Added and May eventually port
and add as was done with Quotegrabs, but this is
not particularly high on the todo list. has been updated to use the new MessageHistory API.
The `recall` command has been moved from Quotegrabs into MessageHistory. It
also now has the ability to ignore messages containing the recall command
itself, for improved usability.
Likewise, the `grab` command will now ignore previous `grab` commands when
grabbing by regex in order to prevent accidentally grabbing previous grab
The `join` and `part` commands have been improved to accept multiple channels,
and `part` will use the current channel if none is provided.
Two quotegrabs_db backends are now availble:
* the original hashtable implementation
* the new SQLite implementation is now the default quotegrabs_db backend.
This was done to reduce the memory footprint of the bot by not needing to
keep the entire quotegrabs table in memory any longer.
A similiar change will be coming soon to the Factoids table as well as the
MessageHistory table.