# File: IgnoreListCommands.pm # Author: pragma_ # # Purpose: Bot commands for interfacing with ignore list. package PBot::IgnoreListCommands; use warnings; use strict; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday); use Time::Duration; use Carp (); sub new { if(ref($_[1]) eq 'HASH') { Carp::croak("Options to IgnoreListCommands should be key/value pairs, not hash reference"); } my ($class, %conf) = @_; my $self = bless {}, $class; $self->initialize(%conf); return $self; } sub initialize { my ($self, %conf) = @_; my $pbot = delete $conf{pbot}; if(not defined $pbot) { Carp::croak("Missing pbot reference to IgnoreListCommands"); } $self->{pbot} = $pbot; $pbot->{commands}->register(sub { return $self->ignore_user(@_) }, "ignore", 10); $pbot->{commands}->register(sub { return $self->unignore_user(@_) }, "unignore", 10); } sub ignore_user { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; return "/msg $nick Usage: ignore nick!user\@host [channel] [timeout]" if not defined $arguments; my ($target, $channel, $length) = split /\s+/, $arguments; if(not defined $target) { return "/msg $nick Usage: ignore host [channel] [timeout]"; } if($target =~ /^list$/i) { my $text = "Ignored: "; my $sep = ""; foreach my $ignored (sort keys %{ $self->{pbot}->{ignorelist}->{ignore_list} }) { foreach my $channel (sort keys %{ ${ $self->{pbot}->{ignorelist}->{ignore_list} }{$ignored} }) { $text .= $sep . "$ignored [$channel] " . ($self->{pbot}->{ignorelist}->{ignore_list}->{$ignored}->{$channel} < 0 ? "perm" : duration($self->{pbot}->{ignorelist}->{ignore_list}->{$ignored}->{$channel} - gettimeofday)); $sep = ";\n"; } } return "/msg $nick $text"; } if(not defined $channel) { $channel = ".*"; # all channels } if(not defined $length) { $length = -1; # permanently } $self->{pbot}->{ignorelist}->add($target, $channel, $length); if ($length >= 0) { $length = "for " . duration($length); } else { $length = "permanently"; } $self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("$nick added [$target][$channel] to ignore list $length\n"); return "/msg $nick [$target][$channel] added to ignore list $length"; } sub unignore_user { my $self = shift; my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_; my ($target, $channel) = split /\s+/, $arguments if defined $arguments; if(not defined $target) { return "/msg $nick Usage: unignore host [channel]"; } if(not defined $channel) { $channel = ".*"; } if(exists $self->{pbot}->{ignorelist}->{ignore_list}->{$target} and not exists $self->{pbot}->{ignorelist}->{ignore_list}->{$target}->{$channel}) { $self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("$nick attempt to remove nonexistent [$target][$channel] from ignore list\n"); return "/msg $nick [$target][$channel] not found in ignore list (use `ignore list` to list ignores)"; } $self->{pbot}->{ignorelist}->remove($target, $channel); $self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("$nick removed [$target][$channel] from ignore list\n"); return "/msg $nick [$target][$channel] unignored"; } 1;