_name." if not $undos->{idx}; $undos->{idx}--; eval { store $undos, "$path/$trigger_safe.$channel_path_safe.undo"; }; $self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Error storing undo: $@\n") if $@; } } $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->add($channel, $trigger, $undos->{list}->[$undos->{idx}], 0, 1); my $changes = $self->hash_differences_as_string($undos->{list}->[$undos->{idx} + 1], $undos->{list}->[$undos->{idx}]); $self->log_factoid($channel, $trigger, "$nick!$user\@$host", "reverted (undo): $changes", 1); return "[$channel_name] $trigger_name reverted (revision " . ($undos->{idx} + 1) . "): $changes\n"; } sub factredo { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; my $usage = "Usage: factredo [-l [N]] [-r N] [channel] (-l list undo history, optionally starting from N; -r jump to revision N)"; my $getopt_error; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $getopt_error = shift; chomp $getopt_error; }; my ($list_undos, $goto_revision); my ($ret, $args) = GetOptionsFromString($arguments, 'l:i' => \$list_undos, 'r=i' => \$goto_revision); return "/say $getopt_error -- $usage" if defined $getopt_error; return $usage if @$args > 2; return $usage if not @$args; $arguments = join(' ', map { $_ = "'$_'" if $_ =~ m/ /; $_; } @$args); my ($channel, $trigger) = $self->find_factoid_with_optional_channel($from, $arguments, 'factredo', explicit => 1, exact_channel => 1); return $channel if not defined $trigger; # if $trigger is not defined, $channel is an error message my $channel_path = $channel; $channel_path = 'global' if $channel_path eq '.*'; my $channel_path_safe = safe_filename $channel_path; my $trigger_safe = safe_filename $trigger; my $channel_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->get_data($channel, '_name'); my $trigger_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->get_data($channel, $trigger, '_name'); $channel_name = 'global' if $channel_name eq '.*'; $trigger_name = "\"$trigger_name\"" if $trigger_name =~ / /; my $path = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('general', 'data_dir') . '/factlog'; my $undos = eval { retrieve("$path/$trigger_safe.$channel_path_safe.undo"); }; if (not $undos) { return "There are no redos available for [$channel_name] $trigger_name."; } if (defined $list_undos) { $list_undos = 1 if $list_undos == 0; return $self->list_undo_history($undos, $list_undos); } my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}; my $userinfo = $self->{pbot}->{users}->loggedin($channel, "$nick!$user\@$host"); if ($factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'locked')) { return "/say $trigger_name is locked and cannot be reverted." if not defined $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($userinfo, 'admin'); if ($factoids->exists($channel, $trigger, 'cap-override') and not $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($userinfo, 'botowner')) { return "/say $trigger_name is locked with a cap-override and cannot be reverted. Unlock the factoid first."; } } if (not defined $goto_revision and $undos->{idx} + 1 == @{$undos->{list}}) { return "There are no more redos remaining for [$channel_name] $trigger_name."; } if (defined $goto_revision) { return "Don't be absurd." if $goto_revision < 1; if ($goto_revision > @{$undos->{list}}) { if (@{$undos->{list}} == 1) { return "There is only one revision available for [$channel_name] $trigger_name."; } else { return "There are " . @{$undos->{list}} . " revisions available for [$channel_name] $trigger_name."; } } if ($goto_revision == $undos->{idx} + 1) { return "[$channel_name] $trigger_name is already at revision $goto_revision."; } $undos->{idx} = $goto_revision - 1; eval { store $undos, "$path/$trigger_safe.$channel_path_safe.undo"; }; $self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Error storing undo: $@\n") if $@; } else { $undos->{idx}++; eval { store $undos, "$path/$trigger_safe.$channel_path_safe.undo"; }; $self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Error storing undo: $@\n") if $@; } $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->add($channel, $trigger, $undos->{list}->[$undos->{idx}], 0, 1); my $changes = $self->hash_differences_as_string($undos->{list}->[$undos->{idx} - 1], $undos->{list}->[$undos->{idx}]); $self->log_factoid($channel, $trigger, "$nick!$user\@$host", "reverted (redo): $changes", 1); return "[$channel_name] $trigger_name restored (revision " . ($undos->{idx} + 1) . "): $changes\n"; } sub factset { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $args) = @_; my ($channel, $trigger, $arguments) = $self->find_factoid_with_optional_channel($from, $args, 'factset', usage => 'Usage: factset [channel] [key [value]]', explicit => 1); return $channel if not defined $trigger; # if $trigger is not defined, $channel is an error message my $trigger_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->get_data($channel, $trigger, '_name'); $trigger_name = "\"$trigger_name\"" if $trigger_name =~ / /; my $arglist = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->make_args($arguments); my ($key, $value) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args($arglist, 2); $channel = '.*' if $channel !~ /^#/; my ($owner_channel, $owner_trigger) = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->find_factoid($channel, $trigger, exact_channel => 1, exact_trigger => 1); my $userinfo; if (defined $owner_channel) { $userinfo = $self->{pbot}->{users}->loggedin($owner_channel, "$nick!$user\@$host"); } else { $userinfo = $self->{pbot}->{users}->loggedin($channel, "$nick!$user\@$host"); } my $meta_cap; if (defined $key) { if (defined $factoid_metadata_capabilities{$key}) { $meta_cap = $factoid_metadata_capabilities{$key}; } if (defined $meta_cap) { if (not $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($userinfo, $meta_cap)) { return "Your user account must have the $meta_cap capability to set $key."; } } if (defined $value and !$self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($userinfo, 'admin') and $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'locked')) { return "/say $trigger_name is locked; unlock before setting."; } if (lc $key eq 'cap-override' and defined $value) { if (not $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->exists($value)) { return "No such capability $value."; } $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->set($channel, $trigger, 'locked', '1'); } if (lc $key eq 'locked' and $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->exists($channel, $trigger, 'cap-override')) { if (not $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($userinfo, 'botowner')) { return "/say $trigger_name has a cap-override and cannot be unlocked until the override is removed."; } } } if (defined $owner_channel) { my $factoid = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->get_data($owner_channel, $owner_trigger); my $owner; my $mask; if ($factoid->{'locked'}) { # check owner against full hostmask for locked factoids $owner = $factoid->{'owner'}; $mask = "$nick!$user\@$host"; } else { # otherwise just the nick ($owner) = $factoid->{'owner'} =~ m/([^!]+)/; $mask = $nick; } if ((defined $value and $key ne 'action' and $key ne 'action_with_args') and lc $mask ne lc $owner and not $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($userinfo, 'admin')) { return "You are not the owner of $trigger_name."; } } my $result = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->set($channel, $trigger, $key, $value); if (defined $value and $result =~ m/set to/) { $self->log_factoid($channel, $trigger, "$nick!$user\@$host", "set $key to $value"); } return $result; } sub factunset { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $args) = @_; my $usage = 'Usage: factunset [channel] '; my ($channel, $trigger, $arguments) = $self->find_factoid_with_optional_channel($from, $args, 'factunset', usage => $usage, explicit => 1); return $channel if not defined $trigger; # if $trigger is not defined, $channel is an error message my ($key) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_line($arguments, strip_quotes => 1); return $usage if not length $key; my ($owner_channel, $owner_trigger) = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->find_factoid($channel, $trigger, exact_channel => 1, exact_trigger => 1); my $userinfo; if (defined $owner_channel) { $userinfo = $self->{pbot}->{users}->loggedin($owner_channel, "$nick!$user\@$host"); } else { $userinfo = $self->{pbot}->{users}->loggedin($channel, "$nick!$user\@$host"); } my $meta_cap; if (exists $factoid_metadata_capabilities{$key}) { $meta_cap = $factoid_metadata_capabilities{$key}; } if (defined $meta_cap) { if (not $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($userinfo, $meta_cap)) { return "Your user account must have the $meta_cap capability to unset $key."; } } if ($self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->exists($channel, $trigger, 'cap-override')) { if (lc $key eq 'locked') { if ($self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($userinfo, 'botowner')) { $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->unset($channel, $trigger, 'cap-override', 1); } else { return "You cannot unlock this factoid because it has a cap-override. Remove the override first."; } } } my $channel_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->get_data($channel, '_name'); my $trigger_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->get_data($channel, $trigger, '_name'); $channel_name = 'global' if $channel_name eq '.*'; $trigger_name = "\"$trigger_name\"" if $trigger_name =~ / /; my $oldvalue; if (defined $owner_channel) { my $factoid = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->get_data($owner_channel, $owner_trigger); my ($owner) = $factoid->{'owner'} =~ m/([^!]+)/; if ($key ne 'action_with_args' and lc $nick ne lc $owner and not $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($userinfo, 'admin')) { return "You are not the owner of $trigger_name."; } $oldvalue = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->get_data($channel, $trigger, $key); } return "[$channel_name] $trigger_name: key '$key' does not exist." if not defined $oldvalue; my $result = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->unset($channel, $trigger, $key); if ($result =~ m/unset/) { $self->log_factoid($channel, $trigger, "$nick!$user\@$host", "unset $key (value: $oldvalue)"); } return $result; } sub factmove { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments, $stuff) = @_; my ($src_channel, $source, $target_channel, $target) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args($stuff->{arglist}, 5); my $usage = "Usage: factmove [target factoid]"; return $usage if not defined $target_channel; if ($target_channel !~ /^#/ and $target_channel ne '.*') { if (defined $target) { return "Unexpected argument '$target' when renaming to '$target_channel'. Perhaps '$target_channel' is missing #s? $usage"; } $target = $target_channel; $target_channel = $src_channel; } else { if (not defined $target) { $target = $source; } } if (length $target > $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('factoids', 'max_name_length')) { return "/say $nick: I don't think the factoid name needs to be that long."; } if (length $target_channel > $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('factoids', 'max_channel_length')) { return "/say $nick: I don't think the channel name needs to be that long."; } my ($found_src_channel, $found_source) = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->find_factoid($src_channel, $source, exact_channel => 1, exact_trigger => 1); if (not defined $found_src_channel) { return "Source factoid $source not found in channel $src_channel"; } my $source_channel_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->get_data($found_src_channel, '_name'); my $source_trigger_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->get_data($found_src_channel, $found_source, '_name'); $source_channel_name = 'global' if $source_channel_name eq '.*'; $source_trigger_name = "\"$source_trigger_name\"" if $source_trigger_name =~ / /; my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}; my ($owner) = $factoids->get_data($found_src_channel, $found_source, 'owner') =~ m/([^!]+)/; if ((lc $nick ne lc $owner) and (not $self->{pbot}->{users}->loggedin_admin($found_src_channel, "$nick!$user\@$host"))) { $self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("$nick!$user\@$host attempted to move [$found_src_channel] $found_source (not owner)\n"); my $chan = ($found_src_channel eq '.*' ? 'the global channel' : $found_src_channel); return "You are not the owner of $source_trigger_name for $source_channel_name."; } if ($factoids->get_data($found_src_channel, $found_source, 'locked')) { return "/say $source_trigger_name is locked; unlock before moving."; } my ($found_target_channel, $found_target) = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->find_factoid($target_channel, $target, exact_channel => 1, exact_trigger => 1); if (defined $found_target_channel) { my $target_channel_name = $factoids->get_data($found_target_channel, '_name'); my $target_trigger_name = $factoids->get_data($found_target_channel, $found_target, '_name'); $target_channel_name = 'global' if $target_channel_name eq '.*'; $target_trigger_name = "\"$target_trigger_name\"" if $target_trigger_name =~ / /; return "Target factoid $target_trigger_name already exists in channel $target_channel_name."; } my ($overchannel, $overtrigger) = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->find_factoid('.*', $target, exact_channel => 1, exact_trigger => 1); if (defined $overtrigger and $factoids->get_data('.*', $overtrigger, 'nooverride')) { my $override_channel_name = $factoids->get_data($overchannel, '_name'); my $override_trigger_name = $factoids->get_data($overchannel, $overtrigger, '_name'); $override_channel_name = 'global' if $override_channel_name eq '.*'; $override_trigger_name = "\"$override_trigger_name\"" if $override_trigger_name =~ / /; $self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("$nick!$user\@$host attempt to override $target\n"); return "/say $override_trigger_name already exists for the global channel and cannot be overridden for " . ($target_channel eq '.*' ? 'the global channel' : $target_channel) . "."; } if ($self->{pbot}->{commands}->exists($target)) { return "/say $target already exists as a built-in command."; } $target_channel = '.*' if $target_channel !~ /^#/; my $data = $factoids->get_data($found_src_channel, $found_source); $factoids->remove($found_src_channel, $found_source, undef, 1); $factoids->add($target_channel, $target, $data, 0, 1); $found_src_channel = 'global' if $found_src_channel eq '.*'; $target_channel = 'global' if $target_channel eq '.*'; if ($src_channel eq lc $target_channel) { $self->log_factoid($found_src_channel, $found_source, "$nick!$user\@$host", "renamed from $source_trigger_name to $target"); $self->log_factoid($target_channel, $target, "$nick!$user\@$host", "renamed from $source_trigger_name to $target"); return "[$source_channel_name] $source_trigger_name renamed to $target"; } else { $self->log_factoid($found_src_channel, $found_source, "$nick!$user\@$host", "moved from $source_channel_name/$source_trigger_name to $target_channel/$target"); $self->log_factoid($target_channel, $target, "$nick!$user\@$host", "moved from $source_channel_name/$source_trigger_name to $target_channel/$target"); return "[$source_channel_name] $source_trigger_name moved to [$target_channel] $target"; } } sub factalias { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments, $stuff) = @_; my ($chan, $alias, $command) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args($stuff->{arglist}, 3, 0, 1); if (defined $chan and not ($chan eq '.*' or $chan =~ m/^#/)) { # $chan doesn't look like a channel, so shift everything to the right # and replace $chan with $from if (defined $command and length $command) { $command = "$alias $command"; } else { $command = $alias; } $alias = $chan; $chan = $from; } $chan = '.*' if $chan !~ /^#/; return "Usage: factalias [channel] " if not length $alias or not length $command; if (length $alias > $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('factoids', 'max_name_length')) { return "/say $nick: I don't think the factoid name needs to be that long."; } if (length $chan > $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('factoids', 'max_channel_length')) { return "/say $nick: I don't think the channel name needs to be that long."; } my ($channel, $alias_trigger) = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->find_factoid($chan, $alias, exact_channel => 1, exact_trigger => 1); if (defined $alias_trigger) { my $alias_channel_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->get_data($channel, '_name'); my $alias_trigger_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->get_data($channel, $alias_trigger, '_name'); $alias_channel_name = 'global' if $alias_channel_name eq '.*'; $alias_trigger_name = "\"$alias_trigger_name\"" if $alias_trigger_name =~ / /; return "$alias_trigger_name already exists for $alias_channel_name."; } my ($overchannel, $overtrigger) = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->find_factoid('.*', $alias, exact_channel => 1, exact_trigger => 1); if (defined $overtrigger and $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->get_data('.*', $overtrigger, 'nooverride')) { my $override_trigger_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->get_data($overchannel, $overtrigger, '_name'); $override_trigger_name = "\"$override_trigger_name\"" if $override_trigger_name =~ / /; return "/say $override_trigger_name already exists for the global channel and cannot be overridden for " . ($chan eq '.*' ? 'the global channel' : $chan) . "."; } if ($self->{pbot}->{commands}->exists($alias)) { return "/say $alias already exists as a built-in command."; } $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->add_factoid('text', $chan, "$nick!$user\@$host", $alias, "/call $command"); $self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("$nick!$user\@$host [$chan] aliased $alias => $command\n"); $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->save_factoids(); return "$alias aliases `$command` for " . ($chan eq '.*' ? 'the global channel' : $chan); } sub add_regex { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}; my ($keyword, $text) = $arguments =~ /^(.*?)\s+(.*)$/ if defined $arguments; $from = '.*' if not defined $from or $from !~ /^#/; if (not defined $keyword) { $text = ""; foreach my $trigger (sort $factoids->get_keys($from)) { if ($factoids->get_data($from, $trigger, 'type') eq 'regex') { $text .= $trigger . " "; } } return "Stored regexs for channel $from: $text"; } if (not defined $text) { return "Usage: regex "; } my ($channel, $trigger) = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->find_factoid($from, $keyword, exact_channel => 1, exact_trigger => 1); if (defined $trigger) { $self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("$nick!$user\@$host attempt to overwrite $trigger\n"); return "/say $trigger already exists for channel $channel."; } $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->add_factoid('regex', $from, "$nick!$user\@$host", $keyword, $text); $self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("$nick!$user\@$host added [$keyword] => [$text]\n"); return "/say $keyword added."; } sub factadd { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments, $stuff) = @_; my ($from_chan, $keyword, $text, $force); my @arglist = @{$stuff->{arglist}}; if (@arglist) { # check for -f since we allow it to be before optional channel argument if ($arglist[0] eq '-f') { $force = 1; $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->shift_arg(\@arglist); } # check if this is an optional channel argument if ($arglist[0] =~ m/(?:^#|^global$|^\.\*$)/i) { $from_chan = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->shift_arg(\@arglist); } else { $from_chan = $from; } # check for -f again since we also allow it to appear after the channel argument if ($arglist[0] eq '-f') { $force = 1; $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->shift_arg(\@arglist); } # now this is the keyword $keyword = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->shift_arg(\@arglist); # check for -url if ($arglist[0] eq '-url') { # discard it $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->shift_arg(\@arglist); # the URL is the remaining arguments my ($url) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args(\@arglist, 1); # FIXME: move this to registry if ($url !~ m/^https?:\/\/(?:sprunge.us|ix.io)\/\w+$/) { return "Invalid URL: acceptable URLs are: http://sprunge.us, http://ix.io"; } # create a UserAgent my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(timeout => 10); # get the factoid's text from the URL my $response = $ua->get($url); # process the response if ($response->is_success) { $text = $response->decoded_content; } else { return "Failed to get URL: " . $response->status_line; } } else { # check for optional "is" and discard if (lc $arglist[0] eq 'is') { $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->shift_arg(\@arglist); } # and the text is the remaining arguments with quotes preserved ($text) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args(\@arglist, 1, 0, 1); } } if (not defined $from_chan or not defined $text or not defined $keyword) { return "Usage: factadd [-f] [channel] ( | -url ); -f to force overwrite; -url to download from paste site"; } $from_chan = '.*' if $from_chan !~ /^#/; if (length $keyword > $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('factoids', 'max_name_length')) { return "/say $nick: I don't think the factoid name needs to be that long."; } if (length $from_chan > $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('factoids', 'max_channel_length')) { return "/say $nick: I don't think the channel needs to be that long."; } $from_chan = '.*' if lc $from_chan eq 'global'; $from_chan = '.*' if not $from_chan =~ m/^#/; my $keyword_text = $keyword =~ / / ? "\"$keyword\"" : $keyword; my ($channel, $trigger) = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->find_factoid($from_chan, $keyword, exact_channel => 1, exact_trigger => 1); if (defined $trigger) { my $channel_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->get_data($channel, '_name'); my $trigger_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->get_data($channel, $trigger, '_name'); $channel_name = 'global' if $channel_name eq '.*'; $trigger_name = "\"$trigger_name\"" if $trigger_name =~ / /; if (not $force) { return "/say $trigger_name already exists for $channel_name."; } else { my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}; if ($factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'locked')) { return "/say $trigger_name is locked; unlock before overwriting."; } my ($owner) = $factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'owner') =~ m/([^!]+)/; if ((lc $nick ne lc $owner) and (not $self->{pbot}->{users}->loggedin_admin($channel, "$nick!$user\@$host"))) { return "You are not the owner of $trigger_name for $channel_name; cannot force overwrite."; } } } ($channel, $trigger) = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->find_factoid('.*', $keyword, exact_channel => 1, exact_trigger => 1); if (defined $trigger and $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->get_data('.*', $trigger, 'nooverride')) { my $trigger_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->get_data($channel, $trigger, '_name'); $trigger_name = "\"$trigger_name\"" if $trigger_name =~ / /; return "/say $trigger_name already exists for the global channel and cannot be overridden for " . ($from_chan eq '.*' ? 'the global channel' : $from_chan) . "."; } if ($self->{pbot}->{commands}->exists($keyword)) { return "/say $keyword_text already exists as a built-in command."; } $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->add_factoid('text', $from_chan, "$nick!$user\@$host", $keyword, $text); $self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("$nick!$user\@$host added [$from_chan] $keyword_text => $text\n"); return "/say $keyword_text added to " . ($from_chan eq '.*' ? 'global channel' : $from_chan) . "."; } sub factrem { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments, $stuff) = @_; my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}; my ($from_chan, $from_trig) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args($stuff->{arglist}, 2); if (not defined $from_trig) { $from_trig = $from_chan; $from_chan = $from; } my ($channel, $trigger) = $self->find_factoid_with_optional_channel($from, $arguments, 'factrem', explicit => 1); return $channel if not defined $trigger; # if $trigger is not defined, $channel is an error message $channel = '.*' if $channel eq 'global'; $from_chan = '.*' if $channel eq 'global'; my $channel_name = $factoids->get_data($channel, '_name'); my $trigger_name = $factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, '_name'); $channel_name = 'global' if $channel_name eq '.*'; $trigger_name = "\"$trigger_name\"" if $trigger_name =~ / /; if ($factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'type') eq 'module') { return "/say $trigger_name is not a factoid."; } if ($channel =~ /^#/ and $from_chan =~ /^#/ and $channel ne $from_chan) { return "/say $trigger_name belongs to $channel_name, but this is $from_chan. Please switch to $channel_name or use /msg to remove this factoid."; } my ($owner) = $factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'owner') =~ m/([^!]+)/; if ((lc $nick ne lc $owner) and (not $self->{pbot}->{users}->loggedin_admin($channel, "$nick!$user\@$host"))) { return "You are not the owner of $trigger_name for $channel_name."; } if ($factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'locked')) { return "/say $trigger_name is locked; unlock before deleting."; } $self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("$nick!$user\@$host removed [$channel][$trigger][" . $factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'action') . "]\n"); $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->remove_factoid($channel, $trigger); $self->log_factoid($channel, $trigger, "$nick!$user\@$host", "deleted", 1); return "/say $trigger_name removed from $channel_name."; } sub histogram { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}; my %hash; my $factoid_count = 0; foreach my $channel ($factoids->get_keys) { foreach my $command ($factoids->get_keys($channel)) { if ($factoids->get_data($channel, $command, 'type') eq 'text') { $hash{$factoids->{$channel}->{$command}->{owner}}++; $factoid_count++; } } } my $text; my $i = 0; foreach my $owner (sort {$hash{$b} <=> $hash{$a}} keys %hash) { my $percent = int($hash{$owner} / $factoid_count * 100); $text .= "$owner: $hash{$owner} ($percent". "%)\n"; $i++; last if $i >= 10; } return "/say $factoid_count factoids, top 10 submitters:\n$text"; } sub factshow { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments, $stuff) = @_; my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}; $stuff->{preserve_whitespace} = 1; my $usage = "Usage: factshow [-p] [channel] ; -p to paste"; return $usage if not $arguments; my $getopt_error; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $getopt_error = shift; chomp $getopt_error; }; my ($paste); my ($ret, $args) = GetOptionsFromString($arguments, 'p' => \$paste); return "/say $getopt_error -- $usage" if defined $getopt_error; return "Too many arguments -- $usage" if @$args > 2; return "Missing argument -- $usage" if not @$args; my ($chan, $trig) = @$args; $chan = $from if not defined $trig; $args = join(' ', map { $_ = "'$_'" if $_ =~ m/ /; $_; } @$args); my ($channel, $trigger) = $self->find_factoid_with_optional_channel($from, $args, 'factshow', usage => $usage); return $channel if not defined $trigger; # if $trigger is not defined, $channel is an error message my $channel_name = $factoids->get_data($channel, '_name'); my $trigger_name = $factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, '_name'); $channel_name = 'global' if $channel_name eq '.*'; $trigger_name = "\"$trigger_name\"" if $trigger_name =~ / /; my $result = "$trigger_name: "; if ($paste) { $result .= $self->{pbot}->{webpaste}->paste($factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'action'), no_split => 1); $result = "[$channel_name] $result" if $channel ne lc $chan; return $result; } $result .= $factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'action'); $result .= ' [module]' if $factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'type') eq 'module'; $result = "[$channel_name] $result" if $channel ne lc $chan; return $result; } sub factlog { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; my $usage = "Usage: factlog [-h] [-t] [channel] ; -h show full hostmask; -t show actual timestamp instead of relative"; return $usage if not $arguments; my $getopt_error; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $getopt_error = shift; chomp $getopt_error; }; my ($show_hostmask, $actual_timestamp); my ($ret, $args) = GetOptionsFromString($arguments, 'h' => \$show_hostmask, 't' => \$actual_timestamp); return "/say $getopt_error -- $usage" if defined $getopt_error; return "Too many arguments -- $usage" if @$args > 2; return "Missing argument -- $usage" if not @$args; $args = join(' ', map { $_ = "'$_'" if $_ =~ m/ /; $_; } @$args); my ($channel, $trigger) = $self->find_factoid_with_optional_channel($from, $args, 'factlog', usage => $usage, exact_channel => 1); if (not defined $trigger) { # factoid not found or some error, try to continue and load factlog file if it exists my $arglist = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->make_args($args); ($channel, $trigger) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args($arglist, 2); if (not defined $trigger) { $trigger = $channel; $channel = $from; } $channel = '.*' if $channel !~ m/^#/; } my $path = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('general', 'data_dir') . '/factlog'; $channel = 'global' if $channel eq '.*'; my $channel_safe = safe_filename $channel; my $trigger_safe = safe_filename $trigger; open my $fh, "< $path/$trigger_safe.$channel_safe" or do { $self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Could not open $path/$trigger_safe.$channel_safe: $!\n"); $channel = 'the global channel' if $channel eq 'global'; return "No factlog available for $trigger in $channel."; }; my @entries; while (my $line = <$fh>) { my ($timestamp, $hostmask, $msg); ($timestamp, $hostmask, $msg) = eval { my $h = decode_json $line; return ($h->{ts}, $h->{hm}, $h->{msg}); }; ($timestamp, $hostmask, $msg) = split /\s+/, $line, 3 if $@; $hostmask =~ s/!.*$// if not $show_hostmask; if ($actual_timestamp) { $timestamp = strftime "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y", localtime $timestamp; } else { $timestamp = concise ago gettimeofday - $timestamp; } push @entries, "[$timestamp] $hostmask $msg\n"; } close $fh; my $result = join "", reverse @entries; return $result; } sub factinfo { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments, $stuff) = @_; my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}; my ($chan, $trig) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args($stuff->{arglist}, 2); if (not defined $trig) { $trig = $chan; $chan = $from; } my ($channel, $trigger) = $self->find_factoid_with_optional_channel($from, $arguments, 'factinfo'); return $channel if not defined $trigger; # if $trigger is not defined, $channel is an error message my $channel_name = $factoids->get_data($channel, '_name'); my $trigger_name = $factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, '_name'); $channel_name = 'global' if $channel_name eq '.*'; $trigger_name = "\"$trigger_name\"" if $trigger_name =~ / /; my $created_ago = ago(gettimeofday - $factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'created_on')); my $ref_ago = ago(gettimeofday - $factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'last_referenced_on')) if defined $factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'last_referenced_on'); # factoid if ($factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'type') eq 'text') { return "/say $trigger_name: Factoid submitted by " . $factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'owner') . " for $channel_name on " . localtime($factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'created_on')) . " [$created_ago], " . (defined $factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'edited_by') ? 'last edited by ' . $factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'edited_by') . ' on ' . localtime($factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'edited_on')) . " [" . ago(gettimeofday - $factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'edited_on')) . "], " : "") . "referenced " . $factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'ref_count') . ' times (last by ' . $factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'ref_user') . ($factoids->exists($channel, $trigger, 'last_referenced_on') ? ' on ' . localtime($factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'last_referenced_on')) . " [$ref_ago]" : '') . ')'; } # module if ($factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'type') eq 'module') { my $module_repo = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('general', 'module_repo'); $module_repo .= $factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'workdir'). '/' if $factoids->exists($channel, $trigger, 'workdir'); return "/say $trigger_name: Module loaded by " . $factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'owner') . " for $channel_name on " . localtime($factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'created_on')) . " [$created_ago] -> $module_repo" . $factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'action') . ', used ' . $factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'ref_count') . ' times (last by ' . $factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'ref_user') . ($factoids->exists($channel, $trigger, 'last_referenced_on') ? ' on ' . localtime($factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'last_referenced_on')) . " [$ref_ago]" : '') . ')'; } # regex if ($factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'type') eq 'regex') { return "/say $trigger_name: Regex created by " . $factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'owner') . " for $channel_name on " . localtime($factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'created_on')) . " [$created_ago], " . (defined $factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'edited_by') ? 'last edited by ' . $factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'edited_by') . ' on ' . localtime($factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'edited_on')) . " [" . ago(gettimeofday - $factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'edited_on')) . "], " : "") . ' used ' . $factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'ref_count') . ' times (last by ' . $factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'ref_user') . ($factoids->exists($channel, $trigger, 'last_referenced_on') ? ' on ' . localtime($factoids->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'last_referenced_on')) . " [$ref_ago]" : '') . ')'; } return "/say $arguments is not a factoid or a module."; } sub top20 { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments, $stuff) = @_; my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}; my %hash = (); my $text = ""; my $i = 0; my ($channel, $args) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args($stuff->{arglist}, 2); if (not defined $channel) { return "Usage: top20 [nick or 'recent']"; } if (not defined $args) { foreach my $chan (sort $factoids->get_keys) { next if lc $chan ne lc $channel; foreach my $command (sort {$factoids->get_data($chan, $b, 'ref_count') <=> $factoids->get_data($chan, $a, 'ref_count')} $factoids->get_keys($chan)) { if ($factoids->get_data($chan, $command, 'ref_count') > 0 and $factoids->get_data($chan, $command, 'type') eq 'text') { $text .= $factoids->get_data($chan, $command, '_name') . ' (' . $factoids->get_data($chan, $command, 'ref_count') . ') '; $i++; last if $i >= 20; } } $channel = "the global channel" if $channel eq '.*'; $text = "Top $i referenced factoids for $channel: $text" if $i > 0; return $text; } } else { if (lc $args eq "recent") { foreach my $chan (sort $factoids->get_keys) { next if lc $chan ne lc $channel; foreach my $command (sort { $factoids->get_data($chan, $b, 'created_on') <=> $factoids->get_data($chan, $a, 'created_on') } $factoids->get_keys($chan)) { my $ago = concise ago gettimeofday - $factoids->get_data($chan, $command, 'created_on'); my $owner = $factoids->get_data($chan, $command, 'owner'); $owner =~ s/!.*$//; $text .= ' ' . $factoids->get_data($chan, $command, '_name') . " [$ago by $owner]\n"; $i++; last if $i >= 50; } $channel = "global channel" if $channel eq '.*'; $text = "$i most recent $channel submissions:\n\n$text" if $i > 0; return $text; } } my $user = lc $args; foreach my $chan (sort $factoids->get_keys) { next if lc $chan ne lc $channel; foreach my $command (sort { ($factoids->get_data($chan, $b, 'last_referenced_on') || 0) <=> ($factoids->get_data($chan, $a, 'last_referenced_on') || 0) } $factoids->get_keys($chan)) { next if $command eq '_name'; my $ref_user = lc $factoids->get_data($chan, $command, 'ref_user'); if ($ref_user =~ /\Q$args\E/i) { if ($user ne $ref_user && not $user =~ /$ref_user/i) { $user .= " ($ref_user)"; } my $ago = $factoids->get_data($chan, $command, 'last_referenced_on') ? concise ago(gettimeofday - $factoids->get_data($chan, $command, 'last_referenced_on')) : "unknown"; $text .= ' ' . $factoids->get_data($chan, $command, '_name') . " [$ago]\n"; $i++; last if $i >= 20; } } $text = "$i factoids last referenced by $user:\n\n$text" if $i > 0; return $text; } } } sub count { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}; my $i = 0; my $total = 0; if (not length $arguments) { return "Usage: count "; } $arguments = ".*" if ($arguments =~ /^factoids$/); eval { foreach my $channel ($factoids->get_keys) { foreach my $command ($factoids->get_keys($channel)) { next if $command eq '_name'; next if $factoids->get_data($channel, $command, 'type') ne 'text'; $total++; if ($factoids->get_data($channel, $command, 'owner') =~ /^\Q$arguments\E$/i) { $i++; } } } }; return "/msg $nick $arguments: $@" if $@; return "I have $i factoids." if $arguments eq ".*"; if ($i > 0) { my $percent = int($i / $total * 100); $percent = 1 if $percent == 0; return "/say $arguments has submitted $i factoids out of $total ($percent"."%)"; } else { return "/say $arguments hasn't submitted any factoids"; } } sub factfind { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; my $usage = "Usage: factfind [-channel channel] [-owner regex] [-editby regex] [-refby regex] [-regex] [text]"; return $usage if not defined $arguments; my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}; my ($channel, $owner, $refby, $editby, $use_regex); $channel = $1 if $arguments =~ s/\s*-channel\s+([^\b\s]+)//i; $owner = $1 if $arguments =~ s/\s*-owner\s+([^\b\s]+)//i; $refby = $1 if $arguments =~ s/\s*-refby\s+([^\b\s]+)//i; $editby = $1 if $arguments =~ s/\s*-editby\s+([^\b\s]+)//i; $use_regex = 1 if $arguments =~ s/\s*-regex\b//i; $owner = '.*' if not defined $owner; $refby = '.*' if not defined $refby; $editby = '.*' if not defined $editby; $arguments =~ s/^\s+//; $arguments =~ s/\s+$//; $arguments =~ s/\s+/ /g; $arguments = substr($arguments, 0, 30); my $argtype = undef; $argtype = "owned by $owner" if $owner ne '.*'; if ($refby ne '.*') { if (not defined $argtype) { $argtype = "last referenced by $refby"; } else { $argtype .= " and last referenced by $refby"; } } if ($editby ne '.*') { if (not defined $argtype) { $argtype = "last edited by $editby"; } else { $argtype .= " and last edited by $editby"; } } if ($arguments ne "") { my $unquoted_args = $arguments; $unquoted_args =~ s/(?:\\(?!\\))//g; $unquoted_args =~ s/(?:\\\\)/\\/g; if (not defined $argtype) { $argtype = "with text containing '$unquoted_args'"; } else { $argtype .= " and with text containing '$unquoted_args'"; } } if (not defined $argtype) { return $usage; } my ($text, $last_trigger, $last_chan, $i); $last_chan = ""; $i = 0; eval { use re::engine::RE2 -strict => 1; my $regex; if ($use_regex) { $regex = $arguments; } else { $regex = ($arguments =~ m/^\w/) ? '\b' : '\B'; $regex .= quotemeta $arguments; $regex .= ($arguments =~ m/\w$/) ? '\b' : '\B'; } foreach my $chan (sort $factoids->get_keys) { next if defined $channel and $chan !~ /^$channel$/i; foreach my $trigger (sort $factoids->get_keys($chan)) { next if $trigger eq '_name'; if ($factoids->get_data($chan, $trigger, 'type') eq 'text' or $factoids->get_data($chan, $trigger, 'type') eq 'regex') { if ($factoids->get_data($chan, $trigger, 'owner') =~ /^$owner$/i && $factoids->get_data($chan, $trigger, 'ref_user') =~ /^$refby$/i && ($factoids->exists($chan, $trigger, 'edited_by') ? $factoids->get_data($chan, $trigger, 'edited_by') =~ /^$editby$/i : 1)) { next if ($arguments ne "" && $factoids->get_data($chan, $trigger, 'action') !~ /$regex/i && $trigger !~ /$regex/i); $i++; if ($chan ne $last_chan) { $text .= $chan eq '.*' ? '[global channel] ' : '[' . $factoids->get_data($chan, '_name') . '] '; $last_chan = $chan; } my $trigger_name = $factoids->get_data($chan, $trigger, '_name'); $trigger_name = "\"$trigger_name\"" if $trigger_name =~ / /; $text .= "$trigger_name "; $last_trigger = $trigger_name; } } } } }; return "/msg $nick $arguments: $@" if $@; if ($i == 1) { chop $text; return "Found one factoid submitted for " . ($last_chan eq '.*' ? 'global channel' : $factoids->get_data($last_chan, '_name')) . ' ' . $argtype . ": $last_trigger is " . $factoids->get_data($last_chan, $last_trigger, 'action'); } else { return "Found $i factoids " . $argtype . ": $text" unless $i == 0; my $chans = (defined $channel ? ($channel eq '.*' ? 'global channel' : $channel) : 'any channels'); return "No factoids " . $argtype . " submitted for $chans."; } } sub factchange { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments, $stuff) = @_; my $factoids_data = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}; my ($channel, $trigger, $keyword, $delim, $tochange, $changeto, $modifier, $url); $stuff->{preserve_whitespace} = 1; my $needs_disambig; if (length $arguments) { my $args = $stuff->{arglist}; my $sub; my $arg_count = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->arglist_size($args); if ($arg_count >= 4 and ($args->[0] =~ m/^#/ or $args->[0] eq '.*' or lc $args->[0] eq 'global') and ($args->[2] eq '-url')) { $channel = $args->[0]; $keyword = $args->[1]; $url = $args->[3]; $needs_disambig = 0; } elsif ($arg_count >= 3 and $args->[1] eq '-url') { $keyword = $args->[0]; $url = $args->[2]; $channel = $from; $needs_disambig = 1; } elsif ($arg_count >= 3 and ($args->[0] =~ m/^#/ or $args->[0] eq '.*' or lc $args->[0] eq 'global') and ($args->[2] =~ m/^s([[:punct:]])/)) { $delim = $1; $channel = $args->[0]; $keyword = $args->[1]; ($sub) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args($args, 1, 2, 1); $needs_disambig = 0; } elsif ($arg_count >= 2 and $args->[1] =~ m/^s([[:punct:]])/) { $delim = $1; $keyword = $args->[0]; $channel = $from; ($sub) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args($args, 1, 1, 1); $needs_disambig = 1; } if (defined $sub) { $delim = quotemeta $delim; if ($sub =~ /^s$delim(.*?)$delim(.*)$delim(.*)$/) { $tochange = $1; $changeto = $2; $modifier = $3; } elsif ($sub =~ /^s$delim(.*?)$delim(.*)$/) { $tochange = $1; $changeto = $2; $modifier = ''; } } } if (not defined $channel or (not defined $changeto and not defined $url)) { return "Usage: factchange [channel] (s/// | -url )"; } my ($from_trigger, $from_chan) = ($keyword, $channel); my @factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->find_factoid($from_chan, $keyword, exact_trigger => 1); if (not @factoids or not $factoids[0]) { $from_chan = 'global channel' if $from_chan eq '.*'; return "/say $keyword not found in $from_chan"; } if (@factoids > 1) { if (not grep { $_->[0] eq $from_chan } @factoids) { return "/say $from_trigger found in multiple channels: " . (join ', ', sort map { $_->[0] eq '.*' ? 'global' : $_->[0] } @factoids) . "; use `factchange $from_trigger` to disambiguate."; } else { foreach my $factoid (@factoids) { if ($factoid->[0] eq $from_chan) { ($channel, $trigger) = ($factoid->[0], $factoid->[1]); last; } } } } else { ($channel, $trigger) = ($factoids[0]->[0], $factoids[0]->[1]); } if (not defined $trigger) { return "/say $keyword not found in channel $from_chan."; } my $channel_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->get_data($channel, '_name'); my $trigger_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->get_data($channel, $trigger, '_name'); $channel_name = 'global' if $channel_name eq '.*'; $trigger_name = "\"$trigger_name\"" if $trigger_name =~ / /; $from_chan = '.*' if $from_chan eq 'global'; if ($channel =~ /^#/ and $from_chan =~ /^#/ and $channel ne $from_chan) { return "/say $trigger_name belongs to $channel_name, but this is $from_chan. Please switch to $channel_name or use /msg to change this factoid."; } my $userinfo = $self->{pbot}->{users}->loggedin($channel, "$nick!$user\@$host"); if ($factoids_data->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'locked')) { return "/say $trigger_name is locked and cannot be changed." if not $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($userinfo, 'admin'); if ($factoids_data->exists($channel, $trigger, 'cap-override') and not $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($userinfo, 'botowner')) { return "/say $trigger_name is locked with a cap-override set and cannot be changed until the override is removed."; } } my $action = $factoids_data->get_data($channel, $trigger, 'action'); if (defined $url) { # FIXME: move this to registry if ($url !~ m/^https?:\/\/(?:sprunge.us|ix.io)\/\w+$/) { return "Invalid URL: acceptable URLs are: http://sprunge.us, http://ix.io"; } my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(timeout => 10); my $response = $ua->get($url); if ($response->is_success) { $action = $response->decoded_content; } else { return "Failed to get URL: " . $response->status_line; } } else { my $ret = eval { use re::engine::RE2 -strict => 1; my $changed; if ($modifier eq 'gi' or $modifier eq 'ig' or $modifier eq 'g') { my @chars = ("A".."Z", "a".."z", "0".."9"); my $magic = ''; $magic .= $chars[rand @chars] for 1..(10 * rand) + 10; my $insensitive = index ($modifier, 'i') + 1; my $count = 0; my $max = 50; while (1) { if ($count == 0) { if ($insensitive) { $changed = $action =~ s|$tochange|$changeto$magic|i; } else { $changed = $action =~ s|$tochange|$changeto$magic|; } } else { if ($insensitive) { $changed = $action =~ s|$tochange|$1$changeto$magic|i; } else { $changed = $action =~ s|$tochange|$1$changeto$magic|; } } if ($changed) { $count++; if ($count == $max) { $action =~ s/$magic//; last; } $tochange = "$magic(.*?)$tochange" if $count == 1; } else { $changed = $count; $action =~ s/$magic// if $changed; last; } } } elsif ($modifier eq 'i') { $changed = $action =~ s|$tochange|$changeto|i; } else { $changed = $action =~ s|$tochange|$changeto|; } if (not $changed) { $self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("($from) $nick!$user\@$host: failed to change '$trigger' 's$delim$tochange$delim$changeto$delim\n"); return "Change $trigger failed."; } return ""; }; if ($@) { my $err = $@; $err =~ s/ at PBot\/FactoidCommand.*$//; return "/msg $nick Change $trigger_name failed: $err"; } return $ret if length $ret; } if (length $action > 8000 and not $self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->userhas($userinfo, 'admin')) { return "Change $trigger_name failed; result is too long."; } if (not length $action) { return "Change $trigger_name failed; factoids cannot be empty."; } $self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("($from) $nick!$user\@$host: changed '$trigger' 's/$tochange/$changeto/\n"); $factoids_data->set($channel, $trigger, 'action', $action, 1); $factoids_data->set($channel, $trigger, 'edited_by', "$nick!$user\@$host", 1); $factoids_data->set($channel, $trigger, 'edited_on', gettimeofday); $self->log_factoid($channel, $trigger, "$nick!$user\@$host", "changed to $action"); return "Changed: $trigger_name is $action"; } # FIXME: these two functions need to use $stuff->{arglist} sub load_module { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}; my ($keyword, $module) = $arguments =~ /^(.*?)\s+(.*)$/ if defined $arguments; if (not defined $module) { return "Usage: load "; } if (not $factoids->exists('.*', $keyword)) { $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->add_factoid('module', '.*', "$nick!$user\@$host", $keyword, $module, 1); $factoids->set('.*', $keyword, 'add_nick', 1, 1); $factoids->set('.*', $keyword, 'nooverride', 1); $self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("$nick!$user\@$host loaded module $keyword => $module\n"); return "Loaded module $keyword => $module"; } else { return 'There is already a keyword named ' . $factoids->get_data('.*', $keyword, '_name') . '.'; } } sub unload_module { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}; if (not defined $arguments) { return "Usage: unload "; } elsif (not $factoids->exists('.*', $arguments)) { return "/say $arguments not found."; } elsif ($factoids->get_data('.*', $arguments, 'type') ne 'module') { return "/say " . $factoids->get_data('.*', $arguments, '_name') . ' is not a module.'; } else { my $name = $factoids->get_data('.*', $arguments, '_name'); $factoids->remove('.*', $arguments); $self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("$nick!$user\@$host unloaded module $arguments\n"); return "/say $name unloaded."; } } 1;