Uses POSIX shell parameter expansion syntax.
<pragma-> !factadd cookie /me gives a cookie to ${args:-nobody. What a shame}!
<PBot> cookie added to the global channel.
<pragma-> !cookie Bob
* PBot gives a cookie to Bob!
<pragma-> !cookie
* PBot gives a cookie to nobody. What a shame!
<pragma-> !factadd sum /call calc $arg[0]:-1 + $arg[1]:-2
<PBot> sum added to the global channel.
<pragma-> !sum
<PBot> 1 + 2 = 3
<pragma-> !sum 3
<PBot> 3 + 2 = 5
<pragma-> !sum 4 6
<PBot> 4 + 6 = 10
PBot now preserves whitespace by default. The `preserve_whitespace`
metadata field is now redundant. It has now been replaced with
`condense-whitespace`, which when set to a true value will collapse
adjacent whitespace to a single space.
This was way overdue. User passwords are no longer stored as cleartext.
When PBot is restarted after applying this commit, all stored passwords will
be converted to salted hash digests.
The `useradd`, `userset` and `my` commands will now hash passwords.
Why did it take me so long to finally get around to hashing passwords
properly, you might ask. The reason why this wasn't done sooner is because
all of my users used hostmask-based `autologin`. The passwords that PBot
randomly generated were ignored and never used.
I do regret that it took me so long to get around to this, for those of you
who might be using custom passwords instead of hostmask-based `autologin`.
"Applet" is a much better name for the external command-line
scripts and programs that can be loaded as PBot commands. They
will no longer be confused with Perl modules.