# File: Code.pm # # Purpose: Launching pad for code factoids. Configures $context as a code # factoid and executes the compiler-vm module. # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Pragmatic Software # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package PBot::Core::Factoids::Code; use parent 'PBot::Core::Class'; use PBot::Imports; use JSON; sub initialize {} sub execute { my ($self, $context) = @_; my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{data}->{storage}; my $interpolate = $factoids->get_data($context->{channel}, $context->{keyword}, 'interpolate'); unless (defined $interpolate and not $interpolate) { if ($context->{code} =~ m/(?:\$\{?nick\b|\$\{?args\b|\$\{?arg\[)/ and length $context->{arguments}) { # disable nick overriding $context->{nickprefix_disabled} = 1; } else { # allow nick overriding $context->{nickprefix_disabled} = 0; } my $variables = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{variables}; # expand factoid variables/selectors/etc in code $context->{code} = $variables->expand_factoid_vars($context, $context->{code}); # expand factoid variables/selectors/etc in arguments $context->{arguments} = $variables->expand_factoid_vars($context, $context->{arguments}); # expand factoid action $args if ($factoids->get_data($context->{channel}, $context->{keyword}, 'allow_empty_args')) { $context->{code} = $variables->expand_action_arguments($context->{code}, $context->{arguments}, ''); } else { $context->{code} = $variables->expand_action_arguments($context->{code}, $context->{arguments}, $context->{nick}); } } else { # otherwise allow nick overriding $context->{nickprefix_disabled} = 0; } # set up `compiler` module arguments my %args = ( nick => $context->{nick}, channel => $context->{from}, lang => $context->{lang}, code => $context->{code}, arguments => $context->{arguments}, factoid => "$context->{channel}:$context->{keyword}", ); # the vm can persist filesystem data to external storage identified by a key. # if the `persist-key` factoid metadata is set, then use this key. my $persist_key = $factoids->get_data($context->{channel}, $context->{keyword}, 'persist-key'); if (defined $persist_key) { $args{'persist-key'} = $persist_key; } # encode args to utf8 json string my $json = encode_json \%args; # update context details $context->{special} = 'code-factoid'; # ensure handle_result(), etc, process this as a code-factoid $context->{root_channel} = $context->{channel}; # override root channel to current channel $context->{keyword} = 'compiler'; # code-factoid uses `compiler` command to invoke vm $context->{arguments} = $json; # set arguments to json string as `compiler` wants $context->{args_utf8} = 1; # arguments are utf8 encoded by encode_json # launch the `compiler` module $self->{pbot}->{modules}->execute_module($context); # return empty string since the module process reader will # pass the output along to the result handler return ''; } 1;