1. for f in $(ls *.mp3) 2. cp $file $target 3. Filenames with leading dashes 4. [ $foo = "bar" ] 5. cd $(dirname "$f") 6. [ "$foo" = bar && "$bar" = foo ] 7. [[ $foo > 7 ]] 8. grep foo bar | while read -r; do ((count++)); done 9. if [grep foo myfile] 10. if [bar="$foo"]; then ... 11. if [ [ a = b ] && [ c = d ] ]; then ... 12. read $foo 13. cat file | sed s/foo/bar/ > file 14. echo $foo 15. $foo=bar 16. foo = bar 17. echo <&1 >>logfile 44. cmd; (( ! $? )) || die 45. y=$(( array[$x] )) 46. read num; echo $((num+1)) 47. IFS=, read -ra fields <<< "$csv_line" 48. export CDPATH=.:~/myProject 49. OIFS="$IFS"; ...; IFS="$OIFS" 50. hosts=( $(aws ...) ) 51. Non-atomic writes with xargs -P 52. find . -exec sh -c 'echo {}' \; 53. sudo mycmd > /myfile 54. sudo ls /foo/* 55. myprogram 2>&- 56. Using xargs without -0 57. unset a[0] 58. month=$(date +%m); day=$(date +%d) 59. i=$(( 10#$i )) 60. set -euo pipefail 61. [[ -v hash[$key] ]] 62. (( hash[$key]++ ))