Channel Management ================== * [Channel Management](#channel-management) * [chanadd](#chanadd) * [chanrem](#chanrem) * [chanset](#chanset) * [Channel Metadata List](#channel-metadata-list) * [chanunset](#chanunset) * [chanlist](#chanlist) #### chanadd `chanadd` adds a channel to PBot's list of channels to auto-join and manage. Usage: `chanadd ` #### chanrem `chanrem` removes a channel from PBot's list of channels to auto-join and manage. Usage: `chanrem ` #### chanset `chanset` sets a channel's meta-data. See [channel meta-data list](#Channel_Metadata_List) Usage: `chanset [key [value]]` If both `key` and `value` are omitted, chanset will show all the keys and values for that channel. If only `value` is omitted, chanset will show the value for that key. ##### Channel Metadata List * `enabled`: when set to a true value, PBot will auto-join this channel after identifying to NickServ (unless `general.autojoin_wait_for_nickserv` is `0`, in which case auto-join happens immediately). * `chanop`: when set to a true value, PBot will perform channel management (anti-flooding, ban-evasion, etc). * `permop`: when set to a true value, PBot will automatically op itself when joining and remain opped instead of automatically opping and deopping as necessary. #### chanunset `chanunset` deletes a channel's meta-data key. Usage: `chanunset ` #### chanlist `chanlist` lists all added channels and their meta-data keys and values.